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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


曾萬, ZENG, WAN Unknown Date (has links)
四十多年來,台灣從戰後的百業蕭條,發展成今天充滿希望的工業社會,而且正展現 著一股邁向工業國家的強大衝勁,這份成果被喻為「奇蹟」,這個「奇蹟」帶動了社 會的進步,也把經濟活動和每個人的生活,更緊密地連結在一起。 由於社會大眾對於瞭解經濟事務的需求日益增高,負有大眾傳播任務的報紙,也越來 越重視經濟問題。歐美、日本等經濟高度發展國家,經濟新聞都成了報紙的主要內容 ,有些經濟性專業報紙的發行量,甚至超過了一般報紙之上。台灣的經濟奇蹟,提供 了經濟專業報紙生存的空間,兩份經濟專業報紙的發行和廣告,年年穩定成長,正足 以說明台灣地區的經濟專業報紙,是肆應經濟發展需要的產物。 社論是評論文字中最重要的,「新報業」出現以後,社論意見的力量,一直與新聞欄 的事實相頡頏。社論既然代表報社的立場,又被稱為「輿論中的輿論」,那麼,作為 一個經濟專業報紙的社論,它對於經濟論題的影響力,是毋庸置疑的。本研究目的就 是要探討經濟專業報紙社論,在經濟社會中的角色和功能。看看它是否對當前的經濟 現象提出批評,是否主動發掘問題,反映民意,善盡大眾媒介守望和聯繫的責任。 本研究選擇經濟日報和工商時報為對象,分析民國六十八年到七十六年兩報的社論內 容,依主題加以分類,對照經濟背景資料,以了解經濟專業報紙社論內容的演變趨勢 ,以及其反映經濟脈動的程度,並進一步比較兩報的表現是否一致。 研究發現,經濟專業報紙社論較常以某些問題(貿易、金融...等)為評析的素材 ,但隨時間的不同,強調的經濟論題亦不同。社論內容大致能反映實際經濟的脈動, 但對於不同類的經濟問題,反映的敏感度卻不一樣。兩報在某幾類經濟問題的表現上 ,呈現頗為一致的趨勢。 研究結果雖印證了部份假設,但囿於人力、物力,無法進一步探究更深一層的意涵。 本研究僅屬初探性研究,建議未來研究可從媒介組織(特別是社論組織及主筆)著手 ,並在經濟社論內容的分類方法上,再求改進,如此,將有助於了解問題的全貌。


劉紹蕙, LIU, SHAO-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
共一冊,約八萬字左右,分五章。 第一章:緒論,簡介本論文之研究動機、研究範圍及目的、研究方法,並將與本論文 有關之中外文獻作一評述。經由本章的探討歸納出主要的問題:經濟利益之追求往往 和環境保育的目標相衝突,而本研究之目的,即在分析、研究如何使此二者相互協調 。 第二章:集水區現況介紹,因本研究地區乃一環境敏感地帶,附近土地利用情形往往 對水源之保育造成不良之影響,故而有必要就研究地區自然環境、人文條件及社經發 展之背景及現況作說明。 第三章:量化指標之研究及目標方程式之建立,本章乃就第二章各限制條件及發展條 件找尋量化的指標,並研定各限制條件不等式及建立目標方程式。 第四章:經濟分析,按第三章所建立之模型進行下述之分析:1.在考慮維護水源潔淨 的前提下,土地利用最佳配置的情形如何?2.在不考慮水源的維護下,僅追求土地利 用之最佳配置時,情形如何?並檢討其對水質污染情形?3.就目前土地利用之現況, 針對水源之保育和土地利用最佳配置方式進行檢討。 第五章:管制方案,針對第四章之分析擬定管制方案。 第六章:結論及建議。

”Man måste se snygg ut - hela tiden” : en kvalitativ studie av tonårstjejer och deras relation till kläder

Gebauer, Linda, Ganga, Bady January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to investigate a group of teenage girls and their relation to clothes by using the theories about habitus and different types of capital by the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. We have used semiotics since we also wanted to know what clothes symbolized for our respondents. The questions were therefore:</p><p>1. How is a group of teenage girls who go to school in Stockholm city influenced by their habitus and symbolical capital in their attitude and relation to clothes?</p><p>2. What do the clothes symbolize for these girls?</p><p>We have interviewed four sixteen year old girls who all study at a high school in Stockholm city. Our conclusion is that each girls habitus and different assets of capitals have an influence on her attitude and relation to clothes. For our respondents the clothes symbolized status, economical capital and to look attractive to others.</p> / <p>Avsikten med denna uppsats var att undersöka en grupp tonårstjejer och deras relation till kläder utifrån den franske sociologen Pierre Bourdieus teorier om habitus och olika former av kapital. Vi har också använt oss utav semiotiken då vi även ville veta vad kläder symboliserar för våra respondenter. Våra frågeställningar blev därför:</p><p>1. Hur influeras en grupp tonårstjejer som går i skolan i Stockholm av sitt habitus och symboliska kapital när det gäller deras inställning och relation till kläder?</p><p>2. Vad symboliserar kläder för dessa tjejer?</p><p>För att besvara dessa frågor har vi intervjuat fyra sextonåriga tjejer som alla studerar vid ett gymnasium i Stockholms innerstad. Vår slutsats är att det habitus och olika tillgångar av kapital hos respektive tjej vi intervjuade påverkade hennes klädbruk. Kläderna symboliserade status, ekonomiskt kapital och att se attraktiv ut inför andra.</p>

Le niveau A4 de Rochedane, l'Est de la France et la question des influences épigravettiennes à la fin du Tardiglaciaire / The rock shelter of Rochedane (level A4), north-eastern France and epigravettian's influences at the end of Tardiglacial

Fornage - Bontemps, Sophie 20 June 2013 (has links)
La fin des temps glaciaires est une période d’importants changements. La transition Tardiglaciaire-Holocène est marquée par de nombreuses variations climatiques qui rythment la recomposition de la faune et de la flore. Entre le XIIIe et le Xe millénaire avant notre ère, les sociétés humaines d’Europe occidentale connaissent elles aussi d’importantes mutations techno-économiques et sociales. Dans cette étude, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’évolution des sociétés contemporaines du Dryas récent et, plus particulièrement, aux transformations des industries lithiques et à la signification paléohistorique de ces changements.L’assemblage lithique du niveau A4 de l’abri de Rochedane (Villars-sous-Dampjoux, Doubs) constitue le point de départ de notre réflexion. L’étude de ce corpus, à travers une approche typologique et techno-économique, a permis de confirmer et d’affiner le modèle d’organisation chrono-culturel proposé ces dernières années par A. Thévenin. Ainsi peut-on confirmer l’existence d’un faciès de type Rochedane et en préciser les caractéristiques. L’insertion de ces données dans un cadre chronologique et géographique plus large révèle que l’identité des industries de type Rochedane est double puisque ces industries appartiennent à la fois au monde épigravettien et au techno-complexe des Straight Blades and Bladelets Industries. / The end of glacial time is a period of change. The succession of different vegetations and faunas from the end of Lateglacial period to the beginning of the Holocene is marked by the large range and sometimes short time climatic fluctuations. Between the XIIIth and Xth millenniums BC, human societies of Western Europe experienced also significant techno-economic and social changes. This study focuses on the evolution of Younger Dryas societies and more specifically on the transformation of lithic industries and on the palaeohistoric meaning of these changes.The lithic material of the A4 level of Rochedane rock shelter (Villars-sous-Dampjoux, Doubs, France) constitutes a first rate corpus to reflect on this issue. The study of this corpus, which integrates the technological, typological and economical aspects of lithic industry, has allowed us to confirm and refine the chrono-cultural organizational model proposed those last years by A. Thévenin. Confronting results obtained from Rochedane to those groups located in bordering regions, this work has allowed the definition of “industries de type Rochedane”. The inclusion of these data within the European context has led to the understanding of population dynamics of the area and to the development of a reflection on the cultural and technical exchanges in Western Europe during the Late Glacial. Identity of “industries de type Rochedane” is double: those industries are part of epigravettian world and of Straight Blades and Bladelets Industries.

Vývoj finanční gramotnosti / Development of financial literacy

Stárková, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
STÁRKOVÁ, Zuzana, Development of financial literacy, Prague, 2012. Zuzana Stárková - Charles University in Prague - Husitská teologická fakulta. Supervisor, Prof. PhDr. Beáta Krahulcová, CSc. Main topic of the diploma thesis is financial literacy, more specifically the risk of its consequences. First part of the thesis deals with definition of financial literacy, its causes and consequences. Next chapters are devoted to monetary literacy, ignorance of which causes many problems in the area of credits, loans and subsequently may lead to indebtedness. This part of the text defines important key words, whose knowledge in essential for using of banking services and products Last chapters of the theoretical part introduce the Consumer Protection Act and the issues of seizures and insolvency. Main objective of the practical part of the thesis is to carry out a research among university students in order to summarize the level of their awareness, knowledge and experience in the financial area.

Mezinárodní a vnitrostátní aspekty dvojího zdanění / International and domestic aspects of double taxation

Ferková, Marianna January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with different aspects of international and domestic double taxation. Within international double taxation short treatise about national legislation related to double taxation is followed by the longer part dedicated on the tax conventions on income and capital which are the most effective instrument in the field of double taxation elimination. Then the negotiation process and their place in czech domestic legislation is described. One part focuses on the role played by European union in direct tax adjustment. Part about residence determinig (both individuals and companies) in case of existence of the tax convention and in case of its absence follows. Unilateral, multilateral and bilateral measures especially are desribed. As the example to illustrate the impact of different methods used to eliminate double taxation on tax is given practical calculation. Double taxation elimination procedure is explained on the concrete kind of income (dividends) at the end of the international double taxation charter. Within domestic double taxation its causes and kinds are desribed. Finally, last part looks at current and forthcoming czech legislation related to economical domestic double taxation.

Československo-rumunské vztahy v letech 1944-1948 / Czechoslovak-Romanian relations between 1944-1948

Šisler, Filip January 2011 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis deals with bilateral relations between Czechoslovakia and Romania during first years after the World War II. It is concentrated primarily on research of the political and economical relations. The introduction is followed by the brief summary of tradition of the mutual bilateral cooperation in the framework of Little Entente. Next chapter occupies itself with the negotiations of Romanian exile politicians with the Allies concerning the armistice treaty in which Czechoslovak diplomatic representatives of the exile government in London played a key role. The following part describes and analyses the process of re- establishment of the diplomatic relations between Czechoslovakia and Romania after the war. The chapter presenting the situation of Czechs and Slovaks living in Romania between 1944- 1945 follows after that. Two texts about the contribution of Romanian military troops on the liberation of Czechoslovakian territory and about the post-war re-emigration of Czech and Slovakian compatriots from Romania back to Czechoslovakia represent an essential part of this diploma thesis. The following chapter deals with the Czechoslovakian attitude towards the prepared peace treaty with Romania during the Paris Peace Conference negotiations in 1946. The penultimate part...

Instituty související s nabídkovou cenou v procesu zadávání veřejných zakázek / Institutes related to the tender price in the award procedures of public contracts

Stowasser, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of selected institutes related to the tender price in the award procedures of public contracts in the light of the new Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement, with its main focus on evaluation of impacts of the new legislation and identification of its potential risks, while its partial focus lies in comparison with previous legislation, i.e. Act No. 137/2006 Coll., on public procurement, as amended, and assessment of usage of up to now decision practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition and case law of administrative courts. The first chapter deals with a brief overview of the public procurement legislation, its aims and purposes and identification of elementary characteristics of the award procedures of public contracts. The subject of the second chapter is to analyze preliminary market consultation from the general point of view and simultaneously to provide an analysis with a focus on its application, practical execution, benefits and drawbacks related thereto and its influence on the procurement procedures. The third chapter deals with the estimated value of public contracts, rules of its calculation, the issue of division of public contracts and its influence on tender prices. The fourth chapter...

Postavení malých a velkých států v Evropské unii / "Small" and "big" states of the European Union

Kačírková, Eliška January 2011 (has links)
This diploma paper put mind to the standing comparism of the "small" and "big" states of the European Union. First part of the paper spy to member state 's political influence. The second part deal the economical comparism of the member states.

Motivationsfaktorer till investeringsbeslut i miljöcertifierade fastigheter : Hur inverkar olika motivationsfaktorer vid fastighetsbolags investeringsbeslut i miljöcertifierade fastigheter? / Motivators to environmentally certified property investments : How does different motivators impact on real estate companies’ investment decisions in environmentally certified properties?

Lundgren, Hanna, Gustafsson, Tilda January 2019 (has links)
The background of our thesis is the fact that properties and their related industry have a big negative impact on our environment. Since the real estate business is an important part of how the society is constructed, environmental solutions and sustainable real estate development can contribute to positive climate changes globally. The last decades have shown an increasing number of green properties, however the proliferation on the Swedish market is still slow. Existing research describes different benefits and motivators that should encourage investments in environmentally certified properties among real estate companies. Benefits that are established are for example lower energy- and maintenance costs, lower vacancy rate, an improved company image and increasing market value. We believe there is a gap of information considering how the real estate companies experience that these benefits are generated from a green building, as well as how motivators have impacted on the companies’ investment decisions. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to explain how different motivators affect real estate companies to invest in environmentally certified properties. To answer the purpose of our thesis, we have created four different hypotheses based on existing research which includes an improved result, increased economic profitability, improved company image and the opportunity of incentive programs and economic contributions. The hypotheses of our study have been tested with a quantitative method, through a survey. Collected data from our study has been analysed through a multiple regression analysis, where the four motivators have been analysed against the real estate companies share of investment decisions in environmentally certified properties. The conclusion of this thesis is that none of the hypotheses reached statistical significance and therefore the collected data cannot prove any relations between the motivators and companies’ investment decisions. Although, through our study, we have been able to identify both differences and similarities between theoretical claims and the result from our study. Even though statistical relations cannot be confirmed, the survey has collected descriptive data which contributes to a general view of how Swedish real estate companies today evaluate environmentally certified properties and how they are motivated to invest in these properties.

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