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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reflections on the position(s) of Peace Studies

Kelly, Ute 18 December 2019 (has links)
No / About a week after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, staff and students in the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford met to begin discussing how the Department should respond. At one end of the spectrum was the conviction that the Department should publicly express a collective position. Both within and outside the Department, people were asking: What is the position of peace studies? At the other end, there was the equally strong conviction that it was both impossible and inappropriate for the Department to answer this question, that peace studies should provide a space for argument and debate about the complexities of the situation rather than presume a consensus that might not exist beyond a very general level. The first argument worried those who —justifiably —insist that intellectual freedom and debate is integral to academic activity. The latter disappointed those who —equally justifiably —expect peace studies to take a clear stance in favor of the values that constitute the very rationale of the discipline.

The Darkening of the Other: Demarcating Difference in Cantar de Roldan, Cartas marruecas, and La reina del sur

Weil, Amy Margaret 18 December 2018 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the research of various historical and literary theorists in relation to identification of Otherness in three Spanish works: Cantar de Roldán, Cartas marruecas, and La reina del sur. Throughout the thesis, I analyze hwo the discourse of identification of Otherness has progressed throughout these three works. Each work was chosen as a cultural artifact of its time. I begin the thesis with Cantar de Roldán and analyze how variation in faith served as primary demarcation of Otherness. I then analyze Cartas marruecas and how race also becomes an identifier of Otherness; I end the thesis analyzing La reina del sur and the role of racial discourse as the primary identifier of Otherness. / Master of Arts / This thesis analyzes the research of various historical and literary theorists in relation to identification of Otherness in three Spanish works: Cantar de Roldán, Cartas marruecas, and La reina del sur. Throughout the thesis, I analyze how the discourse of identification of Otherness has progressed throughout these three works. Each work was chosen as a cultural artifact of its time. I begin the thesis with Cantar de Roldán and analyze how variation in faith served as primary demarcation of Otherness. I then analyze Cartas marruecas and how race also becomes an identifier of Otherness; I end the thesis analyzing La reina del sur and the role of racial discourse as the primary identifier of Otherness.

Verizon Communications: An Examination of Organizational Discourse "Before" and "After" 9/11

Koenigsfeld, Nathan 05 August 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, Verizon's discourse was analyzed as a case study for corporate rhetoric. This rhetorical analysis examined Verizon's discourse before, during and after the crisis of 9/11. Press releases, executive speeches, and other internal documents were analyzed while media reports provided a context for the discourse. Renewal discourse coupled with the theories of organizational identification and values advocacy provided the basic framework for this thesis. Verizon's crisis situation during the crisis of 9/11 provided a unique context in which to study organizational discourse. By placing the response within a larger frame of the organization's history, this study was able to provide insight into traditional crisis response scholarship that often only focuses on the immediate response to crisis. / Master of Arts

Interrogating China’s approach to relations with sub-Saharan Africa in official documents (2000-2010) through critical discourse analysis

Ndenguino-Mpira, Hermanno 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: China‘s rise as an economic superpower has had important consequences for its relations with African countries over the past 10-15 years. Not only were these relations thoroughly reviewed and significantly increased, but China also adopted a new cooperation policy that its administration describes as being based on mutual benefits and win-win economic collaboration. However, there is a sceptical public opinion in Africa and also in some developed countries about China‘s current engagement with African countries, and in particular with countries from the sub-Saharan region. In fact, China is frequently accused of acting as a new colonizing power and of increasing its relations with African countries simply as a strategy to achieve higher power-politics status and to structure a new global economic order. The present study addresses the question of whether China‘s official discourse about its relations with sub-Saharan African countries from 2000 to 2010 contains any grounds for the sceptical public opinion mentioned above. In more concrete terms, the main objective of the study is to determine from a linguistic perspective, and more specifically from a critical discourse analysis point of view, whether there are any overt or covert messages of power and ideology in China‘s discourse to sub-Saharan African countries which could justify the sceptical public opinion about China‘s current engagement in this part of the continent . The texts representing China‘s discourse about its relations with sub-Saharan African countries that are examined for this study comprise official speeches, statements, and other related official documents delivered by Chinese officials in the period 2000-2010, and published in English on the websites of various institutions, including China‘s official websites. These texts are examined from within the framework of the Discourse-Historical Approach (DHA) as set out by, specifically, Wodak (2001a). The texts are analysed using the DHA three-dimensional procedure consisting of (i) identifying the Content(s) and Topic(s) of the specific discourse, (ii) investigating the discursive strategies used in the specific texts, and (iii) analysing the linguistic means and the specific context-dependent linguistic realizations. On the one hand, the analysis of the Discourse Topics indicates that the relations between China and sub-Saharan African countries are grounded in China‘s pluralist approach to international affairs. From this perspective, then, it could be argued that China‘s current engagement in sub-Saharan Africa does not warrant the sceptical public opinion mentioned earlier. On the other hand, however, the analysis of the discursive strategies used to represent China and sub-Saharan African countries, indicates that such sceptisism is likely warranted. The relations between China and African countries have predominantly been investigated from economic and political perspectives. However, the manner in which these relations are expressed, implied, negotiated, interpreted, distributed, etc. in discourse has not yet received any systematic attention. The present study was therefore undertaken to contribute, from a linguistic perspective, to the knowledge of and the debate about China‘s current engagement in Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: China se opgang as ‘n ekonomiese supermoondheid het belangrike gevolge gehad vir sy betrekkinge met Afrikalande oor die afgelope 10-15 jaar. China het hierdie betrekkinge deeglik hersien en beduidend uitgebrei, en het daarby ook ‘n nuwe samewerkingsbeleid aanvaar wat volgens sy administrasie gegrond is op wedersydse voordele en wen-wen ekonomiese samewerking. Daar is nietemin ‘n skeptiese openbare mening in Afrika en ook in sommige ontwikkelde lande oor China se huidige verbintenis met Afrikalande, en in die besonder met lande van die sub-Sahara streek. Trouens, China word gereeld daarvan beskuldig dat hy optree soos ‘n nuwe koloniale moondheid, en dat sy verhoogde betrekkinge met Afrikalande bloot ‘n strategie is om groter magspolitieke status te bekom en om ‘n nuwe globale ekonomiese struktuur daar te stel. Die huidige studie fokus op die vraag of China se amptelike diskoers oor sy betrekkinge met sub-Sahara Afrikalande vanaf 2000 tot 2010 enige gronde bied vir die genoemde skeptiese openbare mening. In meer konkrete terme, is die hoofoogmerk van die studie om vanuit ‘n taalwetenskaplike perspektief, en meer spesifiek vanuit die oogpunt van kritiese diskoersanalise, vas te stel of China se diskoers met sub-Sahara Afrika enige overte of koverte boodskappe van mag en ideologie bevat wat kan dien as regverdiging vir die skeptiese openbare mening oor China se huidige betrokkenheid in hierdie deel van die kontinent. In die studie word ‘n verskeidenheid tekste ontleed wat verteenwoordigend is van China se diskoers oor sy betrekkinge met sub-Sahara Afrikalande. Dié tekste sluit amptelike toesprake, verklarings en verwante dokumente van Chinese amptenare in wat gelewer is in die tydperk 2000-2010, en wat in Engels gepubliseer is op die webwerwe van verskeie instellings, insluitend China se amptelike webwerwe. Die tekste word ondersoek binne die raamwerk van die Diskoers-Historiese Benadering (DHB) soos uiteengesit in, spesifiek, Wodak (2001a). Die analise van die tekste volg die DHB se drie-dimensionele prosedure, wat die volgende inhou: (i) identifisering van die Inhoud(e) en Onderwerp(e) van die spesifieke diskoers, (ii) analise van die diskursiewe strategieë wat gebruik word in die spesifieke tekste, en (iii) analise van die talige middele en die spesifieke konteks-afhanklike talige realiserings. Aan die een kant dui die analise van die Diskoers Onderwerpe daarop dat die betrekkinge tussen China en sub-Sahara Afrikalande gebaseer is op China se pluralistiese benadering tot internasionale sake. Vanuit hierdie perspektief kan daar dus geargumenteer word dat China se huidige betrokkenheid in sub-Sahara Afrika nie gronde bied vir die skeptiese openbare mening wat hierbo genoem is nie. Aan die ander kant, egter, dui die analise van die diskursiewe strategieë wat aangewend word in die voorstelling van China en sub-Sahara Afrikalande daarop dat daar waarskynlik wel gronde is vir sulke skeptisisme. Die betrekkinge tussen China en Afrikalande is tot dusver merendeels vanuit ekonomiese en politieke perspektiewe ondersoek. Die wyse waarop sulke betrekkinge uitgedruk, geïmpliseer, onderhandel, geïnterpreteer, versprei, ens. word in diskoers, is egter nog nie sistematies ondersoek nie. Die huidige studie is gevolglik onderneem om, vanuit ‘n taalwetenskaplike perspektief, ‘n bydrae te lewer tot die kennis van en die debat oor China se huidige betrokkenheid in Afrika.

"Stress är både hur man har det och hur man tar det" : En kritisk diskursanalys av stress i dokument om arbetsmiljöarbete

Källén, Malin, Andersson, Cecilia January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats redogörs för en kritisk diskursanalytisk studie om konstruktionen av stress, vars syfte är att undersöka hur stress språkligt konstrueras i olika dokument om arbetsmiljöarbete. Vid analysförfarandet användes diskursanalytikern Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell för lingvistisk och sociologisk forskning. Dennes kritiskt diskursanalytiska tankar utgör även studiens teoretiska referensram. Det analyserade materialet består av dokument om arbetsmiljöarbete mot stress, som Arbetsmiljöverket och Prevent har producerat. Uppsatsen innefattar en kartläggning över fältet för arbetsmiljöarbete och fenomenet stress, samt en presentation kring den tidigare forskning som studerats i studiens initierande fas. Denna forskning framställs genom de tre temana diskursiv påverkan, den normaliserande diskursen och individuella faktorer. Studiens resultat presenteras i de två delarna text och diskursiv praktik från Faircloughs analysmodell. Sammantaget innefattar den första resultatdelen text de fyra temana typ av text, modalitet, hyponymer och antonymer samt transitivitet. Under den andra resultatdelen diskursiv praktik återfinns de fyra diskurserna den utbildande diskursen, den arbetsrättsliga diskursen, den ohälsosamma diskursen och den vetenskapliga diskursen.

La construction de la subjectivité dans la société française contemporaine : analyse de la dialectique entre Dire et discours dans les champs de la politique, du sujet et du lien social / The construction of subjectivity in contemporary French society

Clément, Adèle 13 October 2018 (has links)
Nous interrogeons l’impact des discours contemporains sur la subjectivité, les résistances qui apparaissent de façon visible, c'est-à-dire qui sont représentées, et plus particulièrement les formes extérieures qui viennent produire un renversement interne de ces discours et/ou la mobilisation de nouvelles pratiques qui ne cherchent pas à s’y faire reconnaitre. Parmi les discours dominants, nous développons les discours de la valeur économique, le discours des technosciences et le discours du risque. Nous y analysons les articulations, particulièrement au niveau de la réflexivité produite dans le sujet, avec les discours lacaniens de l’analyste et du capitaliste. Des affections émergentes, qui ne sont pas associées à des représentations, peuvent se manifester au niveau de la politique, du sujet, et du social. Les affections émergentes sont précisément ce qui se manifeste à partir du corps et ne peut trouver de représentance dans le social. Elles se distinguent des affects en ce que ces derniers sont associés à des discours, produisant des objets de savoir qui les conditionnent. De ces affections, il pourra y avoir répression, nomination (Dire), ou rattachement à des affects existants. L’événement discursif au niveau de la politique mobilise une représentation homogène pour produire des affects communs à partir des affections émergentes : la pluralité des sites de pouvoir laisse amoindrie l’autorité discursive instituée. Sur le plan du social, la production de savoir est à la fois invisibilisée dans la norme, mais elle est aussi, comme désir de savoir, productrice de liens : l’affection émergente trouve une forme de constitution pratique qui ne passe pas par la reconnaissance discursive. / We question the impact of contemporary discourses on the subjectivity, the visible resistances - meaning the one that are represented - and more particularly the external form that come to produce an internal reversal of these discourses and/or the mobilization of new practices which do not seek to be recognized. Among the dominant discourses, we expand on the discourse of economic value, the discourse of technosciences and the discourse of risk. The interconnections are analyzed, particularly in terms of the reflexivity produced in the subject, with the Lacanian discourses of the analyst and the capitalist. Some emergent affection, which is not associated with ideational representative, may occur at the level of politics, subject, and social. Emergent affections are precisely what occurs itself from the body and that can not find any instinctual representative in the social. They are distinguished from affects as they are themselves associated with discourses, producing objects of knowledge that condition them. From these affections, there may be repression, appointment (Say), or attachment to existing affects. The discursive event at politic level mobilizes a homogeneous representation to produce common affects from emerging affections: the plurality of power places leaves the established discursive authority lessened. In social terms, the production of knowledge is both invisibilised in the standard, but it is also, as a desire to know, a producer of links: the emerging affection finds a form of practical constitution that does not go through discursive recognition.

Discurso organizacional: aportes conceituais / Organizational discourse: conceptual contributions

Silva, Magno Vieira da 07 December 2018 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o discurso organizacional e suas relações com os processos de comunicação organizacional. Ao se verificar, na literatura acadêmica brasileira, a ausência de pesquisas que dedicassem um olhar exclusivo sobre o discurso organizacional em sua dimensão epistemológica, busca-se construir, com base em tal quadro, um arco teórico-epistêmico a respeito desse tipo de discurso. Nesse sentido, considera-se a fundamentação teórica elemento central para a constituição desta pesquisa. A partir do pressuposto de que a linguagem (VOLÓCHINOV, [1929] 2017) e o discurso (LACLAU; MOUFFE, [1985] 2015a, [1987] 2015b) constroem a realidade, propõe-se, com base nestes postulados, que o discurso organizacional seja pensado e caracterizado por meio da noção de gêneros do discurso, cujas principais contribuições teóricas encontram-se em Bakhtin ([1952-1953] 2016), Volóchinov ([1929] 2017) e Maingueneau (2008a, 2010, 2013, 2015). Adicionalmente, como forma de ilustrar as particularidades e as determinadas caracterizações do discurso organizacional, além das diferentes constituições materiais que pode assumir tendo em vista a noção de gêneros, realiza-se um exercício analítico, desde uma perspectiva discursivo-comunicacional, de abordagem de exemplos e contraexemplos de materiais de treze organizações, com foco nas produções da organização Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN). Ao final da tese, são oferecidos alguns aportes conceituais para a compreensão do discurso organizacional. Apresentando natureza predominantemente teórica, o trabalho tem na pesquisa bibliográfica e na própria fundamentação seus elementos metodológicos fundamentais. / This study has as its theme the organizational discourse and its relations with the organizational communication processes. In the Brazilian academic literature, the absence of research that dedicated an exclusive view on the organizational discourse in its epistemological dimension, this research aims to construct, based on such framework, a theoretical-epistemic arc about this type of discourse. In this sense, the theoretical foundation is considered a central element for the constitution of this research. From the assumption that language (VOLOCHINOV, [1929] 2017) and discourse (LACLAU; MOUFFE, [1985] 2015a, [1987] 2015b) construct reality, it is proposed, based on this theoretical architecture, that the organizacional discourse can be considered a discourse genre, idea in which main theoretical contributions are found in Bakhtin ([1952-1953] 2016), Volóchinov ([1929] 2017) and Maingueneau (2008a, 2010, 2013, 2015). In addition, as a way of illustrating the particularities and certain characterizations of the organizational discourse, besides the different material constitutions that can be assumed in view of discourse genres, an analytical exercise is carried out from a discursive-communicational perspective, approaching examples and counterexamples from materials from thirteen organizations, with focus on Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) organization\'s productions. At the end of this thesis, some conceptual contributions are offered for the understanding of organizational discourse. With predominantly theoretical nature, this study has in its bibliographic research and in the foundation itself its fundamental methodological elements.

Reading (as) the other: hermeneutics, marginality and Chinese-Western comparative discourse.

January 1993 (has links)
by Chu Yiu Wai, Stephen. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1993. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 316-336). / Acknowledgments --- p.ii / Chapter Chapter One --- "Introduction: The Politics of an ""Other"" Critical Discourse" --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter Two --- "Interpretation, Textuality, Paradox: Towards an ""Other"" Reading Position" --- p.25 / Chapter Chapter Three --- De/Formation of the Hermeneutical Framework in Chinese-Western Comparative Discourse --- p.76 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Reading Feminist Reading and a Critique of Chinese Critical Discourse --- p.129 / Chapter Chapter Five --- The Problem of Reading in Contemporary Chinese Critics: Three Exemplary Positions --- p.170 / Chapter i. --- James J.Y. Liu --- p.172 / Chapter ii. --- Stephen Owen --- p.208 / Chapter iii. --- Wai-lim Yip --- p.227 / Chapter Chapter Six --- "An ""Other"" Conclusion: Towards an Oppositional Reading in the (Post)Colonial Context" --- p.257 / Select Bibliography --- p.316 / Glossary --- p.337

Discurso organizacional: aportes conceituais / Organizational discourse: conceptual contributions

Magno Vieira da Silva 07 December 2018 (has links)
Esta tese tem como tema o discurso organizacional e suas relações com os processos de comunicação organizacional. Ao se verificar, na literatura acadêmica brasileira, a ausência de pesquisas que dedicassem um olhar exclusivo sobre o discurso organizacional em sua dimensão epistemológica, busca-se construir, com base em tal quadro, um arco teórico-epistêmico a respeito desse tipo de discurso. Nesse sentido, considera-se a fundamentação teórica elemento central para a constituição desta pesquisa. A partir do pressuposto de que a linguagem (VOLÓCHINOV, [1929] 2017) e o discurso (LACLAU; MOUFFE, [1985] 2015a, [1987] 2015b) constroem a realidade, propõe-se, com base nestes postulados, que o discurso organizacional seja pensado e caracterizado por meio da noção de gêneros do discurso, cujas principais contribuições teóricas encontram-se em Bakhtin ([1952-1953] 2016), Volóchinov ([1929] 2017) e Maingueneau (2008a, 2010, 2013, 2015). Adicionalmente, como forma de ilustrar as particularidades e as determinadas caracterizações do discurso organizacional, além das diferentes constituições materiais que pode assumir tendo em vista a noção de gêneros, realiza-se um exercício analítico, desde uma perspectiva discursivo-comunicacional, de abordagem de exemplos e contraexemplos de materiais de treze organizações, com foco nas produções da organização Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN). Ao final da tese, são oferecidos alguns aportes conceituais para a compreensão do discurso organizacional. Apresentando natureza predominantemente teórica, o trabalho tem na pesquisa bibliográfica e na própria fundamentação seus elementos metodológicos fundamentais. / This study has as its theme the organizational discourse and its relations with the organizational communication processes. In the Brazilian academic literature, the absence of research that dedicated an exclusive view on the organizational discourse in its epistemological dimension, this research aims to construct, based on such framework, a theoretical-epistemic arc about this type of discourse. In this sense, the theoretical foundation is considered a central element for the constitution of this research. From the assumption that language (VOLOCHINOV, [1929] 2017) and discourse (LACLAU; MOUFFE, [1985] 2015a, [1987] 2015b) construct reality, it is proposed, based on this theoretical architecture, that the organizacional discourse can be considered a discourse genre, idea in which main theoretical contributions are found in Bakhtin ([1952-1953] 2016), Volóchinov ([1929] 2017) and Maingueneau (2008a, 2010, 2013, 2015). In addition, as a way of illustrating the particularities and certain characterizations of the organizational discourse, besides the different material constitutions that can be assumed in view of discourse genres, an analytical exercise is carried out from a discursive-communicational perspective, approaching examples and counterexamples from materials from thirteen organizations, with focus on Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN) organization\'s productions. At the end of this thesis, some conceptual contributions are offered for the understanding of organizational discourse. With predominantly theoretical nature, this study has in its bibliographic research and in the foundation itself its fundamental methodological elements.

Russian Foreign Policy Discourse during and after the Georgian War: Representations of NATO

Chernysh, Kseniia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The study analyzes Russian foreign policy discourse on NATO during and after the Georgian war as constructed in on-line news articles from the state-run RIA Novosti news agency. The thesis adopts constructivist and discourse analytical approach. Namely, it is based on the interplay between the three main theoretical pillars: language as constitutive part of social reality; media as a type of discourse; and the constructivist understanding of the foreign policy discourse as being embedded in the domestic social and cultural dimensions.  <em></em></p><p>The research has shown that the discourse on NATO constructed in the news articles of Ria Novosti to a great extent reflected the official Russian government’s discourse.  The overall unfavorable representation of the organization was evident throughout the analyzed material. This ‘negative-other representation’ served to establish political frontiers between ‘insiders’ and ‘outsiders’ of the discourse. In the context of the Georgian war, the questions of the future power balance as well as effective transatlantic security mechanism gained particular prominence. The geopolitics of the regional security was represented as bipolar, comprising NATO (or ‘the West’ in its broad sense) on the one hand and Russia as the legitimate leader in most of the post-Soviet space, on the other. Such representation tended to possess distinctive features of the Cold War discourse.</p><p> </p>

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