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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enregistrement sédimentaire de l'activité diapirique associée à la ride du Jbel Azourki, Haut Atlas central, Maroc : impact sur la géométrie des dépôts et la distribution des faciès des systèmes carbonatés et mixtes du Jurassique inférieur / Synsedimentary record of diapiric activity related to the Jbel Azourki ridge, Central High Atlas, Morocco : Impact on depositional geometries and facies distribution of the Lower Jurassic carbonate and mixed systems

Malaval, Manon 09 September 2016 (has links)
L’évolution des systèmes sédimentaires jurassiques (Pliensbachien-Bajocien) dans le secteur de Zaouiat-Ahançal (Haut Atlas, Maroc) est localement influencée par des mouvements diapiriques associés à la ride du Jbel Azourki. Cette structure tectonique complexe suit un tracé en baïonnette d’orientation globale OSO-ENE sur près de 60 kilomètres, ponctué par six affleurements de matériel diapirique triasique. L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser l’impact du diapirisme sur la géométrie des dépôts et sur la distribution des faciès au sein de trois systèmes de dépôt successifs : (1) un système carbonaté de plate-forme peu profonde (Formations d’Aganane, de Jbel Choucht et d’Assemsouk) (2) des systèmes de rampe mixte silicoclastique et carbonatée (Formations de Tamadout, d’Amezraï, de Tafraout et d’Aguerd-n-Tazoult), (3) et un système carbonaté oolitique (Formation de Bin-El-Ouidane). Une cartographie détaillée des unités stratigraphiques et des unités de faciès, ainsi qu’une série de quatorze coupes géologiques de la ride diapirique du Jbel Azourki ont ainsi été réalisées. L’étude des interactions entre sédimentation et diapirisme révèle un enregistrement continu de la déformation diapirique sur l’ensemble de la série sédimentaire, et a permis d’établir une chronologie de l’activité diapirique dans le secteur de Zaouiat-Ahançal. L’unité des calcaires inférieurs (1) enregistre une déformation polyphasée marquée par le développement localisé, au sein de la plate-forme, de bassins d’extension kilométrique caractérisés par une sédimentation hémipélagique et gravitaire (rim basins). Ces bassins circonscrits aux diapirs sont limités par des bordures de plate-forme bioconstruites à Lithiotis, de type aggradant ou érosif. À partir du Pliensbachien terminal, les déformations syndiapiriques se manifestent dans les unités mixtes (2), d’une part à l’échelle plurikilométrique avec l’accumulation de plusieurs milliers de mètres de dépôts, contrôlée par la variation latérale du taux de subsidence entre et au sein des compartiments nord et sud de la ride, et d’autre part à l’échelle hectométrique de la bordure du diapir avec des géométries caractéristiques et des variations de faciès (micro plates-formes à oolites et coraux). La ride diapirique perce en surface pendant le dépôt des unités mixtes, puis est recouverte par l’unité transgressive peu déformée des calcaires supérieurs (3) à l’Aalénien terminal. Les paramètres de contrôle de la géométrie des dépôts et de la distribution des faciès autour de la ride diapirique du Jbel Azourki correspondent aux variations locales de subsidence liées aux mouvements de la couche de sel en profondeur, au taux de sédimentation et à leur rapport relatif. Ils s’inscrivent dans un contexte tectonique régional, et climatique global, qui définit l’accommodation générale et le type de remplissage sédimentaire du bassin atlasique. Le type de sédimentation, carbonatée ou mixte, joue un rôle prépondérant dans ces manifestations tectono-sédimentaires. / The evolution of the Jurassic sedimentary systems (Pliensbachian-Bajocian) in Zaouiat-Ahançal area (High Atlas, Morocco) is locally controlled by diapiric movements related to the Jbel Azourki ridge. This nearly-60-kilometer-long complex tectonic structure follows an overall WSW-ENE “bayonet-shape” outline, punctuated by six Triassic diapiric outcrops. The aim of this thesis is to characterize the role of diapirism on depositional geometries and facies distribution in three successive sedimentary systems: (1) a shallow-carbonate platform system, (2) mixed siliciclastic- and carbonate-ramp systems and (3) an oolitic-carbonate system. Therefore, a detailed geological map with the stratigraphic and facies units has been realized, as well as a set of fourteen geological sections across the Jbel Azourki diapiric ridge. The analysis of the interactions between sedimentation and diapirism has revealed a continuous recording of diapiric deformation by the entire sedimentary succession, allowing the establishment of a chronology of diapiric activity in the Zaouiat-Ahançal area. The lower-carbonate unit (1) records a polyphase deformation with the development of localized kilometer-scale basins within the platform, characterized by hemipelagic and gravity-flow deposits (rim basins). These basins are confined around the diapirs and bounded by Lithiotis-bioconstructed platform margins, which can be aggradational or erosional. From the late Pliensbachian, the mixed units (2) were affected firstly by syn-diapiric deformations at a pluri-kilometer scale, with the accumulation of several thousand-meter-thick deposits, controlled by lateral variations of the subsidence rate in and between the northern and southern flanks of the ridge, and secondly by syn-diapiric deformations at a hectometer- “diapir-edge” scale, with characteristic geometries and facies variations (oolite- and coral-rich micro platforms). The diapiric ridge reached the surface during the deposition of the mixed units and was finally capped by slightly deformed transgressive upper-carbonate unit (3) in the late Aalenian. The controlling factors on depositional geometries and facies distribution around the Jbel Azourki diapiric ridge are the local variations of the subsidence rate related to salt-movement, the sedimentation rate, and their relative ratio. They are part of the regional tectonic and global climate settings which defined the overall accommodation rate and the sedimentary filling of the atlasic basin. The type of sedimentation, carbonate- or mixed-dominated, played a major role in these tectonic-sedimentary responses.

Paleocurrents and Depositional Environments of the Dakota Group (Cretaceous), San Miguel County, New Mexico

Bejnar, Craig Russel January 1975 (has links)
The Dakota Group surrounding Las Vegas, New Mexico, consists of three units: 1) a basal, predominately trough cross-stratified, conglomeratic sandstone, 2) middle intercalated, thin-bedded sandstone and carbonaceous shale, and 3) upper, predominately tabular-planar cross-stratified, sandstone containing trace fossils. These units represent, respectively, 1) a fluvial piedmont plain, 2) fluvial coastal plain, and 3) a beach, littoral, and shallow marine complex. The cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit indicates an easterly paleoslope. The cross-stratification in the upper sandstone unit has a bimodal distribution almost at right angles to the paleoslope, suggesting deposition by longshore currents. The standard deviation of the cross-stratification in the lower sandstone unit of 78° is typical of fluvial deposits. The standard deviation in the upper sandstone unit of 97° indicates a marine origin.

Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Bisbee Group in the Whetstone Mountains, Pima and Cochise Counties, Southeastern Arizona

Archibald, Lawrence Eben January 1982 (has links)
The Aptian-Santonian(?) Bisbee Group in the Whetstone Mountains comprises 2375 m of clastic sedimentary rocks and limestones. The basal Glance Conglomerate unconformably overlies the Pennsylvanian-Permian Naco Group. It consists of limestone conglomerates which were deposited in proximal alluvial fan environments. The superadjacent Willow Canyon Formation contains finer grained rocks which were deposited in the distal portions of alluvial fans. The lacustrine limestones in the Apache Canyon Formation interfinger with and overlie these alluvial fan facies. The overlying Shellenberger Canyon Formation is composed mostly of terrigenous rocks derived from westerly terranes. This formation contains thick sequences of fluvio-deltaic facies as well as a thin interval of estuarine deposits which mark a northwestern extension of the marine transgression in the Bisbee -Chihuahua Embayment. The youngest formation (Upper Cretaceous?) in the Bisbee Group, the Turney Ranch Formation, consists of interbedded sandstones and marls which were deposited by fluvial and marine(?) processes.

Geology of the Phil Pico Mountain Quadrangle, Daggett County, Utah, and Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Anderson, Alvin D. 25 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Geologic mapping in the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle and analysis of the Carter Oil Company Carson Peak Unit 1 well have provided additional constraints on the erosional and uplift history of this section of the north flank of the Uinta Mountains. Phil Pico Mountain is largely composed of the conglomeratic facies of the early Eocene Wasatch and middle to late Eocene Bridger Formations. These formations are separated by the Henrys Fork fault which has thrust Wasatch Formation next to Bridger Formation. The Wasatch Formation is clearly synorogenic and contains an unroofing succession from the adjacent Uinta Mountains. On Phil Pico Mountain, the Wasatch Formation contains clasts eroded sequentially from the Permian Park City Formation, Permian Pennsylvanian Weber Sandstone, Pennsylvanian Morgan Formation, and the Pennsylvanian Round Valley and Mississippian Madison Limestones. Renewed uplift in the middle and late Eocene led to the erosion of Wasatch Formation and its redeposition as Bridger Formation on the down-thrown footwall of the Henrys Fork fault. Field observations and analysis of the cuttings and lithology log from Carson Peak Unit 1 well suggest that initial uplift along the Henrys Fork Fault occurred in the late early or early middle Eocene with the most active periods of uplift in the middle and late Eocene (Figure 8, Figure 24, Appendix 1). The approximate post-Paleocene throw of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain is 2070 m (6800 ft). The Carson Peak Unit 1 well also reveals that just north of the Henrys Fork fault at Phil Pico Mountain the Bridger Formation (middle to late Eocene) is 520 m (1710 ft) thick; an additional 460 m (1500 ft) of Bridger Formation lies above the well on Phil Pico Mountain. Beneath the Bridger Formation are 400 m (1180 ft) of Green River Formation (early to middle Eocene), 1520 m (5010 ft) of Wasatch Formation (early Eocene), and 850 m (2800 ft) of the Fort Union Formation (Paleocene). Stratigraphic data from three sections located east to west across the Phil Pico Mountain quadrangle show that the Protero-zoic Red Pine Shale has substantially more sandstone and less shale in the eastern section of the quadrangle. Field observations suggest that the Red Pine Shale undergoes a facies change across the quadrangle. However, due to the lack of continuous stratigraphic exposures, the cause of this change is not known.

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