Spelling suggestions: "subject:"datorteknik"" "subject:"datortekniks""
921 |
Automation of Non-code Documentation in a DevOps EnvironmentSöderberg, David January 2022 (has links)
In today's industry the DevOps work-style is adopted in more and more companies. Following the work-style often leads to companies being more efficient at delivering new feature and high quality software at higher speeds.However, one thing that the DevOps work-style fail to address is the process of writing good and reliable non-code documentation. The non-code documentation often becomes a bottleneck for the companies following the work-style and is in need of an updated process to make it more effective and sustainable over time. In this thesis, the problem is addressed by designing and building a prototype system capable of automating the process of creating non-code documentation. In order to create a system capable of automating the process and thus increasing the flow and efficiency of the DevOps work-style, the prototype system has been built by combining powerful pre-existing tools like Pandoc, LaTeX and Docker together. The resulting system is implemented in a platform like GitLab or Bitbucket and can be used to automatically generate documentation with new releases. The documents are written in plain-text markdown files, letting the user focus on the content rather than the aesthetics of the document. This resulted in an increase of creating non-code documents 33.8% faster than existing methods like using Microsoft Word. Finally, the prototype system also generates more aesthetically looking documentation.
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Calculation of WCET with symbolic executionÖsterberg, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Calculating WCET for schedulability analysis of RTIC applications is today performed with a hybrid approach with both static analysis of code and hardware measurements. A fully static analysis tool would allow for a easier integration into a CI/CD pipeline without the actual hardware. This thesis attempts to compute WCET statically, using symbolic execution engine KLEE to generate all the possible paths of execution for a task and then analyses these paths to approximate the worst-case for each path which would yield a approximate WCET for the analysed program. To analyze a path in a program the low-level intermediary assembly language used by the LLVM optimization infrastructure (called LLVM IR) is compared to the finished assembly language to draw conclusions on how an LLVM IR instruction is processed into assembly. To be able to perform this mapping from LLVM IR to assembly, the symbolic execution engine KLEE has been extended to also log each LLVM IR instruction run in a path. These logs combined with a translation table is how the approximations are calculated. The resulting approximations correlate with the actual cycles when the analysed program is run on actual hardware, which indicates that tool could actually be used to approximate WCET. There are however no guarantees and the tool has not been tested for larger scale programs.
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Fault-tolerance in HLA-based distributed simulationsEklöf, Martin January 2006 (has links)
Successful integration of simulations within the Network-Based Defence (NBD), specifically use of simulations within Command and Control (C2) environments, enforces a number of requirements. Simulations must be reliable and be able to respond in a timely manner. Otherwise the commander will have no confidence in using simulation as a tool. An important aspect of these requirements is the provision of fault-tolerant simulations in which failures are detected and resolved in a consistent manner. Given the distributed nature of many military simulations systems, services for fault-tolerance in distributed simulations are desirable. The main architecture for distributed simulations within the military domain, the High Level Architecture (HLA), does not provide support for development of fault-tolerant simulations. A common approach for fault-tolerance in distributed systems is check-pointing. In this approach, states of the system are persistently stored through-out its operation. In case a failure occurs, the system is restored using a previously saved state. Given the abovementioned shortcomings of the HLA standard this thesis explores development of fault-tolerant mechanisms in the context of the HLA. More specifically, the design, implementation and evaluation of fault-tolerance mechanisms, based on check-pointing, are described and discussed. / QC 20101111
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Closed-Loop Orchestration Solution / Sluten OrchestreringslösningFernandes Pereira, Sonia, Hamid, Nejat January 2019 (has links)
Computer networks are continuously evolving and growing in size and complexity. New technologies are being introduced which further increases the complexity. Net- work Service Orchestration is all about pushing configuration out into the network devices automatically without human intervention. There can be issues that causes the orchestration to fail. In many cases manual operations must be done to recover from the error which is very contradicting since the goal of orchestration is that it should be fully automated. There is some indication that the errors that are being solved manually could be de- tected and handled by a feedback mechanism. This thesis work aimed to build on current insight and if possible, verify that the feedback mechanism is a viable method. After consideration on different ways to solve the research question, the choice fell on creating a test environment where the approach was tested. The test environment was used to investigate if a network orchestration system could be integrated with a feedback mechanism. The result of this project presents a way to automatically de- tect a network failure and send feedback to a Network Service Orchestrator. The or- chestrator is then able to identify and correct the error. / Datornätverk utvecklas kontinuerligt och växer i storlek och komplexitet. Nyteknik införs som ytterligare ökar komplexiteten. Nätverksservice orkestrering handlar om att skicka ut konfiguration automatiskt till enheter i nätverket utan mänsklig in- blandning. Det kan finnas problem som gör att orkestreringen misslyckas. I många fall måste manuella åtgärder utföras för att lösa problemet, vilket är mycket motsä- gelsefullt, eftersom målet med orkestrering är att det ska vara fullt automatiserat. Det finns indikationer på att fel kan detekteras och hanteras av en återkopplings- mekanismen. Detta examensarbete syftar till att bygga på aktuell insikt, och om möj- ligt, verifiera att återkopplingsmekanismen är en möjlig metod. Efter överväganden på vilka olika sätt som projektmålet kunde uppnås föll valet på att skapa en testmiljö där ansatsen kunde testas. Testmiljön användes för att utreda om ett nätverksorkestreringssystem kan integreras med en återkopplings mekanism. Resultat av projektet presenterar ett sätt att automatiskt upptäcka ett nätverksfel och skicka återkoppling till ett nätverksorkestreringssystem. Nätverksorkestreraren kan sedan detektera och åtgärda felet.
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Machine learning - neuroevolution for designing chip circuits/pathfinding / Maskininlärning - nevroevolution for att designa kretskort/stigfinnareBrink, Pontus, Rinnarv, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Neural Networks have been applied in numeral broad categories of work. Such as classification, data processing, robotics, systemcontrol e.t.c. This thesis compares using traditional methods of the routing process in chip circuit design to using a Neural Network trained with evolution. Constructing and evaluating a chip design is a complicated thing, where a lot of variables have to be accounted for and therefore a simplified evaluation and design process is used in order to train the network and compare the results. This was done by constructing simple test cases and running the algorithms BFS, A*Star and the neural network and comparing the paths each algorithm found using a fitness function. The results were that BFS and A*Star both performed better on complex circuits, but the neural network was able to create better paths on very small and niche circuits. The conclusion of the study is that the neural network approach is not able to compete with the standard industry methods of the routing process, but we do not exclude the possibility that with a better designed Fitness function, this could be possible. / Neurala Nätverk används i flertal breda kategorier av arbete. Såsom klassificering, databehandling, robotik, systemkontroll e.t.c. Denna avhandling jämför traditionella metoder för routingprocessen i chip-kretsdesign med att använda ett neuralt nätverk utbildat med evolution. Att konstruera och utvärdera en chipdesign är en komplicerad sak, där många variabler måste tas hänsyn till och därför används en förenklad utvärderings- och designprocess för att träna nätverket och jämföra resultaten. Detta gjordes genom att konstruera enkla testfall och köra algoritmerna BFS, A * Star och det neurala nätverket och jämföra de sökvägar som varje algoritm fann med hjälp av en så kallad Fitness-funktion. Resultaten var att BFS och A * Star både fungerade bättre på komplexa kretsar, men det neurala nätverket kunde skapa bättre vägar på mycket små och nischade kretsar. Slutsatsen av studien är att det neurala nätverkssättet inte kan konkurrera med routingprocessens standardindustrimetoder, men vi utesluter inte möjligheten att med en bättre utformad Fitness-funktion skulle detta vara möjligt.
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Locka tjejer till elprogrammetSjöstrand, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Antalet tjejer på elprogrammet/datorteknik har alltid varit lågt men borde inte vara det eftersom det finns betydligt fler tjejer som sedan arbetar i de yrken vi utbildar för. Undersökningen avser att ta reda på vilka faktorer som hindrar tjejer från att söka elprogrammet och om man kan påverka dessa faktorer.Faktorer som undersöks är sociokulturella, institutionella, biologiska och hur man använder sig av tekniken. Det finns både faktorer som går att påverka och faktorer som inte går att påverka. Samhällets inställning till tjejer som satsar på teknik är svårare att påverka än att tjejer inte tycker att datorer och teknik är roligt.Undersökningen visar att det största problemet är tjejernas tilltro till sin praktiska förmåga, men det verkar i alla fall som att det går att påverka tjejerna att bli mer intresserade av elprogrammet med riktade insatser.
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Synchronous vs Asynchronous calls and Flow Control for HLA 4 / Synkrona mot Asynkrona anrop och Flow Control för HLA 4Frisén, David January 2022 (has links)
HLA is a standard for distributed simulations where many small simulations connect to each other to create a bigger simulation. As networking technologies have evolved the requirements for the simulations. This includes running certain simulations to communicate over Wide Area, 4G, and 5G networks. The Federate Protocol has been purposed as a solution giving the simulations a client-server model. Currently simulations send requests and wait for the responses which results in performance losses as the simulation waits for the Round Trip of the request. Therefore an Asynchronous solution has been purposed to solve this performance issue. To make sure the simulations do not send to many requests and overwhelm the server Flow Control is needed. This paper will compare the performance of Synchronous and Asynchronous modes and look at what kinds of Flow Control methods can be used and their behaviors
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Realtidsuppdateringar av användargränssnitt för inbyggda system : Uppdatering av användargränssnitt i realtid med MQTT och websockets / Real-time updates of user interfaces for embedded systems : Update user interfaces in real-time with MQTT and websocketsDelalic, Anes January 2024 (has links)
Dagens webbläsare uppdaterar sitt utseende mer än någonsin och att kunna utföra det på ett effektivt sätt är essentiellt. Att kompilera om en hemsida och ladda upp den på nytt är ineffektivt och framtiden hos dynamisk uppdaterade hemsidor ligger hos MQTT och websockets. Med hjälp av Invencon har jag utforskat detta område genom att få en back-end till ett systemet att bygga på. Det har framställts två användargränssnitt för två gruvrobotar som ska kunna ta ordar av ett publicerar-användargränssnitt. Meddelandena skickas som JSON-objekt som är fyllda med information som robotarna ska ta emot. Dessa ordrar kan vara att ändra robotens maximala hastighet. Robotarna uppdaterar sitt gränssnitt i realtid där de samtidigt skickar sin nuvarande hastighet till publiceraren som visar upp dem. Det finns ett fjärrkontroll-gränssnitt där man kan välja en robot som är igång, där gränssnittet presenterar all information om den valda roboten. Användar- gränssnitten skrivs i HTML och CSS där funktionaliteten görs i JavaScript med hjälp av MQTT och websockets. Flera tester har gjorts där man kollar latensen på hur lång tid det tar för ett meddelande att ta sig till en robot och tillbaka till publiceraren för att mäta hur pålitligt systemet är. Efter testerna utfördes, kom jag fram till att fler tester kommer behöva göras för att testa systemet på en högre nivå, då två robotar och en användare inte räcker för ett konkret resultat. Systemet har potential att användas i riktig verksamhet med vidareutveckling av båda tester och bättre back-end. / Today’s web browsers are updating their appearance more than ever, and being able to do so efficiently is essential. Compiling a website and uploading it again is inefficient, and the future of dynamically updated websites lies in MQTT and websockets. With the help of Invencon, I have explored this area by establishing a back-end for the system. Two user interfaces have been developed for two mining robots that can receive commands from a publisher-interface. Messages are sent as JSON-objects filled with information that the robots need to receive. These commands can include changing the robot’s maximum speed. The robots update their interfaces in real-time while si- multaneously sending their current speed to the publisher, which displays them. There is a remote control-interface where you can select a running robot, and the interface presents all information about the chosen robot. The user interfaces are written in HTML and CSS, with functionality implemented in JavaScript using MQTT and websockets. Several tests have been conducted to measure the latency of how long it takes for a message to reach a robot and back to the publisher, proving the reliability of the system. After the tests, it was concluded that more testing needs to be done to evaluate the system on a higher level, as two robots and one user are insufficient for a concrete result. The system has the potential to be used in real-world applications with further development of both testing and a better back-end.
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2D Beats : Fast paced full body movement game using Godot EngineKarlsson, John January 2022 (has links)
The world is quickly moving to a more and more digital world, everything is online and computerized. This is convenient but also increases the amount of time spent in front of various types of devices and displays, not getting the exercise we as humans need. Gaming or the act of playing video games is very much a part of this and is traditionally thought of as a sedentary activity. However, there is a type of video games that does not fall into this category, that is exergames. Exergames distinguish themselves from sedentary games in that they use the human body for control, leading to their use to combat the lack of exercise. This thesis describes the implementation and testing of one such exergame that is a part of a larger project at Linköping University that aims to create a library of games to be used in organizations where sitting for long periods is common. The game is implemented using the game engine Godot and an ML solution called MediaPipe for movement tracking and recognition. The goal was to create an easy to playgame providing moderate to high physical activity. Testing showed that the game provided the desired physical exertion within a few consecutive rounds and exertion remained on roughly the same level even if the user was experienced.
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Datainsamling i mininet med ONOS och sFlow : Utveckla laboration kopplad till datainsamlingPettersson, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Ett projekt kopplat till SDN och skapande av utbildningsmaterial.
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