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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resposta ao desbalanço de rotor com absorvedor dinâmico rotativo com elemento viscoelástico / Unbalance response of rotor with rotating dynamic absorber with viscoelastic element

Yuri Correa Fontes 19 February 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho consiste no projeto de um modelo em elementos finitos de um absorvedor dinâmico rotativo utilizando-se um material viscoelástico como componente dissipador do sistema. O absorvedor é composto por um anel de material viscoelástico interposto entre dois anéis de aço, o qual é fixado na extremidade livre de um sistema rotativo representado por um eixo flexível, suportado por dois rolamentos, no qual estão fixos dois discos igualmente espaçados do centro entre os dois mancais. O modelo em elementos finitos do sistema rotativo é validado com os dados experimentais do modelo real e suas velocidades críticas são determinadas baseadas no diagrama de Campbell e na resposta ao desbalanço em um dos discos. O modelo inicial do absorvedor dinâmico rotativo é replicado de um modelo da literatura e as respostas a uma excitação na forma de impulso são comparadas. O modelo desenvolvido equipara-se ao da literatura para frequências até 600 Hz, intervalo que compreende as velocidades críticas a serem amortecidas. A otimização do absorvedor é realizada através de variações da geometria do mesmo e são traçadas curvas de influência de cada parâmetro sobre suas frequências naturais. Com base nestas curvas são realizadas análises de influência conjunta dos parâmetros geométricos sobre tais frequências. Pelos resultados obtidos verifica-se a possibilidade da obtenção de um modelo que atue sobre modos de flexão específicos do sistema rotativo, atenuando as amplitudes de vibração das velocidades críticas correspondentes a cada modo. Uma vez obtidos os modelos de absorvedores dinâmicos correspondentes aos dois primeiros modos de flexão do sistema rotativo, ambos são acoplados ao sistema e se observa grande redução dos picos de amplitude do primeiro modo de flexão, enquanto os picos do segundo modo sofrem baixa alteração. / The present work concerns the development, optimization and validation of a finite element model of a dynamic vibration absorber using a viscoelastic material as the damping component. The dynamic absorber consists of a ring of viscoelastic material interposed between two rings of steel, which is fixed to the free end of a rotary system represented by a flexible shaft supported by two bearings, on which are fixed two discs equally spaced in the center of both bearings. The finite element model of the rotating system is validated with experimental data from the actual model and its critical speeds are determined based on the Campbell diagram and in its response to the imbalance. The initial model of the dynamic absorber is replicated from a model of the literature and the responses to an impulse excitation are compared. The developed model matches the literature one for frequencies up to 600 Hz, range comprising the critical speeds to be damped. The absorber\'s optimization is accomplished through variations of its geometry and influence curves of each parameter over its natural frequencies are drawn. Based on these curves, combined influence analyzes of the geometrical parameters over such frequencies are performed. From the results obtained, it can be seen the possibility of achieving a model that acts on specific bending modes of the rotation system, reducing the vibration amplitudes of the critical speeds corresponding to each mode. Once obtained the dynamic absorbers models corresponding to the first two modes of vibration of the rotatative system, both models are coupled to the system and it is observed great reduction of the amplitude of the first bending mode peaks, while the second mode suffer low peaks reduction.

Internal Resonances in Vibration Isolators and Their Control Using Passive and Hybrid Dynamic Vibration Absorbers

Du, Yu 06 May 2003 (has links)
Conventional isolation models deal with massless isolators, which tend to overestimate the isolator performance because they neglect the internal resonances (IRs) due to the inertia of the isolator. Previous researches on the IR problem is not adequate because they only discussed this problem in terms of vibration based on single degree-of-freedom (SDOF) models. These studies did not reveal the importance of the IRs, especially from the perspective of the noise radiation. This dissertation is novel compared to previous studies in the following ways: (a) a three-DOF (3DOF) model, which better represents practical vibration systems, is employed to investigate the importance of the IRs; (b) the IR problem is studied considering both vibration and noise radiation; and (c) passive and hybrid control approaches using dynamic vibration absorbers (DVAs) to suppress the IRs are investigated and their potential demonstrated. The 3DOF analytical model consists of a rigid primary mass connected to a flexible foundation through three isolators. To include the IRs, the isolator is modeled as a continuous rod with longitudinal motion. The force transmissibility through each isolator and the radiated sound power of the foundation are two criteria used to show the effects and significance of the IRs on isolator performance. Passive and hybrid DVAs embedded in the isolator are investigated to suppress the IRs. In the passive approach, two DVAs are implemented and their parameters are selected so that the IRs can be effectively attenuated without significantly degrading the isolator performance at some other frequencies that are also of interest. It is demonstrated that the passive DVA enhanced isolator performs much better than the conventional isolator in the high frequency range where the IRs occur. The isolator performance is further enhanced by inserting an active force pair between the two passive DVA masses, forming the hybrid control approach. The effectiveness and the practical potential of the hybrid system are demonstrated using a feedforward control algorithm. It is shown that this hybrid control approach not only is able to maintain the performance of the passive approach, but also significantly improve the isolator performance at low frequencies. / Ph. D.

Usure ondulatoire en transport ferroviaire: Mécanismes et réduction/Rail Corrugation in Railway Transport: Mechanism and Mitigation

Collette, Christophe G. R. L. 05 July 2007 (has links)
L'usure ondulatoire des rails associée aux vibrations de torsion des essieux de métro a été mise en évidence il y a près d'un demi siècle. L'utilisation d'absorbeurs dynamiques comme solution potentielle à ce problème a été suggérée pour la première fois dans le projet américain du TCRP "Rail Corrugation Mitigation in Transit" en 1998. Cette thèse, réalisée dans le cadre du projet européén "Wheel-rail CORRUGATION in Urban transport", a pour objectif de concevoir un absorbeur dynamique et d'étudier son influence sur la réduction de l'usure ondulatoire liée aux vibrations de torsion. Dans le cadre de ce travail, d'autres types d'usure ondulatoire ont également été traités par des absorbeurs dynamiques. Les trois premiers chapitres de cette thèse sont dédiés à la description des différents types d'usure ondulatoire et à la présentation des méthodes de prédiction. La méthode de dimensionnement des absorbeurs dynamiques est présentée au chapitre 4, ainsi que quelques perspectives de leur efficacité à réduire l'usure ondulatoire. Dans le chapitre 5, un tronçon réel du RER parisien a été étudié. D'une part les prédictions obtenues par différentes méthodes ont été comparées aux mesures sur site. D'autre part, le bénéfice résultant de l'utilisation d'un absorbeur dynamique a été étudié numériquement. Dans le chapitre 6, le cas de l'usure ondulatoire liée aux vibrations de torsion a été étudié spécifiquement. Un absorbeur dynamique a été développé pour réduire ce type d'usure ondulatoire. Son efficacité a été évaluée théoriquement et numériquement, avec un modèle multi-corps flexible du véhicule et de la voie. Dans le chapitre 7, un absorbeur dynamique visant à réduire les vibrations de torsion d'un essieu de métro à échelle réduite a été construit au laboratoire. Son efficacité a été validée expérimentalement en reproduisant les conditions d'apparition des vibrations de torsion de l'essieu sur le banc d'essais du Laboratoire des Technologies Nouvelles de l'INRETS. La correspondance entre les prédictions d'usure à échelle réduite et à échelle réelle a été établie. Une demande de brevet a été déposée par le Laboratoire des Structures Actives pour ce système (N° 06120344.4).

Etude des effets des charges aérodynamiques sur le comportement dynamique non linéaire des éoliennes à axe vertical / Study of the aerodynamic loads effects on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of a vertical axis wind turbine

Bel Mabrouk, Imen 15 December 2017 (has links)
Ce sujet de thèse s'intéresse à l'étude des effets des charges aérodynamiques sur le comportement dynamique non linéaire d'une éolienne à axe vertical de type Darrieus. Cette dernière présente, comparativement aux autres éoliennes, des profits très importants à exploiter, notamment dans les milieux urbains. Il s'agit d'une technologie fiable caractérisée surtout par son fonctionnement omnidirectionnel ainsi que son adaptation à tout type de vent. Généralement, ces éoliennes, ayant des phénomènes aérodynamiques complexes, sont affectées par des vibrations au niveau de leur système de transmission de puissance. En fait, ces vibrations commencent à se manifester à partir des pales du rotor jusqu'au génératrice. L'écoulement autour de ses pales présente également un fort caractère instationnaire. Cette caractéristique augmente d'avantage les vibrations aérodynamiques, qui sont automatiquement transmise au système d'engrenage d'éolienne. À ce niveau, nous avons développé un code de calcul numérique permettant de simuler la complexité des aspects aérodynamiques instationnaires tout en gardant un compromis entre la fiabilité des prédictions et la rapidité de calcul. Les simulations sont réalisées suivant une méthode de mécanique des fluides numérique (CFD) instationnaire bidimensionnel. Les résultats de simulation comparés avec ceux disponibles dans la littérature sont en bonne concordance, le rendement aérodynamique étant optimisé, qui présente un apport scientifique notable. Cette étude numérique a été l'objectif de l'analyse de l'impact des charges aérodynamiques vis-à-vis le comportement dynamique du système d'engrenage de l'éolienne en régime non-stationnaire. Dans ce contexte, une étude paramétrique a été développée afin d'établir le fonctionnement optimal de l'éolienne, caractérisé par un couple aérodynamique plus performant associé à des niveaux de vibrations dynamiques acceptables. En général, il est difficile d'identifier précisément la réponse dynamique des éoliennes à cause du caractère turbulent et stochastique des charges aérodynamiques. Par conséquent, il est indispensable de tenir en compte la variabilité des paramètres d'entrée pour assurer la robustesse du système étudié. Adoptons l'objectif de dimensionnement robuste. Une méthode d'évaluation basée sur des approches stochastiques, particulièrement la méthode du Chaos Polynomial, est utilisée pour simuler le comportement dynamique non-linéaire du système d'engrenage d'éolienne, en tenant compte des incertitudes. Ces dernières sont au niveau des charges aérodynamiques, inhérentes au calcul des niveaux vibratoires du système d'engrenage. Ce qui implique un apport scientifique important. Les résultats obtenus par l'approximation par Chaos Polynomial démontrent une forte dispersion des charges aérodynamiques aléatoires dans la réponse dynamique du système d'engrenage, contrairement aux études déterministes. Ce qui prouve l'insuffisance de telles études pour une analyse de robustesse. Les résultats mettent également en évidence la forte corrélation entre les phénomènes aérodynamiques complexes et les vibrations dynamiques. Le couplage établi constitue l'originalité de notre travail. / This thesis focuses on the study of the aerodynamic loads effects on the nonlinear dynamic behavior of Darrieus--type vertical axis wind turbine. The latter has received more attention due to its efficiency in urban regions compared to other wind turbines. In fact, the wind flow speed in urban regions continuously changes direction and is extremely turbulent. The inherent characteristics of its omni-directionality make it more suitable to harnessing this kind of flow. It is known that Darrieus wind turbine is characterized by an inherently unsteady aerodynamic behavior and a complex flow around rotor blades. The non-stationary behavior of the mentioned turbine increases vibration. These aerodynamic vibrations are transmitted to the gearing mechanism. We have, firstly, developed a numerical simulation, allowing to simulate the complexity of the unsteady aerodynamic phenomena keeping a compromise between the reliability of prediction and the rapidity of calculation. This numerical simulation has been carried out using a two-dimensional unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. Simulation results compared to those available in the literature are in good agreement. The Darrieus turbine efficiency is also optimized; thus introducing a significant scientific contribution. The latter is the objective of analyzing the aerodynamic load impact in the dynamic behavior of the Darrieus turbine in non-stationary regime. In this context, a parametric study has been developed in order to find optimal functioning of the studied turbine, which is characterized by the most performing aerodynamic torque associated with acceptable levels of dynamic vibration. In general, it is difficult to predict the dynamic response of the wind turbine with a good level of accuracy due to the aerodynamic loads turbulence and uncertain characteristics. It becomes necessary to take into account the uncertainty in the input parameters to ensure the robustness of the Darrieus turbine geared system. In a robustness study objective, the Polynomial Chaos method is adopted to predict the nonlinear dynamic behavior of the gearing system taking into account uncertainties which are associated to the performance coefficient of the input aerodynamic torque. This leads to an important scientific research contribution. The results have shown a large dispersion of the random parameter in the dynamic response of the gearing system compared to the deterministic study. That proves the insufficiency of that study for a robustness analyses. They have also proved that the Polynomial Chaos method is an efficient probabilistic tool for uncertainty propagation. Finally, the new proposed robust mechanical analysis indicates a good capacity to investigate the dynamic behavior of the Darrieus turbine thanks to its superior predictive capabilities in coupling complex aerodynamic phenomena with a mechanical gearing system vibration. Where the originality of such correlation in our work.


DIEGO ORLANDO 24 July 2006 (has links)
[pt] Nesse trabalho, estuda-se o desempenho de um absorsor pendular no controle de vibrações de torres altas e esbeltas, ocasionadas por carregamentos dinâmicos, tais como, por exemplo, cargas ambientais. Em virtude da possibilidade de oscilações de grande amplitude, considera- se na modelagem do problema a não-linearidade do pêndulo. O principal objetivo é estudar o comportamento do sistema torre-pêndulo, submetido a um carregamento harmônico, no regime não-linear, abordando-se aspectos gerais ligados à estabilidade dinâmica. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, a formulação necessária para obter o funcional de energia do sistema coluna-pêndulo, tanto para o caso linear quanto para o caso não-linear, do qual derivam-se as equações diferenciais parciais de movimento. A partir das equações lineares, obtêm-se as freqüências naturais e modos de vibração para alguns casos relevantes de coluna. A seguir, com base na análise modal do sistema coluna-pêndulo, deriva-se um modelo de dois graus de liberdade capaz de descrever com precisão o comportamento do sistema na vizinhança da freqüência fundamental da coluna, do qual obtêm-se as equações de movimento e as equações de estado não- lineares. Uma análise paramétrica detalhada das oscilações não-lineares do sistema coluna-pêndulo demonstra que o absorsor pendular passivo pode reduzir ou amplificar a resposta da coluna. No estudo da influência da não-linearidade geométrica do pêndulo, verifica-se a importância dessa na resposta do sistema, evidenciando que a nãolinearidade não pode ser desprezada nessa classe de problema. Por fim, com base nos resultados, propõe-se um absorsor pendular híbrido. Os estudos revelam que este controle é mais eficiente que o passivo e que não requer grande gasto de energia. / [en] In the present work the performance of a pendulum absorber in the vibration control of tall and slender towers, caused by dynamic loads, such as, environmental loads, is studied in detail. Due to the possibility of large amplitude oscillations, the non-linearity of the pendulum is considered in the modeling of the problem. The main objective of this research is to study the behavior of the tower-pendulum system, submitted to a harmonic load, in the nonlinear regimen, with emphasis on general aspects related to its dynamic stability. It is presented, initially, the formulation necessary for the derivation of the system´s energy functional, both for the linear and the nonlinear cases, from which the partial differential equations of motion are derived and the vibration frequencies and related vibration modes are obtained. Then, based on the modal analysis of the column-pendulum system, a two degrees of freedom model, capable of describing with precision the behavior of the system in the neighborhood of the fundamental frequency of the column is derived, from which the equations of motion and the nonlinear state-space equations are obtained. A detailed parametric analysis of the nonlinear oscillations of the system is carried out. It shows that the pendulum may reduce or amplify the response of the column. The results show a marked influence of the geometric not-linearity of the pendulum on the response of the system, showing that its not-linearity cannot be neglected in this class of problems. Finally, based on the results, a hybrid control approach is proposed. These studies show that this control strategy is more efficient than the passive control alone and that it does not require a large amount of energy.

Atenuação de vibrações em sistemas que utilizam molas de liga de memória de forma /

Silva, Rafael de Oliveira January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Gustavo Luiz Chagas Manhães de Abreu / Resumo: Diversos estudos relacionados à atenuação de vibrações utilizando materiais inteligentes vem sendo amplamente explorados no meio acadêmico. Neste âmbito, as Ligas de Memória de Forma (LMF) se destacam por apresentarem dissipação de energia vibratória devido ao seu comportamento histerético promovido pelo efeito pseudoelástico. No presente trabalho, dois sistemas com um e dois graus de liberdade, contendo mola helicoidal de LMF como elemento resiliente, são implementados numericamente para demonstrar a atenuação de vibrações ocasionada pelas transformações de fase presentes no material. Para cada um dos sistemas mecânicos investigados, dois modelos termomecânicos são confrontados numericamente visando a obtenção das características de cada modelo em representar a atenuação de vibrações dos sistemas submetidos à carregamentos termo-mecânicos. O trabalho termina comentando as potencialidades da proposta apresentada, discutindo as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas na sua implementação e apontando para o desenvolvimento de futuros estudos. / Mestre

Atenuação de vibrações em sistemas que utilizam molas de liga de memória de forma / Vibration attenuation in systems that use shape memory alloys

Silva, Rafael de Oliveira [UNESP] 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by RAFAEL DE OLIVEIRA SILVA null (rafa_engemec@hotmail.com) on 2017-04-24T14:27:25Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_final.pdf: 3521819 bytes, checksum: b08a60dcaa91691a2bf36a0cc59992e6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luiz Galeffi (luizgaleffi@gmail.com) on 2017-04-26T13:27:52Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_ro_me_ilha.pdf: 3521819 bytes, checksum: b08a60dcaa91691a2bf36a0cc59992e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-26T13:27:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silva_ro_me_ilha.pdf: 3521819 bytes, checksum: b08a60dcaa91691a2bf36a0cc59992e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Diversos estudos relacionados à atenuação de vibrações utilizando materiais inteligentes vem sendo amplamente explorados no meio acadêmico. Neste âmbito, as Ligas de Memória de Forma (LMF) se destacam por apresentarem dissipação de energia vibratória devido ao seu comportamento histerético promovido pelo efeito pseudoelástico. No presente trabalho, dois sistemas com um e dois graus de liberdade, contendo mola helicoidal de LMF como elemento resiliente, são implementados numericamente para demonstrar a atenuação de vibrações ocasionada pelas transformações de fase presentes no material. Para cada um dos sistemas mecânicos investigados, dois modelos termomecânicos são confrontados numericamente visando a obtenção das características de cada modelo em representar a atenuação de vibrações dos sistemas submetidos à carregamentos termo-mecânicos. O trabalho termina comentando as potencialidades da proposta apresentada, discutindo as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas na sua implementação e apontando para o desenvolvimento de futuros estudos. / Several studies regarding the vibration attenuation using intelligent materials have been widely explored in the academic world in engineering. In this context, the shape memory alloys (SMAs) exhibit vibratory energy dissipation due to their hysteretic behavior caused by the pseudoelastic effect. In the present work, two systems with one and two degrees of freedom, containing a SMA helical spring as a resilient element, are numerically implemented to demonstrate the vibration attenuation of the system caused by the phase transformations present in the SMA spring. For each considered mechanical systems, two thermomechanical models are numerically confronted in order to obtain the characteristics of each model in representing the vibration attenuation of the systems submitted to thermo-mechanical loads. This work is concluded presenting the potentialities of the design methodology proposed and future developments to be implemented.

Estudo teórico e numérico de absorvedores dinâmicos de vibrações ativos e adaptativos / Theoretical and numerical analysis of active and adaptive dynamic vibration absorbers

Marques, Rodrigo França Alves 05 July 2000 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Dynamic Vibration Absorbers (DVAs) have been used to attenuate vibrations in various types of mechanical systems. In its simplest form, a DVA is formed by an association of passive elements (inertia, stiffness and damping). The values of these parameters are selected so as to tune the DVA to a given value of the excitation frequency, assumed to be fixed. As a result, the attenuation capability of a passive DVA significantly decreases as the excitation frequency deviates from the nominal tuning frequency. To avoid this drawback, active and adaptive DVAs have been extensively studied lately, in an attempt to achieve larger effective bandwidths and self tunning capability. Active DVAs contain, besides the passive elements, an actuator, which applies a control force determined by an appropriate control law. Adaptive DVAs are understood as those constructed in such a way that the values of their physical parameters can be adjusted according to well-defined laws. In this work, some configurations of active and adaptive DVAs are assessed, namely: a) an active DVA using as feedback signal the timedelayed displacement response of the reactive mass (delayed resonator); b) a novel active DVA using a control law in which the control force is expressed as a linear combination of the displacement, velocity and acceleration of the reactive mass, relative to the primary mass; c) an active DVA exploring linear quadratic optimal control theory; d) a vibrating string-type adaptive DVA; e) a pendulum-type adaptive DVA; f) an adaptive DVA formed from a beam with piezoelectric patches. For each configuration the theoretical foundations are first developed. Then, numerical applications are presented to assess their main features and performance. / Os Absorvedores Dinâmicos de Vibrações (ADVs) vêm sendo largamente utilizados para a atenuação de vibrações estruturais, com aplicações nas engenharias mecânica, civil, naval e aeroespacial. Os ADVs mais comumente usados são os passivos, compostos por elementos de parâmetros concentrados de inércia, rigidez e amortecimento. Classicamente, os ADVs passivos são projetados de forma que sua freqüência natural seja sintonizada para a freqüência de excitação, admitida fixa. Entretanto, a banda de operação dos ADVs passivos é relativamente estreita, o que inviabiliza a sua aplicação para casos em que a freqüência de excitação passa a variar. Como forma de contornar esta limitação, recentemente foram desenvolvidas as concepções de ADVs ativos e adaptativos, que têm capacidade de sintonização em bandas freqüenciais mais largas. Os ADVs ativos são aqueles em que um atuador, colocado paralelamente aos elementos passivos do ADV, exerce uma força de controle que permite modificar sua sintonização. Por ADVs adaptativos entendem-se aqueles cujos parâmetros físicos de inércia, rigidez e amortecimento podem ser variados, de forma controlada proporcionando a sintonização desejada. Neste trabalho são estudadas três configurações de ADVs ativos e outras três de ADVs adaptativos. São elas: a) o ADV ativo com realimentação do sinal de deslocamento da massa do ADV, defasado no tempo (ressonador defasado); b) uma nova configuração proposta de ADV ativo com realimentação dos sinais de deslocamento, velocidade e aceleração relativos; c) o ADV ativo com controle ótimo; d) o ADV adaptativo tipo corda vibrante; e) o ADV adaptativo pendular; f) o ADV adaptativo tipo viga com atuadores piezelétricos. Neste estudo se incluem o desenvolvimento teórico e as simulações numéricas no domínio da freqüência e do tempo, realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar as características operacionais e o desempenho das configurações estudadas. / Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica

Concepçâo e avaliação numérica e experimental de um absorvedor dinâmico de vibrações termicamente sintonizável / Conception and numerical and experimental evaluation of a thermo-tunable dynamic vibration absorber

Del Claro, Vergilio Torezan Silingardi 22 February 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação trata do estudo de um absorvedor dinâmico de vibrações (ADV) sintonizável por meio da geração voluntária de tensões induzidas por campos de temperatura aplicados a estruturas do tipo placas finas, explorando o efeito conhecido por enrijecimento por tensões (stress stiffening). Após apresentação da teoria subjacente aos absorvedores dinâmicos de vibrações e à modelagem numérica do comportamento dinâmico de placas sob a ação de tensões de origem térmica, foram realizadas simulações numéricas baseadas em discretização por elementos finitos visando à caracterização do comportamento dinâmico de placas retangulares sujeitas a diferentes tipos de carregamento térmico e condições de contorno mecânicas. Para este efeito, foi desenvolvido um procedimento de modelagem multifísica utilizando um programa comercial de análise por elementos finitos que permite considerar formas arbitrárias de carregamento térmico e condições de contorno térmicas e mecânicas. Os resultados destas simulações comprovaram que variações substanciais dos valores das frequências naturais de vibração podem resultar das tensões induzidas por campos térmicos. Com base nestes resultados, foi projetado um ADV consistindo de uma placa metálica fina circular confinada em sua borda externa por dois anéis metálicos, de sorte que a frequência natural correspondente ao primeiro modo de flexão axissimétrico possa ser ajustada pela diferença entre as temperaturas impostas à placa e aos anéis. Diversas simulações numéricas baseadas em elementos finitos foram realizadas visando à otimização da geometria e previsão do desempenho do ADV. Um protótipo do absorvedor dinâmico foi construído, dispondo de aquecedores resistivos de película para aquecimento independente e controlado de seus componentes. Diversos ensaios dinâmicos foram realizados com o protótipo visando à caracterização de seu comportamento sem e com efeitos térmicos. Os resultados experimentais confirmaram a influência significativa das tensões térmicas sobre o comportamento dinâmico do ADV e a possibilidade de obter sua sintonização. / The present work is devoted to the study of a dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) that can be tuned by the voluntary introduction of stress induced by temperature distributions in plate-like structures, based on the effect known as stress-stiffening. After summarizing the underlying theory of dynamic vibration absorbers and modeling the dynamic behavior of thin plates in the presence of thermally-induced stresses, numerical simulations based on finite element discretization have been made to characterize the dynamic behavior of rectangular plates under different thermal loads and mechanical boundary conditions. For this purpose, a general multiphysic modeling procedure based on a finite element commercial code has been developed, enabling to considerer all the possible forms of thermal load and thermal and mechanical boundary conditions. The results of these simulations have shown that significant variations of the natural frequencies can result from the induction of thermal stresses. Based on these results, a DVA has been designed, consisting of a thin circular metallic plate constrained at its outer border by thick metallic rings, in such a way that the natural frequency associated to the first axissymmetric bending mode can be adjusted according to the difference between the temperatures of the plate and the rings. A number of numerical simulations based on finite elements have been made aiming at optimizing the geometry and predicting the performance of the DVA. A prototype of the absorber has been built, having foil resistive heaters for the controlled application of heat to the plate and the rings. Dynamic tests have been carried-out on the prototype for the characterization of its dynamic behavior with and without thermal effects. The experimental results confirmed the significant influence of the thermal stresses on the natural frequencies of the DVA and the possibility of achieving frequency tuning. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

The Performance of Tuned Liquid Dampers with Different Tank Geometries

Deng, Xiaocong 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Tuned Liquid Dampers (TLDs) are increasingly being used to suppress the dynamic vibration of tall buildings. An equivalent mechanical model is essential for rapid analysis and design of a TLD. The most common TLD tank geometries are circular, annular and rectangular. Rectangular tanks are utilized for 1-D and 2-D TLDs, whereas circular and annular are usually applied to axisymmetric structures. The amount of fluid that participates in the sloshing motion is directly influenced by the tank geometry. Although not commonly used, a TLD having a curved-bottom tank is expected to perform more effectively due to its relatively large value of effective mass. The main objective of this study is to develop mechanical models for seven TLDs with different tank geometries including the curved-bottom case, and to theoretically investigate the performance of rectangular, vertical-cylindrical and horizontal-cylindrical TLDs.</p> <p> Potential flow theory, linear long wave theory, Lagrange's equations and virtual work method are employed to develop the equivalent mechanical model parameters of TLDs with rectangular, vertical-cylindrical, horizontal-cylindrical, hyperboloid, triangular, sloped-bottom, and parabolic tank geometries. A rectangular, vertical-cylindrical and horizontal-cylindrical TLD are selected for further study using a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model and a two degree of freedom structure-TLD system model applying the derived equivalent mechanical parameters.</p> <p> The dynamic characteristics of the TLDs as a SDOF system are investigated. The mechanical model is verified by comparing calculated values with experimental results for a rectangular TLD. The free surface motion, sloshing force and energy dissipation are found to be dependent upon the excitation amplitude. Analytical results also indicate that the horizontal-cylindrical TLD possesses the greatest normalized sloshing force and energy dissipation among the TLDs considered.</p> <p> The performances of various TLDs installed in a structure are studied in terms of effective damping, efficiency and robustness. Tuning ratio, structural response amplitude, mass ratio and liquid depth are adjusted to investigate their affect on the performance of the studied TLDs. Performance charts are developed and subsequently used to present the results. It is found that small liquid depth ratio and large mass ratio can lead to a robust structure-TLD system with small relative motion ratio between the structure and the vibration absorber. Comparisons of performance between the three TLDs are made and it can be concluded that the horizontal-cylindrical TLD is the most robust and effective device with the smallest relative motion ratio.</p> / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

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