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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de novos produtos considerando aspectos de confiabilidade, risco e ferramentas de qualidade. / New product development considering reliability, risk analysis and quality tools

Murad, Carlos Alberto 16 June 2011 (has links)
A intensa competição no mercado global e as constantes mudanças nas exigências dos clientes têm feito com que muitas empresas repensem seus processos de negócios não somente para sobreviver, mas também para se manterem competitivas no mercado atual. O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é um fator importante para qualquer empresa se manter competitiva neste cenário. A falta de um bom processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é sem dúvida uma grande desvantagem para uma empresa. Somente um bom processo de desenvolvimento não garante a vantagem competitiva das empresas, é necessário também que seus produtos sejam confiáveis e para que isto aconteça torna-se essencial desenvolver produtos com qualidade, através do uso disciplinado e constante de ferramentas de qualidade. Para ser competitivo um produto precisa ser desenvolvido com o mínimo de tempo, recursos e custo, para atender às necessidades de mercado. Algumas metodologias foram desenvolvidas e estas focam no desenvolvimento de um produto sempre pensando nas necessidades da manufatura, montagem, qualidade, confiabilidade e ciclo de vida do produto, evitando mudanças tardias no produto. Muitos estudos acadêmicos e industriais têm sido propostos nesta área. Cada empresa deve encontrar e se adaptar ao processo ou modelo mais adequado para ela dentro das suas necessidades técnicas e culturais. Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia a ser usada para melhorar a qualidade do produto e deve ser usada quando da fase conceitual onde se escolhem os melhores sistemas e/ou componentes para formar um novo produto final. / The intense competition in global market along with constant changes in customers demands have forced companies to re-think some of their business processes, not only to survive, but also to stay competitive on this market. The product development process is one of the key business processes for any company to stay competitive and global on this scenario. The lack of a good development process is with no doubt a big disadvantage for any company. Only a good development process does not guarantee a competitive advantage for anyone, it becomes necessary to have reliable products in the field and to make this happens it is vital to develop products with quality through the use of quality tools in a constant and disciplined way. To be competitive, a product needs to be designed in a minimum amount of time, with minimum resources and cost. To meet market needs some methodologies were developed thinking on manufacturing, assembly, quality, reliability and life cycle avoiding late product changes. Many studies academic and industrial have been proposed in this area. Each company has to find and adapt the most appropriate model that fits its technical and cultural needs. This research presents a methodology to be used to improve product quality during the early phases of development when systems and/or components are chosen for a new product.

Desenvolvimento de novos produtos considerando aspectos de confiabilidade, risco e ferramentas de qualidade. / New product development considering reliability, risk analysis and quality tools

Carlos Alberto Murad 16 June 2011 (has links)
A intensa competição no mercado global e as constantes mudanças nas exigências dos clientes têm feito com que muitas empresas repensem seus processos de negócios não somente para sobreviver, mas também para se manterem competitivas no mercado atual. O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é um fator importante para qualquer empresa se manter competitiva neste cenário. A falta de um bom processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é sem dúvida uma grande desvantagem para uma empresa. Somente um bom processo de desenvolvimento não garante a vantagem competitiva das empresas, é necessário também que seus produtos sejam confiáveis e para que isto aconteça torna-se essencial desenvolver produtos com qualidade, através do uso disciplinado e constante de ferramentas de qualidade. Para ser competitivo um produto precisa ser desenvolvido com o mínimo de tempo, recursos e custo, para atender às necessidades de mercado. Algumas metodologias foram desenvolvidas e estas focam no desenvolvimento de um produto sempre pensando nas necessidades da manufatura, montagem, qualidade, confiabilidade e ciclo de vida do produto, evitando mudanças tardias no produto. Muitos estudos acadêmicos e industriais têm sido propostos nesta área. Cada empresa deve encontrar e se adaptar ao processo ou modelo mais adequado para ela dentro das suas necessidades técnicas e culturais. Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia a ser usada para melhorar a qualidade do produto e deve ser usada quando da fase conceitual onde se escolhem os melhores sistemas e/ou componentes para formar um novo produto final. / The intense competition in global market along with constant changes in customers demands have forced companies to re-think some of their business processes, not only to survive, but also to stay competitive on this market. The product development process is one of the key business processes for any company to stay competitive and global on this scenario. The lack of a good development process is with no doubt a big disadvantage for any company. Only a good development process does not guarantee a competitive advantage for anyone, it becomes necessary to have reliable products in the field and to make this happens it is vital to develop products with quality through the use of quality tools in a constant and disciplined way. To be competitive, a product needs to be designed in a minimum amount of time, with minimum resources and cost. To meet market needs some methodologies were developed thinking on manufacturing, assembly, quality, reliability and life cycle avoiding late product changes. Many studies academic and industrial have been proposed in this area. Each company has to find and adapt the most appropriate model that fits its technical and cultural needs. This research presents a methodology to be used to improve product quality during the early phases of development when systems and/or components are chosen for a new product.

Utveckling av ramverk för FAB – Fully Automatic Bagging : Ett produktutvecklingsprojekt / Framework development for FAB – Fully Automatic Bagging : A product development project

Thorn, Johan January 2019 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett examensarbete som gjorts på Goodtech Solutions AB i Karlstad. Examensarbetet är ett avslut på Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i maskinteknik vid Karlstads universitet. Målet med projektet var att utveckla en ny typ av lösning för ett ramverk till en bulkhanteringslinje för att effektivisera tillverkningen och på så sätt öka lönsamheten på produkten. Produktutvecklingsprocessen låg till grund som metod för projektet och genom att steg för steg följa de olika faserna kunde en rad koncept tas fram. Ur dessa kunde ett slutgiltigt konceptval göras och därefter skapa en CAD-modell med hållfasthetsberäkningar som underlag. Den nya konstruktionen löser de tidigare problemen med en robust ram och förenklad konstruktion samt fullständig tillgång till underhållspunkter. Ramverket är konstruerat med hänsyn till innermåtten på en ISO-container och är även dimensionerad för både svartstål och rostfritt vilket har resulterat i en ökad flexibilitet hos produkten. / This report deals with a degree project done at Goodtech Solutions AB in Karlstad. The degree project is a conclusion to the Bachelor of Science program in mechanical engineering at Karlstad University. The aim of the project was to develop a new type of solution for a framework for a bulk handling line to make production more efficient and thus increase the profitability of the product. The product development process was based on the method for the project and by following the different phases step-by-step, a number of concepts could be developed. From these, a final concept selection could be made and then create a CAD model with strength calculations as a basis. The new design solves the previous problems with a robust frame and simplified design and complete access to maintenance points. The framework is designed with regard to the inner dimensions of an ISO container and is also dimensioned for both black steel and stainless steel, which has resulted in an increased flexibility of the product.

Concept Development of a Recliner Mechanism for a Car Seat

Mora Fontelles, Alejandro January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays, there are more and more regulations regarding the emissions of greenhouse gases. The automotive sector is directly affected by new standards enacted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in America and by European regulations in Europe that are forcing car manufacturers to produce more efficient cars. Different ways exist to increase the efficiency of a car and thus reduce the CO2 emissions. One known strategy to improve fuel economy in vehicles is by weight reduction. Consequently, car manufacturers are seeking out new companies that can supply them with lighter car components. Here is where VA Automotive enters the picture, as a car seat manufacturer that is willing to improve their product by reducing the weight of its various components. This study deals with the development of a new recliner design that demonstrates improvements in terms of weight, size and performance compared to the current solution used at VA Automotive. A common product development methodology has been developed to reach the final recliner design which went through the following steps. First of all, a benchmarking technique was adopted to gather as much data as possible from the competitors’ products. Then, a list of target values for the product specifications was defined as a guideline for the development of the product. The next step was to generate several concepts of recliner’s mechanism that were suitable to improve the design from VA Automotive. After that, a Pugh decision matrix was used to select the best alternative between the concepts generated previously. The optimal concept was further developed by generating four design alternatives that were analyzed in terms of manufacturing, assembly, weight and size by using the Lucas DFMA method. Finally some simulations were run for one of the designs in order to check the structural performance of the mechanism and prove this way that the new recliner design meets the requirements. When comparing the new design alternatives with the design from VA Automotive, it was noticed that all the new designs except one presented a lower manufacturing cost index. Moreover, for all of the alternatives of the new recliner design, the weight was reduced by more than 56% compared to the recliner used at VA Automotive. Finally, by means of FEM simulations it was demonstrated that by choosing the right material the new recliner design was able to meet the structural requirements.

Optimisation of ceiling attachment for AVPOS using FEA

Koskenranta, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
In product manufacture and assembly it is important to lower materials usage and assembly timewhile retaining a safety margin against structural failure. In this project the ceiling attachment of theAVPOS offloading arm is redesigned based on objectives identified by Löfs Specialmaskiner. Theoriginal ceiling attachment is analysed using finite element analysis to identify any structuralweaknesses to be addressed during redesign. Based on information gained during the FEA threeconcepts are generated and rated based on their estimated assembly times, material usage, partscount and the cutting length for machining.One concept is selected for further topology optimisation and iterative FEA, where material isremoved from the selected concept design while maintaining safety objectives. The optimised designdeveloped during this project is shown to have a lower number of parts, lower usage of material andassembly time while retaining an overall FOS value of 4.In addition to redesigning the ceiling attachment, alternative bearings are also investigated whichchanges the existing ball bearings to a self-aligning sliding bearing with self-lubricating properties,lowering the machining tolerances as well as lowering the needs for service.This project contributes to lowering material usage and ease of assembly in the product AVPOS thatis manufactured by Löfs Specialmaskiner. The redesigned ceiling attachment along with thesuggested bearings will likely simplify future manufacturing as well as lower any concerns for damageto people and property as a result of structural failure.

Appropriate instructions for manual assembly workers in industrial manufacturing settings: factors to consider

Kuipers, Nathanaël January 2020 (has links)
Manual assembly workers have nowadays a much higher workload than before. Not only do they have to deal with many more product variants, but as aconsequence they also receive many more information signals that they have to act upon. This study focuses on the information assembly workers receive through visual instructions. By conducting a literature review in the domains of product development with focus on design for assembly, cognition related to informationin instructions and different instruction formats like paper, tablet, and augmented reality (AR), commonalities and differences could be identified. Assembly operations are generally divided in handling a part and joining a part, and instructions should inform the assembly worker about when what should be assembled where and how. Each of these aspects has an impact on the overall complexity of the assembly process. To realise which of these aspects is most critical for an assembly worker can be of help in creating and delivering effective, tailor made instructions. The main finding is that there is not a one size fits all solution when it comes to the effectiveness of instructions, but that the type of instructions and the way they are delivered should in the first place be adjusted to the complexity of the assembly operations and secondly - if possible - also adjusted to the experience of the worker. The outcomes mentioned in this document should help laying the foundation for rules and guidelines when it comes to manual assembly instructions and its factors to consider.

Produktutformning och materialval för formsprutning : beträffande polymera material / Product design and material selection for injection molding : concerning polymer materials

Johansson, Hanna, Sundin, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Formsprutning är en tillverkningsmetod somställer krav på produkters utformning. För att göra en lämplig ingötsplacering räcker inte alltid riktlinjer utan en produktspecifik analys kan vara nödvändig. Materialval kräver en tydlig kravspecifikation och kan med fördel göras i samråd med en materialexpert. Riktlinjer för Design for manufacturing and assembly inkluderar bland annat rekommendationer för formgivning. Detta kandidatarbete strävar efter att hjälpa produktutvecklare att tidigt i produktutvecklingsprocessen ta hänsyn till tillverkningsaspekter. Baserat på litteraturstudier, intervjuer och fallstudier har riktlinjer tagits fram för materialval, design for manufacturing and assembly och formgivning för formsprutning. Arbetet är avgränsat till att endast titta på formsprutningsbara termoplaster. Arbetet, som genomförts vid Linköpings universitet, är en del av projektet Säkra monteringsverktyg som resulterade i ett portabelt dödmansgrepp. Defallstudier som genomfördes inom projektetbehandlar värdering av koncept utifrån produktionsperspektiv, materialval och formsprutningsanalyser i programmet Moldflow. Arbetet resulterade i riktlinjer för applicering av metoden design for manufacturing and assembly, formsprutningsanpassning samt materialval. Fallstudien i Säkra monteringsverktyg utmynnade ien värdering av koncept utifrån produktionsaspekter, ett materialval baserat på projektets kravspecifikation och rekommendationer för produktens utformning med syfte att optimera dess tillverkning. En slutsats av arbetet är att produktionsanpassning av produktens utformning bör ske tidigt i utvecklingsprocessen. En annan slutsats är att besök i industrin, hos exempelvis ett formsprutningsföretag, leder till bättre förståelse av vilka krav som behöver uppfyllas för att en produkt ska vara möjlig att producera. Om simuleringsprogram för formsprutning finns bör det användas i kombination med riktlinjer för produktutformning. Ytterligare en slutsats som gjorts är att materialval underlättas genom tidig kontakt med materialleverantörer. Materialvalet baseras på kravspecifikationen och därför bör kraven tydliggöras och dess rimlighet kontrolleras innan materialvalet sker. / Injection molding is a manufacturing method that requires specific features to attain manufacturability. Gating suitability requires analysis and mere guidelines do not always provide the correct gate placement. Material selection requires a pronounced specification and is preferably supervised by an expert. Guidelines concerning design for manufacturing and assembly include, among other things, recommendations directly affecting the shape of the product. The aim for this bachelor thesis is to aid product developers and designers in taking manufacturing aspects into account early in the product development process. This is achieved by providing them with guidelines regarding material selection, injection molding, as well as design for manufacturing and assembly. The thesis is limited to thermoplastic materials suitable for injection molding and its results are based off thorough literature research, interviews and case studies. This bachelor thesis project, which is conducted at Linköping University,is a part of a project calledSafe manual assembly tools, and the resulting portable enabling device developed in Safe manual assembly toolsis used as case studies in this thesis. The case studies include: evaluation of concepts concerning manufacturability; material selection; and injection molding analysis through the software Moldflow. The thesis results in guidelines concerning design for manufacturing and assembly, injection molding and material selection. The case study is requited with concept selection suggestions, a selection of material that meets the specification of requirements stated in Safe manual assembly tools and design recommendations that aim to improve the manufacturability of the concept. This bachelor thesis concludes that design alterations striving to meet requirements for manufacturability should be made early in the devolpment process. Visiting the polymer-based product manufacturing industry offers better insight into which requirements that need to be fulfilled to make a product producible. Injection molding simulation software, if such is available, should be used in combination with design guidelines.The thesis also concludes that material selection is simplified through early contact with suppliers of material. Material selection is based off the specification of requirements and therefore requirements specified in the specification should be clarified and have their plausibility confirmed before the selection takes place.

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