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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the socioeconomic impact of the palm oil industry on smallholder farmers in Rumonge, Burundi

Benoit, Nzokizwa January 2020 (has links)
This study analysed the impact of the palm oil industry on smallholder and subsistence farmers in the Rumonge region of Burundi, the second poorest country in the world. Burundi has widespread poverty and suffers severe capacity constraints, and skill shortages brought about, in part, by ethnic civil war, political conflict and internal displacement. Ingrained animosity has disrupted farming, escalated poverty and hampered development projects such as palm oil farming. Little research has been conducted into the causes and possible solutions to these problems. Using sustainable development theory and agricultural development theory, this study addressed this gap by considering the potential benefits of sustainable palm oil production in the context of the socio-economic challenges facing Burundi. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the study targeted four villages of Rumonge District, including Kizuka, Busaga, Dama and Birimba. A combined total of 300 respondents was derived from these four villages. Findings of the quantitative study suggest that palm oil had a positive impact on the social and economic lives of rural communities in Rumonge District;. However, challenges remained in capacity, farming skills and resources. Results from qualitative interviews and focus groups confirmed that earnings from palm oil could be used to support education, skills transfer through family ties; and employment of local people. However, from the perspective of environmentalist activists, it was indicated that while palm oil generated economic benefits for local communities, at the same time traditional farming methods led to pollution and degradation of the natural environment. Qualitative findings further showed that small-scale palm oil farmers faced numerous challenges which often led to the failure of some of their ventures, such as access to funds, lack of technical support, lack of knowledge in utilising business networking, low skills levels, limited understanding of land rights issues, civil conflicts and rising production costs. Additional problems were noted regarding environmental problems and the disappearance of wildlife. The study confirmed the need for small-scale farmers to be adequately capacitated with information, training, resources and technical support to be able to use sustainable farming methods in order to enhance yields. The study contributes to knowledge by identifying how rural smallholder farmers can design more extended longer-term plans to improve their livelihoods, particularly concerning how palm oil production can address the socio-economic problems facing the people of Burundi. / Development Studies / D. Phil. (Developmental Studies)

Developerské ceny stavebních objektů / Development Prices of Buildings

Muchová, Petra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with developers prices buildings. The work process methodology for the valuation of objects according to their life cycle stages in which the development activity takes place. Explain the difference between construction and real estate market. In the practical part is concerned with the description of a specific property and constructing a budget based on project documentation. And finally assembling the sales prices of housing units and a comparison of prices with the real estate market.

Measuring Performance in Large Scale Agile Software Development Projects / Mäta Prestanda av Storskaliga Agila Mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt

Magnusson, Evelina, Westlund, Moa January 2021 (has links)
The increased usage and need for software as part of products has challenged traditional project management, nevertheless for hardware heavy organisations that are used to rely on the linear prediction and tracking of project outcomes. The developments in projects with embedded systems have countless dependencies and almost impossible to predict. Literature shows that software development projects have problems meeting the initial goals of budget, time, and scope. This is discovered too late due to insufficient methods of tracking progress. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how large agile software development projects can continuously be followed to evaluate their performance and meet initial customer agreements fixed in time, budget, and scope. The thesis was conducted at Saab, active in the defense and security industry. This qualitative exploratory study was conducted with semistructured interviews and focus group discussions at the case company Saab, benchmark interviews with two additional companies, and an extensive literature study. The issues with the existing tracking approach were explored to determine how progress tracking may be created to continuously measure progress and indicate if project goals will be accomplished or not. The more general challenges in software development were also investigated to provide knowledge about areas in need of additional metrics which could indicate the problem and mitigate it. One industry-specific challenge is the security aspect that is unavoidable and requires a lot of documentation that holds up the development activities. Other detected challenges were difficulties in understanding requirements that lead to faulty estimations and work in the wrong direction, undiscovered dependencies that lead to a lot of rework and waiting for additional parts, insufficient testing environments that lead to late feedback, and holds up the development. It was also visible that the projects were conducted with different management approaches and no best-proven practice existed for tracking performance. From an analysis of the empirical data and existing literature, a suggestion of method tracking design was developed for large agile software projects with fixed contracts. The models were proposed to allow flexibility, enable control, and provide a holistic view. As Saab intends to introduce Earned Value Management in their software projects, this method was complemented with COMOD, TRL, IRL, and SRL to provide these three characteristics. Transparency and visibility of both products and processes are also found to be key to project success, thus additional metrics to increase visibility in projects are suggested to enable efficient project leading. / Den ökade användningen och behovet av mjukvara har utmanat traditionell projektledning, speciellt för hårdvaruorganisationer som är vana att kunna förlita sig på den linjära utvecklingen av ett projek. Utvecklingen av projekt som inkluderar inbyggda system med otaliga beroenden är nästan omöjliga att förutsäga. Litteratur visar att mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt har problem att nå de ursprungliga målen för budget, tid och omfattning. Detta upptäcks för sent på grund av otillräckliga metoder för att mäta framsteg i projekt. Detta examensarbete genomfördes som en fallstudie på Saab, aktiv inom försvar- och säkerhetssektorn. Syftet med denna avhandling har varit att utvärdera hur projektledning för stora agila mjukvaruutvecklingsprojekt kontinuerligt kan följa utvecklingen för att möta de ursprungliga kundavtalen som är fastställda i tid, budget och omfattning. Denna kvalitativa undersökningsstudie genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer och fokusgrupp intervjuer på företaget Saab, benchmarking intervjuer med ytterligare två företag och en omfattande litteraturstudie. För att utvärdera hur en metod för utvärdering av projektstatus ska utformas för att i tid ange om projektmålen inte kommer att uppnås, undersöktes utmaningarna med mjukvaruutveckling och därifrån har möjliga mätvärden och metoder för att mildra eller upptäcka dessa problem utvärderats. Några av de upptäckta problemen verkar överlappa flera industrier medan andra verkar vara mer specifika för just militär- och försvarsindustrin. En branschspecifik utmaning är säkerhetsaspekten som är oundviklig och kräver mycket dokumentation som stannar upp utvecklingsaktiviteterna. Andra upptäckta utmaningar var svårigheter att förstå krav som leder till felaktiga uppskattningar och arbete i fel riktning, oupptäckta beroenden som leder till mycket omarbetning och väntande på ytterligare delar, otillräckliga testmiljöer som leder till sen feedback och håller upp utvecklingen. Stora skillnader i de metoder som idag tillämpas från projektledning i dessa projekt var synligt under projektet, vilket indikerar på att det idag inte finns någon accepteras bästa metod i uppföjlning. Från analys av samlad empirisk data samt befintlig litteratur utvecklades ett förslag på hur en metod för uppföljning av stora agila mjukvaruprojekt skulle kunna se ut. Design på föreslagen modell skulle möjliggöra flexibilitet och kontroll samt förmedla ett helhetsperpektiv. Eftersom Saab avser att introducera Earned Value Management i sina mjukvaruprojekt kompletterades denna metod med COMOD, TRL, IRL och SRL för att få dessa tre egenskaper. Öppenhet och synlighet för både produkt och process visar sig också vara nyckeln till framgång i projektutveckling, vilket är möjligt med ytterligare mått för att öka synligheten i projektet.

Effectiveness of the high value crop-based extension model in improving rural livelihoods

Jakavula, Siyabulela Cornelius January 2013 (has links)
The problem that is researched in this study relates to the effectiveness of the extension model applied in the High Value Crop programme in improving rural livelihoods in the Eastern Cape. The extent of poverty in rural areas in the Eastern Cape motivated for the intervention of the Is‘Baya through the introduction of Integrated Village Renewal Programme (IVRP). The need to improve the quality of life of rural households through the promotion of agriculture and industry gave rise to the collaborative effort between the Is‘Baya Development Trust and Agricultural Research Council (ARC) in South Africa. The HVC programme was established to mitigate the effects of food shortage and poverty through the production of fruit trees, herbs and vegetables at household level. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this collaborative effort was carried out in four local municipalities of the OR Tambo District and these included: King Sabata Dalindyebo municipality (Zangci); Nyadeni municipality (Hluleka); Port St Johns municipality (Noqhekwana) and Ngquza Hill municipality (Hombe). An equal number of villages where Siyazondla was implemented by DRDAR were visited for the survey to relate the extension model applied with HVC. The villages visited included: OR Tambo (Mhlontlo local municipality) Xhokonxa village; Amathole (Amahlathi local municipality) Ndakana village, (Ngqushwa local municipality) Mgababa village and (Mbhashe local municipality) Mbanyana village. The broad objective of the study therefore, was to evaluate the effectiveness of the extension model applied on the HVC programme as well as to identify the roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in the model. The specific objectives of the study were to describe the HVC based extension model as it is currently organized and implemented in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa in relation to the erstwhile Siyazondla programme, to establish the effectiveness of the extension model in terms of skills transfer and capacity development, to determine the socio-economic impact of the extension model on the livelihood of involved households, to establish the extent to which the extension model has empowered women and youths and to study the factors that has contributed to the sustainability of the extension model. In carrying out this research and in line with the practice of Agricultural Research for Development (ARD), qualitative and quantitative methods of information gathering were applied. Group approach such as the Rural Rapid Appraisal (RRA) and the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) methods of data collection were used. These tools include semi-structured interviews, focus-group discussions, transect walks, seasonal calendars, key-informant interviews, resource maps and secondary data. A sample of 149 respondents was selected from eight villages in the OR Tambo and Amathole districts. The HVC model was analysed using qualitative approach, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The Is‘Baya/ARC extension model is thus said to be effective in meeting the objectives of the HVC programme due to the efficient transfer of skills and technology and its positive impact on the livelihood of the people. There was also an improvement of the income and food security status of the rural dwellers in O.R Tambo district. The regression analysis model was applied and the results of the model were significant to the highest income earned. Out of 22 explanatory variables fitted in the regression model, 12 were significant. The R² and adjusted R² are 73 percent and 68 percent respectively which shows the significance of the fitted variables in the model. The very high F value of 15.427 shows strong significance of the fitted variables to the model. The study therefore concluded that the HVC based extension model implemented by Is‘Baya and ARC was very effective in improving rural livelihoods. The study further recommended investment in infrastructure, market linkages, value adding, public-private partnerships, creation of tenure security, investigation of different funding sources, investment on agricultural research, extension of skills provided and implementation of similar model by the public sector.

Establishment of a service centre by the rural aged

Ramokgopa, Mapula Daphne 06 1900 (has links)
This paper describes a participatory action research project involving a group of the aged from the Makgoba community. The focus of this study was the establishment ofa service centre by the rural aged. In the course of this project, the researcher discovered how the rural aged were empowered through the participatory action research process. This process enabled the aged to accomplish their goals, and so to grow and develop. In particular, they improved their lives, and enhanced their self esteem and dignity. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science : Mental Health)

Establishment of a service centre by the rural aged

Ramokgopa, Mapula Daphne 06 1900 (has links)
This paper describes a participatory action research project involving a group of the aged from the Makgoba community. The focus of this study was the establishment ofa service centre by the rural aged. In the course of this project, the researcher discovered how the rural aged were empowered through the participatory action research process. This process enabled the aged to accomplish their goals, and so to grow and develop. In particular, they improved their lives, and enhanced their self esteem and dignity. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Science : Mental Health)

Socio-economic impacts of Villagisation and large-scale agricultural investment on the indigenous people of Gambella, South West Ethiopia

Afera Alemu Desta 12 1900 (has links)
Villagisation and large-scale agricultural investments in Gambella region has been a major concern of human right groups. The Ethiopian government argues that Villagisation program is voluntary and part of Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) which attempts to bring development to indigenous communities and nothing to do with large-scale agricultural investment. On the contrary, human right groups and local civil society organizations claim that the Ethiopian government is forcefully relocating indigenous people from their ancestral land under the disguise of development while the true motive of the government is to expand agricultural investment in the region at the expense of the livelihood of the local communities. This research is an attempt to investigate the controversial Villagisation and large-scale agricultural investment in Gambella regional state by looking into the link between large scale agricultural investment and Villagisation. The main focus of the research is to examine the impacts of agricultural investment and Villagisation in Gambella region the light of the Ethiopian government policy in the region and the alleged development induced human right violations. The research is based on a qualitative method to capture data from 32 Villagisation sites using in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and field observations. For the purpose of this study, 241 participants were selected from the study sites to participate in the research. Out of the 241 participants 75 of them were participated in in-depth interviews and the rest were included in focus group discussions and informal discussions based on the participants’ knowledge, views, experience and feelings associated with Villagisation and large-scale agricultural investment in the region. The findings of this study show no indication of involuntary Villagisation, no significant relationship between Villagisation and investment, or no evidence of previously occupied land being leased to investors. However, the study reveals that there has been serious lack of communication and misinformation from the government side in the process of planning and implementing the Villagisation program. Owing to this, suspicion and lack of trust between government officials and the local communities characterized implementation of the Villagisation project. / Geography / M.A. (Geography)

The development role of traditional authorities in view of the decentralization in Malawi

Magomero, Christopher Julio 02 1900 (has links)
Chiefs in Malawi have traditionally been part of the government machinery since colonial days and continue to play a crucial role in development administration even more so in decentralized structures. They are able upon to mobilize communities in rural areas to initiate and implement community development projects with minimal supervision. Malawi Social Action Fund 1 (MASAF 1) project management approach, which centered on community ownership of projects and registered enormous successes, is a case in proof of this. However, distribution of power and roles between chiefs and local government authorities in view of decentralization demand more research and policy debate if chiefs are to be effectively utilized and for the decentralization process to work effectively. Whilst the local authorities derive their power from the control of 5% of revenue collected in the districts, which they are allocated, chiefs derive theirs from the legitimacy they have over their subjects for being in constant touch with the community. / Development Studies / M.A. Social Science (Development Studies)

A framework for community participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development programmes at the local level

Morgan, Kim (M.A.) 31 March 2003 (has links)
No abstract available / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Administration)

Rural energy systems and the rural development process: a case study from Limpopo Province

Ntobeng, Ntwampe Albert 30 April 2007 (has links)
The rapid and sustained development of the rural regions of South Africa continues to pose an extraordinary challenge to the development community of the country. Policy makers continue to be overwhelmed by the lack of development in the rural areas in spite of the various efforts made to develop them. A review of the publications and development plans of the study region indicates that the planners have for long been pre-occupied with taking limited perspectives of the development planning problems. Development plans have been conceived and implemented in terms of individual sectors instead of looking at their relations with other sectors and regions. This study seeks to make a contribution to the solution of the development problems of the rural areas of the former homeland regions by demonstrating how an integrated approach to the research process and to development planning could make a difference to the lives of the rural communities. This theme is illustrated with reference to the rural energy sector and its relations with the broader regional development problems, challenges and plans of the Sekhukhune district municipality of the Limpopo Province. / GEOGRAPHY / MA (GEOGRAPHY)

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