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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencers och recensioner från ett trovärdighets-perspektiv / Influencers and reviews from a trustworthiness-perspective

Gården Hurtig, Johannes, Hurtig, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Marknadsföring idag ser inte ut som den har gjort tidigare, digitaliseringen har medfört en stor förändring och många nya möjligheter för företag och privatpersoner att marknadsföra sig. Word-of-mouth har gått från att vara mellan två eller flera personer i en konversation där exempelvis en produkt eller tjänst diskuterats. Detta har också förändrats och flera olika typer av online word-of-mouth (eWOM) har tillkommit, denna studie kommer behandla två typer av eWOM som finns, mer exakt influencers och recensioner online. Undersökningen kommer gå in på det förtroende som konsumenter har för just influencers och recensioner online och även undersöka om detta förändras om konsumenten står inför ett hög- eller lågengagemangsköp. Forskningsfrågor ställs även för att få reda på vilka faktorer som spelar in för att förtroendet för influencers och recensioner skall påverkas och om förtroendet förändras om konsumenten ställs inför ett köp av en produkt istället för en tjänst. Undersökningen sker genom en kvalitativ metod där intervjuer hålls med sex respondenter och frågor anknutna till syftet och forskningsfrågorna ställs till dem. Resultatet från dessa intervjuer visar att förtroendet för influencers inte är lika starkt som det förtroende konsumenterna har för recensioner online, däremot förklarar respondenterna att det finns faktorer som kan både öka och minska förtroendet både för recensioner och influencers. Det kan exempelvis vara så att en influencer mer många följare kan kännas mer trovärdig och att en okänd hemsida med recensioner kan tappa trovärdighet. Respondenterna har varit överens om att influencers fungerar bättre som inspiration till produkter och tjänster, däremot är det recensioner som får dem att ta beslutet när det gäller ett köp. / Marketing today doesn’t look like it has done before, the digitization has resulted in a big change and lots of new opportunities for companies and individuals to advertise. Word-of-mouth has changed from something being said about a product or service in a conversation between two or more people to also be available online. There are a lot of different types of online word-of-mouth (eWOM), and we’re going to target influencers and online reviews. The study will look into the trust for influencers and online reviews perceived by the consumers and also examine how or if the amount of trust will alter depending on if the consumer approaches a high- or low involvement purchase. The study will be of a qualitative method where interviews will be held with six respondents. The questions will be cohere to the purpose of the study and the research questions. The result from this study shows that the consumer trust for influencers isn’t as significant as the trust for online reviews, despite that several of the consumers points out that there is factors that can change the amount of trust for both influencers and online reviews. For example an influencer with a lot of followers can appear to be more trustworthy than one with less, and a not that well known website with online reviews can appear less trustworthy. The respondents have agreed that influencers work better as inspiration for products and services, although they all thought that reviews are the deciding factor to making a purchase.

The role of referrals in new client capture within the field of independent financial advice

Grierson, Stuart William January 2015 (has links)
The field of regulated financial services has been ill-served by marketing theory. As a consequence: (1) the nature of marketing in this sector has been misunderstood; (2) the key mechanism for generating new business in the field, namely, referrals, has been the subject of serious misapprehension; and, (3) the guidance offered to practitioners has been negligible. In particular, the role of the independent financial advisor (IFA) appears to have been conceptualised as a sales role, and the nature of the relationship between the IFA and the client has been addressed as though it were a straightforward buyer-seller relationship, with the IFA selling products to the client. It is unlikely that these conceptualisations were ever satisfactory and following recent regulatory changes in the sector they have become even less relevant. Since January 1st 2013 commission-based selling of financial investment products to consumers has been prohibited so that independent financial advice has become largely a fee-based service. The focus of this research is on referrals as a method of generating new business; the research context is the UK independent financial advice industry. The objectives of the study are to: (1) define and conceptualise referrals in the context of the financial advice industry; (2) develop a framework of the referral process; (3) provide practitioners with empirical evidence in connection with their embedded beliefs about referrals in this industry; (4) explore whether (as many practitioner believe) it is possible to actively manage referral generation within a financial advice business; and, (5) to investigate the importance of referrals as a means of generating new business for advisors. It was found that practitioners believe they influence referrals in four main ways: excellent service, higher qualifications, contact frequency and speed of response. However the results of this study clearly indicate that referrals are not the outcome of agency; they are a random occurrence, determined by happenstance and the result of an opportunist conversation between a prospect and a client. In turn, contrary to the advice of consultancy providers, asking for referrals was found to be ineffective and not welcomed by consumers. While word-of-mouth (WOM) often instigates referral generation, the value of WOM, needs be treated with caution, since consumers were found to have limited understanding of the service provided by independent advisors. Despite the importance consumers attribute to investment performance practitioners do not, commonly, provide investment benchmarks nor do consumers use analytical tools to assess the performance of their advisor. The absence of performance measures connects with the finding that practitioners have difficulty in describing what they do hence consumers are uncertain how to describe the service and what to say about it when asked.

Exploring antecedents and consequences of eMavenism in their electronic word-of-mouth communication

Zhang, Jie, doctor of advertising 26 October 2010 (has links)
Past studies suggest that market mavenism refers to the degree to which a consumer is likely to become a market maven. High market mavenism consumers are characterized to possess information across many kinds of product categories and initiate word-of-mouth communication (WOM). High market mavenism consumers are influential consumers and key participants in WOM communication. Due to the explosion of online communication platforms, electronic word-of-mouth communication (eWOM) comes to attention. Understanding the virtual version of market mavenism becomes a salient topic. eMavenism is the extent to which consumers are involved in finding and disseminating marketing or advertising information online. Consumers who are relatively high on eMavenism are conventionally considered eMavens. eMavenism should be regarded as a unique type of market mavenism. This dissertation study aims to examine both the antecedents and eWOM communication behavioral consequences of eMavenism. The antecedents of eMavenism are considered from scattered literature on market mavenism, while eWOM communication behavioral consequences are identified from extensive literature review on the characteristics of eWOM communication. The results suggest that psychological tendencies and technology factor are the most important antecedent groups that positively affect eMavenism. Although consumption factor is not significantly related to eMavenism, it may serve as a perspective to analyze the primary difference between eMavenism and market mavenism. The insignificant relationships between demographics and eMavenism challenge the traditional perception that high mavenism consumers are constrained to the old, the unemployed, or housewives. The findings from this dissertation study debunk that high eMavenism consumers come from a broad variety of demographic groups. The findings call for a shift from focusing on consumer demographics to focusing on consumer psychographics in analyzing eMavenism. As to eWOM communication behavioral consequences, specific anonymity types are preferred by highly eMavenist respondents. Highly eMavenist respondents stay active in different online media outlets and contribute more positive than negative eWOM in online discourse. This dissertation study enhances the theoretical understanding of eMavenism and eWOM communication. The findings are also managerially relevant. / text

Essays on the economics of information systems in the mobile era

Rui, Huaxia 22 September 2014 (has links)
In recent years, mobility empowered by smart phones, tablets and numerous applications running on those mobile devices is transforming the way people live and work in the digital age. Innovations and new business models are emerging that take advantages of this rise of mobile computing. Despite tremendous opportunities promised by the transition to mobility, challenges exist before its full potential can be realized by society as well as by companies. For example, the spread of real-time targeting technologies in mobile display advertising creates a new challenge of how to efficiently allocate countless categories of advertising opportunities, or impressions, in real time. For another example, social broadcasting networks such as Twitter in the U.S. and "Weibo" in China are making it extremely convenient for consumers to spread word-of-mouth (WOM) among them, which both poses new challenges and offers new opportunities to companies wishing to harness the power of consumer WOM. The dissertation contains three essays exploring those issues. In the first essay, the concept of "smart market" for impression allocation is proposed, which emphasizes allocation contingent on uncertain supply and promotes coordination among advertisers across impression categories. A new theory is developed to solve the complicated optimization problem, which leads to a "decomposition and standardization" algorithm. In the second essay, I investigated whether and how Twitter WOM affects movie sales by estimating a dynamic panel data model using publicly available data and well-known machine learning algorithms. I found that chatter on Twitter does matter; however, the magnitude and direction of the effect depends on whom the WOM is from and what the WOM is about. The findings provide new perspectives to understand the effect of WOM on product sales and have important managerial implications. The third essay examines the possibility of designing social-broadcasting-based business intelligence (BI) systems that utilizes real-time information extracted from social broadcasting networks with text mining techniques. A new framework is proposed for this purpose and a Twitter-based BI system is designed and implemented that forecasts movie box office revenues during the opening weekend and daily revenue four weeks after the release of a movie. Preliminary results suggest that social-broadcasting-based BI systems have great potential and are worth exploring by both researchers and practitioners. / text

WOM vs eWOM : En komparativ studie av WOM vs EWOM

Bäcklund, Jonas, Eskilsson, Joel January 2017 (has links)
In this paper the perceived credibility of word of mouth (WOM) is compared with the perceived credibility of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) from a receiver's perspective. WOM can be described as verbal communication in trademarks, products and services where the transmitter does not have a profit motive. EWOM is all communications regarding brands, products and services that take place electronically over the Internet. The results of this qualitative study indicate that credibility is linked to the transmitter as a person rather than the message itself. Within WOM, the receiver usually has a relationship to the transmitter and therefore the credibility is to a large extent already given the recipient before the message is delivered based on past experience. Within eWOM the transmitter is often unknown or anonymous, which means that the receiver does not have a picture of the sender's credibility before the message is received. The receiver then creates a perception of the message and its sender based on language design. A language with certain qualitative characteristics tend to create greater credibility within eWOM. Another observation made in this study is that the quantity of messages affect the overall credibility of eWOM even when the messages alone are not considered to have high credibility from the recipient's perspective. The time aspect also proved to be of some importance for the credibility of the message in eWOM as older reviews were not as trustworthy as newer ones.

Ryktesspridning eller reklampelare? / Ryktesspridning eller reklampelare?

Simonsson, Emelie, Ahlström, Karolina January 2010 (has links)
Konkurrensen mellan aktörerna inom klädbranschen är idag stor och kommer förmodligen växa sig ännu större de kommande åren. Alla företag måste därför sträva efter att komma förbi det enorma kommersiella bruset för att finna köpare till sina egna produkter. Det gäller att finna ett unikt och annorlunda sätt att marknadsföra sig på och som står ut i mängden bland alla företag som vill nå ut till konsumenterna. Ett företag som lyckats hålla sig vid liv på den konkurrensutsatta marknaden är butikskedjan Weekday. Weekday har lyckats expandera, trots att företaget håller en ganska låg profil jämfört med övriga konkurrenter vad gäller marknadsföring. Företaget använder ingen traditionell marknadsföring, t.ex. genom annonsering och reklam, utan förlitar sig främst på ryktesspridning. Därför är Weekday ett väldigt intressant företag att studera ur marknadsföringssynpunkt.Syftet med studien är att utifrån de teorier vi använt oss av, undersöka och beskriva butikskedjan Weekdays kommunikationsstrategi, vilka eventuella brister som finns samt om kundernas attityder skulle förändras vid övergång till traditionell marknadsföring. Studien har främst haft ett beskrivande syfte, men även till viss del ett explorativt syfte. Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod, då underlaget till empirin och analysen främst utgjorts av djupintervjuer med anställda inom företaget samt den enkätundersökning vi genomfört. Vår teoretiska referensram bygger främst på kommunikationsmodellen, marknadsmixen (4P) och olika varumärkesteorier. Den empiriska delen beskriver Weekdays bakgrund, kommunikationsstrategi, vilka kommunikationskanaler företaget använder samt vilket resultat vår enkätundersökning gav. I analysen diskuterar vi och jämför empirin och enkätundersökningen med de olika teoretiska modellerna vi valt. Vi försöker på ett konstruktivt sätt analysera både för- och nackdelar med Weekdays kommunikationsstrategi. Vi har i vår slutsats kommit fram till att Weekdays främsta kommunikationskanaler består av de fysiska butikerna, eventen, hemsidan samt den mer okontrollerbara metoden ryktesspridning. De främsta bristerna ligger i att deras nuvarande kommunikationskanaler inte räcker till i samband med den expansion företaget befinner sig i. För att kunna utvecklas behövs andra metoder än de som används idag och ett steg mot traditionell marknadsföring hade kunna vara ett alternativ. Kundernas attityder till varumärket kommer till viss del förändras, men vi anser att det är en konsekvens företaget får ta i samband med att verksamheten utvecklas. / Program: Butikschefsutbildningen

The role of consumer participation and engagement in influencing loyalty and word-of-mouth : user generated brand communities

Bhandari, Min Parsad January 2018 (has links)
This research aims to investigate the role of consumer engagement in influencing loyalty and word-of-mouth through a user generated brand community on Facebook by collecting evidence from both quantitative and qualitative studies. A quantitative study is adopted to test the engagement dimension and its relationships with other constructs, such as participation, loyalty, and word-of-mouth, with a sample size of 551 collected among Facebook users in the UK. The empirical analysis from the quantitative data supports the ABC (i.e., affective, cognitive, and behavioural) dimensions of engagement as assumed in the study and finds a positive relationship between engagement, participation, loyalty, and word-of-mouth. Similarly, a qualitative study is adopted in the form of a semi-structured interview held with six user Apple brand champions from an Apple user generated online brand community on Facebook. A thematic analysis is conducted to analyse the engagement dimensions and their relationship to participation, loyalty, and word-of-mouth. In addition, the application of both the methods (i.e., the quantitative and qualitative studies) to investigate the main aim helps the research to attain complementarity. The combination of both methods provides evidence to justify the engagement dimensions and their relation to participation, loyalty, and word-of-mouth. The quantitative study supports the argued engagement dimensions and their relationship with other constructs, whereas the qualitative study explores other components of engagement and their relationship with similar constructs, as well as helping to enhance the relationships and dimensions of engagement. Moreover, this study contributes to marketing literature by empirically validating customer loyalty and word-of-mouth as outcomes of customer participation and engagement. No study so far has empirically investigated the effect of customer engagement on loyalty and word-of-mouth in a user-generated online brand community context. This enhanced understanding of vigour, personal identity, attention, absorption, sharing, and learning suggests that marketers should concentrate on the type of information presented, as well as the format in which information is presented outside the company’s networks. Community markers, such as feelings, emotions, excitement, contribution, and interaction with peers, contribute significantly to engaging and influencing loyalty and word-of-mouth with both the brand community and the brand itself.

Webcare's effect on constructive and vindictive complainants

Weitzl, Wolfgang January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
Purpose: This paper aims to demonstrate that online complainants' reactions to a company's service recovery attempts (webcare) can significantly vary across two different types of dissatisfied customers ("vindictives" vs "constructives"), who have dramatically diverging complaint Goal orientations. Design/methodology/Approach: Online multi-country survey among 812 adult consumers who recently had a dissatisfying brand experience and turned to a marketer-generated social media site to voice an online complaint for achieving their ultimate complaining goals. Scenario-based online experiment for cross-validating the survey findings. Findings: Results suggest that "vindictive complainants" - driven dominantly by brand-adverse motives - are immune to any form of webcare, while "constructive complainants" - interested in restoring the customer-brand relationship - react more sensitively. For the latter, "no-responses" often trigger detrimental brand-related reactions (e.g. unfavorable brand image), whereas "defensive Responses" are likely to stimulate postwebcare negative word-of-mouth. Research limitations/implications: This research identifies the gains and harms of (un-)desired webcare. By doing so, it not only sheds light on the circumstances when marketers have to fear negative effects (e.g. negative word-of-mouth) but also provides insights into the conditions when such effects are unlikely. While the findings of the cross-sectional survey are validated with an online experiment, findings should be interpreted with care as other complaining contexts should be further investigated. Practical implications: Marketers have to expect a serious "backfiring effect" from an unexpected source, namely, consumers who were initially benevolent toward the involved brand but who received an inappropriate response.

Produktplacering i bloggar : en studie kring bloggar som effektiv marknadsföringskanal

Mingo, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>Titel:</strong>             Produktplacering i bloggar: <em>En studie kring bloggar som effektiv marknadsföringskanal </em></p><p><strong>Författare:</strong>   Maria Mingo, Mälardalens Högskola</p><p><strong>Handledare:</strong> Lennart Haglund</p><p><strong>Kurs:</strong>            Kanditatuppsats i företagsekonomi, marknadsföring, distans</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Nyckelord:</strong>   <em>Blogg, produktplacering, Word of Mouth, effektivitet, påverkan, kommunikationsprocessen, viral marknadsföring, Stealth Marketing, associationer, kreativt medieval, uppmärksammande, bearbetning,</em> <em>konsumentbeteende</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Problem:</strong>       Då de privata bloggarna i Sverige på senare tid getts mycket uppmärksamhet i media inte bara för deras växande besöksstatistik utan även för deras, i stor utsträckning, dolda kommersiella intentioner är detta ett fenomen intressant att undersöka utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong>            I och med att bloggen är en mediekanal som ständigt växer i antal är syftet                    med denna uppsats att se vilken funktion bloggen uppfyller som marknadsföringskanal för produktplacering. Studien ämnar ta upp de fördelar som kan nås genom användning av bloggen i kommersiellt syfte utifrån den potentiella påverkan denna typ av produktplacering kan ha på mottagare av budskap introducerade i bloggen. Värdet bloggen innehar som kommunikationskanal kommer att diskuteras utifrån dess vikt för avsändarna av budskapet, det vill säga de annonserande företagen.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Metod:</strong>         Studien baseras på en sekundärdataanalys av kommunikationsleden som skapas mellan de annonserande företagen, bloggarna och konsumenterna. Områdesrelaterad litteratur och andra marknadsförings- och konsumentbeteendeteorier har bidragit till att kartlägga produktplaceringens potential att nå uppmärksammande och påverkan hos konsumenter.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Slutsats:</strong>       I studien visas att effektiviteten bloggen kan inneha som marknadsföringskanal, återspeglas i många variabler, bland annat möjligheten att förena reklam med bloggens oberoende innehåll. Produktplacering i rekommendationsform, genom inflytelserika bloggare, kan medföra att informationsspridandet inte upplevs som påträngande och undkommer på så sätt att sållas bort som irrelevant information. Bloggläsare väljer själva blogg att besöka efter egna preferenser, något som tillåter företag att skräddarsy budskap för specifika målgrupper. Då läsarna på detta sätt tillåts att själva sköta spridandet av budskapet genom diverse marknadsföringstekniker, uppnås högre grad av trovärdighet då kongruensen mellan bloggtemat och det introducerade varumärket oftast är hög. Bloggen som kanal möjliggör dessutom skapandet av ömsesidiga relationer mellan företagen, bloggskribenterna och konsumenterna, något som tillåter en närmare och effektivare kommunikation mellan leden och ett starkare associationsschema. Då bloggen tillåter de introducerade budskapen ta tillvara på mediekontexten och framlyftas i den harmoni som skapas sinsemellan, elimineras även stor del av kommunikationsbruset som utgörs av andra faktorer som konkurrerar om konsumenters uppmärksamhet. Att låta bloggen utgöra ett komplement till ett företags ursprungliga kommunikationskanaler kan därför medföra effektiviserad exponering gentemot konsumenten och därigenom öka chansen att konsumenten både uppmärksammar och låter sig påverkas av reklamen.</p> / <p><strong>Title:</strong>             Product Placement in blogs: A study about blogs as an effective marketing channel.<em> </em></p><p> </p><p><strong>Author:</strong>         Maria Mingo, Mälardalen University</p><p><strong>Tutor:</strong>           Lennart Haglund</p><p><strong>Subject:</strong>        Bachelor Theses in Business Administration, Marketing</p><p><strong>Keywords:</strong>    <em>Blogs, product placement, Word of Mouth, efficiency, influences, the communication process, creative media-channels, attention, interpretation, consumer behaviour, associations</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Problem:</strong>       The private blogs have lately gained a significant share of attention in the Swedish media, not only because of their increasing number of readers but also for their questionable commercial intentions. Therefore this subject is considered to be an interesting phenomena to explore from a marketing perspective.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong>       Due to the increasing amount of blogs used in the media, the purpose of this essay has been to detect the function blogs play as a marketing channel for product placement. The study aims to discover the advantages that can be reached through the use of the blog for advertising purposes, through discussing what influence this type of product placement can have on the receivers of the communicated message. The value the blog has as a communication channel will be discussed through its importance for the senders of the message, in other words the advertising companies.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong>       The study is based on a qualitative analysis of the communication flow that is created and established between the advertising companies, the blogs and the consumers. Literature and other theories regarding marketing and consumer behaviour have been used to state the potential that product placement has of reaching the consumers’ attention and affection.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The research has shown that the efficiency a blog could have as a marketing channel is reflected in many variables, amongst them the possibility of integrating advertising with the independent content of blogs. Product placement, through recommendations given by influential bloggers, could cause the sharing of information not to be interpreted as forced-on advertising and thus avoids to be passed over as irrelevant information. As the consumers themselves choose what blogs to read according to their own preferences, the companies have the possibility to create a message that is highly adapted to the targeted readers. Through allowing the consumers to pass on the message themselves using this Word-of-Mouth technique, a higher level of credibility is achieved and reflected in the congruence between the theme of the blog and the brand that is being inserted into it. Using the blog as a communication channel allows reciprocal relationships to be generated between the advertising companies, the bloggers and the consumers. These relationships facilitate a communication that is closer and more effective and therefore provides greater possibilities of generating associations. A significant part of the communication interference [due to other factors competing for the consumer’s attention] can be eliminated through the harmony, which introducing a message in a suiting media context, brings. Therefore the use of the blog as an additional tool to a company’s usual marketing channels could result in a more effective type of exposure forced upon the client that could help to increase the chances of the consumer paying attention to, or be influenced by, the advertising.</p>

"Word of mouth" : Hur påverkas hotellgäster av "word of mouth"

Jönsson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
<p>Detta arbete kommer att ta upp området muntlig marknadsföring, eller som det kallas internationellt ”word of mouth”, som en metod för att beskriva kunders medverkan till att marknadsföra ett tjänsteföretag, som t.ex. hotell. Begreppet marknadsföring innebär en rad aktiviteter som ett företag utför, för att locka kunder. En del av dessa aktiviteter kan vara annonsering, eller broschyrer, som hotellet delar ut.</p><p>Syftet med undersökningen är att se hur ett hotells gäster har fått kunskap om hotellet och hur ”word of mouth” (WOM) har påverkat dem i sitt val.</p><p>Den metod och det material som har använts är en enkät som har delats ut och besvarats av gäster på ett hotell vilket är beläget i Eskilstuna.</p><p>Resultatet av undersökningen visar att de flesta av de personer som deltog var positiva till ”word of mouth”.</p><p>Slutsatsen av denna undersökning är att ”word of mouth” påverkar kunder som bor, eller ska bo, på ett hotell. Men även blivande kunder påverkas, i och med att de får rekommendationer av andra. Därför kan det vara klokt av hotell som vill ha fler kunder att satsa på ”word of mouth” marknadsföring.</p>

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