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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identidades docentes: reflexões sobre disposições, saberes e formação continuada / Faculty identities: reflections on arrangements, acquired knowledge and continuous training

Nunweiler, Kety Cristina 10 June 2019 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo compreender como se constituem as identidades de docentes de educação básica que atuam nos anos finais do ensino fundamental e estão inseridos em processos de formação continuada in loco. Para realizá-lo partimos da premissa de que as identidades docentes vão se constituindo ao longo de uma trajetória e são marcadas por disposições individuais e saberes decorrentes de experiências socializadoras que ocorrem em diferentes contextos. Ressaltamos, ainda, que essas constituições identitárias não escapam à dualidade entre uma imagem que o indivíduo constrói de si e aquela atribuída pelo grupo/instituição. Esta pesquisa adota uma perspectiva sociológica e utiliza como dispositivo metodológico a composição de retratos sociológicos. A pesquisa teve como sujeitos cinco professores convidados a colaborarem, sendo que todos atuam na rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo e iniciaram o exercício na profissão há mais de cinco anos. Teoricamente, dialogamos com os estudos de Claude Dubar, Bernard Lahire, Carlos Marcelo, Maurice Tardif, Clermont Gauthier, Selma Garrido Pimenta, Francisco Imbérnon, entre outros. Os resultados revelam que na trajetória social os sujeitos constituíram disposições que contribuem para o exercício profissional e também para o desenvolvimento dos saberes docentes. Todavia, observamos que o contexto de formação continuada in loco potencializa a constituição desses saberes, na medida em que a interação favorece a objetivação dos saberes da experiência, podendo ainda ser um contexto que colabora para a constituição de disposições coletivas. Concluímos que as identidades docentes desses professores são marcadas principalmente pelas disposições relacionadas a aprendizagem e pelos saberes da experiência / The purpose of this study was to understand the identity construction process of basic education teachers who work in the final years of elementary school and who also participate in on-site continued education programs. With this purpose in mind, we base our rational on the premise that teachers\' identities are built throughout a trajectory and are marked by individual traits and knowledge that result from socializing experiences that come about in different contexts. We also emphasize that these identities are not free from the duality that exists between the individuals self image and the image attributed to him/her by the group / institution. This research adopts a sociological perspective and uses the composition of sociological portraits as a methodological device. Our research subjects were five teachers, all of whom work in the municipal education network of São Paulo and who have been in their profession for more than 5 years. Theoretically, we dialogue with the studies of Claude Dubar, Bernard Lahire, Carlos Marcelo, Maurice Tardif, Clermont Gauthier, Selma Garrido Pimenta, and Francisco Imbérnon, among others. The results reveal that in the subjects\' social trajectory, different factors contributed to their profession and the development of their knowledge on teaching. However, we observe that on-site continued training enhances this knowledge, insofar as interaction favors the objectification of knowledge garnered from experience, and can also be a context that contributes to constituting collective dispositions. We conclude that the teacher identities of these professionals are marked mainly by factors related to learning and the lessons garnered from experience

Relação aluno-instituição: o caso da licenciatura do Instituto de Química da UNESP/Araraquara / Relationship student-institution: the case of teacher training of the Institute of Chemistry UNESP/Araraquara

Massi, Luciana 07 January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo de um lado, desvendar a trajetória da instituição e suas disposições institucionais, e, de outro lado, a trajetória escolar, o patrimônio (cultural, econômico e social) e as disposições dos alunos, procurando compreender também as possíveis relações estabelecidas (encontros e desencontros, consonâncias e dissonâncias) entre os estudantes e a instituição. O estudo de caso se baseia em diferentes dados e análises que visam capturar a experiência de formação como um todo: através de entrevistas realizadas com docentes e análise documental reconstruímos a história da instituição procurando desvendar suas disposições institucionais; realizamos análises estatísticas sobre o perfil dos alunos do curso de graduação e a evasão nessa instituição; discutimos as entrevistas realizadas com 27 alunos do curso de licenciatura transformadas em retratos sociológicos, procurando organizar suas trajetórias acadêmicas de acordo com as modalidades de sua integração à instituição. As principais disposições institucionais presentes em diversas fases de desenvolvimento da instituição apontam para a importância da pesquisa, uma união inicial entre os membros do corpo docente, a busca da autonomia e isolamento e os projetos de extensão como forma de marketing institucional. O perfil dos alunos mostra que muitos dos que se matriculam na licenciatura preferiam ter ingressado no bacharelado, porém, ao contrário do esperado, a instituição consegue ter baixos índices de evasão. Os retratos apontam para uma predominância de trajetos que conjugam uma integração social e acadêmica, favorecida por um \"encaixe\" das disposições anteriores atualizadas na universidade. Este quadro resulta em um curso de licenciatura diferenciado, no qual o currículo oculto tem papel fundamental na formação docente e na promoção de uma sociologia da transformação, em que licenciandos, reconhecidamente com perfil sócio-econômico menos privilegiado, concluem o curso com as mesmas perspectivas profissionais que os bacharéis. Em linhas gerais, o IQ promove muitas iniciativas diversificadas de formação dos graduandos, por outro lado a instituição parece não perceber que o diferencial da formação oferecida é o conjunto dessas atividades. Concluímos apontando várias possibilidades de aprimoramento da formação dos licenciandos. / This research aimed to understand the possible relationships established (agreements and disagreements, consonances and dissonances) between students and institution. In order to accomplish that goal we analyze on one hand the trajectory of the institution and its institutional arrangements and, on the other hand, the school history and heritage (cultural, economic and social) and students\' dispositions. The case study is based on different data and analyzes that aim to capture the learning experience as a whole: using interviews with teachers and document analysis we reconstructed the institution history seeking for unveil its institutional arrangements; we performed statistical analyzes on the undergraduate students profiles and the attrition at that institution; we discuss the interviews with 27 undergraduate students transformed into sociological portraits, trying to organize their academic trajectories according to their integration into the institution. The main institutional arrangements present in various stages of institutional development point to the importance of research, the union between the faculty members, the pursuit of autonomy and isolation and the community outreach projects as a form of institutional marketing. The profile shows that many of the students who enroll in the teacher training course rather have joined the bachelor, however, contrary to expectations, the institution have lower dropout rates. The portraits show a predominance of paths that combines social and academic integration, favored by a \'fit\' of the above dispositions updated in college. This framework results in a distinguished course in which the hidden curriculum plays a fundamental role in teacher training and in promoting a sociology of transformation, in which undergraduates with recognized less privileged socio-economic profile conclude the course with the same career prospects of the bachelors. In general, the IC promotes many diversified initiatives to training the undergraduate students, but the institution does not seem to realize that the differential training is offered through the entire group of activities. We conclude presenting several possibilities for improving the training of undergraduates.

Cultura religiosa protestante e rendimento escolar nas camadas populares: um estudo sobre práticas socializadoras / Protestant religious culture and schooling development within popular layers: a study about socializing practices

Montezano, Maria de Lourdes da Cunha 04 July 2006 (has links)
Este estudo trata da relação de afinidade entre a religião, a família e a escola e suas influências no desempenho escolar de alunos provenientes das chamadas \"classes populares\". Com base em entrevistas, realizadas em uma escola pública da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, investiga-se o estilo de vida de famílias de alunos protestantes, que apresentaram um rendimento escolar favorável no ensino fundamental. Para tanto, utiliza-se, como referência, o consumo, considerado em termos de práticas culturais relacionadas às demandas escolares. Analisa-se a articulação entre as práticas socializadoras da religião protestante, da escola e das famílias protestantes entrevistadas, a partir das afinidades eletivas entre elas, com o objetivo específico de determinar disposições de habitus que contribuem para que o aluno apresente um rendimento escolar favorável. Demonstra-se, por meio de evidências empíricas, baseadas nas observações de campo e no discurso dos informantes, que o êxito escolar de alunos protestantes apresenta-se associado a um feixe de situações socializadoras, uma vez que tal êxito não se deve apenas ao fato da pertença religiosa protestante, mas ao modo como as famílias se relacionam com a religião. Dessa forma, focaliza-se o êxito no rendimento escolar dos alunos investigados enquanto relacionado a uma coerência nos projetos das instâncias de socialização aos quais esses alunos estão sujeitos - família, escola e religião. / This research is about the relation linking religion, family and school, and their influences on the schooling development on students who belong to layers named \"popular classes\". Based on interviews made within a public school in São Paulo City suburbia, it\'s surveyed the sort of life Protestants students\' families take due to their better shown schooling development at the elementary school. For this survey to happen it\'s searched the purchasing habits considered in term of cultured practices in relation to the schooling demands. It\'s analyzed the articulation between the Protestant religion socializing practices of schools and families from the interviewed ones, with the specific aim to determine the dispositions of habitués that contribute to the student with a better schooling development. It\'s shown, by the usage of empirics evidences, based on field observations and on informing speeches that the schooling improvement of Protestant students is linked to socializing situations, once this improvement doesn\'t happen just due to the fact of the Protestant religion presence, but to the way families relate to religion. Through this the schooling improvement is spotlighted within the surveyed students along with coherence on the socialization to which these students are subjected - family, school and religion.

An Assessment Of Teachers

Kanik, Figen 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to explore teachers&rsquo / conceptions of critical thinking and practices for critical thinking development in Turkish, social studies, science and technology and mathematics courses at seventh grade level. The study was conducted with a phenomenological approach in which 70 teachers from 14 elementary schools in Ankara participated. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with teachers. The findings of the study revealed that there were cognitive skills, dispositions and criteria that teachers perceived to relate to critical thinking. The results also shed light on teachers&rsquo / perceptions on the acquisition of critical thinking, the roles that they assumed in the process of enhancing students&rsquo / critical thinking, teaching approaches they held with regard to the enhancement of students&rsquo / critical thinking, and the conditions that they deemed necessary to develop critical thinking in class. Moreover, teachers&rsquo / planning for the integration of critical thinking into their instruction revealed the limitations of the programs in teaching for critical thinking and the alterations that they made to eliminate these limitations and set the stage for students to think critically. In addition, teachers&rsquo / practices for the incorporation of critical thinking into instruction at seventh grade level illuminated instructional strategies that teachers used, in-class activities that they conducted, and assignments that they gave to students for the purpose of fostering their critical thinking. Furthermore, perceptions on teachers&rsquo / assessment of students&rsquo / critical thinking provided insight into the instruments that teachers used in the assessment of students&rsquo / critical thinking, the kind of critical thinking skills and dispositions that they aimed to assess, their perceptions on criteria by which they judged students&rsquo / critical thinking, and reasons behind any reservations about the assessment of students&rsquo / critical thinking. Besides, teachers&rsquo / perceptions on obstacles to and opportunities for the development of students&rsquo / critical thinking helped to identify the factors that inhibited or fostered their ability to focus on critical thinking skills in their classes. Finally, it should be noted that with regard to all the aforementioned issues, discipline-specific categories, as well as the categories across all four disciplines, emerged.

Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of their Perspective Transformations: A Case Study

Caruana, Victoria 01 January 2011 (has links)
Utilizing a case study approach, this study explored the perspectives of preservice teachers as they relate to working with students with disabilities in inclusive classroom settings. Preservice teachers' perceptions about the extent, if any, their learning experiences during teacher preparation contributed to their perspectives was examined through a sequential exploratory design that employed both quantitative and qualitative data. The findings of this case study of six (6) elementary and secondary preservice teachers indicated that the experiences they had during their final student teaching (internship) were the most meaningful triggers of their perspective transformations. The findings further indicated that four (4) of the six (6) preservice teachers who identified they had a positive perspective toward including students with disabilities in their classrooms experienced a change in the directionality of that perspective to a less positive perspective following their final student teaching experience (internship). The use of the case study method, with its reliance on theoretical propositions and multiple sources of evidence, offered an effective way to better understand the perceived change in perspectives of these preservice teachers. The use of the Learning Activities Survey (LAS) to first ascertain whether or not preservice teachers perceived they had a perspective transformation offered a strong starting point to begin this investigation. When combined with additional qualitative data in the form of semi-structured interviews and document analysis, the structure of Yin's case study approach provided strong evidence supporting the nature and extent of preservice teachers' perspective transformations toward including students with disabilities. Implications of this study include recommendations for designing meaningful learning experiences for preservice teachers, a call for action research within teacher education, and purposeful provision of support and relationship building that goes beyond the acquisition of knowledge and skills and facilitates transformative learning.

Dispositional factors, experiences of team members and effectiveness in self-managing work teams / Susanna Catherina Coetzee

Coetzee, Susanna Catherina January 2003 (has links)
Changes in South Africa's political and economic sphere demand the democratisation of the workplace, participation and empowerment of the work force. Flatter hierarchical structures, as a result of downsizing, enhance involvement but also demand that workers function in a more autonomous manner. The use of self-managing work teams has increased in response to these competitive challenges. Self-managing work teams are groups of employees who are fully responsible for a well-defined segment of finished work that delivers a product or a service to an internal or external customer. The functioning of self-managing work teams, in terms of the systems model, can be described as certain inputs that help the team to perform certain tasks and follow processes in order to achieve certain outputs. Inputs include the motivation, skills and personality factors of team members, while the tasks and processes refer to problem solving, conflict resolution, communication and decision making, planning, quality control, dividing of tasks, training and performance appraisal. These inputs and processes lead to outputs such as efficiency, productivity and quality of work life. To date empirical studies regarding self-managing work teams in South Africa focused on the readiness of organisations for implementing these teams. Little research has been done on characteristics of successful self-managed work group members. Findings regarding members of self-managing work teams elsewhere in the world couldn't uncritically be applied to South Africa, because of widely different circumstances. Research on dispositional factors such as sense of coherence, self-efficacy, locus of control and the big five personality dimensions could therefore help to identify predictors of effectiveness that can be validated in consecutive studies for selection purposes in a self-managing work team context in South Africa. The objective of the research was therefore to determine the relationship between dispositional characteristics of members of a self-managing work team and the effectiveness and quality of work life of these members. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The sample included members of self-managing work teams (N = 102) from a large chemical organisation and a financial institution in South Africa. The Orientation to Life Questionnaire, a Self-efficacy Scale, the Locus of Control Questionnaire and Personality Characteristics Inventory were used to measure the dispositional variables. Quality of work life (measured as consisting of satisfaction, commitment to the organisation and commitment to the team) and self-rated team member effectiveness were used as dependent variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman correlations, canonical correlations and structural equation modelling were used to analyse the data and investigate the relationships between the various dispositional characteristics quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members. The results showed practically significant positive relationships between sense of coherence, self-efficacy, autonomy, external locus of control and internal locus of control on the one hand, and quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams on the other hand. Of the big five personality dimensions only openness was associated with commitment to the team in terms of the quality of work life. Stability, extraversion and openness were associated with the self-rated effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams. The structural equation modelling showed that there is a positive path from the dispositional characteristics to the satisfaction, commitment and self-rated effectiveness of the team members. The dispositional characteristics will also enhance the members' experience of role clarity and mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the members' self-rated effectiveness. Satisfaction of the team members moderate the relationship between the dispositional characteristics and commitment, as well as mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the commitment of the team members. Organisations implementing self-managing work teams can benefit from developing and enhancing these dispositional characteristics in their selected team members and could also validate these dispositional characteristics in terms of selection criteria for self-managing work team members. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Dispositional factors, experiences of team members and effectiveness in self-managing work teams / Susanna Catherina Coetzee

Coetzee, Susanna Catherina January 2003 (has links)
Changes in South Africa's political and economic sphere demand the democratisation of the workplace, participation and empowerment of the work force. Flatter hierarchical structures, as a result of downsizing, enhance involvement but also demand that workers function in a more autonomous manner. The use of self-managing work teams has increased in response to these competitive challenges. Self-managing work teams are groups of employees who are fully responsible for a well-defined segment of finished work that delivers a product or a service to an internal or external customer. The functioning of self-managing work teams, in terms of the systems model, can be described as certain inputs that help the team to perform certain tasks and follow processes in order to achieve certain outputs. Inputs include the motivation, skills and personality factors of team members, while the tasks and processes refer to problem solving, conflict resolution, communication and decision making, planning, quality control, dividing of tasks, training and performance appraisal. These inputs and processes lead to outputs such as efficiency, productivity and quality of work life. To date empirical studies regarding self-managing work teams in South Africa focused on the readiness of organisations for implementing these teams. Little research has been done on characteristics of successful self-managed work group members. Findings regarding members of self-managing work teams elsewhere in the world couldn't uncritically be applied to South Africa, because of widely different circumstances. Research on dispositional factors such as sense of coherence, self-efficacy, locus of control and the big five personality dimensions could therefore help to identify predictors of effectiveness that can be validated in consecutive studies for selection purposes in a self-managing work team context in South Africa. The objective of the research was therefore to determine the relationship between dispositional characteristics of members of a self-managing work team and the effectiveness and quality of work life of these members. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The sample included members of self-managing work teams (N = 102) from a large chemical organisation and a financial institution in South Africa. The Orientation to Life Questionnaire, a Self-efficacy Scale, the Locus of Control Questionnaire and Personality Characteristics Inventory were used to measure the dispositional variables. Quality of work life (measured as consisting of satisfaction, commitment to the organisation and commitment to the team) and self-rated team member effectiveness were used as dependent variables. Descriptive statistics, Pearson and Spearman correlations, canonical correlations and structural equation modelling were used to analyse the data and investigate the relationships between the various dispositional characteristics quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members. The results showed practically significant positive relationships between sense of coherence, self-efficacy, autonomy, external locus of control and internal locus of control on the one hand, and quality of work life and effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams on the other hand. Of the big five personality dimensions only openness was associated with commitment to the team in terms of the quality of work life. Stability, extraversion and openness were associated with the self-rated effectiveness of the team members of self-managing work teams. The structural equation modelling showed that there is a positive path from the dispositional characteristics to the satisfaction, commitment and self-rated effectiveness of the team members. The dispositional characteristics will also enhance the members' experience of role clarity and mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the members' self-rated effectiveness. Satisfaction of the team members moderate the relationship between the dispositional characteristics and commitment, as well as mediate the effects of job-induced tension on the commitment of the team members. Organisations implementing self-managing work teams can benefit from developing and enhancing these dispositional characteristics in their selected team members and could also validate these dispositional characteristics in terms of selection criteria for self-managing work team members. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Relação aluno-instituição: o caso da licenciatura do Instituto de Química da UNESP/Araraquara / Relationship student-institution: the case of teacher training of the Institute of Chemistry UNESP/Araraquara

Luciana Massi 07 January 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo de um lado, desvendar a trajetória da instituição e suas disposições institucionais, e, de outro lado, a trajetória escolar, o patrimônio (cultural, econômico e social) e as disposições dos alunos, procurando compreender também as possíveis relações estabelecidas (encontros e desencontros, consonâncias e dissonâncias) entre os estudantes e a instituição. O estudo de caso se baseia em diferentes dados e análises que visam capturar a experiência de formação como um todo: através de entrevistas realizadas com docentes e análise documental reconstruímos a história da instituição procurando desvendar suas disposições institucionais; realizamos análises estatísticas sobre o perfil dos alunos do curso de graduação e a evasão nessa instituição; discutimos as entrevistas realizadas com 27 alunos do curso de licenciatura transformadas em retratos sociológicos, procurando organizar suas trajetórias acadêmicas de acordo com as modalidades de sua integração à instituição. As principais disposições institucionais presentes em diversas fases de desenvolvimento da instituição apontam para a importância da pesquisa, uma união inicial entre os membros do corpo docente, a busca da autonomia e isolamento e os projetos de extensão como forma de marketing institucional. O perfil dos alunos mostra que muitos dos que se matriculam na licenciatura preferiam ter ingressado no bacharelado, porém, ao contrário do esperado, a instituição consegue ter baixos índices de evasão. Os retratos apontam para uma predominância de trajetos que conjugam uma integração social e acadêmica, favorecida por um \"encaixe\" das disposições anteriores atualizadas na universidade. Este quadro resulta em um curso de licenciatura diferenciado, no qual o currículo oculto tem papel fundamental na formação docente e na promoção de uma sociologia da transformação, em que licenciandos, reconhecidamente com perfil sócio-econômico menos privilegiado, concluem o curso com as mesmas perspectivas profissionais que os bacharéis. Em linhas gerais, o IQ promove muitas iniciativas diversificadas de formação dos graduandos, por outro lado a instituição parece não perceber que o diferencial da formação oferecida é o conjunto dessas atividades. Concluímos apontando várias possibilidades de aprimoramento da formação dos licenciandos. / This research aimed to understand the possible relationships established (agreements and disagreements, consonances and dissonances) between students and institution. In order to accomplish that goal we analyze on one hand the trajectory of the institution and its institutional arrangements and, on the other hand, the school history and heritage (cultural, economic and social) and students\' dispositions. The case study is based on different data and analyzes that aim to capture the learning experience as a whole: using interviews with teachers and document analysis we reconstructed the institution history seeking for unveil its institutional arrangements; we performed statistical analyzes on the undergraduate students profiles and the attrition at that institution; we discuss the interviews with 27 undergraduate students transformed into sociological portraits, trying to organize their academic trajectories according to their integration into the institution. The main institutional arrangements present in various stages of institutional development point to the importance of research, the union between the faculty members, the pursuit of autonomy and isolation and the community outreach projects as a form of institutional marketing. The profile shows that many of the students who enroll in the teacher training course rather have joined the bachelor, however, contrary to expectations, the institution have lower dropout rates. The portraits show a predominance of paths that combines social and academic integration, favored by a \'fit\' of the above dispositions updated in college. This framework results in a distinguished course in which the hidden curriculum plays a fundamental role in teacher training and in promoting a sociology of transformation, in which undergraduates with recognized less privileged socio-economic profile conclude the course with the same career prospects of the bachelors. In general, the IC promotes many diversified initiatives to training the undergraduate students, but the institution does not seem to realize that the differential training is offered through the entire group of activities. We conclude presenting several possibilities for improving the training of undergraduates.

Cultura religiosa protestante e rendimento escolar nas camadas populares: um estudo sobre práticas socializadoras / Protestant religious culture and schooling development within popular layers: a study about socializing practices

Maria de Lourdes da Cunha Montezano 04 July 2006 (has links)
Este estudo trata da relação de afinidade entre a religião, a família e a escola e suas influências no desempenho escolar de alunos provenientes das chamadas \"classes populares\". Com base em entrevistas, realizadas em uma escola pública da periferia da cidade de São Paulo, investiga-se o estilo de vida de famílias de alunos protestantes, que apresentaram um rendimento escolar favorável no ensino fundamental. Para tanto, utiliza-se, como referência, o consumo, considerado em termos de práticas culturais relacionadas às demandas escolares. Analisa-se a articulação entre as práticas socializadoras da religião protestante, da escola e das famílias protestantes entrevistadas, a partir das afinidades eletivas entre elas, com o objetivo específico de determinar disposições de habitus que contribuem para que o aluno apresente um rendimento escolar favorável. Demonstra-se, por meio de evidências empíricas, baseadas nas observações de campo e no discurso dos informantes, que o êxito escolar de alunos protestantes apresenta-se associado a um feixe de situações socializadoras, uma vez que tal êxito não se deve apenas ao fato da pertença religiosa protestante, mas ao modo como as famílias se relacionam com a religião. Dessa forma, focaliza-se o êxito no rendimento escolar dos alunos investigados enquanto relacionado a uma coerência nos projetos das instâncias de socialização aos quais esses alunos estão sujeitos - família, escola e religião. / This research is about the relation linking religion, family and school, and their influences on the schooling development on students who belong to layers named \"popular classes\". Based on interviews made within a public school in São Paulo City suburbia, it\'s surveyed the sort of life Protestants students\' families take due to their better shown schooling development at the elementary school. For this survey to happen it\'s searched the purchasing habits considered in term of cultured practices in relation to the schooling demands. It\'s analyzed the articulation between the Protestant religion socializing practices of schools and families from the interviewed ones, with the specific aim to determine the dispositions of habitués that contribute to the student with a better schooling development. It\'s shown, by the usage of empirics evidences, based on field observations and on informing speeches that the schooling improvement of Protestant students is linked to socializing situations, once this improvement doesn\'t happen just due to the fact of the Protestant religion presence, but to the way families relate to religion. Through this the schooling improvement is spotlighted within the surveyed students along with coherence on the socialization to which these students are subjected - family, school and religion.

Student Voices, Visions, Artistry, and Identity: The Effect on Transfer of Instructor-Student Co-Inquiry and Co-Construction of Lower-Road Mindful Assessment Dispositions in a Postsecondary First-Year-Writing Course

Meyer, Randy Lynn 01 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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