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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

As representações de Anna Kariênina no romance e no cinema : a construção dialógica de sujeitos em diferentes gêneros /

Silva, Tatiele Novais. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador(a): Luciane de Paula / Banca: Ekaterina Volkova Americo / Banca: Dantielli Assumpção Garcia / Resumo: Esta pesquisa desenvolve estudo da questão dos valores ideológicos e como estes influenciam na construção estética e no estilo constituintes dos discursos que se manifestam por meio de diferentes gêneros. Para tanto, analisa-se o discurso romanesco Anna Kariênina (1873-1877), de Liev Tolstói, e o da obra fílmica Anna Karenina, de 2012, a partir da teoria da filosofia da linguagem do Círculo de Bakhtin. O que norteia a reflexão deste estudo é a temática do adultério, uma vez que ele está presente nos dois textos que compõem o corpus da pesquisa. Esses enunciados ao tratarem dessa temática, cada qual com sua forma e seu estilo, em sua arquitetônica, refletem e refratam relações sociais no grande tempo da história humana. A relevância deste estudo se justifica por tentar proporcionar um estudo reflexivo acerca da dialogicidade da linguagem (colocada de maneira interdiscursiva/intertextual), o que pode contribuir com os estudos contemporâneos do discurso e dos gêneros do discurso, especialmente ao se considerar a caracterização verbivocovisual, particularmente, do gênero fílmico / Abstract: This research develops the study the issue of ideological values and how these influence the aesthetic construction and style constituents of discourses that manifest themselves through different genres. For this purpose, it is analyzed the novelistic discourse of Anna Karenina (1873-1877), by Leo Tolstoy, as the film Anna Karenina, work of 2012, according to the theory the philosophy of language of the Bakhtin's Circle. What guides the reflection of this study is the theme of adultery, once they are present in both texts that make up the corpus of the research and these utterances, when treat about this theme, each one with its form and style in its architectonic reflect and refract social relations in the big time in human history. The relevance of this study is justified by trying to provide a reflective study of the dialogical language (placed of interdiscursive/intertextual way), which may contribute to contemporary studies of the discourse and the speech genres, especially when considering the verbvocalvisual characterization, particularly, of the filmic gender / Mestre

Argumentativní konektory v češtině a ve španělštině (srovnávací analýza) / Argumentative Connectors in Czech and Spanish: Comparative Analysis

FROŇKOVÁ, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this Master's Thesis is the study of frequency of contraargumentative connectors in Spanish, based on the quantitative analysis of these cohesive devices in argumentative texts. The theoretical part follows and draws from the works of renowned Spanish linguists and introduces the reader to the issue of discourse markers. Thus, different proposals for its definition and classification are taken in consideration, then are described the fundamental characteristics of the contraargumentative connectors. These are examined later in the practical part. Divided into chapters it offers focus on the quantitative analysis of the connectors in three corpuses which are comprised of judgments, academic writings and editorials. For greater clarity, analyses are accompanied by graphs and frequency tables. A Czech summary is added at the end of this investigation.

Using discourse analysis to investigate the influences of instructor facilitation and course materials on student argumentation and conceptual understanding in POGIL physical chemistry classrooms

Stanford, Courtney Lynn 01 August 2016 (has links)
In order to understand the influences that instructors and course materials have on student argumentation and conceptual understanding of thermodynamics I analyzed three cases studies of two instructors’ implementation of the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) thermodynamic materials. The POGIL approach is designed to help students learn chemistry while encouraging the development of process skills such as communication and critical thinking. These materials are designed in accordance with the theory of constructivism and include learning cycles to help students’ work together to construct an understanding of chemistry content. However, the facilitation of the materials can vary by instructor and impact student learning. Two aspects of student learning that I was interested in was argumentation and coordination between the macroscopic, symbolic, and sub-microscopic levels of chemistry. I was interested in argumentation because this is a common form of communication in science and students need to learn how to support their claims using reliable evidence. Furthermore, chemistry can be viewed in terms the macroscopic, symbolic, and sub-microscopic levels, but in order to develop a complete understanding of a concept, one needs to understand the concept at all three levels. Therefore it is important for students to be able to use all three levels of reasoning and make connections between levels. Using discourse analysis I was able to examine how students’ reasoned through and developed an understanding of thermodynamics. By analyzing the student-instructor interactions and course materials I was able determine how these two aspects of a POGIL learning environment influenced students’ use of scientific argumentation and coordination of macroscopic symbolic, and sub-microscopic level reasoning. Data was collected by recording and transcribing student-instructor interactions and conversations from all three cases studies. Analysis involved the coding of classroom transcripts to identify arguments and the instructor’s discursive moves. This revealed how the students constructed arguments and how the instructor was able to encourage student argumentation. Next the arguments, instructor discourse, and course materials were analyzed in terms of macroscopic, symbolic, and sub-microscopic level reasoning. This enabled me to better understand how students’ used information they were presented with by the instructor and materials in their arguments. Lastly, the POGIL materials were analyzed to see how the design of the materials and the nature of the question prompts impacted student argumentation. It was found that both the instructor and the course materials impact students’ use of macroscopic, symbolic, and sub-microscopic level reasoning in their arguments. Instructors could use questioning moves to help scaffold student argumentation and encourage students to build connections between the macroscopic, symbolic, and sub-microscopic level. In addition, the materials emphasized symbolic level reasoning and many questions do not encourage students to explain their reasoning behind their answers.

Discussing the underlying concerns in the abortion debate: searching for an effective model of discourse

Chipman, Angela Annette 01 December 2011 (has links)
Both pro-life and pro-choice viewpoints on the moral status of abortion have important insights to offer, but these insights can be difficult for opponents to discern and appreciate. This thesis seeks to uncover and explain some of the underlying moral convictions that inform debates on abortion. Such an inquiry, undertaken within the context of religious ethics, is important for several reasons. First, it educates the public about religious and moral beliefs that are often hidden behind popular slogans. Second, it reveals some common moral convictions, and it may point to the possibility of greater moral agreement. Third, it also reveals stark differences. These differences may continue to divide people, but they ought at least to be better understood. Fourth, this inquiry has the potential to deepen mutual understanding, respect, and civility among people who have strong feelings about abortion, but are also people of good will, for it challenges fellow citizens to encounter each other as intelligent, concerned individuals who are doing what they can to construct a social order that reflects their deepest religious and moral values.

Applying Corpus-Assisted Critical Discourse Analysis to an Unrestricted Corpus: A Case Study in Indonesian and Malay Newspapers

White, Sara LuAnne 01 July 2017 (has links)
In 2008, Baker et al. proposed a nine-step method that combines quantitative corpus linguistics with qualitative critical discourse analysis. To date this cycle has only been used to analyze a single language with a restricted corpus. Can this method, originally designed for this narrow focus, be applied cross-culturally to an unrestricted corpus? There are two over-arching goals for this paper, one linguistic and one methodological. The first goal is to learn about language ideologies in Indonesian and Malay newspapers; the second goal is to evaluate the efficacy of a mixed-methods corpus-driven approach to discourse analysis using the methods proposed by Baker et al. Our research will be based on the cross-cultural analysis of two 4-million-word corpora of newspaper articles; one Indonesian and one Malay. Malaysia and Indonesia are home to two peoples, living side by side and sharing a common language background, but reacting to the Islamic fundamentalist movement in different ways. Applying Baker et al.'s cycle, we will use keyword analysis, collocation, concordance lines, and qualitative analysis in this study. Whereas Baker employed a corpus restricted to articles about refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, and migrants, our corpus encompasses articles on any topic; whereas their study focused solely on English, ours will compare Indonesian and Malay. To build a "useful methodological synergy" between qualitative and quantitative analysis (Baker, et al., 2008), this corpus-driven study will consider how Islam and related terms are being represented by government, historical, and religious sources. The results of this study will help us discern how these two countries are reacting to the fundamentalist movement. This study will also help evaluate the applicability of Baker et al.'s proposed methods to other types of sociolinguistic research and bring to light any modifications that could be made.

The construction through discourse of the productive other : the case of the Convention refugee hearing

Barsky, Robert F. January 1992 (has links)
No description available.

Developing understandings of 'inclusion' and 'inclusive schooling'

Bridge, Douglas James January 2002 (has links)
This thesis suggests that students with (dis)abilities are immersed in, and emerge from powerful discourses within classrooms named `inclusive'. It suggests that resilient and normative psycho-medical discourses and discourses of special education work to maintain the deep structures of schooling, and work against a valuing of difference, and of the Other, within schools and classrooms named `inclusive'. The inquiry that is the basis of this thesis works with textual representations of `inclusion' and `inclusive schooling' and works to address issues of identity and subjectivity within the various discourses from which `inclusion' and `inclusive schooling' might be understood to emerge. It is sited within Western philosophical streams concerned with language and meaning, discourse and narrative, texts and textuality. It emerges from a qualitative research paradigm and is deeply influenced by the earlier works of Michel Foucault (1969, 1970, 1972, 1991). Through these works Foucault develops `genealogy' as a form of historical analysis. This thesis engages genealogy as a form for critical interpretative inquiry into schooling practices named `inclusive' of students with (dis)abilities. The genealogy admits the historical, social, theoretical and political contexts which frame research, inquiry and interpretation within the social sciences. The inquiry emerges from an epistemology of tentativeness and uncertainty. It accepts that knowledge is contextual, contingent and indeterminate. It addresses the associated `crisis of representation' (Denzin & Lincoln 1994, 1998) related to what might constitute an adequate description of the sets of social relations and spaces named `inclusive schooling' through interpretative processes of opening questions and sets of questions. / This genealogy develops understandings of `inclusion' and `inclusive schooling' through unfolding sequences of questions as 'thought-lines' that are strategies for this interpretative inquiry. Three thought-lines are woven from the questions which both propel, and emerge from, the processes of this critical interpretative inquiry: The 'self-other' thought-line; The 'included-excluded' thought-line; The 'particular-general' thought-line. Thought-lines transgress the borders of form and content in this inquiry. They are enmeshed to become the fabric of the genealogy. The thesis is in three sections, the first, Shaping a Genealogy, offers a theoretical and methodological perspective. The second, Squinting and Connecting, is in the form of a suite of interpretations, and the last, Developing Understanding, offers a range of ways in which inclusion and inclusive schooling might be understood. The thesis culminates in a set of new questions that represent a range of understandings of inclusion and inclusive schooling.

Interpersonal Meaning in Textbooks for Teaching English as a Foreign Language in China: A Multimodal Approach

Chen, Yumin January 2009 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / There is increasing awareness among linguists that discourse analysis inevitably involves analyses of meanings arising from the combination of multiple modes of communication. The evolving multimodal pedagogic environment for teaching English as a foreign language (henceforth EFL), among other communicative contexts, calls for a social, semiotic, and linguistic explanation. Situated within the theoretical landscape of social semiotics and in the pedagogic context of EFL education, the present study aims to elucidate how linguistic and visual semiotic resources are co-deployed to construe interpersonal meaning in multimodal textbooks. The data drawn upon are eighteen EFL textbooks for primary and secondary schooling, published by People’s Education Press between 2002 and 2006. The research design consists of three complementary sub-studies. First, it investigates the ways in which the semantic regions of ENGAGEMENT and GRADUATION can be modelled in multimodal texts, with special reference to the interplay of voices in textbook discourse. The second sub-study analyzes how verbal and visual semiotic resources are co-deployed to construe the ‘emotion and attitude’ goal highlighted in curriculum standards, with a particular focus on verbiage-image relations. Third, it extends the linguistic concept ‘modality’ to multimodal discourse, exploring coding orientation in texts for different educational contexts and between different constituent genres. The main findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) A range of multimodal resources (i.e. labelling, dialogue balloon, jointly-constructed text, illustration and highlighting) are identified as enabling editor voice to negotiate meanings with reader voice and character voice. It is found that the way in which an ENGAGEMENT value can be scaled is strongly associated with the intrinsic property of the given multimodal resource. The interaction between multiple voices is closely related to contact, social distance, and point of view. (2) It is shown that images play an essential role in realizing attitudinal meanings. Together with verbal APPRAISAL resources, visual semiotic features work to position the readers in ways that align them to set pedagogic goals, guiding them in completing jointly-constructed texts. Moreover, an attitudinal shift from an emotional release to a more institutionalized type of evaluation can be identified as students advance through the school years. (3) It is argued that what counts as real in multimodal texts is socially defined and specific to a given communicative context. The nature of pedagogic discourse should be taken into account when visual displays are produced for pedagogic materials. The implications of this study include both theoretical and pedagogic aspects。Theoretically it adapts and extends APPRAISAL analysis to multimodal discourse, exploring the intersemiotic complementarity and co-instantiation in construing global evaluative stance. This semiotic exploration, in return, suggests ways in which discourse analysis may help textbook users better understand and interpret the multimodal features. With the affordances as well as limitations of semiotic resources made explicit, we may have one step further towards a comprehensive and critical understanding of multimodal construal of interpersonal meaning in pedagogic materials.

Texted love : a social-semiotic examination of greeting cards

Hobson, Jane, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Communication, Design and Media January 2002 (has links)
This thesis surveys patterns of production and use of greeting cards in Australia and analyses a corpus of greeting cards, examining the organisation of semiosis by greeting cards.As a commodity consumed for the express purpose of being given away, individuals using greeting cards enact themselves through a commodified technology of the self simultaneous with a performance that enacts relations with others.Particular focus is given to the 'fun-and- love' card, within the industry category of non-occasion greeting cards. This type of card is situated within a complex of performances which are constitutive of a contemporary nexus of commodification, public-private spheres, gender, interpersonal relations and discources of intimacy.As this is an inquiry into a commodity that is a texted cultural artefact, it is informed by both cultural and textual theories. The organisation of the thesis into two parts reflects its twin concerns: the first is akin to a study of the greeting card as a commodity that is given away, paying attention to practices of production, consumption and use within personal relationships. In symmetry with that exploration, Part Two is contiguous with the 'linguistic turn' that has taken many disciplines in productive directions over the duration of the twentieth century.In doing both these kinds of 'discourse analysis' articulated to an empirico-ethnographic study of a cultural artefact that embodies emotion, the thesis seeks to contribute to dialogues that are concerned with moving forward with respect to theorising relations among sociocultural practices and language and discourse. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The use of abstract and figurative images to evoke emotive qualities characteristic of women's sexuality

Murray, Kendal, 1958-, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, Faculty of Visual and Performing Arts January 1995 (has links)
This research paper examines the implications of a feminist appropriation of the fetish and the use of the theory of abjection, as a disruption of phallocentric binary labelling and its notion of idealised femininity. The paper is divided into two sections. The first section includes an analysis of Emily Apter's articles 'Fetishism and Visual Seduction in Mary Kelly's Interim' and an analysis of Janine Antoni's installation 'Gnaw' which form a contextualisation of the issues on which my own visual research is based. These issues revolve around the creation of multiple subject positions for women as both artist and spectator, the recuperation of the seductive image without creating the same power relations apparent in the male gaze and the deployment of an abstract visual femininity to scopically seduce the viewer. In section two, part one, Praveen Adams' article 'The art of analysis: Mary Kelly's Interim and the discourse of the analyst is examined. In this article Adams uses Lacan's theory of discourse to hypothesise that the space of production in Interim is an analogue to the space of production in pyschoanalysis. Part two consists of an examination of the application of the same structural analysis to Antoni's 'Gnaw' and my own 'Compulsive Beauty,' and explores the possibility of a new contextual analysis of feminist art / Master of Arts (Hons)

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