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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lichen thermal sensitivities, moisture interception and elemental accumulation in an arid South African ecosystem

Maphangwa, Khumbudzo Walter January 2010 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Biodiversity and Conservation Biology) / Elevated temperatures accompanying climate warming are expected to have adverse effects on sensitive lichen species. This premise was examined by measuring the sensitivity of different lichen species to elevated temperatures in the laboratory and in the field. Laboratory studies involved the exposure of nine hydrated lichen species (Xanthoparmelia austro-africana, X. hyporhytida, Xanthoparmelia sp., Xanthomaculina hottentotta, Teloschistes capensis, Ramalina sp., Flavopuntelia caperata, Lasallia papulosa, Parmotrema austrosinensis) collected from sites of different aridity and mean annual temperature for 2 hourly intervals to temperatures ranging from 24ºC to 48ºC in a forced daft oven and measuring their respiration rates and maximum quantum yield of PSII. Field studies involved simultaneous hourly measurements of ground surface air temperatures and Lichen effective quantum yield of PSII of hydrated lichen species populations under ambient and artificially modified environmental conditions. / South Africa

Morphologische Untersuchung der Netzhaut tagaktiver Raubvögel mittels Histologie und OCT

Vetterlein, Wencke 12 January 2018 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Netzhaut einiger tagaktiver Raubvögel hinsichtlich ihrer morphologischen und morphometrischen Eigenschaften mit verschiedenen Methoden untersucht. Über die Histologie werden Gestalt und Subspezialisierungen der Netzhaut von neun Vögel sieben verschiedener Spezies in ihrer nasal-temporalen und superior-inferioren Ausdehnung betrachtet. Besonderes Augenmerk lag hierbei auf dem Verhältnis der Photorezeptor- und Neuronenpopulationen zueinander, da hier über den Grad von Konvergenz oder Divergenz der Verschaltung Informationen über die intraretinale Signalverarbeitung gewonnen werden können. Über das Verfahren der Immunhistochemie wurde zudem untersucht, ob sich die Spezies hinsichtlich der intraretinalen Verteilung einiger ausgewählter Marker von Strukturen der Müllerzellen und der Photorezeptoren unterscheiden. Eine weitere angewandte Methode war die optische Kohärenztomographie, ein bildgebendes Verfahren, das non-invasiv in vivo Schnittbilder der Netzhaut erzeugt. Hier konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese aus der humanen Augenheilkunde bekannte Untersuchungstechnik auch am aviären Patienten anwendbar ist. Desweiteren wurde die Darstellbarkeit der aviären Netzhaut, ihrer Besonderheiten und pathologischer Veränderungen bei den verschiedenen Raubvogelspezies untersucht. Für bestimmte Regionen in der Raubvogelnetzhaut wie die Fovea centralis und temporalis, sind in historischen Untersuchungen Formunterschiede beschrieben worden und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese auch in vivo bestehen. Zuletzt wird die Frage behandelt, welche Unterschiede der Vergleich zwischen den beiden Verfahren der Netzhautdarstellung aufdeckt, inwiefern beide fehlerbehaftet sind und was bei der Interpretation beachtet werden sollte.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 1 1.1 Grundlagen zur Netzhaut 1 1.2 Die optische Kohärenztomographie (OCT) 6 1.3 Aufgabenstellung und klinische Relevanz 7 2 Material und Methoden 10 2.1 Untersuchungsmaterial 10 2.2 Spezies der histomorphologischen Untersuchung 10 2.3 Histologie und Immunhistochemie 14 2.4 Vergleich von OCT-Abbildung und histologischem Korrelat 25 2.5 Untersuchung der Ultrastruktur der aviären Netzhaut 28 3 Ergebnisse 30 3.1 Histologische und immunhistochemische Analyse der Netzhaut von tagaktiven Raubvogelspezies 30 3.2 Untersuchung retinaler Strukturen bei tagaktiven Raubvögeln mittels OCT 84 3.3 Vergleich der Darstellung in OCT und Histologie 91 3.4 Elektronenmikroskopie der äußeren Netzhaut des Raubvogels 95 4 Diskussion 98 4.1 Morphometrische Untersuchungen in Histologie und Immunhistochemie 98 4.2 OCT-Untersuchung von tagaktiven Raubvögeln 110 4.3 Verhältnis von OCT und histologischem Abbild 113 4.4 Fazit und Ausblick 115 Zusammenfassung 117 Literatur 121 Anhang

Diurnal Movements and Site Fidelity of the Florida Manatee, Trichechus manatus latirostris, in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

Walsh, Kym 11 January 2010 (has links)
The diurnal movements of Florida manatees (Trichechus manatus latirostris) in warmwater refugia are poorly understood and these may prove critical in accurately estimating populations of these animals. Previous studies indicate that manatee populations in such refuges in Tampa Bay, FL, peak mid-day and decline towards evening when the animals leave to forage. This trend suggests that variation in the timing of aerial manatee population surveys may hamper accurate estimation of the true population size. Aerial survey counts are known to underestimate population size, yet the extent of the underestimation may be greater than expected. In this study data were collected over three seasons from land-based surveys monitoring the presence of manatees in the effluent canal from the Florida Power and Light electricity generating facility in Port Everglades, FL between 15 November and 31 March. My findings indicated there was no significant difference in the number of manatees observed during the seasons studied despite a significant difference in ambient water temperatures. There was a significant correlation in the number of manatees an observer can expect to see based on time of day with the trend indicating there are higher numbers of observable manatees in the morning compared to later in the day. This suggests that early morning aerial counts will more accurately reflect true manatee presence in the Port Everglades power plant. Photographs of individual manatees yielded a total of 58 animals with unique scaring patterns.

A New Method for Melt Detection on Antarctic Ice-Shelves and Scatterometer Calibration Verification

Kunz, Lukas Brad 28 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ku-band dual-polarization radar backscatter measurements from the SeaWinds on QuikScat scatterometer and microwave radiometer measurements from the Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I) are used to determine periods of surface melt and freeze in the Antarctic ice-shelves. The normalized radar backscatter (sigma-0) and backscatter polarization ratio (PR) are used in the maximum likelihood estimation of the ice-state. This method is used to infer the daily ice-surface conditions for 25 selected study points located on the Ronne, Ross, Larsen, Fimbul, Amery, and Shackleton Ice-shelves. The temporal and spatial variations of the radar response are also observed for various neighborhood sizes surrounding each given point during the study period. Criteria for determining the dates of melt-onset and freeze-up for each Austral summer are also presented. Validation of the ice-state and melt-onset date estimates is performed by analyzing corresponding brightness temperature (Tb) measurements from radiometers. QuikScat sigma-0 measurements from 1999 through 2003 are analyzed and it is shown that Ku-band scatterometers are very useful for determining periods of melt in Antarctic ice-sheets and provide high temporal and spatial resolution ice-state estimates. These estimates can be important for long-term studies of the climatic effects of the seasonal and inter-annual melting of the Antarctic ice-sheets. The SeaWinds on QuikScat (QuikScat) and SeaWinds on ADEOS-2 (SeaWinds) scatterometers are identical radar sensors on different spaceborne platforms traversing similar orbits. QuikSCAT and SeaWinds data are used to infer near-surface wind vectors, polar sea-ice extent, polar-ice melt events, among others. In order to verify the relative calibration of these two sensors a simple cross-calibration method is implemented based on land measurements. A first-order polynomial model for the incidence angle dependence of sigma-0 is used to account for biases in the sigma-0 measurements. This model is applied to selected regions of the Amazon rainforest and the Sahara desert. It is shown that the two sensors are well calibrated. Additionally, evidence of a previously presumed diurnal cycle in the Amazon rainforest backscatter is given.

Melt Detection and Estimation in Greenland Using Tandem QuikSCAT and SeaWinds Scatterometers

Hicks, Brandon R. 20 July 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Ku-band dual-polarization radar backscatter measurements from the SeaWinds on QuikScat (QuikScat) and SeaWinds on ADEOS-2 (SeaWinds) scatterometers are used to classify the melt state and estimate melt severity in Greenland. Backscatter measurements are organized into high temporal and high spatial resolution images created using the Scatterometer Image Reconstruction (SIR) algorithm and a new temporal data segmentation technique. Melt detection is performed using a layered electromagnetic model combined with a Markov chain model. The new melt detection method allows classification of the snow-pack into three states: melt, refreeze, and frozen. Melt severity and refreeze severity indexes are also developed. The melt detection methods developed in this thesis are verified by using a one-dimensional geophysical/electromagnetic model simulation of the snow-pack under melting conditions and by comparison with in situ weather station data at the ETH Camp in western Greenland. The diurnal cycle of backscatter measurements is also analyzed at this location. The melt detection and estimation method is applied to the entire Greenland ice-sheet. The resulting melt classifications and melt severity indexes are used to generate a number of maps outlining the features of the 2003 melt season. Good agreement of the melt severity and a 1978 SASS Greenland ice facies map is observed.

Characterization Of Online Archives Of Astronomical Imaging Vis-a-vis Serendipitous Asteroids, And Their Astrometric Properties

Denis, Jean Marc 01 January 2012 (has links)
The identification of known asteroids on existing CCD pictures would allow us to obtain accurate astrometric and photometric asteroid properties. Some asteroids might have ambiguous orbital elements, thus their identification along with their exact positions on multiple picture frames could significantly improve their orbital elements. Furthermore, the possibility of identifying known asteroids on older pictures, sometimes preceding their discovery date, might allow the study of non-gravitational effects like the Yarkovsky effect. Identifying a potential Yarkovsky effect on asteroids is challenging because it is extremely weak. However, this effect cumulates with time, therefore, it is necessary to find astronomical pictures that are as old as possible. In addition, we need to collect high quality CCD pictures and use a methodology that would allow obtaining a statistically significant sample of asteroids. To accomplish this, we decided to use the online archive of the Subaru telescope at Mauna Kea Hawaii because it has a prime-focus camera with a very high resolution of 80 millions pixels very well suited to capture serendipitous asteroids. In addition, the Subaru online archive has pictures from the last 10 years. iv The methodology used in this thesis is to build a database that contains the orbital elements of all the known asteroids, allowing us to write a program that calculates the approximate position of all the asteroids at the date and time of each CCD picture we collect. To obtain a more precise position, the program also interfaces the JPL NASA Horizons on-line computation service. Every time an asteroid is found on a picture, Horizons sends its theoretical location back to the program. A later visual identification of this asteroid at this theoretical location on the picture triggers its input into our sample for further study. This method allowed us to visually confirm 508 distinct asteroids on 692 frames with an average diameter of 3.6 km. Finally, we use the theory (given in appendix A) to calculate the theoretical drift of these asteroids that we compare with the one we measured on the CCD pictures.

Summer Regional United States Diurnal Temperature Range Variability With Soil Moisture Conditions

Brewer, Robert Wayne 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Sensitivity of Sea Surface Temperature Intraseasonal Oscillation to Diurnal Atmospheric Forcings in an OGCM

Venugopal, Thushara January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Abstract The diurnal cycle is a dominant mode of sea surface temperature (SST) variability in trop-ical oceans, that influences air-sea interaction and climate processes. Diurnal variability of SST generally ranges from ~0.1 to 2.0◦C and is controlled by atmospheric fluxes of heat and momentum. In the present study, the response of intraseasonal variability (ISV) of SST in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) to diurnal atmospheric forcings, during the summer monsoon of 2007, has been examined using an Ocean General Circulation Model (OGCM). The model is based on the Modular Ocean Model Version 4 (MOM4p0), having a horizontal resolution of 0.25◦ and 40 vertical levels, with a fine resolution of 5 m in the upper 60 m. Numerical experiments were conducted by forcing the model with daily and hourly atmospheric forcings to examine the SST-ISV modulation with the diurnal cycle. Additional experiments were performed to determine the relative role of diurnal cycle in solar radiation and winds on SST and mixed layer depth (MLD). Since salinity, which is decisive in SST variability, varies meridionally in the BoB, two locations were selected for analyses: one in the northern bay at 89◦E, 19◦N where salinity is lower and the other in the southern bay at 90◦E, 8◦N where salinity is higher, as well as observations are available from Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction (RAMA) buoy for comparision with model simulation. Diurnal atmospheric forcings modify SST-ISV in both southern and northern bay. SST-ISV in the southern bay, is dominantly controlled by the diurnal cycle of insolation, while in the northern bay, diurnal cycle of insolation and winds have comparable contribution. Diurnal cycle enhanced the amplitude of 3 selected intraseasonal events in the southern bay and 3 out of the 6 events in the northern bay, during the study period. In the southern bay, simulated SST variability with hourly forcing was closer to the observations from RAMA, implying that incorporating the diurnal cycle in model forcing rectifies SST-ISV. Moreover, SST obtained with diurnal forcing consists of additional fluctuations at higher frequencies within and in between intraseasonal events; such fluctuations are absent with daily forcing. The diurnal variability of SST is significant during the warming phase of intraseasonal events and reduces during the cooling phase. Diurnal amplitude of SST decreases with depth; depth dependence also being larger during the warming phase. SST-ISV modulation with diurnal forcing results from the diurnal cycle of upper ocean heat fluxes and vertical mixing. Diurnal warming and cooling result in a net gain or loss of heat in the mixed layer after a day’s cycle. When the retention (loss) of heat in the mixed layer increases with diurnal forcing during the warming (cooling) phase of intraseasonal events, the daily mean SST rise (fall) becomes higher, amplifying the intraseasonal warming (cooling). In the southern bay, SST-ISV amplification is mainly controlled by the diurnal variability of MLD, which modifies the heat fluxes. Increased intraseasonal warming with diurnal forcing results from the increase in radiative heating, due to the shoaling of the daytime mixed layer. Amplified intraseasonal cooling is dominantly con-trolled by the strengthening of sub-surface processes, due to the nocturnal deepening of mixed layer and increased temperature gradients below the mixed layer. In the northern bay, SST-ISV modulation with diurnal forcing is not as large as that in the southern bay. The mean increase in SST-ISV amplitudes with diurnal forcing is ~0.16◦C in the southern bay, while it is only ~0.03◦C in the northern bay. Reduced response of SST-ISV to diurnal forcings in the northern bay is related to the weaker diurnal variability of MLD. Salinity stratification limits diurnal variability of mixed layer in the northern bay, unlike in the southern bay. The seasonal (June - September) mean diurnal amplitude of MLD is ~15 m in the southern bay, while it is reduced to ~1.5 m in the northern bay. Diurnal variability of MLD, spanning only a few meters is not sufficient to create large modifications in mixed layer heat fluxes and SST-ISV in the northern bay. The vertical resolution of the model limits the shallowing of mixed layer to 7.5 m, thus restricting the diurnal variability of simulated MLD.

Evaluation of the wind patterns over the Yucatán Peninsula in México

Soler-Bientz, Rolando January 2010 (has links)
Wind power is seen as one of the most effective means available to combat the twin crises of global climate change and energy security. The annual market growth has established wind power as the leading renewable energy technology. Due to the availability of sparsely populated and flat open terrain, the Yucatán Peninsula located in eastern México is a promising region from the perspective of wind energy development but no comprehensive assessment of wind resource has been previously published. A basic requirement when developing wind power projects is to study the main characteristic parameters of wind in relation to its geographical and temporal distribution. The analysis of diurnal and seasonal wind patterns are an important stage in the move towards commercial exploitation of wind power. The research developed during the PhD has comprehensively assessed the wind behaviour over the Yucatán Peninsula region covering long term patterns at three sites, a spatial study using short term data for nine sites, a vertical profile study on one inland site and an offshore study made on a pier at 6.65km from the North shore. Monthly trends, directional behaviours and frequency distributions were identified and discussed. The characteristics of the wind speed variation reflected their proximity to the coast and whether they were influenced by wind coming predominantly from over the land or predominantly from over the sea. The atmospheric stability over the eastern seas was also analysed to assess thermal effects for different wind directions. Diurnal wind speed variations are shown to be affected in particular by the differing wind conditions associated with fetches over two distinct offshore regions. Seasonal behaviour suggests some departure from the oscillations expected from temperature variation. The offshore wind is thermally driven suggesting largely unstable conditions and the potential development of a shallow Stable Internal Boundary Layer.

Les particules en suspension dans les eaux côtières turbides : estimation par mesures optique in situ et depuis l'espace / Optical in situ and geostationary satellite-borne observations of suspended particles in coastal waters

Neukermans, Griet 18 April 2012 (has links)
Les particules en suspension dans l'eau de mer incluent les sédiments, le phytoplancton, le zooplancton, les bactéries, les virus et des détritus. Ces particules sont communément appelés matière en suspension (MES). Dans les eaux côtières, la MES peut parcourir de longues distances et être transportée verticalement à travers la colonne d'eau sous l'effet des vents et des marées favorisant les processus d'advection et de resuspension. Ceci implique une large variabilité spatio-temporelle de MES et quasiment impossible à reconstituer à travers les mesures traditionnelles des concentrations de MES [MES], par filtration de l'eau de mer à bord de bateaux. La [MES] peut être obtenue à partir de capteurs optiques enregistrant la diffusion et déployés soit de manière in-situ, soit à partir d'un satellite dans l'espace. Depuis la fin des années 70, par exemple, les satellites "couleur de l'eau" permettent d'établir des cartes de [MES] globales. La fréquence d'une image par jour pour la mer di Nord de ces capteurs polaires représente un obstacle non négligeable pour l'étude de variabilité de la [MES] dans les eaux côtières où la marée et les vents engendrent des variations rapides au cours de la journée. Cette limitation est d'autant plus importante pour les régions avec une couverture nuageuse fréquente. Les méthodes in-situ à partir d'un navire autonome ou d'une plateforme amarrée permettent d'enregistrer des données en continu mais leur couverture spatiale reste néanmoins limitée. Ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en avant les techniques de mesures in-situ et satellite de la [MES] en se concentrant principalement sur deux points. Premièrement, d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance de la variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse, et deuxièmement, d'établir des cartes de [MES] dans la mer du Nord avec le capteur géostationnaire météorologique Européen (SEVIRI) qui donne des images chaque 15 minutes.La variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse est étudiée à l'aide d'une banque de données in-situ. Nous démontrons que la [MES] est le mieux estimée à partir des mesures dans l'intervalle rouge du spectre de lumière rétro-diffuse. Par ailleurs, la relation entre la [MES] et la rétrodiffusion est gouvernée par la composition organique/inorganique des particules, ce qui représente des possibilités d'amélioration pour les algorithmes d'estimation de [MES] à partir de la couleur de l'eau. Nous démontrons aussi qu'avec SEVIRI il est possible d'estimer la [MES], la turbidité et le coefficient d'atténuation, deux variables étroitement liées à la [MES], avec généralement une bonne précision. Bien qu'il y ait d'importantes incertitudes dans les eaux claires, cette réussite est remarquable pour un capteur météorologique initialement conçu pour le suivi des nuages et des masses glaciaires, cibles beaucoup plus brillantes que la mer! Ce travail démontre pour la première fois que la variabilité de la [MES] à l'échelle temporelle des marées dans les eaux côtières au sud de la mer du Nord peut être capturée et mesurée par le biais de la télédétection de la couleur de l'eau ; ce qui ouvre des opportunités pour le monitoring de la turbidité et pour la modélisation des écosystèmes. Le premier capteur géostationnaire couleur de l'eau a été lancé en juin 2012, donnant des images multispectrale des eaux coréennes chaque heure. D'autres capteurs vont probablement suivre dans l'avenir, couvrant le reste des eaux du globe. Ce travail nous permet donc de préparer, de façon optimale, l'arrivée de ces capteurs qui vont révolutionner l'océanographie optique. / Particles suspended in seawater include sediments, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, viruses, and detritus, and are collectively referred to as suspended particulate matter, SPM. In coastal waters, SPM is transported over long distances and in the water column by biological, tide or wind-driven advection and resuspension processes, thus varying strongly in time and space. These strong dynamics challenge the traditional measurement of the concentration of SPM, [SPM], through filtration of seawater sampled from ships. Estimation of [SPM] from sensors recording optical scattering allows to cover larger temporal or spatial scales. So called ocean colour satelittes, for example, have been used for the mapping of [SPM] on a global scale since the late 1970s. These polar-orbiting satellites typically provide one image per day forthe North Sea area. However, the sampling frequency of these satellites is a serious limitation in coastal waters where [SPM] changes rapidly during the day due to tides and winds.Optical instruments installed on moored platforms or on under-water vehicles can be operated continuously, but their spatial coverage is limited. This work aims to advance in situ and space-based optical techniques for [SPM] retrieval by investigating the natural variability in the relationship between [SPM] and light scattering by particles and by investigating whether the European geostationary meteorological SEVIRI sensor, which provides imagery every 15 minutes, can be used for the mapping of [SPM] in the southern North Sea. Based on an extensive in situ dataset, we show that [SPM] is best estimated from red light scattered in the back directions (backscattering). Moreover, the relationship between [SPM]] and particulate backscattering is driven by the organic/inorganic composition of suspended particles, offering opportunities to improve [SPM] retrieval algorithms. We also show that SEVIRI successfully retrieves [SPM] and related parameters such as turbidity and the vertical light attenuation coefficient in turbid waters. Even though uncertainties are considerable in clear waters, this is a remarkable result for a meteorological sensor designed to monitor clouds and ice, much brighter targets than the sea! On cloud free days, tidal variability of [SPM] can now be resolved by remote sensing for the first time, offering new opportunities for monitoring of turbidity and ecosystem modelling. In June 2010 the first geostationary ocean colour sensor was launched into space which provides hourly multispectral imagery of Korean waters. Other geostationary ocean colour sensors are likely to become operational in the (near?) future over the rest of the world's sea. This work allows us to maximally prepare for the coming of geostationary ocean colour satellites, which are expected to revolutionize optical oceanography. / De in zeewater aanwezige zwevende materie zoals sedimenten, fytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteriën, virussen en detritus, worden collectief "suspended particulate matter" (SPM) genoemd. In kustwateren worden deze deeltjes over lange afstanden en in de waterkolom getransporteerd door biologische processen of wind- of getijdenwerking, waardoor SPM sterk varieert in ruimte en tijd. Door deze sterke dynamiek wordt de traditionele bemonstering van de concentratie van SPM, [SPM], door middel van filtratie van zeewaterstalen aan boord van schepen ontoereikend. Optische technieken die gebruik maken van de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM bieden een gebieds- of tijdsdekkend alternatief. Zogenaamde "ocean colour" satellieten bijvoorbeeld leveren beelden van o.a. [SPM] aan het zeeoppervlak op globale schaal sinds eind 1970, met een frequantie van één beeld per dag voor de Noordzee. Deze frequentie is echter onvoldoende in onze kustwateren waar [SPM] drastisch kan veranderen in enkele uren tijd. Optische instrumenten aan boord vann schepen of op onderwatervoertuigen kunnen continu meten, maar de gebiedsdekking is deperkt. Dit werk heeft tot doel de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM te karakterizeren en te onderzoeken of de Europese geostationaire weersatelliet, die elk kwartier een beeld geeft, kan worden gebruikt voor de kartering van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Op basis van een grote dataset van in situ metingen tonen wij aan dat [SPM] het nauwkeurigst kan worden bepaald door de meting van de verstrooiing van rood licht in achterwaartse richtingen (terugverstrooiing). Bovendien blijkt de relatie tussen [SPM] en terugverstrooiing afhankelijk van de organische-anorganische samenstelling van zwenvende stof, wat mogelijkhenden biedt tot het verfijnen van teledetectiealgoritmen voor [SPM]. Voorts tonen woj aan dat de Europese weersatelliet, SEVIRI, successvol kan worden aangewend voor de kartering van [SPM] en gerelateerde parameters zoals troebelheid en lichtdemping in de waterkolom. Hoewel met grote meetonzekerheid in klaar water toch een opmerkelijk resultaat voor een sensor die ontworpen werd voor detectie van wolken en ijs! Op wolkenvrije dagen wordt hierdoor de getijdendynamiek van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee voor het eerst detecteerbaar vanuit de ruimte, wat nieuwe mogelijkheden biedt voor de monitoring van waterkwaliteit en verbetering van ecosysteellodellen. Sinds juni 2010 is de eerste geostationaire ocean colour satelliet een feit : elk uur een multispectraal beeld van Koreaanse wateren. Vermoedelijk zullen er in de (nabije?) toekomst meer volgen over Europa en Amerika. Dit werk laat toe ons maximaal voor te bereiden op te komst van zo'n satellieten, waarvan verwacht wordt dat zij een nieuwe revolutie in optische oceanografie zullen ontketenen.

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