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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jovens do ensino técnico no Brasil contemporâneo : variações e tensões disposicionais nas (in)definições de um percurso de estudos e de profissionalização

Blanco, Diego Monte January 2015 (has links)
A presente tese aborda o tema juventude, ensino profissionalizante e trabalho no Brasil Contemporâneo. Tem como objeto de estudos a relação dos processos socialização de jovens do ensino técnico da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica com as tramas disposicionais que caracterizam suas projeções sobre um percurso de estudos e de profissionalização. Sustentada numa perspectiva teórico-metodológica da sociologia disposicional de Bernard Lahire, o estudo visa compreender como as variações e tensões disposicionais destes atores são geradoras e propulsoras de suas perspectivas, receios e indefinições quanto a uma trajetória de estudos, qualificação e trabalho a ser constituída. O argumento é que tais conflitualidades resultam da variação de disposições sociais constituída simultaneamente pela (i) socialização de modelos e lógicas de integração socioeconômica de jovens do meio popular ocorridas no contexto da modernização fordista vivenciadas pelas gerações que os antecederam e (ii) pela experimentação de formas de integração, mobilidade e estilo de vida emergentes na contemporaneidade, onde se desenvolvem uma nova condição juvenil com oportunidades ainda não estabelecidas plenamente, principalmente para estes jovens dos estratos populares, no contexto do capitalismo global e flexível. A partir de análise de dados obtidos em entrevistas de longa duração com os estudantes, com o aporte de dados estatísticos obtidos em fontes secundárias, os resultados desta investigação trazem a tona uma interpretação sociológica das perspectivas futuras e conflitualidades vivenciadas por estes atores, que procura problematizar e complementar outras abordagens sobre os receios e incertezas juvenis no campo da educação e do trabalho. As conflitualidades dos atores pesquisados, expressas nas suas projeções de um percurso de estudos e de profissionalização, demonstraram-se resultantes, principalmente, da transição e da sobreposição de configurações históricas da relação entre educação profissional, trabalho e ciclo de vida juvenil presentes em seus universos de socialização. Esta trama constituiria variações disposicionais tensionadas entre “escolhas” e “(in)definições” que poderiam, na percepção desses jovens, limitar ou ampliar seus rumos profissionais e estilos de vida. / This thesis deals with youth issues, vocacional education and work in Contemporary Brazil. Its object of study is the relationship of socialization processes of young students of technical education at the Rede Federal de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica to the dispositional plots that characterize their projections on their trajectory of study and professional training. This study, supported by a theoretical and methodological perspective of dispositional sociology by Bernard Lahire, aims to understand how dispositional variations and tensions of these actors are generators and propellants of their perspectives, fears and uncertainties in relation to their trajectory of study, qualification and work to be incurred. The argument is that such conflictualities result of variation of social dispositions composed simultaneously by (i) the socialization models and logics of socio-economic integration of young people from popular strata occurred in the context of the fordist modernization experienced by past generations and (ii) the experimentation of forms of integration, mobility and lifestyle emerging in contemporaneity, where is developed a new youth condition with opportunities not yet fully established, especially for these young people from the popular strata in the context of global and flexible capitalism. From the analysis of data obtained in long interviews with students, and by statistical data input obtained from secondary sources, the results of this research evidence a sociological interpretation of future prospects and conflictualities experienced by these actors, looking to problematize and to complement other approaches on the fears and uncertainties of youth in education and work. The conflictualities of respondents actors, expressed in their projections of a trajectory of study and professionalization, are resulting mainly from the transition and the overlapping of historical configurations of the relationship between professional education, work and life cycle of youth present in their universes of socialization. This plot would compose dispositional variations tensioned between "choice" and "(in)definitions" that could, in the perception of these young people, limit or expand their professional trajectory and lifestyles.

L'applicabilité temporelle du droit de l'Union européenne / The temporal applicability of the European Union law

Blatière, Lauren 10 December 2016 (has links)
Les questions liées à l’applicabilité temporelle du droit de l’Union européenne se posent dès qu’un acte nouveau est adopté par l’Union. Il est systématiquement nécessaire de déterminer l’instant à compter duquel cet acte produit ses effets et les faits alors concernés. L’exigence d’uniformité du droit de l’Union européenne implique, de surcroît, que les réponses à ces questions soient apportées par le droit de l’Union européenne lui-même. En dépit de leur importance, ces questions ont été largement délaissées par la doctrine communautariste. La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne et les actes adoptés par l’Union européenne (droit primaire, droit dérivé et accords internationaux) sont pourtant riches d’enseignements. En effet, la Cour de justice a consacré des principes constituant le cadre général de l’applicabilité temporelle du droit de l’Union européenne. Bien que pertinent, ce cadre doit être enrichi par des règles écrites adoptées au cas par cas : les dispositions transitoires. Ces dernières, de prime abord particulièrement critiquables faute d’être aisément identifiables et interprétables, se révèlent être un instrument indispensable à l’applicabilité temporelle du droit de l’Union européenne. / The temporal applicability of the European Union lawThe questions relating to the temporal applicability of the European Union law arise as soon as the European Union adopts a new act. It is systematically necessary to determine the instant from which the act products its effects and the facts to which it applies. Furthermore, the principle of uniformity of the European Union law means that these questions must be answered by the European Union law itself. In spite of their importance these questions have been neglected by the European Union legal literature. Yet the case-law of the European Union Court of Justice and the acts adopted by the European Union (primary law, secondary legislation and international agreements) provide a wealth of information. Indeed, the Court of Justice has established principles which constitute the general framework of the temporal applicability of the European Union law. However relevant, this general framework must be completed by transitionnal provisions, a set of written subsidiary rules adopted on a case-by-case basis). These transitional provisions, at first deeply questionable due to being hard to identify and interpret, turn out to be a critical tool for the temporal applicability of the European Union law.

Disposições de gênero e violências escolares: entre traições e outras estratégias socializadoras utilizadas por jovens alunas de uma instituição privada no município de São Paulo / Gender dispositions and school violences: between cheating and other socializing strategies used by young students of a private school in the city of São Paulo

Neves, Paulo Rogério da Conceição 26 February 2014 (has links)
Esta tese de doutorado apresenta os resultados da investigação realizada com jovens estudantes do ensino médio em uma escola particular localizada no distrito do Jabaquara, no município de São Paulo. Seu foco foi especialmente direcionado para as disposições de gênero acionadas por jovens alunas em diferentes episódios que envolviam violências, tanto nos relatos sobre sua socialização na família quanto na escola em questão. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório, de natureza qualitativa que procura articular as contribuições de Pierre Bourdieu, no que se refere à teoria de habitus, com os estudos de gênero para a análise das violências vividas e produzidas na instituição escolar. A investigação empírica realizada na instituição escolar utilizou como técnicas para a coleta de dados observações e entrevistas individuais com alunas, alunos e representantes da gestão escolar. Foram consideradas, tanto nas observações quanto nos relatos, as distintas estratégias de sociabilidade utilizadas por garotas e garotos em relação às diversas expressões da violência, com destaque para a estreita relação entre as socializações e as disposições de gênero. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que as socializações na família e na escola (dentre outras agências socializadoras), são responsáveis pela incorporação das disposições de gênero utilizadas pelas/os jovens, tendo na traição um episódio típico tanto de reprodução de padrões tradicionais de gênero quanto de superação dos mesmos. No caso específico da escola particular pesquisada, os dados revelam que estas socializações encontram-se imbricadas ao modo pelo qual a gestão escolar intervém sobre a indisciplina e sobre os conflitos oriundos das relações escolares ou outros conflitos externos que nelas teriam influência. Como resultado, por fim, conclui-se que a combinação entre incorporação das disposições de gênero, estratégias para lidar com as violências e a prática propositiva e dialogada da gestão escolar, configura disposições de cultura que contribuem para a baixa frequência de conflitos físicos na escola. Mas estes recursos não são suficientes para superar a existência de outras expressões de violências no ambiente escolar ou da reprodução de padrões tradicionais de gênero, como as manifestadas no caso de traição analisado. / This doctoral dissertation presents the results of a research with young high school students in a private school located in Jabaquara district, in the city of São Paulo. It focuses specifically on gender dispositions enlisted by young female students in different situations involving violences, according to their accounts about their family and school socialization. This is an exploratory qualitative research that seeks to articulate Pierre Bourdieus theory ofhabitus with gender studies to analyze violences experienced in school and also the ones created by the school institution itself. As method for data collection, the empirical investigation carried out in a private school employed observations and individual interviews with male and female students, as well as members of the school administration. In both observations and interviews, different sociability strategies used by girls and boys regarding the numerous expressions of violence were considered, with focus on the close relationship between socializations and gender dispositions. The results show that family and school (among other socialization agents), are responsible for the incorporation of the gender dispositions utilized by young people. The cheating incident is a typical episode which reveals simultaneously the reproduction and the superation of traditional gender patterns. In the specific case of the investigated school, data show that these socialization processes are intertwined with the way the school administration intervenes on indiscipline and conflicts that emerge from school relations or other outside conflicts that might influence them. The conclusion is that the combination of incorporation of gender dispositions, strategies for dealing with violences and schools proactive dialogic practices has set up cultural dispositions that contribute to the low occurrence of physical conflicts in school. However, these resources are not efficient enough to inhibit other expressions of violences in the school environment or the reproduction of traditional gender norms, as expressed in the cheating case analyzed in this dissertation.

Strategiska förhållningssätt till informationsteknik i små företag / Strategic dispositions to information technology in small business

Junghagen, Sven January 1998 (has links)
Both information technology and small business are considered to be of great importance for economy today. Several empirical studies have however showed that the diffusion of information technology among small business have been limited. Since information technology is considered to be of strategic importance for organisations, the aim of this study is to identify and analyse strategic dispositions to information technology. This study has shown that information technology can be of different strategic importance for different managers. Strategic dispositions is a concept based on the managers perceptions of the strategic context, perceptions of information technology and the individual characteristics of the manager. The perspective used is based on a view upon strategies formed in an entrepreneurial mode or an adaptive mode.A survey is conducted with a sample of 600 managers in small business in Sweden. Analyses are conducted with a multivariate approach, using factor analysis to reduce complexity in data, cluster analysis to group objects and finally discriminant analysis to categorise groups and analyse different strategic dispositions to information technology.The classification of managers resulted in six groups, separated by their inclination to use technology, their dynamics and their uncertainty avoidance. Further analysis however showed that there are mainly four strategic dispositions within the population, where the two groups with a lower inclination to use technology showed similar patterns to two of the other groups. The four strategic dispositions are therefore divided by means of dynamics and uncertainty avoidance. Dynamics is a concept mainly based on contextual characteristics and uncertainty avoidance is a concept mainly based on how the firms handles the context. The overall context and handling of this context constitute an application context.The first application context in a situation of high dynamics and low uncertainty avoidance is labelled stratège development, where information technology has a strong linkage to core competencies in the business. In this application context, the strategic disposition is proactive. The second, based on high dynamics and high uncertainty avoidance, labelled adaptive change, includes patterns where information technology are used to adapt to uncertain environments. The strategic disposition is reactive. The third application context, in low dynamics and high uncertainty avoidance, is labelled fixed relations, where information technology is used to maintain a fixed relation with an other actor in the environment. This strategic disposition is interactive. Finally, in low dynamics and low uncertainty avoidance, the application context is labelled fixed structures. Information technology is in this case used not to achieve dynamics or growth, nor to reduce uncertainty, but merely because of a fixed structural complexity best handled with information technology. The disposition is inactive in its mode.The different strategic dispositions show that introduction of information technology is influenced by both context as well as individual intentions. The strategic importance of information technology is therefore a complex conception, to be used with discretion. / digitalisering@umu

Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Gender Differences in Statistical Reasoning: A Multipronged Approach

Martin, Nadia 14 January 2013 (has links)
The past two decades have seen a substantial increase in the availability of numerical data that individuals are faced with on a daily basis. In addition, research uncovering the multiple facets of statistical reasoning has become increasingly prominent. Both gender differences and the effect of experience or training have emerged as two key factors that influence performance in statistics. Surprisingly, though, the combined effects of these two variables have not been studied. This gap in understanding the joint effect of gender and experience on statistical reasoning is addressed in the present dissertation with six studies. In Study 1 (N = 201), participants with various levels of experience in statistics were asked to complete the Statistical Reasoning Assessment (SRA; Garfield, 2003). Although the performance of both genders improved with experience, the gender gap persisted across all experience levels. Multiple measures of individual differences were used in a confirmatory structural equation model. This model supported the idea that differences in statistical reasoning are not uniquely a matter of cognitive ability. In fact, gender was found to influence statistical reasoning directly, as well as indirectly through its influence on thinking dispositions. In Studies 2 (N = 67), 3 (N = 157), and 4 (N = 206), the role of stereotype threat was examined as a potential cause of the persisting gender gap in statistics, and value affirmation was tested as an intervention to overcome stereotype threat. Despite the fact that many women believed negative stereotypes about the ability of women in statistics, value affirmation had no significant impact on performance. To help explain this lack of effect, and in keeping with the results of the structural equation model suggesting a multi-pronged approach, efforts were turned towards a different (and potentially richer) cognitive factor. Specifically, mental representations were explored to help shed light on the root causes of those conceptual understanding differences in statistics. In Studies 5 and 6, gender differences in mental representations of statistical features were examined using a categorization paradigm. In Study 5 (N = 219), extending some of the key findings in Studies 1, 3 and 4, it was established that two courses in statistics are necessary to create a significant difference in the quality of mental representations of statistical concepts. More importantly, Study 6 (N = 208) demonstrated how constraining the task format particularly benefits women in that the quality of their reasoning significantly improved, where that of men was equal across tasks. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

Connective Capacity: The Importance and Influence of Dispositions in Special Education Teacher Education

Rademaker, Scot Mcgregor 01 January 2013 (has links)
Dispositions are a difficult construct to define and assess within teacher education. The problem lies in the relative ambiguity of the term and the subjective manner in which it is applied to the assessment of the performance of preprofessional teachers. Additionally, because certain accreditation institutes including the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) require that dispositions be measured as part of a teacher's professional development, the issues of how dispositions are constructed and gauged becomes an essential part of the foundation related to understanding the effectiveness of teacher education programs. The fact that much of the research examining teacher dispositions does not include special education, adds to the imperative to study this concept. In order to examine professionals' conceptualization of dispositions related to the preparation of preprofessional special education teachers, Stake's (1999) case study method was utilized in this study. This method allowed for the use of interviews and the analysis of archival documents to better understand the phenomenon of special education teacher dispositions. Preprofessional teachers in their second semester of their program and those in their final internship, as well as recent graduates (all associated with the same program) were interviewed in order to determine what constituted their definitions and perceived influences of their dispositions within a special education teacher preparation program. The intent of the study was to better inform future practices in teacher education programs in special education through a more contextualized understanding of dispositions.

Fostering a Spatially Literate Generation: Explicit Instruction in Spatial Thinking for Preservice Teachers

Jo, Injeong 2011 December 1900 (has links)
This research proposes that the explicit incorporation of spatial thinking into teacher preparation programs is an effective and efficient way to foster and develop a spatially literate populace. The major objective of this study was to examine the effect of explicit instruction in spatial thinking on the development of preservice teachers' knowledge, skills, and dispositions toward teaching it. A one-day workshop - Teaching Spatial Thinking with Geography - for preservice geography teachers was developed as the intervention of this study. The primary focus of the workshop was to provide an explicit opportunity to learn about spatial thinking and to practice skills required to incorporate spatial thinking into participants' classrooms. Three assessments were used to examine changes in participants' knowledge, skills, and dispositions, before and after the workshop: the spatial concepts test, the teaching spatial thinking disposition survey, and participant-produced lesson plans. Individual interviews were conducted to obtain a deeper understanding of participants' learning experiences during the workshop. A mixed-method research design was adopted in which both quantitative and qualitative methods were used to offset the weaknesses inherent within one method with the strengths of the other. The major findings of this study include: 1) explicit instruction about spatial concepts is necessary to the development of preservice teachers' knowledge required for teaching spatial thinking through geography; 2) the skills development required to teach spatial thinking should be approached as the development of pedagogical content knowledge; 3) dispositions toward teaching spatial thinking should be differentiated from dispositions toward teaching general thinking skills; 4) although explicit instruction about teaching spatial thinking contributed substantially to the preservice teachers' acquisition of knowledge and skills and the development of positive dispositions toward teaching spatial, each of these components develops at a different rate but affect each other; and 5) a promising approach to the development of preservice teachers' pedagogical content knowledge would be to offer geography education courses, not general geography or methods courses, in which the focus is explicitly on teaching geography with an emphasis on spatial thinking.

Learning to think, thinking to learn : dispositions, identity and communities of practice : a comparative study of six N.Z. farmers as practitioners.

Allan, Janet K January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore the question of how farmers learn, in constructing knowledge both in and for practice. It seeks to identify how they gain new ideas, make changes, develop to a level of expertise and who and what contribute to this process. The rapidity of change in a high tech environment, combined with globalisation, the new economy and the knowledge age, means that farmers are living their lives in 'fast forward' mode. There is so much new technology, research and development available that the ability to identify information relevant to a particular farming practice and to process it to knowledge is an increasing challenge. Six central South Island (N.Z.) farmers were selected purposively as case studies. The range of case profiles provides for comparison and contrast of the relative importance of formal qualifications, differences between sheep/beef farmers and dairy farmers, levels of expertise, age and experiences. The self-rating of the farmers enables a comparison of lower and higher performers, identifying characteristics which enable insight into why some farmers consistently lead new practice and why others are reluctant followers. The research is qualitative in design and approached from a constructlVIst and interpretive paradigm. Socially and experientially based, it seeks to understand the experiences of the subjects through in-depth interviews and observations. This study identifies farmers as social learners although working independently, in relative geographical isolation and often, social isolation. It concludes that these farmers learn through participation in the practice of farming. This practice includes a constellation of cOmInunities of practice, which may be resource-rich or resource-poor, depending on the range and depth of the farmer's involvement. Through full and committed participation in these practice communities and associate constellations, the practitioner's identity evolves, encouraging new practices, ideas and innovation. This study emphasises that expertise is not a permanent state but requires evolving identity, knowledge and dispositional ability; for maintenance and growth within a culture of practice. Emergent grounded theory suggests that dispositional knowledge underpins construction and use of all knowledge; that construction and use of high-order propositional and procedural knowledge requires higher-order dispositional knowledge and that mastery is developed through evolving identity, dispositions, leadership and learning, socioculturally constructed through resource-rich constellations of communities of practice.

Exploring the Mechanisms Underlying Gender Differences in Statistical Reasoning: A Multipronged Approach

Martin, Nadia 14 January 2013 (has links)
The past two decades have seen a substantial increase in the availability of numerical data that individuals are faced with on a daily basis. In addition, research uncovering the multiple facets of statistical reasoning has become increasingly prominent. Both gender differences and the effect of experience or training have emerged as two key factors that influence performance in statistics. Surprisingly, though, the combined effects of these two variables have not been studied. This gap in understanding the joint effect of gender and experience on statistical reasoning is addressed in the present dissertation with six studies. In Study 1 (N = 201), participants with various levels of experience in statistics were asked to complete the Statistical Reasoning Assessment (SRA; Garfield, 2003). Although the performance of both genders improved with experience, the gender gap persisted across all experience levels. Multiple measures of individual differences were used in a confirmatory structural equation model. This model supported the idea that differences in statistical reasoning are not uniquely a matter of cognitive ability. In fact, gender was found to influence statistical reasoning directly, as well as indirectly through its influence on thinking dispositions. In Studies 2 (N = 67), 3 (N = 157), and 4 (N = 206), the role of stereotype threat was examined as a potential cause of the persisting gender gap in statistics, and value affirmation was tested as an intervention to overcome stereotype threat. Despite the fact that many women believed negative stereotypes about the ability of women in statistics, value affirmation had no significant impact on performance. To help explain this lack of effect, and in keeping with the results of the structural equation model suggesting a multi-pronged approach, efforts were turned towards a different (and potentially richer) cognitive factor. Specifically, mental representations were explored to help shed light on the root causes of those conceptual understanding differences in statistics. In Studies 5 and 6, gender differences in mental representations of statistical features were examined using a categorization paradigm. In Study 5 (N = 219), extending some of the key findings in Studies 1, 3 and 4, it was established that two courses in statistics are necessary to create a significant difference in the quality of mental representations of statistical concepts. More importantly, Study 6 (N = 208) demonstrated how constraining the task format particularly benefits women in that the quality of their reasoning significantly improved, where that of men was equal across tasks. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

Abandono social e consumo de crack : um ensaio sobre o milieu dos abandonados em Porto Alegre

Hertzog, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
O tema central desta dissertação é a discussão sobre a origem social dos usuários de crack, a quem chamaremos aqui de abandonados. Defendemos a tese do abandono social como proposta alternativa na compreensão do consumo de crack nas metrópoles periféricas. Conduzimos um estudo qualitativo na cidade de Porto Alegre/Brasil, utilizando o método da análise de narrativas e reconstrução das histórias de vida (ROSENTHAL, 1993). Entrevistamos homens e mulheres em situação de desfavorecimento social e histórico de consumo de substâncias. Os dados analisados consistiram em textos transcritos de uma série de entrevistas narrativas biográficas, bem como entrevistas com agentes institucionais ligados aos abandonados. Partimos das recentes discussões no âmbito da sociologia sobre trabalho e desigualdades sociais (CASTEL, 1998, 2000), classes sociais no Brasil e teorias da modernização (SOUZA, 2000, 2009), bem como os debates da filosofia política sobre a teoria do reconhecimento (FRASER; HONNETH, 2003). Evidenciamos através da pesquisa empírica que o consumo de crack está intimamente relacionado a condições sociais de produção e reprodução de papeis sociais, distribuídos diferencialmente entre classes, sendo a “questão do crack”, como posta no desenvolvimento atual, essencialmente uma questão social. Discutimos o conceito de milieux sociais como ferramenta analítica para compreensão de uma variedade de performances de classe no uso de crack por grupos diversos. Sobre a diferença da experiência entre homens e mulheres, discutimos sobre os padrões impeditivos no acesso a bens culturais e a potencialidade para os movimentos sociais articularem uma gramática para a superação do abandono nas lutas político identitárias de gênero. / This thesis focuses on the discussions of the social origins of crack-cocaine users, whom we call abandoned. We defend the social abandonment thesis as an alternative proposal to understand the recent phenomenon of widespread crack-cocaine consumption in Brazilian cities. We conducted a qualitative study in Porto Alegre / Brazil, using narrative analysis method and reconstruction of life stories (Rosenthal, 1993). Men and women in situations of social disadvantage and history of substance abuse were interviewed. The data analyzed consisted of transcribed texts of a series of biographical narrative interviews as well as interviews with institutional agents linked to the abandoned. Our theoretical framework was the recent sociology of work and social inequalities discussions (CASTEL, 1998, 2000), social classes in Brazil and modernization theories (SOUZA, 2000, 2009), as well as discussions of political philosophy focusing the recognition theory (FRASER; HONNETH, 2003). We demonstrated through empirical research data that crack-cocaine consumption is closely related to social conditions of production and reproduction of social roles, differentially distributed between classes, and the "crack issue" is essentially a social issue as put in the current development. We brought into discussion the milieux concept as analytical tool to understand a variety of class performances and different uses of crack-cocaine between various groups. Regarding the difference of experience between men and women, we reflect upon impeditive standards on access to cultural goods and the potential for social movements to articulate a grammar to overcome the abandonment through political identity struggles of gender.

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