Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deprivation"" "subject:"3deprivation""
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The relationship between household povery and child deprivation in Jabulani TownshipMdluli, Phindile Gcina January 2015 (has links)
Poverty persists as one of the critical challenges in South Africa, predominantly
because it is inbred. Currently, the majority of South Africa’s children live in
households that are incapable of providing basic needs. Children born from deprived
households have a high chance of being trapped into the cycle of poverty. Thus,
household poverty affects child differently from adults; children tend to be more
vulnerable to deprivation and poverty. The purpose of this study was to analyse the
relationship between household poverty and child deprivation in Jabulani, a South
African township. The study used an asset index and a child deprivation index to
measure the scope of household poverty and child deprivation in Jabulani Township.
The main focus of the study was to determine if household poverty has an impact on
the deprivation status of a child living in a particular household. Therefore, analysing
demographics of the household and its poverty status was also important.
The empirical analysis of the study was centred on data collected from Jabulani
Township in May 2015 by means of a survey questionnaire with a sample of 178
randomly selected households. Several statistical methods were used such as
descriptive statistics, correlations and regression analysis to identify the overlaps
between household poverty and child deprivation. The asset index was used to
determine the poverty status of the household by measuring its wealth, thus
identifying if a child from a poor household will be deprived of certain items by
comparing it to the child deprivation index. The child deprivation index was
constructed based on specific items a child may lack.
The relationship between household poverty and child deprivation was determined
and it was found that most of the children from poor households are not severely
deprived; they are either less deprived or moderately deprived at most. Similarly,
there are children from the well-off households who are deprived moderately and
severely. However, the majority of the children living in less poor households are
also less deprived. Thus, it was concluded that household needs are different from
child needs, hence we find children who are not deprived in poor households and
vice versa.
The Relationship between Household Poverty and Child Deprivation in Jabulani Township Page vii
The extent of household poverty was determined and as defined by the asset index
the study found that 59 percent of the households in Jabulani Township are not poor,
31.5 percent have poverty levels just below average (based on the asset index
measuring long-term wealth) and 9.6 percent are poor. Furthermore, it was found
that the majority of the sampled population of Jabulani Township has low income
levels, most of the asset poor households were also found to be income poor and
vice versa. The study revealed that females head most households in Jabulani
Township; female heads of household were found to have lower poverty levels
compared to male heads of household. It was found that the majority of the heads of
household have no schooling and quite a few of them have tertiary level education.
The largest source of income in Jabulani Township is child support grant (87.1
percent) and wages or salaries contribute 77 percent to household income.
The prevalence of child deprivation was determined based on the child deprivation
index. It was found that 62.9 percent of the children in Jabulani Township are less
deprived, 29.2 percent are moderately deprived and only 9.9 percent of the children
are severely deprived. Therefore, the majority of the children in Jabulani Township
are not severely deprived. The regression analysis results revealed that the total
income of the household is a significant determinant of the asset index and the child
deprivation index. Based on these findings it is recommended that more investments
should be made towards education in Jabulani Township, as this could be a great
move towards the alleviation of household poverty and, in turn, child deprivation.
There is a need for skills empowerment especially in baking and sewing as most of
the unemployed heads of households are skilled in those areas, this will curb
dependence on the government and create more job opportunities so that the
parents can provide for the needs of their children.
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The relationship between household povery and child deprivation in Jabulani TownshipMdluli, Phindile Gcina January 2015 (has links)
Poverty persists as one of the critical challenges in South Africa, predominantly
because it is inbred. Currently, the majority of South Africa’s children live in
households that are incapable of providing basic needs. Children born from deprived
households have a high chance of being trapped into the cycle of poverty. Thus,
household poverty affects child differently from adults; children tend to be more
vulnerable to deprivation and poverty. The purpose of this study was to analyse the
relationship between household poverty and child deprivation in Jabulani, a South
African township. The study used an asset index and a child deprivation index to
measure the scope of household poverty and child deprivation in Jabulani Township.
The main focus of the study was to determine if household poverty has an impact on
the deprivation status of a child living in a particular household. Therefore, analysing
demographics of the household and its poverty status was also important.
The empirical analysis of the study was centred on data collected from Jabulani
Township in May 2015 by means of a survey questionnaire with a sample of 178
randomly selected households. Several statistical methods were used such as
descriptive statistics, correlations and regression analysis to identify the overlaps
between household poverty and child deprivation. The asset index was used to
determine the poverty status of the household by measuring its wealth, thus
identifying if a child from a poor household will be deprived of certain items by
comparing it to the child deprivation index. The child deprivation index was
constructed based on specific items a child may lack.
The relationship between household poverty and child deprivation was determined
and it was found that most of the children from poor households are not severely
deprived; they are either less deprived or moderately deprived at most. Similarly,
there are children from the well-off households who are deprived moderately and
severely. However, the majority of the children living in less poor households are
also less deprived. Thus, it was concluded that household needs are different from
child needs, hence we find children who are not deprived in poor households and
vice versa.
The Relationship between Household Poverty and Child Deprivation in Jabulani Township Page vii
The extent of household poverty was determined and as defined by the asset index
the study found that 59 percent of the households in Jabulani Township are not poor,
31.5 percent have poverty levels just below average (based on the asset index
measuring long-term wealth) and 9.6 percent are poor. Furthermore, it was found
that the majority of the sampled population of Jabulani Township has low income
levels, most of the asset poor households were also found to be income poor and
vice versa. The study revealed that females head most households in Jabulani
Township; female heads of household were found to have lower poverty levels
compared to male heads of household. It was found that the majority of the heads of
household have no schooling and quite a few of them have tertiary level education.
The largest source of income in Jabulani Township is child support grant (87.1
percent) and wages or salaries contribute 77 percent to household income.
The prevalence of child deprivation was determined based on the child deprivation
index. It was found that 62.9 percent of the children in Jabulani Township are less
deprived, 29.2 percent are moderately deprived and only 9.9 percent of the children
are severely deprived. Therefore, the majority of the children in Jabulani Township
are not severely deprived. The regression analysis results revealed that the total
income of the household is a significant determinant of the asset index and the child
deprivation index. Based on these findings it is recommended that more investments
should be made towards education in Jabulani Township, as this could be a great
move towards the alleviation of household poverty and, in turn, child deprivation.
There is a need for skills empowerment especially in baking and sewing as most of
the unemployed heads of households are skilled in those areas, this will curb
dependence on the government and create more job opportunities so that the
parents can provide for the needs of their children.
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Methodological issues in the measurement of poverty : an analysis of two poverty surveys in LesthoBloem, Jeanette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / Some digitised pages may appear cut off due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study analyses poverty and deprivation in Lesotho on the basis of data from two
comprehensive household surveys undertaken in 1993 and 1999. The aim of this
study was to create a better understanding of poverty and deprivation in Lesotho. The
analysis shows that the mountain areas of Lesotho suffer the worst levels of poverty
and inequality both in terms of income/consumption and non-income measures
compared to the other areas of the country. Poverty was found to be highest amongst
households with older heads and higher mean numbers of members. The poor were
found to suffer from lack of resources, access to education, basic services such as
clean water, proper sanitation facilities and modem energy sources, and have little
access to productive resources. The study uses an income-based definition of poverty
for most of the analysis. In addition, it develops a broad-based index of deprivation
including access to services, education, employment, income, and number of durable
assets and traditional wealth. While on average the two indicators correspond fairly
closely, the income poverty measure fails to capture those households that are
deprived of many of the non-income measures of well-being. The broader deprivation
measure provides a more comprehensive understanding of poverty. The conclusions
arrived at when the two measures are used show that the concepts and indicators that
one uses to measure poverty and deprivation matter a lot in identifying the poor since
different conceptions of poverty/deprivation identify different groups with different
characteristics as poor. The results also suggest the need for the use of different
measures of poverty. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Hierdie studie analiseer armoede en deprivasie in Lesotho na aanleiding van twee
omvattende huishoudingopnames van 1993 en 1999. Die doel hiermee was om 'n
meer omvattende begrip van armoede en deprivasie in Lesotho te verkry. Die analise
toon dat die bergstreke van Lesotho, vergeleke met die res van die land, die hoogste
mate van armoede en ongelykheid het, soos gemeet deur beide inkomste/verbruik en
nie-inkomste gebaseerde maatstawwe van armoede. Armoede blyk die grootste te
wees in huishoudings met meerderjarige hoofde asook in huishoudings met gemiddeld
meer lede. Daar is ook gevind dat arm huishoudings gekenmerk word deur 'n gebrek
aan hulpbronne, toegang tot opvoeding en basiese dienste soos skoon water,
genoegsame sanitasiefasiliteite en moderne energiebronne, asook 'n beperkte toegang
tot produksiehulpbronne. Die studie maak grotendeels gebruik van 'n inkomstegebaseerde
definisie van armoede. 'n Breër indeks van deprivasie word ook ontwikkel
wat onder andere insluit: toegang tot dienste, opvoeding, werksgeleenthede, inkomste,
hoeveelheid bestendige bates en tradisionele rykdom. Alhoewel die twee indikatore
relatief goed ooreenstem, kon die inkomste-gebaseerde meting van armoede nie
daarin slaag om die huishoudings te onderskep wat geklassifiseer word as
gedepriveerd op verskeie nie-inkomste indikatore van welvaart nie. Die breër indeks
van deprivasie verskaf 'n meer omvattende begrip van armoede. Die gevolgtrekking
wat hieruit gemaak word, is dat die konsepte en indikatore wat gebruik word om
armoede en deprivasie te meet, van belang is in die identifisering van behoeftiges. Die
rede hiervoor is dat verskillende konsepsies van armoede/deprivasie verskillende
groepe met verskillende eienskappe identifiseer as behoeftiges. Die resultate
suggereer dus 'n behoefte vir die gebruik van verskillende maatstawwe van armoede.
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GABAᴀ Receptors in Rat Whisker Barrel Cortex: Effects of Sensory DeprivationSalazar, Eduardo, 1962- 08 1900 (has links)
The GABAergic system in adult sensory cortex is affected by sensory deprivation, but little is known about how this predominant inhibitory system is affected during ontogeny. The present study investigates developmental effects of whisker trimming on GABAa receptors in rat barrel cortex. Rats trimmed for 6 wk beginning at birth and adulthood showed similar decreases in [3H]muscimol binding in deprived relative to non-deprived barrels, suggesting absence of a critical period.
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The Effects of Restraint on Hallucinatory Behavior Under Conditions of Perceptual DeprivationGibson, David G. 01 May 1979 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine if physical restraint is a major factor in the elicitation of the hallucination phenomena associated with perceptual (or sensory) deprivation studies. Experimental subjects were exposed to three one-hour sessions of perceptual deprivation one week apart, with physical restraint being used during the second session. A group of control subjects was used to determine t he effects of three unrestrained sessions of perceptual deprivation.
No significant differences were found between sessions for the experimental group in terms of number of reports or the cumulative duration of the reports. There was also no difference found between the two groups for any session.
The data and experiences of the individual subjects are discussed at length with particular attention to the effects of the restraint procedure on indications of stress or anxiety levels (expressed in terms of time estimation and subjective reports). Recommendations for the use of more objective measures of anxiety such as biofeedback and electroencephalographic equipment are made as well as better defining procedures for the measurement of the hallucination phenomena.
It is further suggested that the group design is not suited to the study of hallucinations due to the great degree of variability.
A new procedure for the unobtrusive measure of the duration of the hallucinations is used successfully in this study and may prove to be a useful tool for future studies in this area.
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Möjlighet till lika möjligheter : En kvalitativ studie om resursskillnader bland barn på förskolanChamoun, Marleine, Utter, Ilona January 2013 (has links)
Child poverty in Sweden as a social phenomenon has been highlighted in various debates and in poverty research during the recent years. Children's economic vulnerability has gotten more place in research. An interest to highlight child poverty awakened and this study highlights child poverty through a resource perspective among children in preschools. This study aims to examine how preschool teachers perceive the child's assets to various resources as well as how preschool teachers perceive the impact of the preschool where they work on children's access to these resources. The study is qualitative and has used interviews as a tool. The respondents' answers were analyzed using previous research, and Pierre Bourdieu's theoretical concepts capital, field and habitus as analytical tools. Four preschool teachers in two different preschools in the area Norsborg were interviewed. The results show that preschool teachers perceive that there are differences between children in access to different resources. Some lacks in resource assets has proven to be clearer than others, such as children's clothing. However, the causes of children's access to various resources have been harder to understand. Another result of this study is that preschools in various ways contribute to children's different resource assets by example that all activities that kids do with preschools will be free for children and their parents. Another way for preschools that affect children's access to resources is the way preschools informs the children’s parents about different activities. But there are also differences between the preschools where one of the preschools in this study allows kids to bring their own toys from home, which can contribute to resource differences between the children in the preschool. / Barnfattigdom i Sverige som ett samhällsfenomen har på senare år lyfts fram i olika debatter. Inom fattigdomsforskning har studier om just barns ekonomiska utsatthet fått allt större plats. Utifrån detta väcktes ett intresse att belysa barnfattigdom bland barn på förskolor genom ett resursperspektiv. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka hur förskolepedagoger uppfattar barns tillgångar till olika resurser samt om förskolepedagogerna uppfattar om den förskola de arbetar på påverkar barns tillgång till dessa resurser. Studien har använt sig av kvalitativa intervjuer där respondenternas svar har analyserats med hjälp av tidigare forskning och Pierre Bourdieus teoretiska begrepp fält, habitus och kapital som analysverktyg. Fyra förskolepedagoger på två olika förskolor i området Norsborg har intervjuats. Resultaten visar att förskolepedagogerna uppfattar att det finns skillnader mellan barn avseende tillgång till olika resurser. Några bestämda brister i resurstillgångar har visat sig vara tydligare än andra så som barns kläder. Däremot har det varit svårare att kartlägga orsakerna till barns olika tillgångar. Ett annat resultat av denna studie är att förskolorna på olika sätt bidrar till barns olika resurstillgångar genom exempelvis att alla aktiviteter som barnen gör med förskolorna är kostnadsfria för barn och deras föräldrar. Ett annat sätt för förskolorna att påverka barns tillgång till resurser är att förskolorna sprider information om olika fritidsaktiviter till barnens föräldrar. Men det finns även skillnader mellan förskolorna där en av förskolorna för denna studie tillåter barn att ta med egna leksaker hemifrån, vilket kan bidra till resursskillnader mellan barnen på förskolan.
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Aktiviteter inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsterapeuters upplevelser om behovPalmén, Mirjam, Fransson, Jennie January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning visar att personer som är inneliggande på psykiatrisk heldygnsvård ofta upplever en brist på aktiviteter. Tillgången till aktiviteter är en viktig del för människans välbefinnande och skapar förutsättningar för att kunna vara delaktig i samhället. Syfte: Att beskriva arbetsterapeuters upplevelser om behovet av att använda aktiviteter inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård, och vid behov; vilken typ av aktiviteter? Metod: En kvalitativ, fenomenologisk ansats användes. Urvalet skedde på flera sätt - både avsiktligt och maximalt varierat, samtidigt med snöbollsurval. Den transkriberade datan bearbetades och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys utfördes, vilket resulterade i tre huvudkategorier och tio underkategorier. Resultat: Totalt tio informanter deltog i studien och resultatet utmynnade i huvudkategorierna Aktiviteters betydelse, Aktivitetsanvändning och Resurser. Det ansågs finnas ett behov av aktiviteter inom den psykiatriska heldygnsvården. Aktiviteterna upplevs minska psykiatriska symtom och förkorta rehabiliteringsprocessen. Det är viktigt att aktiviteterna upplevs meningsfulla för patienterna. Arbetsterapeuterna upplever ofta att det är svårt att få tiden att räcka till i deras yrkesroll vilket påverkat möjligheterna till att använda aktiviteter i behandlande syfte. Slutsatser: Tillgången till aktiviteter är viktigt även inom psykiatrisk heldygnsvård, då aktiviteter har en betydande roll i rehabiliteringsprocessen. / Background: Research shows that psychiatric inpatients often experience a lack of activities. To have access to activities is important since it enhances well-being and creates conditions for participation in the society. Purpose: To describe occupational therapists experiences about the need to use activities in psychiatric inpatient care, and if needed; which type of activities? Method: A qualitative, phenomenological approach was used. The sample was conducted in several ways - purposive and maximal variety, together with snowballing. The transcribed collected data was analyzed, and a qualitative content analysis was performed, which resulted in three main categories and ten sub categories. Results: Ten informants participated in the study and the results culminated in the main categories “The meaning of activities”, “Activity usage” and “Resources”. It was considered there is a need of activities in psychiatric inpatient care. Activities were perceived to reduce psychiatric symptoms and to shorten the rehabilitation process. It is however important that the activities are meaningful for the patients. The experience often is that there is a lack of time in their professional role which has affected the possibilities to use activities in treatment purposes. Conclusions: To have access to activities is important in psychiatric inpatient care, since activities has a meaningful role in the rehabilitation process.
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Charakteristiky deprivace stárnoucí populace v České republice / Characteristics of deprivation by ageing population in Czech RepublicKobzová, Alexandra January 2017 (has links)
This thesis aims to characteristics of deprivation by population aged over fifty years in Czech Republic. It contains basic descriptions of two surveys that dealing with deprivation and so SHARE and EU-SILC. Then follow the characteristics of indicators of material deprivation in SHARE and in EU-SILC and the characteristic of social deprivation indicator from SHARE. The aim of the thesis is to explore indicators of material and social deprivation in Czech Republic and find the position of Czech Republic in international comparison. In the thesis were analysed percentages of deprived people in every single variable of material or social deprivation, development of material deprivation and factors that affect both indicators. Part of the thesis is also comparison of indicator of material deprivation by EU-SILC and by SHARE. At the end is quantified the summarizing indicator that according to SHARE indicates the risk of social exclusion and it is also analysed.
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“…we don’t have our voice, our opinions, our decisions and all this needs to change…” : A qualitative study of Palestinian relative deprivation, participation in social movements and the perception of Israeli settlements and its settlers by Palestinian university studentsSvensson, Ludvig, Gerhardsson, Erik January 2020 (has links)
The State of Israel’s control of the West Bank and their creation of settlements has led to feelings of frustration amongst the Palestinian population. The significance of the next generation in a conflict that has been ongoing for generations becomes crucial when aiming for peace, as the youth of today will be the adults of tomorrow. Therefore, this study researches how Palestinian university students perceives the Israeli settlements as well as examining whether if the Relative Deprivation Theory can explain these potential perceptions and the possible willingness amongst Palestinian students to participate in social movements. The methodology is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with ten Palestinian students from Bethlehem University, which then has been analysed. The results of this study indicate that the respondents feel deprived of seven different themes, namely (1) Demolition, (2) Economy, (3) Freedom of Movement, (4) Freedom of Speech, (5) Permits, (6) Resources and (7) Services. Furthermore, the result shows that nine out of ten respondents are, or have been, participating in activities to achieve social change. In addition to feeling deprived of the seven different themes, all the respondents also felt frustration and/or negative feelings towards the existence of Israeli settlements. The analysis focuses on how the respondents partake in social movements as well as what their opinions about the resistance activities are. It became clear that all the respondents feel, or have felt, a willingness to participate in activities to achieve social change. However, the respondents use different forms of activities, such as protesting in the streets, demonstrating, and/or raising awareness, but there is an overarching social movement which focuses on “the Palestinian cause”. Finally, this study supports the idea of Relative Deprivation Theory, as the willingness to partake in social movements seems to be high amongst the respondents due to them being deprived of essential services and resources.
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Do Mexican Americans have a relative advantage in health?Rangel-Gonzalez, Erick 02 December 2005 (has links)
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