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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le condizioni dell'azione nel processo amministrativo. Un'indagine comparata tra Italia e Germania

Franca, Simone 06 March 2020 (has links)
The research analyses the locus standi before administrative courts in Italy and Germany, in the perspective of the evolution of the aim and the scope of the judicial review of the administrative action. Starting from an examination of the historical outlines regarding the judicial review in the two systems, the current research explores the theoretical contours of the concepts of standing and interest to act, focusing also on the analysis of the judicial understanding of both these concepts. The analysis is conducted from a comparative point of view, through the study of the case law in the Italian and German legal systems. The aim pursued is to verify, through a comparison between the different experiences, the existence of a possible ongoing mutation - attributable to the Europeanisation of the administrative process - that alters the characteristics of the Italian and German administrative judgment in the access to protection. The comparative investigation shows how the changes that can be found in the judicial review of are in part analogous in the two legal systems and are connected to the importance of certain interests of a general nature at the legal level. It also makes it possible to reflect on the identification of a model capable of overcoming the difficulty regarding the compatibility between interests of a general nature and the predominantly subjective logic of the judicial review of administrative action in Italy and Germany.

Europeanisation of the EU defence and security policy after the end of the Cold-War

Violakis, Petros January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine the extent to which the end of the Cold War led to Europeanisation in European Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). The analysis takes into consideration previous studies on Europeanisation and its impact on the transformation of national security and defence, and attempts to account for the development of Europeanisation and related mechanisms. These mechanisms, which were described by Radaelli as framing mechanisms and negative integration, incorporate all major relevant factors identified in the thesis (i.e., a common strategic culture, new security identity, domestic political decision-making, industrial base and defence spending decline) which contribute to the realisation of the CSDP. The relevance of these factors for CSDP Europeanisation is examined through historical and empirical analysis. Furthermore, the relationship between CSDP and NATO is also explored. This approach facilitates the analysis of the debate concerning the emergence of CSDP and throws light on the political shift that led EU leaders to support CSDP. Another aspect of this study is the empirical analysis of the dynamics and limitations of the European defence sector. The changes which took place in the European defence sector facilitated the emergence of CSDP. Hence, these changes are analysed in view of globalisation issues, economies of scale, economic crises, military autonomy, new security strategy and R&D impact.

The Europeanisation of De-Europeanisation : An Analysis of Sweden’s Engagement With the EU Over the Common European Asylum System Following the 2015 European Refugee Crisis

Caley, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
The Common European Asylum System (CEAS) has been in a constant state of development since its conception in 1999, however the 2015 European refugee crisis demonstrated the need for several adjustments to be made. Since then, engagement between the European Union and Member States over what the future of this system could look like has increased. This thesis builds on existing Europeanisation and de-Europeanisation research by operationalising these concepts to use as lenses through which to view the EU’s engagement with the Swedish state over the sovereignty and responsibility and border management aspects of the CEAS following the peak of the 2015 refugee crisis. Employing data in the form of policy documents and speech transcripts from the Swedish Ministry of Justice and the EU, this thesis conducts a qualitative content analysis to examine the discourse between the two actors and determine whether or not dynamics of Europeanisation or de-Europeanisation can be identified. The results of this study conclude that dynamics of Europeanisation can be identified in the engagement between the Swedish Ministry of Justice and the EU over the solidarity and responsibility aspect of the CEAS while dynamics of de-Europeanisation can be identified in relation to discourse surrounding border management.

German and British labour law in a European context following European Union enlargement

Zahn, Rebecca Lisa January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines and compares German and British trade union responses in a European context following the recent European enlargements which are unprecedented in the history of the European Union. In terms of labour law, a majority of the ten Central and Eastern European countries which acceded in 2004 and 2007 combine weak domestic labour protection systems with a high proportion of workers and enterprises keen to take advantage of their free movement rights under the European Treaty. This has created a climate of fear amongst workers and trade unions in old Member States that their economic and social position is being threatened by those workers and enterprises who may avail themselves of their rights under the Treaty in order to engage in ‘social dumping’. Historically, the European Union has sought to counteract these fears by ‘europeanising’ certain aspects of national legal systems in order to alleviate competition. However, the ‘europeanisation’ of different labour law systems has always proved problematic due to the socio-cultural context within which national labour laws have developed. Following the recent European enlargements, the debate on the role of the EU in ‘europeanising’ national social and legal practices has been revived. In particular, European enlargement has thrown up changed regulatory and opportunity structures for the social partners. These structural changes at a European level have occurred primarily as a consequence of an increase in the free movement of workers, services and establishment. Against this background, the purpose of this thesis is to undertake a comparison of the responses of German and British trade unions to the challenges posed by the recent European enlargements. A successful comparison and analysis of the responses of trade unions enables a determination of the impact that trade union responses may have on new Member State workers availing themselves of their free movement rights under the EU Treaty. There is an intense debate as to how, and if, social partners at a national and European level may be able to contribute to, or hinder, the protection of new Member State workers in Germany and the UK. Depending on how trade unions respond their contribution may be viewed as positive or negative. However, this thesis yields suggestions as to how trade unions could respond in order to facilitate the integration of new Member State workers into the host labour markets and proposes a new model for studying aspects of europeanisation.

Europeizace trestního práva / Europeanisation of Criminal Law

Martinů, Iva January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the Europeanisation of criminal law. The aim of the thesis is to examine the evolution of Europeanisation within the European Union, to analyse current regulation and to focus on law enforcement institutions. The paper is composed of three chapters. Chapter One is introductory and explains the notion of the Europeanisation of criminal law and describes the evolution of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters within the European Union. The text then concentrates on the impact that case law of the European Court of Justice has had on the Europeanisation. Chapter Two investigates the current versions of treaties and the main changes that the Lisbon Treaty brought about. Subsequently the paper explores the harmonisation of substantive criminal law and criminal procedure, the new legal concept of the 'emergency brake' and the extension of powers of the European Court of Justice. The following part of Chapter Two illustrates the accession of the European Union to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and it also discusses the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. A brief summary is given at the end of Chapter Two. The last chapter is essential and looks at law enforcement institutions. It consists of three parts. Part one deals...

Europeizace soukromého práva / Europeanisation of private law

Lederer, Vít January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The purpose of this thesis is to analyse europeanisation of private law. The thesis is composed of six chapter, each of them dealing with different aspects of the creation of uniform private law. Chapter One is introductory. Deals with the term of europeanisation of private law and focuses on its basic methods. Attempts to distinguish centralist and non-centralist ways of convergence in the area of european private law. The first subchapter describes unification of private law by means of international conventions and through european regulations and directives. The second subpart examines spontaneous process of europeanisation of private law. Ilustrates the creation of a european private law by legal science and education, drafting principles of european private law and is concerned with competition of legal systems. Chapter two explores if the unification of private law is needed and possible. Discusses positive as well as negative arguments of the unification in the area of private law. Chapter three describes several of academic iniciatives concerned with the creation of uniform private law. Chapter Four concentrates on european contract law. This part discusses the term of contract law, describes international instruments of its unification, focuses on consumer protection in...

Permanence et changement aux frontières de l'Europe : une approche des recompositions frontalières entre Grèce et République de Macédoine / Permanency and change at the borders of Europe : an approach of border recompositions between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia

Javourez, Guillaume 18 December 2017 (has links)
La Grèce et la République de Macédoine entretiennent des relations aussi intenses que complexes. C'est dans ce contexte, qui a vu passer la République de Macédoine du statut de république yougoslave à celui d'Etat indépendant que se place l'analyse des relations transfrontalières entretenues à l'échelle locale. Dans un premier temps, ce travail explore les processus transfrontaliers en cours afin de les documenter avant de les analyser au regard des processus sociaux à l’œuvre de part et d’autre de cette frontière. Cette analyse se base sur l'approche par le biais des recompositions en vue d’appréhender de façon combinée l'influence du passé et des enjeux contemporains sur les processus socio-spatiaux en cours dans les espaces étudiés. Se basant sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle les évolutions passées peuvent être mobilisées dans le cadre des diverses relations transfrontalières d’aujourd’hui, l’étude de l’histoire de la région et des multiples processus de fragmentation est nécessaire afin d’en analyser les résurgences. Ce travail s’oriente alors sur l’identification des acteurs de ces relations, des cadres dans lesquels ils agissent et des éléments mobilisés au fil de la relation construite pour en identifier les mécanismes et conséquences dans les sociétés frontalières étudiées, tout en prêtant une attention particulière aux dimensions culturelles et ethniques le long d’une frontière caractérisée par la présence transnationale de plusieurs groupes linguistiques ou ethniques. La construction de ces groupes ethniques et leurs évolutions contemporaines est ainsi examinée sous l’angle de leurs liens possibles avec les modalités de la relation transfrontalière. / Nowadays, Greece and the Republic of Macedonia are connected through intense but complex cross-border relations despite the name issue. The study of the these relations at the local level is taking place in that context that saw the Republic of Macedonia evolving from the status of member state of the Yugoslav federation to an independent state with European fate. The first aim of this research is to explore these cross-border relations in order to testify and document it. Several frames of cross-border relations are targeted through this work. In a context of economic crisis, border appears as a resource for an informal economy exploiting the economic and commercial differences between the countries. On the same way, the European integration process is also promoting cross-border relations through cross-border cooperation. But all actors are not equal regarding these processes in an area of cultural diversity. The approach through recompositions allows us to analyze the influence and interactions of past and contemporary issues in borderlands and their societies. Starting from the hypothesis that pasts historical events in the area are influencing the actual cross-border relations, the study of regional history and fragmentation processes that divided it is necessary to analyze its resurgences. Therefore, the issue is to identify the actors of these relations, the frame in which they locate their actions and the elements they mobilize for it by giving a special attention to cultural and ethnic dimensions. The building of ethnic groups and their contemporary evolutions will be analyzed through their possible connections with the cross-border relations’ modalities.

La municipalisation de la culture en Grèce (1980-2010) : le défi de la démocratisation et de l'européanisation de l'action publique territoriale / The municipalization of culture in Greece (1980-2010) : the challenge of democratization and the Europeanisation of territorial public action

Tzemopoulou, Dionysia 22 June 2017 (has links)
La chute du régime dictatorial des Colonels en Grèce en 1974 marque le début d'une refonte du système politico-administratif. Dans ce contexte, la décentralisation culturelle prend deux figures: artistique et administrative. La première se traduit par la diffusion de la culture en province. La deuxième demande le transfert aux collectivités territoriales de compétences relevant de l’État. Trois nouveaux types d’institutions contribuent au développement de la culture contemporaine à l’échelon local: Théâtres Municipaux et Régionaux, Entreprises municipales de développement culturel, Réseau Culturel National des Villes. Cette étude se concentre sur le spectacle vivant (théâtre, danse, musique) en abordant les configurations de la décentralisation culturelle effectuées au cours de la période 1980-2010.Les tentatives de la décentralisation ont reposé sur l’établissement de politiques contractuelles. Les relations des partenaires, État-communes, ont été refondues par les nécessaires évolutions institutionnelles imposées tant par le processus de démocratisation que par celui de d’européanisation de l’action culturelle locale après l’intégration du pays à la CEE (1981). La première partie de la thèse porte sur l’analyse d’un projet de démocratisation promouvant la préservation de la démocratie locale et l’européanisation en tant que processus de mimétisme institutionnel et de transfert de politique publique. Quatre monographies (Kalamata, Véria, Volos, La Canée) composent la deuxième partie. Le parcours spécifique des politiques culturelles de ces villes semble associé à l’impact de jeux politiques manifestés à plusieurs niveaux: au sein de l’administration centrale, internes aux municipalités, entre les élus locaux, les représentants de l’État et les professionnels du spectacle vivant. / The fall of the dictatorial regime of the Colonels in Greece in 1974 marked the beginning of an overhaul of the political-administrative system. In this context, cultural decentralization takes two forms: artistic and administrative. The first concerns the spread of culture in the provinces. The second requires the transfer to the Local Administration of competencies belonging to the State. Three new types of institutions contribute to the development of contemporary culture at the local level: Municipal and Regional Theaters, Municipal Companies of Cultural Development, National Cultural Network of Cities. This study focuses on the performing arts (theater, dance, music) by addressing the patterns of cultural decentralization carried out during the period 1980-2010. Attempts at decentralization were based on the establishment of contractual policies. The relations of the partners, municipalities-State, were recast within the framework of necessary institutional changes imposed by the process of democratization and by that of Europeanisation of local cultural action after the country's integration into the EEC (1981). The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of a democratization project promoting the preservation of local democracy and Europeanisation as a process of institutional mimicry and public policy transfer. Four case studies (Kalamata, Veria, Volos, Chania) compose the second part. The specific course of the cultural policies of these cities seems to be associated with the impact of political games manifested at several levels: within the central administration, intra-municipal, among local elected representatives, State representatives and performing arts professionals.

Bologna reform in Ukraine : learning Europeanisation in the post-Soviet context

Kushnir, Iryna January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the process of the Bologna reform in the Ukrainian higher education system. Bologna is one of the most well-known and influential European projects for cooperation in the field of higher education. It aims to create an internationally competitive European Higher Education Area (EHEA) through a range of such objectives as the adoption of a system of credits, cycles of study process, diploma supplement, quality assurance, qualifications frameworks, student-centred education, lifelong learning and the promotion of student and faculty mobility. Through an in-depth examination of higher education actors and policy instruments in the case of the implementation of Bologna in Ukraine, this thesis aims to a) analyse the process of the Bologna reform in Ukraine; and b) examine Bologna as a case of Europeanisation in the post-Soviet context. The study is qualitative and applies two main methods: interviews with key policy actors and text analysis of selected policy documents. These data are analysed through the perspective of policy learning, with a particular reference to the concept of layering. The findings suggest that the Bologna reform in Ukraine has been primarily developing as an interrelationship between policy continuity and change. On the one hand, the study found that most of the key powerful actors and networks in the country, established before the introduction of Bologna, have retained their prior influence. As a result, Bologna has – to a large extent – simply reproduced established relationships and pre-existing higher education policies. The Ministry of Education and Science has been the primary actor pushing for this kind of policy continuity. On the other hand, Bologna has also been partially changing some aspects of the old higher education instruments and the established relations among the actors. These changes have been taking place due to the involvement of civil sector organisations which increasingly became crucial as policy brokers in the process of this reform. The study suggests that the old practices and innovations in Bologna have been interacting in layering – a gradual messy and creative build-up of minor innovations by different higher education actors in Ukraine. The accumulation of these innovations led to more fundamental changes – the beginning of the emergence of a more shared higher education policy-making in the previously centrally governed Ukraine. These findings shed some light on the broader process of Europeanisation in the post-Soviet context. The Ukrainian case thus suggests that at least in the post-Soviet context, Europeanisation is the process in which change and the continuity are not mutually exclusive, but rather closely interconnected.

The Impact of the European Union on the transformation of child protection policies : a study of Bulgarian deinstitutionalization reform (1989-2015) / Les politiques de la protection de l'enfance en Bulgarie : européanisation et désinstitutionnalisation (1989-2015)

Radeva Hadjiev, Vera 07 December 2018 (has links)
La Bulgarie avait en 1990 l’un des nombre d’enfants, ayant des parents vivants, abandonnés dans des institutions parmi le plus élevé au sein des de l’Union Européenne. En portant notre attentions sur la manière dont la candidature à l’Union Européenne a affecté l’héritage post-communiste en Bulgarie, notre thèse cible le développement de la réforme des orphelinats et donc des institutions en approfondissant le concept de « désintitutionnalisation ». Dans un second temps, nous comparons cette réfome à la réforme britannique. Notre objectif est d’éclairer le rôle de l’Union européenne dans la transformation des politiques sociales de protection de l’enfance. Notre terrain de recherche est celui de la Bulgarie et du Royaume-Uni et leurs systèmes de protection infantile de 1989 à 2015. / In the 1990’s Bulgaria had one of the highest numbers of abandoned children with living parents among European member states. Our question of departure was how the European Union membership has changed the post-communist heritage of institutional care and we focus on the transformation of orphanages through the deinstitutionalization reform. Furthermore, this doctoral research compares the development of the Bulgarian deinstitutionalization reform to the British one, and offers an insight into the role of the European Union in the transformation of social policies of child protection. The terrain of the research is Bulgaria and the United Kingdom, and their systems of child protection from 1989 to 2015.

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