Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
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Witches, Warlocks and Traffic Encounters : Designing the interaction for an ad hoc gaming experience / Häxor, Trollkarlar och Trafikmöten : Design av interaktionen i en ad hoc spelupplevelse för flera spelareHulterström, Kristina January 2003 (has links)
This thesis explores the problems and possibilities concerning the interaction between players physically located in different cars during temporary meetings in a gaming situation. The thesis is part of a study set out to investigate how traffic encounters can be used as a resource in a mobile, multiplayer game intended as entertainment for children travelling in the backseat of cars. The multiplayer capabilities are realised by using wireless networks in ad hoc peer- to-peer mode, GPS positioning and a digital compass. Designing the interaction for an ad hoc, mobile multiplayer experience introduces several design challenges, such as how to adapt to the temporality of traffic encounters and how to establish a connection between the digital game and the physical context. The nature of traffic encounters inspired us to take a newapproach to the interaction. The interaction is accomplished using a device, which enables direct interaction between players physically located in different cars. A prototype game was constructed within the frames of the project, which this thesis was part of, to test the functionality of the game concept. The prototype has been tested in its real setting, i.e. inside a car. The study and the work on this thesis was initialised and supervised by Liselott Brunnberg and the work was carried out at the Mobility Studio at the Interactive Institute in Stockholm during late spring and summer 2003.
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VARETT.SE : Hemsida med webbshop och administrationssystem / VARETT.SE : Homepage with webshop and administrationsystemBraun, Fredrik von January 2003 (has links)
This thesis will show you how to build and construct a interactive website with a web shop and a web based administration system. The website is developed for a company called Varett. Varett will use the website to reach out for a larger group of customers and also for promoting new products. I have develop this site mainly using ASP, MS Access and HTML. I have also developed a graphic profile for the company to use at the homepage and at other commercial products. You can find the current version of the website at http://www.varett.se. / Detta examensarbete visar hur man bygger upp och konstruerar en interaktiv hemsida med en webbshop och ett webbaserat administrationssystem. Hemsidan är utvecklad åt ett företag som heter Varett. Varett var i behov av en hemsida för att kunna nå ut till en större kundgrupp och för att kunna göra reklam för nya produkter de själva utvecklat. Jag har utvecklat hemsidan mestadels med hjälp av ASP, MS Access och HTML. Jaghar också tagit fram en grafisk profil åt företaget. Den grafiska profilen används inte bara på hemsidan utan också för reklamblad produktbroschyrer mm. Hemsidan finns just nu tillgänglig på http://www.varett.se.
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Utvärdering av produkter för säker autentisering i Windowsmiljö / Evaluation of secure authentication products in a Windows environmentBackman, Mattias January 2004 (has links)
In this report hardware based alternatives to password authentication in a Windows domain are evaluated for the needs of a certain company. In order to investigate the demands on such alternatives interviews with people concerned have been carried out. The demands which resulted from the interviews have been used to select types of hardware tokens for evaluation. Two products which offer authentication with smart cards and USB tokens have been selected and closer evaluated. These are RSA Passage which offers both hardware options and Rainbow iKey which uses USB tokens. Both products are evaluated based on the demands and additional evaluation criteria. The information from the evaluations is used to compare the products.
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Design and Implementation of a Traffic Model and a Stimuli Generator for OCN SoCBUS Architecture / Design och implementering av en trafikmodell och en stimuligenerator för ett nätverk på ett chip (SoCBUS)Wallin, Joakim January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to implement and evaluate parts of the simulation software used in the SoCBUS project. In order to complete and evaluate the entire software package, a traffic model and a stimuli generator must be implemented. They are implemented and evaluated together with the entire simulator software. The purpose of the Traffic model is to model communication traffic as good and descriptive as possible. The output of the Traffic model is called a test case, which works as input for the Stimuli generator. The Stimuli generator computes and creates an event list for the Simulator. This report will investigate and motivate the presented traffic model and stimuli generator in detail. The simulator software is then tested with two separate test cases in order to investigate if the simulator software works properly. The results are promising and the simulator software behaves as expected.
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Webbsida med interaktiv banguide / Webpage with an interactive course guideLindström, Daniel, Hedlund, Henrik January 2003 (has links)
This degree project is made for Sundbyholms Golf&Country Club in Eskilstuna. The aim of the report is to produce a website which include a golf course interactive guide and an online game. Programs that have been used during the project are Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Director, Discreet 3DS Max and the plug-in 3DS Max Exporter. The choice of programs are based on experience and knowledge from the university education Media and Communication Engineering at Linköping University. The golf course guide contains a 2D-guide (image) and a 3D-guide (interactive image). The guides have an image overview of each hole, with liked key points to photograph’s. The photos gives the user a physical view of the course. In the 3D-guide the visitor can “look around” in the view. The interactiv photo is created in 3DS Max combined with Director. The online game, Minituregolf, was programed in Directors own language Lingo.
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A Multimedia DSP Processor Design / Design av en Multimedia DSP ProcessorGnatyuk, Vladimir, Runesson, Christian January 2004 (has links)
This Master Thesis presents the design of the core of a fixed point general purpose multimedia DSP processor (MDSP) and its instruction set. This processor employs parallel processing techniques and specialized addressing models to speed up the processing of multimedia applications. The MDSP has a dual MAC structure with one enhanced MAC that provides a SIMD, Single Instruction Multiple Data, unit consisting of four parallel data paths that are optimized for accelerating multimedia applications. The SIMD unit performs four multimedia- oriented 16- bit operations every clock cycle. This accelerates computationally intensive procedures such as video and audio decoding. The MDSP uses a memory bank of four memories to provide multiple accesses of source data each clock cycle.
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Interaktiv 3d-grafik : utveckling av en 3d-applikation för Internet / Interactive 3d graphics : development of a 3d application for the InternetJonasson, Per, Elmvik, Ola January 2002 (has links)
Interaktiv 3d-grafik är ett område som i dagsläget genomgår stora förändringar med ständigt ökad efterfrågan. Tack vare förbättrad mjuk- och hårdvara går det idag att åstadkomma saker som bara för ett par år sedan var fiktion. Syftet med rapporten är att dokumentera dessa möjligheter genom att undersöka grunderna för hantering och manipulering av 3d-modeller i programvaran Macromedia Director 8.5, samt implementera denna kunskap i en interaktiv 3d- applikation. 3d-grafik som används i Director är polygonbaserad och renderas i realtid på användarens dator. Moduleringen av 3d-grafiken kan utföras på två sätt, antingen i programmeringsspråket Lingo eller via fristående program. Director erbjuder goda möjligheter för manipulering av 3d-modeller vilket har utnyttjas i arbetets praktiska del. Den praktiska delen av vårt arbete har resulterat i en applikation där användaren kan inreda ett virtuellt rum i 3d-miljö. All interaktion med denna sker i realtid. Applikationen kan användas som plattform för projekt där företag vill visualisera sina produkter i en interaktiv 3d-miljö. För att skapa en sådan interaktiv 3d-miljö krävs det i dagsläget goda kunskaper om hur 3d-grafik är uppbyggd och hur den hanteras i programmeringsspråket Lingo. Denna rapport är ämnad att ge läsaren en inblick av detta.
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Shape from Silhouette Scanner / Form från silhuett skannerOlsson, Karin, Persson, Therese January 2002 (has links)
The availability of digital models of real 3D objects is becoming more and more important in many different applications (e-commerce, virtual visits etc). Very often the objects to be represented cannot be modeled by means of the classical 3D modeling tools because of the geometrical complexity or color texture. In these cases, devices for the automatic acquisition of the shape and the color of the objects (3D scanners or range scanners) have to be used. The scanner presented in this work, a Shape from silhouette scanner, is very cheap (it is based on the use of a simple digital camera and a turntable) and easy to use. While maintaining the camera on a tripod and the object on the turntable, the user acquires images with different rotation angles of the table. The fusion of all the acquired views enables the production of a digital 3D representation of the object. Existing Shape from silhouette scanners operate in an indirect way. They subdivide the object definition space in a regular 3D grid and verify that a voxel belongs to the object by verifying that its 2D projection falls inside the silhouette of the corresponding image. Our scanner adopts a direct method: by using a new 3D representation scheme and algorithm, the Marching Intersections data structure, we can directly intersect all the 3D volumes obtained by the silhouettes extracted from the images.
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Interaktivreklamfilm-en CD-ROM-produktion för Alding Webshop Maker / Interactive commercial : a CD-ROM demonstration for Alding Webshop MakerPetersson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
Denna rapport visar hur en reklamfilm för en specifik produkt har utvecklats, i form av en CD-ROM-produktion. Företaget Alding AB har efterfrågat reklamfilmen för sin produkt Alding Webshop Maker 1.3. Flera olika programvaror har använts vid genomförandet, varav ljudredigeringsprogrammet Sonic Foundry Sound Forge 5.0 och bildredigeringsprogrammet Adobe Photoshop 5.5 hör till de mest frekvent använda. Med hjälp av programmet Macromedia Director 7.0 har sammanställningen av reklamfilmen utförts. Rapporten behandlar de olika problem som uppstått under arbetets gång samt hur de har kunnat undanröjas. Efter färdigställandet av CD-ROM-produktionen började Alding AB att använda den. På detta sätt fick de ytterligare en kanal varigenom de kan sprida information om Alding Webshop Maker 1.3. Den enkla och informativa reklamfilmen gör att presumtiva kunder får upp ögonen för produkten.
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FloodViewer : Web-based visual interface to a flood forecasting systemNilsson, Andreas January 2002 (has links)
This diploma work has been done as a part of the EC funded projects, MUSIC VK1- CT-2000-00058 and SmartDoc IST-2000-28137. The objective was to create an intuitive and easy to use visualization of flood forecasting data provided in the MUSIC project. This visualization is focused on the Visual User Interface and is built on small, reusable components. The visualization, FloodViewer, is small enough to ensure the possibility of distribution via the Internet, yet capable of enabling collaboration possibilities and embedment in electronic documents of the entire visualization. Thus, FloodViewer has been developed in three versions for different purposes. Analysis and report generation (FloodViewer ) Collaborative analysis (FloodViewerNet ) Presentation and documentation (FloodViewerX).
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