Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diet"" "subject:"viet""
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Family growth response to fishmeal and plant-based diets shows genotype x diet interaction in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)Pierce, Lindsey Renea 31 July 2008 (has links)
The ability of rainbow trout to efficiently utilize plant-based diets for growth and the genetic variation for that trait have not been thoroughly examined. In this study, growth of a pedigreed population from the commercial Kamloop strain was assessed while feeding plant-based or traditional fishmeal-based diets. Both fish oil (5.00%) and soybean oil (8.43%) were included in the plant-based diet, and only fish oil was used in the fishmeal diet (10.10%). Ninety-five full-sib families nested within 47 half-sib families were reared in a common environment. Parentage assignment was performed on approximately 1,000 fish fed each diet using eight microsatellite markers chosen for non-duplication, a minimum of five alleles with no known null alleles, at least 50% heterozygosity, and unambiguous scoring. Progeny were assigned to parental pairs using two allocation programs, PAPA and FAP, to increase accuracy and to test assignment efficiency. The fish fed the fishmeal/oil diet were approximately 8% larger than the fish fed the plant-based diet (P < 0.05). A significant genotype x diet effect accounted for 5% of the random variation. The genetic correlation for growth on the two diets was 73%, with a heritability of 30% across the diets. With this, I conclude that substantial genetic variation for utilizing pant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil exists in this widely used commercial rainbow trout strain. The genetic variation can be explored to detect and select for genes involved in proved utilization of plant-based diets containing soybean meal and oil if growth on plant-based meals becomes a long-term breeding goal in rainbow trout production. / Master of Science
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Motivations to eat as a predictor of weight status and dietary intake in low-income, minority women in early postpartumCahill, Jodi Marie 26 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to develop, validate, and test an instrument to evaluate motivations to eat in low-income women during the early postpartum period. The instrument was also used in a sample of young college women to further validate the measure and explore determinants of eating in this population. In study 1, the Eating Stimulus Index was validated in 179 low-income women in early postpartum. Validity and reliability were determined via principal components analysis, internal consistency reliability, and test-retest reliability using a subgroup of 31 low-income new mothers. The factor analysis produced an eight factor structure with reliability coefficients ranging from 0.54-0.89. Convenience eating (r=-0.25, P<0.01), emotional eating (r=-0.17, P<0.05), and dietary restraint (r=-0.21, P<0.01) were significantly related to weight status. In study 2, the relationship between eating motivations and diet quality, determined via the Dietary Guidelines Adherence Index, was established in 115 low-income women in early postpartum. High diet quality was related to fruit and vegetable availability (r=0.25, P<0.01), convenience eating resistance (r=-0.36, P<0.001), and vegetable taste preference (r=0.23, P<0.05). Motivations to eat differed between overweight and obese women with the primary motivation being convenience eating and taste, respectively. In study 3, determinants of weight loss were examined in 58 low-income women in early postpartum participating in an 8-week weight loss intervention. Participants were evaluated at pre- and post-study for all measures. Factors related to weight loss included increases in dietary restraint, weight management skills, and weight loss self-efficacy and decreases in fruit juice servings, total energy, and discretionary energy intakes. After hierarchical regression analysis, improvement in weight loss self-efficacy was the most significant determinant (β=0.263, P<0.05) followed by decreases in discretionary energy intake (β=-0.241, P<0.05). In study 4, determinants of diet quality were assessed in a sample of 88 young college women using the Eating Stimulus Index. Low diet quality was associated with poor fruit and vegetable availability, convenience eating resistance, vegetable taste preference, and weight management self-efficacy, while high diet quality was related to increased frequency of meals prepared at home and decreased frequency of meals consumed at fast food restaurants. / text
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The Plant-Based Diet Transition among People with Cardiovascular DiseaseMollohan, Elise Ann 26 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Föräldraskap och kosthållning : småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost / Parenting and diet : parents of small children, their thoughts and perceptions about dietÖström, Maria, Nabil, Nadia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund Föräldrar har en viktig roll som förebilder för sina barn och har därigenom uppgiften att främja en hälsosam utveckling av ätbeteende och matpreferenser hos dem. Syfte Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka småbarnsföräldrars uppfattning och tankar om kost. Frågeställningarna berörde föräldrarnas associationer till hälsosam kost, vad som kunde påverka följsamheten av denna samt om intresse för mer kunskap inom ämnet fanns.Metod Studien utgjordes av en kvantitativ undersökning som genomfördes på sex förskolor i Umeå stad. 230 enkäter delades ut till förskolepersonal, som i sin tur vidarebefordrade dessa med ett medföljande informationsbrev till föräldrar med barn i åldrarna 2-5. Efter sex dagar samlades enkäterna in, vilka uppgick till ett antal om 77 stycken.Resultat Majoriteten av föräldrarna i studien utgjordes av mödrar med hög utbildning. En klar majoritet ansåg sig ha goda kunskaper om hälsosam mat, vilket de flesta associerade med en varierad kost. Kokböcker utgjorde en av de tre främsta kunskapsskällorna. Enligt föräldrarna var tidsbrist den faktor som i störst utsträckning påverkade följsamheten till en hälsosam kost, följt av undvikande av omtyckt mat. Ett signifikant samband mellan högutbildade och upplevelsen av tidsbrist, som något som försvårar följsamheten till en hälsosam kost, konstaterades. Familjemedlemmars önskemål, följt av matkvalitet, ansågs främst påverka föräldrarnas livsmedelsval. Slutsats Kostmedvetenhet och ett intresse för matlagning fanns hos föräldrarna, vilka angav att de hade goda kunskaper om hälsosam mat. Trots detta ansågs utrymme för förbättringar finnas. För att i praktiken kunna tillämpa kostkunskap, i enlighet med svenska näringsrekommendationer, upplevde författarna att hjälp, i form av insatser i kommun och landsting, kan behövas.
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Effekter av lågkolhydratskost för personer med diabetes mellitus typ 2. / The effects of low carbohydrate diet for personswith diabetes mellitus type 2Haraldsson, Ellen, Svensson, Ellen January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 (DT2) är ett ökande hälsoproblem och sjukdomen innebär att kroppen producerar mindre insulin än kroppens aktuella behov. Övervikt, fysisk inaktivitet, ohälsosamma kostvanor, ärftlighet och stigande ålder är riskfaktorer för att utveckla sjukdomen. För att undvika komplikationer ska ett stabilt blodsocker eftersträvas. Sjuksköterskan ska vara ett stöd och ge kunskap om egenvården, som enligt Orem innebär upprätthållande av hälsa och livskvalitet. Fettsnål kost har under många år rekommenderat. Populariteten kring lågkolhydratskost har under de senaste åren ökat och det förekommer studier som visar att kosten kan vara fördelaktigt för personer med DT2. Syfte: Att beskriva effekter av lågkolhydratkost hos personer med DT2. Metod: Litteraturöversikten har kvantitativ design och innehåller 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Fribergs analysmodell användes för att analysera artiklarna. Resultat: Lågkolhydratskosten visade en signifikant förbättring i glukos, kroppsmassa och blodfetter. Kosten visade inga stora skillnader mellan variablerna på lång sikt jämfört med andra koster. Det stöd som förekom till deltagarna i studierna visade sig vara betydelsefullt för att uppnå ovanstående effekter och framförallt då det gällde att bevara effekterna över tid. Slutsats: Lågkolhydratskosten medförde positiva effekter på kort sikt och effekterna samvarierade med omfattningen av stöd som ingick i studierna. Trots rädslan för att kosten medför ökad risk för hjärt- och kärlsjukdom påvisade studien inga risker med kosten på kort sikt. Nyckelord: diabetes typ 2, lågkolhydratskost, egenvård, Dorothea Orem, diet. / Background: Diabetes type 2 (DT2) is an increasing health problem. The disease means that the body produces less insulin than the body need. Obesity, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, heredity and rising age are risk factors for the disease. To avoid complications, a stable blood sugar pursued. The nurse will provide support and give knowledge for self-care, that according Orem means to provide health and quality of life. Low fat diets have for many years recommended. The popularity around low carbohydrate diet has increased in recent years. Studies shows that low carbohydrate can be beneficial for persons with DT2. Aim: To describe the effects of low carbohydrate diets in people with DT2. Method: The literature review with a quantitative design, contains 13 scientific articles. Friberg analysis model was used to analyze the articles. Results: A significant improvement was observed in glucose, body mass and lipids. The diet showed no significant differences between the variables in the long term compared to other diets. The support that occurred to the participants in the studies were found to be significant in order to achieve the above effects and especially when it came to preserve the effects over time. Conclusion: The low carbohydrate diet resulted in short- term positive effects and these effects varied whit the extent of support the studies conducted. Despite fears that the diet increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, studies showed no short-term risks. Keywors: diabetes type 2, low carbohydrate diet, self care, Dorothea Orem, diet
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VARFÖR LÅGKOLHYDRATKOST? : Röster om den höga sockerkonsumtionen. / Why low carbohydrate diet? : Voices about the high sugar consumption.Löfstrand, Gunilla, Björksten, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka familjers upplevelser av att minimera intaget av socker/snabba kolhydrater. Detta genomfördes med kvalitativa ostrukturerade intervjuer där föräldrarna i familjen fritt fick berätta utifrån olika teman. Dessa teman täckte områden som anledning, tillvägagångssätt, reaktioner, svårigheter, beteenden och eventuella hälsovinster relaterade till kostomläggningen. Utöver dessa familjer valdes tre bloggar ut inom området lågkolhydratkost. Dessa följdes och analyserades som komplement till intervjuerna. Resultaten tolkades utifrån socialkonstruktivistiskt synsätt och teorin om symbolisk interaktionism. De mest framträdande resultaten var att samtliga som ingått i studien har upplevt förbättringar i sin hälsa, i de flesta fall förbättrades även barnens kognitiva förmåga. Vidare upplevde de att traditionen med sötsaker som både belöning och tröst, är djupt rotad vilket innebar att kostomläggningen inte var så enkel att genomföra utan att få höra epitet som "fanatisk" och "extrem". Ingen av intervjupersonerna uppger att de kan tänka sig att återgå till kolhydratrik kost. / The aim of this study was to examine families' experiences of minimizing the intake of sugar/highcarbs. This has been studied with a qualitative unstructured method with the parents in three families from different free to tell based themes. These themes covered areas like reason, procedures, reactions, problems, behaviors and potential health benefits related to their dietary change. In addition to these families, three blogs were selected in the field of low carbohydrate diets. These were followed and analyzed as a supplement to the interviews. The results were interpreted on the basis of social constructivist approach and the theory of symbolic interactionism. The most prominent findings was that all who entered the study have experienced improvements in their health, in most cases also improved children's cognitive ability . Furthermore , they felt that the tradition of sweets as both reward and comfort, made their dietary change implement difficult without hearing the epithet as " fanatical " and " extreme" . None of the interviewees stated that they would be willing to return to the high-carbohydrate diet.
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Exploring Dietary Sacrifice in Intimate Relationships for Couples with Celiac DiseaseAlley, Lindsey Marie 30 March 2015 (has links)
Prior research on eating behaviors has shown that romantic partners actively merge their dietary preferences throughout the course of a relationship and find significant value in cooking and eating the same foods together at the same times. Yet, little is known regarding the impacts of specific dietary support processes involved in maintaining said communal diet when one partner drastically alters his or her eating patterns. The current study defined dietary sacrifice as a phenomenon within the context of Celiac Disease (CD): a chronic illness that requires strict adherence to the gluten-free diet (GFD). Drawing from existing research on sacrifice within romantic relationships (e.g., Impett & Gordon, 2008), this project examined whether non-Celiac partners' adherence to the GFD during shared mealtimes impacted relationship satisfaction for both couple members. Female Celiacs and their non-Celiac cohabitating partners (N=152 couples) were recruited for an online survey through various support organizations. Given the dyadic design of this study, the Actor-Partner Interdependence Mediation Model (APIMeM; Ledermann, Macho, & Kenny, 2011) was used to examine the mediating influence of Dietary Approach and Avoidance Motives. Results indicated that partner support in the form of shared GFD adherence bolstered couple happiness to the extent that it was performed for positive gains (e.g., promoting health and well-being) by the non-Celiac. While dietary sacrifice was positively associated with Celiacs' relationship satisfaction above and beyond non-Celiacs' endorsement of Dietary Avoidance Motives, both dyad members experienced significantly lower relationship satisfaction when non-Celiac partners adhered to the diet to deflect negative outcomes (e.g., rejection, fighting). This study serves as the first application of relationship sacrifice research to a specific health issue, and the first psychological exploration into intimate partners' dietary support processes within the Celiac population.
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Using the Ketogenic Diet as an Adjuvant to Cancer Therapy: A Systematic ReviewRisola, Melanie L 01 January 2019 (has links)
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Evidence shows that a conventional western diet may contribute to the proliferation of cancer cells, affecting their prognosis. The aim of this review is to examine the efficacy and safety of using the ketogenic diet as an adjuvant to traditional cancer therapy. The systematic literature search was performed in October 2018 on two search engines: EBSCOhost (Medline, CINHAL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and Web of Science using the following key terms: ketogenic diet, high fat & low-carbohydrate diet, Atkins diet, cancer or neoplasms+. The search limitations included clinical studies among adult cancer patients. A total of 544 publications were initially identified. After the first title/abstract screening, 22 articles were eligible for full-text screening; finally, 3 were eligible for data extraction. We synthesized the effects of the ketogenic diet on cancer progression and safety by extracting and summarizing data on 4 items: 1) study characteristics, 2) characteristics of study participants, 3) diet composition and duration, and 4) key findings for efficacy and safety. Although only 3 studies were included, it was observed that more patients who adhered to the ketogenic diet than patients who did not experienced stability of disease and response to treatment. Patients who received the ketogenic diet also experienced a decrease in tumor size, cholesterol, fasting glucose, and triglyceride levels at 90 days. No statistically significant anthropometric changes were experienced; patients weight was maintained. However, more clinical evidence is necessary before applying the ketogenic diet in an oncological setting.
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Adequacy, degree, and place of emphasis in attainment of management competences by dietetic studentsMongeon, Stephanie January 2011 (has links)
Forms in pocket. / Digitized by Kansas State University Libraries
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Examining the relationship between diet-induced acidosis and cancerRobey, Ian Forrest January 2012 (has links)
Increased cancer risk is associated with select dietary factors. Dietary lifestyles can alter systemic acid-base balance over time. Acidogenic diets, which are typically high in animal protein and salt and low in fruits and vegetables, can lead to a sub-clinical or low-grade state of metabolic acidosis. The relationship between diet and cancer risk prompts questions about the role of acidosis in the initiation and progression of cancer. Cancer is triggered by genetic and epigenetic perturbations in the normal cell, but it has become clear that microenvironmental and systemic factors exert modifying effects on cancer cell development. While there are no studies showing a direct link between diet-induced acidosis and cancer, acid-base disequilibrium has been shown to modulate molecular activity including adrenal glucocorticoid, insulin growth factor (IGF-1), and adipocyte cytokine signaling, dysregulated cellular metabolism, and osteoclast activation, which may serve as intermediary or downstream effectors of carcinogenesis or tumor promotion. In short, diet-induced acidosis may influence molecular activities at the cellular level that promote carcinogenesis or tumor progression. This review defines the relationship between dietary lifestyle and acid-base balance and discusses the potential consequences of diet-induced acidosis and cancer occurrence or progression.
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