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Lições do norte para a mídia pública brasileira: a experiência da CBC/Radio-Canada e os novos paradigmas da mídia de serviço público / Lessons from the North to the Brazilian Public Media: the CBC/Radio-Canada´ experience and the new public broadcasting service paradigmsToni, Márcia de 29 May 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa examina o modelo de comunicação pública adotado pela CBC/Radio-Canada e as principais discussões nacionais e internacionais sobre a missão da mídia de serviço público no século XXI em busca de subsídios à construção de um modelo de serviço público adequado ao Brasil, com sustentabilidade financeira, autonomia editorial e administrativa, gestão profissional e compromisso social. O modelo jurídico-institucional da CBC/Radio-Canada é semelhante ao da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), criada em 2008 com a proposta de prestação de serviço público apesar de fortemente ligada ao governo federal. Tal ligação suscita dúvidas quanto à possibilidade de uma empresa de comunicação atrelada ao Estado oferecer conteúdos sem ingerência política, com uma pauta voltada ao interesse coletivo e com gestão profissional, livre de paternalismos. Por meio de revisão de literatura e de entrevistas estruturadas com oito especialistas canadenses em mídia pública, conclui-se, a partir da experiência da CBC/Radio-Canada, que o modelo estatal pode ser eficaz desde que haja vontade política e grande vigilância por parte da sociedade. Mesmo assim, é um modelo imperfeito e vulnerável às alterações do clima político-partidário. Recomenda-se o aperfeiçoamento do modelo por meio de um maior envolvimento da sociedade nos conselhos administrativos e curadores. Conclui-se, ainda, a partir dos novos paradigmas da mídia de serviço público, que, no novo cenário midiático de múltiplas ofertas e múltiplos canais, os investimentos do Estado em comunicação só se justificam se as empresas públicas apresentarem conteúdo distinto do oferecido pelas comercias. Aponta-se como alternativa viável uma aproximação com os movimentos sociais e a transformação das emissoras públicas em fóruns plurais e democráticos de debate sobre temas coletivos e polêmicos negligenciados pelas grandes redes. / This thesis presents an assessment of the CBC/Radio-Canada´s public service broadcasting model and the main national and international discussions on the mission of the public media at the 21th century in search for contributions to the establishment of an adequate model for the Brazilian public media which will be able to guarantee financial sustainability, editorial and administrative independence, professional management and social commitment. The CBC/Radio-Canada´s juridical and institutional model is similar to the one adopted by the Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), founded in 2008 to offer distinctive public service despite strong links with the federal government. Such liaison brings doubts whereas is possible for a media company connected to the State to offer programs without political interference, with public interest content and professional management, free of protégées. Through literature revision and structured interviews with eight Canadian public media specialists and from the CBC/Radio-Canada´s experience, this research arrived to the conclusion that the state model can be efficient if there are political will and strong society´s vigilance. Even so the model is imperfect and vulnerable to the political mood. We suggest the model improvement through stronger society´s participation on the Directors Board. It is also possible to conclude that, in a media environment of multiple channels and multiple offers, the States´ investment in communication is only justified if the public media provides distinguished program. A close partnership with the social movements and the transformation of the public broadcasting service in a democratic and plural forum open to the debate of subjects neglected by the mainstream companies is appointed as a viable alternative for the survival and empowerment of the public broadcasting service.
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Lições do norte para a mídia pública brasileira: a experiência da CBC/Radio-Canada e os novos paradigmas da mídia de serviço público / Lessons from the North to the Brazilian Public Media: the CBC/Radio-Canada´ experience and the new public broadcasting service paradigmsMárcia de Toni 29 May 2012 (has links)
A pesquisa examina o modelo de comunicação pública adotado pela CBC/Radio-Canada e as principais discussões nacionais e internacionais sobre a missão da mídia de serviço público no século XXI em busca de subsídios à construção de um modelo de serviço público adequado ao Brasil, com sustentabilidade financeira, autonomia editorial e administrativa, gestão profissional e compromisso social. O modelo jurídico-institucional da CBC/Radio-Canada é semelhante ao da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), criada em 2008 com a proposta de prestação de serviço público apesar de fortemente ligada ao governo federal. Tal ligação suscita dúvidas quanto à possibilidade de uma empresa de comunicação atrelada ao Estado oferecer conteúdos sem ingerência política, com uma pauta voltada ao interesse coletivo e com gestão profissional, livre de paternalismos. Por meio de revisão de literatura e de entrevistas estruturadas com oito especialistas canadenses em mídia pública, conclui-se, a partir da experiência da CBC/Radio-Canada, que o modelo estatal pode ser eficaz desde que haja vontade política e grande vigilância por parte da sociedade. Mesmo assim, é um modelo imperfeito e vulnerável às alterações do clima político-partidário. Recomenda-se o aperfeiçoamento do modelo por meio de um maior envolvimento da sociedade nos conselhos administrativos e curadores. Conclui-se, ainda, a partir dos novos paradigmas da mídia de serviço público, que, no novo cenário midiático de múltiplas ofertas e múltiplos canais, os investimentos do Estado em comunicação só se justificam se as empresas públicas apresentarem conteúdo distinto do oferecido pelas comercias. Aponta-se como alternativa viável uma aproximação com os movimentos sociais e a transformação das emissoras públicas em fóruns plurais e democráticos de debate sobre temas coletivos e polêmicos negligenciados pelas grandes redes. / This thesis presents an assessment of the CBC/Radio-Canada´s public service broadcasting model and the main national and international discussions on the mission of the public media at the 21th century in search for contributions to the establishment of an adequate model for the Brazilian public media which will be able to guarantee financial sustainability, editorial and administrative independence, professional management and social commitment. The CBC/Radio-Canada´s juridical and institutional model is similar to the one adopted by the Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC), founded in 2008 to offer distinctive public service despite strong links with the federal government. Such liaison brings doubts whereas is possible for a media company connected to the State to offer programs without political interference, with public interest content and professional management, free of protégées. Through literature revision and structured interviews with eight Canadian public media specialists and from the CBC/Radio-Canada´s experience, this research arrived to the conclusion that the state model can be efficient if there are political will and strong society´s vigilance. Even so the model is imperfect and vulnerable to the political mood. We suggest the model improvement through stronger society´s participation on the Directors Board. It is also possible to conclude that, in a media environment of multiple channels and multiple offers, the States´ investment in communication is only justified if the public media provides distinguished program. A close partnership with the social movements and the transformation of the public broadcasting service in a democratic and plural forum open to the debate of subjects neglected by the mainstream companies is appointed as a viable alternative for the survival and empowerment of the public broadcasting service.
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Non-invasive markers of inflammation in cystic fibrosis lung diseaseMacGregor, Gordon January 2010 (has links)
Cystic fibrosis (CF) lung disease is characterised by early airways infection and inflammation, chronic suppuration, frequent infective exacerbations and an increased influx of acute, and chronic inflammatory cells. The inflammatory process involves activation of many cell types including neutrophils, macrophages and epithelial cells, and leads ultimately to the development of progressive respiratory failure and death. Accurate assessment of the inflammatory process is a crucial part of disease monitoring and should allow appropriate evaluation of therapeutic interventions so as to maximize control of the respiratory sequelae of the disorder. Lung function markers such as FEV1 are insensitive and indirect. Direct but invasive methods such as fibreoptic bronchoscopy and biopsy are limited in application, repeatability and safety. Non-invasive methods of assessment are, therefore, attractive. Exhaled Breath Gases, Exhaled Breath Condensate and Induced Sputum provide potential for such measures. These techniques are safe, simple, repeatable and could assess all airways and can be used in children as young as 6 years. We hypothesised that biomarkers of inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease are measurable in samples collected noninvasively, and can be developed into clinically useful assays. These assays would have the ability to reflect the level of inflammation in the CF lungs as well as holding the potential to act as surrogate markers of CFTR function. Methods Non-invasive markers of inflammation in Cystic Fibrosis lung disease Methods. Exhaled breath gases, exhaled breath condensate, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and induced sputum were investigated using a number of analysis techniques to identify the markers which best discriminated CF from non CF subjects. Analysis techniques used were electrochemical cells, chemiluminescene, ELISA, EIA, ion selective probes and mass spectrometry. Results Markers found to discriminate CF from non CF subjects were EBC pH and ammonium, and 38 proteomic markers were found in induced sputum. 21 proteomic markers were found in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. One biomarker has been identified with confidence, Calgranulin A. Discussion A large component of the work of this thesis was focussed on exhaled breath condensate. Two markers, pH and Ammonium were different between the CF and control groups. The measurement of EBC pH and ammonium as markers of inflammation should be used in future gene therapy trials as they are cheap, quick and simple to perform Using clean techniques free from contamination, no proteins are repeatedly detectable in EBC using highly sensitive SELDI techniques. This technique reflects the highest sensitivity of any available proteomics instrument and therefore until new technologies become available, it would be incorrect to assay any proteins in EBC. The induced sputum proteomics study identified 38 independent markers of CF lung inflammation Therefore, sampling by collection of induced sputum should be used in gene therapy trials. The endpoints should be assessed by a combination of SELDI as an endpoint and by ELISA where this is available. The marker Calgranulin is likely to report on neutrophil recruitment to the lung. It is anticipated that this will be a sensitive marker of inflammation in the lung and it also has the potential to report on successful of gene transfer as it is raised in heterozygote carriers as well as homozygotes with CF. Therefore, the non-invasive technique induced sputum coupled to proteomic analysis would have the ability to reflect the level of inflammation in CF subjects and may also report on CFTR function.
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Biokol av avfallsfraktioner från IKEA:s möbeltillverkning / Biochar from waste fractions from IKEA’s furniture manufacturingAhmed, Safiya, Carlsson, Jesper, Blomberg, Jenny, Wiberg, Filip January 2021 (has links)
I dagens samhälle genereras en stor mängd avfall, där stora delar av avfallen förbränns vilket inte är gynnsamt för vare sig miljön eller klimatet. Därför finns det idag ett stort behov av klimatsmarta metoder där avfallen kan användas till att producera produkter som kan motverka klimatförändringar. Största delen av avfallen som genereras kommer från större företag som till exempel IKEA och de är i ständigt behov av nya metoder för att kunna använda sina avfall till klimatsmarta resurser. Att producera biokol av avfallen är en sådan klimatsmart metod, där biokolet är en hållbar produkt som både motverkar klimatförändringar och andra miljöproblem såsom övergödning. I denna rapport undersöktes två avfallsfraktioner från IKEA, vilka var Dust2k och Hogger. Det som undersöktes var hur lämpliga avfallsfraktionerna från IKEA är för produktion av biokol som skulle kunna appliceras i jordbruket samt hur denna lämplighet påverkas av avfallsfraktion och processförhållanden som används under pyrolysen. För att besvara frågeställningarna utfördes pyrolys på avfallsfraktionerna vid pyrolystemperaturerna 550℃ och 750℃, vilket gav fyra olika prover av biokol. Dessa prov analyserades med ett antal analysmetoder för att avgöra biokolets lämplighet som jordförbättrare och för att motverka klimatförändringar. De analyser som utfördes var elementaranalys, pH-mätning, termogravimetrisk analys (TGA), Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET) och svepelektronmikroskopi (SEM). Från pyrolysen och TGA kunde utbytet bestämmas, vilket uppgick till över 20% för samtliga prov. Elementaranalysen visade att biokol producerat av Hogger vid 900°C uppfyllde de EBC-krav som analyserades. Genom att mäta pH på avfallsfraktionerna samt biokolen gick det att se att pH höjdes under pyrolysen. Från BET och SEM erhölls information om porositet, ledningsförmåga och ytarea. Porositeten ökade med temperaturen och ledningsförmågan var högre för biokolet än biomassan. Ytarean låg mellan 347,2 m2/g och 422,8 m2/g och porvolymen mellan 0,173 cm3/g och 0,205 cm3/g. Det erhölls bäst egenskaper för avfallsfraktionen Hogger samt pyrolystemperaturen 750℃, vilket gjorde att slutsatsen att produktion av biokol från Hogger vid 750℃ lämpar sig bäst för användning som jordförbättrare kunde dras.
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(Des)Prezado público: a disputa pelo direito à diversidade religiosa em uma empresa pública de comunicação / (Un)Esteemed public: the dispute to the religious diversity right in a public broadcast CorporationGonçalves, Eliane Pereira 05 October 2016 (has links)
O campo da comunicação pública no Brasil transita em uma área sombreada. Os canais de radiodifusão públicos são confundidos com aparelhos de governo e operam como tal. A criação da EBC foi uma tentativa de inflexão nessa tradição. O que a diferenciou de outros sistemas públicos foi a decisão de colocar a gestão de seus conteúdos na mão da sociedade civil, por meio de um Conselho Curador, formado em sua maioria por representantes desta. Essa pesquisa estudou como se concretizou esse processo de representação da sociedade na EBC por meio da análise de um caso debatido no âmbito desse Conselho: a disputa pela diversidade religiosa grade de programação nas emissoras da EBC, em particular a TV Brasil. A pesquisa concentrou-se no período de 2009 a 2013, quando foram analisadas notas taquigráficas, mensagens do público que integra a audiência, documentos oficiais e entrevistas de profundidade com telespectadores. Com isso foram analisados os diferentes pontos de vistas sobre o processo que recomendou a suspensão da programação religiosa das emissoras da EBC e depois o recuo a essa decisão. A decisão, tomada pelo Conselho, apesar de ser afinada com a sociedade civil organizada e minorias, o isolou de outras instâncias de poder: o legislativo, o judiciário, o executivo e as instituições religiosas e, especialmente, gerou um processo que levaria a exclusão de um público majoritário das emissoras. A decisão fragiliza o Conselho enquanto instância de representação e revela o descolamento deste em relação às demandas da sociedade. O que coloca uma questão fundamental para a discussão da comunicação pública: o quanto o público que deveria ser objeto da comunicação pública vem sendo desprezado? / The field of public communication in Brazil transits in a shadowy area. The public radio-broadcasting channels are mistaken by govenrment devices and are handled as so. The EBC creation was an attempt of breaking this tradition. What made it differ from other public sistems was the decision of placing the control of its contentes in the hand of the civil society, by a Curator Board, composed mainly by its own representatives. This research studied how the process of the society being representated in EBC took place by means of the analysis of a case discussed in the scope of that Council: the dispute about the religious diversity, scheduling the EBC station, in particular TV Brasil. The study focused between the years 2009 to 2013, when shorthand notes were reviewed, as well as messages sent from the people taken place in the audience, oficial documents and in-depth interviews with viewers. Thus it was possible to go through the different points of view about the case in which recommended the suspension of the religious progamming in the EBC broadcasting stations and then the withdrawing of the decision. The determination, taken by the Council, although being lined up with the organized civil society and minorities, isolated itself of other political power levels: the legislative, the judiciary, the excutive and religious institutions, and specially, resulted in a process in which would exclude a vast majority of the public from the transmitter. The decision weakens the Council while representative body and reveals its displacement in relationship to the societys demand. Therefore, a fundamental question is put into discussion concerning public communication: how much should the public who is object of the public communication has been despised?
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(Des)Prezado público: a disputa pelo direito à diversidade religiosa em uma empresa pública de comunicação / (Un)Esteemed public: the dispute to the religious diversity right in a public broadcast CorporationEliane Pereira Gonçalves 05 October 2016 (has links)
O campo da comunicação pública no Brasil transita em uma área sombreada. Os canais de radiodifusão públicos são confundidos com aparelhos de governo e operam como tal. A criação da EBC foi uma tentativa de inflexão nessa tradição. O que a diferenciou de outros sistemas públicos foi a decisão de colocar a gestão de seus conteúdos na mão da sociedade civil, por meio de um Conselho Curador, formado em sua maioria por representantes desta. Essa pesquisa estudou como se concretizou esse processo de representação da sociedade na EBC por meio da análise de um caso debatido no âmbito desse Conselho: a disputa pela diversidade religiosa grade de programação nas emissoras da EBC, em particular a TV Brasil. A pesquisa concentrou-se no período de 2009 a 2013, quando foram analisadas notas taquigráficas, mensagens do público que integra a audiência, documentos oficiais e entrevistas de profundidade com telespectadores. Com isso foram analisados os diferentes pontos de vistas sobre o processo que recomendou a suspensão da programação religiosa das emissoras da EBC e depois o recuo a essa decisão. A decisão, tomada pelo Conselho, apesar de ser afinada com a sociedade civil organizada e minorias, o isolou de outras instâncias de poder: o legislativo, o judiciário, o executivo e as instituições religiosas e, especialmente, gerou um processo que levaria a exclusão de um público majoritário das emissoras. A decisão fragiliza o Conselho enquanto instância de representação e revela o descolamento deste em relação às demandas da sociedade. O que coloca uma questão fundamental para a discussão da comunicação pública: o quanto o público que deveria ser objeto da comunicação pública vem sendo desprezado? / The field of public communication in Brazil transits in a shadowy area. The public radio-broadcasting channels are mistaken by govenrment devices and are handled as so. The EBC creation was an attempt of breaking this tradition. What made it differ from other public sistems was the decision of placing the control of its contentes in the hand of the civil society, by a Curator Board, composed mainly by its own representatives. This research studied how the process of the society being representated in EBC took place by means of the analysis of a case discussed in the scope of that Council: the dispute about the religious diversity, scheduling the EBC station, in particular TV Brasil. The study focused between the years 2009 to 2013, when shorthand notes were reviewed, as well as messages sent from the people taken place in the audience, oficial documents and in-depth interviews with viewers. Thus it was possible to go through the different points of view about the case in which recommended the suspension of the religious progamming in the EBC broadcasting stations and then the withdrawing of the decision. The determination, taken by the Council, although being lined up with the organized civil society and minorities, isolated itself of other political power levels: the legislative, the judiciary, the excutive and religious institutions, and specially, resulted in a process in which would exclude a vast majority of the public from the transmitter. The decision weakens the Council while representative body and reveals its displacement in relationship to the societys demand. Therefore, a fundamental question is put into discussion concerning public communication: how much should the public who is object of the public communication has been despised?
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Ouvidoria na televisão pública: a experiência do programa “O Público na TV”Ruela, Raul Mourão 04 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-09-02T11:51:34Z
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raulmouraoruela.pdf: 797384 bytes, checksum: bd371aa2b88dae0c80d1dae95c1c1f88 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-09-06T14:15:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2013-12-04 / A produção de uma TV pública, diferenciando-a de modelos comerciais e estatais, instiga desde equipes da TV Brasil - primeira emissora pública sem fins lucrativos de alcance nacional – a estudiosos do tema e cidadãos. Variações dessa questão também são pautas de uma iniciativa inédita na TV, veiculada em rede nacional, o programa “O Público na TV”, a cargo da Ouvidoria da Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC). Criada em 2007, a empresa gerencia a emissora e outros veículos do sistema público de comunicação. O programa semanal da ouvidoria na TV Brasil exibe elogios, reclamações, sugestões e comentários do público e discute temas relacionados à comunicação pública e a determinados processos internos da EBC. No processo que busca a qualificação do conteúdo elaborado, a ouvidoria pode atuar como agente de mediação, crítica e incentivo à participação social. Nesse sentido, a proposta da dissertação foi analisar como os princípios da comunicação pública são discutidos no programa e como ele pode contribuir para delinear a identidade da empresa e, em especial, a da TV Brasil. Para fundamentar a análise, foram abordados temas como diálogo, radiodifusão pública, TV e ouvidoria neste trabalho. A partir das 83 edições veiculadas, ao longo de dois anos de exibição, foram selecionadas 31 como recorte empírico. Elas foram escolhidas porque abordaram, nesse período, ao menos um dos seguintes eixos temáticos principais: jornalismo e suas práticas, comunicação pública e prestação de contas. Com isso, foi possível empreender avaliações qualitativas e quantitativas sobre os três eixos e sobre recortes específicos: a abordagem do programa sobre ouvidoria, público, mídia comercial e não-comercial, além de análise da presença do telespectador, da fonte especialista e de profissionais da EBC nas edições selecionadas. Os resultados encontrados ainda envolveram a realização de entrevistas. A hipótese é que essa produção televisiva possui potencial para ser um espaço de mediação, diálogo, reflexão e autocrítica sobre a emissora. Ou será utilizada para exibição de justificativas para as medidas tomadas pela empresa pública? / The production of a public TV, differentiating it from the business and state-owned models, instigates crews of TV Brasil - the first public broadcaster nonprofit nationwide – to studious of the subject and citizens. Variations of this question are also guidelines for an unprecedented initiative on TV, broadcast on nationwide, the program “O Público na TV” (The Audience on TV), by the office of the Ombudsman of Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC). Founded in 2007, the company manages the television station and other vehicles of public communication. The ombudsman's weekly TV shows Brazil compliments, complaints , suggestions and comments from the public and discusses issues related to public communication and certain internal processes of the EBC. In the process of attempting to qualify the content produced, the ombudsman can act as an agent of mediation, critical and encouraging social participation. Accordingly, the proposal of the dissertation was to analyze how the principles of public communication are discussed in the program and how it can contribute to outline the company's identity and, in particular, the TV Brasil. To support the analysis, were discussed themes such as dialogue, public broadcasting, TV and ombudsman in this work. From 83 editions broadcasted over two years of exhibition, 31 were selected as empirical object. They were chosen because they addressed, in this period, at least one of the following main themes: journalism and its practices, public communication and accountability. Thus, it was possible to undertake qualitative and quantitative assessments on the three axes and on specific cuts: the program approach on ombudsman, public, media, commercial and non - commercial, as well as analysis of the presence of the viewer, experts and professionals of EBC on selected issues. The results still involved conducting interviews. The hypothesis is that this television production has the potential to be a space for mediation, dialogue, reflection and self-criticism on the broadcaster. Or will be used to display justification for the measures taken by the public company?
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Untersuchung von Promotormethylierungen des p16-Gens im Atemkondensat von Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom und Vergleich mit TumorpräparatenGrabner, Enrico 28 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Angesichts der nach wie vor hohen Mortalität und Morbidität des Bronchialkarzinoms ist die Entwicklung geeigneter Methoden zur früheren Diagnostik eine wichtige Notwendigkeit, um die geringe durchschnittliche 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate von 15% – 18% zu steigern.
Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Atemkondensat von Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom als nicht-invasiv und kostengünstig zu gewinnendes Medium auf das Vorliegen eines potentiellen Screeningmarkers – dem methylierten Tumorsuppressor-Gen p16 – untersucht.
Dazu wurde ein Versuchsablauf entwickelt, bei dem trotz des geringen DNA-Gehaltes im Atemkondensat p16-Methylierungen nachgewiesen werden konnten. Die letztendlich etablierte Methode war eine methylierungsspezifische nested-PCR mit anschließendem Restriktionsverdau durch das Restriktionsenzym BstUI. Des Weiteren erfolgte die Untersuchung von in Paraffin eingebetteten Tumorpräparaten der Patienten.
In der anschließenden statistischen Auswertung wurde der Einfluss von verschiedenen Faktoren wie COPD-Grad, Tumorlage, Tumorart, Nikotinabusus und stattgehabte Chemo- oder Strahlentherapie auf den Methylierungsstatus des p16-Gens analysiert.
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Selective exhaled breath condensate collection and competitive fluorescent biosensor for non-invasive glucose detectionDivya Tankasala (9183446) 30 July 2020 (has links)
<p>Two thirds of patients with
diabetes avoid regularly monitoring their blood glucose levels because of the
painful and invasive nature of current blood glucose detection. As an
alternative to blood sample collection, exhaled breath condensate (EBC) has emerged
as a promising non-invasive sample from which to monitor glucose levels.
However, the inconsistency in the methods used to collect EBC significantly
impacts the reliability of reported analyte concentrations in EBC. Furthermore,
this dilute sample matrix requires a highly sensitive glucose biosensor to
enable robust and accurate glucose detection at the point-of-care. Together, a
reliable collection method and sensitive detection system can enable accurate
modeling of glucose transport from blood to breath that is reflective of airway
glucose homeostasis.</p>
<p> I address
this research gap by simultaneously designing a standardized EBC collection
method that allows for separation of dead space and alveolar air and developing
a competitive fluorescent biosensor that can resolve micromolar glucose
concentrations changes. First, I develop a low-cost, automated condenser that selectively
collects exhaled breath that has been exchanged with lung fluid based on the
detection of higher breath temperatures that are characteristic of the lower
respiratory regions. Using this device, I investigate the relationship between
blood and EBC glucose in diabetic and normoglycemic human subjects. Next, I
engineer the exquisitely sensitive <i>E.
coli</i> glucose binding protein (GBP) with a chemo-enzymatic tag to
selectively conjugate it to highly photostable quantum dots (QDs). Finally, I
take advantage of the competitive binding of glucose (K<sub>D</sub>=0.35 µM)
and galactose (K<sub>D</sub>=1.4 µM) to GBP to develop a fluorescent glucose
biosensor using the GBP-QD conjugate.</p>
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Novel Environmental Barrier Coatings for Resistance Against Degradation by Molten Glassy Deposits in the Presence of Water VaporToohey, Caitlin Maureen 19 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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