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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reformas financeiras liberalizantes em democracias emergentes de mercado - o caso do Brasil / Liberal financial reforms im emerging market democracy: the Brazil´s case - the institutional building of safety nets for the Brazilian financial system from the cooperative game between an international organization (BIS) and the local monetary authority (BACEN)

Moisés da Silva Marques 04 April 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho busca revisitar as teorias existentes sobre reformas econômicas e democratização, em especial no que concerne às reformas financeiras liberalizantes. De acordo com o saber convencional, normalmente essas reformas afetam de modo negativo as democracias, colocando em perigo a construção de boas instituições para a sua consolidação. Ao analisar de forma mais detida a relação entre as reformas financeiras levadas a cabo pelo Banco Central do Brasil, a partir de uma conjuntura crítica ocorrida no início de 1999, e a padronização de instituições para o incremento da Supervisão Bancária, oriunda do BIS ? Banco para Compensações Internacionais, resolvemos questionar a validade universal dessa literatura ao argumentar que a construção de redes de proteção para o sistema financeiro brasileiro, num contexto de crise e oportunidades, foi possibilitado por uma maior cooperação entre esse organismo financeiro internacional e a autoridade monetária local. A contrapartida para o reforço de autoridade do Banco Central e a conseqüente implementação de instituições para a reforma financeira, no Brasil, foi um aumento da transparência das ações da autoridade monetária, concomitante a uma melhoria em seu processo de prestação de contas e responsabilização pública. A reconstrução das trajetórias que levaram a essa convergência entre um organismo internacional e uma autoridade local, numa democracia emergente de mercado, parece ser a chave para o entendimento das peculiaridades que redundaram nas falhas dos modelos unificadores de institucionalização, como aqueles preconizados pelo Consenso de Washington e adotados por outras organizações financeiras, por exemplo, o Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) / This thesis aims to review the well-established theories of economic reforms and democratization. The object will focus especially on the so called \"liberal financial reforms\". According to conventional wisdom, these reforms normally affect democracies deeply and jeopardize the building of sound institutions towards their consolidation. We decided to debate the universal validity of this conventional literature using the argument that the institutional building of safety nets for the Brazilian financial system - in a context of crisis and opportunities - was possible as a result of the cooperative game between an international financial organization (BIS) and the local monetary authority (BACEN). We will do that by analyzing the relation between these financial reforms led by Brazilian Central Bank more accurately, arising from a critical juncture occurred at the beginning of 1999, and the standardization of institutions for the improvement of banking supervision originated from BIS -Bank for International Settlements. The counterbalance to the reinforcement of central bank authority and the consequent implementation of institutions for the financial reform in Brazil was the increased monetary authority acts transparency and the simultaneous improvement of its mechanisms of political accountability. The study of path sequence that led to the convergence of the intentions of an international organization and a local political authority, in a emerging market democracy, seems to be the key to the comprehension of the peculiarities that resulted in the failure of the remedies that recommended a \"single model\" for the success of these reforms in new democracies, like the ones prescribed by the Washington Consensus, which were adopted by several organizations, including the International Monetary Fund - IMF

The Meaning of Leadership in Political Systems

Langlais, Stéphane January 2014 (has links)
In today’ democracies, we, citizens, elect individuals to represent us, to talk on our behalf. In this way, political leaders embody the beliefs, wishes, and will of populations, and must act as citizens’ representatives. However, nowadays, a crisis of confidence seems emerge between citizens and politicians. The particular leadership pacing political systems can give to us an interesting point of view to understand this phenomenon. In this way, it is essential, for all of us, citizens, to understand what define us as such, what is our role, what kind of power is in our hands. It is also necessary to understand what the role of politicians elected as representatives is. More significantly, it is a necessity for all of us to have a critical look about what the core components of our societies are. Thereby, in this thesis, I give an enlighten point of view about the meaning of leadership in political systems. I hold six different perspectives in the aim of emphasizing the components of political systems, our role of citizens, and the role of political leaders. Those six perspectives are the following: the reasons explaining the emergence of societies, the role and the explanations about the existence of political parties, the characteristics of political leaders, the characteristics of citizens as political followers, the importance of the authenticity in political systems and finally the moral and ethical dimension as a necessity in the way to handle power.

Nové chápání korupce a legitimity EU / New understanding of corruption and EU legitimacy

Tudjarovska Gjorgjievska, Emilija January 2021 (has links)
This research aims to investigate the causal linkages between the EU democratic legitimacy and the crises of representative democracies in the field of anti-corruption. The threats of corruption to the EU democratic legitimacy and the approach in handling this negative phenomenon is seen as a symptom of a more profound crisis of the EU integration project. The mutual interdependence between the EU and it is member states in delivering the standards of democracy, it's values and principles is seen through legitimation as an act of actual justification. This actual exercise of the EU indirect legitimacy in normative terms is translated into action through the key actors of representative democracies on a national level, the national parliaments and the political parties. However, the role of the parliaments and the party democracy in the broader EU context, especially evident in Central-East Europe (CEE), has been challenged and weak, suggesting hollowness of democracy. This status has been also challenged by the misuse of political power for private gains, as a general understanding of corruption, also adopted by the EU. However, the mutual reinforcement of corruption and the hollowness of democracy have remained under-acknowledged in the broader neoliberal context. The reasons behind are few:...

The European Court of Justice and social policy : a mixed methods analysis of preliminary references from the EU-15, 1996-2009

Sigafoos, Jennifer A. January 2011 (has links)
Although social policy was once perceived to be solely within the purview of the nation state, there has been a move toward a more European social policy. The European Court of Justice for the European Communities (‘Court of Justice’ or ‘Court’) determines the scope of European law and how it affects national welfare states. The court’s decisions will affect not only the national law of the member states with regard to social policy but also the direction of European social policy as it expands. However, the ECJ does not choose the policy areas in which it makes its decisions, but instead reacts to the preliminary references that are sent by the national courts of the Member States. These preliminary references from the Member States will set the Court’s agenda. Preliminary references are unevenly distributed across the Member States of the EU, and some Member States’ preliminary references are concentrated in particular policy areas. The jurisprudence of the Court, and consequently the social policy of the EU, could be steered by this uneven distribution. This thesis will answer the threshold question of why scholars of social policy should care about the Court of Justice, with a legal analysis of some key themes in the Court’s decisions in the area of social policy. It will then employ a mixed methods research design to explain the variation in rates of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15. First, a Time Series Cross-Section (TSCS) model will be used to test a series of hypotheses generated from the literature, and three novel hypotheses, in a dataset of social policy preliminary references from the EU-15 from 1996 to 2009. Next, a Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) (Ragin 2000) will group the variables that were found to be significant into sets of conditions, or ‘causal pathways,’ that lead to higher and lower rates of social policy preliminary references. Finally, two qualitative case studies will be conducted, in the UK and France. Analysis of documentary evidence and 25 expert interviews in the two member states and at the Court of Justice will further explain and illuminate the differing usage of preliminary reference process. The analysis of the mixed methods is integrated in the final stage. Implications for the direction of EU law related to social policy and the future development of European social policy will be considered in the concluding chapter.

The anthropological construction of Czech identity : academic and popular discourses of identity in 20th century Bohemia

Vimont, Michael January 2015 (has links)
Through close textual analysis of 20<sup>th</sup> century Czech anthropological texts from the Revivalist and Socialist periods and contemporary social research conducted after the Velvet Revolution, I demonstrate certain prominent discourses of identity developed in early Bohemian anthropology and their continuities in present day popular discourses. In each period, identity is deeply intertwined with teleological theories of history with Czech populations at the apex of cultural evolutionary development. In the Revivalist period this apex was believed to be the democratic nation state, transitioning to a Marxist nation state in the Socialist period, and in the contemporary period is conceived of as a neoliberal nation state. A major function of anthropology in the Revivalist and Socialist periods was to legitimate either period’s respective teleological theory and Czech possession of relevant values as 'objective' and 'natural' fact, a general mode of discourse which continued in the contemporary period in numerous editorials in the 1990s on the advantages of capitalism. The contemporary manifestation has particularly noteworthy consequences for the Roma minority, which I argue has provided Czech discourses with an ethnic category 'anti-thetical' to their own identity, providing a 'repository' for negative Czech self-stereotypes emerging from collaboration in the Socialist period.


小野, 耕二 07 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:13620086 研究代表者:小野 耕二 研究期間:2001-2002年度

Strength in Numbers: Social Identity, Political Ambition, and Group-based Legislative Party Switching

Tunkis, Peter Jan 07 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.

La contribution de l’Eglise catholique à la défense de la paix sous le pontificat de Jean Paul II / The contribution of the catholic Church to the defense of peace under John Paul II pontificate

ZINSOUGA DEHOTO, Léandre Sourou 27 January 2012 (has links)
Eglise et Etat, ont en commun le même domaine d’action : le cadre de la société nationale et internationale. Ils ont pour mission la promotion du bien commun intégral de l’homme, de donner sens à la vie et de créer les conditions de l’épanouissement de la sécurité humaine. Pourtant, les politiques ont toujours tendance à s’affranchir du regard du religieux, à se couper de la source transcendante dont les religions sont les dépositaires. Dans les faits, cette séparation du religieux et du politique crée des situations complexes et conflictuelles. Le ré-enchantement de la religion dans les démocraties laïques, est la signature des rapports complexes, mais nécessaires entre le religieux et le politique. Ainsi donc, la frontière entre le temporel et le spirituel reste difficilement définissable; les alliances et les mésalliances du religieux et du politique influencent énormément les problématiques de sécurité et de paix. Alors quelles contributions la religion, en occurrence l’Eglise catholique, peut-elle apporter à la problématique de la sécurité et de la paix? Le pontificat de Jean-Paul II a initié pour la défense des droits de la personne humaine et de sa dignité un projet d’action à l’échelle de la planète. Ces multiples voyages où les dimensions religieuse et politique se répondent et s’imbriquent, ses nombreuses lettres encycliques, ses homélies, ses allocutions devant les représentants des instances internationales et ses prises de positions osées et audacieuses sont caractéristiques de l’exception Jean-Paul II dans un monde en quête de paix et de sécurité. Avec lui, la catholicité de l’Eglise s’est exprimée au quotidien et a dévoilé le caractère spécifique de sa mission de service de l’humanité et du salut en Jésus-Christ. En revendiquant les droits de l’homme pour tous, le pape met l’accent sur une catégorie de droits à la fois la plus universelle et la plus vilipendée dans les systèmes politiques en occurrence dans le marxisme. Jean-Paul II est crédité de politique d’intervention tous azimuts et de présence extrêmement diversifiée. Loin de conclure à un éparpillement désordonné, sa pensée est unifiée et axée sur l’homme comme valeur centrale et primordiale et comme point de focalisation de toutes ses attentions. / Church and State have the same field of action in common: the national and international setting. Their mission is to promote the common wellbeing of mankind, to give meaning to life and to create the proper environment for the fulfillment of human safety. However, politicians have always had the tendency to relieve themselves from the religious point of view, and to turn their back on the transcendental source which the religions safe keep. In fact, this separation of the religious and of the political creates complex and conflicting situations. The re enchantment of religion in secular democracies is the signature of complex but necessary relationships between the religious and the political. Thus, the boundary between worldly and spiritual matters remains hard to define; alliances and misalliances of the religious and the political greatly influence the security and peace problematic. So what contributions can the religion, in this instance the catholic Church, bring to the security and peace problematic?John Paul II pontificate initiated a world scale project in favor of the defense of human rights and dignity. His several trips during which the religious and political dimensions echo each others, his numerous encyclical letters, his homilies, his allocutions in front of representatives of international instances and his bold and daring opinions are characteristic of John Paul II exception in a world longing for peace and security. With him, the catholicity of the Church expressed itself daily and unveiled the specific character of its mission to serve humanity as well as of salvation through Jesus-Christ. By claiming human rights for all, the pope stresses a category of rights altogether the most universal and the most vilified in political systems, in this case Marxism. John-Paul II is credited of all-out interventionist political actions and of extremely diverse presence. Far from inferring a disorganized scattering, his mind is unified and centered around man as the central and foremost value and as the focal point of all his attentions.

How resisting democracies can defeat substate terrorism : formulating a theoretical framework for strategic coercion against nationalistic substate terrorist organizations

Berger, Michael Andrew January 2010 (has links)
The following dissertation develops a theoretical framework for guiding the strategy of democratic states in successfully countering the hostilities of nationalistic substate terrorist organizations (NSTOs), and effectively manipulating the terrorist group’s (and its supporting elements’) decision-making calculus. In particular, the theory of strategic coercion has been chosen as a basis for formulating this framework, based upon: 1) the invaluable guidance it offers in dynamically drawing upon all instruments of national power—economic, diplomatic, military, etc.—to accomplish politico-strategic objectives; and 2) the unique insights it provides into making strategic moves aimed at influencing the choices taken by an adversary. However, strategic coercion theory as it currently stands is inadequate for applications against substate terrorist organizations. As a quintessential cornerstone for prescriptive policy in strategic studies, such a looming deficiency vis-à-vis one the most important security threats of the modern age is unacceptable. The new theoretical framework established in this dissertation—entitled the Balance Theory of strategic coercion—addresses this deficiency. The Balance Theory stresses that three key coercive elements of strategic coercion are fundamentally important for successfully ending the hostilities posed by NSTOs, being: A) Isolation of external/international support; B) Denial; and C) Isolation of popular support. It posits that these three aspects of strategic coercion serve as the sine qua non for success in countering an NSTO’s campaign of violence and effectively manipulating its decision-making process. Implementation of these three elements, moreover, must be pursued in tandem, taking care so as not to sacrifice one aspect for the other. The Balance Theory is tested through the employment of case-study analysis. In pursuing this end, both cross-case and within-case analyses are performed, accompanied by the utilization of the methods of focused, structured comparison. The cases examined are those of: 1) The United Kingdom versus Republican NSTOs (1969-2007); and 2) Israel versus Palestinian NSTOs (1967-present). The dissertation concludes with an examination of how the Balance Theory may provide insights for the formulation of counter-terrorism strategy against Al Qaeda in the current "War on Terror".

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