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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialinių demografinių struktūrų kaita Lietuvos kaimo vietovėje 1989 - 2004 m / CHANGE OF SOCIAL DEMOGRAPHICAL STRUCTURES IN LITHUANIAN RURAL AREAS IN 1989 – 2004

Kestenytė, Neringa 13 June 2005 (has links)
According to provisional data, as of 1 June 2003, there were 279 thous. farms producing agricultural products (further – farms), whose land property consisted of one hectare of agricultural land or more, or whose agricultural land though being less than one hectare, gave income from agricultural products sales no less than forty minimum standards of living. Those farms had 2939 thous. ha land, of which 2542 thous. ha were agricultural land. On the average one farm had 10.6 ha of land, of which 9.1 were agricultural land. The average size of the farm in Lithuania is equal of a half average size of the farm in the EU as well as it is equal of the average farm size in Portugal. Some economic and social indices. The strategical plans of agriculture forecast two trends of farms development: specialized competitive farms, producing traditional products and supplying them to processing and trading companies; farms engaged in untraditional activity and producing ecological products, which realize their produce in market niches. Smaller cooperative farms will develop along with the large commodity production farms. The period of demographic transition ended in the 70ties when stabilization of demographic processes set in. Since 1989 till 2005 the rural population had reduced from 1188.0 to 1145.2 thou, i.e., only by 3.6. These were the lowest rates of rural population reduction in the second half of the 20th century. The recent stabilization of rural population is predetermined... [to full text]

Jaunimo požiūris į tautiškumą kaip vertybę ir jo išsaugojimo galimybės globalizacijos sąlygomis (Druskininkų miesto atvejis) / Young attitude towards national identity as a value and its conservation opportunities of globalization (Druskininkai town case)

Kručkaitė, Irma 27 June 2011 (has links)
Praėjęs dešimtmetis Lietuvai atnešė negatyvų demografinį rekordą. Pirmą kartą Lietuvos istorijoje taikiu periodu ir nesikeičiant šalies teritorijai nuo 1992 m. pradėjo mažėti gyventojų. Daug emigravo ir emigruoja. Aukštos kvalifikacijos darbuotojų emigracija. Savižudžių gausėjimas pirmauja Europoje. Mirtingumas ženkliai viršijo gimstamumą. Juk panaši situacija būdavo tik per karus, badmečius, kai dėl išorinių veiksnių labai padidėdavo gyventojų mirtingumas. O kur dar nesantuokinių vaikų gimimas, jau vejasi santuokoje gimusių vaikų skaičių. Šeima vienas iš institutų, kuris įskiepija, ugdo meilę tėvynei, tautinį tapatumą ir tautiškumą. Tad ar pavyks išsaugoti mūsų tautines vertybes, lietuviškumą, etninę kultūrą, tautinę savimonę kintančio pasaulio kontekste? Todėl kyla klausimas, koks gi jaunimo požiūris į tautiškumą kaip vertybę ar ji įtakoja jų elgseną bei savimonę. Darbo tikslas – ištirti, koks jaunimo požiūris į tautiškumą kaip vertybę, kokie veiksniai turi įtakos šio požiūrio formavimuisi. Tyrimo dalykas - jaunimo požiūris į tautiškumą kaip vertybę. Tyrimo objektas - Druskininkų miesto jaunimas. Uždaviniai: Apibendrinti vertybės sampratos teorinius aspektus; Apžvelgti tautiškumo aiškinimą įvairių sociologijos autorių darbuose; Išanalizuoti globalizacijos iššūkius tautiškumui; Remiantis atlikto tyrimo duomenimis, nustatyti, kaip reiškiasi tautiškumo ir jo išsaugojimo būdai. Tyrimo hipotezės: Tautiškumas, šiuolaikiniam jaunimui, nėra prioritetinė vertybė (pasitvirtino)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work was made by Irma Kruckaite, Political sociology master’s degree student of VPU Social sciences faculty Sociology and political sciences department. The subject of the work is young attitude towards national identity as a value and its conservation opportunities of globalization (Druskininkai town case). The director of the work is Dr. V. Senkus. The work size is 60 pages. The aim of work: explore what young people view about nationalism like value, what are the main factors affecting the formation of such an approach. For this purpose there were tasks raised: • Summarize the theoretical aspects of the concept of values. • An overview of the various sociological authors’ interpretations about nationality. • To analyze the challenges of globalization for nationality. • Based on research results to establish how nationality is expressed and its preservation ways. Hypotheses of the research: 1. Nationality for young people today, is not a priority value – was proved. Young people understand what is nationality, but the general answer is perception that young people represent not emigration if feel safe in Lithuania. Young people need motivation, that nationality wasn’t a burden but an asset to be transferred to their future generations. Nationality invaded the consciousness of people, the recovery of Lithuania's independence in 1990. But now it has spread dangerously overshadow people’s material poverty, social vulnerability. Young people are a passive observer; they... [to full text]

Demografski problemi Zapadnohercegovačke županije i njihov uticaj na morfološko-funkcionalne promene naselja / Demographic Problems of West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlements

Galić Jelica 06 November 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu se razmatraju demografski problemi regije Hercegovine s posebnim osvrtom na Zapadnohercegovačku županiju te njihov uticaj na morfolo&scaron;ko-funkcionalne promene naselja (gradova s pripadajućim naseljenim mestima) u pedesetogodi&scaron;njem &nbsp; vremenskom periodu,&nbsp; s naglaskom za vremenski period od&nbsp; 1961.&nbsp; do 2011. godine. &nbsp;Područje koje se analizira u ovome radu odnosi se na područje koje je funkcionalno vezano za Zapadnohercegovačku županiju, jednu od deset kantona/županija u FBiH. &nbsp;Proučavani prostor obuhvata 100 naseljenih mesta (četiri gradska naselja). U radu se analizira demografski razvitak, te međusobna povezanost demografskog i socio-ekonomskog razvitka naselja na području&nbsp;Zapadnohercegovačke županije te funkcionalno-morfolo&scaron;ke promene naselja. Zapadnohercegovačka županija tradicionalno je emigracijsko područje koje&nbsp;je već decenijama zahvaćeno procesom depopulacije. &Scaron;ire je područje značajnije počelo&nbsp;&nbsp; izumirati nakon Drugog svetskog rata, dok su&nbsp; gradski prostor i njegova okolina, inače centri imigracija, stvarali područja i žari&scaron;ta ekonomskog i op&scaron;teg razvitka Zapadnohercegovačke županije.&nbsp;Depopulaciju je u &nbsp;naseljenim mestima planinskog&nbsp; dela Županije (brdski prostori) pratilo napu&scaron;tanje tradicionalnih privrednih aktivnosti (u prvom redu zemljoradnje&nbsp; i stočarstva), do&scaron;lo je do pojave socijalnog pusto&scaron;enja, promena u krajoliku te&nbsp;izumiranja pojedinih naselja. Najznačajniji uticaj imali su znatno iseljavanje&nbsp; stanovni&scaron;tva u drugoj polovini 20. veka, direktne i indirektne posledice dvaju svetskih ratova, zatim različite epidemije, agrarna reforma, ekonomske krize koje su se u&nbsp;nekoliko navrata javljale tokom 20. veka. Tome su&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pridoneli i ostali faktori, kao &scaron;to su ekonomska emigracija od sredine &scaron;ezdesetih godina 20. veka, urbanizacija, industrijalizacija te snažan razvitak sredi&scaron;njih i prigradskih &nbsp;naselja. Deagrarizacija i&nbsp;deruralizacija, tranzicija nataliteta, rat na području Bosne i Hercegovine u prvoj polovini devedesetih godina 20. veka, te neprimerena populaciona politika,&nbsp; ostavile su traga na ovim područjima.&nbsp; S obzirom na dominantne demografske trendove u&nbsp;Županiji može se pretpostaviti da će reprodukcija, odnosno obnavljanje radne snage u budućnosti biti smanjeno. Naime, na navedenu će činjenicu uticati smanjenje stope prirodnog kretanja stanovni&scaron;tva prisutno na području &nbsp;Zapadnohercegovačke županije&nbsp; već nekoliko decenija, &scaron;to znači da će se smanjenje broja mladih stanovnika negativno odraziti na obim radne snage.&nbsp;</p><p>Depopulacija ima negativne posledice na funkcije naselja te na morfologiju naselja. U pojedinim naseljima je do&scaron;lo do promene u njihovoj strukturi i obliku osnove naselja, a gotovo sva naselja u Županiji imaju promene u fizionomiji.</p> / <p>This paper discusses the demographic problems of the region Herzegovina with special reference to the West Herzegovina County and their impact on the morphological and functional changes of settlements (cities with the belonging populated areas) in fifty years time, with particular emphasis on the period&nbsp;from 1961 to 2011. The area that is analyzed in this paper refers to the area that is functionally related to the West Herzegovina County, one of ten cantons/counties in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The studied area covers 100 settlements (four &nbsp;urban settlements). The paper analyzes the demographic development andinterconnection of demographic and socio&nbsp; -economic development of settlements &nbsp;in theWest&nbsp; Herzegovina&nbsp; County and functional and morphological changes of settlements.</p><p>West Herzegovina County&nbsp; is a traditional&nbsp; emigration area that has been affected by the process of depopulation for decades. Wider area&nbsp;began depopulating after World &nbsp;War II, while the urban area and its surroundings,&nbsp; which arein fact&nbsp; immigration centers, were creating areas and foci of economic and general development of West Herzegovina County. Depopulation in settled places of mountainous part of the County (mountain areas)&nbsp; was followed by the abandonment of traditional economic activities (primarily agriculture and animal husbandry).&nbsp;There&nbsp; was&nbsp; considerable social fallow as well as changes in the landscape and the extinction of some settlements. The emigration in the second half of the 20th century, the direct and indirect consequences of the two world wars, then various epidemics, agrarian reform, &nbsp;economic crises that have occurred on several occasions during the 20th century had &nbsp;the most significant influence on the depopulation in this area. Some &nbsp;other factors, such as the economic emigration from the mid-sixties of the 20th century, urbanization, industrialization and a strong development of central and suburban areas, contributed to this as well. Deagrarization and deruralization, fertility transition, the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of the nineties of the 20th &nbsp;century and inadequate population policy made their mark in this area.&nbsp;Concerning the dominant demographic trends in the County it can be assumed that the &nbsp;reproduction or recovery of the&nbsp; labor force in the future will be reduced. Namely, this fact will be&nbsp; affected by&nbsp; reduction in the rate of natural population&nbsp; growth that has been&nbsp; present in the area of&nbsp; West County for several decades, which&nbsp;means that the reduction in the &nbsp;number of young&nbsp;&nbsp; people has&nbsp; a negative impact on the volume of the &nbsp;labor force.</p><p>Depopulation has negative effects on the function of the village and the morphology of&nbsp;settlements. In some villages there is a change in their structure and form of the basics of the village, and almost all the villages in the County have a change in the &nbsp;physiognomy. The concentration of population and economic activities in urban and suburban area had also influence on the&nbsp; landscape change.&nbsp;Demographic processes, that have occurred in West County, affected the socio&nbsp; -&nbsp; economic,physiognomic and functional transformation of urban neighborhoods and some parts of the County.</p>

Multidimenzionalni pristup u proceni stanja oralnog zdravlja odraslog stanovništva Srbije / A multidimensional approach to oral health assessment of adult population in Serbia

Čanković Dušan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Oralno zdravlje predstavlja stanje zdravlja svih anatomskih i funkcionalnih delova usne duplje, jedan je od osnovnih elemenata blagostanja i važan pokazatelj kvaliteta života stanovni&scaron;tva. Podaci Svetske zdravstvene organizacije (SZO) ukazuju da je 15-20% svetskog stanovni&scaron;tva srednje životne dobi (starosti od 35 do 44 godine) pod rizikom od gubitka zuba, a oko 30% stanovni&scaron;tva starosti od 65 do 74 godine nema svoje zube. Oboljenja usta i zuba su jedan od vodećih javno zdravstvenih problema 21. veka u svetu i nalaze se na 4. mestu po visini tro&scaron;kova. Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi stanje oralnog zdravlja odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije starosne dobi 20 i vi&scaron;e godina i evaluiraju činioci koji na njega utiču. Istraživanje predstavlja deo nacionalne studije &ldquo;Istraživanje zdravlja stanovnika Srbije&rdquo; za 2013. godinu Ministarstva zdravlja Republike Srbije, koja je sprovedena u vidu studije preseka na reprezentativnom uzorku od 13690 ispitanika (53,8% žene i 46,2% mu&scaron;karci). U istraživanju su kori&scaron;ćene tri vrste upitnika koji su dizajnirani u skladu sa upitnikom Evropskog istraživanja zdravlja. Svaki ispitanik stariji za jednu godinu ima 8% veću &scaron;ansu da svoje oralno zdravlje oceni kao lo&scaron;e (OR=1.08; 95% IP=(1.07-1.09); p=0,000). Ispitanici sa blagim depresivnim simptomima i depresivnim poremećajima imaju 2,04 odnosno 3,48 puta veću &scaron;ansu da svoje oralno zdravlje ocene kao lo&scaron;e u odnosu na ispitanike koji nisu depresivni (OR=2.04; 95% IP=(1.28-3.26); p=0,003) (OR=3.48; 95% IP=(1.14-10.59); p=0,028). Žene imaju 30% veću &scaron;ansu da pripadnu povoljnoj kategoriji poseta stomatologu u odnosu na mu&scaron;karce (OR=0.70; 95% IP=(0.63-0.78); p=0,000). Ispitanici sa nižim i srednjim obrazovanjem imaju 5,70 odnosno 2,45 puta veću &scaron;ansu da svoje zube operu povremeno u odnosu na visoko obrazovane (OR=5.70; 95% IP=(4.35-7.48); p=0,000) (OR=2.45; 95% IP=(1.91-3.13); p=0,000). Ispitanici najsiroma&scaron;nijeg sloja imaju 4,88, siroma&scaron;nog sloja 3,73, srednjeg sloja 2,52 i bogatog sloja 2,01 put veću &scaron;ansu da izgube 10 i vi&scaron;e zuba u odnosu na najbogatiji sloj (OR=4.88; 95% IP=(2.95-8.08); p=0,000) (OR=3.73; 95% IP=(2.42-5.75); p=0,000) (OR=2.52; 95% IP=(1.69-3.76); p=0.000) (OR=2.01; 95% IP=(1.38-2.91); p=0,000). Biv&scaron;i pu&scaron;ači i pu&scaron;ači imaju 1,43 odnosno 2,80 puta veću &scaron;ansu da izgube 10 i vi&scaron;e zuba u odnosu na nepu&scaron;ače (OR=1.43; 95% IP=(1.00-2.03); p=0,046) (OR=2.80; 95% IP=(2.08-3.76); p=0,000). Najučestaliji prediktori oralnog zdravlja su žene, starije stanovni&scaron;tvo, niže obrazovanje, nezaposleno i neaktivno stanovni&scaron;tvo, najsiroma&scaron;niji i pu&scaron;ači.</p> / <p>Oral health represents health status of all anatomic and functional parts of oral cavity, it is one of the basic elements of well-being and important quality of life indicator. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 15-20% of world population aged 35-44 have risk of tooth loss, and about 30% population aged 65-74 does not have own teeth. Oral and dental diseases are one of the leading public health problems in 21st century and on the 4th place of the health care expenditure. The main aim of this research was to assess oral health of adult population in Serbia aged 20 years and older and to evaluate related factors. The research represents a part of &ldquo;National Health Survey in Serbia 2013&rdquo; implemented by The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, which was conducted as a cross-sectional study on the representative sample of adult population in Serbia. The study included 13690 examinees (53.8% females and 46.2% males). Three types of questionnaires which were designed according to the European Health Interview Survey were used. Every examinee older for one year had 8% greater odds to assess their oral health as bed (OR=1.08; 95% CI=(1.07-1.09); p=0.000). Respondents with mild depressive symptoms and depressive disorders had 2.04 and 3.48 times greater odds to assess their oral health as bed compared to one who were not depressed (OR=2.04; 95% CI=(1.28-3.26); p=0.003) (OR=3.48; 95% CI=(1.14-10.59); p=0.028). Females had 30% more odds to be in the category of affordable dental visit compared to men (OR=0.70; 95% CI=(0.63-0.78); p=0.000). Respondents with lower and middle level of education had 5.70 and 2.45 greater odds to brush their teeth occasionally compared to higher educated (OR=5.70; 95% CI=(4.35-7.48); p=0.000) (OR=2.45; 95% CI=(1.91-3.13); p=0.000). Respondents who belonged to the poorest class had 4.88, poorer 3.73, middle 2.52 and richer class 2.01 greater odds to lose 10 and more teeth compared to the richest (OR=4.88; 95% CI=(2.95-8.08); p=0.000) (OR=3.73; 95% CI=(2.42-5.75); p=0.000) (OR=2.52; 95% CI=(1.69-3.76); p=0.000) (OR=2.01; 95% CI=(1.38-2.91); p=0.000). Former smokers and smokers had 1.43 and 2.80 times greater odds to lose 10 and more teeth compared with non smokers (OR=1.43; 95% CI=(1.00-2.03); p=0.046) (OR=2.80; 95% CI=(2.08-3.76); p=0.000). The most frequent predictors of oral health are: women, elderly people, those with low educational attainment, unemployed, inactive and respondents who assessed their financial situation as poor and smokers.</p>

Uticaj psihosocijalnih i demografskih obeležja na kvalitet života bolesnika sa hroničnim hepatitisom C / The impact of psychological and demographic characteristics to the quality of life of patients with chronic hepatitis C

Kačavenda Babović Dragana 24 February 2017 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Hronična HCV infekcija je povezana sa nizom ekstrahepatičnih manifestacija, uključujući pojavu depresivnih i anksioznih simptoma, zamora, bolova u mi&scaron;ićima i zglobovima koji su povezani sa smanjenjem kvaliteta života u vezi sa zdravljem (HRQOL). Ciljevi istraživanja: Proceniti različite aspekte kvaliteta života bolesnika sa hroničnim hepatitisom C koji nisu na terapijskom tretmanu interferonom; Sagledati učestalost određenih psihosocijalnih obeležja (depresivnost, anksioznost, radni status, stepen obrazovanja) i njihovu povezanost sa kvalitetom života bolesnika sa hroničnim hepatitisom C koji nisu na terapijskom tretmanu, kao i ispitati povezanost osnovnih demografskih obeležja (starost, pol, bračno stanje) i kvaliteta života bolesnika sa hroničnim hepatitisom C; Ispitati povezanost osnovnih medicinskih obeležja vezanih za oboljenje (način prenosa infekcije, dužna infekcije, prisustvo ciroze) i kvaliteta života bolesnika sa hroničnim hepatitisom C. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivna studija u periodu od aprila 2013. do aprila 2015. godine na Klinici za infektivne bolesti Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu, Infektivnom odeljenju i u Službi za transfuziju krvi Op&scaron;te bolnice ,,Dr Radivoj Simonović&rdquo; u Somboru. Ispitano je 150 osoba, oba pola, obolelih od hroničnog hepatitisa C koji su činili studijsku grupu obolelih. U kontrolnoj grupi ispitano je ukupno 150 zdravih osoba, oba pola, uzrasta iznad 18 sličnih socio-demografskih karakteristika. Kvalitet života ispitan je pomoću upitnika: SF-36, CLDQ i HADS. Putem op&scaron;teg upitnika prikupljni su socio-demografski podaci o ispitanicima, kao i odeđena obeležja vezana za oboljenje. Rezultati: Sagledavanjem skorova upitnika SF-36 razlika u kvalitetu života između obolelih od hroničnog hepatitis C i kontrolne grupe je statistički značajna na svakom od pojedinačnih domena, ukupnom skoru SF-36 upitnika, Fizičkom kompozitnom skoru i Mentalnom kompozitnom skoru (p&lt; 0,000). Oboleli od hroničnog hepatitisa C pokazuju statistički značajno izraženiju depresivnost (t=3,37; p&lt;0,01) i anksioznost (t=2,35; p&lt;0,05) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Multiplom regresionom analizom utvrđeno je da se visok procenat depresivnosti (72%) može objasniti sa skupom prediktora koji su činili domeni kvaliteta života sa upitnika SF-36. Najveći parcijalni doprinos pojavi depresivnosti imaju tri domena kvaliteta života: Fizičko funkcionisanje, Vitalnost i Mentalno zdravlje. Univarijantnom analizom utvrđen je nezavisan efekat bračnog statusa na promene u kvalitetu života kod obolelih od HHC. Lo&scaron;iji kvalitet života kod osoba koje boluju od hroničnog hepatitisa C če&scaron;će je prisutan kod onih koji žive u braku ili vanbračnoj zajednici i onih starosti 30-50 godina, dok oni koji su zaposleni imaju bolji kvalitet. Zaključak: S obzirom na lo&scaron;iji kvalitet života osoba obolelih od hroničnog hepatitisa C i če&scaron;će prisustvo depresivnih i anksioznih obeležja potrebno je proceniti kvalitet života obolelih nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, kao i tokom kliničkog praćenja i lečenja.</p> / <p>Background: Chronic HCV infection is associated with a variety of extrahepatic manifestations, including the occurrence of depressive and anxiety symptoms, fatigue, muscle pain and joint pain associated with a reduction in quality of life related to health (HRQOL). Objectives: Assess the different aspects of quality of life in patients with chronic hepatitis C who are not on interferon therapy treatment; Consider the frequency of certain psychosocial characteristics (depression, anxiety, employment status, education level) and their association with the quality of life of patients with chronic hepatitis C who have not on therapeutic treatment, as well as examine the relationship between basic demographic characteristics (age, sex, marital status) and quality of life in patients with chronic hepatitis C; To analyze the association of basic medical characteristics related to disease (mode of transmission of infection, responsible for the infection, the presence of cirrhosis) and quality of life of patients with chronic hepatitis C. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective study from April 2013 to April 2015 at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases of the Clinical Center of Vojvodina in Novi Sad, Department of Infectious Diseases and the Blood Transfusion General Hospital ,,Dr Radivoj Simonovic&ldquo; Sombor . The study has included 150 patients with chronic hepatitis C who have done a study group, both sexes. In the control group, has included 150 healthy subjects of both sexes, aged over 18 years, similar socio-demographic characteristics. Quality of life was tested using a questionnaire SF-36, HADS and CLDQ. Through a general questionnaire have collected the socio-demographic data on the respondents, as well as the diseases characteristics. Results: By reviewing the scores of SF-36 difference in quality of life between patients with chronic hepatitis C and control group was statistically significant in each of the individual domains, the total score of the SF-36 questionnaire, Physical and Mental composite score (p &lt;0.000). Patients with chronic hepatitis C show significantly more pronounced depression (t = 3.37; p &lt;0.01) and anxiety (t = 2.35; p &lt;0.05) compared to the control group. Multiple regression analysis showed that a high percentage of depression (72%) can be explained by a set of predictors consisted of the domain of quality of life questionnaire SF-36. The greatest partial contribution occurs depression have three domains of quality of life: Physical functioning, Vitality and Mental health. Univariate analysis identified the independent effect of marital status on changes in the quality of life in patients with HHC. Worse quality of life in patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C often present in those living in married or common-law marriage and those aged 30-50 years, while those who are employed have better quality. Conclusion: Due to the inferior quality of life of patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C and frequent presence of depressive and anxiety traits it is necessary to assess the quality of life of patients after diagnosis and during clinical follow-up and treatment.</p>

Uticaj demografskih faktora i karakteristika tumora na preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha u Vojvodini / Impact of demographic factors and tumor characteristics on the lung cancer patients survival in Vojvodina

Bokan Darijo 15 October 2020 (has links)
<p>&Scaron;irom sveta, karcinom bronha je i dalje vodeći po incidenci i mortalitetu, sa 2,1 milion novih slučajeva i predviđenih 1,8 smrtnih ishoda u 2018. godini. Karcinom bronha predstavlja skoro petinu (18,4%) svih smrtnih ishoda od karcinoma. Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao retrospektivna studija za period 2010-2016 godine. Svi podaci potrebni za sprovođenje ovog istraživanja direktno su prikupljeni iz zdravstvenog informacionog sistema i registra za karcinom bronha Instituta za plućne bolesti Vojvodine (IPBV), koji je referentna ustanova za pacijente sa karcinomom bronha za celu Autonomnu Pokrajinu Vojvodinu. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi uticaj demografskih i kliničko-patololo&scaron;kih karakteristika na ukupno vreme preživljavanja kod bolesnika sa karcinomom bronha, kao i da se izradi geoprostorna analiza incidencije i mortaliteta od karcinoma bronha na teritoriji Vojvodine. Podaci o broju novoobolelih i broju umrlih pacijenata potrebni za analizu incidencije i mortaliteta prikupljeni su od lokalnih Instituta za javno zdravlje za svaki od sedam okruga. Za potrebe analize overall survivall, survival rate ukupno je obuhvaćeno 8142 bolesnika lečenih u IPBV, od kojih je nakon provere uključujućih i isključujućih kriterijuma, u konačnu analizu u&scaron;lo njih 7540. Za potrebe analize incidencije i mortaliteta prikupljeni su podaci od lokalnih Instituta za javno zdravlje za svaki od sedam okruga i ukupno je uključeno 21915 pacijenata. Od ukupno 7540 bolesnika, bilo je 5456 (72,4%) mu&scaron;karaca i 2084 (27,6%) žena. Prosečna starost bolesnika iznosila je 63,4&plusmn;8,85 godina, Najveći broj bolesnika su bili pu&scaron;ači, njih 4911 (65,1%), biv&scaron;ih pu&scaron;ača je bilo 1995 (26,5%), dok je najmanje bilo nepu&scaron;ača, svega 634 (8,4%). Srednja vrednost indeksa paklo-godina (pack-years) iznosila je 50,57&plusmn;28,80. Posmatrano prema bračnom statusu, najvi&scaron;e bolesnika je bilo oženjeno/udato, njih 5348 (70,9%). Najveći broj bolesnika je ocenio svoj socioekonomski status kao osrednji, njih 4912 (65,1%). Broj bolesnika sa ECOG performans statusom 1 bio je 5679 (75,3%), njih 840 (11,1%) je imalo ECOG performans status 2, dok je ECOG performans status 0 imao 451 (6,0%) bolesnik. Najveći broj bolesnika bio je dijagnostikovan u IV stadijumu bolesti 3108 (41,2%), zatim u IIIB 1886 (25,0%), IIIA 1401 (18,6%), dok je u IA stadijumu dijagnostikovano najmanje bolesnika, njih 234 (3,1%). Najveći broj bolesnika imao je potvrđenu dijagnozu adenokarcinoma, njih 3342 (44,3%), zatim skvamoznog karcinoma 2472 (32,8%), mikrocelularnog karcinoma 1386 (18,4%). Od ukupnog broja bolesnika, tokom perioda praćenja preminulo je njih 6420 (85,1%), dok je 1120 (14,9%) bolesnika bilo živo. Prosečno vreme preživljavanja mu&scaron;karaca bilo je 17,116 meseci, a žena 23,193 meseca. Mu&scaron;karci oboleli od karcinoma bronha statistički značajno (p=0,000) kraće su živeli u odnosu na žene. Analiza kumulativnog preživljavanja bolesnika pokazala je da je postojala statistički značajna razlika u preživljavanju u odnosu na pol kod podtipova adenokarcinom (p=0,000), skvamozni karcinom (p=0,000) i mikrocelularni karcinom (p=0,001). Statistički značajna razlika u preživljavanju postojala je i u odnosu na starost, mesto stanovanja, tip tumora, stadijum bolesti, ECOG, pu&scaron;ački status i TNM stadijum bolesti (p=0,000). Ukupno jednogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha iznosilo je 32,5%, skvamoznog karcinoma 37,3%, adenokarcinoma 33,4% i mikrocelularnog karcinoma 20,9%. Ukupno trogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha iznosilo je 9,2%, skvamoznog karcinoma 10,8%, adenokarcinoma 10,7% i mikrocelularnog karcinoma 2,0%. Ukupno petogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha iznosilo je 5,0%, kod skvamoznog karcinoma 6,1%, adenokarcinoma 5,4% i mikrocelularnog karcinoma 1,3%. Ukupno jednogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha u 1A stadijumu iznosilo je 78,1%, u 1B stadijumu 73,2%, 2A stadijumu 70,4%, 2B stadijumu 52,1%, 3A stadijumu 42,3%, 3B stadijumu 28,3%, dok je u 4 stadijumu bolesti ukupno jednogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje bilo 17,9%. Ukupno trogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha u 1A stadijumu iznosilo je 40,8%, u 1B stadijumu 37,5%, 2A stadijumu 31,2%, 2B stadijumu 21,6%, 3A stadijumu 9,7%, 3B stadijumu 5,5%, dok je u 4 stadijumu bolesti ukupno trogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje bilo 2,9%. Ukupno petogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha u 1A stadijumu iznosilo je 32,1%, u 1B stadijumu 19,3%, 2A stadijumu 16,2%, 2B stadijumu 13,3%, 3A stadijumu 4,4%, 3B stadijumu 2,6%, dok je u 4 stadijumu bolesti ukupno petogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje bilo 1,6%. Kao nezavisni prediktori preživljavanja izdvojeni su mu&scaron;ki pol, starost preko 60 godina, ECOG performans status veći od 2, pu&scaron;ačka navika, lo&scaron;iji socioekonomski status, stadijum IV bolesti, T4 status, M1b status i mikrokarcinom kao tip tumora (p=0,000). Incidencija karcinoma bronha za mu&scaron;karce iznosila je 118,9 na 100000 stanovnika, a za žene 43,3 na 100000 stanovnika. Standardizovana stopa incidencije karcinoma bronha za mu&scaron;karce iznosila je 65,4 na 100000 stanovnika, a za žene 21,7 na 100000 stanovnika. Prema okruzima je postojala statistički značajna razlika (p=0,001). Stopa mortaliteta od karcinoma bronha za mu&scaron;karce iznosila 125,1 na 100000 stanovnika, a za žene 43,8 na 100000 stanovnika. Standardizovana stopa mortaliteta od karcinoma bronha za mu&scaron;karce iznosila 67,6 na 100000 stanovnika, a za žene 20,9 na 100000 stanovnika. Prema okruzima je postojala statistički značajna razlika (p=0,001). Analizom prikupljenih podataka utvrđeno je da postoji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom vremenu preživljavanja pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanim karcinomom bronha u odnosu na pol (p=0,000), starosnu dob (p=0,000), mesto stanovanja (p=0,014), pu&scaron;ački status (p=0,001), ECOG performans status (p=0,000) i socioekonosmski status (p=0,000). Postoji statistički značajna razlika u ukupnom vremenu preživljavanja pacijenata sa dijagnostikovanim karcinomom bronha u odsnosu na tip tumora (p=0,000), stadijum bolesti (p=0,000), T-deskriptor (p=0,000), N-deskriptor (p=0,000) i M-deskriptor (p=0,000). Utvrđeno je da ukupno jednogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha iznosi 32,5%, trogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje obolelih od karcinoma bronha iznosi 9,2%, a petogodi&scaron;nje preživljavanje iznosi 5,0%. Utvrđeno je da su nezavisni prediktori preživljavanja mu&scaron;ki pol, starost preko 60 godina, ECOG performans status 2 i veći, pu&scaron;ačka navika, lo&scaron;iji socioekonomski status, stadijum IV bolesti, T4 status, M1b status i mikroculularni karcinom kao tip tumora. Urađena je analiza incidencije i mortaliteta od karcinoma bronha na teritoriji AP Vojvodine i utvrđeno je da postoje značajne regionalne razlike u incidenciji i mortalitetu od karcinoma bronha na teritoriji AP Vojvodine.</p> / <p>Worldwide, lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer incidencije and mortality, with 2.1 million new lung cancer cases and 1.8 million deaths predicted in 2018. Methodology: For the purpose of this retrospective study we collected data of 21915 patients from seven Public Health Institutes, one for each district. This data was categorized by five-year age groups during 2010&ndash;2016. Survival analysis data of 8142 patients was collected from the Institute for Pulmonary Diseases of Vojvodina Hospital Information System and the Lung Cancer Registry. The primary objective was to determine the impact on overall survival by assessing demographic and clinical pathological characteristics in these patients. The secondary objective was to analyze the incidencije and mortality of lung cancer in the region of Vojvodina. Incidencije and mortality rates were directly age-standardized to the World and Europe Standard Population. A total of 7540 patients were eligible for the survival analysis, 5456 (72.4%) males and 2084 (27.6%) females. The average survival time, including all stages and cancer types was 17.1 months for men and 23.2 months for women (p = 0.000). There was statistically significant difference in survival time by gender in subtypes of adenocarcinoma (p = 0.000), squamous cell carcinoma (p= 0.000) and microcellular carcinoma (p = 0.001). Analysis showed significant difference in survival by age (p = 0.000), cancer type (p = 0.000), stage of the disease (p = 0.000), ECOG performance status (p = 0.000), smoking status (p = 0.001), TNM stage of disease (p = 0.000) and among districts (p = 0.014). Male gender (p = 0.000), age over 60 (p = 0.000), ECOG performance status 2 and greater (p = 0.000), smoking habit (p = 0.002), lower socioeconomic status (p = 0.000), stage IV of disease (p = 0.000) and small cell lung cancer as tumor type (p = 0.000) were identified as independent prognostic factors. One-year survival in 1A stage was 78.1%, in 1B stage 73.2%, 2A stage 70.4%, 2B stage 52.1%, 3A stage 42.3%, 3B stage 28.3 %, while in stage 4 was 17.9%. Three-year survival in 1A stage was 40.8%, in 1B stage 37.5%, 2A stage 31.2%, 2B stage 21.6%, 3A stage 9.7%, 3B stage 5.5 %, while in stage 4 was 2.9%. Five-year in 1A stage is 32.1%, in 1B stage 19.3%, 2A stage 16.2%, 2B stage 13.3%, 3A stage 4.4%, 3B stage 2.6 %, while in stage 4 was 1.6%. The incidencije rate was 118.9 per 100000 for males and 43.3 per 100000 for women. The standardized incidencije rate was 65.4 per 100000 for males and 21.7 per 100000 for females. There was a statistically significant difference by districts (p = 0.001). Mortality rate was 125.1 per 100000 for males and 43.8 per 100000 for females. The standardized mortality rate was 67.6 per 100000 for males and 20.9 per 100000 for females. There was also a statistically significant difference by district (p = 0.001). There was a statistically significant difference in overall survival by gender (p = 0.000), age (p = 0.000), place of residence (p = 0.014), smoking status (p = 0.001), ECOG performance status (p = 0.000), and socioeconomic status (p = 0.000). There was also a statistically significant difference in the overall survival by tumor type (p = 0.000), stage of disease (p = 0.000), T-descriptor (p = 0.000), N-descriptor (p = 0.000), and M-descriptor (p = 0.000). One-year survival rate was 32.5%, three-year survival was 9.2%, and five-year survival rate was 5.0%. Incidencije and mortality rates data were analyzed for the territory of Vojvodina, and it was found that there were significant regional differences.</p>

"Konstrukcija i analiza klaster algoritma sa primenom u definisanju bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji odraslog stanovništva Srbije" / "Construction and analysis of cluster algorithmwith application in defining behavioural riskfactors in Serbian adult population"

Dragnić Nataša 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Klaster analiza ima dugu istoriju i mada se<br />primenjuje u mnogim oblastima i dalje ostaju<br />značajni izazovi. U disertaciji je prikazan uvod<br />u neglatki optimizacioni pristup u<br />klasterovanju, sa osvrtom na problem<br />klasterovanja velikih skupova podataka.<br />Međutim, ovi optimizacioni algoritmi bolje<br />funkcioni&scaron;u u radu sa neprekidnim podacima.<br />Jedan od glavnih izazova u klaster analizi je<br />rad sa velikim skupovima podataka sa<br />kategorijalnim i kombinovanim (numerički i<br />kategorijalni) tipovima promenljivih. Rad sa<br />velikim brojem instanci (objekata) i velikim<br />brojem dimenzija (promenljivih), može<br />predstavljati problem u klaster analizi, zbog<br />vremenske složenosti. Jedan od načina<br />re&scaron;avanja ovog problema je redukovanje broja<br />instanci, bez gubitka informacija.<br />Prvi cilj disertacije je bio upoređivanje<br />rezultata klasterovanja na celom skupu i<br />prostim slučajnim uzorcima sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim podacima, za različite veličine<br />uzorka i različit broj klastera. Nije utvrđena<br />značajna razlika (p&gt;0.05) u rezultatima<br />klasterovanja na uzorcima obima<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (gde je m obim<br />posmatranog skupa) i celom skupu.<br />Drugi cilj disertacije je bio konstrukcija<br />efikasnog postupka klasterovanja velikih<br />skupova podataka sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim tipovima promenljivih.<br />Predloženi postupak se sastoji iz sledećih<br />koraka: 1. klasterovanje na prostim slučajnim<br />uzorcima određene kardinalnosti; 2.<br />određivanje najboljeg klasterskog re&scaron;enja na<br />uzorku, primenom odgovarajućeg kriterijuma<br />validnosti; 3. dobijeni centri klastera iz ovog<br />uzorka služe za klasterovanje ostatka skupa.<br />Treći cilj disertacije predstavlja primenu<br />klaster analize u definisanju klastera<br />bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji<br />odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, kao i analizu<br />sociodemografskih karakteristika dobijenih<br />klastera. Klaster analiza je primenjena na<br />velikom reprezentativnom uzorku odraslog<br />stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, starosti 20 i vi&scaron;e godina.<br />Izdvojeno je pet jasno odvojenih klastera sa<br />karakterističnim kombinacijama bihejvioralnih<br />faktora rizika: Bez rizičnih faktora, &Scaron;tetna<br />upotreba alkohola i druge rizične navike,<br />Nepravilna ishrana i druge rizične navike,<br />Nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, Pu&scaron;enje. Rezultati<br />multinomnog logističkog regresionog modela<br />ukazuju da ispitanici koji nisu u braku, lo&scaron;ijeg<br />su materijalnog stanja, nižeg obrazovanja i žive<br />u Vojvodini imaju veću &scaron;ansu za prisustvo<br />vi&scaron;estrukih bihejvioralnih faktora rizika.</p> / <p>The cluster analysis has a long history and a<br />large number of clustering techniques have<br />been developed in many areas, however,<br />significant challenges still remain. In this<br />thesis we have provided a introduction to<br />nonsmooth optimization approach to clustering<br />with reference to clustering large datasets.<br />Nevertheless, these optimization clustering<br />algorithms work much better when a dataset<br />contains only vectors with continuous features.<br />One of the main challenges is clustering of large<br />datasets with categorical and mixed (numerical<br />and categorical) data. Clustering deals with a<br />large number of instances (objects) and a large<br />number of dimensions (variables) can be<br />problematic because of time complexity. One of<br />the ways to solve this problem is by reducing<br />the number of instances, without the loss of<br />information.<br />The first aim of this thesis was to compare<br />the results of cluster algorithms on the whole<br />dataset and on simple random samples with<br />categorical and mixed data, in terms of validity,<br />for different number of clusters and for<br />different sample sizes. There were no<br />significant differences (p&gt;0.05) between the<br />obtained results on the samples of the size of<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (where m is the size of<br />the dataset) and the whole dataset.<br />The second aim of this thesis was to<br />develop an efficient clustering procedure for<br />large datasets with categorical and mixed<br />(numeric and categorical) values. The proposed<br />procedure consists of the following steps: 1.<br />clustering on simple random samples of a given<br />cardinality; 2. finding the best cluster solution<br />on a sample (by appropriate validity measure);<br />3. using cluster centers from this sample for<br />clustering of the remaining data.<br />The third aim of this thesis was to<br />examine clustering of four lifestyle risk factors<br />and to examine the variation across different<br />socio-demographic groups in a Serbian adult<br />population. Cluster analysis was carried out on<br />a large representative sample of Serbian adults<br />aged 20 and over. We identified five<br />homogenous health behaviour clusters with<br />specific combination of risk factors: &#39;No Risk<br />Behaviours&#39;, &#39;Drinkers with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Unhealthy diet with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Smoking&#39;. Results of multinomial logistic<br />regression indicated that single adults, less<br />educated, with low socio-economic status and<br />living in the region of Vojvodina are most likely<br />to be a part of the clusters with a high-risk<br />profile.</p>

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