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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développement, mise à l’essai et évaluation qualitative d’une intervention infirmière dyadique auprès de couples âgés vivant avec la maladie de Parkinson au stade modéré

Beaudet, Line 04 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, près de 25 000 personnes, principalement des aînés, sont touchées par la maladie de Parkinson (MP), la majorité étant soignée par leur conjoint. Au stade modéré, la MP altère la santé et la qualité de vie de ces couples. Ce stade est propice à la mise en place d’interventions dyadiques, car les couples expérimentent des pertes croissantes, nécessitant plusieurs ajustements. Néanmoins, aucune étude n’avait encore examiné leurs besoins d’intervention lors de cette transition et peu d’interventions pour les soutenir ont fait l’objet d’études évaluatives. Avec comme cadre de référence la théorie de l’expérience de transition de Meleis et al. (2000) et l’approche systémique de Wright et Leahey (2009), cette étude visait à développer, mettre à l’essai et évaluer une intervention auprès de couples âgés vivant avec la MP au stade modéré. À cette fin, un devis qualitatif et une approche participative ont été privilégiés. L’élaboration et l’évaluation de l’intervention s’appuient sur le cadre méthodologique d’Intervention Mapping de Bartholomew et al. (2006) et sur les écrits de Miles et Huberman (2003). L’étude s’est déroulée dans une clinique ambulatoire spécialisée dans la MP. Dix couples et quatre intervenants ont collaboré à la conceptualisation de l’intervention. Trois nouveaux couples en ont fait l’expérimentation et l’évaluation. L’intervention dyadique compte sept rencontres de 90 minutes, aux deux semaines. Les principaux thèmes, les méthodes et les stratégies d’intervention sont basés sur les besoins et les objectifs des dyades ainsi que sur des théories et des écrits empiriques. L’intervention est orientée vers les préoccupations des dyades, la promotion de la santé, la résolution de problèmes, l’accès aux ressources, la communication et l’ajustement des rôles. Les résultats de l’étude ont montré la faisabilité, l’acceptabilité et l’utilité de l’intervention. Les principales améliorations notées par les dyades sont l’adoption de comportements de santé, la recherche de solutions ajustées aux situations rencontrées et profitables aux deux partenaires, la capacité de faire appel à des services et l’accroissement des sentiments de maîtrise, de soutien mutuel, de plaisir et d’espoir. Cette étude fournit des pistes aux infirmières, engagées dans différents champs de pratique, pour développer et évaluer des interventions dyadiques écologiquement et théoriquement fondées. / In Quebec, nearly 25 000 people are affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD). They are, for the most part, elders cared for by their spouse. At the moderate stage, PD alters the couples health and quality of life. This stage of the illness offers opportunities for dyadic interventions, as these couples experiment growing losses requiring numerous adjustments. Nevertheless, no study had yet explored their intervention needs during this transition and few interventions to support them have been the object of evaluative studies. Based on transition theory by Meleis and colleagues (2000) and on family systems approach by Wright and Leahey (2009), the purpose of this study was to develop, implement and evaluate a dyadic intervention oriented towards elderly couples living with PD at the moderate stage. To achieve this goal, a qualitative design and a participative approach were privileged. The Intervention Mapping framework by Bartholomew and colleagues (2006) and the analytic methods developed by Miles and Huberman (2003) were used to conceptualize and evaluate the intervention. The study took place in an ambulatory clinic specialized in PD. Ten couples and four health professionals collaborated to the intervention development. Three new couples tested and evaluated the intervention. The dyadic intervention consists of seven sessions of 90 minutes, held every second week. The themes of the sessions and the intervention methods and strategies are based on the couples needs and goals, as well as on specific theories and empirical findings. The intervention is oriented towards dyads concerns, health promotion, problem solving, access to resources, communication, and role adjustments. The study results showed the feasibility, the acceptability and the utility of the intervention. The main benefits observed by the dyads are the adoption of health behaviors, the finding of solutions adapted to various situations and favorable to both partners, the skills to get help and services, and the increased feelings of mastery, mutual support, pleasure and hope. This study can illuminate nurses involved in different domains of practice and interested in developing and evaluating dyadic interventions that are ecologically and theoretically based.

Antécédents parentaux et concordance de la qualité des comportements interactifs maternels et paternels

Deschênes, Marie 08 1900 (has links)
De nombreuses études empiriques ont démontré que la qualité des comportements maternels et paternels est importante pour le développement de l’enfant. Cependant, peu d’études ont investigué le degré de concordance des comportements de la mère et du père dans des couples intacts ainsi que les antécédents ou déterminants de cette concordance. Le présent mémoire contient un article empirique qui poursuit deux buts. Premièrement, l’article a examiné le niveau de concordance (similarité) entre la qualité des comportements des mères et des pères dans des couples intacts. Deuxièmement, l’article a investigué les antécédents familiaux de la concordance des comportements maternels et paternels: la satisfaction conjugale et le stress parental des mères et des pères. L’étude a été menée auprès de 44 familles intactes (mère-père-enfant). Les résultats indiquent que la concordance mère-père est modérée (r = .31). De plus, un degré significatif de concordance a été trouvé chez les couples dont les partenaires rapportent une satisfaction conjugale élevée ainsi qu’un faible niveau de stress parental, mais pas chez les couples moins bien ajustés. Les implications théoriques et empiriques sont discutées. / There is compelling evidence that the quality of both maternal and paternal parenting behaviour is important for child development. Yet, little is known of the degree of similarity between maternal and paternal parenting behaviour in intact couples, and about the antecedents or determinants of this parental concordance. The present master’s thesis includes an empirical article pursuing two aims. First, the article examined the concordance (similarity) between the quality of maternal and paternal behaviours with their toddler. Second, the article investigated the parental determinants of this concordance: marital satisfaction and parenting stress. The sample included 44 families (mother-father-toddler). Results indicated that the concordance between the quality of maternal and paternal behaviour was moderate (r = .31). Furthermore, significant mother-father concordance was found among more satisfied and less stressed parents, but not among less adjusted parents. The theoretical and empirical implications are discussed.

Humanitarian Supply Chain: Improvement of Lead Time Effectiveness and Costs Efficiency : A multiple case study on the preparedness stage of humanitarian organizations with their partners

Lisnati Jayadi, Ester, Sadat, Najmus, Richit, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
Title: Humanitarian Supply Chain: Improvement of lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. A multiple case study on the preparedness stage of humanitarian organizations with their partners. Authors: Ester Lisnati Jayadi, Hugo Richit, Najmus Sadat. Background: 315 natural disasters events were reported, causing 11,804 deaths, affecting 68 million people, and costing US$131.7 billion in economic losses worldwide. This fact emerges the importance of humanitarian organizations (HOs) to act in reducing suffering and improving peoples’ life. However, the greater donations and support to HOs still do not solve this enormous issue at all which forces HOs to pursue greater accountability by improving their effectiveness and efficiency in terms of time and cost in disaster activities, especially in preparedness activities. No single actors like HOs have sufficient resources to solve the disaster problem alone; thus, they need partners to work hand in hand to relieve the suffering. Performance measurement through integration called performance management process is the key to enabling HOs and their partners to achieve the lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Purpose: The purposes of the study are to explore which performance measurements are needed between humanitarian organizations with their partners and to explore how to integrate their relationship to improve lead time effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Then, the suggestions can be made by fulfilling the purposes. Method: A multiple case study by utilizing qualitative data through semi-structured interviews. Findings and Conclusions: RQ 1. What HSC (humanitarian supply chain) performance measurements are needed in the HSC’s preparedness stage in order to achieve the lead time effectiveness and cost efficiency? The performance required measurements in HSC’s preparedness stage to achieve lead-time effectiveness, and cost-efficiency are organizational procedures, learning and evaluation, HO’s mission, feedback, budgeting, fund management, sourcing, human and resource management, IT utilization, infrastructure utilization, human resources utilization, delivery time, knowledge management, information sharing, and employee management. RQ 2. How to integrate the HSC performance management process in the HSC’s preparedness stage to improve the lead time effectiveness and cost efficiency? By implementing a proposed performance management process, aligning vision and mission, trusting each other, utilizing IT technologies, improving the language, and applying standardization in HSC. Keywords: Humanitarian Supply Chain Management. Humanitarian Supply Chain. Preparedness Stage. Natural Disasters. Humanitarian Organizations. Partners. Dyads. Multiple Case Studies. Performance Measurements. Performance Management Process. Supply Chain Process Integration

Three Essays on the Economic Causes of Conflict

Yousef, Sahar Farid January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Three Essays on the Economics of Food, Health, and Consumer Behavior

Panchalingam, Thadchaigeni 01 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between Married Partners' Individual and Relationship Distress: An Actor-Partner Analysis of Low-income, Racially and Ethnically Diverse Couples in Relationship Education

Munyon, Matthew D. 01 January 2012 (has links)
Couples experiencing relationship distress often require professional help, such as counseling and couple and relationship education (CRE). Research recently discovered that among couples in counseling, a circular relationship exists between individual and relationship distress-stress begets stress. Until this study, a similar examination had not been conducted among couples selecting CRE. This study examined the relationship between individual and relationship distress among married couples that had children, were from predominantly low-income and racially and ethnically diverse backgrounds, and selected CRE. A correlational research design was employed and framed in the social interdependence theory. The actor-partner interdependence model was conducted within a three-level hierarchical model. The results confirmed that a circular relationship exists between individual and relationship distress-distress begets distress. Within the circular model of individual and relational functioning, personal individual distress predicted partner individual distress as well as personal and partner relationship distress, and personal relationship distress predicted personal individual distress and partner relationship distress. The extent to which distress begot distress was stronger among women, those with low income, and those who were unemployed. The results also revealed a continuum of individual and relational functioning. Dyad members interact along a continuum from intrapersonal individual functioning to interpersonal relational functioning. The continua meet at the nexus of negotiation or the heart of interpersonal interaction, where dyad members communicate and make decisions, among other actions. Implications related to the findings of this study as well as inspirations for future research are discussed.

Donation vivante de rein: trajectoire de transplantation, expérience relationnelle et enjeux éthiques et méthodologiques d’une recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades donneur-receveur

Ummel, Deborah 06 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse poursuit l'objectif général de mieux comprendre l'expérience de la transplantation d'organe de la perspective de dyades comprenant un donneur et un receveur d'une donation vivante de rein. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une exploration en profondeur de la trajectoire de transplantation et des enjeux relationnels des donneurs et des receveurs. Un second objectif, qui s'est développé au cours de la recherche, est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des enjeux entourant la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades. Cette thèse est présentée sous la forme de trois articles. Le premier article vise, par le biais de la méthode du méta-résumé, à dresser un portrait le plus complet possible du processus de donation tel qu'il avait été examiné à ce jour par les écrits empiriques qualitatifs disponibles, et à mettre en lumière les aspects qui avaient encore peu été appréhendés par les chercheurs, notamment l'importance de considérer conjointement au sein d'une même recherche des donneurs et des receveurs d'une donation vivante de rein. Le deuxième article a pour but d'explorer en profondeur l'expérience vécue pour des dyades de donneurs et de receveurs en contexte de donation vivante de rein, et en particulier la trajectoire de transplantation ainsi que les enjeux relationnels. Des entrevues qualitatives ont été menées auprès de cinq dyades (donc cinq donneurs et cinq receveurs). L'analyse phénoménologique interprétative des données recueillies propose un portrait de la trajectoire de transplantation, soit (a) l'expérience de la maladie du receveur, (b) l'expérience d'offrir et d'accepter un rein, (c) la période des tests, (d) la transplantation d'organe à proprement parler et finalement (e) la période post-transplantation. Un apport particulièrement significatif de l'analyse et de l'interprétation de nos données est la mise en relief que le processus de transplantation est mieux compris lorsque l'on considère le contexte social et interpersonnel plus large dans lequel évolue chaque dyade donneur-receveur, et en ce sens, la décision de donner ou d'accepter un rein peut être appréhendée comme un prolongement du rôle social auquel la personne adhère par rapport à autrui dans sa vie quotidienne. Le troisième article, qui a émergé des leçons acquises en réalisant la recherche effectuée dans l'article précédent, vise à décrire et discuter des défis éthiques et des impacts des décisions méthodologiques dans le cadre de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades de personnes se connaissant. Sur la base de nos propres défis empiriques et des écrits scientifiques disponibles, des réflexions et recommandations sont suggérées à différents stades d'un processus typique de recherche qualitative, soit (a) le recrutement, (b) le consentement à participer, (c) la collecte de données, (d) la validation des transcriptions par les participants, (e) l'analyse de données, et (f) la dissémination des résultats. Une réflexion en amont des enjeux entourant ces étapes est susceptible de faciliter l'entreprise de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades. En conclusion, les résultats de notre analyse soulignent l'importance du rôle social et du contexte interpersonnel plus large dans lequel évoluent les donneurs et les receveurs dans la façon dont ils parviennent à donner une signification à leur expérience. Enfin, si la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades est en émergence, des défis éthiques et des décisions méthodologiques rigoureuses doivent être considérés en amont. / The global objective of this thesis is to help develop a better understanding of how living kidney transplantation donors and recipients experience the donation process as an interactive dyad. To address this objective, we suggest an in-depth exploration of the transplant trajectory and of the relational issues at play between donors and recipients in the context of a living kidney donation. A secondary objective, which developed along the way, is to contribute to a better understanding of how to conduct qualitative research with dyads. This thesis is comprised of three articles. The first article is a meta-summary that aimed at aggregating results pertaining to both donors and recipients of a living kidney donation to offer a complete picture of the donation process and to highlight avenues that warrant further research, namely looking at both donors and recipients as an interactive dyad within the same study. The objective of the second article was to provide a better understanding of how living kidney transplantation donors and recipients experience the donation process as an interactive dyad, and in particular the transplant trajectory and the relational issues involved. In-depth qualitative interviews were conducted with five dyads (five donors and five recipients). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the data suggests that the transplant process can be naturally broken down into five phases of the transplant process: (a) the experience of the disease, (b) the experience of offering and accepting a kidney, (c) the screening period, (d) the surgery, and (e) the post-transplantation period. We found that for each donor-recipient dyad, the transplantation process reflects the unique larger social and interpersonal context within which the dyad evolves, and in this sense, the decision to donate or accept a kidney becomes a reflection of the social role one adheres to with respect to another being in everyday life. The third article emerged from the lessons we learned in conducting the research described in the second article and describes both the ethical challenges and methodological decisions involved in conducting qualitative research with dyads who have shared a common experience. Based on our experience and on the available literature, we offer reflections and recommendations that follow the typical chronology of the research process: (a) recruitment, (b) consent to participation, (c) data collection, (d) transcript validation by participants, (e) data analysis, and (f) result dissemination. Reflecting ahead upon issues at each of these stages is likely to be beneficial in conducting rigorous qualitative research involving dyads. In conclusion, our results underline the importance of the unique larger social and interpersonal context within which dyads evolve and achieve a sense of meaning with respect to their own experience of the donation process. Last, as qualitative research involving dyads continues to evolve, ethical challenges and rigorous methodological decisions should be reflected upon ahead of time.

Investigations of Structure-Property Relationships in NPI and BODIPY Based Luminescent Material

Mukherjee, Sanjoy January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Luminescent materials find numerous applications in recent times and have enriched human lives in several different ways. From display and lighting technologies to security, sensing and biological investigations, luminescent organic compounds have become indispensible and often preferred over their inorganic counterparts. The versatility of organic materials arises from their comparative low costs, ease of fine-tuning, low toxicity and the possibility to develop flexible devices. Even until very recent times, the investigations and usage of organic luminescent materials were mostly limited to solution-state properties. However, with progress of available characterisation techniques and parallel development of their usage in solid-state devices and other applications (e.g. security, forensics, sensing etc.), significantly greater attention has been paid to the development and investigations of solid-state emissive organic materials. In solid-state applications, apart from the molecular properties of any given material, their cumulative i.e. bulk physical properties are of even greater importance. Thus, investigations of structure-property relationships in organic luminescent compounds to understand their molecular and bulk properties are of fundamental interest. In this thesis, NPI (1,8-naphthalimide) and BODIPY (boron-dipyrromethene) dyes were investigated to provide a broad overview of their structure-property correlations. Among commonly encountered organic luminescent materials, NPIs and BODIPYs have emerged as two broad classes of luminescent organic compounds, finding applications as functional luminescent materials in various fields. However, lack of understanding for controlling the cumulative emissive properties of these compounds has limited their usage as active solid-state emitters in various applications. This thesis presents several new insights into the molecular and bulk emissive properties of these two classes of luminescent dyes (NPIs and BODIPYs). The contents of the six chapters contained in this thesis are summarised below. Chapter 1 summarises the available understanding of the basic concepts of photoluminescence and the design strategies to develop solid-state luminescent and AIE (aggregation-induced emission) active materials. This chapter also emphasises in the basic nature of the NPI and BODIPY compounds, their substitution patterns and their inherent characteristics and touches upon the relatively unexplored properties of NPI and BODIPY based materials. The importance and scope of the work reported in the thesis is outlined at the end of the chapter. Chapter 2 describes a detailed investigation of a series of seven (4-oxoaryl substituted) NPI compounds (1-7) providing an insight into the molecular and cumulative photophysical behaviour of these compounds. The low ICT characteristics of the NPIs, coupled with the twisted geometry, facilitated solid-state luminescence in these materials. The solution and solid-state luminescent properties of these compounds can be directly correlated to their structural rigidity, nature of substituents and solid-state intermolecular interactions (e.g. π-π stacking, C-H•••O interactions etc.). The solid-state crystal structures of the NPI siblings are profoundly affected by the pendant substituents. All of the NPIs (1-7) show antiparallel dimeric π-π stacking interactions in the solid-state which can further extend in parallel, alternate, orthogonal or lateral fashion depending on the steric and electronic nature of the C-4′ substituents. Structural investigations including Hirsfeld surface analysis methods reveal that while strongly interacting systems show weak to moderate emission in their condensed states, weakly interacting systems show strong emission yields under the same conditions. The nature of packing and extended structures also affects the emission colors of the NPIs in the solid-state. DFT computational studies were utilized to understand the molecular and cumulative electronic behavior of the NPIs. Apart from the investigation of solid-state luminescence, other functional potentials of these NPIs were also explored. One of the compounds (i.e. 4) shows chemodosimetric response towards aqueous Hg(II) species with a ‘turn-on’ response. Also, depending on the molecular flexibility of the compounds, promising AIEE (aggregation-induced emission enhancement) features were observed in these NPIs. Later (in Chapter 3), we developed a systematic investigation in a series of purely organic NPIs, restricting various parameters, to attain a thorough understanding of such AIEE properties. Chapter 3 describes a detailed experimental and computational study in order gain an insight into the AIE (aggregation-induced emission) and AIEE mechanisms in NPI compounds. Systematic structural perturbation was used to fine tune the luminescence properties of three new 1,8-naphthalimides (8-10) in solution and as aggregates. The NPIs (8-10) show blue emission in solution state and the fluorescence quantum yields depend on their molecular rigidity. In concentrated solutions of the NPIs, intermolecular interactions were found to result in quenching of fluorescence. In contrast, upon aggregation (in THF:H2O mixtures), two of the NPIs show aggregation-induced-emission-enhancement (AIEE). The NPIs also show moderately high solid-state emission quantum yields (~10-12.7 %). The AIEE behaviors of the NPIs depend on their molecular rigidity and nature of intermolecular interactions. The NPIs (8-10) show different extents of intermolecular (π-π and C-H•••O) interactions in their solid-state structures depending on their substituents. Detailed photophysical, computational and structural investigations suggest that only an optimal balance of structural flexibility and intermolecular communication is the effective recipe for achieving AIEE characteristics in these NPIs. Chapter 4 presents the design, synthesis and detailed investigations and potential applications of a series of NPI-BODIPY dyads (11-13). The NPI and BODIPY moieties in these dyads are electronically separated by oxoaryl bridges and the compounds only differ structurally with respect to methyl substitutions on the BODIPY fluorophore. The NPI and BODIPY moieties retain their optical features in these molecular dyads (11- 13). Dyads 11-13 show dual emission in solution state originating from the two separate fluorescent units. The variations of the dual emission in these compounds are controlled by the structural flexibility of the systems. The dyads also show significant AIES (Aggregation-Induced-Emission Switching) features upon formation of nano-aggregates in THF-H2O mixtures with visual changes in emission from green to red color. Whereas the flexible and aggregation prone system (i.e. compound 11) shows aggregation-induced enhancement of emission, rigid systems with less favorable intermolecular interactions (i.e. compound 12-13) show aggregation-induced quenching of emission. The emission-intensity vs. the structural-flexibility correlations were found to be reverse in solution and aggregated states. Photophysical and structural investigations suggest that the intermolecular interactions (e.g. π-π stacking etc.) play major role in controlling emission of these compounds in aggregated states. Similar trends were also observed in the solid-state luminescence of these compounds. The applications of the luminescent dyads 11-13 as live-cell imaging dyes was also investigated. Chapter 5 describes investigations of photophysical properties of a series of six BODIPY dyes (14-19) in which there is a systematic alteration of a common -C6H4Si(CH3)3 substituent. Inrelated constitutional isomers, the systematic increment of steric congestion and lowering of molecular symmetry around the BODIPY core result in a steady increment of solution and solid- state fluorescence quantum yields. The increasing fluorescence quantum yields (solution, solid state) with increasing steric congestions show that the molecular free rotation and aggregation-induced fluorescence quenching of BODIPYs can be successfully suppressed by lowering the flexibility of the molecules. Photophysical and DFT investigations reveal that the electronic band gap in any set of these constitutional isomers remain almost similar. However, the crystal structures of the compounds reveal that the solid-state colour and quantum yields of the compounds in solid-state are also related to the nature of intermolecular interactions. Chapter 6 demonstrates the use of DFT computational methods to understand the effect of alkyl groups in governing the basic structural and electronic aspects of BODIPY dyes. As demonstrated in Chapter 4 and Chapter 5, apparently electronically inactive alkyl groups can be of immense importance to control the overall photophysics of BODIPYs. In this context, a systematic strategy su was utilized considering all possible outcomes of constitutionally-isomeric molecules to understand the effects of alkyl groups on the BODIPY molecules. Four different computational methods were employed to ascertain the unanimity of the observed trends associated with the molecular properties. In line with experimental observations, it was found that alkyl substituents in BODIPY dyes situated at 3/5-positions effectively participate in stabilization as well as planarization of such molecules. Screening of all the possible isomeric molecular systems was used to understand the individual properties and overall effects of the typical alkyl substituents in controlling several basic properties of such BODIPY molecules.

L’influence de la qualité de la relation parent-enfant et du sexe sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation chez les enfants

Bilodeau Houle, Alexe 08 1900 (has links)
L’apprentissage de la peur par observation est un phénomène très important lors de l’enfance, une période au cours de laquelle plusieurs peurs se développent et où l’environnement familial est fondamental. La qualité de la relation parent-enfant module les réactions de peur chez les enfants, mais son impact sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation n’a pas été investigué. Ce mémoire s’est donc intéressé à l’influence de la relation mère-enfant et père-enfant ainsi qu’à son interaction avec le sexe de l’enfant sur l’apprentissage de la peur par observation. Soixante dyades parent-enfant ont été recrutées. La relation avec chaque parent était évaluée par un questionnaire auto-rapporté complété par les enfants (8 à 12 ans). Les enfants regardaient d’abord une vidéo de leur parent être exposé à un conditionnement de la peur, où un stimulus (SC+Parent) était associé à un léger choc et un autre stimulus (SC-) était présenté seul. Ensuite, les enfants regardaient une vidéo d’un étranger être exposé à un protocole similaire à l’exception qu’un stimulus différent était associé au choc (SC+Étranger). Par la suite, les trois stimuli étaient directement présentés aux enfants. Les niveaux de peur étaient mesurés par les réponses électrodermales. L’effet de la qualité de la relation père-enfant sur les niveaux de peur face au SC+Parent était modéré par le sexe des enfants, où les filles ayant une relation sécurisante avec leur père montraient des niveaux de peur plus faibles. La qualité de la relation mère-enfant n’influençait pas les niveaux de peur des enfants. Ces résultats suggèrent que la relation avec le père influence la façon dont les filles répondent aux stimuli liés à la peur au sein de l’environnement familial. Ces données soulignent certains facteurs de protection face à la vulnérabilité de développer des psychopathologies liées à la peur. / Observational fear learning is especially relevant during childhood, a period during which many fears develop and where the familial environment is salient. Parent-child relationship modulates fear reactions in children, but its impact on observational fear learning in the context of the familial environment has not been investigated. This master’s thesis therefore examined whether the mother-child and father-child relationship quality as well as its interaction with children’s sex influence observational fear learning. Sixty parent-child dyads were recruited. The relationship with each parent was assessed by a self-report questionnaire completed by the children (8 to 12 years old). Children first watched a video of their parent undergoing a fear conditioning procedure, where one stimulus (CS+Parent) was paired with a shock and one was presented alone (CS-). Then, children watched a video of a stranger undergoing a similar protocol except that a different stimulus was paired with the shock (CS+Stranger). Subsequently, the three stimuli were directly presented to children. Fear levels were measured by skin conductance responses. The effect of the father-child relationship quality on fear levels for the CS+Parent was moderated by children’s sex, where girls having a more secure relationship with their father exhibited lower fear levels. The mother-child relationship quality had no impact on the children’s fear levels. These results suggest that the relationship with the father influences how girls respond to fear-related stimuli within the family environment. These data highlight the existence of some protective factors that might influence the vulnerability of developing fear-related psychopathologies.

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