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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh a porovnání otopných soustav s různými zdroji tepla pro vytápění rodinného domu / Design and comparison of a space heating systems with different heat sources in family house

Kamenský, Petr January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design and comparison of heating systems. In diploma thesis is designed system with gas condensing boiler, system with heat pump and system with gas condensing boiler for heating and solar collectors for heating of hot water. Content of this thesis is calculation of house heat loss, design of radiators, design of heat systems including a check of protective components, regulation with the help of thermostatic radiator valve, calculation of economical evaluation and creation of design documentation. Design is made for systems with unified temperature fall 55/45. For the variation with heat pump is computed a possibility of using the heat pump as an univalent or bivalent heat source. In the analysis of costs is considered a usage of natural gas for heating and warming of hot water with a condensing boiler, annual consumption of electric energy for operation of electrical appliances in household, consumption of electric energy for operation of heat pump for heating and warming of hot water and consumption of electric energy for warming of hot water in case of system with solar collectors. In the final evaluation a pay-off period is determined.

Mateřská škola v Moravanech u Brna / Kindergarten in Moravany u Brno

Nožičková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design a kindergarten in Moravany u Brna. The building is situated in a flat terrain. There will be designed a garden house behind the kindergarten. The building is basementless with two storeys, in part one storey. There are three operating units, unit with classes, economical unit and administration unit. Walls are designed from KM Beta Sendwix system, ceilings are from reinforced concrete and the roof is designed as a flat roof.

Periferně zaváděný centrální žilní katétr - role sestry / Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter - a role of nurse

Rosypalová, Marta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is related to peripherally inserted central venous catheters (PICC), the role of nursing staff in inserting and care of these systems. The aim of the work, which is partly based on PICC project organized by the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague, was to investigate the quality of life in patients with PICC after their insertion, to evaluate the incidence of complications (venous thrombosis, bacteraemia, sepsis, local infections, decubitus, disconnection of the system, mechanical complications, etc.) and compare the economic efficiency of PICC systems with other available methods. The aim of the second part of the thesis, which is unrelated to the previously mentioned project, was to reveal the awareness of nurses/paramedics on PICC catheter. This thesis has two traditional parts - theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part deals initially with the central venous catheter in general and then it describes main features of the PICC systems. The following part reviews indications, insertion techniques and potential complications associated with the PICC systems. The role of nursing staff in the insertion and maintenance of these systems is also highlighted. The...

Výživa v dětství ve vztahu k utváření sociálních rolí a zdravotnímu stavu velkomoravské populace / Childhood diet in relation to the determination of social roles and health status in Great Moravian population

Jílková, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
This study is focused on dietary reconstruction according to stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen in bone and tooth collagen. The material used for this study is represented by set of 46 skeletons of adult individuals from 6th church's burial site in Mikulčice, which belong to the Great Moravian era (9th -10th century). Isotopic values are discussed in relation to the formation of social roles and health status. The presence and eventually degree of severity of some non-specific stress indicators and pathologies (Cribra orbitalia, presence of tooth caries, caries intensity, linear enamel hypoplasias, dental wear and length od femur) was observed. The results of isotopic analysis suggest, that diet in this population sample was based on terrestrial sources, both animal and plant protein. Plants in Great Moravian diet belonged to C3 and C4 group. C4 group of plants in Mikulčice was represented by millet (Panicum miliaceum), which supports the hypothesis of "Millet - typical crop of old Slavs" (Reitsema and Kozlowski, 2013). Millet was consumed mainly in childhood. Significant differences between diets of high social class and rest of population was found with people of higher social rank consuming more animal protein. These differences were created in childhood and persisted to adulthood....

Recycling Waste Solar Panels (c-Si & CdTe) in Sweden

Nekouaslazadeh, Alireza January 2021 (has links)
Solar energy industries are one of the fastest-growing industries in the global energy market. Between 2018 and 2019, installed capacity in Sweden increased by 70%. This is due to a combination of declining PV module and inverter costs, as well as  increased conversion to fossil-free energy production to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In fact, solar PVs have a 25-year life span, and soon many deployed PVs would soon reach their end of life (EoL), it is, therefore, important to organize for the EoL of PVs in order to recover precious resources and recycle PV modules in a sustainable manner. Currently, less than 10% of global solar cell waste is recycled, due to the lack of incentives for recycling in most countries. In the European Union, used-up modules are governed by the WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Directive, which requires the collection of 85% of solar cell waste, with at least 80% of the waste being prepared for reuse or recycling. Solar cell waste has not amounted to significant volumes in Sweden, due to the lack of no known systems for recycling. Used-up modules are currently collected and managed as electronic waste in one of two approved collection systems in Sweden. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and assess methods of recycling waste solar panels in Sweden and is it economically viable to set up a solar waste recycling center before it reaches the right amount of waste. Moreover, the main focus is on the analysis and comparison of the environmental impacts of various recycling methods for crystalline silicon (c-Si) and cadmium telluride (CdTe) panels. To recycle solar panel waste, the elements of these panels must be assessed from both an economic point of view as well as environmental impacts. Today, the most common PV panels in the global market and also Sweden are c-Si and CdTe types. The results showed except for the pyrolysis method, the environmental impacts of both c-Si and CdTe PV panels from the thermal-based recycling methods, are lower than chemical methods. Furthermore, the extraction of Al, Si, and glass from c-Si and the extraction of glass from CdTe has a less environmental impact than the current techniques used in the recycling of PV panels. Finally, in this study, we revealed which materials can be prioritized for maximum economic and environmental advantages from recycling. In c-Si modules, these are Ag, Al, Si, and glass and in CdTe modules, these are Te, Cu, and glass. Currently, investing in a new solar module recycling center in Sweden is not economically viable. Because the possibility of such an investment requires economic and political incentives. Given that by 2042 the volume of Swedish solar waste will not reach the minimum level of profitability to build a new specialized center for the recycling of solar modules, the best decision is to modify the existing plants in Sweden to recover expensive and vital materials.

Varför miljöcertifiera byggnader? / Why rate the environmental performance of buildings?

Yakhyaeva, Nafisat, Johansson Björdin, Dennis January 2012 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling har haft en växande inverkan på bygg- och fastighetsbranschen under de två senaste decennierna och en rad frivilliga miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader har vuxit fram, däribland BREEAM och LEED, som idag är de två mest igenkända och internationella certifieringssystemen, samtidigt som allt fler länder bestämmer sig för att ansluta sig till denna gröna rörelse och utvecklar egna, nationella miljöcertifieringssystem för byggnader. Att bygga grönt och kunna verifiera detta med en certifieringsstämpel är idag en betydande och synlig aspekt, men fortfarande är det bara en sida av en mycket bredare strategi för hållbara affärer som sträcker sig in i företagets strategi och ledarskap, integrerad förvaltning och rapportering samt företagens miljöanpassning. Många nyckelaktörer i dessa branscher söker alltmer erkännande för sina hållbarhetsmeriter och har börjat utforska kopplingarna mellan hållbarhet och värde. I detta syfte använder allt fler bygg- och fastighetsbolag, investerare och företag så kallade gröna byggnader eller miljöcertifieringssystem för att placera sina byggnader isär från resten. Ett företag som idag väljer att utveckla, äga eller hyra en miljöcertifierad byggnad kommer att behöva fatta beslut om vilket system är att föredra – ett lokalt certifieringssystem, som är mer anpassat till de nationella förhållandena, eller ett internationellt. Aktörerna på den svenska bygg- och fastighetsmarknaden har agerat försiktigt, trots sitt utvecklade miljöarbete, när det gäller tillämpningen av miljöcertifieringssystemen, vilket gör att Sverige just nu ligger efter i antalet certifierade byggnader, och därmed tillgången till den kvantitativa databasen över dessa som skulle kunna bidra till en närmare undersökning av värdekopplingarna. Vi kan inte påstå att de barriärer, som anses hålla tillbaka spridningen av miljöcertifieringssystemen i Sverige, i form av bland annat ovilja att betala högre produktionskostnader vid tillämpningen av dessa, är borta idag, men vi kan notera att alltfler företag börjar känna av dynamiken i utvecklingen runt omkring sig och väljer att ansluta sig till den gröna rörelsen. De största fördelar med miljöcertifieringssystemen på den kommersiella marknaden i Sverige idag verkar vara:  Konkurrensfördelar, som även stärker varumärket och visar att företaget tar sitt miljöansvar.  Framtida hygienfaktor, som gör att företagen väljer att satsa på det redan idag.  Ett lättbegripligt kommunikationsmedel från tredje part. På bostadsmarknaden kan det idag inte observeras någon efterfrågan alls efter miljöcertifierade byggnader enligt de intervjuade. Detta kan till största del förklaras med att de privata konsumenterna än så länge fortfarande efterfrågar andra, mer traditionella faktorer vid val av sin bostad, såsom läge, pris och funktion. Med det underlag vi har samlat in under arbetets gång kan vi inte dra några generella slutsatser, men en trolig utveckling på bostadsmarknaden kan vara att efterfrågan kan komma efter att antalet certifierade byggnader ökar. Över tiden, när det finns tillräckligt många miljöcertifierade byggnader, kan det komma att leda till att det, likt den troliga utvecklingen på den kommersiella marknaden, blir en viktigivfaktor som kommer att övervägas tillsammans med de traditionella faktorerna vid valet av bostad. Utvecklingen av klimatarbetet har hittills huvudsakligen kretsat kring energieffektiviseringsfrågor. Miljöcertifierade byggnader kan i framtiden komma att innebära kvalitetsbyggnader. Det är även troligt att fokus kommer så småningom att flytta från energifrågan till byggnadsmaterial- samt inomhusmiljö aspekter. Medan utvecklingen av miljöcertifieringssystemen sannolikt kommer leda till att även innefatta de ekonomiska och sociala hållbarhetsfaktorerna, vilket innebär en mycket större samverkan mellan allt som finns och händer runt omkring en byggnad och gör den till en spindel i nätet. / Sustainable development has had a growing impact on building and real estate industry during the past two decades and a number of voluntary environmental rating systems for buildings have emerged, including BREEAM and LEED, which today are the two most recognized and international rating systems, whilst the increasing number of countries decide to join the green movement and develop own national environmental rating systems for buildings. To build green and to be able to verify that with a certification stamp is today a significant and visible aspect, but still it is only one side of a much broader approach for sustainable businesses that extends into corporate strategy and leadership, integrated management and reporting and corporate environmental adjustment. Many key stakeholders in these industries are increasingly looking for recognition of their sustainability credentials and started to explore the linkages between sustainability and value. For this purpose the increasing number of construction and real estate companies, investors and corporates are using so-called green buildings or environmental rating systems to set their buildings apart from the rest. A company that today chooses to develop, own or occupy an environmentally rated building will need to decide which system is preferable – a local rating system, which is better suited to the national context, or an international one. The stakeholders of the Swedish building and real estate industry have acted cautiously, despite its advanced environmental work, as regards the application of environmental rating systems, which means that Sweden is currently lagging behind in the number of rated buildings and thus the access to the quantitative database of these which could contribute to a closer examination of the value linkages. We cannot say that the barriers which are considered to hold back the spread of environmental rating systems in Sweden, in the shape of, among others, unwillingness to pay higher production costs when applying these systems, are gone today, but we can note that the increasing number of companies are beginning to feel the dynamics of the development around them and choose to join the green movement. The main benefits of certification systems in the commercial market in Sweden today seem to be:  Competitive benefits that also strengthens the brand and demonstrate that the company takes its environmental responsibility.  Future hygiene factor that makes companies choose to go for it already today.  An easily understandable communication means from a third-party. In the today’s residential market it cannot be observed any demand at all for environmentally rated buildings, according to the interviewees. This can be explained by that the private consumers up to now still are seeking for other, more traditional factors when choosing their accommodation, such as location, price and function. With the information that we have gathered during our work we cannot draw any general conclusions, but a likely development in the residential market can be that demand can come after the number of rated buildings increases. Over time, when there are a sufficient amount of rated buildings, it can lead to that, like the possible development in the commercial market, it will be an important factor that will be considered along with the traditional factors in the choice of accommodation. Environmentally rated buildings may in the future come to mean quality buildings. It is also probable that the focus will eventually move from energy issue to the building materials and indoor environment aspects. While the development of rating systems probably will expand to also include the economic and social sustainability factors, which means a much greater collaboration between all that exists and going on around a building and makes it into a spider in the web.

Maximizing value capture from AI digital solutions : A case study of a startup in the wind energy industry

Hurmavaara, Anton, Axelsson, Petter January 2023 (has links)
Purpose  The purpose of this study is to extend current literature on the concept of value capture for AI start-ups, focusing on the challenges they face and how to maximize value capture. By investigating relational and economical value capture dimensions, this study aims to identify opportunities for start-ups to extract value from their AI digital solutions. The study further aims to contribute valuable insights to the literature, by building on the link between digital revenue models and value capture.  Method  To fulfill the stated purpose, this study has adopted a qualitative, abductive single case study approach with a focus on an AI start-up in the wind energy industry. The analysis was based on 20 semi-structured interviews which were conducted with different companies active in the wind energy industry. All data was analyzed through a 5-step thematic analysis process.  Findings  Two main challenges a start-up may face were identified which were “Difficulties getting access to partnering companies” and “Difficulties selling as a start-up”. Additionally, it was found that relational value capture can be maximized using pilot studies, which is possible by building trust and close relationships. Regarding economical value capture, this study showcases the importance of adapting the choice of revenue model to the customer where the perceived risk of the investment, in the customers’ point of view, plays a big role.  Theoretical contributions  Previous literature has mainly established a connection between the concept of value capture and revenue models. However, this study further bridges the two, and more in depth displays how revenue models could affect the captured value regarding AI start-ups. Additionally, this study further elaborates on the literature regarding relational value capture, showcasing how it can differ for a start-up and the challenges that arise when AI is involved.  Practical contributions  This study contributes with concrete examples of what challenges a start-up needs to consider when trying to capture value from their product. Additionally, the study contributes with a practical understanding on how a start-up can maximize value capture, by showcasing important factors to consider, both when it comes to relational and economical value capturing. Moreover, a decision tree has been formed, which can support AI start-ups when choosing a suitable revenue model.  Limitations and future research  Firstly, the study's findings may not be applicable to other industries, highlighting the need for multi-industry case studies for generalization and cross-industry comparisons. Secondly, more in-depth research is needed to explore the specific steps and strategies for building relationships, especially in the context of start-ups. Thirdly, this study primarily focuses on the revenue model aspect of value capture, overlooking the concept of value proposition which limits the depth of the findings and contributions and would be of interest to further investigate. / Syfte Syftet med studien är att berika litteraturen kring begreppet värde-fångande för AI start-ups, genom att fokusera på utmaningarna de står inför, samt hur de kan maximera värde-fångande. Genom att undersöka relationella och ekonomiska dimensioner av värde-fångande strävar denna studie efter att identifiera möjligheter för start-ups att utvinna värde från sina AI-baserade digitala lösningar. Studien syftar också till att bidra med värdefulla insikter till litteraturen genom att bygga på sambandet mellan digitala intäktsmodeller och värde-fångande.    Metod För att uppfylla det angivna syftet, har studien antagit en kvalitativ, abduktiv enskild fallstudieansats med fokus på en AI start-up inom vindkraftsbranschen. Analysen baserades på 20 semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med olika företag verksamma inom vindkraftsbranschen. All data analyserades genom en 5-stegs tematisk analysprocess.  Resultat Studien identifierade två huvudsakliga utmaningar som en start-up kan ställas inför, vilka var “Svårigheter att få tillgång till företag att samarbeta med” och “Svårigheter att sälja som en start-up”. Dessutom visade det sig att relationellt värde-fångande kan maximeras genom att använda pilotstudier, vilket möjliggörs genom att bygga tillit och nära relationer. När det gäller ekonomiskt värde-fångande visar denna studie vikten av att anpassa valet av intäktsmodell till kunden, där den upplevda risken för investeringen, sett ur kundens perspektiv, spelar stor roll.  Teoretiska bidrag Tidigare litteratur har främst etablerat en koppling mellan begreppet värde-fångande och intäktsmodeller. Denna studie går ett steg längre och visar mer ingående hur intäktsmodeller kan påverka det fångade värdet för AI start-ups. Dessutom utvecklar denna studie den befintliga litteraturen ytterligare kring relationellt värde-fångande och visar hur det kan skilja sig för en start-up och de utmaningar som uppstår då AI är inblandat. Praktiska bidrag Denna studie bidrar med konkreta exempel på vilka utmaningar en start-up behöver ta hänsyn till när de försöker fånga värde från sin produkt. Dessutom bidrar studien med en praktisk förståelse för hur en start-up kan maximera värde-fångande genom att visa på viktiga faktorer att beakta både när det gäller relationella och ekonomiska dimensioner. Utöver detta har ett beslutsträd utformats, med syfte att stödja start-ups vid val av lämplig intäktsmodell.  Begränsningar och framtida forskning För det första är denna studie begränsad till en specifik bransch, vilket understryker behovet av studier i fler branscher för en ökad generaliserbarhet och jämförelse. För det andra behövs mer ingående forskning för att utforska de specifika stegen och strategierna som krävs för att bygga relationer, särskilt när det gäller start-ups. För det tredje fokuserar denna studie primärt på intäktsmodell aspekten av värde-fångande och bortser från konceptet värdeerbjudande. Detta begränsar djupet i resultatet och skulle därför vara intressant för framtida forskare att undersöka.

Building Laboratory : Improving social and environmental equity

Skyllberg, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
A problem with the city is that urban development, for the last decades, has neglected the human scale. Since capitalism and modernism the focus has shifted towards the modern man, a new rational being separated from nature rather than nature being an ever present part of life. Adopting an architecture where form follows function. Focus is on designing for the market and economy which has generated a culture of consumption and capitalist cities plagued by environmental issues and social inequality and cities are not fulfilling essential needs of a big portion of the people living there. Our culture and cities have ecological ramifications that extend beyond its borders disrupting the very basic needs of human life.  Architecture must be designed for the collective rather than the ego. Rather than the few designing for the many, people should be a part of the making and remaking of the city and society. Design and architecture should rediscover our place in ecosystems and learn from nature how to adapt and be transformable. It should be inclusive, participatory and comprehensive to improve resilience.  Building laboratory explores how design and architecture can become mutalistic by including, teaching and learning from the inhabitants. Constructing by using simple strategies and local material.

Värmeförluster i fjärrvärmerör : En granskning av värmeförluster i fjärrvärmerör / Heat losses in district heating pipes : A study of heat losses in district heating pipes

Behnam, Majd, Karlsson, Axel January 2017 (has links)
Den här examensarbete är en utredning av värmeförluster och ekonmiska besparingar av olika fjärrvärmerör. En fiktiv fjärrvärmeförläggning på 100m, för respektive dimension av fjärrvärmerör, har legat till grund för beräkningarna. Syftet är att få en klar bild på hur lönsamt det är att använda sig utav isoleringsserie 3 istället för isoleringsserie 2 alternativt dubbelrör med isoleringsserie 2 när förutsättningar tillåter detta.Resultaten visar att dubbelrör i mindre dimensioner har en lägreinvesteringskostnad, har lägre värmeförluster och ger en större vinst än vad enkelrör serie 2 och serie 3. För dubbelrör i större dimensioner så är investeringskostnaderna något högre men värmeförlusterna mycket lägre.I jämförelsen mellan serie 2 och serie 3 så är serie 3 lönsamt i båda fallen.Dessa resultat visar att det gynnar fjärrvärmenätägare i längden att använda sig utav en högre isoleringsserie alternativt dubbelrör.Examensarbetet har ej utrett miljöpåverkan av respektive rör, ej heller har kontirör undersökts. / This thesis is an evaluation of heat losses and economical savings for different types of district heating pipes. Calculations have been based on a fictional district heating system with the length 100m, for each district heating pipe dimension. The cause is to get a clear image of how profitable it is to use a higher series of insulation alternatively using twin pipes when it’s possible.The results show that twin pipes in lower dimensions has a lower investment cost, less heat losses and is more profitable than insulation series 2 and series 3. When it comes to twin pipes with a higher dimension the investment cost is slightly higher than single pipe insulation series 3, though the heat losses are much lower.The comparison between series 2 and series 3 show that series 3 is more profitable in both cases.These results show that it’s profitable for the network owners in the long-term to use either a higher insulation series or twin pipes.No evaluation of neither the impact on the environment or district heating pipes with diffusion barrier, has been done.

Enviromentally Friendly Concrete - A Comparison of Performance and Durability / Miljöklassificerad betong - en jämförelse av prestanda och hållbarhet

Noresson, Herman, Tönnesen, Emma January 2024 (has links)
With increased climate goals, higher demands are placed on the construction industry to reduce emissions, making it important to develop alternatives that are economically and environmentally sustainable. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials and has high CO2-emissions, with cement production accounting for 90% of these emissions. Therefore various types of green concrete have been developed, where one of the alternative binders approved according to Swedish standards is ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). The impact of GGBS in concrete is well documented and researched, with known advantages and disadvantages of using green concrete. The aim has been to gather relevant data of how GGBS affects the concrete performance and durability. The results show that there are tsignificant effects when using slag concrete, with GGBS providing good resistance against chemical attacks and achieving higher strength. However, there are questions regarding how sustainable GGBS actually is, especially considering how the steel industry is evolving and moving from blast furnaces to fossil free steel production in electric arc furnaces. Nevertheless, GGBS is of utmost relevance for climate improvement within the construction industry. Where the transition within the steel and construction industries opens up opportunities for the development of innovative technologies and new binders to minimize the climate footprint of cement production, thereby paving the way for a sustainable future. / Med ökade klimatmål ställs högre krav på byggindustrin att minska utsläppen, varav det är av vikt att utveckla alternativ som är ekonomiskt och miljömässigt hållbara. Betong som är ett av de mest använda materialen har höga CO2-utsläpp, där tillverkningen av cement står för 90% av utsläppen. Därför har det utvecklats olika typer av klimatförbättrad betong, där ett av de alternativa bindemedlen som är godkänt enligt svenska standarder är masugnsslagg. Slaggens inverkan på betong är väldokumenterad och undersökt, där man vet att det finns fördelar och nackdelar med att använda en klimatförbättrad betong. Syftet har varit att ta fram relevant data om hur masugnsslagg påverkar betongen prestandan och hållbarhet. Där resultatet visar att det finns påtagliga effekter med att använda slaggbetong, där slaggen ger en god beständighet mot kemiska angrepp och kan uppnå högre hållfasthet. Det existerar dock frågetecken hur hållbar masugnslaggen är, detta med avseende på hur stålindustrin utvecklar sig och kommer gå från masugnar till fossilfri ståltillverkning i ljusbågsugnar. I dagsläget är dock masugnslaggen av högsta relevans för klimatförbättringen inom byggindustrin. Där omställningen inom stål- och byggindustrin öppnar upp för utvecklingen av innovativa tekniker och nya bindemedel för att kunna minimera klimatavtrycket från cementproduktionen, och därmed bana väg för en hållbar framtid.

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