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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sanity : En undersökning av ett huvudlöst CMS

Kurtsdotter, Elin January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this project has been to investigate whether the headless CMS Sanity can live up to the needs of the the train operator GoAhead Nordic for its website in the transition from EpiServer. To investigate this, the existing website has been recreated as closely as possible. A studio/user interface has been built from scratch in Sanity where schemes and structure has been set for what content an editor can and must enter. Thereafter the content is fetched through an API to a standalone web application. In the web application, React components have been created based on the fetched content from Sanity. The work has been performed in an agile project form and regular meetings were held with the customer to constantly keep relevant focus and priority. The result has shown that even though there are a few minor problems still present there is a great reliability that with a little more time they will be solved. The conclusion of this work is that the headless CMS Sanity lives up to the needs of the customer and that the interface is easy to handle and understand. GoAhead Nordic has been very pleased with what was shown at the demonstrations and has decided to use Sanity as its new CMS / Målet med detta arbete har varit att undersöka om det huvudlösa CMS:et Sanity kan leva upp till de behov järnvägsoperatören GoAhead Nordic har för sin webbplats i övergången från EpiServer. För att undersöka detta har den befintliga webbplatsen återskapats i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. En studio/ användargränssnitt har byggts upp från grunden i Sanity där scheman och struktur har satts upp för hur en redaktör kan och får mata in innehåll. Därefter har detta innehåll hämtats via ett API till en helt fristående webbapplikation. I webbapplikationen har React-komponenter skapats utifrån innehållet som hämtats från Sanity. Arbetet har utförts i en agil projektform och regelbundna möten har hållits med kunden för att hela tiden ha relevant fokus och prioritering. Resultatet har visat att det i dagsläget finns små problem som inte hunnit lösas inom ramen för detta projekt men att det finns en stor tillförlitlighet att de kommer gå att lösa med lite mer tid. Slutsatsen i detta arbete är att det huvudlösa CMS:et Sanity lever upp till de behov som kunden har och att gränssnittet är lätt att hantera och förstå. GoAhead Nordic har varit mycket nöjda med det som visats upp på de regelbundna demonstrationerna och har beslutat sig för att använda Sanity som sitt nya CMS.

Autentisering, hantering och provisionering av användare : Ett koncepttest med PhenixID

Hellberg, Axel January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this project has been to configure and present a solution that covers a customer’s needs for user authentication, identity and access management and identity provisioning. The solution consists of products from PhenixID and the configuration is carried out on behalf of a company acting as a consultant. At the same time, the project is intended to generate new knowledge within the company about the possibilities and functions of the products used. The resulting solution enables the provisioning of users from a simple CSV file to a central user directory, and from this directory to Google. Identity Provisioning software is used for this purpose. The solution includes a recommendation for the same process to Azure through a first-party solution from Microsoft. The solution includes a configuration of the PhenixID Authentication Services system that can be used by the provisioned users to log in to Google and Microsoft services, so-called single sign-on, SSO. This authentication is SAML-based and adopts multi-factor authentication through a mobile application. A web-based and role-based identity and access management system, Identity Manager, is configured to manage users in the central user directory. Through this system, roles with associated rights are used with the purpose of delegating user management to the necessary instances of the customer’s organization. The overall configuration represents a proof of concept of the products for the customer's use cases and is therefore relatively fundamental in nature. / Målet med detta arbete har varit att konfigurera och presentera en lösning som omfattar en kunds behov av system för autentisering, hantering och provisionering av användare. Lösningen tillämpar produkter från PhenixID och konfigurationsarbetet sker på uppdrag av en verksamhet som här agerar konsult åt kunden. Arbetet ämnar samtidigt att ge upphov till ny kunskap inom verksamheten om de tillämpade verktygens möjligheter och funktioner. Den resulterande lösningen möjliggör provisionering av användare från en enkel CSV-fil till ett central användarkatalog, via denna katalog till Google. Till detta används programvaran Identity Provisioning. Lösningen omfattar en rekommendation för samma process till Azure genom ett första-partslösning från Microsoft. Lösningen omfattar konfiguration av autentiseringssystemet PhenixID Authentication Services som kan användas av de provisionerade användarna till att logga in på tjänster från Google och Microsoft, så kallad single sign-on, SSO. Denna autentisering är SAML-baserad och tillämpar multifaktorsautentisering genom en mobilapplikation. Ett webbaserat system för rollbaserad användarhantering, Identity Manager, konfigureras till att hantera användare i den centrala användarkatalogen. Genom detta system tillämpas roller med associerade rättigheter vars syfte är att delegera användarhanteringen till de nödvändiga instanserna av en verksamhet. Den sammantagna konfigurationen utgör ett koncepttest av produkterna för kundens användningsområden och är därför relativt grundläggande till naturen.

Arbetsprocessen vid ett typiskt webbuppdrag : Återskapande av en webbplats med fokus på förbättringar avseende användbarhet och tillgänglighet

Lodesjö, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this project has been to get an idea of what the work process looks like in a typical web assignment at Jo Kommunikation and to recreate an internal web assignment with a focus on improvements in usability and accessibility. More in-depth questions about what the work process looks like are answered. These questions were answered with the help of practical work equated with asking questions and having conversations with project manager and web developer. To evaluate how the internal web assignment could offer current accessibility, I will use a checklist from webbriktlinjer.se. Through usability tests, it was evaluated how the internal web assignment could be required regarding usability. Results from evaluations and tests showed that there were improvements to be made. The report ends with a discussion of how the project has worked. / Målet med detta projekt har varit att få en bild över hur arbetsprocessen ser ut vid ett typiskt webbuppdrag på Jo Kommunikation samt att återskapa ett internt webbuppdrag med fokus på förbättringar avseende användbarhet och tillgänglighet. Mer ingående frågor om hur arbetsprocessen ser ut besvaras. Dessa frågor besvarades med hjälp av praktiskt arbete jämsides med att ställa frågor och föra samtal med nyckelpersoner. För att utvärdera hur det interna webbuppdraget kunde förbättras gällande tillgänglighet användes en checklista från webbriktlinjer.se. Genom användbarhetstester så utvärderades hur det interna webbuppdraget kunde förbättras gällande användbarhet. Resultat ifrån utvärderingar och tester visade att det fanns förbättringar att genomföra. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion om hur projektet har fungerat.

Webbutiken Radbikes : När WordPress möter WooCommerce

Törner, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
The goal with this exam project is to take as much knowledge as possible from earlier courses I’ve taken at the webdevelopment program at Mid Sweden University and use this knowledge for a project for a company working with webdevelopment. I’ve chosen to do my exam project for David Törner Web agency who’s main goals are to work with Content Management Systems, (CMS). I’ve developed a custom theme and a webstore in the CMS WordPress with the plugin WooCommerce, a plugin that connects webstores with WordPress sites for easier administration and management of products. The webstore is selling bikes in the categories mountain bikes, enduro and downhill bikes, specially black bikes with high quality and it works as a demonstration of a webstore to show other companies what we are able to offer if they choose us to do a webstore in WordPress. The webstore also offers service on the bikes that the customer can book by themselves through the contact form. The design and foundation for the webstore have been designed and developed in the program Adobe XD in the form of moodboards, wireframes and design sketches and then coded in the program Visual Studio Code, (VSC) with the program language HyperText Preprocessor, (PHP), HyperText Markup Language, (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets, (CSS) and JavaScript. The design and the foundation of the webpages have been connected to WordPress and the webstore plugin WooCommerce and the webstore has been published online through a public webhosting service. / Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta så mycket som möjligt utav kunskapen från tidigare kurser i webbutvecklingsprogrammet på Mittuniversitetet och applicera denna kunskap i ett arbete åt ett företag som inriktar sig inom webbutveckling. Jag har valt att göra mitt examensarbete åt David Törners Webbyrå som inriktar sig specifikt på webbsidor skapade med Content Management Systems, (CMS). Jag har utvecklat ett tema samt en webbutik i CMS:et WordPress med tillägget WooCommerce, som är ett tillägg som kopplar samman webbutiker med WordPressidor för enklare administrering samt hantering utav webbutiken och varorna. Webbutiken inriktar sig på försäljning utav cyklar inom kategorierna mountainbikes, enduro- samt downhill-cyklar, specifikt svarta och högkvalitativa cyklar samt fungerar som en demonstrations-webbutik att visa upp för företag som exempel på vad de skulle kunna få om de väljer en webbutik gjord i WordPress. Webbutiken erbjuder även service utav cyklar och att kunden via kontaktformulär kan boka sin service. Design och grund för webbutiken har utvecklats först i programmet Adobe XD i form utav moodboard, wireframes samt designskisser och sedan utvecklats och kodats i programmet Visual Studio Code, (VSC), med hjälp utav programspråket Hypertext Preprocessor, (PHP), HyperText Markup Language, (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets, (CSS) samt JavaScript. Designen och grunden på webbsidorna har sedan kopplats samman med WordPress samt webbutik-tillägget WooCommerce och publicerats på ett publikt webbhotell.

Sophämtning i Nyköpings kommun

Nordström, Philip January 2021 (has links)
The municipality of Nyköping has for a long period of time had complaints from its municipal residents considering the lack of information given about the municipalitys garbage collection. The municipality has not previously had data that has been able to respond to this, but now the municipality has compiled an Excel file with all current addresses considering the garbage collection. In order to be able to offer the information to the municipal residents, a search function was desired that could easily cater for this. The project was developed mainly in JavaScript and will be implemented in Episerver's environment that the municipality uses. The search function has been developed with an autocomplete function and takes into account all current garbage pickup intervals that the municipality has requested. / Nyköpings kommun har under en längre tid fått klagomål från sina kommuninvånare att det inte på ett enkelt vis går att tillhandahålla sig information kring när nästa sophämtning sker för deras adress. Kommunen har tidigare inte haft data som har kunnat svara på detta, men nu har kommunen sammanställt en Excel-fil med alla aktuella adresser och dess sophämtningar. För att kunna erbjuda informationen till kommuninvånarna önskades en sökfunktion som enkelt kunde presentera detta. Projektet utvecklades främst i JavaScript och ska implementeras i Episervers miljö som kommunen använder sig av. Sökfunktionen har utvecklats med en autocomplete-funktion och beaktar alla aktuella hämtningsintervaller som kommunen har önskat.

Comparasion of recommender systems for stock inspiration

Broman, Nils January 2021 (has links)
Recommender systems are apparent in our lives through multiple different ways, such asrecommending what items to purchase when online shopping, recommending movies towatch and recommending restaurants in your area. This thesis aims to apply the sametechniques of recommender systems on a new area, namely stock recommendations basedon your current portfolio. The data used was collected from a social media platform forinvestments, Shareville, and contained multiple users portfolios. The implicit data wasthen used to train matrix factorization models, and the state-of-the-art LightGCN model.Experiments regarding different data splits was also conducted. Results indicate that rec-ommender systems techniques can be applied successfully to generate stock recommen-dations. Also, that the relative performance of the models on this dataset are in line withprevious research. LightGCN greatly outperforms matrix factorization models on this pro-posed dataset. The results also show that different data splits also greatly impact the re-sults, which is discussed in further detail in this thesis.

Investigation on how presentation attack detection can be used to increase security for face recognition as biometric identification : Improvements on traditional locking system

Öberg, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Biometric identification has already been applied to society today, as today’s mobile phones use fingerprints and other methods like iris and the face itself. With growth for technologies like computer vision, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, The use of face recognition as a biometric identification on ordinary doors has become increasingly common. This thesis studies is looking into the possibility of replacing regular door locks with face recognition or supplement the locks to increase security by using a pre-trained state-of-the-art face recognition method based on a convolution neural network. A subsequent investigation concluded that a networks based face recognition are is highly vulnerable to attacks in the form of presentation attacks. This study investigates protection mechanisms against these forms of attack by developing a presentation attack detection and analyzing its performance. The obtained results from the proof of concept  showed that local binary patterns histograms as a presentation attack detection could help the state of art face recognition to avoid attacks up to 88\% of the attacks the convolution neural network approved without the presentation attack detection. However, to replace traditional locks, more work must be done to detect more attacks in form of both higher percentage of attacks blocked by the system and the types of attack that can be done. Nevertheless, as a supplement face recognition represents a promising technology to supplement traditional door locks, enchaining their security by complementing the authorization with biometric authentication. So the main contributions is that  by using simple older methods LBPH can help modern state of the art face regognition to detect presentation attacks according to the results of the tests. This study also worked to adapt this PAD to be suitable for low end edge devices to be able to adapt in an environment where modern solutions are used, which LBPH have.

StuderaAlltmera : En webapplikation för studenter / StuderaAlltmera : A web application made for students

lindholm, Anton, Alexander, Håfström January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

A Navigation Mesh-Based Pathfinding Implmentation in CET Designer : An Alternative to a Waypoint Graph-Based Solution

Karlsson, Markus January 2021 (has links)
This thesis details the implementation of a navigation mesh within the interior space planning software CET Designer. The motivation for this is to investigate whether a navigation mesh is a suitable alternative to its current path finding solution which is based on a waypoint graph. An empirical analysis between the navigation mesh and the waypoint graph was also conducted. A navigation mesh is successfully implemented and an alternative triangulation method is also tested. The alternative method which is referred to as "narrowest first-ear clipping" seems to create a navigation mesh that produces slightly shorter paths than a navigation mesh that utilizes an arbitrary triangulation method. It is argued that the navigation mesh alleviates much work from the user since it requires less user input. The mesh is also able to generate paths between any two given points within it. This makes it much more dynamic than the waypoint graph. The conducted analysis shows that the navigation mesh seems to generate paths that are generally shorter than the waypoint graph. The path generation time for the navigation mesh is on average slower than the waypoint graph. We failed to provide an environment where the navigation mesh was faster on average than the waypoint graph. However, the time difference between the navigation mesh and the waypoint graph seemed to reduce as the test environment size increased.

Asynchronous Divergence-Free Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics

Holmqvist Berlin, Theo January 2021 (has links)
Background. Fluid simulation is an area of ongoing research. In recent years, simulators have become more realistic and stable, partly by employing the condition of having divergence-free velocity fields. A divergence-free velocity field is a strict constraint that requires a high level of correctness in a simulation. Another recent development is in the subject of performance optimization, where asynchronous time integration is used. Asynchronous time integration means integrating different parts of a fluid with varying time step sizes. Doing so leads to overall larger time step sizes, which improves performance. This thesis combines the divergence-free velocity field condition with asynchronous time stepping in a particle-based simulator. Objectives. This thesis aims to achieve a performance speedup by implementing asynchronous time integration into an existing particle-based simulator that assures the velocity field is divergence-free. Methods. With an open source simulator employing a divergence-free velocity field as a starting point, asynchronous time integration is implemented. This is achieved by dividing the fluid into three regions, each with their own time step sizes. Introducing asynchronous time integration means significantly lowering the stability of a simulation. This is countered by implementing additional steps to increase stability. Results. Roughly a 40\% speedup is achieved in two out of three scenes, with similar visual results as the original synchronous simulation. In the third scene, there is no performance speedup as the performance is similar to that of the original simulation. The two first scenes could be sped up further with more aggressive settings for asynchronous time integration. This is however not possible due to stability issues, which are also the cause for the third scene not resulting in any speedup. Conclusions. Asynchronous simulation is shown to be a valid option even alongside a divergence solver. However, occasional unrealistic behavior resembling explosions among the particles do occur. Besides from being undesirable behavior, these explosions also decrease performance and prevent more aggressive performance settings from being used. Analysis of their cause, attempted solutions and potential future solutions are provided in the discussion chapter.

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