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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improvement of anautomatic networkdrawing algorithm in thecontext of utility networks

Ménard, Hyacinthe January 2024 (has links)
The European Union’s ambitious climate targets necessitate substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, particularly within the heating and cooling sector, which accounts for a significant portion of energy consumption. District Heating and Cooling (DHC) systems emerge as a key solution for decarbonizing this sector by enabling high efficiency heat production and the integration of renewable and carbon-neutral energy sources. Despite the potential inherent in DHC systems, their utilization is limited, partly due to challenges associated with network topology selection. This master’s thesis addresses the optimization of District Heating Network layout expansion while tackling these challenges. Situated within the framework of an European funded project coordinated by EIFER, the research aims to develop an algorithm for modeling and planning the expansion of DHN networks, considering geographical location of pipes and heat production and consumption nodes. Building upon the Automatic Network Drawing Algorithm (ANDA) tool provided by EIFER, the project seeks to enhance it to generate expansion scenarios incorporating loops, a feature critical for network robustness absent in the current output. The tool pandapipes is used for fluid system modeling, effectively modelinghydraulics and heat through network elements such as heat producer, substationsand pipes. The algorithm’s core feature is to strategically determine optimallocations along initial tree-like network expansions to incorporate loops. Variousheuristic approaches are tested to identify the most efficient expansion strategies,subsequently adding new lines to minimize total costs, encompassing both capitaland operational expenses. Real-world data from a District Heating Network inMilan validate the algorithm’s capabilities. / Europeiska unionens ambitiösa klimatmål kräver avsevärda minskningar av utsläppen av växthusgaser, särskilt inom värme- och kylsektorn, som står för en betydande del av energiförbrukningen. Fjärrvärme- och fjärrkylasystem (DHC) framstår som en nyckellösning för att minska koldioxidutsläppen i denna sektor genom att möjliggöra högeffektiv värmeproduktion och integrering av förnybara och koldioxidneutrala energikällor. Trots potentialen som finns i DHC-system är deras användning begränsad, delvis på grund av utmaningar i samband med val av nätverkstopologi. Denna masteruppsats behandlar optimering av utbyggnaden av fjärrvärmenätets layout samtidigt som man tacklar dessa utmaningar. Beläget inom ramen för ett europeiskt finansierat projekt koordinerat av EIFER, syftar forskningen till att utveckla en algoritm för modellering och planering av utbyggnaden av DHN-nät, med hänsyn till den geografiska placeringen av rör och värmeproduktions- och förbrukningsnoder. Med utgångspunkt i verktyget Automatic Network Drawing Algorithm (ANDA) från EIFER, försöker projektet förbättra det för att generera expansionsscenarier med slingor, en funktion som är avgörande för nätverkets robusthet som saknas i den aktuella utgången. Verktyget pandapipes används för modellering av vätskesystem, effektiv modellering av hydraulik och värme genom nätverkselement som värmeproducent, transformatorstationer och rör. Algoritmens kärnfunktion är att strategiskt bestämma optimala platser längs initiala trädliknande nätverksutbyggnader för att införliva slingor. Olika heuristiska tillvägagångssätt testas för att identifiera de mest effektiva expansionsstrategierna, och sedan läggas till nya linjer för att minimera de totala kostnaderna, som omfattar både kapital- och driftskostnader. Verkliga data från ett fjärrvärmenätverk i Milano validerar algoritmens kapacitet.

The prospects of district heating in the Southeast city district in Uppsala : Design considerations and performance analysis in a developing urban area

Karlsson, Jonna, Ekstrand, Anna, Andersson, Elsa, Kvist, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
The construction of the Southeast city district in Uppsala will start in 2025 with plans to be completed in 2050. When a new district is built, there is an opportunity to explore the best possible solution to all the needs of the city, one of the needs that must be met is the heat demand of all buildings. One possible way to meet these needs is through district heating. The aim of this report is to design and investigate the efficiency of a heat distribution network in the Southeast city district by determining its distribution losses and the requirements that heating distribution networks must fulfill. The method used to satisfy the purpose is to simulate the systems through a model in Python. The model produces key parameters such as distribution losses, pressure drop and temperature drop during high heat demand and low heat demand. The results of the report shows what a possible distribution network design could look like for two stages of construction. It is also shown that during low heat demand, the highest distribution losses were in the return pipe. During the high heat demand, the highest distribution losses were in the supply pipe. This is also the period of the greatest mass flow rate, temperature drop and pressure drop. The discussion addresses the correlation between these parameters as well as exploring how connecting an additional building stage impacts the performance of the system. The conclusions of this paper is that the designed distribution networks fulfill the necessary criteria for pressure, temperature and energy delivery with acceptable distribution losses. When a additional stage is connected to the system, distribution losses do not increase significantly, making the model suitable for future extensions of district heating networks.

Optimering av framledningstemperaturen i ett fjärrvärmenät genom lastmodellering och simulering

Eriksson, Stina January 2020 (has links)
I Sverige är fjärrvärme den vanligaste uppvärmningsformen. Vatten värms upp i en fjärrvärmeanläggning och distribueras genom nedgrävda rör i marken, också kallat fjärrvärmenätet. En tillförlitlig energimodell anses vara ett bra och viktigt hjälpmedel för analyser av värmeförluster som uppstår i ett fjärrvärmenät vid distribueringen av det heta vattnet. Sandviken Energis styrning av framledningstemperaturen sker idag utifrån en inställd styrkurva som tar hänsyn till vad det är för utetemperatur. Det var av intresse för studien att jämföra denna styrning med en simulerad framledningstemperatur och identifiera övertemperaturer i Sandviken Energis fjärrvärmenät i Sandviken. Detta gjordes utifrån att undersöka hur olika faktorer påverkade värmebehovet. De påverkande faktorer som studerats i detta examensarbete var följande: utetemperatur, månad, tid på dygnet och vindhastighet. Mätdata gällande valda påverkande faktorer hämtades för perioderna 2015 till och med 2019, analyserades och indelades för att se deras påverkan på värmelasten. Utifrån indelningen av faktorerna utvanns ekvationer från deras effektkurvors trendlinjer. Ekvationerna användes för att skapa en simuleringsmatris för styrningen. En egenskapad masterekvation simulerade den ideala styrningen utifrån simuleringsmatrisen och de krav på påverkande faktorer som ställs av ett exempel-år. Den ideala styrningen beräknades om till en ideal framledningstemperatur och jämfördes därefter med den verkliga framledningstemperaturen. Tillsammans med en värmeförlustsimulering i NetSim, som resulterade i vad sparad energi per grad är värd, kunde besparingspotentialen beräknas. Resultatet visar på att en besparingspotential på 261 MWh är möjlig att uppnå vid en sänkning av framledningstemperaturen för att utesluta övertemperaturer i fjärrvärmenätet, vilket är en minskning med ca 1,8 % jämfört med det verkliga året. Detta skulle motsvara en besparing på ca 70 000 SEK genom en förändring av styrningen. En minskad framledningstemperatur kommer påverka resten av systemet positivt, bland annat för att returtemperaturen kommer minska, rökgaskondenseringens och pannornas effektivitet öka samt minskade utsläpp i form av bland annat CO2, för att nämna några exempel. / In Sweden district heating is the most common form of heating. Water is heated in a district heating plant and distributed through buried pipelines in the ground, also called the district heating network. A reliable energy model is considered to be a good and important tool for analysis of heat losses that occur in a district heating network when the hot water is distributed. Sandviken Energi’s control of the supply temperature is based today on a set control curve that takes into account what the outdoor temperature is. It was of interest to this study to compare this control with a simulated supply temperature and identify overtemperatures in Sandviken Energi’s district heating network in Sandviken. This was done on the basis of examining how different factors affected the heat demand. The influencing factors studied in the thesis were the following: outdoor temperature, month, time of day and wind speed. Measurement data on selected influencing factors were collected for the periods 2015 through 2019, analyzed and subdivided to see their effect on the heat load. From the subdivision of the factors, equations were extracted from the trend lines of their effect curves. The equations were used to create a simulations matrix for the control. A custom master equation simulated the ideal control based on the simulation matrix and the demands on influencing factors set by an example year. The ideal control was recalculated to an ideal supply temperature and then compared with the actual supply temperature. Together with a heat loss simulation in NetSim, which resulted in what energy saved per degree is worth, the savings potential could be calculated. The result shows that a saving potential of 261 MWh is possible to achieve by lowering the supply temperature to exclude excess temperatures in the district heating network, which is a decrease of about 1.8 % compared to the real year. This would correspond to a savings of about 70 000 SEK through a change in control. A reduced supply temperature will have a positive impact on the rest of the system, including reducing the return temperature, increasing the efficiency of flue gas condensation and boilers, and reducing emissions such as CO2, to name a few examples.

Multidimensional Assessment For a Case Studied Zero Energy Building : Climate positive buildings with and without a connection to the district heating network

Rimec, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to get an overview of the CO2 reduction possibilities when adopting different renewable energy source, when the case studied building sustains a district heating network connection and when not, and how the renewable energy source flexibilities (Solar and Wind) differ depending on region. The method regards a ETC house that falls into the climate positive category and assesses the reduction when comparing CO2 emissions form the energy demand. The result for the flexibilities is then compared to the BBR demand. The result shows a difference of around 10% in production for the flexibilities when comparing the northern and middle region with the southern. And a decrease between 19-36% gCO2. Comparing a scenario with and without a connection to the district heating network showed that when the ground source heat pump offsets the energy demand, CO2, and cost reductions (6 and 4% respectively) can be seen. With an average installation cost, the payback period for the ground source heat pump can be estimated to be around 4 year. In conclusion the thesis project shows that the climate is a ruling factor when assessing energy questions for the residential sector. It also shows the difference in CO2 and cost that comes with it can be reduced and help mitigated the sectors effects on the environment. This in turn shows that the overall reduction of CO2 for the case studied building follows the demands and goals set by the European commission and gives motivation to expand the construction as cost is also reduced.

Reducerande ventiler i fjärrvärmenätet : Reducerande ventilers påverkan på framtidens fjärrvärmenät

Öhman, Felix January 2023 (has links)
Fjärrvärmen utgör omkring hälften av all uppvärmning som sker i Sverige idag och har utöver det en viktig roll då den tar vara på mycket energi som annars hade gått till spillo. Att kunna vara ekonomiskt konkurrenskraftig gentemot andra uppvärmningsalternativ är en viktig del för fjärrvärmens fortsatta utveckling. Det finns flera alternativ och möjligheter att göra detta, ett av dem är att hålla nere driftkostnaderna. Det kan bland annat göras genom att minska tryckfallen i näten, som även kan ge en ökad expansionsmöjlighet. Idag används främst avstängningsventiler med reducerande genomlopp i näten, främst på grund av den billigare investeringen. Trots detta saknas en kunskap om hur dessa ventiler påverkar näten sett till tryckfall, drift- och investeringskostnader jämfört med ventiler med fullt genomlopp. För att undersöka detta har två metoder använts för att komplettera varandra och öka förståelsen för ventilerna. Den första metoden beräknade det generella fallet teoretiskt för att se vid vilka flöden som ventiler med fullt genomlopp är mer gynnsamma. Den andra metoden beräknade ett specifikt fall med simuleringar i ett verkligt nät med de olika ventilerna och beräkna vilken som är den mest ekonomiskt gynnsamma. Resultaten av det generella fallet visar att ventiler med fullt genomlopp blir mer gynnsamma när flödeshastigheten överstiger omkring 1 m/s, oavsett dimension, beräknat på under 30 år med ett elpris på 1,50 kr/kWh. Vid dimensionering av nät är det vanligt att använda 1,5 - 2,0 m/s, detta utgör ofta en liten del av nätets drifttid och är ofta lägre. Beräkning av det specifika fallet visade att ventiler med reducerande genomlopp är det ekonomiska alternativet då återbetalningstiden för ventiler med fullt genomlopp var över 600 år vid 1,50 kr/kWh. Utifrån detta kan slutsatsen dras att ventiler med fullt genomlopp inte bör ersätta reducerande genomlopp, utan att det i stället handlar om att identifiera de delar i nätet som utgör, eller kan komma att utgöra, en strypning eller förträngning i nätet där höga flödeshastigheter kan förekomma och möjligtvis byta till fullt genomlopp. / District heating makes up about half of all heating that takes place in Sweden today and, in addition to that, has an important role as it makes use of a lot of energy that would otherwise have been wasted. Being able to be economically competitive against other heating alternatives is an important part of the continued development of district heating. There are several options to do this, one of which is to keep operating costs down. This can be done by reducing the pressure drops in the networks, which can also provide an increased possibility of expansion. Today, shut-off valves with reducing throughput are mainly used in networks, often because of the cheaper investment. Despite this, there is a lack of knowledge about how these valves affect the networks, which is attributed to pressure drop, operating and investment costs compared to valves with full flow. To investigate this, two methods have been used to complement each other and increase the understanding of the valves. In the first method, the general case is calculated theoretically to see at which flows valves with full flow are advantageous. The second method calculates a specific case with simulations in a real network with the different valves and calculates which one is the most economically advantageous. The results of the general case show that valves with full flow become more advantageous when the flow rate exceeds about 1 m/s, regardless of dimension, calculated over 30 years with an electricity price of SEK 1.50 /kWh. When dimensioning networks, 1.5 - 2.0 m/s is a common value, this often constitutes a small part of the network's operating time and is often lower. Calculation of the specific case showed that valves with reducing throughput are the economic alternative as the payback period for valves with full throughput was over 600 years at SEK 1.50/kWh. Based on this, the conclusion can be drawn that valves with full throughput should not replace reducing throughput, but that it is instead a question of identifying the parts of the network that constitute a throttling or constriction in the network where high flow rates can occur and possibly switch to valves with full throughput.

Optimisation simultanée de la configuration et du dimensionnement des réseaux de chaleur urbains / District heating network optimization : configuration and design assistance at the same calculation time

Mertz, Théophile 10 September 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux est de développer une méthode d’aide à la conception des réseaux de chaleur urbains (RCU). Cette méthode utilise un modèle de type MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming) pour l’optimisation simultanée de la configuration et du dimensionnement d’un RCU. Aux variables continues pour l’aide au dimensionnement (température, vitesse, diamètre, aire des échangeurs), s’ajoutent des variables binaires aidant à définir la configuration du réseau (maillage et choix des technologies). La fonction objectif à minimiser est le coût total (capex et opex), qui est soumise à un ensemble de contraintes non linéaires (p. ex. pertes thermiques et de charge, bilans). La méthode développée dans ce manuscrit offre la possibilité de connecter en cascade des consommateurs n’ayant pas les mêmes besoins en température, et de réaliser des réseaux bouclés (une canalisation par tranchée). Elle permet aussi de choisir : les consommateurs à connecter au RCU, le ou les sites de production ainsi que le type de technologie utilisée. Enfin la bonne prise en compte de la physique permet de choisir le meilleur compromis entre pertes thermiques et pertes de charge, sur une large gamme de température. Cette formulation permet donc d’optimiser des réseaux de 4éme génération et de démontrer la rentabilité de l’intégration d’EnR&R sur le long terme (30 ans). Un premier travail est réalisé afin de proposer une méthodologie de résolution en plusieurs étapes permettant l’obtention de l’optimum global. Différents cas d’études académiques sont utilisés pour présenter les intérêts multiples de cette formulation. Enfin la comparaison avec un réseau existant a permis de démontrer la cohérence des résultats du modèle et a servi de base pour l’optimisation d’un cas d’étude de grande dimension. Plusieurs études de sensibilité post-optimale sont réalisées afin de démontrer l’intérêt de cet outil pour l’aide à la conception initiale ou l’extension de RCU existants. / The aim of this thesis is to develop a method that provides design assistance for District Heating Network (DHN). This tool allows simultaneously the optimization of the configuration and its sizing, thanks to an MINLP formulation (Mixed Integer Non-Linear Programming). Binary variables help to choose the optimal configuration (network layout and technologies of production), whereas continuous variables help DHN sizing (temperature, diameter, velocity, heat exchanger area, thermal generating capacity …). The objective function to minimize is the total cost (capex and opex), subjected to numerous nonlinear constraints (e.g. thermal losses, pressure drop, energy balance).This method enables to design temperature cascade between consumers, when consumer temperature requirements are different, and also looped network (only one pipe in one trench). It helps also the decision to connect (or not) consumers to the main network and also the location(s) and type(s) of the heating plant. Moreover, the arbitrage between heat losses and pressure drops is taken into account thanks to physical considerations (non-linear equations). Eventually, it is possible to design 4th generation DHN and prove their financial profitability over the long terms (30 years). First a multi-step resolution strategy is proposed to ensure finding global optimum of the complex MINLP problem. Then academic study cases are analyzed to underline the numerous assets of the formulation. Finally, the optimal design compared to an existing DHN ensures the consistency of the method and allows to build a study case at a wider scale, which can be solved thanks to the comprehensive strategy developed. The design assistance method is available for initial design as well as for extension of existing DHN.

Optimisation de la structure globale des activités de surface d’une centrale géothermique à cogénération électricité/chaleur / Optimization of the overall structure for the surface activities in a geothermal combined heat and power plant

Marty, Fabien 27 November 2017 (has links)
Dirigé par la société Fonroche Géothermie, un consortium de dix partenaires participe au projet FONGEOSEC qui s’inscrit dans le cadre des Investissements d’Avenir de l’ADEME. Ce projet a pour but de concevoir et de réaliser un démonstrateur innovant de centrale géothermique haute enthalpie. L’énergie, ainsi récupérée en profondeur, servira à la cogénération d’électricité et de chaleur. L’une des étapes du projet correspond à l’objectif de cette thèse : développer une méthodologie pour la conception optimale des activités de surface de la centrale géothermique. Il s’agit donc de formuler le problème d’optimisation, de proposer une stratégie de résolution robuste et enfin, de mettre en oeuvre cette stratégie grâce à un outil logiciel.Dans l’outil ainsi développé, la répartition entre la production d’électricité et de chaleur s’effectue en parallèle. Le fluide géothermal est séparé en deux courants, l’un alimentant un Cycle Organique de Rankine (ORC : Organic Rankine Cycle) pour la production d’électricité, et l’autre étant relié à un Réseau de Chaleur Urbain (RCU) pour la distribution de la chaleur. Chaque constituant de l’ORC est dimensionné et la topologie du RCU est déterminée. Cet outil permet alors de déterminer simultanément :quelle est la meilleure répartition entre production d’électricité et de chaleur,quelles sont les meilleures dimensions pour les composants de l’ORC,et quelle est la meilleure topologie du RCU.Concernant l’ORC, l’outil permettra de savoir si l’utilisation d’un éventuel récupérateur de chaleur interne (IHE : Internal Heat Exchanger) est avantageuse ou non. Du point de vue du RCU, tous les consommateurs (sous-stations) envisagés ne sont pas obligatoires. L’outil permettra de choisir quels consommateurs relier au réseau et dans quelle disposition. L’utilisation de variables discrètes est alors nécessaire et le problème d’optimisation ainsi résolu est un problème de type MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming).Une méthodologie de résolution permettant l’obtention d’une solution de « confiance » (probablement, mais non certainement, l’optimum global) est proposée. Cette stratégie de résolution est testée pour différents cas d’étude proches des conditions du projet FONGEOSEC. La stabilité et la robustesse de cette stratégie sont alors mises en avant. Une analyse économique et une analyse énergétique sont réalisées. La résolution multi-objectif est alors effectuée dans le but de fournir le meilleur compromis entre bénéfices annuels nets et destruction d’exergie. Pour finir, la diversité des résultats montre qu’il n’est pas satisfaisant de dissocier les études des deux systèmes (ORC et RCU) et démontre l’intérêt de l’outil développé. / A consortium of ten partners, led by “FONROCHE Géothermie”, works on the FONGEOSEC project, an “Investissement d’Avenir” organized by the French Agency for Environment and Energy (ADEME). The aim of this project is to design and create an innovative demonstrator of a high-energy geothermal power plant. The geothermal energy will be used to produce electricity and heat. Among other tasks, this project aims to develop a support tool for the optimal design of the structure for the surface activities in the geothermal plant.Within the developed tool, the repartition between electricity and heat production is in parallel. The geothermal fluid is split in two streams, one is used for an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) for electricity production, and the other is connected to a District Heating Network (DHN) for the heat distribution. This tool enables to determine simultaneously:which is the best repartition between electricity and heat,which is the best sizing for ORC components,which is the best configuration for the DHN.About the ORC, the tool will enable to decide if the use of an Internal Heat Exchanger (IHE) is interesting or not. For the DHN point of view, all the consumers envisaged are not mandatory. The tool will enable to choose which consumers it is better to connect to the network and in which disposition. The use of discrete variables is necessary and the optimization problem to be solved is a MINLP (Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming) problem.A solution strategy is implemented in order to obtain a confident solution with a determinist algorithm. This strategy is tested for different study cases close to FONGEOSEC conditions. Stability and Robustness of this strategy are then highlighted. An economic and an exergetic analysis are carried out. In order to find a good compromise between the two objectives, a multi-objective solution is performed. Finally, the diversity of results obtained shows it is not suitable to dissociate ORC and DHN studies and shows the interest of the developed tool.

Méthodologie pour la conception optimisée des réseaux de chaleur et de froid urbains intégrés / Optimisation strategy for the district energy systems design

Apostolou, Matthildi 30 November 2018 (has links)
La thèse présente un modèle d’optimisation mathématique ainsi qu’une méthodologie d’étude pour la conception optimale de réseaux de chaleur et de froid flexibles et intégrant des technologies innovantes (les smart réseaux ou réseaux 4e génération). Dans ce modèle, différentes contraintes énergétiques, économiques et environnementales sont alors considérées. Le modèle considère des réseaux de chaud (ou de froid) à différents niveaux de température, ainsi que différents sites de production et demande d’énergie. Le tracé du réseau ainsi que la configuration de l’ensemble des systèmes de production sont obtenus en minimisant soit l'exergie totale consommée soit le coût total pour l’investissement et l’opération des systèmes. Le modèle mathématique développé est formulé en un problème MINLP multi-période. Les contraintes du modèle sont présentées dans plusieurs modèles imbriqués. Le premier modèle M1 est multi-période et inclut les contraintes d’échanges avec le réseau et un moyen de stockage thermique. Le deuxième modèle, appelé M2, contient l’ensemble du modèle M1 ainsi que des nouvelles contraintes permettant de dimensionner des pompes à chaleur à COP variable. Le troisième modèle M3 inclut le modèle M2 ainsi que de nouvelles contraintes pour le tracé géographique des réseaux et la prise en compte des flux d’électricité. Une méthodologie d’étude est aussi présentée, permettant, à l’aide du modèle M3 développé, de traiter des cas d’étude complexes et réalistes. La méthodologie propose une décomposition du problème selon trois étapes consécutives. Cette méthodologie est alors utilisée et illustrée pour un cas d’étude complexe : l’optimisation d’un nouveau quartier, considérant des PAC, un stockage de chaleur saisonnier et de la production PV. / This thesis presents a mathematical optimization model and a methodology for the optimal design of district heating and cooling networks. The various constraints in energy balances, costs and environmental criteria can be considered in order to propose structures of flexible and innovative networks.The model allows the consideration of heating (or cooling) networks at different temperature levels, as well as different production sites and heat demands. The network’s layout as well as the optimal architecture of the heat production systems are achieved by minimizing either the total exergy consumed or the total cost for the investment and operation of the systems.The developed mathematical model is formulated into a multi-period MINLP problem. The constraints of the model are presented in nested models. The first model M1 considers the multi-period aspect and includes the constraints related to the heat exchanges between production/demand streams with the network and a thermal storage. The second model, called M2, contains the entire model M1 as well as new constraints for sizing heat pumps with variable COP. The model M3 includes the model M2 as well as new constraints for the geographical layout of the networks and the consideration of electricity balance in the problem.A methodology is also presented making it possible, using the model M3, to deal with complex and realistic case studies. The methodology proposes a decomposition of the problem following three consecutive steps. This methodology is then used for the optimization of a new district, considering heat pumps, seasonal heat storage and PV production.

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