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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of adaptations in the reconfiguration of Dr. John Watson within the Sherlock Holmes canon

Carli, Eduarda de January 2017 (has links)
As histórias de Sherlock Holmes cativam inúmeros leitores desde que o primeiro romance foi publicado em 1887 pelo autor escocês Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. As aventuras vividas pelo grande detetive Sherlock Holmes e seu companheiro Dr. John Watson têm sido adaptadas para outras mídias desde 1890, e épocas diferentes apresentam diferentes interpretações das personagens. Duas das mais recentes adaptações televisivas, Sherlock (2010 –), da BBC, e Elementary (2012 –), da CBS, se passam na contemporaneidade, inspirando uma reconfiguração das personagens, principalmente a de John Watson, considerando o fato de que ele não é mais o principal narrador das histórias na mídia audiovisual – o narrador fílmico é quem cumpre esse papel –, abrindo novas possibilidades para os papéis da personagem. Tais possibilidades motivam esta dissertação, que propõe um estudo da caracterização da personagem literária nos romances Um estudo em vermelho (1887) e O cão dos Baskerville (1902), para então considerar sua nova caracterização nas duas séries televisivas mencionadas acima. O trabalho, portanto, está dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro apresenta uma introdução ao autor e a relação com sua própria obra, além de um panorama histórico das adaptações fílmicas e televisivas, enfatizando as caracterizações de Watson nelas. O segundo apresenta as teorias que alicerçam a análise, particularmente a narratologia literária de Mieke Bal (2009), a narratologia fílmica de Peter Verstraten (2009), e as considerações de Jason Mittell (2015) acerca da personagem televisiva. Os capítulos três e quatro trazem as análises dos romances e séries de televisão respectivamente, focando nas (re)configurações da personagem Watson. Ao final deste trabalho, esperamos ter contribuído para um aprofundamento e diversificação dos estudos de personagem a partir de referenciais narratológicos, linha de estudos pouco desenvolvida, especialmente no Brasil. Da mesma forma, pretendemos demonstrar como adaptações televisivas exploram e amplificam o papel de personagens-narradoras, dando a elas e a outras personagens mais autonomia na obra audiovisual. / The Sherlock Holmes stories have captivated innumerous readers since the first novel was published in 1887 by Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The adventures lived by the Great Detective Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr. John Watson have been adapted to other media from as early as 1890, and different times present different portrayals of the characters. Two of the latest television adaptations, BBC’s Sherlock (2010 –) and CBS’s Elementary (2012 –), are set in contemporary times, inspiring a reconfiguration of the characters, especially John Watson, considering the fact that he is not the main narrator of the stories in the audiovisual medium – the filmic narrator fulfills that function –, opening new possibilities for the character’s roles. These possibilities motivate this thesis, and we propose a study of the characterization of the literary character in the novels A Study in Scarlet (1887) and The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), so that we can consider the new Watson’s characterization in the two television series aforementioned. Therefore, the thesis is divided into four chapters. The first presents an introduction to the author and his relation to his own work, along with a historical overview of film and television adaptations, emphasizing Watson’s characterization. The second presents the theoretical framework of the analyses, particularly the literary narratology as proposed by Mieke Bal (2009), film narratology as proposed by Peter Verstraten (2009), and Jason Mittell’s (2015) considerations about television characters. Chapters three and four are dedicated to the analyses of the novels and television series respectively, focusing on Watson’s (re)configurations. By the end of this work, we hope to have contributed to the further development and diversification of character studies with the use of narratological references, an undeveloped line of studies, especially in Brazil. In addition, we hope to demonstrate how television adaptations explore and amplify the role of character-narrators, giving them and other characters more autonomy in the audiovisual work.

Interactions Between Texts, Illustrations, and Readers: The Empiricist, Imperialist Narratives and Polemics of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Favor, Lesli J. 12 1900 (has links)
While literary critics heretofore have subordinated Conan Doyle to more "canonical" writers, the author argues that his writings enrich our understanding of the ways in which Victorians and Edwardians constructed their identity as imperialists and that we therefore cannot afford to overlook Conan Doyle's work.

Barrytownská trilogie: Roddy Doyle a jeho obraz dělnické třídy v Dublinu na přelomu 80. a 90. let 20. století / The Barrytown Trilogy: Roddy Doyle's Portrayal of Dublin Working Class at the Turn of the 1990s

Nováková, Alena January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the depiction of working-class Dublin in Roddy Doyle's first three novels, The Commitments, The Snapper and The Van, known as The Barrytown Trilogy. The first part of the thesis provides a short overview of Doyle's early work in the context of modern Irish fiction with a focus on working-class protagonists and outlines Ireland's and specifically Dublin's cultural and economic background in the late 1980s and the early 1990s. The second part is based on a comparative analysis of the three books in which the author celebrates everyday life in Barrytown, a fictitious neighbourhood in the north of Dublin, through the eyes of a typical working-class family. One section is also dedicated to the language of the trilogy used as a means of achieving greater authenticity. KEYWORDS Roddy Doyle, The Barrytown Trilogy, The Commitments, The Snapper, The Van, Irish literature, Dublin, working class, family, 1980s, 1990s

Aging sensitive battery control

Andersson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The battery is a component with significant impact on both the cost and environmental footprint of a full electric vehicle (EV). Consequently, there is a strong motivation to maximize its degree of utilization. Usage limits are enforced by the battery management system (BMS) to ensure safe operation and limit battery degradation. The limits tend to be conservative to account for uncertainty in battery state estimation as well as changes in the battery's characteristics due to aging. To improve the utilization degree, aging sensitive battery control is necessary. This refers to control that a) adjusts during the battery's life based on its state and b) balances the trade-off between utilization and degradation according to requirements from the specific application.  In state-of-the-art battery installations, only three signals are measured; current, voltage and temperature. However, the battery's behaviour is governed by other states that must be estimated such as its state-of-charge (SOC) or local concentrations and potentials. The BMS therefore relies on models to estimate states and to perform control actions. In order to realize points a) and b), the models that are used for state estimation and control must be updated onboard. An updated model can also serve the purpose of diagnosing the battery, since it reflects the changing properties of an aging battery. This thesis investigates identification of physics-based and empirical battery models from operational EV data. The work is divided into three main studies. 1) A global sensitivity analysis was performed on the parameters of a high-order physics-based model. Measured current profiles from real EV:s were used as input and the parameters' impact on both modelled cell voltage and other internal states was assessed. The study revealed that in order to excite all model parameters, an input with high current rates, large SOC span and longer charge or discharge periods was required. This was only present in the data set from an electric truck with few battery packs. Data sets from vehicles with more packs (electric bus) and limited SOC operating window (plug-in hybrid truck) excited fewer model parameters. 2) Empirical linear-parameter-varying (LPV) dynamic models were identified on driving data. Model parameters were formulated as functions of the measured temperature, current magnitude and estimated open circuit voltage (OCV). To handle the time-scale differences in battery voltage response, continuous-time system identification was employed. We concluded that the proposed models had superior predictive abilities compared to discrete and time-invariant counterparts.  3) Instead of using driving data to parametrize models, we also investigated the possibility to design the charging current in order to increase its information content about model parameters. This was formulated as an optimal control problem with charging speed and information content as objectives. To also take battery degradation into account, constraints on polarization was included. The results showed that parameter information can be increased without significant increase in charge time nor aging related stress. / Elekriska fordon utgör en allt större andel av världens fordonsflotta. Batteriet är en komponent med betydande påverkan både på fordonets kostnadoch dess miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Det är därför viktigt att försöka maximera batteriets utnytjandegrad. Användargränser upprätthålls av batterietsstyrsystem, såkallad BMS, för att garantera säker drift samt för att begränsabatteriets åldrande. Användargränserna tenderar att vara konservativa för attta höjd för osäkerhet i tillståndsestimeringen samt batteriets förändrade egenskaper under dess livstid. För att utöka utnyttjandegraden är ålderskänsligstyrning nödvändig. Med detta avses styrning som a) justeras under batterietslivstid och b) balancerar utnyttjande och prestanda på ett sätt som passar enspecifik applikation. Ombord på fordon mäts typiskt tre signaler; ström, spänning och temperatur. Batteriets beteende bestäms dock av andra tillstånd som måste estimeras, såsom dess laddnivåeller lokala koncentrationer och potentialer. BMS:enförlitar sig därför på modeller för att estimera interna tillstånd och utföra styrning. För att uppfylla punkterna a) och b) måste modellerna som användsuppdateras ombord i takt med att batteriet åldras. En uppdaterad modellkan också fungera som ett diagnostiskt verktyg eftersom det speglar batteriets förändrade egenskaper. Den här avhandlingen undersöker identifieringav fysikbaserade och empiriska modeller från kördata. Arbetet delas in i treseparata studier. 1) En global känslighetsanalys utfördes på parametrarna i en fysikbaseradmodell av hög ordning. Som inputsignal användes uppmätt ström från riktigaelfordon i drift. Parametrarnas effekt på både cellspänning och interna batteritillstånd analyserades. Studien visade att alla modellparametrar exciteradesav strömmen från ett helelektriskt fordon. Anledningen var att batteriernaanvändes inom ett brett SOC spann samt att den dragna strömmen var stor.I fordon med snävare SOC span och lägre strömmar var inte alla parametrarkänsliga. 2) Dynamiska parametervarierande modeller formulerades och identifierades från kördata. Den uppmätta temperaturen, samt strömmens storlekoch den estimerade tomgångsspänningen (OCV) användes till parameterberoenden. För att hantera skillnader i tidsskala mellan spänningssvarets olikakomponenter användes systemidentifiering i kontinuerlig tid. Vi kunde draslutsatsen att de föreslagna modellerna var överlägsna motsvarande diskretaoch konstanta modeller. 3) Istället för att använda kördata för att parametrisera modeller undersökte vi också möjligheten att designa laddförloppet för att öka dess informationsinnheåll. Detta formulerades som ett optimeringsproblem med laddtidoch informationsinnehåll i kostnadsfunktionen. För att även ta batteriets åldrande i beaktning, ansattses bivillkor på polariseringsspänningen. / <p>QC 20220516</p>

Lithium-ion Battery Modeling and Simulation for Aging Analysis using PyBaMM / Modellering och Simulering av Litiumjonbatterier för Åldringsanalys med hjälp av PyBaMM

Coric, Amina January 2022 (has links)
The rate of degradation of a lithium-ion battery depends on its use i.e. how it is charged and discharged. Physics-based models are used to represent the processes inside a cell as well as the degradation mechanisms. This thesis aimed to compare how the battery lifetime is affected when charging with different charging protocols using different battery models and degradation mechanisms. The investigated models are the Single Particle Model (SPM), the Single Particle Model with electrolyte (SPMe), and the Doyle-Fuller Newman model (DFN). The degradation mechanisms are solid electrolyte interphase (SEI), and lithium plating (LP). The used charging protocols are constant-current constant voltage(CCCV), positive pulsed current (PPC), and constant current (CC). Pulsed charging was included to investigate if the battery lifetime can be improved as in an experiment by Huang where pulsed charging increased the battery lifetime by 60%. To perform the simulations using the physics-based models, PyBaMM (PythonBattery Mathematical Modeling) was used. The simulations were performed for a lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) cell. Two types of SEI were implemented, solvent-diffusion limited and reaction limited. For the LP only irreversible LP was used.1200 cycles were simulated. Comparing the PPC and CC protocols, there were no significant changes between the degradation mechanisms for the different protocols. The results were the same for all the models, except for the results of the internal resistance. The conclusion is that for the PPC and CC protocols, the cell degrades the same although the PPC protocol used twice the C-rate. The PPC charging did not increase the battery lifetime. For the CCCV and CC protocols, there were some bigger differences between the protocols, but between the different models, there weren’t any significant differences. The CCCV degrades the cell faster for all degradation mechanisms and all models. Simulating one degradation submodel at a time resulted in a very small capacity fade for some submodels. Therefore, for future work, it is suggested to use several degradation submodels at the same time but also to try other degradation mechanisms or try PPC protocols with different frequencies and duty cycles. / Hur snabbt litiumjonbatterier degraderas beror på hur de används, laddas och laddas ur. Fysikbaserde modeller används för att representera processerna inuti cellen och även degraderingsmekanismerna. Denna studie har genomförts för att undersöka hur batteriets livslängd påverkas av olika laddningsprotokoll genom att använda olika batterimodeller och degraderingsmekanismer. Modellerna som användes är Singel-partikelmodellen (SPM), Singel-partikelmodellen med elektrolyt (SPMe) och Doyle-Fuller Newman-modellen (DFN). Degraderingsmekanismerna är fast elektrolytinterfas (SEI) och litiumplätering (LP). Laddningsprotokollen som användes är konstant ström konstant spänning (CCCV), positiv pulserande ström (PPC) och konstant ström konstant (CC). Protokollet för pulsad laddning inkluderades för att undersöka om batteriets livslängd kan förbättras som i ett experiment av Huang, där pulsad laddning ökade batteriets livslängdmed 60%. För att utföra simuleringar med fysikbaserade modeller användes PyBaMM(Pyhton Battery Mathematical Modeling). Simuleringarna utfördes för en lithiumkobaltoxid-cell (LCO). Två typer av SEI implementerades, lösningsmedelsdiffusion-begränsad och reaktions-begränsad SEI. För LP användes endast irreversibel LP.1200 cykler simulerades. Jämförande PPC- och CC-protokollen fanns det inga signifikanta förändringar mellan degraderingsmekanismerna för de olika protokollen. Resultaten vardesamma för alla modellerna, förutom resultaten av den interna resistansen. Slutsatsen är att för både PPC- och CC-protokollen så degraderades cellen på samma sätt, trots att PPC-protokollet använde dubbelt så hög C-faktor. PPC-protokollet ökade inte batteriets livslängd. För CCCV- och CC-protokollen fanns det några större skillnader mellan protokollen, men mellan de olika modellerna fanns det inga signifikanta skillnader. CCCV-protokollet försämrade cellen snabbare för alla degraderingsmekanismer och alla modeller. Att simulera en degraderingsmodell i taget resulterade i mycket små kapacitetsförluster. Därmed föreslås det att i framtida arbete använda flera degraderingsmodeller samtidigt men även testa andra degraderingsmekanismer eller PPC-protokoll med olika frekvenser och arbetscykler

Smart Characters: Psychometrics and the Twentieth-Century Novel

Michalowicz, Naomi January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation examines how the trait of intelligence is portrayed in novels of twentieth-century Britain, and how this portrayal grapples with the quantitative revolution in the conception of intelligence, brought on by the invention of IQ testing in the 1900s. I trace the construction of characters’ intelligence across different genres, starting with Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories, through the modernist Bildungsromane of Henry James, James Joyce, and Virginia Woolf, to Iris Murdoch’s realism, and finally to Lee Child’s late twentieth- century serial thrillers featuring Jack Reacher. I posit that the IQ model of intelligence as abstracted, quantified, and statistically measurable is profoundly at odds with the novelistic investment in the unique individual subject. This project traces the narratological strategies of characterization through which intelligence—or cleverness, or smartness, or brightness—are conveyed to the reader. Novels, generally speaking, do not provide the IQ scores of their characters; and though we might occasionally encounter an explicit narratorial characterization of some fictional being or other as “remarkably clever,” most often we must rely on perceptions of behavior, speech, and thought in order to assess characters’ intelligence, much as we do in real life. As the psychometric paradigm gained prominence in the psychological circles in the United States, England, and Europe, and as more people were exposed—and subjected—to intelligence testing, its values and assumptions gained more cultural traction. Attributes like mathematical facility, logical and systemic thinking, or a large vocabulary, are likely to yield a high score on an IQ test, as well as a favorable judgment in an informal, casual assessment, such as that of a date or a new acquaintance at a party. This dissertation, therefore, explores how this permeation of the psychometric paradigm into general culture affect the novelistic construction of smartness. Ultimately, I argue that against the IQ model, the novels I am reading construct a conception of intelligence as a coherent set of cognitive abilities, remarkably consistent across genres, which overlaps, yet reconfigures, the priorities and epistemological frameworks of psychometrics. This model centers on the notion of observation, i.e., a mix of sensory susceptibility to impressions and the cognitive skill of taking notice of the world and of other people. It is both anchored to the body by connoting a sensory experience, and divorced from it in conveying a more purely cognitive process, one of directing attention and processing information, thus renegotiating psychometric assumptions regarding embodiment and sensory experience—as well as the relationship between the individual’s intelligence, the world, and the minds of others.

The (re)mystification of London : revelations of contested space, concealed identity and moving menace in late-Victorian Gothic fiction

Housholder, Aaron J. 15 December 2012 (has links)
This project asserts that much of the cultural anxiety found in Gothic-infused late-Victorian fiction derives from literary revelations of the nested spaces, shifting identities, and spontaneous connections inherent to the late-Victorian metropolis. The three literary texts studied here – The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle, Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman by E.W. Hornung, and The Thirty-Nine Steps by John Buchan – all depict London as fundamentally suitable for those who seek to evade the disciplinary gaze and to pursue menacing schemes of criminality and invasion. Doyle’s text illustrates the interconnectedness of the spaces within London as well as the passable threshold between London and the English countryside; both the villain Stapleton and the hero Sherlock Holmes use these connections to attack and defend, respectively, the city and its inhabitants. Hornung’s stories depict the machinations employed by the gentleman-thief Raffles as he alters his identity and his codes of behaviour in order to free himself to pursue criminal ends and thus as he challenges cultural barriers. Buchan’s text, building on the others, explores the dissolution of cultural boundaries and identities incumbent upon the spontaneous connections made between those who attack English culture and those, like Richard Hannay, who defend it. There emerges in these texts a vision of London (and by extension Great Britain) as a swirling vortex of motion, an unknowable labyrinth perpetually threatened by menacing agents from without and within. I have employed Victor Turner’s theories of liminality and communitas to describe how criminal agents, and their equally menacing “good-guy” pursuers, separate themselves from structured society in order to move freely and to gain access to the contested thresholds they seek to infiltrate. I also invoke theories of the Gothic, surveillance, and travel, as well as Jeffrey Cohen’s monster theory, to characterize the anxiety embedded in such invasions. / The transformation of contested space : Baker Street, Grimpen Mire and the battle for thresholds in The hound of the Baskervilles -- Hornung's code-switching monster : threatening ambiguity and liminoid mobility in Raffles, the amateur cracksman -- Towards a more inclusive Britishness : Richard Hannay's transformative connections and evolving identity in The thrity-nine steps. / Department of English

What happens next? " Telling " the Japanese in contemporary Australian screen stories

Taylor, Cory Jane January 2006 (has links)
This study investigates the challenges facing screenwriters in Australia who set out to represent the Japanese on screen. The study is presented in two parts; an exegesis and a creative practice component consisting of two full length feature film screenplays. The exegesis explores how certain screenwriting conventions have constrained recent screen images of the Japanese within the bounds of the cliched and stereotypical, and argues for a greater resistance to these conventions in the future. The two screenplays experiment with new ways of representing the Japanese in mainstream Australian film and aim to expand the repertoire of Asian images in the national film culture.

”There is Nothing More Deceptive than an Obvious Fact” : A Feminist Study of the Detective Work by Miss Marple and Sherlock Holmes

Winterkvist, Frida January 2020 (has links)
This comparative study focuses on the detective genre and is conducted through literary analysis with a feminist critical perspective of two of its most iconic protagonists, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887 and Agatha Christie in 1930 respectively. The purpose is to attempt to establish the effect of the gender differences on these two protagonists. Both Holmes and Miss Marple are deemed as iconic in the detective genre, but the protagonists do not have similar experiences and are created by authors of different genders. Thus, the focus is to explore how gender differences are represented in the literary texts A Study in Scarlet (1887), “A Scandal in Bohemia” (1891), and The Murder at the Vicarage (1930) when it comes to their work as detectives. By using a feminist critical perspective and with the help of previous research, the differences in three central issues, that is, work methods, attitudes and method of disguise, are established. The most prominent result from the analysis is that Miss Marple has to work independently from the police force and trust another character, Leonard Clement, with what she knows hoping that Clement will use her observations to make the case move forward. By contrast, Holmes is approached by clients and even assists the police force in investigations, while Miss Marple is dismissed because of gender discrimination and ageism when she reaches out to the police force. Miss Marple is clearly a victim of gender discrimination and ageism, while Holmes is seen as eccentric but fully competent as a detective. Holmes is even described as having “extraordinary powers” while Miss Marple is described as an “old pussy” in a derogatory manner. Therefore, the results are that there is a significant difference in attitude where Holmes as a man encounters more positive attitudes and Miss Marple as a woman encounters more negative attitudes, all because of gender discrimination and ageism. These results are of great importance as it reveals what gender differences Holmes and Miss Marple encounter in their literary texts. It opens up the opportunity for more research in gender differences and gender discrimination in comparisons between protagonists. That Miss Marple is successful in the end, however, functions as a feminist statement.

Holmes, Alice, and Ezeulu: Western Rationality in the Context of British Colonialism and Western Modernity

Schultz, Andrew B. 19 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines Western rationality, contextualizing that subject in British colonialism and Western modernity. Using Scott Lash's description of academic characterizations of modernity, I explore the “high" modernity of the social sciences represented in the books Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll and The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle. I then explore the cultural studies critique of that characterization of modernity in the book Arrow of God by Chinua Achebe. Using the theory of Jean Francois Lyotard, Martin Heidegger, and Theodor Adorno, I look at Western rationality through its manifestation in British colonialism. I argue that colonialism is a site where rationality's negative legacy is manifest, and that the paradoxical representations of rationality in the books by Carroll and Doyle indicate a problem with the assumption that Western rationality was a universal epistemology. Contrary to the British's own ideas of their rationality, I find that Western rationality is ultimately a culturally-grounded discourse. Using Chinua Achebe's Arrow of God, I examine the intersection between Western rationality and other forms of cultural knowledge, an intersection that occurred through British colonialism. Achebe argues against the universal model of Western rationality and posits instead a relative valuing of each culture's methods of arriving at truth. I use his novel to illustrate the limits of Western rationality and its claim to universality.

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