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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Duurverskynsels by enkelvoudige nasale en komplekse nasaalverbindings in Xhosa

Olivier, Iolanda 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this assignment durational features in singular nasals and complex nasal combinations in Xhosa are studied. The focus is on durational differences between single nasals, nasals in combination with consonants and nasal combinations featuring a morpheme boundary. Nouns were selected with these INCI-combinations in various syllable positions in a word. Data from one mother-tongue speaker were analysed and statistically processed and internally compared. It was found that the duration of a singular /m/ and /n/ preceding a morpheme boundary was longer than the corresponding nasal in a final syllable without an intervening morpheme boundary. When an obstruent appears in conjunction with a labial and alveolar nasal, the total duration of these INCI-combinations are longer than those of the singular /m/ and /n/. The presence of a morpheme boundary after complex nasals seemingly has no influence on the duration of the nasal or on the rest of the segments in the syllable. The duration of the syllabic /m/ is longer than that of the singular labial /m/. As secondary findings sequential aspects of nasals are discussed. In this study theoretical arguments are offered where possible in support of the above mentioned results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie werkstuk word duurverskynsels by enkelvoudige nasale en komplekse nasaalverbindings in Xhosa bestudeer. Daar word gefokus op die duurverskillle tussen enkelvoudige nasale, nasale in kombinasie met konsonante en nasaalverbindings waar 'n morfeemgrens voorkom. Naamwoorde is gesoek met die INK/-kombinasies in die laaste sillabeposisie, voorfinale en enige sillabeposisie vorentoe in die woord. Die data van een moedertaalspreker is ontleed en statisties verwerk. Die resultate hiervan is ook onderling met mekaar vergelyk. Daar is onder meer bevind dat die duur van 'n enkelvoudige /m/ en /n/ relatief langer is voor 'n morfeemgrens as die ooreenstemmende nasaal in 'n finale sillabe sonder 'n morfeemgrens. Wanneer 'n stopklank saam met 'n labiale en alveolere nasaal verskyn, is die totale duur van die INK/-kombinasies langer as die enkelvoudige /m/ en /n/ s'n. Die teenwoordigheid van 'n morfeemgrens na komplekse nasale het skynbaar geen invloed op die duur van die nasaal en of die res van die segmente in die sillabe nie. Die sillabiese /m/ se duur is langer as die enkelvoudige labiale /m/. In die sekondere bevindinge word sekere opeenvolgings van die nasaal bespreek. In hierdie studie word, waar moontlik, sekere teoretiese argumente aangebied vir onder meer bogenoemde resultate.

The adjective in Xhosa

Bottoman, Ntombesizwe 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Adjectives in Xhosa represent a small, closed class of descriptive nominal modifiers, which are categorized as the adjective because of their morphological behaviour, i.e. they all have to appear with the prefix of the noun which is the head of the Noun Phrase. There are other nominal modifiers in Xhosa, which may have the same descriptive function as the small class of morphological adjectives. Attention focuses on the relative clauses and descriptive possessives. The term "Adjective" in Xhosa includes the semantic adjective. Various scholars define the adjective as a distinct category by establishing specific criteria for. Semantic prototypes with noun, adjective and verb types, i.e. semantic types according to Dixon (1991) are considered. Semantic types in Xhosa may also have this feature. The following categoreis have been considered: morphological adjective, descriptive possessive, relative clauses, i.e. nominal relative clauses and the verbal relative clauses. With regard to the morphological adjective: Some basic notions on the morphological adjectives, specifically the morphology of adjectives, adjectival phrases, the distribution of the adjectives, comparison and the co-ordinated adjectives, and the definite morpheme are dealt with. The following values have been dealt with regarding the structure of the relative clause, i.e. the nominal relative clause with the definite morpheme [a], the copulative verb and the nominal relative complements of the copulative verbs. Two issues have been discussed in the case of the descriptive possessive: firstly, where the descriptive part is the head of the Noun Phrase with meanings such as groups, nouns denoting quantity, cardinal numbers, the partitives, units of measure and mass, humans with the features of psychological and physical features, the infinitive clause, and secondly, the descriptive part is the complement of the preposition [-a-]. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Adjektiewe in Xhosa verteenwoordig 'n klein geslote klas van deskriptiewe nominale bepalers wat as 'n adjektief kategorie beskou word op grond van hul morfologie, di.i. hulle moet almal voorkom saam met die prefiks van die naamwoord wat die kern is van die naamwoordgroep. Daar is ander nominale bepalers in Xhosa wat dieselfde deskriptiewe funksie as die klein klas van morfologiese adjektiewe kan hê. Aandag is gegee an die relatiewe en deskriptiewe possessiewe. Die term "adjektief" in Xhosa sluit die semantiese adjektief in: verskeie taalkundiges definieer die adjektief as 'n aparte kategorie deur spesifieke kriteria vir adjektiewe te bepaal. Semantiese prototipes met naamwoorde, adjektiewe en werkwoordtipes, d.i. semantiese tipes volgens Dixon (1991) is ondersoek. Semantiese tipes in Xhosa kan ook hierdie kenmerk hê. Die volgende kategorieë is ondersoek: Morfologiese adjektief, deskriptiewe possessief, relatief klouse waaronder nominale en werkwoordelike relatiewe klause. Met verwysing na die morfologiese adjektief: sekere basiese begrippe ten opsigte van die morfologiese adjektief is nagegaan, waaronder spesiefiek die morfologie van adjektiewe, adjektief frases, die distribusie van die adjektiewe, vergelyking en die neweskikkende adjektiewe sowel as die bepaaldheidsmorfeem. Die volgende sake is oorweeg met betrekking tot die struktuur van die relatief klous: die nominale relatief klous met die bepaaldheidsmorfeem [-a-], die kapulatiewe werkwoord en die nominale relatiewe komplemente van die kopulatiewe werkwoorde. Twee sake is bespreek in die geval van die deskriptiewe possessief: eerstens, die deskriptiewe deel is die kern van die naamwoordfrase met betekenisse soos groepe, naamwoorde wat kwantiteit aandui, hooftelwoorde, partitiewe, eenhede van maat en massa, mense met sielkundige en fisiese kenmerke, die infinitief klous,· en tweedens die deskriptiewe deel is die komplement van die preposisie [-a-].

Uhlobo lwengcingane yohahlelo yenkcazelo yezentlalo kwimbalo zesixhosa

Dweba, Constance Xoliswa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the genre-theoretic analystic properties of social commentary texts in isiXhosa which are extracted from the Bona magazine. These five articles are genres which all just deal with social commentary issues. This study will first explore the broad genre-based theoretical approach to the investigation of the isiXhosa texts as social commentary texts. The genre-theoretic approach will be utilized as framework for discourse properties of the Xhosa texts and a review will be given of the linguistic competence component of the more general theory of writing advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It will be argued that the theory of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is suitable as a framework for teaching writing, because it incorporates the ethnography of writing which entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following questions: who writes what to whom for what purpose, why and how. In terms of the parameter "write" which is examined extensively in this study the aspects of text analysis examined include topic structuring, coherence, text cohesion, lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purpose as well as cognitive move structure or structural description which is discussed in Bhatia (1993). These text-linguistic properties of the genre-theoretic approach will be investigated invoking Grabe and Kaplan's model of text construction. Finally, this study will also explore the relationship between the ethnography of writing, learning outcomes 3, 4 and 5 of Grade 9 and their related assessment standards in Curriculum 2005. The study explores questions of how Grabe and Kaplan's model can be effectively employed in the analysis of texts in language teaching in Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die genre-analitiese kenmerke van sosiale kommentaar tekste in isiXhosa wat verkry is uit die BONA tydskrif. Die vyf artikels is genres wat almal verband hou met sosiale kommentaar vraagstukke. Die studie sal eerstens die breë genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die analise van die isiXhosa tekste ondersoek. Die genre-teoretiese benadering sal aangewend word as raamwerk vir die ondersoek van diskoers eienskappe van die Xhosa tekste, en In oorsig word gegee van die taalvermoë komponent van die meer algemene teroeivan skryf gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Daar word aangevoer dat die teorie van Grabe en Kaplan toepaslik is as In raamwerk vir die onderrig van skryfvaardigheid daar dit ook die etnografie van skryf inkorporeer, wat meebring dat In gedetaileerde analise van tekste ook die volgende vrae moet aanspreek: Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom en hoe. Ten opsigte van die "skryf" parameter, wat uitgebreid ondersoek word in hierdie studie, word aspekte beskou wat insluit inligting strukturering, onderwerp strukturering koherensie, teks kohesie, leksikale keuses as In refleksie van kommunikatiewe doel, sowel as kognitiewe skuif struktuur of strukturele beskrywing, wat bespreek word in Bhatia (1993). Hierdie teks-linguistiese eienskappe binne die genre-teoretiese benadering sal ondersoek word met betrekking tot Grabe en Kaplan se model van tekskonstruksie. Laastens ondersoek hierdie studie ook die verband tussen die etnografie van skryf- en leeruitkomste 3, 4 en 5 van Graag 9, tesame met die verbandhoudende assesseringstandaarde, in Kurrikulum 2005. Die studie ondersoek vrae van hoe die genre analise van tekste in taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 doeltreffend aangewend kan word. / ISICATSHULWA : Olu fundo luyaphanda ngohlahlelo lohlobo Iwesakhiwo Iwencwadi enenkcazo yezentlalo yeembalo zesiXhosa ezithi zithatyathwe kwimagazini yeBona. La manqaku mahlanu olu hlobo athi ajongane nemicimbi yencwadi echaza ngezentlalo. Olu fundo luyakutlu luvelise ngokubanzi iimbalo ezisekeke kwindlela yesakhiwo sokuphanda ngembalo zesiXhosa njengezona mbalo eziluncwadi olunenkcazo. Indlela yohlobo Iwesakhiwo luyakuthi lusetyenziswe njengophahla ekuhlahleleni iilwimi, ubuchule kunye nemihlaba yokufundisayo kwimbalo zesiXhosa kunye nokunika umboniso welungu lobuchule besakhiwo esiphangaleleyo ekubhaleni ngobunzulu nguGrabe noKaplan (1996). Kuyakuthi kuxoxwe ukuba uGrabe noKaplan (1996) kwisakhiwo sabo uthi alungele ubuchule bokufundisa ukubhala, kuba ithi ingeneiele kuninkcazo yobunzululwazi yokubhala ethi ivelise ukuba uhlahlelo olunamanqanaba Iwembalo lubonisa le mibuzo ilandelayo: ngubani obhalayo ntoni kubani enaziphi injongo, kutheni kunye nakanjani? Phantsi kweparamitha "ukubhala" ekuthi kubeyiyona ende kakhulu kolu fundo ebonakalisa imiba yohlahlelo Iwembalo efana nentloko yolwazi, (edibanisa imihlaba) yobumbo lolwazi oluyintloko, unamathelwano, imbalo enamathelanayo, ukhetho Iwezichazimagama ezizona zibonakalisa injongo zonxibelelwano nangokunjalo nobumbo oluhambayo lobunzululwazi bengqondo okanye inkcazelo ebumbekileyo ethi icaciswe nguBhatia (1993). Le mihlaba yembalo zeelwimi zendlela yohlobo Iwesakhiwo ziyakuthi ziphandwe zivelisa uGrabe noKaplan kumzekelo wabo wobumbo Iwembalo. Okokugqibela, olu fundo luyakuphinde luvelise ukuzalana phakathi kwenkcazo yobunzululwazi bokubhala, ezifundo iziphumayo 3, 4 kunye nesesi 5 sesigaba 9 kunye namanqanaba _okuhlola ahamba nazo. Olu fundo luvelisa imibuzo ukuba uGrabe noKaplan kumzekelo wabo bangathi basebenze ngokuphumelelayo ekuhlahleleni iimbalo kwakubo obu buchule boludwe Iwezifundo zika 2005 ekufundiseni ulwimi, ubuchule bokufunda nokubhala kunye nonxibelelwano.

Umyalezo olukuhlayo ekutshintsheni umzantsi Afrika

Mkumatela, Nombulelo Queen 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Xhosa. / Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study concentrates on the critical evaluation of persuasive messages. In doing this, four articles have been analysed according to two premises namely: the content premises and the process premises. The content premises concentrate solely on the theme of four articles which is the persuasive message towards the transformation of South Africa. In content premises emphasis is put on the cause to effect reasoning. The process premises focus on the three different types of processes that is: the needs, attitude and consistency. In the needs emphasis is put on the need for emotional security and on the need for reassurance of worth. In attitude emphasis is put on evaluative responses. In consistency emphasis is put on the course of dissonance and consonance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die kritiese evaluering van oorredende boodskappe. In hierdie navorsing is vier artikels ontleed volgens twee premisse, naamlik die inhoud premis en die proses premis. Die inhoud premis word ondersoek na aanleiding van die tema van vier artikels wat In oorredende boodskap gerig op die transformasie van Suid-Afrika verteenwoordig. In die inhoud premis word klem gelê op die oorsaak-na-effek redenering. Die proses premis fokus op drie verskillende tipes prosesse, dit is behoeftes, houding en konsekwentheid. In die behoeftes analise word klem gelê op die behoefte aan emosionele sekuriteit en op die behoefte vir versekering van waarde. In die geval van houding, word klem gelê op evaluatiewe response. In die geval van konsekwentheid word klem gelê op die roete van dissonansie en konsonansie.

Isenzo sentetho yesingxengxezo kwimeko yasesikolweni

Nkunzi, Vuyani Allois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study is to examine the phenomenon of politeness in isiXhosa discourse within the speech acts of apology and complaint. Politeness is evidenced where nonverbal and verbal actions work together for the purpose of achieving smooth communication among speakers. The actions that occur through discourse are called speech acts. The most important aim of the speech act of apology is to maintain a good relationship among speakers. This study focusses specifically on the speech act of apology and the manner in which Xhosa speakers forward apologies and complaints among themsleves. Politeness theory will be used as a basis of this study. In this study, the main focuss is on how the male and female students forward complaints and apologies. It is discovered that, there are different ways of expressing apologies and complaints in isiXhosa in different situations, and the different ways in which males and females students forward apologies among themselves. For instance, in space situation, males forwarded more apologies as they occupied more space than females. In time situation, females forward more apologies as they were lacking more in time management than males do. According to Trosborg (1995) there are several ways or strategies of apology, which are as follows: The opting out-catergory; minimizing the degree of offence; indirect apologies; explanation or account; promise of forbearance and the offer of repair. It has been discovered firstly in this study, that females used more apology strategies than males. Secondly, four main apology strategies: request for forgiveness; explicit explanation; offer of apology and the expression of lack of intent have been extensively used by both males and females in the empirical data examined. Trosborg (1995) mentions eight complaints strategies, namely: hints; annoyance; ill consequences; direct complaints; indirect complaints; modified blame (behavior) and an explicit blame (person). Females used more complaint strategies than males. Five complaint strategies: direct complaint; annoyance; ill consequences; indirect complaint and the modified blame have been extensively used by both males and females. This study helps us to understand the different ways of expressing apologies and complaints in different situations in isiXhosa. The more appropriate apology and complaint is used, the better the communication. This becomes evident in the manner in which males and females forwarded apology and complaint strategies in the discourse analysed in this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die verskynsel van beleefdheid in isiXhosa te ondersoek binne die uitvoering van die spraakhandelinge van verskoning en klagte. Beleefdheid word aangedui wanneer nie-verbale en verbale aksies saam van belang is vir die bereiking van doeltreffende kommunikasie tussen sprekers. Die handelinge wat plaasvind deur diskoers word spraakhandelinge genoem. Die belangrikste oogmerk van die spraakhandeling van verskoning is om goeie verhoudinge tussen sprekers te handhaaf. Hierdie studie fokus spesifiek op die spraakhandeling van verskoning en die wyse waarop Xhosasprekers verskonings en klagtes tussen mekaar uitruil. Beleefdheidsteorie sal as raamwerk gebruik word vir hierdie studie. Die studie gee ook aandag aan hoe vroulie en manlike studente verskonings uitruil. Dit word bevind dat daar verskillende wyses is waarop verskonings en klagtes in Xhosa uitgedruk word in verskillende situasies, en dat daar verskillende wyses is waarop manlike en vroulike studente verskonings uitruil. Byvoorbeeld, in 'n ruimte situasie gee manlike persone meer verskonings as vroulike persone, aangesien hulle meer ruimte in beslag neem. In 'n tyd situasie, gee vroulike persone meer verskonings as manlike persone aangesien dit voorkom of hulle minder besorg is oor tydsbestuur. Volgens Trosborg (1995), is daar verskeie wyses of strategieë van verskoning, insluitende die volgende: die uitwegkategorie, minimalisering van oortreding, indirekte verskonings, verduideliking, belofte van geduld, en aanbod vir herstel. Daar is bevind in die studie dat vroulike persone meer verskoning strategieë gebruik as manlike persone. Tweedens, vier hoof verskoning strategieë, nl. versoek vir vergiffenis, eksplisiete verduideliking, aanbod van 'n verskoning en die uitdrukking van 'n tekort aan bedoeling, is uitgebreid gebruik deur sowel manlike as vroulike persone. Trosborg (1995) noem agt klagte strategieë, naamlik skimpe, irritasie, sleg gevolge, direkte klagtes, indirekte klagtes, gewysigde blaam (t.o.v. gedrag), en eksplisiete blaam (t.o.v. 'n persoon). Die vroulike persone het meer klagte strategieë as manlike persone. Vyf klagtestrategieë, naamlik direkte klagte, irritasie, sleg gevolge, indirekte klagte, en die gewysigde blaam is uitgebreid gebruik deur sowel vroulike as manlike persone. Hierdie studie werp lig op die verskillende wyses van hoe verskonings in Xhosa uitgedruk word en klagtes in verskillende situasies. Hoe meer gepas 'n klagte of verskoning is, hoe meer doeltreffend vind die kommunikasie plaas. Hierdie feit word geïllustreer deur die wyses waarop manlike en vroulike persone verskonings maak, soos aangetoon in die studie.

The deficient verb in Xitsonga

Nxumalo, Ntiyiso Elijah 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the morpho-syntactic and semantic properties, specifically tense and aspectual properties, of deficient verbs in Xitsonga. Various properties of deficient verbs have given rise to a distinction in verbal categories. Among these a range of features are explored in the study with the aim of establishing whether they playa significant role in relevant linguistic questions: The research on the deficient verb involves questions from three theoretical areas, namely Syntax, Morphology and Semantics. Deficient verbs in Xitsonga and related African languages are generally subcategorized for a clausal complement as illustrated in the following example: [a-hi-hamba [hi-rima laha]] [We-did-usually [plough here]] In the above sentence the deficient verb is hamba and it is followed by a compulsory clause as complement. The main properties of deficient verbs explored in this study relate to the following phenomena: • The deficient verb determines the selection of the mood in Inflection of the clausal complement. • The clausal complement of a deficient verb must have compulsory agreement of its subject with the subject of the matrix clause. • The deficient verbs lack the property which is characteristic of the autonomous verbs i.e. that they may be extended by derivative affixes such as the applicative or causative. • Deficient verbs have distinctive semantic features which are related to two inflectional categories, i.e. aspect and tense. This study concludes that the deficient verbs may express several meanings, including meanings related to duration, habitual, frequentative, progressive, obligative, manner, continuative, concessive and completive. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die sintaktiese en semantiese, in die besonder die tydvorm- en aspek-eienskappe van hulpwerkwoorde in Xitsonga. 'n Verskeidenheid kenmerke van hulpwerkwoorde het daartoe aanleiding gegee dat 'n onderskeid getref word ten opsigte van werkwoordkategorieë. Hieronder word 'n verskeidenheid kenmerke ondersoek ten einde vas te stelof dit 'n beduidende rol speel in relevante linguistiese vrae. Die navorsing van hierdie studie behels vrae vanuit drie teoretiese velde, naamlik die morfologie, sintaksis, en semantiek. Hulpwerkwoorde in Xitsonga en verwante Afrikatale word gesubkategoriseer vir 'n sinskomplement, soos geïllustreer in die volgende voorbeeld: [A-hi-hamba [hi-rima laha]] [Ons het gewoonlik [ons ploeg hier]], d.i. ons het gewoonlik hier geploeg In die bogenoemde sin is hamba die hulpwerkwoord en dit word gevolg deur 'n verpligte sinskomplement. Die sentrale kenmerke van hulpwerkwoorde wat in hierdie studie ondersoek word hou verband met die volgende verskynsels: • Die hulpwerkwoord bepaal die seleksie van modus in die Infleksie van die sinskomplement. • Die sinskomplement van 'n hulpwerkwoord moet verpligte kongruensie toon van die subjek daarvan met die subjek van die matriksin. • Die hulpwerkwoord kort die eienskap wat kenmerkend is van outonome werkwoorde, naamlik, dat hulle afleidingsuffikse kan neem, soos die applikatief -el- en die kousatief -is. • Hulpwerkwoorde het onderskeidende semantiese kenmerke wat verband hou met twee infleksie kategorieë, nl. aspek en tydvorm. Die studie kon tot die gevolgtrekking dat hulpwerkwoorde 'n verskeidenheid betekennis kan uitdruk, insluitende betekenisse wat verband hou met tydsduur, habitueel, frekwentatief, progressief, verpligting, wyse, voortdurendheid, toegewing en kompletief.

An analysis of the sports promotion text in Xhosa

Mbena, Siphokazi Grissel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores how the theoretical framework pertaining to reading as advanced by Davies (1995) can be employed to develop reading skills in Xhosa and to assist learners to see reading as a process. Teaching reading to language learners has many problems. The critical thinking relevant to reading and analysis of the text in teaching reading are examined. The study explores the current genre approach in the analysis of Xhosa Bona Magazine with its articles. The research of certain scholars like Davies, Wallace, Swales, and Cope and Kalantzis will be explored, in particular, the hierarchy of five levels of text, as advanced by Davies. Reading is an integral part of the school curriculum, and to use reading texts depends on the purpose for which the educator wants to use it, i.e. to develop reading comprehension skills, to present new vocabulary and structures, or as a basis for language practice. This study examines reading in Outcomes-base Education (O.B.E.) as a current issue in South African education, to determine how the specified outcomes relate to the framework for the development of reading skills. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe die teoretiese raamwerk vir die analise van tekste vir leesbegrip soos voorgestel deur Davies (1995) aangewend kan word in die ontwikkeling van leesvaardigheid in Xhosa en in die hulp aan leerders om lees as 'n proses te verstaan. Die onderrig van leesvaardigheid word gekenmerk deur talle probleme. Hierdie studie ondersoek die kritiese denke wat relevant is vir leesbegrip en die analise van tekste in Xhosa ter sprake in die onderrig van leesvaardigheid. Die studie aanvaar die huidige perspektiewe van die genre-benadering vir die analise van die Xhosa BONA tydskrifartikels. Die werk van bepaalde navorsers soos Davies, Cope en Kalantzis, Swales en Wallace salondersoek word en, in die besonder, Davies se raamwerk van hierargiese vlakke vir die beskrywing en analise van tekste. Lees is 'n integrale deel van die skoolkurrikulum, en die gebruik van tekste vir die doeleindes van leesonderrig hou verband met die meer spesifieke doelstelling waarvoor die onderwyser die tekste wil gebruik, bv. om leesbegripvaardighede te ontwikkel, om nuwe woordeskat en strukture te ontwikkel, of as basis vir taalgebruikoefening. Hierdie studie salook leesonderrig in uitkomsgebaseerde onderrig onder die loep neem, as 'n huidige vraagstuk in taalonderrig, ten einde te bepaal hoe die spesifieke uitkomste verband hou met die raamwerk vir die ontwikkeling van leesvaardighede.

Influence goals in seeking compliance in persuasive messages in isiXhosa

Ralarala, Monwabisi Knowledge 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It has been observed in human interaction within our social milieu that individuals make attempts from time to time to influence others in order to accomplish their goals. The scholarly interest in the message-production side of this phenomenon has assumed the study of compliance gaining or persuasion (Wilson 2002; Dillard 2004). According to Wilson (2002:15), “contemporary theories of persuasive message production are guided by a metaphor of ‘goal pursuit’” .This study pursues this proposition by focusing on the following purposes: (a) To explore the social influence goals that are characteristic of interpersonal persuasive communication in Xhosa (b) To explore the empirical and theoretical properties of communicative competence of isiXhosa speakers as exemplified in the planning and accomplishment of influence goals within the framework of Wilson’s (1997, 1998, 2002) Cognitive Rule (CR) model of interaction goals, Berger’s (1997) approach to planning social influence goals in persuasive messages, and Dillard’s (2004) Goal Plan Action (GPA) model (c) To establish the theoretical questions raised by the empirical evidence of social influence goals of Xhosa speakers for the extension, refinement and modification of the cited models of interaction goals and persuasive message production The data, from which the written descriptions of the persuasive messages were analysed, were collected from college students at False Bay College in Khayelitsha, in the Western Cape. A total of 24 Xhosa-speaking students (12 women and 12 men) within the age range of 18 to 23 years were asked to write self-reports on their recollection of recent influence episodes in which they attempted to change other fellow students’ behaviour on specific themes, i.e. Religion, Education, Parent-child relationship, Social/casual relationship, Favour from a friend and Intimacy/relationship. The research data were analysed and evaluated against the amalgamation of the concepts, principles and propositions that constitute the designated theoretical frameworks, namely the CR model, the planning approach and the GPA model. The results indicate that the proposed theoretical mechanisms are applicable and profitable in the analysis of the research data of the current study. This finding is evidenced by the frameworks’ utility in addressing and explaining the nature and scope of persuasive imperatives that presumably underlie the influence goals in seeking compliance in Xhosa. The results indicate that the proposed theoretical mechanisms are applicable and profitable in the analysis of the research data of the current study. This finding is evidenced by their utility in addressing and explaining the nature and scope of persuasive imperatives that presumably underlie the influence goals in seeking compliance in Xhosa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tydens interaksie tussen mense in ons sosiale omgewing is al opgemerk dat individue van tyd tot tyd pogings aanwend om ander te beïnvloed ten einde hul eie doelwitte te bereik. Die wetenskaplike belangstelling in die boodskapproduksiedeel van hierdie verskynsel het op die studie van die bereiking van nakoming of oorreding gefokus (Wilson 2002; Dillard 2004). Wilson (2002:15) is van mening dat hedendaagse teorieë van oorredingsboodskapproduksie deur ’n metafoor van ‘doelwitnastrewing’ gerig word. Hierdie studie ondersoek hierdie stelling deur op die volgende doelwitte te fokus: (a) Om die sosiale-invloed-doelwitte wat kenmerkend is van interpersoonlike oorredingskommunikasie in Xhosa te ondersoek (b) Om die empiriese en teoretiese eienskappe van kommunikatiewe vaardigheid van Xhosa-sprekers te ondersoek, soos in die beplanning en bereiking van invloeddoelwitte binne die raamwerk van Wilson (1997, 1998, 2002) se kognitiewereël- (KR-)model van interaksiedoelwitte, Berger (1997) se benadering tot die beplanning van sosiale-invloed-doelwitte in oorredingsboodskappe, en Dillard (2004) se doelplanaksie- (DPA-)model toegelig word (c) Om die teoretiese vrae wat op grond van die empiriese bewyse van Xhosa-sprekers se sosiale-invloed-doelwitte na vore kom, te bepaal, sodat die genoemde modelle van interaksiedoelwitte en oorredingsboodskapproduksie uitgebrei, verfyn en gewysig kan word Die data waaruit die skriftelike beskrywings van die oorredingsboodskappe ontleed is, is van kollegestudente by Valsbaai Kollege in Khayelitsha in die Wes-Kaap versamel. ’n Totaal van 24 Xhosa-sprekende studente (12 vroue en 12 mans) in die ouderdomsgroep 18 tot 23 jaar is gevra om selfverslae te skryf oor hul herinnerings van onlangse invloedepisodes waarin hulle gepoog het om ander medestudente se gedrag ten opsigte van spesifieke temas te verander. Dit temas was Geloof, Opvoeding, Ouer-kind-verhouding, Sosiale/oppervlakkige verhouding, Guns van ’n vriend en Intimiteit/verhouding. Die navorsingsdata is ontleed en ten opsigte van die samevoeging van die konsepte, beginsels en stellings waaruit die aangewese teoretiese raamwerke, naamlik die KRmodel, die beplanningsbenadering en die DPA-model bestaan, geëvalueer. Die resultate toon aan dat die voorgestelde teoretiese meganismes toepaslik en nuttig is in die ontleding van die navorsingsdata van hierdie studie. Die bevinding word gestaaf deur die raamwerke se nut om die aard en omvang van oorredingsopdragte, wat vermoedelik ten grondslag van die invloeddoelwitte in die strewe na nakoming in Xhosa lê, bloot te lê en te verklaar.

Politeness theory and requests in Xhosa

Dlali, Mawande,1965- 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates how politeness may be employed in requests in Xhosa. While numerous studies on speech act have been conducted in different languages, the investigation of speech acts in African Languages, particularly Xhosa, shows no such progress. This study attempts to fill this gap by examining the notions of politeness in requests as perceived among the Xhosas. With the study of speech acts, two instances of meaning have been identified. In the first meaning a speaker utters a sentence and means exactly and literally what he says. In the second meaning the speaker utters a sentence with an additional illocution with a different prepositional content. It has been established that various meanings playa role in the understanding of indirect requests. This finding is based on the theory of Brown and Levinson's (1987) face work of politeness. Scholars like Clark and Schunk (1980) argue that the politeness of response is governed by the attentiveness hypothesis which states that the more attentive the hearer is to all aspects of the speaker's request, within reason, the more polite he is. One of the most common motivations for politeness is a request. Brown and Levinson (1987) define politeness as the manifestation of respect for and recognition of another's face. They delineate face into two components: negative face and positive face. Positive face is the way a person wants to be regarded, admired, or approved by others and to be treated as a friend. On the other hand, negative face is the person's desire not to be imposed on by other people. A request threatens face in the sense that it imposes on the hearer, that is why in some cases requests call for mitigation, so as to compensate for their impositive effect on the hearer. Various subcategories of requests within which negative politeness may appear have been established, as well as the various ways in which these subcategories of requests may be linguistically expressed in Xhosa. Three distribution types of request categories with negative politeness have been found: high frequency, No very regular and negligible. Requests with the highest frequency may be divided into three subcategories: compliance; information; and action. These subcategories demand non-threatening strategies: compliance demands obedience, action demand doing things with a desired result, and information demands knowledge from a person. These three are thus face-threatening acts, which demand respect for the hearer's antonomy. Such requests may seriously threaten the hearer's negative face. If no politeness strategy is attempted, these requests will be viewed as most threatening acts. The ten negative politeness strategies of Brown and Levinson did not apply to Xhosa because they have been developed for a Western language. In the place of these strategies, it has been found that negative politeness may be expressed in Xhosa through certain subcategories as above, but also through certain pragmatic functions by means of which negative politeness may be applied to avert a face-threatening act. Brown and Levinson (1987) list fifteen positive politeness strategies. In the case of the four Xhosa books, which were analyzed, only eight strategies for positive politeness were found. These strategies can be divided into two groups: high frequency and negligible. The most regular strategies are: seek agreement, give or ask for reasons, address forms, presupposition, and those, which include both speaker and hearer. An explanation for the high frequency of these strategies is to be found within positive politeness. Positive politeness forms emphasize closeness between speaker and hearer and it can be seen as a solidarity strategy. Thus, a face saving act, which is concerned with the person's positive face, will show solidarity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek hoe beleeftheid aangewend kan word in Xhosa versoeke. Daar is verskeie studies oor spraakhandelinge in verskillende tale, maar die ondersoek na spraakhandelinge in die Afrikatale, veral Xhosa, toon nie sodanige vooruitgang nie. Hierdie studie poog om hierdie gaping te vul deur die begrip beleefdheid in versoeke by die Xhosa te ondersoek. In die studie van spraakhandelinge is twee instansies van betekenis geïdentifiseer. In die eerste betekenis uiter 'n spreker 'n sin en die betekenis is presies wat gesê word. In die tweede betekenis uiter die spreker 'n sin met 'n bykomende illokusie met 'n verskillende proposisionele indruk. Daar is vasgestel dat verskeie betekenisse 'n rol speel in die verstaan van indirekte versoeke. Hierdie bevinding is gebaseer op die teorie van Brown en Levinson (1987) se werk oor gesig in beleefdheid. Onder andere Clark en Schunk (1980) is van mening dat die beleefdheid van 'n respons op 'n versoek beheer word deur die attentheid hipotese waardeur aangedui word dat hoe meer aandagtig 'n hoorder is op alle aspekte van die spreker se versoek, hoe meer beleefd hy is. Een van die algemeenste motiverings vir beleefdheid is versoeke. Brown en Levinson (1987) definieer beleefdheid as die manifestasie van respek en erkenning van 'n ander se gesig. Hulle grens gesig af in twee dele: negatiewe gesig en positiewe gesig. Positiewe gesig is die wyse waarop 'n persoon beskou, bewonder of waardeer word deur ander en om soos 'n vriend behandel te word. Aan die ander kant, negatiewe gesig is 'n persoon se begeerte om nie bedrieg te word deur ander mense. 'n Versoek bedreig gesig in die sin dat dit misbruik maak van die hoorder. Dit is waarom in sommige gevalle daar versagting vir versoeke is om te vergoed vir die misbruikmaking op die hoorder. Verskeie subkategorieë van versoeke waarin negatiewe beleefdheid voorkom is onderskei, asook die verskillende wyses waarin hierdie subkategorieë van versoeke linguisties uitgedruk kan word in Xhosa. Drie spreidingstipes van versoek kategorieë met negatiewe beleefdheid is gevind: hoë frekwensie, nie baie reëlmatig en onbeduidend. Versoeke met die hoogste frekwensie kan verdeel word in drie subkategorieë: inskiklikheid, inligting en handeling. Hierdie subkategorieë vereis strategieë wat nie bedreiging inhou: inskiklikheid vereis gehoorsaamheid, handeling vereis dat iets gedoen moet word met 'n sekere resultaat, en inligting vereis kennis van 'n persoon. Hierdie drie is dus handelinge wat 'n bedreiging inhou vir gesig en wat respek vereis vir die hoorder se outonomie. Sulke versoeke kan 'n ernstige bedreiging inhou vir die hoorder se negatiewe gesig. As geen beleefdheidsstrategie gevolg word, kan hierdie versoeke beskou word as handelinge wat geweldig bedreigend is. Die tien negatiewe beleefdheidsstrategieë van Brown en Levinson (1987) is nie van toepassing in Xhosa nie, omdat dit ontwikkel is vir 'n Westerse taal. In die plek van hierdie strategieë is gevind dat negatiewe beleefdheid in Xhosa uitgedruk kan word deur sekere subkategorieë soos hierbo, maar ook deur sekere pragmatiese funksies waardeur negatiewe beleefdheid aangewend kan word om in handeling wat gesig bedreig af te weer. Brown en Levinson (1987) gee 15 strategieë vir positiewe beleefdheid. In die geval van Xhosa is agt (8) van hierdie strategieë gevind in die boeke wat geanaliseer is. Hierdie strategieë kan in twee groepe verdeel word: hoë frekwensie en onbeduidend. Die strategieë met die hoogste frekwensie is: soek ooreenstemming; gee of vra redes; aanspreekvorme, presupposisieen die wat beide spreker en hoorder insluit. 'n Verklaring vir die hoë frekwensie van hierdie strategieë kan gevind word in positiewe beleefdheid. Positiewe beleefdheid benadruk nabyheid tussen spreker en hoorder en dit kan gesien word as 'n solidariteitsstrategie. Dus, 'n handeling wat gesig red wat betrokke is by'n persoon se positiewe gesig sal solidariteit toon.

Uhlalutyo lwesemantiki yelekhisikoni yesenzi sentshukumo u-hamba kwisiXhosa

Mangcunyana, Mteteleli Nelson 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study explores semantic analysis of motion verb-hamba in IsiXhosa. In chapter 1 I have stated the aim of the study. I have discussed properties related to the lexical semantic analysis of the verb-hamba as well as Pustejovsky’s theory of the Generative Lexicon. The theoretical framework and the organization of study are also discussed in this chapter. Chapter 2 addresses in more detail the type system for semantics. A generative theory of the lexicon includes multiple levels of representation for different types of lexical information needed. These levels include Argument Structure, Event Structure, Qualia Structure and Lexical Inherent Structure. In this chapter there is a more detailed structure of the qualia and the role they play in distributing the functional behavior of words and phrases in composition. In chapter 3 I have examined the lexical semantic analysis of the verb-hamba to account for the range of selectional properties of the NP phrase subject argument of the verb-hamba and various interpretations that arise in terms of composition with its complement arguments. The polysemous behavior of the verb-hamba is examined in sentence alternation constructions with respect to the properties of the event structure. I have also investigated the lexical representation in terms of argument structure and the event structure of the verb-hamba in different sentences. Chapter 4 is the conclusion, summarizing the findings of all the previous chapters in this study on lexical semantic analysis of the motion verb-hamba in IsiXhosa. This is followed by word lists that contain meanings of words in the context in which they are used.

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