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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verification and FPGA implementation of a floating point SIMD processor for MIMO processing / Verifiering och FPGA-implementering av en flyttalsbaserad SIMD processor för MIMO-bearbetning

Hussain, Sajid January 2010 (has links)
The rapidly increasing capabilities of digital electronics have increased the demand of Software Defined Radio (SDR), which were not possible in the special purpose hardware. These enhanced capabilities come at the cost of time due to complex operations involved in multi-antenna wireless communications, one of those operations is complex matrix inversion. This thesis presents the verification and FPGA implementation of a SIMD processor, which was developed at Computer Engineering division of Linköping university, Sweden. This SIMD processor was designed specifically for performing complex matrix inversion in an efficient way, but it can also be reused for other operations. The processor is fully verified using all the possible combinations of instructions. An optimized firmware for this processor is implemented for efficiently inverting 4×4 matrices. Due to large number of subtractions involved in direct analytical approach, it losses stability for 4×4 matrices. Instead of this, a blockwise subdivision is used, in which 4×4 matrix is subdivided into four 2×2 matrices. Based on these 2×2 matrices, the inverse of 4×4 matrix is computed using the direct analytical approach and some other computations. Finally, the SIMD processor is integrated with Senior processor (a controlprocessor) and synthesized on Xilinx, Virtex-4 FPGA. After this, the performance of the proposed architecture is evaluated. A firmware is implemented for the Senior which uploads and downloads data/program into the SIMD unit using both I/O and DMA. / Den snabbt ökande prestandan hos digital elektronik har ökat behovet av Software Defined Radio (SDR), vilket inte var möjligt med tidigare hårdvara. Denna ökade förmåga kommer till priset av tidsåtgång, till följd av komplexa procedureri samband med trådlös kommunikation med flera antenner, en av dessa procedurer är komplex matrisinvertering. Denna avhandling presenterar verifiering och FPGA implementering hos en SIMD processor, vilken har blivit utvecklad vid institutionen för datorteknik, Linköpings universitet, Sverige. Denna SIMD processor blev specifikt designad för att genomföra komplex matrisinvertering på ett effektivt sätt, men kan också användas för andra tillämpningar. Processorn har testats och verifierats för alla möjliga kombinationer av instruktioner. En optimerad firmware för denna processor är implementerad för att effektivt invertera 4×4 matriser. På grund av att ett stort antal subtraktioner är inblandade i ett direkt analytiskt angreppssätt, så förlorar den stabilitet för 4×4 matriser. Istället används en stegvis indelning i underavdelningar, där 4×4 matrisen delasin i fyra 2×2 matriser. Baserat på dessa 2×2 matriser beräknas inversen av 4×4 matrisen med hjälp av ett direkt analytiskt angreppssätt samt andra beräkningar. Slutligen, SIMD processorn är integrerad i en huvudprocessor och körs påXilinx, Virtex-4 FPGA. Efter detta utvärderas prestandan hos den föreslagna arkitekturen. Firmware implementeras hos huvudprocessorn som laddar upp och ned data/program till SIMD enheten genom I/O samt DMA.

Visualisering av rotationer samt kvadratiska former i Linjär Algebra / Visualization of Rotations and Quadratic forms in Linear Algebra

Värn, Theo January 2011 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts på Campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. Nätkursen och nätduggorna är ett samarbete mellan Linköpings Universitet (LiU), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) och portalen MATH.SE. Målet med samarbetet är att skapa och underhålla en webbsida (http://webcourses.itn.liu.se) i kursen Linjär algebra. Detta samarbete har skapats för att öka studenters intresse och öka deras inlärning i detta ämne. Anledningen till att dessa program behövs inom Linjär algebra är att det är svårt att förklara begrepp i tre dimensioner eller mer på en tvådimensionell tavla. Syfte med examensarbetet var att skapa en webbsida, som ökar förståelsen hos studenter som läser Linjär algebra. Med webbsidan skulle studenterna själva kunna interaktivt visualisera de moment i kursen som kan vara svåra att undervisa i ett klassrum. Programmen skulle fungera på alla stora operativsystem och webbläsare. Ett krav var att programmen skulle vara lättanvända och samtidigt vara pedagogiska. De olika visualiseringar som har skapats är: • Rotation av en vektor runt en axel. • Andragradskurvor som t.ex. ellips, hyperbel och räta linjer. • Andragradsytor som t.ex. ellipsoid, hyperboloid, kon och cylinder. • För andragradskurvor och andragradsytor har även största och minsta värde från origo beräknats. • Skärningen mellan två andragradsytor. Resultatet av examensarbetet är ett antal applikationer som underlättar undervisningen. Dessa applikationer kan köras direkt i en webbläsare. Enda kravet är att Java Web Start är installerat. Java Web Start finns att installera för alla stora operativsystem.

Att Införa IPv6 i ett IPv4-nätverk

Kasselstrand, Olof January 2007 (has links)
Internet is growing every day and this is leading to an address depletion of the current IPv4 addresses. A new version of IPv4, called IPv6, is the protocol for addressing computers that will deal with this problem. IPv4 and IPv6 are unfortunately not compatible with each other. IPv4 and IPv6 have to co-exist for a long time until IPv6 will be the dominant protocol. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a transition could be done or more correctly, how to deploy IPv6 in an already existing IPv4 network. After that part of the report a case study at the local Internet service provider Junet AB will be conducted. This case study will investigate an IPv6 deployment scenario for Junet AB. A theoretical background has been written that describes some steps an Internet service provider has to go through to deploy IPv6. The case study was conducted after the theoretical background was written. The result of this report shows that a deployment of IPv6 in an IPv4 network is technically achievable. All the main components to maintain and use IPv6 in a commercial network exist. The case study indicates that it is possible to deploy IPv6 in Junet AB´s network. IPv4 and IPv6 could be used in their network without any major effort. IPv6 have been around for many years now but have not had that break through many early adopters have hoped for. A lack of documentation and experience is an obstacle for a deployment of IPv6.One thing that remains now is to prove that there is a need for IPv6, but that is out of scope for this thesis.

Implementation av Network Admission Control

Sandqvist, Mattias, Johansson, Robert January 2007 (has links)
This examination work is about implementation of Cisco Systems Network Admission Control (NAC) within a leading IT-company in region of Jönköping. NAC is a technique that is used for securing the internal network from the inside. NAC can verify that the client who connects to the network has the latest antivirus updates and latest operative system hotfixes. Clients who don’t meet the criteria can be placed in quarantine VLAN where they only have access to the update servers. There are also functions that handle VLAN assignment for users. The assignment where to produce a solution for an implementation of NAC in the company’s computer network. The questions that where asked are the following, if and how could NAC be implemented in the company’s computer network. An analysis where made of the company’s computer network, to see if the computer network meet the requirements for implementing NAC. The result of this analysis showed that there where a loss of functions needed for a working NAC solution. The computer network where rebuild from scratch to meet the new demands for NAC. After completion of the new computer network the NAC solution were taking shape. This was made in consultation with the company to get a clear picture of the needs. The result of the discussion lead to a so called “Out-of-band virtual gateway” solution. The solution builds on that the client is placed in an authentication VLAN when connecting to the computer network, after that an authentication process begins. During this process the client is checked to verify that the criteria’s are fulfilled, if so the client is moved to his access VLAN. These solutions increase the internal security in the computer network and reduce the risks for virus spreading within the network.

Säkerhetsanalys av Android som plattform förföretagsapplikationer / A security analysis of Android as a platform for enterprise applications

Jinnegren, Per, Thorselius, Erik January 2011 (has links)
I rapporten undersöks säkerhetsaspekter för företagsapplikationer utvecklade till androidplattformen. Rapporten tar även upp Androids grunder och dess säkerhetsmodell. Syftet med rapporten var att undersöka Androids lämplighet för projekt som HOW Solutions har planerade. Under arbetet har en applikation för trådlös öppning av lås utvecklats. Resultatet var att många av de hot som upptäcktes var, för företag, i vissa fall är svåra att mitigera och att viss relevant funktionalitet saknas på plattformen. Trots det är slutsatsen att Android är en mogen plattform med ett gediget säkerhetsarbete och därför lämpar sig bra för företagsapplikationer.

Controlling the Bootstrap Process : Firmware Alternatives for an x86 Embedded Platform

Ekholm Lindahl, Svante January 2011 (has links)
The viability of firmware engineering on a lower-tier computer manufacturer (OEM) level, where the OEM receives processor and chipset components second hand, was investigated. It was believed that safer and more reliable operation of an embedded system would be achieved if system startup times were minimised. Theoretical knowledge of firmware engineering, methods and standards for the x86 platform was compiled and evaluated. The practical aspects of firmware engineering were investigated through the construction of an open source boot loader for a rugged, closed-box embedded x86 Intel system using Coreboot and Seabios. The boot loader was compared with the original firmware and the startup times were found to be reduced ninefold from entry vector to operating system handover. Firmware engineering was found to be a complex field stretching from computer science to electrical engineering. Firmware development on a lower-tier OEM level was found to be possible, provided that the proper documentation could be obtained. To this end, the boot loader prototype was proof of concept. This allowed an alternative, open-source oriented model for firmware development to be proposed. Ultimately, each product use case needed to be individually evaluated in terms of requirements, cost and ideology.

Användbarhet på Macromedia flash-baserade webbplatser

Olsson, Fredrik January 2006 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar den rad av arbete som utvecklare måste gå igenom för att producera användbarhetsanpassade flash-baserade webbplatser. Rapportens mål är att få utvecklare att förstå vikten av att alltid tänka på besökaren i utvecklingsprocessen och på så sätt hjälpa till att förbättra flash-baserat innehåll generellt. Trots att många kritiker anser att flash-baserade webbplatser inte är bra ur användbarhetssyfte visar denna rapport att det är högst möjligt att skapa användbarhetsanpassade flash-sidor för besökarna med hjälp av Macromedia Flashs eget programmeringsspråk actionscript. Denna rapport innefattar också en webbaserad mall med alla de tekniska lösningarna som nämns i texten för att utvecklare enkelt skall kunna följa varje steg i utvecklingsprocessen. / This report portrays an introduction to the sequence of work developers have to go through to produce user-friendly websites in Macromedia Flash. The paper’s goal is to understand the importance of user-focused thinking in the develop-process and help to improve the usability of Macromedia Flash content in general. Despite many critics say Macromedia Flash content doesn’t have good usability this paper shows that it’s highly possible to make flash pages usable for the visitor with technical solutions in Macromedia Flashs programming language actionscript. This report also includes a web based template with all the technical solutions applied to it so developers can follow every step of the build up.

SafeTool : Implementering av RFID-teknologi i maskiner för byggbranschen

Svensson, Håkan, Carlsson, Carl January 2007 (has links)
Every year more than 6000 thefts, to a value of 1.5 billion SEK, are reported within the Swedish building trade. Plus all the indirect costs of having the construction site standing still. SafeTool is a newly started company that will try to prevent this problem with a modern technology solution. The key to SafeTool’s solution is RFID – Radio Frequency Identification – and the solution looks like this; All tools are stored in a container on the construction site. Every tool is equipped with a RFID-tag that uniquely identifies the tool. With antennas in the container it is possible to detect when a tool is leaving the container and when it comes back. Every worker must wear a RFID-tag so it will be possible to see who was taking the tool out of the container. The container has no external locks on it, but the RFID-tag works as a key. An antenna on the roof of the container identifies the worker and automatically unlocks the door. All the tool and personnel traffic through the door of the container are reported to a central server via GPRS. The server stores all info in a database. The administration of the system will be done through a website. This paper will show how we made this solution work in practice. How we created and programmed the client and server and the protocol that makes them understand each other.

Utveckling av konsultkompetenssystem : Implementering av en kompetensdatabas för ett konsultbolag / Developing a consultant skill system : Implementation of a skills database for a consulting company

Öh, Rickard January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda/undersöka om det är möjligt att lagra och presentera medarbetares kompetens inom ett kunskapsintensivt företag. Initiativtagare till examensarbetet är konsultbolaget Nethouse Sverige AB. Allteftersom Nethouses medarbetarantal växer, blir det svårare att på ett bra sätt strukturera och sammanställa kompetensen och kapaciteten som finns inom företaget. Det blir också svårare att hålla koll på inom vilka områden enskilda medarbetare utvecklas.          Svårt att sammanfatta kompetensen inom (medarbetare) och utanför (arbetssökande) Nethouse. Uppdatering av konsultprofilen (Word-dokumentet) glöms lätt bort. Svårt att söka efter medarbetare/arbetssökande med vissa kompetenser. För att på bästa sätt lösa problemen har en förstudie inom kravhantering genomförts. Förstudien resulterade i ett antal kravinsamlingsmetoder som sedan användes för att på bästa sätt extrahera de krav som fanns på ett kompetenssystem. Kraven uppfylldes genom att implementera en webbapplikation där varje medarbetare på Nethouse ges möjligheten att skapa en egen profil. En profil innehåller bland annat de uppdrag, kompetenser och roller som medarbetaren har erfarenhet av. Denna information är även sökbar och möjlighet finns att exportera profilen. Systemet kommer att spara Nethouses medarbetare mycket tid vid kompetens-sammanställning och sökning. / The purpose of this thesis is to examine / investigate the possibility to store and present employees’ skills and competencies in knowledge-intensive company. The initiator of this thesis is the consultant firm Nethouse Sverige AB. As Nethouse employee number grows, it becomes more and more difficult to structure and manage the skills and competencies that exist within Nethouse. It also becomes harder to keep track of the areas in which individual employees develop. Today each employee enters their skills and competencies in a Word-document (one per employee) called consultant profile. This way of entering skills and competencies causes several problems: Difficult to summarize the competence inside (employees) and also outside (jobseekers) Nethouse. Updating the consultant profile is often forgotten. Difficult to search for employees/jobseekers with specific skills. In order to solve the problems in a structured manner a preliminary study in requirements management has been performed. The study resulted in a number of requirement gathering techniques which was used to extract the requirements of the system to be developed. The requirements were realized by implementing a web application in which every employee at Nethouse could create their own consultant profile. A profile includes the assignments, competencies and roles that the employee have experience in. This information was also made searchable and the profile can be exported to Word-format. The system will save Nethouse’s employees a lot of time when searching for competencies and when compiling lists of competencies that exist within the company.

Stream Processing in the Robot Operating System framework

Hongslo, Anders January 2012 (has links)
Streams of information rather than static databases are becoming increasingly important with the rapid changes involved in a number of fields such as finance, social media and robotics. DyKnow is a stream-based knowledge processing middleware which has been used in autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) research. ROS (Robot Operating System) is an open-source robotics framework providing hardware abstraction, device drivers, communication infrastructure, tools, libraries as well as other functionalities. This thesis describes a design and a realization of stream processing in ROS based on the stream-based knowledge processing middleware DyKnow. It describes how relevant information in ROS can be selected, labeled, merged and synchronized to provide streams of states. There are a lot of applications for such stream processing such as execution monitoring or evaluating metric temporal logic formulas through progression over state sequences containing the features of the formulas. Overviews are given of DyKnow and ROS before comparing the two and describing the design. The stream processing capabilities implemented in ROS are demonstrated through performance evaluations which show that such stream processing is fast and efficient. The resulting realization in ROS is also readily extensible to provide further stream processing functionality.

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