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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Smart smyckesförpackning

Lindgren, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
Visionen är att skapa en ny design av en smyckesförpackning med ytterligare funktioner där användaren ser fördelar med att behålla förpackningen samt ha en emotionell koppling till den.

Public Design : Learning alternatives together

Thomson, Rory January 2020 (has links)
The project I describe in this report took place over the course of three months, coinciding with the outbreakof the coronavirus pandemic, and is the culmination of my BA in “Design + Change”. Inherent in this courseis a proposition that is central to my work here.The “Design + Change” programme covers a wide range of Design practices, and offers an overview of manypressing issues in need of socially and environmentally sustainable change. As I see it, the rubric of “Change”appeals to a sense of Urgency; and “Design” is a promising site of Agency. These two keywords have beencentral to my project from the beginning, and when brought together, I believe they make an appeal to values.Between the Urgency and the Agency of the present moment, is Crisis. “Crisis”, from the Ancient Greek,krinein, means: “to choose, to decide”. We are currently in a position of empirical urgency, but we are alsoin subjective and intersubjective crisis. Not only is the environment under threat, but so is the public realmwhich is vital for concerted action. It is increasingly common to feel that it is “easier to imagine the end of theworld than the end of capitalism”1, and maybe most alarmingly, it is harder and harder to sustain constructivedialogue about any of the crises we face with those we don’t agree with. If we want to overcome this impasse,we have to collectively entertain basic questions about how we want to live and what we want to live for.The work I detail here aims to provide fruitful answers to my carefully assembled research question:“How do I sustain myself while working towards Sustainment?”(Sustainment is the view of sustainability concerned with the long-term existence of life on Earth, and distinctfrom its pervasive, hollowed-out version, given in to the marketing of “sustainable consumerism”.)In my framing of this project I made the deliberate choice to remain consistent with this urgency even if thistranscended the boundaries of design. This approach is captured perfectly in Naomi Klein’s adage that “Thereare no non-radical options left on the table”.This project comes out of is an uncompromising curiosity for the kinds of practices that might evoke theagency to bring about meaningful systemic transformation, whether or not they are understood as design. Itis a process of “prototyping” these kinds of practices with others, since we are all designers and everything isdesigned.This was only possible, however, after taking an unflinching look at disciplines’, professions’ and employment’srole in driving change.The “method” that came out of this is the confluence of Learning (Pedagogy, research), Alternatives (Prefigurativepolitics), Together (Participatory Design, Design Activism).

Exploring folded space in urban Cape Town : unfolding the Strand / Adderley Street juncion

Willemse, Mariet January 2009 (has links)
This thesis started with a personal interest as to what informs architectural form, specifically the folded, smooth or continuous form so visible in contemporary architecture. I was interested in the relationship between the formal 'folds' of contemporary architecture and the spatial theory of 'folded space'. In order to understand where these forms are coming from and whether or not the idea of 'folded space' could bring value to the construct of architecture in the South African context I had to gather a comprehensive understanding of the state of architecture in the 21" century and of course that meant researching the failures and successes of what went before. I have learned that the obsession with folded form comes from contemporary architecture's preoccupation with connection and complexity in architecture. In short; Modernism sought to group, zone and separate different spatial programs which were often translated into pure geometric forms, Post-Modernism reacted against the monotony of Modernism by juxtaposing exaggerated oppositions in form and spaces. Today, in the transitional phase from the late 20th century to the beginnings of the 21" century, contemporary architecture still struggles with the theme of connection and complexity in architecture. The idea of 'folded space' where previously unrelated elements are smoothly integrated within a continuous, but heterogeneous mixture seems to provide contemporary architects with an alternative to the purity of Modernism and the vulgar oppositions of Post-modernism. So the question contemporary architecture is faced with today is: How can architecture formulate a continuous mixture which still allows for variety complexity? The theory investigation concluded that the relevance of the folded space in the South African context could be the realization that through the folding or blurring of the relationship between previously unrelated programs, spaces and the building and its urban context, new and interesting social interactions might arise. The corner of Strand and Adderley Street on the station site proved an appropriate site on which to test this theory of 'folded space' on both a social and a spatial level. Although the site is situated on the most important intersection in the city it is known for its clear separations and barriers. The three levels in the center of the city, the underground, the ground and the above ground I station roof are separated both spatially and socially. The design project strives to experiment with ways in which to 'fold' the distinct spaces that are imminent, but repressed on this corner site in the heart of Cape Town's city. Through folding or connecting these spaces and programs that were previously separated the architecture will aim to act as a platform for social encounters amongst its users.

Designing for Engagement: Effects of Social Features in Mobile Manager Games

Åhlund, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Mobile gaming was in 2019 the biggest revenue-creating area of gaming, beating all other forms of gaming combined. Despite this, mobile manager games are still a fairly unexplored genre. The thesis explores the area of social features in these kinds of games. Studies around the success of social networks, engaging features in mobile apps and good UX practices in mobile games were made. These findings together with a questionnaire with 87 participants created a framework of how a social feature should look like when implementing into a manager game. The feature, Social League, was designed and implemented in the game World Football Manager created by Gold Town Games. The feature is available from Friday’s through Sunday’s. Data was collected from World Football Manager prior to the implementation of Social League to get measurable data. The most central data was average game time of the players. Six weeks after Social League got implemented, the thesis studied the app and the updated data. The result showed a moderate increase of player session during the whole week, 7.3%. While looking exclusively on weekends, the average session increased by 15%, a major increase. This suggests that an introduced social aspect should increase the engagement of users in a mobile manager game.

WAGS : Wives and Girlfriends

Lindvall, Klara January 2020 (has links)
WAGS Är en förkortning av wives and girlfriends och syftar på kvinnor som lever tillsammans med idrottsmän. Fenomenet WAGS startade med de brittiska tabloidernas besatthet av Victoria Beckham. Med hjälp av sociala medier är i dag många Sportfruar några av Sveriges största influencers. Detta är ett visuellt undersökande av att leva ett liv styrt av sin partners framgångsrika sportkarriär, samt mina delade åsikter kring deras Livsstil.

Design och produktutveckling av skandinavisk lampdesign

Östman, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The following paper is the result of a bachelor thesis which includes the production of Scandinavian table lamp. The thesis is based on the generic product development method where each stage and steps are presented. This was used to get a better understanding of not only the Scandinavian design but also how a typical product development method can be used to create such product. The following research questions were asked to see how the project could answer any of the questions. ·         How do you create a lamp with Scandinavian design? From a production perspective, as well as very useful information for future project, the second research question was stated as following: ·         What´s the production cost for that lamp? To reinsure that the project follows the right path, both interior design and lamp designs have been thoroughly researched from a Scandinavian perspective. Important fundamental basics as usage of natural material, simple design and colorful details. The current marked has been carefully looked through to gather information on how others interpret Scandinavian design as well to seek inspiration for the project. This created several concepts that was valued and led to a final concept.  The result of the project created a lamp with the outside entirely made of stained wood with a body shaped like a standing rectangle. It ended up being 27,5 centimeters in height and a width and depth of 14 centimeters. By using milling, an endless pattern was created around the lamp to create openings for the light to spread around the lamp. Added to the lamp was a green lightning cord with a more discrete light switch in clear plastic. The only removable part is the top lid which is held on by two thumb screws that can be removed to switch light bulb. The total production cost was 384kr.  According to the costumer survey the lamp showed great results. The majority saw great resemblance of Scandinavian design and was also willing to buy it. The result has been declared as a success and has great thoughts and ideas for future projects. / Rapporten handlar om framtagandet av en bordslampa som är inspirerad av skandinavis kdesign. Arbetet grundar sig på den generiska produktutvecklingsprocessen där alla processer och steg kommer att kunna följas genom rapporten. Detta skapade en starkare förståelse om vad skandinavisk design faktiskt är, samt hur en produktutvecklingsmetod kan användas för att ta fram en sådan produkt. Projektet första frågeställning var följande: • Hur skapar man en lampa med skandinavisk design? Utifrån ett produktionsperspektiv och användbar information inför framtida projekt har även produktionskostnaden för lampan undersökts och är därmed projektets andra frågeställning: • Vad är produktkostnaden för en sådan lampa? För att säkerställa rätt riktning i arbetet har grunderna i skandinavisk design undersökt noggrant, både ur ett inredningsperspektiv samt ett lampperspektiv. Grundläggande kännetecken är användning av naturliga material, simpel design och färgglada detaljer. Den befintlig marknad har undersökts både för att se hur andra uppfattar skandinavisk design men också för att ta inspiration för arbetet. Detta har skapat ett flertal koncept som utvärderats ochskapat ett slutgiltigt koncept. Resultatet blev en lampa gjord i betsad trä där kroppen är formad som en stående rektangel. Yttre dimensionerna på lampan är 27,5 centimeter i höjd och 14 centimeter i både bredd och djup. Genom fräsning skapades ett omslutande mönster för att bilda ett ljusgenomsläpp för lampan. Till lampan monterades en skogsgrön strömkabel i kombination med en strömbrytare gjord i genomskinlig plast samt svart stickpropp. Locket på lampan sitter fast med två små tumskruvar och användaren lätt kan montera bort locket för att nå lampgloben. Produktionskostnaden för lampan är 384kr. Kundundersökning för lampan gav ett bra resultat där majoriteten ansåg att lampan speglar skandinavisk design. Kundundersökningen visade att majoriteten var villiga att köpa lampan själva för ett medelvärde på 1825kr. Projektets slutsats är ett lyckats resultat som gav bra idéer och förbättringsmöjligheter för framtida studier.

Upplevelser av treenigheten: möbler, människor & arkitektur : En undersökning i samspelet mellan rumslighet och möbler utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv / Experiencing the trinity: furniture, people & architecture : A phenomenological study in the symbiotic relationship of furniture and spaces

Douhan, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
This project is an introduction to studying the relationship between furniture and spaces from a phenomenological point of view. The purpose is to get a deeper understanding of this inter-action emphasizing character, expression and atmosphere. This is done through analyzing two concrete spaces and designing furniture for them and inspired by them. The designprocess is used in the project as a method with the aim to increase spatial comprehension. The two chosen rooms that are analyzed and designed for are the Church ofVårby Gård from 1975, by Swedish architect Harald Thafvelin. Together with the foyer of a former highschool on Kungholmen, Stockholm, from 1960 by famous architect Léonie Geisendorf. The church is analyzed using Peter Zumthor’s phenomenological theory on ”atmosphere” whereas the former highschool is analysed more intuitively. The project has an experimental character and is pervaded by the discrepancy between theory and practice. The result is three prototypes inspired by the rooms in terms of expression, atmosphere and function.

Beetle : En ergonomisk tandläkarstol

Eriksson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Sammanfattning Inom många professioner utvecklas belastnings- och förslitningsskador på grund av ensidiga rörelser som krävs för att utöva yrket. Tandläkare är ett sådant yrke där tandläkaren måste inta olika positioner för att komma åt patientens munhåla på bästa sätt under en behandling. Trots att tandläkarstolen, som ska ge tandläkaren stöd i nödvändiga positioner utvecklats ergonomiskt över tid, så är inte frågan om yrkesskador löst. Projektet syftade därför till att finna nya lösningar för hur en tandläkarstol kan utformas för att få tandläkare i en mer ergonomisk arbetsposition under behandling av en patient. I ett första steg studerades ergonomi på plats hos en tandläkare på en tandläkarklinik. För en fördjupad förståelse om kunskapsläget gjorde jag litteraturstudier inom ergonomi, som visade hur vanligt det är med skador inom tandläkaryrket. Efter att problematiken definierats mer konkret påbörjades idé- och materialiseringsfasen. Mellan de olika stadierna testades idéer, olika koncept och prototyper kontinuerligt på den tänkta användaren, för att få fram mått och preferenser. Materialiseringen delades upp i tre delar för att enklare ha kontroll över processen. Delarna innefattade en stolsits, ett magstöd och stolens ben. Alla delar gick igenom stadierna skiss, snabba prototyper, fullskaliga prototyper och till sist modellbygge. En utmaning var att forma magstödet så att det passar användarens behov vilket är en bra hållning men även alla de patienter som ligger i tandläkarstolen, då patientens huvudet kommer att komma i kontakt med stolens magstöd. Benen på stolen syftade till att ge fler alternativ att placera sina fötter på för att kunna byta och variera arbetsposition under tandläkarens administrativa uppgifter. Projektet resulterade i en stol som med hjälp av nya former går emot normen av hur en mer vanlig sadelstol ser ut för tandläkare idag. Stolen hjälper tandläkaren till en mer ergonomisk arbetsposition med hjälp av ett magstöd som håller kroppen upprätt samtidigt som det låter användaren komma nära patienten.

Konsten med krypto : Ett fenomen svårt att förstå?

Thunberg, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
I och med införandet av WWW (world wide web) så har det visat sig att den stora samling av data i form av bilder på internet ökar risken för plagiat för den enskilda konstnären. Kryptokonsten som är ett relativt nytt fenomen som med hjälp av blockkedjeteknik utgör en digital konsthandel av så kallade NFT-tokens möjliggör till visso att bekämpa detta. Men blockkedjans innebördan i och med dess relativt omogna stadie kan uppfattas som svår att förstå. Med hjälp av informationsvisualiseringen kan man bryta ner komplex data till en lätthanterlig bit av information. Denna studie har därav fokuserat på att med hjälp av grafisk design se hur man kan utveckla en informationsvisualisering gällande just blockkedjebaserade marknadsplatser av digital konst och huruvida fenomenet kryptokonst går att förstå utifrån en informationsvisualisering. Det studien visar på är att det till viss mån går att se en koppling mellan informationsvisualiseringen och en informants förståelse av fenomenet, men att det krävs utveckling kring vissa områden av informationsvisualiseringen som informationsvägledning.

RFID Tag Design and Range Improvement

Chirammal Ramakrishnan, Rijwal January 2012 (has links)
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a short range radio technology for communication between two objects namely, a reader and a tag. Design of an RFID tag with the best range is always the motive of an RFID designer. In this thesis two RFID tags were simulated, designed and manufactured. The first one is a semi-passive RFID tag, which also serves as a discrete prototype tag for the research group to master RFID tag designs. The user can program and further extend the use of this tag according to the requirements. This RFID tag is provided with JTAG interface to program and debug. The read range of this prototype tag is found to be 1m with reader EIRP of 30dBm. The second design is a passive tag which can be commercialized. It achieves a competitive read range of 2.9m for reader EIRP of 21dBm. The read range when measured in a practical implementation inside a building corridor was 15m.

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