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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odour signals relevant to beetles in deadwood habitats - odorants, olfaction and behaviour. / Duftstoffsignale bedeutend für Käfer in Totholzhabitaten - Duftstoffe, Wahrnehmung und Verhalten.

Holighaus, Gerrit 27 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Детекција биоактивних супстанци одабраних врста гљива рода Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) и њихова биолошка активност / Detekcija bioaktivnih supstanci odabranih vrsta gljiva roda Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) i njihova biološka aktivnost / Detection of bioactive substances selected fungal species of the genus Ganoderma (Basidiomycota) and their biological activity

Rašeta Milena 23 September 2016 (has links)
<p>&nbsp;У оквиру ове докторске дисертације испитан је хемијски састав и биолошке активности ЕtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oи CHCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub> екстраката четири врсте гљива рода<em> Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; (Basidiomycota):&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; са територије Војводине.Хемијски састав анализираних врста је одређен<br />применом: ААЅ методе (састав макро-&nbsp; имикроелемената у сувим остацима гљива) и LC-MS/MS технике (квантитативни састав фенолних једињења и флавоноида) при чему је детектовано 12 једињења. Спектрофотометријским методама је одређен садржај протеина, шећера, укупних фенола и флавоноида, код којих је највећи садржај протеина утврђен за ЕtOH екстракте&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em>и&nbsp; <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Испитивања биолошких активности екстраката обухватила су: одређивање<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>&nbsp; in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; и&nbsp;<em> in vivo</em> антиоксидантне, антимикробне, антиинфламаторне, антипролиферативне и антијабето<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>гене&nbsp;&nbsp; aктивности.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Антиоксидантна активност (способност неутрализације слободних радикала и редукциони потенцијал) је одређена спектрофотометријским методама, при којој су најбољу активност остварили Н<sub>2</sub>О екстракти&nbsp;<em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Антимикробнa активност&nbsp; анализираних екстраката одређена је испитивањем антибактеријског, антифунгалног и антивиралног потенцијала где се издвојила<em> G. pfeifferi</em> врста. Антиинфламаторни потенцијал EtOH и&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3 </sub>екстраката одређен је<em>&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp;</em> методом мерењем способности инхибиције продукције медијатора инфламације&nbsp; (продукти&nbsp; метаболизма арахидонске киселине) при којој су бољу активност испољили CHCl<sub>3</sub> екстракти.</p><p>Ефекат EtOH и H<sub>2</sub>O екстраката врста рода Ganoderma&nbsp;&nbsp; на раст MCF ћелијске линије испитан је MTT тестом, а посебно су се издвојили&nbsp; EtOH&nbsp; екстракти врста после 72h.</p><p>Остварена антидијабетогена активност EtOH и Н<sub>2</sub>О екстраката врста&nbsp; <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>G. pfeifferi&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>и&nbsp;<em> G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; код алоксан-индукованог&nbsp;<em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>itus-a&nbsp;</em> на&nbsp; експерименталним&nbsp; животињама&nbsp; праћена je регенерацијом&nbsp; &szlig;- ћелија&nbsp; Лангерхансових острваца панкреаса. Као потенцијални нефро-&nbsp; и&nbsp; хепатопротективни агенси се издвајају екстракти<em>&nbsp; G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Сумарно, укупни биопотенцијал анализираних врста рода&nbsp; Ganoderma&nbsp; на основу спроведених анализа хемијске&nbsp;&nbsp; kарактеризације и биолошке активности упућује&nbsp; на&nbsp; могућност њихове потенцијалне примене као нутрацеутика и додатака исхрани, у будућности уз неопходност додатних микохемијских истраживања ових врста, посебно терпеноида и полисахарида, као и других биолошких активности као што је неуропротективна.</p> / <p>&nbsp;U okviru ove doktorske disertacije ispitan je hemijski sastav i biološke aktivnosti EtOH, H<sub>2</sub>Oi CHCl<sub>3&nbsp;</sub> ekstrakata četiri vrste gljiva roda<em> Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; (Basidiomycota):&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; sa teritorije Vojvodine.Hemijski sastav analiziranih vrsta je određen<br />primenom: AAЅ metode (sastav makro-&nbsp; imikroelemenata u suvim ostacima gljiva) i LC-MS/MS tehnike (kvantitativni sastav fenolnih jedinjenja i flavonoida) pri čemu je detektovano 12 jedinjenja. Spektrofotometrijskim metodama je određen sadržaj proteina, šećera, ukupnih fenola i flavonoida, kod kojih je najveći sadržaj proteina utvrđen za EtOH ekstrakte&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em>i&nbsp; <em>G. pfeifferi</em>. Ispitivanja bioloških aktivnosti ekstrakata obuhvatila su: određivanje<span id="cke_bm_779S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>&nbsp; in vitro</em><span id="cke_bm_779E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; i&nbsp;<em> in vivo</em> antioksidantne, antimikrobne, antiinflamatorne, antiproliferativne i antijabeto<span id="cke_bm_780E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>gene&nbsp;&nbsp; aktivnosti.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Antioksidantna aktivnost (sposobnost neutralizacije slobodnih radikala i redukcioni potencijal) je određena spektrofotometrijskim metodama, pri kojoj su najbolju aktivnost ostvarili N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakti&nbsp;<em> G</em>. <em>applanatum.</em> Antimikrobna aktivnost&nbsp; analiziranih ekstrakata određena je ispitivanjem antibakterijskog, antifungalnog i antiviralnog potencijala gde se izdvojila<em> G. pfeifferi</em> vrsta. Antiinflamatorni potencijal EtOH i&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3 </sub>ekstrakata određen je<em>&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp;</em> metodom merenjem sposobnosti inhibicije produkcije medijatora inflamacije&nbsp; (produkti&nbsp; metabolizma arahidonske kiseline) pri kojoj su bolju aktivnost ispoljili CHCl<sub>3</sub> ekstrakti.</p><p>Efekat EtOH i H<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta roda Ganoderma&nbsp;&nbsp; na rast MCF ćelijske linije ispitan je MTT testom, a posebno su se izdvojili&nbsp; EtOH&nbsp; ekstrakti vrsta posle 72h.</p><p>Ostvarena antidijabetogena aktivnost EtOH i N<sub>2</sub>O ekstrakata vrsta&nbsp; <span id="cke_bm_795S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em>G. pfeifferi&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_795E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>i&nbsp;<em> G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; kod aloksan-indukovanog&nbsp;<em> D. mell<span id="cke_bm_796E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>itus-a&nbsp;</em> na&nbsp; eksperimentalnim&nbsp; životinjama&nbsp; praćena je regeneracijom&nbsp; &szlig;- ćelija&nbsp; Langerhansovih ostrvaca pankreasa. Kao potencijalni nefro-&nbsp; i&nbsp; hepatoprotektivni agensi se izdvajaju ekstrakti<em>&nbsp; G. resinaceum.</em></p><p>Sumarno, ukupni biopotencijal analiziranih vrsta roda&nbsp; Ganoderma&nbsp; na osnovu sprovedenih analiza hemijske&nbsp;&nbsp; karakterizacije i biološke aktivnosti upućuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; mogućnost njihove potencijalne primene kao nutraceutika i dodataka ishrani, u budućnosti uz neophodnost dodatnih mikohemijskih istraživanja ovih vrsta, posebno terpenoida i polisaharida, kao i drugih bioloških aktivnosti kao što je neuroprotektivna.</p> / <p>Whitin this doctoral thesis the chemical composition and biological activity of EtOH, H<span id="cke_bm_699S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_699E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>O and CHCl<sub>3 </sub>extracts of four fungal species which belong to genus<em> Ganoderma&nbsp;</em> (phylum Basidiomycota)<span id="cke_bm_700E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>:&nbsp;<em> G. applanatum,&nbsp; G. lucidum,&nbsp; G. pfeifferi,&nbsp; G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; were determinated. The samples were collected from different localities in Vojvodina. Chemical characterization included: AAS methods (compositon of macro- and&nbsp; microelements in d.w. of fungi) and LC-MS/MS technique (quantitative analysis of phenolic compounds and flavonoids) wherein the 12 selected phenolic compounds were detected. The total proteins, sugars, phenolics and flavonoids content were&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; determined using spectrophotometric methods. The highest protein content was determined in EtOH extracts of<span id="cke_bm_707S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><em> G. applanatum&nbsp; </em><span id="cke_bm_707E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>and <em>G. pfeifferi</em>&nbsp; species. In order to assess the biological potential, the in vitro&nbsp; and in vivo antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative and antidiabetic activities of the extracts were investigated.<span id="cke_bm_708E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span><br />&nbsp;&nbsp; The antioxidant activity (the ability of neutralizing free radicals and reduction potential) estimated byspectrophotometric methods. The highest&nbsp;&nbsp; antioxidant potential was noticed in H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of&nbsp; <em>G. applanatum.</em> Evaluation of antimicrobial activity included the estimation of antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity, whereby the&nbsp; species&nbsp;<em> G. pfeifferi&nbsp;</em> showed the highest potential The anti-inflammatory activity of EtOH and&nbsp; CHCl<sub>3</sub>&nbsp; extracts was determined by&nbsp; ex vivo&nbsp; method measuring the ability of production inhibition of inflammation mediators&nbsp; (products of arachidonic acid metabolism), where the CHCl<sub>3</sub>&nbsp; extracts were exhibited better activity.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; The effect of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts of<em>&nbsp; Ganoderma</em> species on the growth of the cell line MCF-7, has been examined using MTT assay (stand out ethanolic extracts of analyzed species after 72h incubation period).<br />&nbsp;&nbsp; Achieved antidiabetic activity of EtOH and H<sub>2</sub>O extracts o<em>f<span id="cke_bm_725S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span> G. pfeifferi<span id="cke_bm_725E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>&nbsp; </em>an<em>d G. resinaceum</em>&nbsp; at alloxan-i<span id="cke_bm_726E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>nduced D. mellitus in experimental animals was followed by regeneration of&nbsp; cells of Langerhans pancreatic islets. Extracts of&nbsp;<em> G.&nbsp;&nbsp; resinaceum&nbsp;</em> were allocated as a potential nephro- and&nbsp; hepatoprotective agents.<br />In summary, the overall biological potential of the analyzed species of the genus&nbsp; <em>Ganoderma</em>&nbsp; based on results for chemical and biological characterization indicate that they could be used&nbsp; as a nutraceuticals and food supplements in the future, with further the necessity of additional mycochemical investigation (especially terpenoids and polysaccharides) and other biological activity such as neuroprotective.</p>

Design And Development of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor Based Twin PTC And HTS Level Sensor for LOX Recondenser

Gour, Abhay Singh January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Cryocoolers are closed cycle devices which produce cooling below 120 K. Usually, one or two linear motors are used to drive one pulse tube cryocooler. Cryocoolers are used for various applications like, cooling of infra red detectors, cryo surgical knife, cryogen recondenser etc. In this thesis the design development and testing of Twin Pulse Tube Cryocooler (TPTC) are discussed. TPTC consists of two pulse tubes driven by dual piston head linear compressor. This dual piston linear compressor is operated using single linear motor. Using this configuration, cooling power is doubled with reduced cost of compressor. The design, fabrication and testing of Linear Moving Magnet Synchronous Motor (LMMSM) based dual piston head linear compressor are carried out indigenously. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis is used for estimating eddy current loss and flux distribution pattern in various mover configurations of the linear motor. The developed fabrication and assembly procedure of linear motor are discussed in detail. The mover of linear motor is supported by using a pair of cross armed C – type flexures. These flexures are designed using FEM and are fabricated indigenously. The flexure pairs are tested for 108 cycles with ± 3 mm stroke length of linear motor before assembling compressor. Linear motor is usually required to be operated at different frequencies. Thus, a variable frequency and variable voltage Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) based power supply is designed using analog circuits like Op-Amps. This cost effective power supply is capable of delivering 27 A at 100 V with frequency range of 25 Hz to 80 Hz continuously. Sage software was used to carry out 1-D simulation and obtain dimensions of various Pulse Tube Cryocooler (PTC) components. Various pulse tube configurations like Joint Twin PTC, Twin PTC with buffer volume and single PTC with buffer volume were carried out. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Fluent 2-D analysis was carried out for single PTC with buffer volume. The fabrication and assembly procedure of PTC is discussed in detail. A novel method of heat exchanger fabrication was developed and analyzed using FEM and its performance is tested experimentally. The twin PTC is operated at 34 bar and 48 Hz. A light weight High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) based level sensor is developed to monitor the cryogen level. The developed sensor was calibrated against discrete diode array and pre-calibrated continuous capacitance type level sensor. The calibrations were carried out in indigenously designed and fabricated 4-wall cryostat using Liquid Nitrogen (LN2) and LOX as cryogen. LabVIEW software based data acquisition was designed for testing, recording and monitoring the performance of twin PTC and level sensors during experiments.

Myeloid cells induce neurofibromatosis type 1 aneurysm formation through inflammation and oxidative stress

Downing, Brandon David January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is a genetic disorder resulting from mutations in the NF1 tumor suppressor gene. Neurofibromin is the protein product of NF1 and functions as a negative regulator of Ras activity in both hematopoietic and vascular wall cells, which are critical for maintaining blood vessel homeostasis. NF1 patients are predisposed to chronic inflammation and premature cardiovascular disease, including development of large arterial aneurysms, which may result in sudden death secondary to their rupture. However, the molecular pathogenesis of NF1 aneurysm formation is completely unknown. Utilizing a novel model of Nf1 murine aneurysm formation, we demonstrate that heterozygous inactivation of Nf1 (Nf1+/-) results in enhanced aneurysm formation with myeloid cell infiltration and increased reactive oxygen species in the vessel wall. Using cell lineage-restricted transgenic mice, we show that loss of a single Nf1 allele in myeloid cells is sufficient to recapitulate the Nf1+/- aneurysm phenotype in vivo. Additionally, oral administration of simvastatin, a statin with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, significantly reduced aneurysm formation in Nf1+/- mice. Finally, the antioxidant apocynin was administered orally and also resulted in a significant reduction of Nf1+/- aneurysms. These data provide genetic and pharmacologic evidence that neurofibromin-deficient myeloid cells are the central cellular triggers for aneurysm formation in a novel model of NF1 vascular disease, implicated oxidative stress as the key biochemical mechanisms of NF1 aneurysm formation and provide a potential therapeutic target for NF1 vasculopathy.

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