Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dominant"" "subject:"nominant""
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Deconstructing dominant stepfamily narratives : freeing silent voicesAmoore, Neil John. 12 1900 (has links)
Stepfamilies are shown by existing research as having multiple problems unique to this type of
family, some of which include role ambiguity, role strain, role captivity, increased stress and
adjustment problems in children.
Stepparents are portrayed as evil, abusive and wicked in the media, literature or film, while
stepchildren are variously portrayed as victims, naughty and manipulative.
These popular perceptions of stepfamilies appear to be shaped by myths or dominant narratives which
serve to shape stepfamily member's experience of and roles in the reconstituted family.
Drawing on the work of postmodernism, social constructionism and the narrative
theorists this study will expose those dominant narrative or myths which shape the experience of
two stepfamilies.
Using an emergent design, the experiences of these two families is described in an attempt to
highlight some of the implications such an approach holds for both further research and
psychotherapy. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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Language censorship in selected Zimbabwean films in Shona and EnglishRwafa, Urther 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore language censorship in Zimbabwean films in Shona and English.
The study concentrated on the themes of politics, culture and economic in the genre of the
documentary, feature and short film genres. It was demonstrated that the Zimbabwean laws enabled
authorities to impose censorship strategies that ranged from banning, restriction, persecution of
filmmakers, withdrawal of films from circulation, and threats of withdrawal of permits of film
retailers. These visible, direct and banal forms of censorship have forced some filmmakers to flee the
country. Most of the filmmakers who have remained in the country have been forced to deal with
themes that appear harmless to the state. This state induced form of self-censorship on the filmmakers
has resulted in the production of uncritical, and unreflective films whose staple diet were embedded in
cultural stereotypes. The study argued that language is a signifying practice that cannot be interpreted
in a single direction. Thus, despite these realities of film censorship some filmmakers deliberately
encoded or used verbal and visual film language that generated surplus meanings with which the films
could be re-read in ways that reveal new linguistic strategies to evade and challenge both the
restrictive censorship laws as well as criticise the undemocratic political culture that has taken root in
Zimbabwe. The study used eclectic theories such as Marxism, audience-reception approach, critical
legal theories and language theories to analyse the films. The explanatory capacity of these theories
helped to reveal the contradictory ways in which the desire to impose restrictions on film meanings
was constantly undermined in the innovative language of the films. / African Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)
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Negotiating the Nation: Time, History and National Identities in Scott's Mediaeval Novels/Le Concept de nation: temps, histoire et identité nationale dans les romans mediévaux de ScottHousehold, Sarah Catherine SC 25 October 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationships between different nations and cultures in Ivanhoe, The Talisman, Quentin Durward, Anne of Geierstein and Count Robert of Paris using Post-colonial theory. An analysis of Scott’s conception of society in general shows that 18th century Scottish historiography is fundamental to his vision of the world because it forms the basis of his systematization of history, social development and interaction between communities. It also profoundly influences his imagery and descriptions, as well as providing him with a range of stereotypes that he manipulates so skilfully that his great dependence upon them is occulted. Contemporary ideas and his own attitude to the Union of Scotland and England lead him to conceive of nation formation in terms of descent and hybridity. In part, he sees the nation as a community of blood. Yet, his acceptance of the Union means that he also considers it to be a body of different ethnic elements that live together. His use of the 18th century metaphor of family to figure the nation allows him to incorporate heredity and miscegenation into his analysis of national development through father-daughter couples. The father represents traditional culture, and the daughter, the nation’s present and future; her marriage to a foreigner signifying that people of differing descent can cross the nation’s porous borders. Religion is the final frontier: Christian nations cannot absorb non-Christians. Scott sees dominance and subordination as a complex part of human relationships. Apparently-subordinate subjects possess occulted power because their support of the hegemonic is often essential if the latter is to maintain its superiority. While his conception of society in patriarchal terms means that his female characters cannot offer violence to men, he shows that passive resistance is very effective. Through mimicry, the subordinate threatens the power and identity of the dominant. Power is not only conceived of in political terms. In Ivanhoe, Scott reveals the importance of moral stature which allows Rebecca to dominate the work although she is at the bottom of the political and racial hierarchy that structures English society. Scott’s conception of time is fundamental to the manner in which he conceives of the nation. Historical cultural forms are physicalised through chronotopes. Politically subordinate cultures base their actions in the present on pedagogic time, while the dominant ignore their past and live only in the present and the future. He also expresses dominant-subordinate relationships through speed, with time moving quickly for the powerful and slowly for the weak. Time, whether in the form of history, the characters’ perception of it or speed amalgamates all the various elements of Scott’s conception of nationhood into a seamless whole.
Cette thèse analyse par le biais la théorie post-coloniale les relations internationales dans Ivanhoe, Quentin Durward, Anne of Geierstein et Count Robert of Paris. Les théories historiques élaborées en Écosse au XVIIIème siècle sont fondamentales dans la vision scottienne parce qu’elles forment la base de la systematisation de l’histoire, du développement sociale et, par conséquent, des relations entre les différentes communités. Ces théories influencent profondement les images qu’il utilise et la façon dont il décrit les caractères et les scènes. De plus, elles lui fournissent une gamme de stéréotypes qu’il manipule très adroitement. Sa conception de la manière dont se forment les nations vient des idées contemporaines et de sa propre expérience de l’union politique de l’Angleterre et de l’Écosse. Il considère la nation comme une communauté fondée sur l’ascendance par le sang mais aussi comme un groupe d’ethnies différentes qui vivent ensemble. Sa description de la nation emprunte à la métaphore de la famille courante au XVIIIième. Celle-ci lui permet d’inclure dans son analyse l’héridité et la mixité au moyen des couples formés par un père et sa fille. Le père représente la culture traditionelle, et la fille, le présent et le futur national. Son marriage avec un étranger signifie que les gens d’ascendance différente peuvent traverser les frontières perméables d’une nation. La religion est la frontière ultime: les nations chrétiennes ne peuvent absorber de non-chrétiens. Scott considère que la domination et la sujetion forment une partie complexe des relations humaines. Les sujets qui paraissent subordonnés possèdent en fait un pouvoir occulte, le dominant ayant besoin de leur soutien pour maintenir sa position. Bien que sa conception patriarcale de la société fasse que les caractères feminins ne manifestent pas d’agression envers les hommes, il montre que la résistance passive est très efficace. En imitant le sujet dominant, le sujet subordonné menace le pouvoir et l’identité de ce dernier. Le pouvoir ne s’exprime pas seulement dans la politique. Rebecca dans Ivanhoe revèle l’importance que revêtent le caractère et la moralité. Bien qu’elle soit au bas de la hiérarchie structurante de la société anglaise, elle domine le roman.
La conception que Scott se fait du temps est fondamentale à celle de la nation et de la culture. Au moyen du chronotope, les cultures historiques prennent des formes physiques. Les cultures qui sont subordonnées politiquement basent leur action au présent sur le “temps pédagogique”. Au contraire, le dominant rejette son passé et ne vit qu’au présent et au futur. Les relations entre le pouvoir dominant et le subordonné s’expriment aussi par la vitesse: le temps passe vite pour les puissants, mais lentement pour les faibles. En définitive, tous les éléments de la conception scottienne de la nation sont liés au temps, qu’il s’agisse de l’histoire, de perception par les caractères, ou de la vitesse.
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Redundant Number Systems for Optimising Digital Signal Processing Performance in Field Programmable Gate ArrayKamp, William Hermanus Michael January 2010 (has links)
Speeding up addition is the key to faster digital signal processing (DSP). This can be achieved by exploiting the properties of redundant number systems. Their expanded symbol (digit) alphabet gives them multiple representations for most values. Utilising redundant representations at the output of an adder permits addition to be performed without carry-propagation, yielding fast, constant time performance irrespective of the word length. A resource efficient implementation of this fast adder structure is developed that re-purposes the fast carry logic of low-cost field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Experiments confirm constant time addition and show that it outperforms binary ripple carry addition at word lengths of greater than 44 bits in a Xilinx Spartan 3 FPGA and 24 bits in an Altera Cyclone III FPGA.
Redundancy also provides other properties that can be exploited for performance gain. Some redundant representations will have more zero-symbols than others. These maximise the opportunities to exploit the multiplicative absorbing and additive identity properties of zero that when exercised reduce superfluous calculations. A serial recoding algorithm is developed that generates a redundant representation for a specified value with as few nonzero symbols as possible. Unlike previously published methods, it accepts a wide specification of number systems including those with irregularly spaced symbol alphabets. A Markov analysis and analysis of the elementary cycles in the formulated state machine provides average and worst case measures for the tested number system. Typically, the average number of non-zero symbols is less than a third and the worst case is less than a half.
Further to the increase in zero-symbols, zero-dominance is proposed as a new property of redundant number representations. It promotes a set of representations that have uniquely positioned zero-symbols, in a Pareto-optimal sense. This set covers all representations of a value and is used to select representations to optimise the calculation of a dot-product.
The dot-product or vector-multiply is a fundamental operation in DSP, since it is employed in filtering, correlation and convolution. The nonzero partial products can be packed together, substantially reducing the calculation time. The application of redundant number systems provides a two-fold benefit. Firstly, the number of nonzero partial products is reduced. Secondly, a novel opportunity is identified to use the representations in the zero-dominant set to optimise the packing further, gaining an extra 18% improvement.
An implementation of the proposed dot-product with partial product packing is developed for a Cyclone II FPGA. It outperforms a quad-multiplier binary implementation in throughput by 50% .
Redundant number systems excel at increasing performance in particular DSP subsystems, those that are numerically intensive and consist of considerable accumulation. The conversion back to a binary result is the performance bottleneck in the DSP algorithm, taking a time proportional to a binary adder. Therefore, redundant number systems are best utilised when this conversion cost can be amortised over many fast redundant additions, which is typical in many DSP and communications applications.
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The Importance of Communicating Sustainability : a Case Study of Eriksberg Vilt & Natur AB / Vikten av att kommunicera hållbarhet : en fallstudie av Eriksberg Vilt & Natur ABStolt, Emmie, Artursson, Sara January 2017 (has links)
This thesis has through a case study of the company Eriksberg Vilt & Natur AB investigated, using customer-oriented marketing theories, how their customers perceive sustainability. Subsequently, looking into promotion tools it has examined what implications the customers’ opinions give for the communication channels the company use. For the case study secondary data has been collected, a survey addressing Eriksberg’s customers has been conducted and a semi-structured interview has been performed with the CEO of the company. The results have shown that the opinions of Eriksberg and their customers in many ways are congruent and that customers perceive sustainability to be important, which Eriksberg do too, but also that many customers are not aware of the company’s work in sustainability. The conclusion is that Eriksberg should communicate information about their sustainability work using communication channels in which their customers have the ability to respond and react. / Denna uppsats har genom en fallstudie av företaget Eriksberg Vilt & Natur AB och genom att använda kundorienterade marknadsföringsteorier undersökt hur deras kunder uppfattar hållbarhet. Därefter har den genom att se till säljfrämjande marknadsföringsverktyg undersökt hur kundernas åsikter påverkar de marknadsföringskanaler företaget använder. För fallstudien har sekundärdata samlats in, en enkätundersökning riktad till Eriksbergs kunder har genomförts och en semistrukturerad intervju har gjorts med bolagets VD. Resultaten har visat att Eriksbergs och dess kunders åsikter i många fall är samstämmiga, att kunderna upplever hållbarhet som viktigt, vilket även Eriksberg gör, men också att många kunder inte känner till företagets hållbarhetsarbete. Slutsatsen är att Eriksberg bör kommunicera information om sitt hållbarhetsarbete till kunder genom kommunikationskanaler där kunderna kan svara och reagera.
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Position and potential of service-dominant logicLöbler, Helge 02 February 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This work offers a framework for researchers by linking service-dominant (S-D) logic to an intersubjective stream of philosophy of science. Service-dominant logic has resonated in marketing, but no existing research has attempted to link S-D logic with basic meta-theory to provide a framework. Since the range of philosophies of science (isms) referred to in the marketing literature is broad, varying from ‘realism’ to ‘relativism’, from ‘positivism’ to ‘constructivism’ and from ‘structuralism’ to ‘post-structuralism/postmodernism’, first the different isms are grouped into four main groups/streams and then S-D logic is analyzed and classified according to these streams. The four streams are: object-orientation (realism, positivism, empiricism, and so on); subject orientation (constructivism, interpretivism, and so forth); intersubjective orientation (social constructionism, pancritical rationalism, methodological constructivism, and so on); and sign orientation (post-structuralism, postmodernism, and variations). S-D logic is mainly underpinned by an intersubjective orientation and has a huge potential for further development both in and for marketing if seen from a sign-orientated, post-structural perspective and linked to the theory of practices.
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Étude clinique et génétique d’une nouvelle forme d’ataxie spinocérébelleuse pure associée à l’ÉrythrokératodermieTurcotte Gauthier, Maude 04 1900 (has links)
Nous présentons ici la description clinique et génétique d’un syndrome neurocutané unique. Le laboratoire du Dr Cossette a entrepris la caractérisation clinique et génétique d'une famille canadienne-française qui a été identifiée par les Drs Giroux et Barbeau en 1972 et qui comprend plus de 100 personnes sur six générations. Les membres atteints de cette famille présentent des lésions typiques d'érythrokératodermie (EK) (OMIM 133190, EKV1 et EKV2), associées à une ataxie spinocérébelleuse pure. Dans cette famille, l'ataxie est caractérisée par des troubles de la coordination et de la démarche causés par une dégénérescence du cervelet et de la moelle épinière. Cette ataxie est transmise selon un mode autosomique dominant. Une étude antérieure de cette variante d'EK avec ataxie avait suggéré une liaison sur le chromosome 1p34-p35, soit la même région que les formes EKV de type 1 et 2, causées respectivement par des mutations dans les gènes connexin-31 (GJB3; OMIM 603324) et connexin-30.3 (GJB4; OMIM 605425). Cependant, aucune mutation n'a été retrouvée dans ces gènes pour la famille canadienne-française. Nous avons récemment recontacté la famille et effectué des examens détaillés, incluant une imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) et un électromyogramme (EMG). Les manifestations neurologiques des individus atteints sont compatibles avec une nouvelle forme d’ataxie cérébelleuse pure à transmission autosomique dominante (ADCA de type III dans la classification de Harding) que nous avons appelée SCA34. Une cartographie complète du génome nous a permis de localiser le gène SCA34 sur le chromosome 6p12.3-q16.2. Également, en collaboration avec les Drs Alexis Brice (Hôpital Pitié-La Salpêtrière, Paris) et Alfredo Brusco (Hôpital San Giovanni Battista di Torino, Italie), nous avons confirmé que trois autres familles européennes avec SCA inexpliquée étaient également liées au locus SCA34. Notre laboratoire a récemment entrepris la recherche des mutations responsables de SCA34. Les résultats de ce criblage de gènes candidats sont présentés dans le chapitre 3 de cette thèse. / We present here the clinical and genetic description of a unique neuro-cutaneous syndrome. Dr. Cossette’s laboratory began the clinical and genetic characterization of a French-Canadian family who was identified by Drs. Giroux and Barbeau in 1972 and includes more than 100 people over six generations. The affected members of this family have typical lesions of erythrokeratodermia (EK) (OMIM 133190, and EKV1 EKV2), associated with pure spinocerebellar ataxia. In this family, the clinical phenotype is characterized by gait ataxia caused by degeneration of the cerebellum and spinal cord and the pattern of inheritance is compatible with an autosomal dominant trait. In a previous study of this variant of ataxia with EK, putative linkage was found on chromosome 1p34-p35, the same chromosomal region of EKV1 and EKV2 that are respectively caused by mutations in the connexin-31 gene (GJB3, OMIM 603324) and connexin -30.3 (GJB4, OMIM 605425). However, no mutations have been found in these latter genes for the French-Canadian family. We recently contacted the family and carried out detailed examinations, including a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and electromyography (EMG). Neurological manifestations of affected individuals are consistent with a new form of pure autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia, (ADCA type III in the classification of Harding) that we named SCA34. A whole genome scan allowed us to map the gene on chromosome 6p12.3-q16.2. Interestingly, in collaboration with Dr. Alexis Brice (Hôpital Pitié-La Salpêtrière, Paris), and Alfredo Brusco (San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Turin, Italy), we found that three additional European families with unexplained SCA were also linked to the SCA34 locus. Our laboratory has recently begun the search for mutations causing SCA34. The results of this screening of candidate genes are presented in Chapter 3 of this thesis.
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Découverte d'un gène causant une ataxie spastique héréditaire dominante dans la population de Terre-NeuveBourassa, Cynthia 04 1900 (has links)
Les ataxies spastiques héréditaires forment une famille hétérogène de désordres qui ont des points communs avec les ataxies héréditaires et les paraplégies spastiques héréditaires. Un de ces éléments est une ataxie, soit une difficulté de coordination des membres souvent due à un dommage au cervelet. L’autre est une spasticité des membres inférieurs, souvent due à des dommages à la voie cortico-spinale. Une seule ataxie spastique à hérédité autosomique dominante a été rapportée dans la littérature, et il s’agit de SPAX1. À l’aide de trois familles de Terre-Neuve présentant ce phénotype, le locus a été identifié en 2002. Dans ce mémoire, c’est de la découverte du gène causal dont il est question. La mutation a été trouvée dans le gène VAMP1, qui encode la protéine synaptobrévine 1, une protéine synaptique impliquée dans l’exocytose des neurotransmetteurs. Il est aussi question de la caractérisation fonctionnelle de la mutation sur l’ARN et des conséquences possibles sur la protéine, concordant avec les symptômes de la maladie. / Hereditary spastic ataxias comprise a family of heterogeneous disorders resembling both hereditary ataxias and hereditary spastic paraplegias. The similar symptoms are ataxia, which is a problem with limb coordination due to cerebellar damage, and lower-limb spasticity due to corticospinal tract degeneration. Only one spastic ataxia inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion has been reported in the literature: SPAX1. The locus was identified in 2002 using three families from Newfoundland with the specific phenotype. This thesis reports the discovery of the causative mutation in the VAMP1 gene, which encodes VAMP1/synaptobrevin 1, a synaptic protein involved in neurotransmitter exocytosis. Experiments characterizing the effect of the mutation on RNA were conducted, leading to a possible molecular explanation of the symptoms.
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Dvojkolejnost právní úpravy dominantního postavení v soutěžním právu EU / Duality of the legal regulation of a dominant position in EU competition lawPavel, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Résumé The presented work addresses the issue of the double-tracking nature of a dominant position in European competition law. The aim of the integration efforts during the establishment of the EU was the creation of an internal market, especially the customs union. In order to achieve this state, it was necessary to take a number of integration measures and create a legal framework, i.e. conditions, under which economic competition in the internal market could operate effectively. In this context a variety of legislation valid for the whole EU territory has been accepted. However, in the context of the economic competition this work analyzes the legislation on market dominance carried out first in Article 102 of TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) prohibiting restrictive business practices in the form of abuse of a dominant position and also in Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 and later in Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 regulating the control of concentrations between undertakings. In case of both the legislations the crucial question is the "dominant position" of an enterprise in the market, while Article 102 of TFEU represents the ex post control, i.e. applies only to the possible abuse of the dominant position, and in this sense the dominant position itself is not the...
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Zneužití dominantního postavení nedovolenými cenovými praktikami / Abuse of the Dominant Position by Prohibited Pricing ActivitiesMikeš, Stanislav January 2012 (has links)
Abuse of the Dominant Position by Prohibited Pricing Activities Abstract This thesis analyzes selected pricing practices of dominant undertakings namely predatory pricing, margin squeeze and excessive pricing. These practices may, under certain circumstances, constitute an abuse of the dominant position. The aim of the thesis is to focus on problematic aspects of each of these practices, on explanation of various legal and economic tests used to prove that certain pricing policy constitutes an abuse of dominant position and on the description of conditions that have to be met in order to consider such practice contrary to the competition law of the Czech Republic and the European Union. The thesis is composed of four chapters. In Chapter One a brief introduction to the competition law itself and to the analyzed matter is given. Chapter Two describes basic terminology used when dealing with cases of abuse of a dominant position such as basic legal concept of the abuse itself, definition of an undertaking and a competitor according to the EU law and the Czech law respectively, delimitation of a relevant market and finally definition of a dominant position. Chapter Three is oriented on the selected pricing practices of dominant undertakings. This Chapter is subdivided into three parts each of which is dealing...
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