Spelling suggestions: "subject:"E. cold"" "subject:"E. coli""
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Etude géologique des Montagnes d'Escreins ( Hautes-Alpes et Basses Alpes ) Alpes françaisesBlanchet, Fernand 30 January 1935 (has links) (PDF)
Cette monographie de géologie régionale concerne essentiellement la zone briançonnaise et effleure la zone du flysch . La stratigraphie de ce massif entre Guil et Ubaye est particuliérement etudiée. Des explications tectoniques sont apportéees . Ce travail date de 1935.
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Place de la coelioscopie et de l'assistance robotisée dans les stratégies de traitement des cancers utérins( col et endomètre) / Role of conventionnal laparoscopy and robotic-assisted laparoscopy in the management of cervix and endometrial carcinomaLambaudie, Eric 17 December 2010 (has links)
Depuis 25 ans, la voie d’abord coelioscopique a pris une place importante dans laprise en charge des cancers pelviens, en particulier gynécologique. Cette voie miniinvasive est utilisée pour des procédures diagnostiques, de stadifications outhérapeutiques.Les évolutions technologiques et instrumentales ont permis d’étendre sesapplications à des indications réservées à la laparotomie.Si à la vue des données de la littérature la coelioscopie est devenue la voie d’abord àrecommander dans la prise en charge des cancers du col utérin et de l’endomètre,elle doit faire face à l’arrivée de l’assistance robotisée.Le robot chirurgical Da Vinci se développe depuis 10 ans et ses applications se sontmultipliées. La chirurgie gynécologique et oncologique constitue un éventaild’indications intéressantes pour cette technologie, surtout en cancérologie. De plusen dehors des avantages évidents qu’offre le robot Da Vinci pour le chirurgien, ilsemble que certains paramètres per opératoires soient améliorés, la qualité desprélèvements et la morbidité en particulier.A travers une revue de la littérature et l’exposé des travaux menés, nous démontronsl’applicabilité et l’intérêt potentiel de cette nouvelle approche coelioscopique dans laprise en charge des cancers gynécologiques.Cependant, l’impact médico économique de cette technique ainsi que le gain enterme de morbidité pour nos patientes, par rapport à la voie coelioscopiqueconventionnelle, doivent être précisés par les essais que nous avons initiés et quisont actuellement en cours. / Since 25 years, laparoscopic approach has gained an increasing role in cancertreatment, especially of colorectal - and gynecological cancers. The laparoscopicapproach is used for staging and exploratory purposes, as well as for therapeuticpurposes.Recent developments in surgical instruments and techniques allowed to extend theindication of laparoscopy to cases that were formerly reserved for open surgery.As the laparoscopic approach has become the Gold Standard, especially for uteruscancer (cervix and endometrial), the domain of robot-assisted surgery deserves ourattention.The robotic surgical system named « DaVinci » has undergone further developmentsand the indications for this system have been multiplied. The use in gynecologyseems to be an ideal indication for this surgical technique, especially for cancertreatment. Moreover, it might be postulated that the DaVinci surgical system canmodify several peri operative factors, which might result in less morbidity and earlierrecovery from surgery.Though a literature review and our publications we demonstrate the feasibility of thistechnique and its potential place in gynecologic cancers management.However, before this innovative but expensive technique is generally used andaccessible, it is necessary to thoroughly evaluate its surgical quality, its relatedcancer outcome, its economic impact and its related patients’ quality of life.
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L’impact du polymorphisme du gène E2 sur la quantification de la charge virale du VPH-16 dans les maladies précancéreuses du col utérinAzizi, Naoufel 12 1900 (has links)
Le VPH-16 de même que certains VPH, dont le VPH-18, causent le cancer du col
utérin. Son intégration dans le génome humain pourrait être un marqueur de
progression de l’infection.
Les charges virales totale et intégrée sont présentement mesurées en quantifiant par
PCR en temps réel les gènes E6 (RT-E6) et E2 (RT-E2-1) du VPH-16.
Nous avons évalué l’impact du polymorphisme du gène E2 sur la quantification de
l’ADN du VPH-16 dans des spécimens cliniques. Dans un premier temps, le gène
E2 de 135 isolats de VPH-16 (123 appartenaient au clade Européen et 12 à des
clades non- Européens) fut séquencé. Ensuite, un test de PCR en temps réel ciblant
les séquences conservées dans E2 (RT-E2-2) fut développé et optimisé.
Cent trente-neuf spécimens (lavages cervicaux et vaginaux) provenant de 74
participantes (58 séropositives pour le VIH, 16 séronégatives pour le VIH) ont été
étudiés avec les trois tests E2 (RT-E2-2), E6 (RT-E6) et E2 (RT-E2-1).
Les ratios de la quantité d’ADN de VPH-16 mesuré avec RT-E2-2 et RT-E2-1 dans
les isolats Européens (médiane, 1.02; intervalle, 0.64-1.80) et Africains 1 (médiane,
0.80; intervalle, 0.53-1.09) sont similaires (P=0.08). Par contre, les ratios mesurés
avec les isolats Africains 2 (médiane, 3.23; intervalle, 1.92-3.49) ou Asiatique-
Américains (médiane, 3.78; intervalle, 1.47-37) sont nettement supérieurs à ceux
obtenus avec les isolats Européens (P<0.02 pour chaque comparaison). Les
distributions des quantités de E2 contenues dans les 139 échantillons mesurées avec
RT-E2-2 (médiane, 6150) et RT-E2-1 (médiane, 8960) étaient statistiquement
différentes (P<0.0001).
Nous avons observé que les charges virales totale (odds ratio (OR) OR, 2.16 95%
intervalle de confiance (IC) 1.11-4.19), et épisomale du VPH-16 (OR, 2.14 95% IC
1.09-4.19), mais pas la présence de formes intégrées (OR, 3.72 95% IC 1.03-13.4),
sont associées aux néoplasies intraepitheliales cervicales de haut grade (CIN-2,3), et
ce, en contrôlant pour des facteurs confondants tels que l’âge, le taux de CD4
sanguin, l’infection au VIH, et le polymorphisme de VPH-16. La proportion des
échantillons ayant un ratio E6/E2 > 2 pour les femmes sans lésion intraépithéliale (7 de 35) est similaire à celle des femmes avec CIN-2,3 (5 de 11, p=0.24) ou avec CIN-
1 (4 de14, P=0.65).
Le polymorphisme du gène E2 est un facteur qui influence la quantification des
charges intégrées de VPH-16. / Episomal and integrated HPV-16 loads are currently estimated by quantitation with
real-time PCR of HPV-16 E6 (RT-E6) and E2 (RT-E2-1) DNA. We assessed the
impact of HPV-16 E2 polymorphism on quantitation of integrated HPV-16 DNA in
clinical specimens. First, HPV-16 E2 was sequenced from 135 isolates (123 from
European and 12 from non-European lineages). A novel assay targeting conserved
HPV-16 E2 sequences (RT-E2-2) was optimized and applied with RT-E6 and RTE2-
1 on 139 HPV-16-positive cervicovaginal lavages collected from 74 women (58
HIV-seropositive, 16 HIV-seronegative). Ratios of HPV-16 DNA copies measured
with RT-E2-2 and RT-E2-1 with European (median, 1.02; range, 0.64-1.80) and
African 1 (median, 0.80; range, 0.53-1.09) isolates were similar (P=0.08). Ratios
obtained with African 2 (median, 3.23; range, 1.92-3.49) or Asian-American
(median, 3.78; range, 1.47-37) isolates were greater than those with European
isolates (P<0.02 for each comparison). Distributions of HPV-16 E2 copies measured
in 139 samples with RT-E2-2 (median, 6150) and RT-E2-1 (median, 8960) were
different (P<0.0001). HPV-16 total (odds ratio (OR) OR, 2.16 95% confidence
interval (CI) 1.11-4.19), episomal (OR, 2.14 95% CI 1.09-4.19) but not integrated
(OR, 3.72 95% CI 1.03-13.4) load, were associated with high-grade cervical
intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN-2,3) after controlling for age, CD4 count and HIV,
and HPV-16 polymorphism. The proportion of samples with an E6/E2 ratio >2 in
women without SIL (7 of 35) was similar to that of women with CIN-2,3 (5 of 11,
P=0.24) or CIN-1 (4 of 14, P=0.65). E2 polymorphism was a factor that influenced
measures of HPV-16 integrated load.
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Polymorphisme du papillomavirus humain de type 52 et lésions du col de l'utérusFormentin, Aurélie 08 1900 (has links)
Les papillomavirus humains (VPHs) sont reconnus comme les agents étiologiques du cancer du col de l’utérus. Notre étude a pour but de décrire le polymorphisme de la région régulatrice virale (LCR) et du gène E6 du VPH52 chez 216 femmes canadiennes avec différents grades de lésion du col et d’établir s’il existe une association entre les variantes décrites et la présence de lésions intraépithéliales de haut-grade (CIN2,3) du col de l’utérus ou de cancer invasif. L’âge (OR 1.1, 95% CI 1.02-1.17, p=0.005) fut significativement associé à la présence de cancer invasif. Une variante de la région régulatrice virale, MTL-52-LCR-02, présentant une substitution nucléotidique au niveau du nucléotide 7436, fut aussi associée à la présence de cancer du col de l’utérus (p=0.015). Dans une analyse multivariée, après ajustement pour l’âge, l’ethnicité et le site de recrutement, une délétion au niveau du nucléotide 7695 (OR 5.7, 95% CI 1.2-27.9) ainsi qu’une substitution au niveau du nucléotide 7744 (OR 8.3, 95% CI 1.1-61.0) du LCR, et la variante K93R de la protéine E6 (OR 9.5, 95% CI 1.3-68.9) furent associées de façon significative avec la présence de CIN2,3. Ainsi, le polymorphisme du LCR et du gène E6 du VPH52 est associé avec la présence de CIN2,3 et probablement avec celle d’un cancer invasif. / Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are the main etiological agents of cervical cancer. Our study aims to describe HPV52 polymorphism in the long control region (LCR) and in the E6 gene, and to investigate the association between LCR and E6 polymorphism and high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN2,3) or invasive cervical cancer in 216 canadian women with various grades of cervical disease. Age was significantly associated with cervical cancer (OR 1.1, 95% CI 1.02-1.17, p=0.005). The MTL-52-LCR-02 variant, with a nucleotide substitution in the LCR at position 7436, was also associated with cervical cancer. MTL-52-LCR-02 has been identified in 28.6% of women with cervical cancer and in 0.0% of women without cervical cancer or CIN2,3 (p=0.015). In a multivariate analysis, after adjusting for age, ethnicity, detection of HPV16 or 18, and study site, a deletion at nucleotide position 7695 (OR 5.7, 95% CI 1.2-27.9), a variation at nucleotide position 7744 (OR 8.3, 95% CI 1.-61.0) in the LCR and the K93R variant of the protein E6 (OR 9.5, 95% CI 1.3-68.9) were associated with CIN2,3. This study confirms that HPV52 polymorphism in the LCR and in the E6 gene is associated with risk of development of CIN2,3 and possibly invasive cancer of the uterine cervix.
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Identification de composé sensibilisant préférentiellement les cellules exprimant les protéines E6 et E7 du VPH à l'irradiationDerdour, Amel A. 01 1900 (has links)
Le cancer du col utérin (CCU) est dans plus de 99% des cas provoqué par une infection avec le virus du papillome humain (VPH), dont le potentiel oncogénique réside dans l'expression des proto-oncogènes viraux E6/E7. Le potentiel carcinogénique de ces protéines virales réside essentiellement dans leurs actions sur les produits des gènes suppresseurs de tumeur p53 et RB. Les produits de ces gènes, p53 et Rb, font parti des voies de signalisation de réponse aux dommages de l'ADN cellulaire (RDA) et leur perte entraine une perte de fonctionnalité qui mène à une instabilité génomique. À long terme et en présence de d'autres facteurs ceux-ci mèneront au développement d'un cancer. Les protéines E6 et E7 sont constitutivement exprimées dans les cellules du CCU ainsi que dans les cellules de tout autre cancer induit par le VPH et seulement dans ces dernières. La prise en charge des cas avancés de ces cancers se fait principalement par radiothérapie et chimiothérapie concomitante. La chimio-radiothérapie utilisée en traitement est efficace mais résulte en un taux élevé de morbidité et un nombre important de patientes récidiveront.
Nous proposons que l'exploitation de l'expression spécifique d’E6 et d’E7 dans les cellules du CCU permette d’envisager une stratégie de létalité synthétique afin d'amplifier l'effet létal de l'irradiation sur les cellules CCU. Ceci permettrait potentiellement d'augmenter l'efficacité du traitement et de diminuer les récidives, ainsi que la morbidité liée au traitement. En s'appuyant sur cette hypothèse, notre objectif est d’identifier des composés dont l'action seule ou couplée à l'irradiation provoquerait préférentiellement la mort des cellules exprimant les protéines E6 et E7 du VPH. Les cellules testées comprennent des cellules isogéniques humaines issues de kératinocytes normaux que nous avons modifiées séquentiellement pour obtenir les modifications associées aux cellules CCU (hTERT, E6 et E7), ainsi que les lignées de cellules de CCU HeLa et CaSki .Nous avons procédé à la mise au point et à la validation du protocole de criblage et des méthodes d’évaluation de la sensibilisation, qui se définit comme une perte de viabilité, un arrêt ou ralentissement de la croissance, par détection d’ATP ainsi que par coloration d’ADN génomique au DRAQ5. Suite à un criblage ciblé impliquant des inhibiteurs connus de la voie de réparation des dommages à l’ADN, nous avons identifié l’inhibiteur de mdm2, Nutlin-3, comme étant un composé sensibilisant et radio-sensibilisant préférentiellement les cellules exprimant E6 et E7 du VPH. La Nutlin-3 a été testée sur des cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7, des cellules CaSki et HeLa. L’effet de sensibilisation et de radio-sensibilisation a été confirmé dans ces trois lignées. Tel que suggéré par son action sur mdmd2, la Nutlin-3 permet la stabilisation de p53 dans les cellules HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 et CaSki et sa réactivation dans les lignées cellulaires HeLa et CaSki. Malgré cette stabilisation de p53, de façon surprenante, l’effet de la Nutlin-3 sur la sensibilisation et la radio-sensibilisation des cellules HeLa et CaSki semble indépendant de p53, tel qu’observé en utilisant des cellules HeLa-GSE et CaSki-GSE dont le p53 est déficient. In vivo la Nutlin-3a montre dans un essai préliminaire l’inhibition de la croissance tumorale des xénogreffes HeLa chez des souris RAG2γc. Ce résultat reste à confirmer avec un essai impliquant un nombre d’échantillons plus grand. À plus long terme, nous comptons étudier l’implication de mdm2 dans l’effet de sensibilisant de la Nutlin-3 dans les cellules CCUs, ainsi que les autres cibles pouvant être impliquées dans la création de cet effet sensibilisant observé. / More than 99% of uterine cervical cancer (UCC) are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. The oncogenic potential of this virus lies in the expression of the proto-oncogenes E6/E7. These viral proteins are considered carcinogenic because of their effects on tumor suppressor proteins p53 and Rb. E6 and E7 promote p53 and Rb inactivation resulting in a loss of function in the DNA damage response pathways (DDR), genomic instability, and cancer development. The E6 and E7 proteins are expressed constitutively and specifically in cervical cancer cells and in the cells of other HPV-induced cancers. The treatment of advanced UCC is based on simultaneous radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Although these strategies are somewhat efficacious, there are still significant co-morbidities and cancer relapses. We hypothesized that the specific expression of E6 and E7 in cervical cancer cells can be exploited in a synthetic lethality strategy to amplify the lethal effect of irradiation. Thus, the efficacy of treatment could be increased, while reducing the cancer recurrence and treatment-related morbidities. Our objective is to identify chemical compounds that if used alone or coupled with irradiation, would preferentially induce the death of cells expressing proteins E6 and E7 of HPV. We used a cellular model of human keratinocytes that were modified to obtain the genetic signature associated with cervical cancer cells (the expression of E6 and E7). We then proceeded to the optimization and validation of the methods used to evaluate the sensitization of the tested cells. To measure sensitization, we evaluated the quantity of cellular ATP by ATPlite assay and the cellular DNA content with the DNA stain DRAQ5. After establishing a screening protocol, we proceeded to a low-density screening to identify a compound that can sensitize or radio-sensitize cervical cancer cells expressing the HPV proteins E6 and E7. We identified Nutlin-3 a mdm2, inhibitor, as a radio-sensitizing component for cells expressing E6 and E7 of HPV. Nutlin-3 was tested and sensitization confirmed in HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 and in the cervical cancer cell lines HeLa and CaSki. We confirmed by Western-Blot the stabilisation of p53 in HEKn-hTERT-E6-E7 and CaSki cells treated with Nutlin-3. Moreover, Nutlin-3 promotes p53 reactivation in the HeLa and CaSki cell lines. Surprisingly, the effect of Nutlin-3 on the sensitization and radio-sensitization of the HeLa and CaSki cell lines appears to be p53-independent. This is based on the observations made using p53-deficient HeLa-GSE and CaSki-GSE cell lines, which were also sensitized by Nutlin-3. In addition, preliminary experiments showed that Nutlin-3a inhibits in vivo tumor growth, as seen using xenografts of HeLa in mice with a RAG2γc genetic background. This remains to be confirmed using an extended cohort of mice. In the future, it will be important to examine the implication of mdm2 in the sensitization effect of Nutlin-3 in cervical cancer cells and to find others possible targets that may play a role in the sensitization effect of Nutlin-3 observed in cervical cancer cells.
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Signification de la charge virale des papillomavirus humains oncogènes de type 16 et 18Carcopino, Xavier 07 November 2011 (has links)
En utilisant une technique originale de détection et de quantification des HPV16 et 18 par PCR duplex, ce travail de thèse illustre la signification, l’intérêt et les limites de l’utilisation clinique de la mesure de la charge virale pour ces deux types d’hrHPV. Si nous n’avons pas démontré de réelle signification de la charge virale en HPV18, il n’en est pas de même pour l’HPV16 dont la charge virale augmente avec la sévérité des lésions constatées. Néanmoins, l’extrême variabilité des charges virales mesurées limite son utilisation en pratique clinique. Après un frottis cervico-utérin (FCU) anormal, une charge virale seuil en HPV16 à 3,0x106 copies par millions de cellules permet la prédiction optimale de la présence d’une CIN2+ (spécificité : 91 % et sensibilité : 58,2 %). Cette valeur seuil est particulièrement performante pour les patientes ayant un FCU de bas grade (spécificité : 96,4 % et sensibilité : 88 %). Si la charge virale en HPV16 et 18 ne semble pas être prédictive de la clairance virale chez les jeunes femmes de moins de 30 ans ayant un FCU normal, elle l’est chez les patientes HPV16 positives ayant une colposcopie normale malgré un FCU équivoque ou de bas grade (spécificité : 86,7 % et sensibilité : 85,7 %). / Using duplex PCR technique for the detection and quantification of HPV16 and 18, this work investigates the significance, value and limitations of the use of HPV16 and 18 viral load quantitation in routine clinical practice. Although HPV18 viral load was not found to be of any clinical relevance, HPV16 viral load was found to significantly increase with the severity of cervical lesions. However, the wide range of viral load observed strongly limitates its use in routine clinical practice. After an abnormal cervical cytology, a HPV16 viral load cut-off of 3.0x106 copies per million cells allows for the best prediction of CIN2+ (91% specificity and 58.2% sensitivity). Such cut-off is particularly efficient in case of low grade abnormal cytology (96.4% specificity and 88% sensitivity). Although HPV16 viral load does not appear to predict for HPV16 clearance in women under 30 with normal cytology, such prediction was observed among women with normal colposcopy following equivocal or low grade cytology (86.7% specificity and 85.7% sensitivity).
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Lymphadénectomie lombo-aortique extrapéritonéale et single-port dans les cancers du col localement avancés : faisabilité, reproductibilité, aspects ergonomiques et intérêt en termes de survie à l'ère de la tomographie par émission de positron (TEP) couplé au scanner (TDM) / Single-port laparoscopy and extraperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy for locally advanced cervical cancer : feasibility, reproducibility, ergonomic constraints and impact on survival in the area of TEP (Positron-Emission-Tomography) - CT (ComputedTomography)Gouy, Sébastien 05 September 2013 (has links)
Le facteur pronostic majeur des cancers du col localement avancés (LACC) est le statut ganglionnaire lombo-aortique. Notre travail de thèse a été d'évaluer la lymphadénectomie lombo-aortique (qui représente la technique de référence pour obtenir cette information) à l'ère de la tomographie par émission de positron (TEP) et de la chirurgie par une seule incision (LESS). Les résultats publiés de cette thèse sont: la lymphadénectomie lombo-aortique extrapéritonéale par LESS est faisable. Nous en avons décrit et codifié la technique pour la première fois par une incision iliaque gauche unique ; cette technique que nous avons mise au point est sure, reproductible et équivalente sur le plan carcinologique et ergonomique à la laparoscopie conventionnelle ; la lymphadénectomie lombo-aortique de staging est indispensable dans les LACC compte tenu du taux de faux négatif du TEP-TDM retrouvé dans ce travail de thèse (12% s'élevant à 22 % en cas de fixations ganglionnaires pelviennes suspectes). Nous avons également démontré sur la plus large de la série de littérature que la lymphadénectomie lombo-aortique associée à l'extension des champs d'irradiation en lombo-aortique lors de la radio-chimiothérapie apporte aux patientes présentant des micrométastases une survie identique à celle des patientes négatives histologiquement au niveau lombo-aortique. En revanche, en cas d'atteinte macrométastatique le pronostic demeure péjoratif et nécessite de proposer d'autres options thérapeutiques / In locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) the most important predictor of disease recurrence is para-aortic nodal status. The aim of our thesis was to evaluate the role of para-aortic lymphadenectomy (the current gold standard to assess para-aortic nodal status) in the era of positron emission tomography (PET) and single incision surgery (LESS). The published results of this thesis are: extraperitoneal para-aortic lymphadenectomy by LESS is feasible and we have described and codified the technique for the first time by a single left iliac incision; the technique we have developed is safe, reproducible and oncologically and ergonomically equivalent to conventional laparoscopy; para-aortic LAD staging is essential in LACC given the false negative rate of PET-CT found in this work (12% increasing to 22% if PET-CT reveals suspicious pelvic lymph nodes). We have also demonstrated, in the largest case series published to date, that para-aortic lymphadenectomy followed by chemoradiation including the pelvis and para-aortic lymph nodes for patients with micrometastatic para-aortic nodal involvement provides an overall survival that is identical to the overall survival of LACC with histologically negative para-aortic lymph nodes. However, in case of macrometastatic disease prognosis remains pejorative and requires other treatment options
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An?lise de evid?ncia total da Tribo Harttiini sensu Isbr?cker, com uma revis?o taxon?mica de Sturisomatichthys Isbr?cker & Nijssen, 1979Londo?o-Burbano, Alejandro 28 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Zoologia (zoologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-09T12:41:09Z
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Verison final tesis PhD AL-B.pdf: 3324681 bytes, checksum: d5bc7da0e28bc84652f553dfee2bc55c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2018-05-14T14:34:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Verison final tesis PhD AL-B.pdf: 3324681 bytes, checksum: d5bc7da0e28bc84652f553dfee2bc55c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T14:42:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Verison final tesis PhD AL-B.pdf: 3324681 bytes, checksum: d5bc7da0e28bc84652f553dfee2bc55c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-28 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / A total evidence analysis of the Harttiini sensu Isbr?cker is presented. Ten genera historically
included in the tribe are assumed as ingroup in the present analysis, which comprises:
Aposturisoma, Cteniloricaria, Farlowella, Harttia, Harttiella, Lamontichthys, Metaloricaria,
Pterosturisoma, Sturisoma and Sturisomatichthys. The ingroup encompasses 78 terminal taxa plus
22 belonging to the outgroup which were chosen from other subfamilies of the Loricariidae and
genera of the Loricariini. Seven molecular markers were included for the phylogenetic analysis, the
mitochondrial Cytb, nd2, 12S and 16S, and the nuclear MyH6, RAG1 and RAG2. Additionally, 216
morphological characters are included, which encompasses characters proposed by previous authors
and new characters proposed herein including both osteology and external morphology. A
Maximum Parsimony analysis and a Bayesian Inference analyses were carried out using the
concatenated matrix which is comprised by 6,839 characters. Thirty most parsimonious trees were
found with a length of 18.254 steps, consistency index (CI) of 0.37 and retention index (RI) of 0.59,
a consensus tree was obtained and showed a paraphyletic Harttiini sensu Isbr?cker; the same result
was obtained from the Bayesian Inference analysis. Harttiini comprises Harttia, Harttiella and
Cteniloricaria. Farlowellina is elevated to the tribe rank as Farlowellini, encompassing Farlowella,
Lamontichthys, Pterosturisoma, Sturisoma and Sturisomatichthys; Aposturisoma is here suggested
as junior synonym of Farlowella. Metaloricaria is assigned to the monotypic Metaloricariini. On
the other hand, the Loricariini is here restricted to a unique group without a subtribal division,
contrary to what was proposed in previous studies. Sturisoma was corroborated here to be strictly
cis-Andean, while Sturisomatichthys encompasses, besides the valid species already included in the
genus, the trans-Andean species belonging to Sturisoma sensu lato. Two new species of the former
and one new species of the latter were recognized. A new classification for the Loricariinae is
offered, as well as for identification keys for the genera of both the Harttiini and the Farlowellini.
Discussions regarding the taxonomy of the genera found to be valid are offered. Furthermore, a
taxonomic revision of Sturisomatichthys is presented. A total of 358 specimens including both type
an non-type specimens of all valid species were examined. Sturisomatichthys was found to
encompass 12 valid species: Sturisomatichthys aureus, S. caquetae, S. citurensis, S. dariensis, S.
festivus, S. frenatus, S. kneri, S. leightoni, S. panamensis, S. tamanae. In addition, two new species
are described, Sturisomatichthys Baud? n.sp. from the Baud? River, in Northwestern Colombia,
belonging to the Caribbean slope of the continent, and Sturisomatichthys San Juan n.sp. from the
San Juan River basin in western Colombia, on the Pacific slope. Sturisomatichthys caquetae, from
the Morelia River, upper Amazon, is transferred back from Sturisoma and S. leightoni is distributed,
besides the Magdalena-Cauca basin, in the Orinoco basin; thus, Sturisomatichthys is discovered to
be distributed in both trans- and cis-Andean drainages. A neotype is designated for S. aureus from
the Lower Magdalena basin, type locality of the species. New records of localities in the
Northwestern region of South America, as well as the redescription and taxonomic comments of all
valid species, are provided. Maps with the distribution of the genus and a key of identification of
the species are provided. / Uma an?lise de evid?ncia total de Harttiini sensu Isbr?cker ? apresentada. Dez g?neros
historicamente alocados na tribo foram inclu?dos: Aposturisoma, Cteniloricaria, Farlowella,
Harttia, Harttiella, Lamontichthys, Metaloricaria, Pterosturisoma, Sturisoma e Sturisomatichthys.
O grupo interno inclui 78 t?xons terminais mais 22 pertencentes ao grupo externo, que foram
escolhidos de outras subfam?lias de Loricariidae e g?neros de Loricariini. Sete marcadores
moleculares foram inclu?dos, os mitocondriais Cytb, nd2, 12S e 16S, e os nucleares MyH6, RAG1 e
RAG2. Al?m disso, 216 caracteres morfol?gicos s?o oferecidos, incluindo caracteres propostos por
autores anteriores e caracteres novos propostos aqui, incluindo osteologia e morfologia externa.
Uma an?lise de M?xima Parcim?nia e uma an?lise de Infer?ncia Bayesiana foram realizadas
utilizando a matriz concatenada, composta por 6.839 caracteres. Foram encontradas trinta ?rvores
mais parcimoniosas com um comprimento de 18.254 passos, ?ndice de consist?ncia (IC) de 0,37 e
?ndice de reten??o (RI) de 0,59, uma ?rvore consenso foi gerada, o qual resultou em Harttiini sensu
Isbr?cker como parafil?tico; o mesmo resultado foi obtido a partir da an?lise de Infer?ncia
Bayesiana. Harttiini inclui Harttia, Harttiella e Cteniloricaria. Farlowellina ? proposto ser elevado
ao n?vel de tribo como Farlowellini, abrangendo Farlowella, Lamontichthys, Pterosturisoma,
Sturisoma e Sturisomatichthys; Aposturisoma ? aqui sugerido como sin?nimo junior de Farlowella.
Metaloricaria ? atribu?do a monot?pico Metaloricariini. Por outro lado, Loricariini est? aqui restrito
a um grupo ?nico sem uma divis?o subtribal, ao contr?rio do que foi proposto em estudos
anteriores. Sturisoma foi corroborado aqui ser estritamente cis-andino, enquanto Sturisomatichthys
engloba, al?m das esp?cies v?lidas j? inclu?das no g?nero, as esp?cies trans-andinas pertencentes a
Sturisoma sensu lato. Foram reconhecidas duas esp?cies novas de Sturisomatichthys e uma nova
esp?cie de Sturisoma. Uma nova classifica??o para Loricariinae ? oferecida, bem como chaves de
identifica??o para os g?neros de Harttiini e Farlowellini. Discuss?es sobre a taxonomia dos g?neros
encontrados como v?lidaos sao oferecidas. Adicionalmente, uma revis?o taxon?mica de
Sturisomatichthys ? apresentada. Um total de 358 esp?cimes, incluindo ambos os esp?cimes tipo e
n?o tipo de todas as esp?cies v?lidas foram examinados. Verificou-se que Sturisomatichthys
abrange 12 esp?cies v?lidas: Sturisomatichthys aureus, S. caquetae, S. citurensis, S. dariensis, S.
festivus, S. frenatus, S. kneri, S. leightoni, S. panamensis, S. tamanae. Al?m disso, duas novas
esp?cies s?o descritas, Sturisomatichthys Baud? n.sp. do rio Baud?, no noroeste da Col?mbia,
pertencente ? vertente Caribe do continente, e Sturisomatichthys San Juan n.sp. da bacia do rio San
Juan, no oeste da Col?mbia, na vertente do Pac?fico. Sturisomatichthys caquetae, do rio Morelia,
alto Amazonas, ? transferida de Sturisoma e S. leightoni est? distribu?do, al?m da bacia Magdalena-
Cauca, na bacia do rio Orinoco. Assim, descobriu-se que Sturisomatichthys ? distribu?do em
drenagens trans e cis-andinas. Um neotipo ? designado para S. aureus, do baixo rio Magdalena,
localidade tipo da esp?cie. S?o fornecidos novos registros de localidades na regi?o noroeste da
Am?rica do Sul, bem como a redescri??o e coment?rios taxon?micos de todas as esp?cies v?lidas.
Mapas com a distribui??o do g?nero e uma chave de identifica??o das esp?cies s?o fornecidos.
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Produ??o do conhecimento na educa??o f?sica: an?lise epistemol?gica dos anais do grupo de trabalho tem?tico ?inclus?o e diferen?a? do Col?gio Brasileiro de Ci?ncias do Esporte (CBCE) DE 2003 A 2013Fernandes, Ilnah de Oliveira 13 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2017-10-31T00:06:01Z
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Disserta??o final.final.pdf: 1174050 bytes, checksum: 41d2ab0bf1c26d061741c869e1077a85 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-31T00:06:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Disserta??o final.final.pdf: 1174050 bytes, checksum: 41d2ab0bf1c26d061741c869e1077a85 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The object of study and analysis of this research are the articles published in the Thematic Working Group Inclusion and Difference proceedings Inclusion and Difference of the Brazilian Congress of Sports Sciences, between 2003 and 2013. The general objective is to identify the epistemological bases present in the production of knowledge in Physical Education, from the annals of the mentioned Thematic Working Group, and how these bases respond to the issue of inclusion of students with disabilities. For this purpose, we present how to constitute the relationship between the characterization of the research, the main issues addressed and the inclusion perspectives found in each approach. Using an analytical tool in consonance with the paradigmatic matrix, that points out the technical, methodological, theoretical and epistemological levels. This methodological procedure made it possible to realize, in the 31 articles analyzed, that 90% used the Phenomenological-Hermeneutic approach and 10% used the Critical-Dialectic approach, and has not identified any article used the Empirical-Analytical approach. We found that each level of the instrument used for analysis of the articles made evident the predominance of the approach taken, in other words, in the articles in which the Phenomenological-Hermeneutic approach was predominant, it was observed that the discussion is focused on understanding the phenomena and where these have as a base. In the articles using the Critical-Dialectic approach we note that the discussion was taking as a basis the issues of social context and its alternative processing. Given the limitations found in this research, both personal and time to deepen some debate, it is necessary that further research be done in order to expand and advance the contributions in the knowledge production of physical education, and exclusion / inclusion, pointing out the various conflicts that implies in this context. / Esta pesquisa tem como fonte de estudo e an?lise os artigos publicados nos anais do Grupo de Trabalho Tem?tico Inclus?o e Diferen?a do Congresso Brasileiro de Ci?ncias do Esporte (CONBRACE), entre os anos de 2003 e 2013. O objetivo geral ? identificar as bases epistemol?gicas presentes na produ??o do conhecimento em Educa??o F?sica, a partir dos anais do citado Grupo de Trabalho Tem?tico (GTT), e como estas bases respondem ? quest?o da inclus?o de alunos com defici?ncia. Com este intuito, apresentamos como se instituem as rela??es entre a caracteriza??o da pesquisa, as principais tem?ticas abordadas e as perspectivas de inclus?o em cada abordagem encontrada. Utilizando um instrumento de an?lise em conson?ncia com a matriz paradigm?tica, que aponta os n?veis t?cnico, metodol?gico, te?rico e epistemol?gico. Este procedimento metodol?gico possibilitou perceber nos 31 artigos analisados, que 90% utilizaram a abordagem Fenomenol?gica-Hermen?utica e 10% a abordagem Cr?tico-Dial?tica, sendo que n?o foi identificado nenhum artigo que utilizou a abordagem Emp?rico-Anal?tica. Verificamos que cada n?vel do instrumento utilizado para an?lise dos artigos deixou evidenciada a predomin?ncia da abordagem adotada, ou seja, nos artigos em que a abordagem Fenomenol?gica-Hermen?utica foi predominante, foi poss?vel observar que a discuss?o ? centrada na compreens?o dos fen?menos e onde estes t?m como base. Nos artigos em que utilizaram a abordagem Cr?tico-Dial?tica, constatamos que a discuss?o tomava como base as quest?es do contexto social e as alternativas de transforma??o deste. Diante das limita??es encontradas nesta pesquisa, tanto pessoais quanto de tempo para aprofundar alguns debates, se faz necess?rio que outras pesquisas sejam feitas na perspectiva de ampliar e avan?ar nas contribui??es da produ??o do conhecimento da Educa??o F?sica, da exclus?o/inclus?o apontando os diversos conflitos que implicam neste contexto.
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Avaliar a interfer?ncia do condicionamento ?cido com ?cido fosf?rico na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo universal na dentina afetada por c?rie. / To assess the interference of acid etching with phosphoric acid on the bond strength of the universal adhesive system in dentin affected by cariesPavanello, Renata Eliza 02 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by SBI Biblioteca Digital (sbi.bibliotecadigital@puc-campinas.edu.br) on 2018-03-15T13:19:19Z
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RENATA ELIZA PAVANELLO.pdf: 1818495 bytes, checksum: 584f82239d012d948febe192c32331a9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T13:19:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
RENATA ELIZA PAVANELLO.pdf: 1818495 bytes, checksum: 584f82239d012d948febe192c32331a9 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-02-02 / The aim of this paper was to evaluate the influence of acid etching on the bond strength of the universal adhesive system in caries-affected-dentin. For this experimental study, 40 erupted permanent third molars were selected at the Dental Clinic of the PUC-Campinas with Free and Informed Consent Term signed by the patients. Removal of the occlusal third with double - sided diamond disc and flat dentin surfaces obtained by sanding was done. The lesion of the caries was developed by microbiological method with S. mutans strain ATCC25175. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n = 10): AF-I: phosphoric acid conditioning and application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system - immediate microtensile test; AF-DC: phosphoric acid conditioning and application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system and microtensile test after cariogenic challenge; SAF-I: application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system without acid etching and immediate microtensile test and SAF-DC: application of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system without acid etching and microtensile test after carig?nico challenge. A composite resin block was made in the affected dentin. Each tooth / adhesive / resin block was sectioned with diamond discs coupled to the Isomet cutting machine in parallel planes obtaining test pieces in the shape of sticks, with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2. Microtensile test was performed. Only adhesive / mixed fractures were considered for bond strength calculation. The results were evaluated by the Kruskal-Wallis test (Student-Newman-Keuls) and Friedman. The higher bond strength occurred in the groups in which the phosphoric acid conditioning was done (p <0.05). There was no significant difference in union strength after cariogenic challenge (p> 0.05). The type of fracture was predominantly adhesive. It was concluded that phosphoric acid caused increased bond strength of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system in caries affected dentin and the cariogenic challenge did not interfere in the bond strength of the Universal Single Bond adhesive system in dentin affected by caries. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interfer?ncia do condicionamento ?cido na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo universal na dentina afetada por c?rie. Para este estudo de car?ter experimental foram selecionados 40 terceiros molares permanentes erupcionados com Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido assinado pelos pacientes na Cl?nica Odontol?gica da PUC-Campinas. Foi feita a remo??o do ter?o oclusal com disco diamantado dupla face e superf?cies dentin?rias planas obtidas atrav?s de lixamento. A les?o de c?rie foi desenvolvida pelo m?todo microbiol?gico com cepa padr?o S. mutans ATCC25175. Os dentes foram divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (n=10): AF-I: condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico e aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal - teste imediato de microtra??o; AF-DC: condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico e aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal e teste de microtra??o ap?s desafio cariog?nico; SAF-I: aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal sem condicionamento ?cido e teste imediato de microtra??o e SAF-DC: aplica??o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal sem condicionamento ?cido e teste de microtra??o ap?s desafio carig?nico. Um bloco de resina composta Charisma foi confeccionado na dentina afetada. Cada bloco dente/adesivo/resina foi seccionado com discos diamantados acoplados a m?quina de corte Isomet em planos paralelos obtendo corpos de prova em forma de palitos, com ?rea de sec??o transversal de 1 mm2. Para realiza??o do teste de microtra??o. Apenas fraturas adesivas /mistas foram consideradas para c?lculo de resist?ncia de uni?o. Os resultados foram avaliados pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis (Student-Newman-Keuls) e Friedman. A maior resist?ncia de uni?o ocorreu nos grupos em que foi feito o condicionamento com ?cido fosf?rico (p<0.05). N?o houve diferen?a significante na resist?ncia de uni?o ap?s o desafio cariog?nico (p>0.05). O tipo de fratura predominante foi adesiva. Pode-se concluir que o ?cido fosf?rico acarretou aumento na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal na dentina afetada por c?rie e o desafio cariog?nico n?o interferiu na resist?ncia de uni?o do sistema adesivo Single Bond Universal na dentina afetada por c?rie.
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