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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visuality and the archive : the Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa papers as a theory of social change

Bowen, Diana Isabel 09 February 2011 (has links)
The Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa Papers, 1942-2004 are located in the Benson Latin American Collection at the University of Texas at Austin. They contain published and unpublished works along with photographs, correspondence, artwork, notes, interviews, etc. As a woman of color who is interested in issues of social justice, disrupting dominant ideological binaries, and intersections of race, class, and gender, Anzaldúa has much to offer the field of rhetoric and communication studies. The purpose of the study is to derive Anzaldúa’s theory of social change. As a woman of color, Anzaldúa simultaneously aligns and differentiates herself from the Chicano movement and the feminist movement. Citing her, and other Chicana feminists concerns, she uses a theory of the B/borderlands as a generative theory from which she theorizes using nepantla and images. Her theory of social change is implicit and available to rhetors upon an examination of the official and unofficial texts available in her archive. Diana Taylor’s concepts of the archive (official texts) and the repertoire (unofficial performances and iterations) are used to examine Anzaldúa’s archival collection. The artifacts included an examination of Anzaldúa’s birth certificate and corrections compared with a short story “Her Name Never Got Called.” In addition a documentary Altar is examined and compared with conversations that led to its creation. An analysis of Anzaldúa’s archive suggests that there is an oscillation between the official archives and the unofficial performances. These movements reveal Anzaldúa’s favor for images as instrumental in her theory-making process; they reveal her imagistic theory of social change. Applying a theory of discourse from the borderlands that emerges out of the archive of Anzaldúa will make rhetoricians better equipped to study texts that speak back to dominant discourses and refuse oppressive binaries. / text

Εξαγωγή γνώσης από αποθήκες υπηρεσιών Παγκόσμιου Ιστού / Knowledge extraction from Web services repositories

Κιούφτης, Βασίλειος 16 May 2014 (has links)
Με την αυξανόμενη χρήση του Παγκόσμιου Ιστού και των Συστημάτων Προσανατολισμένων στις Υπηρεσίες , οι υπηρεσίες παγκόσμιου ιστού έχουν γίνει μίας ευρέως διαδεδομένη ως προς τη χρήση τεχνολογία. Οι αποθήκες υπηρεσιών παγκόσμιου ιστού αναπτύσσονται με ραγδαίους ρυθμούς , δημιουργώντας την ανάγκη ανάπτυξης προηγμένων εργαλείων για την οργάνωση και δεικτοδότησή τους. Η ομαδοποίηση των υπηρεσιών παγκόσμιου ιστού, οι οποίες συνήθως αναπαρίστανται από έγγραφα Γλώσσας Περιγραφής Υπηρεσιών Παγκόσμιου Ιστού (Web Service Description Language - WSDL) , καθιστά τις μηχανές αναζήτησης υπηρεσιών παγκόσμιου ιστού αλλά και τους χρήστες ικανούς να οργανώνουν και να επεξεργάζονται μεγάλες αποθήκες υπηρεσιών σε ομάδες με παρόμοια λειτουργικότητα και χαρακτηριστικά. Σε αυτή την εργασία προτείνουμε μια νέα τεχνική για την ομαδοποίηση των WSDL εγγράφων. Η προτεινόμενη μέθοδος θεωρεί τις υπηρεσίες παγκόσμιου ιστού ως κατηγορικά δεδομένα όπου κάθε υπηρεσία περιγράφεται από ένα σύνολο τιμών που εξάγονται από το περιεχόμενο και τη δομή του αντίστοιχου αρχείου περιγραφής και ως μέτρο ποιότητας της ομαδοποίησης ορίζεται η αμοιβαία πληροφορία μεταξύ των ομάδων και των τιμών τους. Περιγράφουμε τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι υπηρεσίες παγκόσμιου ιστού αναπαρίστανται ως κατηγορικά δεδομένα και ομαδοποιούνται, χρησιμοποιώντας τον αλγόριθμο ομαδοποίησης κατηγορικών δεδομένων LIMBO , ελαχιστοποιώντας συγχρόνως την απώλεια πληροφορίας στις τιμές που εξάγονται από τα γνωρίσματα. Κατά την πειραματική αξιολόγηση , η δική μας προσέγγιση υπερέχει σε απόδοση F-Measure τις τεχνικές που χρησιμοποιούν εναλλακτικές μετρικές ομοιότητας και μεθόδους για την ομαδοποίηση WSDL εγγράφων. / With the increasing use of web and Service Oriented Systems, web-services have become a widely adopted technology. Web services repositories are growing fast, creating the need for advanced tools for organizing and indexing them. Clustering web services, usually represented by Web Service Description Language (WSDL) documents, enables the web service search engines and users to organize and process large web service repositories in groups with similar functionality and characteristics. In this paper, we propose a novel technique of clustering WSDL documents. The proposed method considers web services as categorical data and each service is described by a set of values extracted from the content and structure of its description file and as quality measure of clustering is defined the mutual information of the clusters and their values. We describe the way to represent web services as categorical data and how to cluster them by using LIMBO algorithm, minimizing at the same time the information loss in features values. In experimental evaluation, our approach outperforms in terms of F-Measure the approaches which use alternative similarity measures and methods for clustering WSDL documents.

Krovinių ekspedijavimo teisinės normos ir pagrindai / The law and basics of expedition loads

Abraitytė, Ilona 28 December 2006 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe yra nagrinėjama ekspeditoriaus veikla ir jo vieta krovinių gabenime, analizuojama ekspedicijos sutartis, ekspeditoriaus veikla pagal sutartį, jo įsipareigojimai, taip pat aptarta tarptautinių krovinių vežimo organizavimas ekspedicijos sistemoje, tarptautinių gabenimų teisės normos ir dokumentai. Darbe išsamiai išnagrinėta ekspedicijos sutartis, kurioje numatoma ekspeditoriaus teisės, pareigos ir atsakomybė. Darbe nagrinėjama bendri krovinių vežimo automobilių, geležinkelių, vandens ir oro transportu klausimai, bendroji krovinių vežimo koncepcija, transporto rūšies parinkimas, vežimo dokumentacija. Pakankamai detaliai darbe yra apibrėžta ekspeditoriaus veiklos sritys, ekspedicijų rūšys, prekių fizinis išskirstymas. Atskirose dalyse nagrinėjami krovinių vežimai kelių, geležinkelių, jūrų ir oro transportu, jų komercinė esmė, analizuojami kombinuotieji vežimai. Siekiant praktiškiau įvertinti ekspeditorių veiklą buvo pasirinkta Lietuvos įmonė AB „Lietuvos Geležinkeliai“. Atlikti trijų metų statistiniai palyginimai. Ekspedijavimo paslaugos, kurias teikia AB „Lietuvos Geležinkeliai“, turi didelę paklausą. Tą rodo gabenami kroviniai tranzitu per Lietuvos teritoriją, taip pat importo ir eksporto operacijų kasmetinis apimčių didėjimas. Darbo pabaigoje pateiktos išvados, kurios atspindi darbo tikslą ir darbe panaudotos medžiagos apibendrinimą. Darbo išvados, autorės nuomone, padės atskleisti krovinių ekspedijavimo įmonių, ekspeditorių reikšmingumą... [to full text] / The contens of the summary: the goal of Master thesis is to analyze the dispatcher’s activity and his place in the loads carrying. There are analyzed the contract of expeditionary, dispatcher’s activity according the contract, commitments, the organization of international loads in the expeditionary system, and international documents of loads under a right in the international law, - discussed also. The contract of expeditionary with its rights, obligations and liabilities are described properly. In the work are analyzed the general questions of carrying loads by cars, railways, air and water transport, general concept of load carrying, selection of transportation sort, carrying documentation. In the very properly way are detailed the dispatcher’s activity field, types of expeditions, physical distribution of goods. Carrying of loads by ways, railways, air and water transport with all commercial points are analyzed in the separate parts of the work. The combinative hauls are analyzed too. The theoretical solutions of expeditionary activity are illustrated using invoking analysis of ST “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai”. There are described the statistics of three last year. Expeditionary service of ST “Lietuvos Geležinkeliai” has a very big demand. This is shown of the carrying loads by transit and yearly spread increasement of import and export operations. In the part of conclusions the result are presented. The conclusions will help us to reveal the importance of dispatchers and... [to full text]

Annotation et recherche contextuelle des documents multimédias socio-personnels

Lajmi, Sonia 11 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'instrumentaliser des moyens, centrés utilisateur, de représentation, d'acquisition, d'enrichissement et d'exploitation des métadonnées décrivant des documents multimédias socio-personnels. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous avons proposé un modèle d'annotation, appelé SeMAT avec une nouvelle vision du contexte de prise de vue. Nous avons proposé d'utiliser des ressources sémantiques externes telles que GeoNames , et Wikipédia pour enrichir automatiquement les annotations partant des éléments de contexte capturés. Afin d'accentuer l'aspect sémantique des annotations, nous avons modélisé la notion de profil social avec des outils du web sémantique en focalisant plus particulièrement sur la notion de liens sociaux et un mécanisme de raisonnement permettant d'inférer de nouveaux liens sociaux non explicités. Le modèle proposé, appelé SocialSphere, construit un moyen de personnalisation des annotations suivant la personne qui consulte les documents (le consultateur). Des exemples d'annotations personnalisées peuvent être des objets utilisateurs (e.g. maison, travail) ou des dimensions sociales (e.g. ma mère, le cousin de mon mari). Dans ce cadre, nous avons proposé un algorithme, appelé SQO, permettant de suggérer au consultateur des dimensions sociales selon son profil pour décrire les acteurs d'un document multimédia. Dans la perspective de suggérer à l'utilisateur des évènements décrivant les documents multimédias, nous avons réutilisé son expérience et l'expérience de son réseau de connaissances en produisant des règles d'association. Dans une dernière partie, nous avons abordé le problème de correspondance (ou appariement) entre requête et graphe social. Nous avons proposé de ramener le problème de recherche de correspondance à un problème d'isomorphisme de sous-graphe partiel. Nous avons proposé un algorithme, appelé h-Pruning, permettant de faire une correspondance rapprochée entre les nœuds des deux graphes : motif (représentant la requête) et social. Pour la mise en œuvre, nous avons réalisé un prototype à deux composantes : web et mobile. La composante mobile a pour objectif de capturer les éléments de contexte lors de la création des documents multimédias socio-personnels. Quant à la composante web, elle est dédiée à l'assistance de l'utilisateur lors de son annotation ou consultation des documents multimédias socio-personnels. L'évaluation a été effectuée en se servant d'une collection de test construite à partir du service de médias sociaux Flickr. Les tests ont prouvé : (i) l'efficacité de notre approche de recherche dans le graphe social en termes de temps d'exécution ; (ii) l'efficacité de notre approche de suggestion des événements (en effet, nous avons prouvé notre hypothèse en démontrant l'existence d'une cooccurrence entre le contexte spatio-temporel et les événements) ; (iii) l'efficacité de notre approche de suggestion des dimensions sociales en termes de temps d'exécution.

Vilniaus rajono apylinkės teismo praktikos nagrinėjant bylas dėl teismo leidimų išdavimo ir faktų patvirtinimo analizė / The analysis of practice of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmation of facts in the court of Vilnius precinct

Leleckaitė, Lina 10 March 2006 (has links)
Baigiamasis darbas skirtas išanalizuoti prašymu del teismo leidimu išdavimo ir faktu patvirtinimo nagrinejimo Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teisme praktika. Autorius, analizuodamas teismo bylas, kartu aptare ir teorinius klausimus. Prašymai del teismo leidimu išdavimo priskiriami prie ypatingosios teisenos bylu, kurios nagrinejamos supaprastinto proceso tvarka. Autorius analizavo kriterijus, pagal kuriuos nustatoma, kokiam konkreciai teismui teismingi šie prašymai. Kartu autorius aptare procesiniu dokumentu samprata, kurie skirstomi I byloje dalyvaujanciu asmenu ir teismo procesinius dokumentus. Darbe analizuojami šiu pareiškimu nagrinejimo tvarkos ypatumai bei terminai. Remiantis Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teismo bylomis, išskirtos pagrindines atsisakymu išduoti teismo leidimus priežastys. Taip pat aptarta teismo procesinio dokumento – nutarties, kuriuo užbaigiamas šiu bylu nagrinejimas, turinys ir jai budingi požymiai. Analizuodamas Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teismo bylas del teismo leidimu išdavimo, autorius pastebejo, kad teismas ne visada tinkamai taiko teisminguma reglamentuojancias teises normas. Taip pat pastebeta, kad teismas, nagrinedamas prašymus žodinio proceso tvarka, pažeidžia suteikta penkiu dienu termina šiems prašymams išnagrineti. Kalbant apie prašymus del faktu patvirtinimo, Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teisme buvo tik kelios tokios bylos, todel baigiamajame darbe atlikta tik keleto tokio pobudžio bylu analize. / The final work is dedicated to analyse the practice of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmations of facts in the court of Vilnius precinct. The author also talked over the theory by analysing court cases. Pleas for bestowal of court permissions are in the category of cases of special proceedings and they are dealt with in the simplified trial. The author analysed criteria’s determining which court should deal with the pleas. The author described the definitions of aforesaid processial documents, which are of two different kinds: documents of court participants and processial documents of the court. The final work described the singleness and terms of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmation of facts. Having analysed the cases the author singled out the main refusal reasons to bestowal the court permission. The definition and content of the final document in the court proceedings was also given in this work. Having analysed the cases in the court of Vilnius precinct there were found some wrong applications of law rules regarding the courts work. The court sometimes doesn’t abide the five days term after receiving aforesaid pleas to make a final decision in the case. It is also important to mention that the court received just a couple of pleas for confirmation of facts over few years.

The legacy of a prophetic moment : a socio-theological study of the reception and response to the Kairos Document amongst churches faith- communities and individuals in South Africa and within the international ecumenical community focussing on the English-speaking churches in South Africa with special reference to the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa.

Van der Water, Desmond Peter. 28 January 2014 (has links)
The Kairos Document ('KD' or 'Document') burst onto the socio-political and ecclesiastical scene in South Africa in 1985, presenting to churches, communities-of-faith and individuals the challenge of a decisive moment in the history of Christian opposition to Apartheid. The nature and extent of reactions and responses to the document exceeded the authors wildest dreams and most optimistic of expectations. This study traces the contours and discerns the patterns of reactions against and resonances with the Document in South Africa and within the international ecumenical community. The main focus of this research, however, is on the propensity and capacity of the institutionalised churches - and in particular the English-speaking churches in South Africa - to respond positively and constructively to a prophetic challenge, such that which emanated from the KD and the subsequent Kairos movement. One of the English-speaking churches, the United Congregational Church of Southern Africa (UCCSA), is singled out in this thesis and subjected to an extended examination and analysis, relative to its response to the challenge of the Document. The main reason for this special reference to the UCCSA is that this church denomination had embarked on a major process of ecclesiastical and denominational transformation in its response to the challenge of Kairos. It is 'upon this process of transformation within the UCCSA that I seek to critically reflect and to draw some learnings from the prophetic legacy of the Document. The UCCSA also happens to be the church denomination in which I have been nurtured in Christian faith, practice and ministry. The work, worship and witness of this church is therefore the primary frame of reference and ecclesiastical context in which my own prophetic consciousness has been awakened and shaped. I am, as such, acutely aware that my research on the responses to the KD by the UCCSA is being undertaken from the perspectives of an insider and that my passion for and commitment to the prophetic role of the Church makes me no neutral observer. It is my contention, however, that the above factors neither compromise nor diminish the academic credibility and ecumenical significance of this study. On the contrary, my strategic positioning within the UCCSA enables me to undertake such research from a privileged vantage point of first-hand experience, readily accessible data and greater understanding which derives from such close proximity. Needless to say, I shall endeavour to be as rigorous and critical as possible in my appraisal of the UCCSA's response which, in the final analysis, is an integral part of my overall critique of the nature of the churches' responses to the prophetic challenge of the KD. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1998.

Contribution aux techniques pour enrichir l'espace moteur et l'espace visuel des dispositifs d'interaction bureautique

Almeida, Rodrigo Andrade Botelho de 06 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
De nombreux travaux ont montré que, à l'origine des limitations de l'interaction bureautique, il y a un manque à la fois d'espace moteur et d'espace visuel.Cette thèse explore des moyens pour optimiser l'usage de ces espaces.D'une part, à partir du constat que l'on contrôle la position et l'orientation d'un objet par un geste naturel, cette thèse étudie les bénéfices que peut offrir une souris dotée d'un capteur de rotation. Cette < souris rotative > permet à l'utilisateur de maîtriser avec aisance trois variables continues d'une tâche informatique. Un état de l'art présente des aspects perceptifs et moteurs des actions en question et les particularités ergonomiques et techniques d'un tel dispositif. Deux techniques d'interaction - visant à faciliter des tâches métier récurrentes - sont proposées :le réglage < quasi-intégral > et la < palette satellitaire >. Par ailleurs, une évaluation expérimentale compare la performance d'une souris rotative avec celle d'une souris traditionnelle.D'autre part, ce travail se penche sur les questions de la visualisation de documents dans le contexte des bibliothèques numériques. D'abord, il examine l'apport et la faisabilité technique de l'utilisation d'un dispositif d'affichage immersif pour la navigation dans un catalogue de titres virtuel. Puis, afin de faciliter l'inspection massive d'un lot de pages numérisées, il avance des techniques de visualisation zoomables et multi-focales. Ces dernières permettent, dans une recherche d'anomalies, de saisir vite les caractéristiques visuelles de quelques centaines de pages. Et cela grâce à un va-et-vient entre la vue d'ensemble et la navigation panoramique des détails.

Sur les limites de la perception artificielle et de l'interprétation

Lamiroy, Bart 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse défendue dans de document commence par un examen des approches d'évaluation de performances dans le cadre de la perception artificielle, et comment elle se rapporte aux limites ( et l'inévitable subjectivité) de la spécification de la vérité terrain. Elle établit qu'il existe une ambiguïté intrinsèque dans son interprétation et son analyse, notamment dans le cadre de l'analyse du document de l'image. Après avoir établi le fait que l'interprétation est nécessairement ambigüe et que cette ambiguïté provient essentiellement de l'existence différents contextes plus ou moins compatibles, notre objectif global est d'étudier si on peut: * établir une forme de description du contexte qui est adaptée à la perception artificielle ( et de l'analyse de documents en particulier) et si elle peut être obtenue automatiquement par des techniques d'apprentissage statistique ou formelle ; * utiliser la description du contexte pour évaluer les performances d'algorithmes ; * utiliser la description de contexte pour décrire les données, de sorte à ce que cette description peut être utilisée pour des applications de recherche d'information ; * établir des limites ou des restrictions formelles pour les descriptions décrites précédemment et déterminer s'il existe des interprétations qui sont prouvablement impossibles à être obtenues par un algorithme. S'il existe effectivement une classe de problèmes d'interprétation qui ne peuvent pas être résolus par un algorithme, la seconde question serait de savoir si cette classe peut être caractérisée d'une façon ou d'une autre.

Specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents

Kūris, Kasparas 06 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbas skirtas specialiųjų planų ir kitų teritorijų planavimo dokumentų santykio teorinių ir praktinių problemų nagrinėjimui. Nuo pat Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo, planuojant teritorijas buvo susidurta su įvairiais iššūkiais. Reikėjo tinkamai sureguliuoti ir įtvirtinti teritorijų planavimo santykius, ko pasekoje, 1995 m. buvo priimtas Lietuvos Respublikos teritorijų planavimo įstatymas. Šis įstatymas nebuvo stabilus, nuolat kito. Pagrindinė problema buvo ta, kad nebuvo tinkamai sureguliuota teritorijų planavimo dokumentų, ypač specialiųjų planų teisinė galia ir jų tarpusavio santykis. Siekiant išspręsti praktikoje išryškėjusias problemas, buvo nuspręsta reformuoti teritorijų planavimo sistemą. Teritorijų planavimo reformos rezultatas buvo 2014 m. sausio 1 d. įsigaliojęs Teritorijų planavimo įstatymas, kuriame įtvirtinta nemažai naujovių, palengvinančių planavimą. Šiame įstatyme apibrėžta specialiojo teritorijų planavimo dokumentų teisinė galia, kuri apibrėžė šių dokumentų vietą visame teritorijų planavimo dokumentų komplekse. Tuo pačiu, įstatymų leidėjas padarė keletą teisinės galios išimčių, kurios galimai sąlygos tam tikrus konfliktus ateityje. Nepaisant to, naujos redakcijos Teritorijų planavimo įstatymą galima vertinti pozityviai. Įstatymų leidėjui iš esmės pavyko patobulinti teritorijų planavimo dokumentų sistemą ir, vertinant patį įstatymo tekstą, yra sudarytos teisinės prielaidos geresniam ir kokybiškesniam teritorijų planavimo reguliavimui. / Master thesis is dedicated to analyse theoretical and practical problems of special plans and their link between other spatial planning documents. Spatial planning has faced various challenges since the restoration of Lithuanian independence. It was necessary to regulate and consolidate relations of spatial planning. The result of this consolidation was the enactment of spatial legal act the Law on Zoning and Planning of the Republic of Lithuania in 1995. The Law on Zoning and Planning was volatile, unstable and caused many conflicts. The main problem of spatial planning statutory regulation was undefined legal power of special plans and obscure link among other spatial planning documents. In order to solve existing practical and theoretical problems it was decided to reform the legal system of spatial planning. The result of this reform was enactment of new version of the Law on Zoning and Planning of Republic of Lithuania, which came into force on 1st of January, 2014 and established numeruos innovations in spatial planning. This law finally defined the legal power of special plans and their position in the complex of spatial planning documents. At the same time, the legislator has made a few exceptions to the rule of this legal power which can possibly cause conflicts in the future. Nevertheless, the renewed version of the Law on Zoning and Planning can be assessed positively. The legislator has surely improved the system of spatial planning and created decent... [to full text]

Natural language processing techniques for the purpose of sentinel event information extraction

Barrett, Neil 23 November 2012 (has links)
An approach to biomedical language processing is to apply existing natural language processing (NLP) solutions to biomedical texts. Often, existing NLP solutions are less successful in the biomedical domain relative to their non-biomedical domain performance (e.g., relative to newspaper text). Biomedical NLP is likely best served by methods, information and tools that account for its particular challenges. In this thesis, I describe an NLP system specifically engineered for sentinel event extraction from clinical documents. The NLP system's design accounts for several biomedical NLP challenges. The specific contributions are as follows. - Biomedical tokenizers differ, lack consensus over output tokens and are difficult to extend. I developed an extensible tokenizer, providing a tokenizer design pattern and implementation guidelines. It evaluated as equivalent to a leading biomedical tokenizer (MedPost). - Biomedical part-of-speech (POS) taggers are often trained on non-biomedical corpora and applied to biomedical corpora. This results in a decrease in tagging accuracy. I built a token centric POS tagger, TcT, that is more accurate than three existing POS taggers (mxpost, TnT and Brill) when trained on a non-biomedical corpus and evaluated on biomedical corpora. TcT achieves this increase in tagging accuracy by ignoring previously assigned POS tags and restricting the tagger's scope to the current token, previous token and following token. - Two parsers, MST and Malt, have been evaluated using perfect POS tag input. Given that perfect input is unlikely in biomedical NLP tasks, I evaluated these two parsers on imperfect POS tag input and compared their results. MST was most affected by imperfectly POS tagged biomedical text. I attributed MST's drop in performance to verbs and adjectives where MST had more potential for performance loss than Malt. I attributed Malt's resilience to POS tagging errors to its use of a rich feature set and a local scope in decision making. - Previous automated clinical coding (ACC) research focuses on mapping narrative phrases to terminological descriptions (e.g., concept descriptions). These methods make little or no use of the additional semantic information available through topology. I developed a token-based ACC approach that encodes tokens and manipulates token-level encodings by mapping linguistic structures to topological operations in SNOMED CT. My ACC method recalled most concepts given their descriptions and performed significantly better than MetaMap. I extended my contributions for the purpose of sentinel event extraction from clinical letters. The extensions account for negation in text, use medication brand names during ACC and model (coarse) temporal information. My software system's performance is similar to state-of-the-art results. Given all of the above, my thesis is a blueprint for building a biomedical NLP system. Furthermore, my contributions likely apply to NLP systems in general. / Graduate

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