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Estudo da anisotropia de emissão luminescente de filmes poliméricos ordenados / Study of the luminescence emission anisotropy of polymeric ordered filmsLongaresi, Rafael Henriques 12 December 2012 (has links)
Processos fotofísicos em polímeros conjugados estão intimamente relacionados com a conformação dos segmentos moleculares. Filmes finos de polímeros conjugados apresentam uma anisotropia intrínseca resultante da conformação dos segmentos moleculares tornando esses materiais atrativos em estudos fotofísicos pela emissão polarizada apresentada quando excitado via radiação eletromagnética ou sob aplicação de uma diferença de potencial elétrico. Neste trabalho procuramos correlacionar o espectro de emissão fotoluminescente de filmes finos de um derivado do polifluoreno, nominalmente poli(9,9-dioctilfluorenil-2-7-diil) terminado com dimetilfenil, com sua anisotropia molecular. Filmes finos mecanicamente estirados sofrem um processo de reordenamento molecular induzindo a emissão de luz polarizada predominantemente na direção de estiramento. O estiramento ocasiona ainda um aumento no comprimento de conjugação efetivo dos segmentos moleculares influenciando no acoplamento elétron-fônon. Através da técnica de elipsometria, foi possível determinar os estados de polarização da luz (através dos parâmetros de Stokes) e medidas de fotoluminescência estacionária dependente da temperatura nos possibilitou aferirmos sobre o acoplamento elétron-fônon a partir do Princípio de Franck-Condon. Medidas de fotoluminescência de excitação (PLE) determinou que o espectro da PL consiste da sobreposição espectral de duas espécies emissoras: a espécie isolada e a espécie agregada. Para baixas temperaturas a PL apresenta picos de emissão bem definidos como resultado da dinâmica molecular do PFO correspondendo ao favorecimento de emissão da espécie isolada. Para temperaturas acima da temperatura de transição \'beta\' (~270 K), a emissão da espécie agregada é favorecida, ocorrendo uma possível transferência de energia da espécie isolada para a agregada. O estiramento induz um aumento do comprimento de conjugação, refletido na diminuição do fator de Huang-Rhys, \'S IND. ISO\'POT. LO\'|140 K = 0,40 para amostra não estirada e \'S IND. ISO\'POT.2LO\'| 140 K = 0,19 para a amostra com a maior taxa de estiramento, tornando o espectro mais resolvido. Amostras não estiradas sob excitação paralela ao estiramento apresentaram polarização total de emissão P = 3,4% linearmente paralela ao estiramento e anisotropia de fluorescência de r = 0,025 e amostras com estiramento L = 2Lo apresentaram P = 46,1% de emissão polarizada ao longo da direção de estiramento e uma anisotropia de fluorescência de r = 0,27. A emissão polarizada mostrou ser independente da temperatura. A anisotropia de fluorescência mostrou ser fortemente dependente do estiramento e da anisotropia para temperaturas acima de 340 K, temperatura característica de um inicio de transição de fase do PFO. / Photophysics processes in conjugated polymer are closely related with the molecular segments conformation. Conjugated polymers thin films has shown an intrinsic anisotropy due to the molecular segments conformation making this materials attractive in photophysics studies by its polarized emission when stimulated by light or biased. In this work, we correlated the photoluminescence spectra of a derivative PFO polymer thin films, namely poly(9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) end capped with dimethylphenyl, with the molecular anisotropy. Mechanically stretched thin films undergo a molecular rearrangement process of inducing emission of light predominantly polarized in the direction of stretch. The stretching also causes an increase in the effective conjugation length of the molecular segments influencing the electron-phonon coupling. By ellipsometry technique, it was possible to determine the polarization states of light (by the Stokes parameters) and temperature dependent stationary photoluminescence measurements enabled us to get the electron-phonon coupling from the Franck-Condon principle. Measurements of photoluminescence excitation (PLE) have determined that the PL spectrum consists of spectral overlap of the two emitting species: the isolated and aggregated species. At low temperatures the PL emission peaks has presented well-defined as a result of PFO molecular dynamics favoring the emission of the isolated species. For temperatures above the transition beta temperature (270 K), the emission of aggregated species is favored, causing a possible energy transfer isolated to aggregate species. The stretching induces an increase in the conjugation length, reflected in the decreasing Huang-Rhys factor \'S IND. ISO\' POT. LO\'|140 K = 0,40 to non-stretched samples and \'S IND. ISO\' POT. 2Lo\'| 140 K = 0,19 for the sample with the highest draw ratio, making the spectrum more resolved. Unstretched samples under polarized excitation parallel to the stretching showed total polarized emission P = 3,4% linearly parallel to the stretching and fluorescence anisotropy of r = 0,025 and the L = 2Lo samples showed P = 46,1% of polarized emission along the direction of stretching and fluorescence anisotropy r = 0,27. The polarized emission was found to be independent of temperature. The fluorescence anisotropy was found to be strongly dependent of stretching rates and for temperatures above 340 K, a characteristic onset temperature of phase transition of the PFO.
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Caracterização de filmes finos Sol-gel por elipsometria. / Characterization of sol-gel thin films by ellipsometry.Barros Filho, Djalma de Albuquerque 04 June 1992 (has links)
Este trabalho experimental trata da caracterização de filmes sol-gel por elipsometria. A caracterização é um procedimento importante na determinação das propriedades físico-químicas de qualquer material como, por exemplo, filmes finos sol-gel. É possível produzir materiais de natureza diversa (vítreos, cerâmicos e cristalinos) pela técnica sol-gel. A elipsometria, por sua vez, é uma técnica recente na determinação do índice de refração complexo de um material. Os seus fundamentos teóricos tratam da natureza da luz polarizada e sua propagação através de um sistema ótico. No decorrer do trabalho, estes princípios possibilitarão descrever os sistemas óticos utilizados na parte experimental. Os filmes finos têm propriedades óticas e mecânicas que podem diferir bastante daquelas encontradas em certo volume do material. A análise das suas propriedades é feita através das medidas dos seguintes parâmetros: espessura, índice de refração e perfil de tensões. Um dos objetivos deste trabalho foi à observação da evolução das propriedades óticas e mecânicas durante o processo de densificação. Os filmes caracterizados são de sílica (SiO2), depositados sobre três tipos de substratos: vidro comum, sílica fundida, e silício. A caracterização deste material durante o processo de densificação térmica é dividida nas seguintes etapas: a) evolução estrutural através da medida da espessura, b) análise das porosidades pelo espectro do índice de refração, c) determinação das tensões. Como conseqüência, a montagem de um microelipsômetro que mede retardações óticas de filmes finos fez-se necessária e foi realizada durante este trabalho. A sua calibração é possível pela técnica de elipsometria nula. Assim sendo, pode-se especificar o equipamento, bem como aplicá-lo em diversas situações como: a) determinação do estado tênsil ou compreensivo de filmes de CeO2-TiO2; b) determinar tensões em filmes de sílica, c) análise de defeitos em filmes de um óxido misto de SnO2 In2O3(ITO). / This is an experimental work about the characterization of thin sol-gel films by ellipsometry. The characterization is an important procedure on determining the physical-chemical properties of many materials such as thin films produced by the sol-gel process. It is possible to produce several kinds of materials (vitreous, ceramic and crist.alline) by using the sol-gel process. The elipsometry, itself is a new technique for the determination of the complex refractive index of a material. Its theoretical principles concern about the nature of the polarized light, and its propagation through an optical system. These principles will be used to describe the optical systems of the experimental procedure along this work. The thin films have optical and mechanical properties that can strongly differ from those found for the material at bulk form. The analwses of these properties is carried out by the measurement of the following parameters: thickness, refractive index and stress profile. One of the goals of this work is to observe the evolution of the optical and mechanical properties during the densification process. The characterized films are of silica (SiO2) deposited on three kinds of substrate: ordinary glass, vitreous silica and single crystal silicon. The characterization of this material during the densification process is divided in t.he following steps: a ) structural evolution by thickness mesurement; b ) porosity study by refractive index spectrum; c) stress determination. As a consequence of this characterization, it was constructed, along the work, a microellipsometer which measures thin film retardation. Its calibration is possible by using the null ellipsometry technique. In this way, the equipment can be specified and applied to different situations such as: a) determination of the stress or compressive state for CeO2-TiO2; b ) stress measurements of silica films; c ) defect st.udy of ITO films SnO2 In2O3.
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Interação entre a enzima enolase e superfícies sólidas / Interaction between biomolecules and solid surfacesAlmeida, Arlete Tavares 10 December 2004 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram comparadas as cinéticas de adsorção da enolase (2-fosfo-D-glicerato hidrolase) sobre substratos hidrofílicos (placas de silício não modificadas ou silanizadas com aminopropilsilano (APS)) com aquelas sobre substratos hidrofóbicos (placas de silício silanizadas com trimetilclorosilano (TMCS) ou recobertas com filme de PS (poliestireno)). O efeito da forma do substrato (plano x esférico) sobre a cinética de adsorção também foi estudado. Os substratos esféricos foram esferas de vidro não modificadas (caráter hidrofílico) e silanizadas com TMCS (caráter hidrofóbico). As curvas de cinética de adsorção em substratos planos obtidas por elipsometria in situ mostraram que o processo ocorre em três etapas: (1) difusão das moléculas para a interface sólido/líquido, (2) formação de uma monocamada adsorvida e (3) adsorção de outras moléculas sobre a monocamada e formação de multicamadas. As isotermas mostraram que a enolase não possui adesão preferencial em substratos hidrofílicos ou hidrofóbicos. A etapa (1) pode ser descrita pelo modelo de adsorção seqüencial aleatória, enquanto que as etapas (2) e (3) podem ser descritas pelo modelo de adsorção seqüencial cooperativa. Não foi observada influência da força iônica. Contudo, imagens da topografia das superfícies recobertas por enolase obtidas por microscopia de força atômica (in situ e no ar) mostraram que os agregados de moléculas adsorvidas podem se apresentar na forma esférica (força iônica alta) ou como fibrilas (força iônica baixa). Medidas de espalhamento de raios-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) de uma solução de enolase (6 g/L NaCl 0,001 mol/L) mostraram que as moléculas possuem raio de giro de 29 Å. Portanto, a agregação é induzida pelas propriedades da superfície da monocamada e pela força iônica do meio. Medidas de ângulo de contato mostraram que substratos inicialmente hidrofóbicos se tornaram hidrofílicos após adsorção da enolase, enquanto que os hidrofílicos apresentaram tendência oposta. Medidas de espectroscopia de fotoelétrons de raios-X evidenciaram que a adsorção sobre silício é mais rápida do que sobre PS, corroborando com os resultados obtidos por elipsometria. A influência do pH na adsorção da enolase em silício e APS mostraram que a adsorção é máxima quando o valor de pH é próximo ao ponto isoelétrico da enzima. A cinética de adsorção da enolase em substratos esféricos hidrofílicos e hidrofóbicos, acompanhada por espectrofotometria UV-vis, mostrou que a quantidade de material adsorvido O nestas superfícies aumenta com o tempo de adsorção e concentração inicial de enolase em solução (efeito de cooperativismo), sendo que o valor final é muito mais elevado nos substratos esféricos do que nos planos. Pela metodologia utilizada não se pôde observar os três estágios característicos da cinética de adsorção obtida para substratos planos. A influência da força iônica somente foi observada na adsorção sobre os substratos esféricos em sistemas concentrados (cenolase > 0,5g/L). As moléculas de enolase permanecem ativas após adsorção nos substratos estudados. / This work aimed to compare the adsorption behavior of enolase (2-phospho-D- glycerate hydrolase) onto hydrophilic (silicon wafers and amino-terminated surfaces (APS)) and hydrophobic planar substrates (polystyrene (PS) film, TMCS). The effect of the substrate shape (planar x spherical) was also studied. The spherical substrates were glass beads, native and modified with TMCS, with hydrophilic and hydrophobic characters, respectively. The adsorption kinetics of enolase onto planar substrates (obtained by means of in situ ellipsometry) presented three distinct regions: (i) a diffusion controlled step, (ii) monolayer formation evidenced by an adsorption plateau and (iii) continuous, irreversible and asymptotic increase of the adsorbed amount with time. The early stages were described by the random sequential adsorption model (RSA), while the cooperative sequential adsorption (CSA) model described regions (ii) and (iii). The adsorption isotherms show that enolase has no preferential adhesion onto hydrophilic or hydrophobic substrates. No significant influence of ionic strength was observed on the adsorption behavior of enolase onto the planar substrates. On the other hand, atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that at long adsorption time and low ionic strength enolase monolayer induced fibrillation of the incoming molecules. Such effect was not observed at high ionic strength. Increasing the adsorption time, aggregates appeared on the surface, suggesting multilayer formation. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements of enolase (c = 6.0g/L) in NaCl 0.00 1 mol/L solution yielded radius of gyration of 29 Å, confirming that aggregation was probably induced by the surface of enolase monolayer and screening effects. Contact angle measurements showed that PS surfaces became hydrophilic and silicon surfaces turned hydrophobic after the formation of the enolase biofilm. XPS measurements showed that enolase adsorption is faster onto hydrophilic silicon wafers than onto hydrophobic PS fim, corroborating with the ellipsometric measurements. The study of the influence of pH on the enolase adsorption on silicon and APS surfaces showed that was the highest pH was close to the enzyme isoelectric point. The adsorption kinetic curves of enolase onto spherical substrates (obtained by means of UV-vis spectrophotometry) showed that the adsorbed amount (F) increased as function of adsorption time and initial concentration of enolase. The highest F value was obtained on spherical substrates. The three adsorption steps, characteristic of enolase adsorption, could not be observed by means of the methodology used. The influence of ionic strength was observed only in concentrated enolase solutions (cenolase 0.5g/L). The immobilized enolase molecules kept their enzymatic activity, regardless the type of substrate.
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Classification par réseaux de neurones dans le cadre de la scattérométrie ellipsométrique / Neural classification in ellipsometric scatterometryZaki, Sabit Fawzi Philippe 12 December 2016 (has links)
La miniaturisation des composants impose à l’industrie de la micro-électronique de trouver des techniques de caractérisation fiables rapides et si possible à moindre coût. Les méthodes optiques telles que la scattérométrie se présentent aujourd’hui comme des alternatives prometteuses répondant à cette problématique de caractérisation. Toutefois, l’ensemble des méthodes scattérométriques nécessitent un certain nombre d’hypothèses pour assurer la résolution d’un problème inverse et notamment la connaissance de la forme géométrique de la structure à tester. Le modèle de structure supposé conditionne la qualité même de la caractérisation. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons l’utilisation des réseaux de neurones comme outils d’aide à la décision en amont de toute méthode de caractérisation. Nous avons validé l’utilisation des réseaux de neurones dans le cadre de la reconnaissance des formes géométriques de l’échantillon à tester par la signature optique utilisée dans toute étape de caractérisation scattérométrique. Tout d’abord, le cas d’un défaut lithographique particulier lié à la présence d’une couche résiduelle de résine au fond des sillons est étudié. Ensuite, nous effectuons une analyse de détection de défaut de modèle utilisé dans la résolution du problème inverse. Enfin nous relatons les résultats obtenus dans le cadre de la sélection de modèles géométriques par réseaux de neurones en amont d’un processus classique de caractérisation scattérométrique. Ce travail de thèse a montré que les réseaux de neurones peuvent bien répondre à la problématique de classification en scattérométrie ellipsométrique et que l’utilisation de ces derniers peut améliorer cette technique optique de caractérisation / The miniaturization of components in the micro-electronics industry involves the need of fast reliable technique of characterization with lower cost. Optical methods such as scatterometry are today promising alternative to this technological need. However, scatterometric method requires a certain number of hypothesis to ensure the resolution of an inverse problem, in particular the knowledge of the geometrical shape of the structure under test. The assumed model of the structure determines the quality of the characterization. In this thesis, we propose the use of neural networks as decision-making tools upstream of any characterization method. We validated the use of neural networks in the context of recognition of the geometrical shapes of the sample under testing by the use of optical signature in any scatterometric characterization process. First, the case of lithographic defect due to the presence of a resist residual layer at the bottom of the grooves is studied. Then, we carry out an analysis of model defect in the inverse problem resolution. Finally, we report results in the context of selection of geometric models by neural networks upstream of a classical scatterometric characterization process. This thesis has demonstrated that neural networks can well answer the problem of classification in ellipsometric scatterometry and their use can improve this optical characterization technique
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Caracterização e aplicação de filmes finos de acetato butirato carboximetil celulose / Characterization and application of thin film of carboxymehtylcellulose acetate butyrateAmim Júnior, Jorge 16 September 2009 (has links)
Esta tese apresenta o estudo do efeito do solvente acetato de etila e acetona no comportamento em solução dos polímeros acetato butirato celulose (CAB) e acetato butirato carboximetil celulose (CMCAB) e nas características dos seus filmes finos obtidos pela técnica de revestimento rotacional ou por adsorção. As medidas de viscosidade e espalhamento de raio-X a baixo ângulo (SAXS) mostraram que o acetato de etila é um melhor solvente para CAB e CMCAB do que a acetona. A caracterização dos filmes foi feita através de medidas de elipsometria, microscopia de força atômica (AFM), espectrocospia vibracional por geração de soma de freqüências (SFG) e medidas de ângulo de contato. Os filmes de CMCAB obtidos por revestimento rotacional são mais espessos quando preparado em acetona do que em acetato de etila. Imagens de AFM mostraram que os filmes de CMCAB oriundos de soluções em acetato de etila são mais homogêneos e lisos do que aqueles preparados a partir de acetona. Medidas de SFG comprovaram a forte afinidade da acetona com SiO2/Si, mostrando que esse solvente cria uma nova camada para os filmes de CAB e CMCAB. Os valores de energia superficial calculados para CAB e CMCAB foram semelhantes ~ (49,0 ± 0,5) mJ/m², sendo a contribuição da componente dispersiva maior que a da componente polar. A adsorção das proteínas lisozima, albumina do soro bovino (BSA), concanavalina A e jacalina foram mais pronunciadas sobre os filmes de CMCAB do que sobre CAB. Indicando que a presença do grupo carboximetil (CM) contribui significativamente no processo de adsorção das biomoléculas. O efeito da rugosidade dos filmes de CAB e CMCAB sobre o processo de adsorção das proteínas foi estudado. No caso do CMCAB, a adsorção das proteínas foi mais pronunciada sobre o filme rugoso do que sobre o filme mais liso. Entretanto, para os filmes de CAB a rugosidade não teve um efeito significativo na adsorção das proteínas / The effect of ethyl acetate and acetone on the solution behavior of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) and carboxymehtylcellulose acetate butyrate (CMCAB) and on the characteristics of films obtained either by spin coating or adsorption was investigated. Viscosity and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements showed that ethyl acetate is a better solvent than acetone for CAB e CMCAB. Films were characterized by means of ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM), sum frequency generation (SFG) and contact angle measurements. Spin-coated films of CMCAB from ethyl acetate solutions were thicker than those deposited from acetone solutions. AFM images revealed that CMCAB spin coated films from ethyl acetate solutions were homogeneous and flat. However, films obtained from solutions in acetone were very rough. SFG spectra showed that acetone binds strongly to SiO2/Si wafers, creating a new surface for CAB and CMCAB films. Surface energy values determined for spin-coated CAB and CMCAB were similar ~ (49,0 ± 0,5) mJ/m² with the dispersive component larger than the polar component. The adsorption of lysozyme, bovine serum albumin (BSA), concanavalin A and jacalin was more pronounced onto CMCAB films than that onto CAB films. Indicating that carboxymethyl group favored the adsorption process. The influence of surface roughness of CAB and CMCAB on protein adsorption has been investigated. In the case of CMCAB, protein adsorption was morepronounced onto rough films than that onto flat films. However, the roughness of CAB films exerted no significant influence on proteins adsorption
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Modeling, Simulation and Characterization of Optoelectronic Properties of 2D-3D CoO-ATO Nano StructuresKhan, Ridita Rahman 03 November 2017 (has links)
Devices for converting solar energy to electrical energy are not considerably efficient, though there are abundant renewable solar energy sources. Therefore there is a continuous call for investigation of new devices that are efficient and eco-friendly thereby contributing to harvested energy technology.
This thesis characterizes the optical constant (refractive index) of a novel material, cobalt oxide-antimony doped tin oxide (CoO-ATO). Thin film of CoO-ATO is generated using spin coating of CoO-ATO solution having 76.33% chloroform, 13.47% polystyrene, 10% antimony doped tin oxide and 0.2% cobalt oxide by weight. The thin film is analyzed through ellipsometry to acquire the refractive index of the material through the visible spectrum, which is used for modeling an antireflective coating in a solar cell. The model is designed and analyzed by simulation using computer simulated technology, and the results of the analysis of a thin film or a nanofiber membrane of the novel material implemented as an antireflective coating layer that affects the absorption efficiency of the optoelectronic device.
The result of the analysis showed enhancement of absorption efficiency within the visible spectrum for both thin film and nanofiber membrane of the novel material CoO-ATO. The absorption through thin film was more than that of the nanofiber membrane.
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Propriétés fonctionnelles de protéines végétales, en volume et aux interfaces fluides / Functional properties of plant proteins, by volume and at fluid interfacesPoirier, Alexandre 02 April 2019 (has links)
Les enjeux de santé publique et de développement durable conduisent à intensifier l’utilisation de protéines végétales notamment dans les secteurs de biens de consommation comme l’industrie pharmaceutique,l’agro-alimentaire et les cosmétiques. La levée récente de certains verrous technologique permet aujourd’hui la purification industrielle de protéines végétales issus de tourteaux provenant de la production d’huiles végétales. Ces protéines sont valorisables comme substituts aux graisses saturées dans la structuration d’huiles à destination de la consommation humaine. Le manque de texture d’huiles végétales insaturées peut être compensé par ces protéines jouant le rôle de stabilisants et de gélifiants dans les émulsions. Nous nous intéressons aux propriétés fonctionnelles des protéines de blé, de tournesol et de colza, en volume et aux interfaces. Nous avons montré que des gels de protéines de tournesol avec des élasticités modulables sont obtenus par dénaturation thermique. La dynamique de formation de films protéique aux interfaces fluides a été étudiée en combinant des mesures de tensiométrie, de viscoélasticité dilatationnelle et d’ellipsométrie. Les mesures sur plusieurs ordres de grandeurs en concentrations et en temps mettent en évidence différents régimes de structuration associés à différentes dynamiques d’adsorption pour les trois protéines de blé, de tournesol et de colza étudiées. Nous discutons également le rôle de la flexibilité des protéines dans ces différents régimes de structuration. / Challenges of public health and sustainable development trend to intensify the use of vegetables proteins, particularly in consumer goods sectors such as pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. The recent overcome of technical limitation allows the industrial purification of vegetables proteins derived from meal made by vegetable oils production. These proteins are valuable as substitutes for saturated fats in structuring oils for human consumption. The lack of unsaturated vegetable oil texture can be reduced by these proteins acting as stabilizers and gelling agents in emulsions. We are interested in the functional properties of wheat, sunflower and rapeseed proteins, by volume and at interfaces. We have shown that sunflower protein gels with modulable elasticities are obtained by thermal denaturation. In addition, we studied the dynamics of protein film formation at fluid interfaces by combining measurements of tensiometry, dilatational viscoelasticity and ellipsometry. We highlight different structuring regimes and discuss the role of protein flexibility in this structuring.
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Optical Studies ofNano-Structures in the Beetle<em>Cetonia Aurata</em><em></em>Shamim, Rizwana January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><p>The main</p><p>objective of this thesis is to study the polarization effects of the beetle <em>Cetonia aurata </em>using Mueller-matrix ellipsometry. The outer shell of the beetle consists of complex microstructures which control the polarization of the reflected light. It has metallic appearance which originates from helicoidal structures. When these microstructures are exposed to polarized or unpolarized light, only left-handed circularly polarized light is reflected. Moreover, the exo-skeleton of the beetle absorbs right-handed polarized light. Multichannel Mueller-matrix ellipsometer or dual rotating compensator ellipsometer, called RC2, from J.A.Woollam is used to measure the polarization caused by different parts of beetle’s body. The 16 Mueller matrix elements are measured in the spectral range 400-800 nm at multiple angles of incidencein the range 40<sup>0</sup>-70<sup>0</sup>. An Optical model is developed to help us understand the nature and type of microstructure which only reflects the green colour circularly polarized light. With the help of multiparametric modeling, we were able to find optical properties and structural parameters. The parameters are: the number of layers, the numbers of sub-layers, their thicknesses, and the orientation with respect to optical axes. This optical model describes the nanostructures which provide the reflection properties similar to the nanostructure found in the beetle <em>Cetonia aurata. </em>The model is also useful for analysis of the optical response data of different materials with multilayer structures.</p></p><p> </p>
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Numerical calculations of optical structures using FEMWiklund, Henrik January 2006 (has links)
<p>Complex surface structures in nature often have remarkable optical properties. By understanding the origin of these properties, such structures may be utilized in metamaterials, giving possibilities to create materials with new specific optical properties. To simplify the optical analysis of these naturally developed surface structures there is a need to assist data analysis and analytical calculations with numerical calculations.</p><p>In this work an application tool for numerical calculations of optical properties of surface structures, such as reflectances and ellipsometric angles, has been developed based on finite element methods (FEM). The data obtained from the application tool has been verified by comparison to analytical expressions in a thorough way, starting with reflection from the simplest of interfaces stepwise increasing the complexity of the surfaces.</p><p>The application tool were developed within the electromagnetic module of Comsol Multiphysics and used the script language to perform post-process calculations on the obtained electromagnetic fields. The data obtained from this application tool are given in such way that easily allows for comparison with data received from spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements.</p>
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Interaction Studies in Complex Fluids with Optical BiosensorsCarlsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis interactions in complex fluids, such as serum and meat juice, were analysed with optical biosensor techniques. Panels of lectins immobilised on gold surfaces were used for investigation of differences in protein glycosylation pattern in sera and meat juices between various species. The present panel was also used for investigation of global glycosylation changes of serum proteins in type 1 diabetes patients. Biorecognition was evaluated with null ellipsometry and scanning ellipsometry combined with multivariate data analysis techniques (MVDA). Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that the lectin panel enabled discrimination between sera from the different species as well as for the different meat juices. The results also indicate that there is a measurable global alteration in glycosylation pattern of serum proteins in type 1 diabetic patients compared to healthy subjects. Using an artificial neuronal net (ANN), it was also possible to correctly categorise unknown serum samples into their respective class or group. The analytical potential of combining information from lectin panels with multivariate data analysis was thereby demonstrated. Also, a sensitive and specific method based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for detection of insulin autoantibodies (IAA) in serum samples from individuals at high risk of developing type 1 diabetes (T1D) has been developed. When measuring trace molecules, such as autoantibodies, in undiluted sera with label-free techniques like SPR, non-specific adsorption of matrix proteins to the sensor surface is often a problem, since it causes a signal that masks the analyte response. The developed method is an indirect competitive immunoassay designed to overcome these problems. Today, IAA is mainly measured in radio immunoassays (RIAs), which are time consuming and require radioactively labelled antigen. With our SPR-based immunoassay the overall assay time is reduced by a factor of >100 (from 4 days to 50 min), while sensitivity is maintained at a level comparable to that offered by RIA. Finally, the assay was used in a screening study of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients and non-diabetic subjects.
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