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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The diagnosis and prevalence of persistent infection with bovine viral diarrhoea virus in feedlot cattle

Meiring, Thelma 13 June 2011 (has links)
Bovine viral diarrhoea virus infection is an important viral infection affecting the cattle industry today. The prevalence of this infection in South African feedlots is unknown. Ear notch biopsies were collected from animals entering feedlots which appeared unthrifty, chronic poor doers, and animals entering the hospital pen with respiratory disease for the first time. One thousand and seventy four (1074) samples were collected from the first two categories and 616 samples from animals entering the hospital pen. Samples were processed with routine immunoperoxidase protocol. Serum samples were also collected when possible. The first aim of this study was to determine the prevalence with the use of immunoperoxidase staining on ear notch biopsies. Overall 49 animals tested positive, 43 from the 1074 group and 6 from the 616 group. The prevalence of persistently infected cattle entering the feedlots was determined as 2.9%, which is higher than the rule of thumb that 0.5% of infected animals enter feedlots. Four percent were positive in the group of 1074 animals and one percent in those entering the hospital pen for the first time. It was proposed by the author that persistently infected animals are at a greater risk to develop respiratory disease in the feedlot, but this was not supported by the data collected. There was thus no clear increase in respiratory disease in persistently infected animals. The reliability of the immunoperoxidase stain as a diagnostic method to identify persistently infected animals was also evaluated. This diagnostic method proved to be reliable, but the pathologist needs to be aware of non-specific staining. During the course of the research it became apparent that in some cases mast cells in the dermis stain positive with both DAB and NovaRED stains. Positive staining in keratinocytes and hair follicle epithelium was not present and these cases were proven as negative for persistent infection. The specific cause of positive staining of mast cell granules remains unclear. Only ten positive cases had serum samples on which ELISA tests for antigen and antibody were performed. All tests correlated well with the immunoperoxidase method except in four cases, where the animals were incorrectly diagnosed as positive due to the non-specific staining as described above. Immunoperoxidase staining on ear notch biopsies is thus a reliable diagnostic method to identify persistently infected animals with BVDV, but the pathologist must be aware of non-specific positive staining. / Bees virus diarree infeksie is ‘n belangrike virale infeksie wat die bees industrie van vandag beinvloed. Die prevalensie van die infeksie in Suid Afrikaanse voerkrale is onbekend. Oorknip biopsies is geneem van verdagte diere met aankoms by die voerkraal, chroniese swak beeste en diere wat vir die eerste keer in die hospitaal kraal weens respiratoriese siekte opgeneem is. Een duised vier en sewentig (1074) monsters is van die eerste twee kategoriee geneem en 616 monsters van diere wat in die hospitaal kraal opgeneem is. Monsters is op roetiene wyse vir immunoperoksidase kleuring geprosesseer. Serum monsters is waar moontlik ook versamel. Die eerste doel van die studie was om die prevalensie van permanente besmette draers te bepaal met behulp van immunoperoksidase kleuring op oorknip biopsies. Nege-en-veertig diere in totaal het positief getoets, 43 vanuit die eerste groep en 6 vanuit die tweede groep. Die prevalensie van permanente besmette draers wat in voerkrale opgeneem word is was 2.9% wat hoër is as die verwagte 0.5% wat deur die literatuur aangedui word. Vier persent was positief in die 1074 groep en 1% in die groep wat vir die eerste keer in die hospitaal kraal opgeneem is. Dit is deur die navorser voorgestel dat permanente besmette draers ‘n groter risiko het om met respiratoriese siektes in die hospitaal kraal opgeneem te word, maar dit is nie deur die data bevestig nie. Daar was dus geen verhoging in die teenwoordigheid van respiratoriese siektes in geaffekteerde diere nie. Die betroubaarheid van immunoperoksidase kleuring om permanente besmette diere met BVD te identifiseer is ook geevalueer. Die metode is betroubaar gevind, maar die patoloog moet bewus wees van nie-spesifieke kleuring. Gedurende die navorsing het dit aan die lig gekom dat mastselle in die dermis positief kleur met DAB en NovaRED kleuring. Positiewe kleuring was nie in die epidermis of haarfollikel epiteel teenwoordig nie en die die gevalle was negatief vir permanente besmetting. Die spesifieke rede vir positiewe kleuring in mastselle is steeds onduidelik. Slegs 10 positiewe gevalle het serum monsters gehad vir ELISA teenliggaam en antigeen toetse. Die resultate het goed gekorrelleer met die immunoperoksidase kleuring, behalwe in 4 gevalle waar gevalle verkeerd as positief gediagnoseer is as gevolg van nie-spesifieke positiewe kleuring soos beskryf. Immunoperoksidase kleuring is dus ‘n sensitiewe metode om permanente besmette draers met BVDV te identifiseer, mits die patoloog bewus is van nie-spesifieke kleuring wat mag voorkom. / Dissertation (MMedVet)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Paraclinical Sciences / unrestricted

Diversidade genética dos rotavírus humanos detectados em pacientes com diarréia aguda no Estado de São Paulo, no período de 1996 a 2006. / Genetic diversity of human rotaviruses detected in patients with acute diarrhea in São Paulo, during 1996 to 2006.

Carmona, Rita de Cássia Compagnoli 05 November 2010 (has links)
Um total de 8.961 amostras fecais coletadas de pacientes com diarréia aguda, no período de 1996 a 2006, no Estado de São Paulo foi testado para rotavírus por EIE. Destas, 20,0% foram positivas e posteriormente realizadas a caracterização dos rotavírus em genótipos G e P por nested RT-PCR. O genótipo G1 de rotavírus foi o mais freqüente, detectado em 35,2% das amostras, seguidos dos tipos G9, G2, G3, G4, infecção mista e G12. A associação mais freqüente foi a P[8]G1 e P[8]G9. Foi realizada a sequencia nucleotídica do gene 9 (VP7) de 38 rotavirus genótipo G1. Duas cepas foram analisadas dos anos de 1997, 1998, 2001 e 2002, três cepas dos anos 1996, 1999 e 2003, quatro cepas em 2000, sete cepas em 2004 e 2005, e cinco em 2006. Os 38 rotavírus G1 foram classificados em duas linhagens distintas, linhagem G1-I e linhagem G1-II. A linhagem G1-I foi detectada durante seis anos, 1996-1997, 2001-2002 e 2004-2006, e a linhagem G1-II foi detectada durante os anos de 1998-2001, e 2003-2005. Análises preliminares mostraram que Rotarix ® foi eficiente contra estas linhagens G1. / Rotavirus (RV) infections are recognized as a major cause of severe gastroenteritis in children worldwide. In March 2006, a monovalente P[8]G1, human RV vaccine (Rotarix® GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals) was introduced in Brazil into the routine childhood immunization schedule. Therefore, the study of genetic diversity among rotavirus strains before and after the introduction of this vaccine may be important for the development of vaccination strategies. A total of 8,961 fecal samples collected from patients with acute diarrhea, during the 11-year period surveillance in São Paulo State (1996 to 2006) were tested for rotavirus by ELISA. One thousand seven hundred eighty- four (1,784, 20.0%) were positive, and the characterization of the G and P genotypes was performed on 1,300 rotavirus samples by nested RT-PCR. The G1 type was the most prevalent rotavirus strain (35.2%). The second most prevalente was the G9 type (31.2%), followed by G2 (4.0%), G3 (3.5%), G4 (2.2%), mix infection (1.8%) and G12 (0.5%). The more frequent association was P[8]G1 and P[8]G9. We performed a sequence analysis of 38 P[8]G1 rotavirus strains, selected from a total of 341 P[8]G1.Two strains from 1997, 1998, 2001, and 2002 were analyzed; three strains from 1996, 1999, and 2003; four strains from 2000; seven strains from 2004, and 2005; and five strains from 2006. All 38 rotavirus G1 sequence in this study were found to be classified into two distinct lineages, lineage I with 44.7% (17/38) and lineage II with 55.3% (21/38). The G1I lineages were detected during six rotavirus seasons 1996-1997, 2001- 2002, and 2004-2006 whereas and lineage G1- II was detected during 1998-2001, and 2003-2005. Preliminary analyses 4 demonstrated that Rotarix® has been efficacious against these G1 lineages.

Anticorpos anti-intiminas α, β e γ de Escherichia coli em soros e colostros de adultos saudáveis da Grande São Paulo / Antibodies reactive with α, β and γ intimins of Escherichia coli in serum and colostrum samples of healthy adults living in São Paulo, Brazil

Quintanilla, Lucy Beatriz Zapata 16 April 2009 (has links)
A diarréia é um importante problema de saúde pública no mundo inteiro e a Escherichia coli é um dos mais freqüentes microorganismos causadores desta doença. A Escherichia coli enteropatogênica (EPEC), um dos principais agentes etiológicos das diarréias infantis no nosso país, é genética e fenotipicamente relacionada com a E. coli enterohemorrágica (EHEC) que além de provocar diarréia é responsável por complicações como síndrome hemolítica urêmica (HUS) e colite hemorrágica (HC). Embora a EHEC seja considerada emergente pela OMS, no Brasil poucos casos de complicações como HUS e HC foram reportados. O mecanismo de patogenicidade comum entre EPEC e EHEC é conhecido como a lesão \"attaching and effacing\" nos microvilos do enterócito. Esta lesão é mediada por um conjunto de fatores de virulência, dentre eles a intimina. A intimina é uma proteína de membrana externa, responsável pelo íntimo contato da bactéria com o enterócito, possui uma região N-terminal que é altamente conservada e uma região C-terminal que é variável. De acordo com a região variável, existem vários subtipos de intimina, dentre eles as intiminas α β e γ. Uma infecção por EPE-C ou EHE-C induz a uma resposta de anticorpos anti-intimina no soro e no colostro. No presente trabalho, foram determinados os anticorpos contra as regiões variáveis α β e γ e a região conservada em 100 amostras de soro e em 54 colostros de adultos saudáveis da Grande São Paulo. As concentrações de IgG sérico e de IgA secretora foram determinadas por ELISA utilizando como antígeno proteínas purificadas obtidas de bactérias recombinantes de cada intimina e os resultados foram submetidos a análise estatística. Foram também realizadas absorções com as bactérias recombirrantes e ensaios de inibição de adesão. Primeiramente observamos que nossa população apresenta anticorpos séricos e secretores reativos com a região conservada e as regiões variáveis das intiminas α β e γ, e que existe uma correlação positiva entre os, diferentes grupos de dados, mostrando assim uma reatividade cruzada parcial entre os anticorpos anti-intiminas, este fato foi confirmado com as absorções e com os ensaios de adesão. A concentração de anticorpos IgA no colostro é mais alta que IgG no soro e a concentração de anticorpos anti-região conservada da intimina no soro se encontra elevada quando comparada com as outras três determinações. Em ensaio de adesão em células HEp-2, foi verificado que anticorpos anti-região variável inibem a adesão de EPEC 0127:H6 numa porcentagem maior que os anticorpos anti-região conservada. Apresença de anticorpos anti-região variável da intimina γ sugere mais uma vez a possível proteção contra a EHEC. Em conjunto, nossos resultados corroboram com a idéia de que nossa população desenvolve uma imunidade natural resultante da exposição a linhagens de E. Coli ou outras bactérias presentes no ambiente, que confere uma proteção contra. EHEC, mesmo não sendo esta bactéria tão freqüente no nosso meio. / Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is a leading cause of infantile diarrhea in developing countries, and has many genetic and antigenic similarittes with enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC). EHEC can cause a variety of uman illnesses ranging from uncomplicated diarrhea to haemorrhagic colitis and haemolytic uremic syndrome. EHEC strains share with EPEC the ability to induce the attaching and effacing lesion (A/E) onto the human enterocyte membrane mediated by virulence factors codified by the patogenicity island LEE, as the type III secretion system, Esps, intimin and Tir. The infection with EPEC and EHEC induces the production of antibodies reactive with these virulence factors. Intimin is an outer membrane protein that mediates intimate attachment in the host cells, upon interaction with its- translocated receptor Tir. This protein shows high conservationin the N-terminal region and variability in the last C-terminal 280 amino acids. Many subtypes of intimins, like α, β and γ, were described according to the variable region. In this work we determined the concentration of IgG antibodies in 100 serum samples and IgA antibodies in 54 colostrum samples reactive with the variable regions α, β and γ intimins and the conserved region in healthy Brazilian adutts, living in São Paulo. The concentrations of seric IgG and secretor IgA anti-intimin antibodies were determined by ELISA with purified proteins obtained from recombinant bacteria expressing the conserved and the variable regions, and then the results were submitted to statistical analysis. Some absorptions and adhesion assays were performed with the aim of investigate cross reactions among the various antibodies. Firstly we observed that our poputation has seric and secretory antibodies reactive with conserved and variable regions of α, β and γ intimins, and there are a positive correlation among these antibodies in serum and colostrum, showing a partial cross reactivity among anti-intimins antibodies. This was confirmed by the absorptions and adhesion assays. IgA antibodies in colostrum were higher than IgG in serum, what could be related with the profective effect of breastfeeding against EPEC infection in infants. The seric antibodies anti-conserved region were higher compared to the other three determinations. The results obtained in the adhesion assays showed that the percentage of inhibition adhesion to EPEC 0127:H6 serotype with anti-variable regions antibodies was higher than anti-conserved regions. The presence of anti-γ variable region suggests the possible protection against EHEC. Taken together, our results suggest that our population develop a natural immunity as a result of the direct contact with E. coli strains or other bacteria present in the environment, which confers protection against EHEC, although it is not frequent in our population.

Molecular epidemiology of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and Shiga toxin producing E. coli (STEC) in dairy herds of central Zambia

Mainda, Geoffrey January 2016 (has links)
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a worldwide public health concern. While it is evident that the use of antibiotics creates selection pressure for the evolution of antibiotic resistance genes, there are still considerable knowledge gaps relating to the status quo of antibiotic use, emergence of resistant pathogens in different livestock production systems and spread within human and animal communities. This thesis includes a survey of antibiotic use in the dairy sector within a specific area of Zambia and analysis of AMR and virulence factors in E. coli isolated from dairy cattle and diarrhoea human patients with the following objectives. 1. To investigate the usage of antibiotics in the dairy sector and the drivers for use. 2. To determine the prevalence and patterns of antimicrobial resistance in E. coli isolated from faecal samples of dairy cattle. 3. To use whole genome sequencing (WGS) to investigate the molecular epidemiology of resistance determinants in E. coli strains isolated from both dairy cattle and humans. 4. To assess the zoonotic potential of isolated E. coli focusing on Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) and relationship to STEC associated with clinical disease in the UK. In view of these objectives, the first part of the work was carried out in Zambia and involved a questionnaire, a field survey, isolation of E. coli from dairy cattle faecal samples and phenotypic testing for AMR. In addition, E. coli isolates were obtained from another study that was focused on human patients presenting with diarrhoea at the University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. The second part involved whole genome sequencing and molecular analyses of E. coli for resistance and virulence genotypes at the Roslin Institute (UK). For the field study, a stratified random sample of 104 farms was studied, representing approximately 20% of all dairy farms in the region. On each farm, faecal samples were collected from a random sample of animals and a standardised questionnaire on the usage of antibiotics was completed. An E. coli isolate was obtained from 98.67% (371/376) of the sampled animals and tested for resistance against the six types of antibiotics (tetracycline, ampicillin, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, cefpodoxime, gentamicin and ciprofloxacin). These E. coli were then analysed together with those from humans for genotypes in the laboratory and from Illumina short read whole genome sequences using bioinformatics tools. Tetracylines and penicillin were the commonly used antibiotics in dairy herds. This finding was in line with the resistance phenotypes detected in E. coli isolated from the dairy cattle. The most prevalent AMR was to tetracycline (10.61; 95%CI: 7.40-13.82), followed by ampicillin (6.02; 95%CI: 3.31-8.73), sulfamethoxazole/ trimethoprim (4.49; 95%CI: 2.42-6.56), cefpodoxime (1.91; 95%CI: 0.46-3.36), gentamicin (0.89; 95%CI: 0.06-1.84) and ciprofloxacin (0%). The risk analysis indicated that AMR was associated with livestock diseases (lumpy skin disease and foot rot), exotic breeds (Jersey and Friesian), location, farm size and certain management practices. Analysis of whole genome sequences showed that isolates from humans had both higher levels and a greater diversity of resistance alleles than the cattle isolates. Common genotypes in both populations were: tetA (16%), tetB (10%), tetC (2%) for cattle isolates with tetA (32%), tetB (22%) and tetD (1%) in human isolates. Other common genotypes were blaTEM (56%), sul1 (29%), sul2 (66%), strA4 (57%) and strB1 (64%) in isolates of human origin while blaTEM (15%), sul1 (3%), sul2 (17%), strA4 (13%) and strB1 (19%) were in the cattle isolates. Whilst the E. coli isolates from cattle encoded resistance to common antibiotics of limited significance to human clinical medicine, isolates from humans had additional extended spectrum beta-lactamases (blaOXA, blaCMY, blaNDM, and blaDHA, blaOKP and blaCTX-M) that encode for resistance to essential antibiotics such as third generation cephalosporins and carbapenems. This was an evidence that AMR is an ongoing public health subject in Zambia but the exclusivity of certain resistances in the human population points to limited or no exchange of genotypes between E. coli of human origin and those from cattle. AMR in humans was probably independently selected by the use of antibiotics of clinical importance such as cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones. The virulence analysis focused on STEC, 11% (41/371) of E. coli isolates from cattle contained Shiga toxin genes (stx) while none (0/73) of the human isolates were positive. Phylogenetic analysis showed a random distribution of bovine STEC, with no indication of clonal spread. Although 89% (16/18) of the STEC tested had a cytotoxic effect on Vero cells, indicative of Shiga toxin production, only three (O45, O111, O157) belonged to one of the seven serogroups (O26, O157, O111, O103, O121, O145 and O45) associated with life-threatening enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) infections in humans. In line with this, only the O157 serotype encoded a type 3 secretion system. This shows that, while Stx-encoding strains are common in these dairy herds of Zambia, they are not strain backgrounds known to pose an immediate threat to human health as they lack colonisation factors that are found in typical human EHEC. However, we must remain vigilant as emergence of EHEC strains in these animals remains an ever-present threat.

Dietary means for enhanced gastrointestinal health and function in weaned pigs: An evaluation of carbohydrase enzymes targeting non-starch polysaccharides

Kiarie, Elijah 07 May 2008 (has links)
A major challenge for the pig industry is to formulate starter diets that primarily fit the digestive capacity, maintain GIT health and promote growth without recourse to in-feed antimicrobials. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of carbohydrase enzymes (CE) targeting non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in enhancing gut health and function in piglets. First, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adding CE in piglet diets on growth performance, GIT bacterial activity and nutrient digestibility. Pigs fed diets containing CE had a higher ileal lactobacilli count, total organic acids concentrations, NSP digestibility and low ammonia compared with control. The effectiveness of CE targeting NSP was further evaluated using enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in a challenge model to evaluate the impact on gut health and function. Two approaches for the ETEC challenge were adopted; an in situ small intestine segments perfusion model and an in vivo model. Initially, a pilot study was conducted to establish and validate the in situ model. In the pilot study, conventional anti-diarrhea agents; fumaric acid, ZnO, egg yolk antibodies against ETEC K88 fimbriae and carbadox, attenuated fluid losses in ETEC-infected jejunal segments. Following the establishment of the in situ model, four experiments were conducted to study the effects NSP hydrolysis products (HP) from various feedstuffs (i.e. wheat, soybean meal, canola meal and flaxseed) on ETEC-induced secretory diarrhea. The results demonstrated that HP protected against ETEC-induced fluid and electrolyte losses. A further study was conducted to investigate the response of piglets fed diets containing HP and EYA singly or in combination upon oral challenge with ETEC. Feeding HP and EYA alone or in combination attenuated ETEC-enteritis symptoms such that piglets fed additives showed less pronounced acute phase responses and superior performance. Piglets fed diets containing additives had lower gastric pH, fewer ETEC adhered to ileal mucosa and lower incidence of diarrhea. Overall, reduction of intestinal pathogens or toxic bacterial metabolites contributes to enhanced GIT health and function. These novel results expand the scope of enzyme technology in animal nutrition within the new paradigm of dietary approaches to gut health and function.

Development of intestinal microflora and occurrence of diarrhoea in sucking foals

John, Jenny, Roediger, Kathrin, Schroedl, Wieland, Aldaher, Nada, Vervuert, Ingrid 18 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Background: Almost all foals develop transient diarrhoea within the first weeks of life. Studies indicated different viral, bacterial, and parasitic causes, such as rotavirus, Clostridium perfringens, Escherichia coli, and Cryptosporidium are discussed. But little is known about the development of intestinal microflora in foals. The present study investigated whether the supplementation with Bacillus cereus var. toyoi would modify the developing intestinal microflora and consequently reduce diarrhoea in foals. From birth, the foals were randomly assigned to three treatment groups: placebo (10 mL isotonic NaCl, n = 8), low dosage (LD; 5 × 108 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 7) and high dosage (HD; 2 × 109 cfu B. cereus var. toyoi, n = 10). Treatment groups were supplemented orally once a day for 58 days. Faeces scoring and sampling were performed within the first 24 h after birth and on day 9, 16, 23, 30, 44, 58 of the foal’s life and also on the first day of diarrhoea. Culture-plate methods were used to analyse the bacterial microflora. Results: Eighty-eight per cent of the foals developed diarrhoea (placebo 7/8, LD 5/7, HD 10/10) during the first 58 days of life. Bacillus cereus var. toyoi supplementation had no effect on bacterial microflora. Clostridium perfringens and enterobacteria were equally prevalent in foals with diarrhoea and those who were not afflicted. Conclusions: We conclude that the supplementation of B. cereus var. toyoi had no effect on the occurrence of diarrhoea and health status in the foals.

Dietary means for enhanced gastrointestinal health and function in weaned pigs: An evaluation of carbohydrase enzymes targeting non-starch polysaccharides

Kiarie, Elijah 07 May 2008 (has links)
A major challenge for the pig industry is to formulate starter diets that primarily fit the digestive capacity, maintain GIT health and promote growth without recourse to in-feed antimicrobials. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of carbohydrase enzymes (CE) targeting non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in enhancing gut health and function in piglets. First, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adding CE in piglet diets on growth performance, GIT bacterial activity and nutrient digestibility. Pigs fed diets containing CE had a higher ileal lactobacilli count, total organic acids concentrations, NSP digestibility and low ammonia compared with control. The effectiveness of CE targeting NSP was further evaluated using enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in a challenge model to evaluate the impact on gut health and function. Two approaches for the ETEC challenge were adopted; an in situ small intestine segments perfusion model and an in vivo model. Initially, a pilot study was conducted to establish and validate the in situ model. In the pilot study, conventional anti-diarrhea agents; fumaric acid, ZnO, egg yolk antibodies against ETEC K88 fimbriae and carbadox, attenuated fluid losses in ETEC-infected jejunal segments. Following the establishment of the in situ model, four experiments were conducted to study the effects NSP hydrolysis products (HP) from various feedstuffs (i.e. wheat, soybean meal, canola meal and flaxseed) on ETEC-induced secretory diarrhea. The results demonstrated that HP protected against ETEC-induced fluid and electrolyte losses. A further study was conducted to investigate the response of piglets fed diets containing HP and EYA singly or in combination upon oral challenge with ETEC. Feeding HP and EYA alone or in combination attenuated ETEC-enteritis symptoms such that piglets fed additives showed less pronounced acute phase responses and superior performance. Piglets fed diets containing additives had lower gastric pH, fewer ETEC adhered to ileal mucosa and lower incidence of diarrhea. Overall, reduction of intestinal pathogens or toxic bacterial metabolites contributes to enhanced GIT health and function. These novel results expand the scope of enzyme technology in animal nutrition within the new paradigm of dietary approaches to gut health and function.

Pathogens affecting the reproductive system of camels in the United Arab Emirates : with emphasis on Brucella abortus, Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus and Bovine Herpes Virus-1: a serological survey in the Al-Ain region /

Hassan Taha, Tariq, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M. Sc.) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007.

Epidemiology, detection and prevention of respiratory virus infections in Swedish cattle : with special reference to bovine respiratory syncytial virus /

Hägglund, Sara, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Epidemiology of bovine viral diarrhoea virus and bovine herpesvirus type1 infections in dairy cattle herds : evidence of self-clearance and detection of infection with a new atypical pestivirus /

Kampa, Jaruwan, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2006. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

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