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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O sistema fluvio-estuarino da Baía de Sepetiba preservado na estratigrafia rasa da plataforma continental interna adjacente (RJ) / Preserved fluvio-estuarine system in the inner shelf shallow stratigraphy off Sepetiba Bay (RJ)

Yasmin Lima Friederichs 16 July 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A análise de dados de reflexão sísmica monocanal boomer (Hz ~ 700-4,000; penetração ~ 70 ms) adquiridos na plataforma continental interna-média (até ~ 50-60 m de profundidade) ao largo do sistema estuarino baía de Sepetiba, no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, revelou a ocorrência de uma sucessão sedimentar preservada 15-20 m, sismicamente interpretada como representando ambientes fluvio-estuarinos para marinhos rasos. Estas séries são sotopostas à inconformidade regional mais superior reconhecida na escala de plataforma, chamada superfície S3. Esta superfície é erodida por numerosas incisões fluviais, que sugerem processos erosivos associados à prolongada exposição subaérea da plataforma continental durante o estágio isotópico marinho 2 (MIS 2), globalmente datada em ~ 20 ka A.P.. A preservação de tais unidades de corte e preenchimento estuarinho presumíveis Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno na plataforma interna-média (até ~ 30 km da costa) evidencia pela primeira vez na área a existência de um paleo sistema fluvial bastante desenvolvido e processos dominantes de denudação na bacia hidrográfica a montante que atualmente alimenta a baía de Sepetiba. Bem como que, uma série de elementos arquiteturais sísmicos dentro desta sucessão estuarina, como canais de maré retrogradantes, registram a evolução do paleo sistema estuarino de um sistema aberto à um sistema parcialmente protegido durante a transgressão Holocênica. A formação e erosão de uma sucessão de ilhas barreira isoladas e canais de maré durante a transgressão persistiu até o desenvolvimento de uma superfície estratigráfica superior na área, interpretada como a superfície de máxima inundação (MFS) no registro estratigráfico. A ilha barreira atual (restinga da Marambaia) prograda sobre a MFS como uma feição deposição regressiva, apontando para uma idade mais jovem do que cerca de ~ 5 ka A. P., idade da transgressão máxima na área, de acordo com a literatura disponível. / The analysis of boomer monochannel seismic reflection data (~700-4.000 Hz; ~70 ms penetration) acquired on the inner-mid shelf (up to ~50-60 m depth) offshore Sepetiba bay estuarine system, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, revealed the occurrence of a 15-20 m preserved sedimentary succession, seismically interpreted as representing fluvio-estuarine to shallow marine environments. These series overly the most upper regional unconformity recognized at shelf scale, named surface S3. This surface is eroded by numerous fluvial incisions, which suggest erosive processes associated to prolonged subaerial exposure of the continental shelf during marine isotopic stage 2 (MIS2), globally dated at ~20 ky B.P.. Preservation of such presumable Upper Pleistocene-Holocene cut-and-fill estuarine units on the inner-mid shelf (up to ~30km away from the coast) evidence for the first time in the area the existence of a rather developed paleo river system and dominant denudation processes in the upstream catchment basin that presently nourishes Sepetiba bay. As well as that, a series of seismic architectural elements within this estuarine succession, such as retrogressive tidal channels, record the evolution of the paleo estuarine system from an open to a partially-protected system during the Holocene transgression. The formation and erosion of a succession of isolated barrier islands and tidal channels during transgression persisted until the development of an upper stratigraphic surface in the area, interpreted as the maximum flooding surface (MFS) in the stratigraphic record. The present day barrier island (restinga da Marambaia) progrades over the MFS as a regressive depositional feature, pointing to an age younger than about ~5 ky B. P., dating of the maximum transgression in the area, according to the available literature.

Interprétations sur le dernier siècle du profil isotopique de l'eau dans deux carottes de glace andines (Coropuna, Pérou, 15°s et San Valentin, Chili, 46°s) / Interpretations over the last century of the water isotopes profiles based on two ice cores from the Andes (Coropuna, Peru, 15°s and San Valentin, Chile, 46°s)

Herreros, Julien 25 February 2010 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse est centré sur l'analyse des compositions isotopiques de la glace (d18O et dD) de deux nouvelles carottes de glace longues provenant des régions subtropicale et tempérée des Andes. La première carotte, longue de 42m, a été extraite en 2003 au col du glacier Coropuna au Pérou (72°39'W, 15°32'S, 6425m) et la deuxième de 122m au sommet du glacier San Valentin au Chili (46°35'S, 73°19'W, 4032m) en 2007. L'étude a porté sur la représentativité du signal isotopique comme archive du climat sur le dernier siècle, correspondant à la totalité de la carotte du Coropuna et les 70 premiers mètres au San Valentin, dans deux régions climatiques différentes. Nous avons observé que les enregistrements des signaux isotopiques sont affectés par des processus de post-dépôt. Au col du Coropuna, le signal est lissé par homogénéisation en dessous de 3m de profondeur à cause de la percolation d'eau de fonte et de la diffusion isotopique via un flux de vapeur, et aucune interprétation climatique n'est possible à partir du signal isotopique. Au so mmet du San Valentin, les vents forts, présents toute l'année, érodent et/ou redistribuent la majorité des précipitations annuelles en créant certainement des hiatus sur une voire plusieurs années ou, au contraire, des dépôts exceptionnels de plusieurs mètres. Ces conditions rendent l'identification des cycles isotopiques annuels difficile et aucune relation entre les isotopes et les paramètres climatiques n'a pu être établie due à une datation très incertaine. / This work is focused on the analyses of two new isotopic records (d18O and dD) from Andean ice cores in the subtropics and temperate latitudes. The first 42 m-long ice core was extracted in 2003 from the saddle of Coropuna glacier in Peru (72°39'W, 15°32'S, 6425 m), and the second 122 m-long core in 2007 from the San Valentin summit in Chile (46°35'S, 73°19'W, 4032 m). The isotopic signals were investigated for their suitability as climate archives over the last century, covering the 42 m-long ice core from Coropuna and the first 70 meters of the core from San Valentin, in two different climatic regions. We observed that the isotopic records are affected by post-depositional processes. At the saddle of Coropuna, isotopic homogenization occurs below 3 m as a result of meltwater percolation and isotopic diffusion, and thus the climatic interpretation is not possible. At the San Valentin summit, removal and/or re-deposition of snow by strong winds occurring throughout the year may create a lack of one or more annual snow layers or, on the other hand, may cause unexpected deposits of several meters. Due to these potential conditions, we cannot always identify the annual isotopic cycles and the isotopes histories show no significant correlation with the climatic parameters because of an uncertain dating.

Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in Block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin

Nfor, Nformi Emmanuel January 2011 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / The main purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the various sand prone depositional facies in the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin which generally tend to form during lowstand (marine regression) conditions producing progradational facies. It made use of sequence stratigraphy and turbidite facies models to predict the probable location of deepwater reservoirs in the undrilled Southern Outeniqua Basin using data from basin margin Pletmos Basin and the deepwater Southern Outeniqua Basin. Basin margin depositional packages were correlated in time and space with deepwater packages. It was an attempt at bridging the gap between process-related studies of sedimentary rocks and the more traditional economic geology f commercial deposits of petroleum using prevailing state-of-the-art in basin analysis. It enabled the most realistic reconstructions of genetic stratigraphy and offered the greatest application in exploration. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and interpretation of seismics, well logs, cores and biostratigraphic data was carried out providing a chronostratigraphic framework of the study area within which seismic facies analysis done. Nine (9) seismic lines that span the shallow/basin margin Pletmos basin into the undrilled deepwater Southern Outeniqua basin were analysed and interpreted and the relevant seismic geometries were captured. Four (4) turbidite depositional elements were identified from the seismic lines: channel, overbank deposits, haotic deposits and basin plain (basin floor fan) deposits. These were identified from the relevant seismic geometries (geometric attributes) observed on the 2D seismic lines. Thinning attributes, unconformity attributes and seismic facies attributes were observed from the seismic lines. This was preceded by basic structural analyses and interpretation of the seismic lines. according to the structural analysis and interpretation, deposition trended NW-SE and NNW-SSE as we go deepwater into the Southern Outeniqua basin. Well logs from six (6) of the interpreted wells indicated depositional channel fill as well as basin floor fans. This was identified in well Ga-V1 and Ga-S1 respectively. A bell and crescent shape gamma ray log signature was observed in well Ga-V1 indicating a fining up sequence as the channel was abandoned while an isolated massive mound-shape gamma ray log signature was observed in Ga-S1 indicating basin plain well-sorted sands. Core analyses and interpretation from two southern-most wells revealed three (3) facies which were derived based on Walker‘s 1978, turbidite facies. The observed facies were: sandstone, sand/shale and shale facies. Sequence stratigraphic characterisation of petroleum reservoirs in block 11b/12b of the Southern Outeniqua Basin. Cores of well Ga-V1 displayed fine-grained alternations of thin sandstone beds and shales belonging to the thin-bedded turbidite facies. This is typical of levees of the upper fan channel but could easily be confused with similar facies on the basin plain. According to Walker, 1978 such facies form under conditions of active fan progradation. Ga-S1 cores displayed not only classic turbidite facies where there was alternating sand and shale sections but showed thick uninterrupted sections of clean sands. This is typical of basin plain deposits. Only one well had biostratigraphic data though being very limited in content. This data revealed particular depth sections and stratigraphic sections as having medium to fast depositional rates. Such rates are characteristic of turbidite deposition from turbidity currents. This study as well as a complementary study by Carvajal et al., 2009 revealed that the Southern Outeniqua basin is a sand-prone basin with many progradational sequences in which tectonics and sediment supply rate have been significant factors (amongst others such as sea level change) in the formation of these deepwater sequences. In conclusion, the Southern Outeniqua basin was hereby seen as having a viable and unexplored petroleum system existing in this sand prone untested world class. / South Africa

Stratigraphic Architecture, Depositional Processes and Reservoir Implications of the Basin Floor to Slope Transition, Neoproterozoic Windermere Turbidite System, Canada

Navarro Ugueto, Lilian Leomer January 2016 (has links)
Deep-water strata of the Neoproterozoic Kaza Group and Isaac Formation (Cariboo Group) in the southern Canadian Cordillera (B.C.) were deposited in a passive-margin basin during the break-up of supercontinent Rodinia. At the Castle Creek and Mount Quanstrom study areas, a remarkably continuous stratigraphic interval throughout these units preserves a record of basin-floor overlain by strata deposited in the lowermost part of the slope. Although similar stratal intervals have been described from ancient and modern deep-marine settings, they still remain poorly understood. Three main stratal units are recognized within the study areas. The lower unit consists of three channel-lobe systems formed in the basin floor to slope transition. Uniquely, siliciclastic-dominated strata here consist of a variety of small- and few large-scale scour elements, indicating transport bypass along the channel-lobe transition zone, in addition to detached or attached depositional lobes composed mostly of distributary channels, fine-grained deposits, and uncommon splays, and a rare slope leveed channel complex. The middle unit is a siliciclastic-dominated succession of stacked, km-scale mass-transport deposits (i.e. debrites and slides), which indicates the more frequent emplacement of increasingly larger mass failures on a prograding slope, and are overlain by fine-grained, splay deposits that are successively overlain by channel, ponded and fine-grained deposits. In contrast, the upper unit is a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate slope succession of the first Isaac carbonate, a regional marker horizon that comprises mostly carbonate-rich and siliciclastic-rich fine-grained strata intercalated with channel and gully complexes that are mostly filled with coarser-grained strata. Abrupt changes in facies trends, stratal stacking patterns and depositional styles throughout these units are largely linked to long-term changes in relative sea level and its control on sediment supply, namely sediment caliber, volume and mineralogy. Notably, in the upper unit, small-scale changes in sediment source and supply are related to shorter sea-level variations superimposed on the long-term eustatic change.

La plateforme jurassienne au passage Oxfordien - Kimméridgien : dynamique sédimentaire et paléoenvironnements / The Jura platform around the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary : sedimentary dynamics and palaeoenvironments

Cariou, Elsa 02 July 2013 (has links)
Au Jurassique supérieur, la plateforme carbonatée jurassienne séparait le bassin de Paris du Bassin delphino-helvétique. Pauvres en fossiles biostratigraphiques, les dépôts du passage Oxfordien- Kimméridgien sont partiellement datés. L'organisation et la hiérarchie communes des séquences de dépôt observées dans le Jura franco-suisse et en Lorraine permettent d'établir des corrélations régionales haute résolution et montrent l'implication des cycles d'excentricité et de précession dans la formation des séquences. Les corrélations permettent de réviser le cadre bio-lithostratigraphique du Jura français et de contraindre l'évolution de la géométrie de la plateforme et de ses paléoenvironnements. Réalisées sur des huîtres et Trichites issus de niveaux de passage Oxfordien-Kimméridgien du Jura et de Normandie, des analyses isotopiques montrent une évolution climatique commune à tout le pourtour du bassin de Paris, intimement liée à la dynamique sédimentaire de la plateforme jurassienne. L'étude des entités coralliennes de l'Oxfordien terminal montre que leurs compositions et leurs morphologies sont fonction de leur position sur la plateforme et de l'évolution du niveau marin relatif. A la fin de la zone à Bimammatum, l'enregistrement de pistes de dinosaures dans les dépôts de la plateforme exprime une phase d'émersion. La position de celle-ci dans le cadre séquentiel montre que l'enregistrement des empreintes est lié à un contexte paléogéographique, paléoenvironnmental et séquentiel exceptionnel, favorisant le développement, puis l'induration et le recouvrement de laminites microbiennes et la migration des dinosaures sur la plateforme / The Upper Jurassic Jura platform separated the Paris basin and the delphino-helvetic basin. The scarcity of biostratigraphic fossils of the Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian platform deposits prevent from establishing accurate dating. The common organization and hieacrchy of depositional sequences observed in French and Swiss Jura and in Lorraine allow to establish high-resolution regional correlations, and show the involvement of eccentricity and precession cycles in the formation of sequences. Correlations allow revising the French Jura bio-lithostratigraphic framework and highlight the evolutions of platform geometry and palaeoenvironments. Isotopic analysis based on oyster and Trichites specimens, sampled in several beds from the Upper Oxfordian-Lower Kimmeridgian, in Jura and Normandie, show a similar climatic evolution, all around the Paris basin. This evolution seems closely linked to the Jura platform sedimentary dynamics. The study of the Upper Oxfordian reef entities shows that their compositions and morphologies depend on their position along the platform and the evolution of relative sea level. In the end of the Bimammatum zone, the record of dinosaur trackways, in the platform deposits, expresses an emersion phase. Its position in the sequential framework shows that the track record was abled by an exceptional palaeogeographic, palaeoenvironmental and sequential context that favored on the one hand the development, induration and covering of microbial laminites and on the other hand the migration of dinosaurs across the platform

Architecture et distribution des systemes carbonatés se développant autour des sources hydrothermales : cas d’étude du basin de Denizli (Turquie), de la region de Rapolano (Italie) et de Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming, USA) / Architecture and occurrence of geothermal spring carbonates : case studies of the Denizli Basin (Turkey), the Rapolano region (Italy) and Mammoth Hot Springs (Wyoming, USA)

Lopez, Benjamin 30 June 2015 (has links)
Les carbonates de sources hydrothermales (ou Geothermal Spring Carbonate, GSC) sont des systèmes carbonatés qui se développent autour de sources dont les eaux ont circulé en profondeur et sont remontées le long de failles perméables. Leur développement est contrôlé en tout premier lieu par la nature des eaux souterraines auxquelles ils sont liés. La formation de ces carbonates dépend d’interactions complexes entre les processus hydrologiques, tectoniques et structuraux se produisant avant l’émergence. Par la suite, la sédimentation est régie par de nombreux processus résultant des variations hydrologiques et chimiques de l’eau ainsi que par l’activité biologique. Du fait des interactions complexes entre ces facteurs, la sédimentation est sensible à de faible variations environnementales et il en résulte ainsi un grand nombre d’environnement de dépôts et de lithofacies.Le but de cette étude est d’améliorer les connaissances et les concepts fondamentaux propres au développement des carbonates de sources hydrothermales (GSC). Pour cela, elle s’appuie principalement sur l’examen des faciès que ce soit à petite échelle, comme l’observation des microstructures (microfabrics), ou à grande échelle, comme leur agencement en trois dimensions. De tels examens ont été effectués dans des sites hydrothermaux où ces carbonates se sont développés au cours du Quaternaire (région de Rapolano en Italie, bassin de Denizli en Turquie ou encore le Parc du Yellowstone dans le Wyoming, USA). / Geothermal spring carbonate (GSC) corresponds to a complex carbonate system formed around carbonate-rich springs fed by rising groundwaters along permeable fault zones. Their development is mainly controlled by the nature of springwaters emerging above water table. Therefore carbonate deposition is, in this setting, intimately related to complex interactions between hydrological, tectonic and structural processes occurring prior to water emergence. Moreover, carbonate sedimentation from springwater results from sedimentary processes controlled by complex interactions between hydrological, chemical characteristics and biological activity. Such processes are sensitive to slight environmental variations and thus lead to a large spectrum of lithofacies and ecosystems.The aim of this study is to improve knowledge and fundamental concepts regarding development of geothermal spring carbonates. For that purpose, lithofacies investigation, from microfabrics at micro-scale to 3-dimensional configuration at field-scale, is considered as an essential tool. Such investigations had been carried out in sites where Quaternary and actively forming GSCs were abundant (e.g. Rapolano region, Italy, Denizli Basin, Turkey and Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA).

Estudo de proveniência da sedimentação aptiana aflorante na porção norte da sub-bacia de Alagoas

Almeida, Gabriela Menezes 29 February 2016 (has links)
The outcrops Praia de Japaratinga, Barreiras do Boqueirão and Morro de Camaragibe, Alagoas sub-basin, are located in the cities of Japaratinga and Passo de Camaragibe, northern state of Alagoas. These exposures show facies of the deposits of a fluvial-deltaic-turbidity system, until now attributed to Maceió Formation, Lower Aptian age. Their facies characterize deposits of catastrophic flows with SW dominant paleocurrent, that are cuted by streams channeled oblique paleocurrent the last, about to SE, indicating at least the existence of two distinct sources areas. This study aimed to indicate the source of these sediments joining stratigraphy, petrography, whole rock geochemistry and geochronology of detrital zircon via LA-ICP-MS data. Both geochemical whole rock, as the geochronology of zircons showed different chemistry and age patterns for facies paleocurrent SW regarding the facies of SE paleocurrent. The detrital zircon ages found in the samples, although. indicate origin of the Borborema Province, there was a predominance of Neoproterozoic age crystals for the SW Paleocurrent facies, and Neoproterozoic ages with contribution of Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic terranes for facies paleocurrent SE. Regarding the stratigraphic position of the studied outcrops, it was used palynology in siltstones and shales for obtaining depositional age. The presence of pollen species Sergipea tenuiverrucata is indicative of Upper Aptian age for the rich black shales in conchostracans and fish fragments present in the top section of the outcrop Barreiras do Boqueirão. This age puts such outcrops stratigraphically above the Maceió Formation, considered deposited in Aptian Lower to Middle. / Os afloramentos Praia de Japaratinga, Barreiras do Boqueirão e Morro de Camaragibe, sub-bacia de Alagoas, estão localizados nos municípios de Japaratinga e Passo de Camaragibe, ao norte do Estado de Alagoas. Essas exposições exibem fácies de depósitos de um sistema flúvio-deltaico-turbidítico, até então atribuídos à Formação Maceió, de idade eoptiana. As fácies caracterizadas nesses afloramentos compõem depósitos de fluxos gravitacionais catastróficos com duas direções principais de paleocorrentes: uma dominante para SW, a qual tem seus estratos em parte erodidos por fluxos canalizados com paleocorrente de direção SE, indicando no mínimo a existência de duas áreas fontes distintas. Este trabalho objetivou indicar a proveniência desses sedimentos unindo dados de análise faciológica, petrografia, palinologia, geoquímica de rocha total e geocronologia em zircão detrítico via LA-ICP-MS. O posicionamento estratigráfico dos afloramentos estudados, foi utilizada a palinologia em siltitos e folhelhos para obtenção de idade deposicional. A presença de pólen da espécie Sergipea tenuiverrucata, indicativa de idade eoaptiana, para os folhelhos negros ricos em conchostráceos e fragmentos de peixes, presentes no topo da seção no afloramento Barreiras do Boqueirão. Essa idade coloca tais afloramento estratigraficamente acima da Formação Maceió, considerada como depositada entre o Eoaptiano e Mesoaptiano. No tocante à proveniência, tanto a geoquímica de rocha total, quanto a geocronologia dos zircões mostraram assinaturas distintas para as duas principais direções de paleocorrentes. As idades de zircão detrítico encontradas nas amostras estudadas apontam a Província Borborema como área fonte. Duas frequências distintas de idades foram caracterizadas: o predomínio de cristais com idades neoproterozóicas para a fácies de paleocorrentes SW, e de idades neoproterozóicas com contribuição de terrenos paleoproterozóicos e mesoproterozóicos para a fácies de paleocorrente SE.

Post-Depositional Effects Modifying the Relationships between Stable Isotopes and Air Temperature in an Alpine Ice Core

Ihle, Alexander C. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Characterizing the Depositional History of Three Ponds, Bath Nature Preserve, Bath, Ohio

Kemp, Matthew L. 21 May 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Validity of Holocene Analogs for Ancient Carbonate Stratigraphic Successions: Insights from a Heterogeneous Pleistocene Carbonate Platform Deposit

Hazard, Colby 01 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Observations of modern carbonate depositional environments and their accompanying depositional models have been used for decades in the reconstruction and interpretation of ancient carbonate depositional environments and stratigraphic successions. While these Holocene models are necessary for interpreting their more ancient counterparts, they inherently exclude important factors related to the erosion, diagenesis, and ultimate preservation of sediments and sedimentary structures that are ubiquitous in shallow marine carbonate environments. Andros Island, Bahamas is an ideal location to examine the validity of Holocene conceptual models, where geologically young (Late Pleistocene) limestones can be studied immediately adjacent to their well-documented modern equivalents. For this study, two 3D ground-penetrating radar (GPR) datasets (200 MHz and 400 MHz) were collected at a schoolyard in northwest Andros. These surveys reveal the geometries and internal characteristics of a peloidal-oolitic sand wave and tidal channel in unprecedented detail. These two prominent features are underlain by low-energy lagoonal wackestones and packstones, and are bordered laterally to the northwest by wackestones-packstones intermixed with thin sheets of peloidaloolitic grainstone. A deeper radar surface is observed at approximately 6 m depth dipping gently to the west, and is interpreted to be a karstified exposure surface delineating the base of a complete depositional sequence. Interpretation of the 3D radar volumes is enhanced and constrained by data from three cores drilled through the crest and toe of the sand wave, and through the tidal channel. This study is the first of its kind to capture the complex heterogeneity of a carbonate depositional package in three dimensions, where various depositional environments, sedimentary structures, and textures (mudstone to grainstone) have been preserved within a small volume.The results from this study suggest that the degree of vertical and lateral heterogeneity in preserved carbonate successions is often more complex than what can be observed in modern depositional environments, where sediments can generally only be observed in two dimensions, at an instant in time. Data from this study demonstrate the value of using two overlapping GPR datasets at differing resolutions to image the internal characteristics of a complete carbonate depositional package in three dimensions. From these datasets, a depositional model similar to other Holocene and Pleistocene carbonate depositional models is derived.

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