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Energikartläggning av ett stort företag : Rutin för insamling av energidata, energianalys och åtgärdsförslag / Energy audit of a large company : Data collection, energy analysis and proposals of energy efficiencyAndersson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The EU directives of energy efficiency and transparency of sustainablework have recently been implemented in Swedish law. This requires largecompanies to report audits of their energy use and how they work withsustainability. Due to the recent requirements, many companies do not havea systematic method to collect and report the data needed. In this projectsuch a company in construction and residential development - VeidekkeSverige - has been examined and evaluated. The aim of the project has beento systemize the collection and compilation of data from the energy use ofVeidekke Sverige and perform an energy audit and report their greenhousegas emissions. The energy audit involves systematically mapping energyusage and making proposals for cost-effective measures to decrease energyuse. This has been made at a general level for the whole company andstudied in detail at one of the affiliated companies - Veidekke Prefab.The routine for the collection of energy data developed in this projectwas made with standardized surveys, adapted to the type of data requestedin any special case, from a variety of internal units at the company andexternal suppliers. The compilation of the surveys has been programmed inExcel. Although the routine for the collection and compilation of energydata has been standardized from previous implementations, unique manualchanges to the compilation file is still required for an upcoming year. Arecommendation is therefore to implement the developed routine at adigital platform, where surveys can be filled in online and then managedand compiled automatically at the platform. The energy survey of VeidekkeSweden shows that energy consumption in 2017 was about 50 GWh, of whichfuel accounts for 37%, electricity for 33% and gasoline for 25%. Thus,measures of energy efficiency should be done in the use of these threesources. The detailed energy audit of Veidekke Prefab shows that thecompany has a high power consumption of which half derives from theproduction, although, focus of the energy audit has been on ventilationand heating. The plant has two buildings for drying that are heated withdirectacting electric boilers which are recommended to be replaced by airheat pumps. In addition, the ventilation unit for the large buildingshould be replaced by a more modern unit with rotary heat recovery toreduce demand of district heating with about 20 %. Another feasiblemeasure is to replace the lighting to LED units, which would reduce energyconsumption by 6 %.
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Digitalisering av energikartläggningar : Ett verktyg för energikartläggning av komplexafastigheter / Digitization of energy surveys : A tool for energy surveys of complexes real estateThorell, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Swedish law has established that all major companies should energy map their estateand operations every four years. Hence, a need to create a digital tool to accomplishthis work. In this project such a software tool was developed. This tool includesmethods that generate a report and calculate key figures throuth several smart formsand databases. With this, the consultant may save time.The goal was to design a general digital framework to efficiently handle complexbuildings. This digital tool should be useful when Sweco maps complex buildings inother assignments. The sub-objective of the project were to create an preliminarySweco report, create a smart framework that alerts the user if unreasonable valuesexist, import values form databases, and provide indicative information for energysurveys.The digital tool has found to be useful. It still needs some improvement but thearchitecture is more or less implemented. The database function succeeds for thecase with the customer and generates valuable results but no general solution wasfound before the project ended.
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Energikartläggning av Gårda 19:12Nestorson, Linus January 2017 (has links)
År 2014 trädde lagen om energikartläggning i stora företag, även känd som EKL, i kraft och sedan dess har energikartläggningarna tagit god fart. Med lagen om energikartläggning i större företag har drömmen om en utsläppsneutral framtid kommit ett steg närmare relisering. Denna rapport är ett av många steg som krävs för att göra världen till en mer sund och framtidssäker plats att leva på. Energikartläggningar ämnar att skapa en uppfattning om fastigheters energianvändning och dess potential till förbättringar. Denna energikartläggning behandlar Gårda 19:12, en kontorsfastighet i Göteborg där kommunalt ägda förvaltningsbolaget Higab står som förvaltare. Energikartläggningen behandlar energin ämnad åt fastighetsdrift då det är detta som Higab råder över. Verksamhetsdrift behandlas endast kort utan noggrannare analyser då det inte är av beställares intresse. Fokus ligger på stödprocesser som verksamheten i fastigheten inte råder över. Mätningar har genomförts vid upprepade besök och inventeringar i fastigheten och nödvändiga beräkningar har genomförts baserat på insamlad information och standardiserad brukarindata. Simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE har använts för att simulera nyttan av åtgärdsförslag presenterade i slutet av kartläggningsrapporten. Energikartläggningen av fastighetens energianvändning baseras på faktiska mätningar och systemanalyser baserat på tillhandahållen information av fastighetsförvaltare. Analyserad fastighet är från 1987 och har sedan tidigare ett lågt energibehov och klarar redan idag under en mild vinter kraven för nybyggnation. Energibärare in till fastigheten är fjärrvärme och el. Inkommande energi kommer i rapporten redovisas under användningsområde. Med energikartläggningen har fastighetsdriften kartlagts till att stå för 77,6 % av totalt använd energi uppdelat på belysning, lokalvärme, lokalkyla, ventilation, tappvarmvatten och användning av hissar. Energianvändning uppdelat på dessa användningsområden kommer att presenteras i rapporten samt systemens uppbyggnad och användning inom fastigheten. Fokus i energikartläggningen ligger i att indentifiera och analysera energianvändarna i fastigheten och kommer att mynna ut i ett antal åtgärdsförslag av olika storlek i investering och energibesparing. Beräkningar och mätningar visar att den specifika energianvändningen för fastighetsdrift är 47,5 kWh/m2Atemp. Fastigheten är bra optimerad i många energianvändningsområden. Energikartläggningen gör det tydligt att belysning står för en betydande del av energianvändningen på knappt 19 % av total fastighetsenergi. Av denna anledning riktas tre av åtta åtgärdsförslag åt syftet att sänka byggnadens energianvändning inom belysning. Resterande åtgärdsförlag är inom områdena ventilation, installation av solceller och tappvarmvatten. / As a result of the EU energy efficency directive, in 2014 the government decided about the law of energy audit in big companies. Since then, the speed of which companies does energy audits have greatly increased. This is a major step towards an energy neutral society. In 2014, the law on energy audits for large companies came into force and since then, energy audits have taken a good pace. With EKL, the dream of a emission-neutral future has come one step closer to realization. This report is one of many steps required to make the world a more healthy and future-proof place to live in for the current and future generations. The work with energy audits aims to provide an idea of the energy use of real estate and its potential for improvement. This energy audit deals with Gårda 19:12, an office property in Gothenburg, where municipal-owned company Higab stands as property manager. The energy audit deals with the energy intended for maintaining property functions, as this is what Higab can control. It does not cover business operations completely, but is covered briefly without more accurate analyzes as it is not of the client's interest. The focus is on support processes. The IDA ICE simulation program has been used to simulate the benefits of action proposals. The energy mapping of the property's energy use is based on actual measurements and system analyzes, measured or provided by property manager. The property was built in 1987 and has a low energy requirement as it is, and does during mild winters already meet the requirement for new constructions. Energy carriers to the property are district heating and electricity and will be divided into their application area in the report. With this energy audit, energy used for maintaining property functions has been surveyed to account for 77.6% of total energy usage, consumed by lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water and the use of lifts. The focus of the energy audit lies in identifying and analyzing energy users in the property and will result in several measures of varied sizes in investment and energy saving. Calculations and measurements show that the specific energy use for real estate operations is 47.5 kWh/m2 compared to 58.93 kWh/m2, which was the total energy use in 2016. The property is well optimized in many energy applications. After completion of the survey, lighting accounts for a significant part of energy use of more than 18 % of total property energy. For this reason, three of eight measures are aimed at reducing the building's energy use in lighting. Remaining measures covers ventilation, installation of solar panels (for electricity) and tap water.
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