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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude et réalisation d’un contrôle isoarchique de flux de personnes via des capteurs biométriques et infotroniques

Louati, Thamer 16 July 2013 (has links)
Les travaux effectués dans le cadre de cette thèse porte sur le contrôle intelligent, isoarchique et multicritère de flux de personnes dans une zone fermée. Nous proposons un système de contrôle basé sur la biométrie multimodale et le RFID qui sont deux techniques complémentaires pour une sécurisation robuste et flexible du flux de personnes. La biométrie multimodale est utilisée pour une reconnaissance plus fiable des individus, et le RFID pour la sécurisation et le stockage des informations identitaires des personnes à surveiller. Ce système est complètement décentralisé et la décision concernant une demande d'accès est prise de manière autonome au niveau de chaque porte de chaque zone sous contrôle. Les entités internes participantes au processus de prise de décision répondent à des concepts exprimés via le paradigme holonique. L'ouverture automatique d'une porte est conditionnée à la conjonction de plusieurs critères. Une méthode d'aide multicritère à la décision est ainsi déployée au sein de chaque porte d'accès pour fusionner les réponses des identifications biométriques et pour traiter en temps réel les demandes d'autorisation d'accès. Tout d'abord, un état de l'art a été réalisé sur la biométrie, la multimodalité biométrique, la technologie RFID et les systèmes de contrôle d'accès physique. Ensuite, un système de contrôle intelligent, isoarchique et multicritère a été proposé, intégrant l'utilisation simultanée de la multimodalité biométrique et du RFID. Enfin, un démonstrateur du système a été implémenté dans le cadre du contrôle de flux de détenus dans une prison. / The proposed work deals with the intelligent control, isoarchic and multicriteria of people flow in a restricted area. Our proposal is a control system based on a multimodal biometrics and RFID which are considered as two secured complementary techniques for robust and flexible people flow control. Multimodal biometrics is used for more reliable individual recognitions and the RFID for securing and storing supervised individuals identity information. This system is completely decentralized and the decision related to a control access request is made autonomously at each gate of each controlled area. The internal entities which participate to the decision making process respond to the holonic paradigm concepts and principles. The automatic gate opening is conditioned with several criteria conjunction (biometrics identifications, RFID identification, access permissions, authorized paths, status of the zone at time t, etc.). A multicriteria decision aid method is thus deployed in each access gate to merge biometrics identifications responses and to automatically treat the real-time access authorization requests. First, a state of art related to the biometric recognition, the contribution of multimodal biometric, the RFID technology and the physical access control based on biometric, was done. Then, an intelligent, isoarchic and multicriteria control of people flow system was proposed, including the use of multimodal biometric and RFID. At the end, a system simulation test bed was implemented to control prisoners flow in a jail. It supports the integration of various biometrics and RFID technologies.

Approche multicritère pour la recherche de site et l'optimisation de technologies d'énergies marines renouvelables / Multi-criteria approach for site evaluation and marine renewable energy technologies optimization

Maslov Jayet de Gercourt, Nicolas 29 January 2015 (has links)
La recherche développée dans cette thèse propose une méthodologie pour faciliter la recherche d'un site favorable à I'installation d'un parc d'énergie marine, ainsi qu'un ensemble de solutions techniques appropriées au site lui-même et aux contraintes économiques. Dans le but de simplifier les processus de décisions, une approche multicritère est proposée. La méthode développée intègre un système d'information géographique, une méthode d'analyse multicritère et un algorithme d'optimisation. Cette stratégie est appliquée dans le cadre d'un projet d'implantation d'un parc d'hydroliennes. Trois critères sont utilisés : I'acceptation sociale, l'énergie produite et le coût global du projet.Le premier critère à modéliser est I'acceptation sociale qui permet de discrétiser spatialement la zone d'étude. Cette modélisation vise une segmentation de I'espace maritime suivant son potentiel à réduire les conflits. L'agrégation des différentes contraintes spatiales est obtenue en utilisant la méthode Electre III. Des modèles de coût et de production énergétique ont été ensuite intégrés en prenant en compte la possibilité de combiner plusieurs technologies. Les sites d'installations proposés sont définis par I'intersection de la carte d'acceptabilité avec les cartes relatives aux contraintes géographiques intervenant dans I'estimation du coût de l'énergie produite. La technologie utilisée, les principaux paramètres de dimensionnement des machines et les caractéristiques géographiques des sites d'installation permettent l'évaluation des deux derniers critères. Pour chaque site d'implantation, les machines offrant le meilleur compromis coût/ énergie produite sont identifiées grâce à un algorithme génétique. La méthode d'analyse multicritères Electre III est également appliquée dans le processus de décision final incluant les trois critères. Un classement des différentes régions de I'espace maritime, auxquelles une machine optimisée est associée, est obtenu. Ce classement est adapté à la vision du problème des décideurs grâce aux possibilités de paramétrage des différents critères dans Electre. / The research developed in this thesis introduces a methodological approach whose objective is to facilitate the search of a favorable site for the installation of a marine energy converter park in the maritime domain. In order to efficiently install a marine energy farm in a suitable region, two main objectives are considered. The first one is to identify the best location for a given technology, and the second one aims is to find the optimal farm configuration and the most adequate technologies for a given region.The introduced methodology is based on a combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and an optimization algorithm. Three main criteria are considered in the approach: the global cost of the project, quantity of energy produced and social acceptance. The social acceptance criterion is evaluated by the MCA. The MCA retained is Electre III. The research develops a combination of Electre and GIS analysis that takes into account the conflicting nature of the different spatial constraints. The geographical dimension is taken into account thanks to a grid-oriented structural representation in which each elementary region is ranked according to the potentialities and the conflicts that may arise. The approach is complemented by the application of a genetic algorithm whose objective is to select the technical options for each spatial subdivision in order to optimize the criteria of cost and produced energy by the converters. The last step of the methodology applies Electre again to provide a decision-aid support. The whole approach generates a potential classification of the different sub-regions of the maritime space considered, according to the different technologies considered, and this by summarizing the three main criteria. Overall the method provides a decision-aid system based on the flexibility offered by the Electre parameters that can be used by both engineers and decisionmakers when studying the potentiality offered by the development of marine energy converters.

De l'émergence des risques à leur intégration dans une organisation : le cas de l'industrie de la construction / From the emergence of risks to their integration in an organization : the case of building sector

Duret, Roxane 28 November 2016 (has links)
Les grands groupes de l'industrie de la construction souhaitent intégrer le concept de prévention au sein de leurs organisations en recherchant des améliorations techniques et organisationnelles et en déployant des méthodes tantôt coercitives, tantôt participatives visant une maîtrise du facteur humain. L'objectif de cette industrie est de contrôler les risques inhérents aux chantiers dont il est possible de déterminer plusieurs classifications. Le point commun de ces dernières est leur finalité, c'est-à-dire établir une liste exhaustive d'un ensemble infini selon des critères variables. Après avoir analysé les différents facteurs influençant sur la genèse des risques dans un environnement aussi particulier qu'est celui des chantiers de bâtiment, nous proposons un modèle dynamique d'appréhension des risques et d'aide à la décision reposant sur la mobilisation de la TNI et de la théorie des représentations sociales. Plus spécifiquement, en considérant les propriétés des risques « émergents » actuels, nous nous interrogeons sur la pertinence des moyens mis en œuvre par l'organisation pour permettre leur intégration. / The major companies of the construction industry wish to integrate the concept of prevention within their organizations by seeking technical and organizational improvements and by implementing coercive or participatory methods whose goal is to deal with the human factor. This industry aims at controlling the risks inherent to the construction sites of which several classifications can be determined. Those classifications have in common their purpose, which is to draw up an exhaustive list from an infinite set according to variable criteria. After analyzing the different factors that influence the genesis of the risks in such a specific environment as the building sites, we propose a dynamic model for risk understanding and decision-making, based on the mobilization of the TNI and the Theory of social representations More specifically, considering the characteristics of the current emerging risks, we wonder about the relevance of the means implemented by the organization towards their integration.

(RE)Configuração das capacidades no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e conversão em produtos e serviços

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2011 (has links)
As tecnologias radicalmente novas geram lucros por meio da conversão eficiente em processos, produtos e serviços. Entretanto, para esta conversão, empresas necessitam desenvolver novas capacidades e aprimorar as existentes para tornarem-se empresas aptas ao desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos produtos. Esta tese apresenta uma sistemática para a avaliação da evolução e (re)configuração das capacidades para a gestão do Processo de Conversão de Tecnologia em Produtos e Serviços (PCTPS). Este tipo de avaliação adequa-se no contexto de projetos de desenvolvimento radicais, como o que ocorre em novas empresas de base tecnológica, com destaque às empresas do tipo spin-off acadêmico. A sistemática foi representada por meio de um framework de forma a atender as premissas identificadas a partir da literatura. Para fins de avaliação das capacidades, foram elaborados constructos de níveis de desenvolvimento e de ajuste de capacidades e, a partir destes, foram propostas métricas para avaliação. A sistemática e seus componentes foram validados através da avaliação junto a especialistas, análise experimental e simulação e aplicação em um estudo de caso de um empreendimento liderado por uma spin-off acadêmica para análise de usabilidade. Para operacionalizar a sistemática proposta, métodos, formulários e índices foram incorporados em uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta apresenta-se como um método de decisão multicriterial, com uma estrutura de combinação dos índices e de elaboração de relatórios. A sistemática auxilia as empresas a avaliarem suas capacidades e identificar como combiná-las e desenvolve-las para criar uma estrutura organizacional com políticas e rotinas definidas para coordenar e (re)configurar suas capacidades na condução do PCTPS. / Radically new technologies only generate returns by their efficient conversion into processes, products and services. However, enterprises need to develop new capabilities and improve the existing ones to become able to the development and commercialization of new products. This thesis presents, in the context of process of technology conversion to products and services, a model for performance measurement through the capabilities evolution and (re)configuration. This kind of evaluation is adequate in the context of radical development projects, as ones occurring in new technology based companies, with distinction to academic spin-off companies. The model was initially composed by a framework that incorporated and attended the promises identified from the literature. This framework was then embodied with tools and practices. To enable the capabilities evaluation, were defined the constructs for measurement of capabilities adjustment and development levels. From these constructs, the metrics for evaluation were proposed. The model was validated by evaluation with specialists, experimental and simulation analysis and usability test in a case. Methods, forms, and indexes were incorporated in a tool to enable the model operationalization. This tool was designed as a multi-criteria decision method that presents a structure for index combining and for report elaboration. The model supports the companies to evaluate their capabilities and identify how to combine them and develop them to create an organizational structure. This evaluation is understood as a guide for policies and routines definition in the process of coordination and (re)configuration of capabilities during the conduction of the new technologies conversion into processes, products and services.

Management de portefeuilles de projets : modèles multicritère d'évaluation, de sélection et d'argumentation / Project portfolio management : multicriteria models for evaluation, selection and argumentation

Dehouche, Nassim 14 May 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse traite du processus d’évaluation et de sélection de projets sur la base de critères multiples. Outre la capacité du modèle à permettre une identification efficace des meilleurs projets et leur intégration à un portefeuille, l’équité et la transparence sont des considérations importantes dans la conception de modèles d’appui à ce processus. Nous proposons un cadre de travail général pour l’évaluation de projets, Il reprend les codes de l’analyse SWOT, dont de nombreuses organisations orientées projets sont familières. Nos contributions apportent des éléments de réponse à la question de « l’après SWOT », à laquelle ces organisations peuvent éprouver des difficultés à répondre. Dans ce cadre de travail, nous introduisons et discutons un modèle de préférences permettant de mesurer l’importance des critères sur deux dimensions, représentant de manière indépendante leurs capacités de conviction et d’opposition. Suivant l’évaluation et en préalable à la sélection, le filtrage consiste à écarter les projets trop inadéquats. Nous proposons un mécanisme basé sur la dominance pour effectuer cette opération. Nous proposons, enfin, deux méthodes de sélection de projets, chacune étant basée sur une procédure d’agrégation multicritère originale. La première méthode, SPADE (pour Structure de Préférence pour l’Aide à la Décision) est une approche de surclassement, destinée à des contextes où les préférences exprimées concernent essentiellement les projets individuels, et dans lesquels les décisions concernant un projet peuvent être argumentées en référence à des projets tiers. Nous garantissons la validité théorique de SPADE, en amont, ce qui permet un temps de mise en œuvre réduit et une utilisation en temps réel. En pratique, nous illustrons l’application de SPADE, en la comparant à deux autres approches d’aide multicritères à la décision, MAUT et ELECTRE, en mettant en exergue ses spécificités. La seconde méthode, RADAR (Règles d’Aide à la Décision et à l’ARgumentation) est une approche à base de règles logiques. Elle est destinée à des contextes plus contraints dans lesquels les préférences exprimées concernent à la fois les projets individuels, mais aussi le portefeuille de projets (degré de diversification, budget total, etc.). De plus, l'argumentation des décisions est ici basée exclusivement sur la qualité intrinsèque des projets en référence à une norme fixe. RADAR permet également la construction automatique de tels arguments. Nous proposons un programme linéaire en variable mixtes permettant de valider théoriquement cette approche. Cependant, sa résolution est nécessaire à chaque mise en œuvre de RADAR, ce qui limite l’application de cette approche au temps différé. Nous illustrons une telle application sur un jeu de données représentant des évaluations de projets financés par le Fond des Nations Unies pour la Démocratie (UNDEF). / Project portfolio management (PPM) involves the use of methods and tools, allowing an organization to plan, evaluate, analyze and screen the execution of a set of projects or project proposals, sharing common resources or aiming at the attainment of common objectives. Multicriteria decision aid models are useful tools to support this process, given their ability to accurately model preferences, and rationally agregate points of view. However, existing models present some lacks that limit their use outside of academic circles : (i) They neglect the non-symetrical nature of the importance of some criteria that are relevant in PPM. (ii) The black box effect makes it hard to use them for the argumentation of decisions and to gain their acceptance by users (iii) They are implicitly fitted for private/for-profit projects, which limits their use in public organizations. In this thesis, our contribution consists in proposing two multicriteria methods for supporting the activities of evaluating, selecting and arguing decision, for project portfolio management. We propose: (i) An analysis of the specific features of public and private projects and their consequences for decision support (ii) A framework that allows an independent modeling of the abilities of a criterion to oppose and convince (iii) Two transparent multicriteria agregation procedures, fitted for different decision contexts. We ensure the theoretical validity of our approaches and illustrate their applicability on real data, with satisfying results.

(RE)Configuração das capacidades no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e conversão em produtos e serviços

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2011 (has links)
As tecnologias radicalmente novas geram lucros por meio da conversão eficiente em processos, produtos e serviços. Entretanto, para esta conversão, empresas necessitam desenvolver novas capacidades e aprimorar as existentes para tornarem-se empresas aptas ao desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos produtos. Esta tese apresenta uma sistemática para a avaliação da evolução e (re)configuração das capacidades para a gestão do Processo de Conversão de Tecnologia em Produtos e Serviços (PCTPS). Este tipo de avaliação adequa-se no contexto de projetos de desenvolvimento radicais, como o que ocorre em novas empresas de base tecnológica, com destaque às empresas do tipo spin-off acadêmico. A sistemática foi representada por meio de um framework de forma a atender as premissas identificadas a partir da literatura. Para fins de avaliação das capacidades, foram elaborados constructos de níveis de desenvolvimento e de ajuste de capacidades e, a partir destes, foram propostas métricas para avaliação. A sistemática e seus componentes foram validados através da avaliação junto a especialistas, análise experimental e simulação e aplicação em um estudo de caso de um empreendimento liderado por uma spin-off acadêmica para análise de usabilidade. Para operacionalizar a sistemática proposta, métodos, formulários e índices foram incorporados em uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta apresenta-se como um método de decisão multicriterial, com uma estrutura de combinação dos índices e de elaboração de relatórios. A sistemática auxilia as empresas a avaliarem suas capacidades e identificar como combiná-las e desenvolve-las para criar uma estrutura organizacional com políticas e rotinas definidas para coordenar e (re)configurar suas capacidades na condução do PCTPS. / Radically new technologies only generate returns by their efficient conversion into processes, products and services. However, enterprises need to develop new capabilities and improve the existing ones to become able to the development and commercialization of new products. This thesis presents, in the context of process of technology conversion to products and services, a model for performance measurement through the capabilities evolution and (re)configuration. This kind of evaluation is adequate in the context of radical development projects, as ones occurring in new technology based companies, with distinction to academic spin-off companies. The model was initially composed by a framework that incorporated and attended the promises identified from the literature. This framework was then embodied with tools and practices. To enable the capabilities evaluation, were defined the constructs for measurement of capabilities adjustment and development levels. From these constructs, the metrics for evaluation were proposed. The model was validated by evaluation with specialists, experimental and simulation analysis and usability test in a case. Methods, forms, and indexes were incorporated in a tool to enable the model operationalization. This tool was designed as a multi-criteria decision method that presents a structure for index combining and for report elaboration. The model supports the companies to evaluate their capabilities and identify how to combine them and develop them to create an organizational structure. This evaluation is understood as a guide for policies and routines definition in the process of coordination and (re)configuration of capabilities during the conduction of the new technologies conversion into processes, products and services.

Avaliação energética, econômica e socioambiental de alternativas para sistemas de transportes urbanos coletivos a partir do modelo de apoio multicritério à decisão / Energy, economic and socio-environmental evaluation of alternatives for urban transport systems based on the multicriteria decision support model.

Guilherme Pedroso 15 December 2017 (has links)
Essa pesquisa tem como foco a tomada de decisão para a escolha de modais de transporte urbano coletivo e analisa os desempenhos operacionais e funcionais dos sistemas Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Veículo Leve sobre Trilhos (VLT) e Monotrilho. Um modelo de apoio multicritério à decisão (AMD) em cenários complexos é utilizado na análise e tem como dados de entrada as preferências subjetivas de agentes de decisão (stakeholders) e os desempenhos objetivos e subjetivos dos três modais com relação a um sistema de cinco critérios e 22 subcritérios. Tal sistema cobre os eixos de eficiência energética, custo, viabilidade econômica e financeira, qualidade da viagem e impactos ambientais. Stakeholders selecionados com perfis de operador, vizinho, usuário, fornecedor de equipamentos e serviços e consultor em transportes urbanos atribuem suas preferências, pontuando-as em escala numérica de 1 a 9. Visando a aplicação do modelo na região da cidade de São Paulo, foram coletadas 138 opiniões de preferências através de formulários de avaliação e entrevistas conduzidas nessa região. Cada um dos três modais, após ser configurado para atender aos requisitos operacionais e funcionais do serviço de transporte definido por uma unidade funcional comum, tem os seus desempenhos com relação ao mesmo conjunto de critérios e subcritérios pontuados em uma escala numérica. Um índice global (IG), que define a prioridade de cada alternativa, é obtido pela agregação das preferências e desempenhos com uma função aditiva. O modelo foi aplicado em um estudo de caso que simulou a operação dos três modais no trecho entre as estações Vila Prudente e São Mateus da Linha 15 do Metrô de São Paulo, cujos requisitos definiram a unidade funcional. Dentro dos limites e premissas estabelecidas para o estudo de caso, os índices globais calculados indicaram a preferência pelo modal Monotrilho, seguido, na ordem, pelo VLT e BRT. / This research focuses on decision-making support methods to choice public urban transport modes and analyzes the operational and functional performances of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Monorail systems. A multicriteria decision aided model (MDAM) in complex scenarios is used in the analysis and has as input data the subjective preferences of stakeholders and the objective and subjective performances of the three modalities in relation to a set of five criteria and 22 subcriteria. This system covers the axes of energy efficiency, cost, economic and financial feasibility, travel quality and environmental impacts. Stakeholders selected with profiles of operator, neighbor, user, equipment and service provider and consultant in urban transport assign their preferences, scoring them on a numerical scale from 1 to 9. In order to apply the model in the region of the city of São Paulo, 138 opinions were collected through evaluation forms and interviews conducted in that region. Each of the three modes, once configured to meet the operational and functional requirements of the transport service defined by a common functional unit, has its performances against the same set of criteria and subcriteria scored on a numerical scale. A global index (GI), which defines the priority of each alternative, is obtained by aggregating the preferences and performances according to an additive function. The MDAM model was applied in a case study that has simulated the operation of the three transport modalities in the stretch between the stations Vila Prudente and São Mateus of the Line 15 of the São Paulo Metro, whose general requirements did define the functional unit of the case. Within the limits and assumptions defined for the case study, the calculated global indices indicated the first preference for the Monorail modal, followed, in sequence, by the LRT and BRT.

(RE)Configuração das capacidades no desenvolvimento de tecnologia e conversão em produtos e serviços

Gusberti, Tomoe Daniela Hamanaka January 2011 (has links)
As tecnologias radicalmente novas geram lucros por meio da conversão eficiente em processos, produtos e serviços. Entretanto, para esta conversão, empresas necessitam desenvolver novas capacidades e aprimorar as existentes para tornarem-se empresas aptas ao desenvolvimento e comercialização de novos produtos. Esta tese apresenta uma sistemática para a avaliação da evolução e (re)configuração das capacidades para a gestão do Processo de Conversão de Tecnologia em Produtos e Serviços (PCTPS). Este tipo de avaliação adequa-se no contexto de projetos de desenvolvimento radicais, como o que ocorre em novas empresas de base tecnológica, com destaque às empresas do tipo spin-off acadêmico. A sistemática foi representada por meio de um framework de forma a atender as premissas identificadas a partir da literatura. Para fins de avaliação das capacidades, foram elaborados constructos de níveis de desenvolvimento e de ajuste de capacidades e, a partir destes, foram propostas métricas para avaliação. A sistemática e seus componentes foram validados através da avaliação junto a especialistas, análise experimental e simulação e aplicação em um estudo de caso de um empreendimento liderado por uma spin-off acadêmica para análise de usabilidade. Para operacionalizar a sistemática proposta, métodos, formulários e índices foram incorporados em uma ferramenta. Esta ferramenta apresenta-se como um método de decisão multicriterial, com uma estrutura de combinação dos índices e de elaboração de relatórios. A sistemática auxilia as empresas a avaliarem suas capacidades e identificar como combiná-las e desenvolve-las para criar uma estrutura organizacional com políticas e rotinas definidas para coordenar e (re)configurar suas capacidades na condução do PCTPS. / Radically new technologies only generate returns by their efficient conversion into processes, products and services. However, enterprises need to develop new capabilities and improve the existing ones to become able to the development and commercialization of new products. This thesis presents, in the context of process of technology conversion to products and services, a model for performance measurement through the capabilities evolution and (re)configuration. This kind of evaluation is adequate in the context of radical development projects, as ones occurring in new technology based companies, with distinction to academic spin-off companies. The model was initially composed by a framework that incorporated and attended the promises identified from the literature. This framework was then embodied with tools and practices. To enable the capabilities evaluation, were defined the constructs for measurement of capabilities adjustment and development levels. From these constructs, the metrics for evaluation were proposed. The model was validated by evaluation with specialists, experimental and simulation analysis and usability test in a case. Methods, forms, and indexes were incorporated in a tool to enable the model operationalization. This tool was designed as a multi-criteria decision method that presents a structure for index combining and for report elaboration. The model supports the companies to evaluate their capabilities and identify how to combine them and develop them to create an organizational structure. This evaluation is understood as a guide for policies and routines definition in the process of coordination and (re)configuration of capabilities during the conduction of the new technologies conversion into processes, products and services.

An analysis of homicides in Recife, Brazil

PEREIRA, Débora Viana e Sousa 01 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T14:34:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Debora_Pereira_thesis.pdf: 4477202 bytes, checksum: 0af71560a8db492ecea51ebedad76427 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-01 / FACEPE / CAPES / In Brazil, since 2000, approximately 50,000 people are murdered every year. In a span of 30 years (1980 – 2010), more than 1 million homicides were registered. In 2012, the homicide rate in Brazil was 29 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. All Brazilian states exceed the threshold of epidemic established by World Health Organization. In this context, the present study has the objective of to investigate homicides in Recife, taking into account temporal, spatial, environmental, and multicriteria analysis. The temporal analysis shows that the difference of homicides between seasons and months is not statistically significant. However, there is a significant increase in homicides during the weekends (42 percent of all homicides) and evenings (62 percent). Moreover, the spatial results show that the spatial patterns are different within the temporal dimensions in many cases. The findings from spatial analysis reveal that homicides are very concentrated in the city of Recife and in a time span of five years (20092013) all the homicides occurred in less than 10 percent of the street segments. In addition, our test showed that the spatial pattern was not stable over the years. However, when we consider the temporal dimensions (as suggested by temporal analysis), the patterns were stable along the years – except for weekdays and night/dawn. Furthermore, through the environmental analysis, we found that inequality, rented houses, and number of residents have a positive relationship with homicide. On the other hand, income, education, public illumination, population density, and street network density have a negative relationship. The findings of these analyses indicate that homicide in Recife can be understood by the perspective of social disorganization theory and routine activity theory. Finally, multicriteria approach was applied to highlight vulnerable areas to homicide in Recife. We considered six variables to evaluate vulnerability and the areas were identified by PROMETHEE II method and local Moran’s I. Other application was made in Boa Viagem neighborhood, so we were able to perform a more detailed analysis. Three different approaches were tested for Boa Viagem and we suggested some actions in order to reduce criminality in long term. / No Brasil, desde 2000, aproximadamente 50,000 foram mortas todos os anos. Em um espaço de 30 anos (1980 – 2000), mais de 1 milhão de homicídios foram registrados. Em 2012, a taxa de homicídio no Brasil era 29 homicídios para cada 100,000 habitantes. Todos os estados brasileiros excedem o limite de epidemia estabelecido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de investigar os homicídios em Recife, levando em consideração análises temporal, espacial, ambiental e multicritério. A análise temporal mostra que a diferença de homicídios entre estações do ano e meses não é estatisticamente significativa. Porém, existe um aumento significante de homicídios durante os finais de semana (42 por cento de todos os homicídios) e noites (62 por cento). E ainda, os resultados espaciais mostram que os padrões espaciais são diferentes dento das dimensões temporais em muitos casos. Os achados da análise espacial revelam que homicídios são muito concentrados na cidade do Recife e que em um espaço de tempo de cinco anos (2009-2013) todos os homicídios ocorreram em menos de 10 por cento dos segmentos de rua. E ainda, o teste do padrão dos pontos espaciais mostrou que os padrões espaciais não foram estáveis no decorrer dos anos. Porém, quando se considera das dimensões temporais (como sugerido pela análise temporal), os padrões foram estáveis ao longo dos anos – com exceção de dias de semana e noites/madrugadas. Além disso, através da análise ambiental encontrou-se que desigualdade, casas alugadas e número de residentes têm uma relação positiva com homicídio. Por outro lado, renda, educação, iluminação pública, densidade populacional e densidade da rede de ruas têm uma relação negativa. Os achados dessas análises indicam que os homicídios em Recife podem ser entendidos pela perspectiva da teoria da desorganização social e da teoria das atividades de rotina. Finalmente, abordagem multicritério foi aplicada para destacar áreas vulneráveis aos homicídios em Recife. Considerou-se seis variáveis para avaliar a vulnerabilidade e as áreas foram identificados pelo PROMETHEE II e pelo índice local de Moran. Outra aplicação foi feita no bairro de Boa Viagem e foi possível realizar uma análise mais detalhada. Três diferentes abordagens foram testadas para Boa Viagem e sugeriu-se algumas ações no sentido de reduzir a criminalidade no longo prazo.

On the use of multicriteria ranking methods in sorting problems / Utilisation des méthodes de rangements multicritères dans les problèmes de tri

Nemery De Bellevaux, Philippe 29 November 2008 (has links)
Notre thèse est consacrée à l’étude des méthodes de rangements multicritères dans le cadre de la problématique de tri.<p> <p>Dans un problème de tri une personne, appelée décideur, désire assigner un objet, appelé action, à des catégories prédéfinies. Des problèmes de tri surgissent régulièrement dans la vie de tous les jours. Par exemple, un médecin ausculte son patient et sur base des symptômes observés, il assigne son patient à une catégorie de pathologies. Ainsi, le médecin peut prescrire un traitement approprié. Par ailleurs, on catégorise les cyclones tropicaux en fonction de leur vitesse, pression superficielle et de la hauteur de marée. En fonction de la catégorie du cyclone, des dégâts éventuels peuvent être prédits et des mesures de protection adéquates devront être prises. <p> <p>Dans un problème de tri, un décideur regroupe ainsi les actions qu’il considère similaires, à des fins descriptives, organisationnelles ou préventives. Nous supposerons en outre que le décideur exprime une relation de préférence entre les classes préalablement définies.<p> <p>D’autre part, les méthodes de rangement permettent de ranger les actions de la meilleure à la moins bonne. Nul étudiant ne peut nier l’existence des " rankings " d’universités. Une société ordonne les candidats à l’issue d’un entretien d’embauche. Une société désire par ailleurs établir des partenariats avec les fournisseurs les plus performants. Nous sommes tous confrontés à cette tâche délicate de ranger les actions de la meilleure à la moins bonne. Les méthodes d’aide à la décision proposent des techniques permettant à un décideur d’obtenir un rangement d’actions.<p> <p>L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier la possibilité de résoudre des problèmes de tri à l’aide de méthodes de rangement. L’approche adoptée est de ranger une action particulière par rapport à des normes ou profils définissant les catégories. L’assignation de l’action sera dès lors basée sur sa position dans ce rangement particulier.<p> <p>Quelles sont les hypothèses nécessaires pour un tel modèle ?Ces méthodes présentent-elles un biais ou ont-elles d’autres avantages par rapport aux méthodes de tri existantes? Est-il préférable de modéliser les catégories à l’aide de critères même si celles-ci ne présentent pas de relation de préférence ?Dans cette thèse nous donnerons des premiers éléments de réponse en développant de nouvelles méthodes de tri basées sur des méthodes de rangement existantes.<p> <p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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