Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diagnostika"" "subject:"diagnostikai""
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Poznatky o logopedické diagnostice a terapii balbuties v české a zahraniční odborné literatuře / Observations in the logopedic diagnostics and therapy of the balbuties in the Czech and forein scientific literatureŽárská, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
The topics of this master thesis are mainly findings on speech-therapy and the treatment of stuttering - stammering in the Czech and foreing reference literature. The work is divided into four chapters; three theoretical and one practical. The first theoretical chapter deals with stuttering-stammering, defines the basic concepts, deals with its etiology, symptoms and expresions, classification and division. The second chapter summarizes findings of balbuties in the Czech literature. The third chapter summarizes findings of balbuties on diagnosis and therapy in the English written literature. The fourth chapter is empirical and it is a quantitative empirical survey. The main method of data gathering was an online survey. The main purpose of the survey was to ascertain which methods and techniques are used when treating stuttering-stammering in the Czech Republic and in the Great Britain. The sub-chapters of the empirical part represent the scientific goals and chosen hypotheses, used methods, an actual processing of the quantitative survey and outcomes of the survey. KEYWORDS stuttering-stammering, balbuties, diagnosis, therapy, speech-therapy, reference literature
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Diagnostika vybraných aspektů organizační kultury společnosti DEK a.s.Doktorová, Markéta January 2007 (has links)
V teoretické části práce je uveden přehled přístupů k organizační kultuře, k jejím vlivům na podnikové procesy, výkonnost a úspěšnost organizace a k metodám jejího zkoumání a poznávání. V rámci praktické aplikace je popsána diagnostika vybraných okruhů organizační kultury společnosti DEK a.s. Empirická data byla zjištěna pomocí dotazníkového šetření mezi zaměstnanci společnosti a analyzována byla relevantními statistickými metodami. Na konci práce jsou shrnuty výsledky statistické interpretace dat do slabých a silných stránek zkoumaných okruhů organizační kultury, na ně pak navazují návrhy na opatření a doporučení.
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Organizační kultura ve vybrané organizaci / Organizational Culture in a chosen OrganizationMandík, Jaroslav January 2009 (has links)
The target of the thesis with the title "Corporate culture in selected organization" is to describe the corporate culture of the Engineering Center based in the company TRW Automotive Czech s.r.o. in Jablonec nad Nisou. The theoretical resources of the thesis are a compilation of facts and opinions originating from authors and scientists who are engaged in the area of management, organizations and corporate culture. The thesis endeavours to provide a brief but comprehensive view on the topic. Further the thesis describes reasons for corporate culture diagnostics and tools to achieve it.The results of the thesis are the primary data obtained by the research via observation and questioning, their incorporation and interpretation using comments. The output of the thesis is at the end a SWOT matrix summarizing strengths and weaknesses of the corporate culture and containing a set of various strategies, which might be used by the management.
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Diagnostika obtíží žáků při výuce CLIL / Diagnostics of students' difficulties in CLILŠteflíčková, Alena January 2012 (has links)
Title: The diagnostics of students' difficulties in CLIL Author: Ing. Alena Šteflíčková Department: Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Education Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jarmila Novotná, CSc. Abstract: The topic of this diploma thesis is the diagnostics of students' difficulties in CLIL. The aim of my thesis was to create and analyze the test, which would integrate both a language (English) and a non-linguistic subject (Mathematics). There are six parts of my thesis. The first one deals with basic facts about CLIL, the second one is aimed at assessment and assessment at schools, the third one deals with tests and their creation. An assessment of CLIL students is the topic of the fourth part. Other two parts contain three tests, analysis of one of the tests and analysis of pupils' solutions of this test. Keywords: CLIL, integrated learning, assessment, diagnostics, testing, tests
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Adaptace neuropsychologického dotazníku EBIQ pro účely diagnostiky emočních a psychosociálních problémů po poranění mozku. / Adaptation of the EBIQ neuropsychological questionnaire for the diagnostic of the emotional and psychosocial problems after brain injury.Wolfová, Beata January 2012 (has links)
Neurorehabilitation for people suffering from brain injury has traditionally focused on rehabilitation of the somatic and cognitive functions. Research into the emotional aspects of brain injury has, however, been limited. The theoretical part of this thesis was therefore to map diagnostic tools suitable for the investigation of emotional problems of patients after brain injury and to classify these tools for the needs of neuropsychological practice. In the empirical part the author focused on the adaptation and pilot verification of the EBIQ (European Brain Injury Questionnaire) neuropsychological questionnaire, for a sample of patients having experienced brain injury and their immediate family and friends. The practical outcome of work in addition to the psychometric characteristics is a Czech working version EBIQ-P (version for patients) and EBIQ-R (version for family members), including well-prepared instructions for evaluating the results and examples for use in clinical practice. EBIQ provides an alternative to the previously used questionnaires SCL-90 and MMPI-100, since these, according to our findings and the findings from other studies on the group of patients after brain injury provide invalid results.
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Neuropsychologická diagnostika a psychoedukace pacientů s diagnózou psychogenních neepileptických záchvatů (PNES) / Neuropsychological diagnosis and psychoeducation of patients with psychogenic nonepileptic seizuresHrešková, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
Neuropsychological assessment and psychoeducation of patients diagnosed with psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES) Mgr. Lucia Hrešková Tutor: Assoc. Prof. Lenka Krámská, Ph.D. Abstract: The term psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) refers to a conversion disorder (300.11) imitating epileptic seizures that are psychological etiology (DSM-5). Neuropsychological assessment including personality profile and mood status is an integral part of the diagnosis and treatment of PNES. The main treatment is psychotherapy. In the theoretical part of this research project, we have processed psychoeducation guide for clinical psychologists and psychotherapists working with patients diagnosed with PNES, based on recommended standards (Myers, 2014; LaFrance & Wincze, 2015; Reiter et al., 2015) and long-term clinical experiences with these patients (in particular Assoc. Prof. Lenka Kramska, Ph.D.). The purpose of our research project was to assess the presence of maladaptive emotional regulation in the profile of patients diagnosed with PNES (N = 51) compared to healthy populations (N = 51), through self-report questionnaires Affective Style Questionnaire (ASQ) and Difficulty in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). The results of our research show a significantly higher level of maladaptive emotional regulation in the...
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Aspirační úroveň a psychomotorické tempo u hráčů squashe / Level of Aspiration and psychomotor tempo of squash playersKumstová, Aneta January 2019 (has links)
Name: Level of Aspiration and psychomotor speed of squash players Aims: The aim of this thesis is to find out the differences between professional and performance squash players in the area of aspirations, psychomotor speed and resistance to stress. Further, to verify the hypothesis that professional players have a higher level of all these categories than performance players Methods: The thesis uses the quantitative questionnaire TATSO (2017), which is supplemented with a qualitative interview with trainers of squash professional players. Data are evaluated by statistical functions of Microsoft Excel and verified by f-test and T-test at 5% and 1% level of significance. Results: Research reveal statistically significant differences between professional and performance players at psychomotor speed and aspirations, while professional players showed significantly higher values, the results of this group proved above average even compared to the current test standards. The results of both groups were above average when tested for resistance to stress, but there was no significant difference between the selected test groups. Key words: Personality test, speed diagnostics, squash, Czech Republic, psychological training
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Širdies signalų analizės metodų paieška ir kūrimas / The retrieval and creation of methods to heart signal analysisKeršulytė, Gintarė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Didelė dalis širdies susirgimų diagnostinių kriterijų gaunama registruojant ir analizuojant kardiosignalus, kurie atspindi tiek elektrinės širdies veiklos sutrikimus (EKG), tiek ir hemodinaminės bei mechaninės veiklos pokyčius, t.y. impedanskardiograma (IKG) ir seismokardiograma (SKG). Dar daugiau, efektyvus širdies susirgimų diagnostikos problemų sprendimas yra naujų kardiosignalų analizės technologijų kūrimas. Jau kelis dešimtmečius Furjė transformacija taikoma EKG dažnumų analizei, tuo tarpu kai IKG ir SKG dažnio charakteristikų vertinimui šis metodas nebuvo naudojamas. Darbo tikslas buvo pritaikyti Furjė analizę įvertinant bei palyginant tris sinchroniškai užregistruotus kardiosignalus, nes jie atspindi elektrinės širdies, hemodinaminės bei mechaninės širdies veiklos pokyčius geriau nei vienas EKG signalas. Kitas darbo tikslas buvo pritaikyti Furjė analizę įvertinant bei palyginant trijų sinchroniškai užregistruotų signalų - EKG, IKG ir SKG dažnio charakteristikas ir koherenciją bei klasifikuoti dvi grupes - "sveikas" ir "ligonis". Rezultatai rodo, kad koherencijos vertinimas ir spektrinė analizė gali būti naudinga gali būti naudingas širdies kraujagyslių bei plaučių sistemų ligų diagnostikai. / A big part of heart disease diagnostics criteria is collected by registration and analysis of cardio signals that reflect the disturbances of the electric heart activity – electrocardiogram (EСG), changes of hemodynamic - impedance cardiograms (IСG) and mechanic activity - seismocardiogram (SСG). ECG analysis is generally applying in clinic practice, but usually in visual way only. Due to the development of the technologies, the bigger amount of data could be stored and more exact analysis of information could be carried out. Therefore, a solution of problem of effective diagnostics of heart diseases is the creation of new technologies for analysis of cardio signals. Previously Fourier series were applied to frequency analysis of ECG, but this method was not applied for estimation of ICG and SCG frequency characteristics. In this thesis the frequency analysis method was applied to three cardio signals, because they reflect the electrical and mechanical work of the human heart better as entirely ECG signal. The main aim of this work was to adapt Fourier transformation to assessing and comparing some characteristics of hereinbefore signals, such as coherence and classify two searching groups - “healthy” and “sick”. Results showed that rating of coherence and spectral analysis could be useful for rightly analyzing and classifying the searching groups.
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Preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas lyginamuoju aspektu / Regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspectNarušytė, Ingrida 31 January 2008 (has links)
Šiame magistro baigiamajame darbe lyginamuoju metodu yra analizuojamas preimplantacinės diagnostikos reguliavimas įvairiose pasaulio valstybėse, tuo pačiu atskleidžiant pagrindines iš to kylančias problemas. Tyrimas atliktas siekiant palyginti skirtingų valstybių teisės aktus ir patirtį šioje biomedicinos srityje. Atlikta analizė rodo, kad preimplantacinė diagnostika vis dar yra pakankamai nauja ir atsargiai vertinama procedūra, sukelianti daug etinių ir teisinių diskusijų, o teisinis reguliavimas priklauso nuo valstybės teisinių, religinių, kultūrinių, socialinių tradicijų. / These master theses analyze the regulation of preimplantation genetic diagnosis in comparative aspect in different countries, simultaneously revealing main problems arising. The aim of this research is to compare legal acts and experience of different countries in this biomedical field. The analysis shows, that preimplantation genetic diagnosis is still innovative and well considered procedure, which give a rise to a lot of ethical and legal discussions, and legal regulation of this procedure depends on legal, religious, cultural and social traditions of the country.
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Fiziologinių duomenų tyrimai šliužo dislokacijos diagnostikai, profilaktikai ir gydymui / The research of the physiological parameters in the diagnostics, prophylactics and treatment of the abomasums displacementAntanaitis, Ramūnas 19 December 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti šliužo dislokacijos (ŠD) prognostinės diagnostikos galimybę, karvių fiziologinę būklę po šliužo repozicijos pagal būdingą ŠD sergamumo specifiką, pieno kiekio, elektrinio pieno laidumo, aktyvumo, kūno masės, melžimo trukmės nuokrypius. Uždaviniai: 1. Atlikti sergamumo ŠD tyrimą; 2. Įvertinti, kaip kinta pieno kiekis, elektrinis pieno laidumas, gyvulio aktyvumas, kūno masė, melžimo trukmė prieš susergant ŠD; 3. Įvertinti ŠD diagnostikos galimybę pagal kraujo serumo biocheminius rodiklius, pieno sudėtį, fiziologinių rodiklių nuokrypius, ŠD klinikinės diagnozės nustatymo dieną; 4. Įvertinti, kaip kinta pieno kiekis, elektrinis pieno laidumas, gyvulio aktyvumas, kūno masė, melžimo trukmė po ŠD repozicijos; 5. Įvertinti teoriškai pieno kiekio kitimo prognozę, atlikus ankstyvąją diagnostiką ir profilaktiką. Įvertinta karvių ŠD prognostinės diagnostikos galimybė, fiziologinė būklė po šliužo repozicijos pagal būdingą ŠD sergamumo specifiką, pieno kiekio, elektrinio pieno laidumo, aktyvumo, kūno masės, melžimo trukmės nuokrypius. Pagrįsta praktinė tiriamų parametrų panaudojimo galimybė. / The objective of this work: To evaluate the possibility of the prognostic diagnostics of the displaced abomasums, the physiological status of the cow after the reposition of abomasums according as the particularity of the displaced abomasums’ morbidity, deviation of milk yield, milk conductivity, walking activity, body weight and milking duration. The problems of this work: 1. To do the research about the morbidity of the displaced abomasums; 2. To estimate the dynamics of the milk yield, milk conductivity, cow’s walking activity, body weight, milking duration before the abomasums was displaced; 3. To estimate the possible diagnostics according as the biochemical results of the blood serum, milk composition, deviations of the physiological indicators at the day of clinical diagnosis of the displaced abomasums; 4. To evaluate the dynamics of the milk yield, milk conductivity, cow’s walking activity, body weight, milking duration after the abomasums was displaced; 5. To evaluate in theory the prognosis of the milk yield changes after the early diagnostics and prophylactics. The possibility of prognostic diagnostics of the displaced abomasums, physiological status of the cow after the reposition of abomasums according as the particularity of the displaced abomasums’ morbidity, deviation of milk yield, milk conductivity, walking activity, body weight and milking duration were evaluated. The possibility of practical appliance of the examined parameters was justified.
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