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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Is Plant Fitness Proportional to Seed Set? An Experiment and a Spatial Model

Campbell, Diane R., Brody, Alison K., Price, Mary V., Waser, Nickolas M., Aldridge, George 12 1900 (has links)
Individual differences in fecundity often serve as proxies for differences in overall fitness, especially when it is difficult to track the fate of an individual's offspring to reproductive maturity. Using fecundity may be biased, however, if density-dependent interactions between siblings affect survival and reproduction of offspring from high- and low-fecundity parents differently. To test for such density-dependent effects in plants, we sowed seeds of the wildflower Ipomopsis aggregata (scarlet gilia) to mimic partially overlapping seed shadows of pairs of plants, one of which produced twice as many seeds. We tested for differences in offspring success using a genetic marker to track offspring to flowering multiple years later. Without density dependence, the high-fecundity parent should produce twice as many surviving offspring. We also developed a model that considered the geometry of seed shadows and assumed limited survivors so that the number of juvenile recruits is proportional to the area. Rather than a ratio of 2:1 offspring success from high- versus low-fecundity parents, our model predicted a ratio of 1.42:1, which would translate into weaker selection. Empirical ratios of juvenile offspring and of flowers produced conformed well to the model's prediction. Extending the model shows how spatial relationships of parents and seed dispersal patterns modify inferences about relative fitness based solely on fecundity.

Team Learning, Emergence and Transformation: An Instrumental Case Study

Purse, Edward January 2017 (has links)
Despite extensive team studies research over the past 40 years, team learning remains an emerging field of study where there is significant conceptual discord. Three conceptualizations have dominated the literature where team learning is represented as: acquisition; participative activity, or an open system. Team learning models have also emerged integrating these three conceptualizations and included elements such as feedback, mediational factors and emergent states, though they have generally maintained the linearity of traditional input – process – output models. Teams have also recently been conceptualized as complex learning systems, yet there is a paucity of research at the team level of analysis particularly within dynamic work teams. In conjunction, exploration into a complementary area, collective transformative learning within authentic work teams, is also limited. Through an instrumental case study, the researcher investigated in what ways is collective informal learning is enacted within this authentic work team. Additionally, the potential for unfacilitated collective transformative learning was also studied. Using a social constructivist lens, this case study leveraged multiple methods including document analysis, observation, focus groups and interviews to capture a rich picture of team informal learning at the collective level of analysis. The study found that team informal learning was embedded in work activities and enacted in various ways through team interactions and activities. Moreover, the findings supported that the team had experienced collective transformative learning. The study concluded that conceptualizing teams as complex learning systems supports team informal learning and emergence as well as the potential for collective transformative outcomes in and through work. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of collective informal learning in authentic work teams and collective transformative learning.

Job Satisfaction in Teams

Haarhaus, Benjamin 16 June 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Job satisfaction is the central attitude about work and can be considered among the most important constructs in organizational psychology and managerial practice. While scholars traditionally focused on job satisfaction of individual employees, the ongoing shift from individual to team-based working led to a new emphasis of satisfaction in the context of teams. Specifically, the focus on job satisfaction as an individual-level construct was complemented by a group-level perspective, which describes the satisfaction of teams as a whole. Furthermore, employees’ satisfaction with the team (i.e., team satisfaction) appeared as a new facet on the research agenda. Although research on job satisfaction in teams has grown in recent years, it still faces important challenges. The main problem is that prior research mostly viewed satisfaction in teams from a single-level perspective and conceptualized it as construct that is shared by all team members, overlooking that exclusion and polarization processes might lead to other than uniform satisfaction patterns. Second, while the literature already established a relationship between teams’ average satisfaction and performance, authors so far devoted only little attention to multi-level conceptualizations, neglecting that satisfaction on different levels of analysis can have different effects on emergent states, team processes, and performance. Finally, a lack of validated scales to assess satisfaction in teams forces researchers to rely on ad-hoc measures, on scales that were adapted from different research contexts, and on single-item measures, which complicates the testing of theoretical models, and the prediction and improvement of performance of individuals and teams. This dissertation addresses these challenges in a series of four studies. Study 1 presents a conceptual multi-level framework of team satisfaction. Current theorizing on team satisfaction as a group-level construct and its relationship to team performance faces two challenges: (1) a merely consensus-based conceptualization of team satisfaction at the group level and (2) a neglect of multi-level effects. This limits our understanding of team satisfaction and its influence on team performance because team members’ satisfaction does not always emerge as a uniform group-level construct. In this case, current theory cannot adequately explain the relationship between team satisfaction and team performance. In this conceptual paper, my co-authors and I develop a typology of different forms of team satisfaction (uniform, fragmented, deviate, and bimodal satisfaction), and introduce a multi-level framework that explains how these forms affect team performance within and across different levels of analysis. Based on our framework, we propose that the forms of team satisfaction affect emergent states, such as cohesiveness and trust climate, and team processes, such as cooperation and conflict resolution, that affect team performance beyond the effects of team members’ individual level of satisfaction. The paper contributes to current theory about team satisfaction and its relationship to team performance. Study 2a focuses on a methodological problem concerning the measurement of job satisfaction. Although an economical and differentiated assessment of job satisfaction is important for research and practice, German job satisfaction scales are often extensive or cannot differentiate between satisfaction facets. In order to fill this gap, I construct and validate a short questionnaire to assess general job satisfaction as well as satisfaction with the work itself, coworkers, promotions, pay, and supervision. First, I derive a large item pool from different versions of the Job Descriptive Index (JDI) and its German equivalent Arbeitsbeschreibungsbogen (ABB). Second, based on data collected with an online survey (N = 217), I subsequently reduce the item pool to a 30-item short questionnaire. Finally, I cross-validate the short questionnaire with an independent sample (N = 377). Given its satisfactory psychometric properties, the new scales allow for a reliable, valid, and economical measurement of job satisfaction and its facets in the German language. Study 2b adapts these newly developed scales to the context of teams. Studies that assess satisfaction in the team context usually rely on ad-hoc measures that are not validated and difficult to compare across studies. To address this problem, Study 2b adapts the scales developed in Study 2a to the team context and validates them using the data from 202 team members working in 47 teams. Despite a small method bias due to reverse-coded items, the scales’ psychometric properties are satisfactory. The results further show that, in contrast to non-team contexts, satisfaction with the team members appears to be the most important facet of satisfaction as it exhibits the strongest relationships with performance-related criteria and overall satisfaction. In summary, the results suggest that the adapted scales provide for a reliable and valid measurement of satisfaction in the context of teams. Study 3 addresses the emergence of job satisfaction in teams by examining homogeneity of satisfaction. Job satisfaction homogeneity is necessary for aggregating team members’ job satisfaction to the group level, and affects team-related outcomes such as social integration, team cohesion, and absenteeism. However, our understanding of the processes that lead to shared satisfaction is limited. Based on affective events theory, I test competing hypotheses about situational, dispositional, and social antecedents of satisfaction homogeneity. Path analyses based on data from 415 team members working in 110 teams suggest that job satisfaction homogeneity primarily depends on characteristics of the working environment, and to a lesser extent on team members’ personality traits. Unlike earlier studies, the study finds no evidence that social interaction leads to agreement in job satisfaction. Additionally, the study partly replicates the finding that satisfaction homogeneity moderates the group-level satisfaction—team performance relationship. Taken together, the studies comprising this dissertation contribute to three research domains — emergence, measurement, and consequences — of job satisfaction in teams. Concerning emergence, the studies comprising this dissertation present strong arguments and empirical evidence why satisfaction dispersion can occur in real-life teams, which marks a departure from the former emphasis on satisfaction as a shared group-level construct. In particular, whereas Study 1 argues that team satisfaction can emerge as a configural construct on the group-level in addition to uniform satisfaction, Study 3 analyzes the antecedents of satisfaction homogeneity. Concerning measurement, the results of Studies 2a and 2b provide valuable shortscales for future research and organizational practice that can be used to assess overall and facet-specific job satisfaction in team and non-team contexts. Given their individual-level nature, scale scores can be interpreted in cases without sufficient consensus and can be used for a variety of research questions at different levels of analysis. Finally, concerning consequences, this research emphasizes the importance of satisfaction facets and configurations for the relationship to team performance. Whereas Study 2b showed that facets of satisfaction are differently related to individual-level and group-level performance criteria, the theorizing of Study 1 and the findings of Study 3 build on and advance prior studies that have shown that differences in jo satisfaction are meaningful in the team context. A further contribution of this dissertation lies in the development of a multi-level input-mediator-outcome framework which advances prior team effectiveness frameworks and connects to a wide range of research areas. Taken together, the theorizing and empirical findings of this dissertation show that a configural and multi-level conceptualization is necessary to advance research on satisfaction in teams. / Arbeitszufriedenheit ist die zentrale Einstellung gegenüber der Arbeit und zählt zu den wichtigsten Konstrukten in der Organisationspsychologie und der praktischen Personalarbeit. Traditionellerweise beschäftigte sich die Forschung mit der Arbeitszufriedenheit individueller Mitarbeiter. Der anhaltende Trend hin zu team-basierten Arbeitsformen führte jedoch zu einer Betonung der Arbeitszufriedenheit im Teamkontext. Zum einen wurde der Fokus auf Arbeitszufriedenheit als Konstrukt auf der Individualebene durch eine Gruppenlevel-Perspektive ergänzt, die die Zufriedenheit von Teams beschreibt. Zum anderen erschien Team-Zufriedenheit, die Zufriedenheit mit dem Team, als eine spezifische (Sub-)Facette von Arbeitszufriedenheit auf der Forschungsagenda. Obwohl die Forschung zu Arbeitszufriedenheit in Teams in der Vergangenheit große Fortschritte verzeichnen konnte, sieht sie sich nach wie vor wichtigen Herausforderungen gegenüber. Das Hauptproblem ist in der Konzeptionalisierung von Gruppen-Level-Zufriedenheit ausschließlich als geteilte Eigenschaft des Teams und im Verzicht auf Mehr-Ebenen-Konzeptionen zu sehen. Die Möglichkeit, dass Exklusions- und Polarisierungsprozesse zu anderen als uniformen Zufriedenheitsverteilungen führen könnten, wird in der Regel nicht betrachtet. Ein weiteres Problem besteht darin, dass sich die Forschung insbesondere auf durchschnittliche oder summierte Zufriedenheit konzentriert, um den Zusammenhang von Zufriedenheit auf Gruppenebene und Teamleistung zu erklären. Mehr-Ebenen-Konzeptionen, die unterschiedliche Effekte auf Teamprozesse, Teameigenschaften und Teamleistung auf verschiedenen Analyseebenen beleuchten, werden nicht betrachtet. Schlussendlich ist das Fehlen validierter Messinstrumente zur Erfassung von Zufriedenheit in Teams zu konstatieren. Forscher greifen daher häufig auf Ad-hoc-Maße, Ein-Item-Skalen oder adaptierte Skalen aus anderen Forschungskontexten zurück, was sowohl das Testen theoretischer Modelle als auch die Vorhersage und Verbesserung von Individual- und Gruppenleistung erschwert. Die Dissertation befasst sich mit diesen Herausforderungen in vier Studien. In Studie 1 wird ein konzeptionelles Mehrebenen-Rahmenmodell von Arbeitszufriedenheit in Teams entwickelt. Das derzeitige Verständnis von Arbeitszufriedenheit in Teams und ihrem Zusammenhang zur Teamleistung ist durch zwei Probleme gekennzeichnet: (1) ein ausschließlich konsensbasiertes Konzept von Zufriedenheit auf Gruppenebene sowie (2) die Vernachlässigung von Mehrebenen-Effekten. Diese schränken das Verständnis von Zufriedenheit auf Gruppenebene und ihrem Zusammenhang zur Teamleistung ein, da aus der Arbeitszufriedenheit einzelner Teammitglieder nicht immer geteilte Zufriedenheit entsteht. Da der Zusammenhang zwischen Zufriedenheit auf Gruppenebene und Teamleistung mit den derzeitigen Ansätzen nur unzureichend erklärt werden kann, entwickeln meine Koautoren und ich in Studie 1 eine Typologie von Zufriedenheitsformen (uniforme, fragmentierte, abweichende und deviante Zufriedenheit), und stellen ein Mehrebenen-Rahmenmodell vor, das den Zusammenhang dieser Formen und Teamleistung innerhalb und zwischen verschiedenen Analyseebenen erklärt. Auf Basis des Rahmenmodells stellen wir dar, dass die Zufriedenheitsformen emergente Eigenschaften wie die Teamkohäsion und das Vertrauensklima sowie Teamprozesse wie Kooperation und Konfliktlösung beeinflussen. Diese wiederum beeinflussen die Teamleistung über die individuelle Zufriedenheit hinaus. Die Studie leistet einen Beitrag zur aktuellen Forschung zur Teamzufriedenheit und ihrem Zusammenhang zur Teamleistung. Studie 2a befasst sich mit dem methodischen Problem der Messung von Arbeitszufriedenheit. Obwohl eine ökonomische und differenzierte Erfassung von Arbeitszufriedenheit für Forschung und betriebliche Praxis von hoher Relevanz ist, sind deutschsprachige Messinstrumente meist sehr umfangreich oder nicht in der Lage, zwischen Zufriedenheitsfacetten zu differenzieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund besteht das Ziel des Beitrags darin, einen Kurzfragebogen zu entwickeln und zu validieren, mit dem sich die Gesamtzufriedenheit sowie die Zufriedenheit mit den Tätigkeiten, Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, der Bezahlung und der/dem Vorgesetzten messen lassen. Hierfür wird zunächst auf Basis verschiedener Versionen des Job Descriptive Index (JDI) und des Arbeitsbeschreibungsbogens (ABB) ein umfangreicher Itempool abgeleitet. Dieser wird anschließend mit Daten einer Onlinebefragung (N = 217) zu einem 30 Items umfassenden Kurzfragebogen verdichtet. Der neu entwickelte Kurzfragebogen wird schlussendlich an einer zweiten, unabhängigen Stichprobe (N = 377) kreuzvalidiert. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen, dass das neu entwickelte Verfahren in der Lage ist, Arbeitszufriedenheit und ihre Facetten reliabel, valide und ökonomisch zu messen. In Studie 2b werden die neu entwickelten Skalen auf den Teamkontext adaptiert. Frühere Studien nutzten in der Regel Ad-hoc-Maße, die nicht sorgfältig entwickelt und validiert sind, häufig keine Differenzierung von Zufriedenheitsfacetten zulassen und deren Messergebnisse sich nur eingeschränkt zwischen Studien vergleichen lassen. An den Items und Vignetten der in Studie 2a entwickelten Skalen wurden daher linguistische Anpassungen vorgenommen und die adaptieren Skalen anschließend mit Daten von 202 Teammitgliedern aus 47 Teams validiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die psychometrische Qualität der Items und Skalen, abgesehen von einem schwachen Methoden-Bias aufgrund negativ kodierter Items, solide und vergleichbar zu der der Original-Skalen ist. Darüber hinaus offenbart die Studie Unterschiede zur Arbeitszufriedenheit in Nicht-Team-Kontexten. Insbesondere zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass die Zufriedenheit mit den Tätigkeiten nur eine untergeordnete Rolle für die Gesamtzufriedenheit sowie für individuelle und teambezogene Leistungsmaße spielt. Insgesamt deuten die Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die adaptierten Skalen eine zuverlässige und valide Messung von Arbeitszufriedenheit im Teamkontext ermöglichen. Studie 3 befasst sich mit der Emergenz von Arbeitszufriedenheit in Teams, insbesondere mit ihrer Homogenität. Zufriedenheitshomogenität ist eine wichtige Grundvoraussetzung, um individuelle Zufriedenheitsurteile zu einem Gruppenkonstrukt zu aggregieren und wirkt sich auf verschiedene Teammaße, wie z.B. soziale Integration, Kohäsion und Absentismus aus. Die Prozesse, die eine geteilte Zufriedenheitsstruktur begünstigen, sind jedoch noch weitgehend unklar. Auf Basis der Theorie affektiver Ereignisse werden in dieser Studie alternative Hypothesen zu situativen, dispositionalen und sozialen Einflussfaktoren auf Zufriedenheitshomogenität getestet. Pfadanalysen (n = 415 Teammitglieder; N = 110 Teams) zeigen, dass Zufriedenheitshomogenität primär von der Arbeitsumgebung und zu einem geringeren Ausmaß von Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen der Teammitglieder abhängt. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien konnten keine Effekte sozialer Interaktion auf Zufriedenheitshomogenität nachgewiesen werden. Zudem werden frühere Untersuchungen teilweise repliziert, die zeigen konnten, dass Zufriedenheitshomogenität den Zusammenhang zwischen Zufriedenheit auf Gruppenebene und Teamleistung moderiert. Im Zusammenhang leisten die vier Studien dieser Dissertation Beiträge zu den Forschungsbereichen Emergenz, Messung und Konsequenzen von Zufriedenheit in Teams. Bezüglich der Emergenz auf Gruppenebene liefern die zusammengefassten Ergebnisse sowohl theoretische Argumente als auch empirische Evidenz, wieso Zufriedenheit in Teams unterschiedlich verteilt sein kann und stellt damit eine Abkehr vom vorherrschenden Fokus auf geteilte Zufriedenheit dar. Während Studie 1 postuliert, dass sich Teamzufriedenheit nicht nur zu einer uniformen, sondern auch zu einer konfiguralen Eigenschaft auf Gruppenebene entwickeln kann, untersucht Studie 3 die Emergenz zu einem geteilten bzw. uniformen Gruppenkonstrukt. Bezüglich der Messung von Zufriedenheit liefern die Ergebnisse von Studien 2a und 2b wertvolle Kurzskalen für die Forschung und Praxis, die zur Erfassung von allgemeiner und facettenspezifischer Zufriedenheit sowohl im Teamkontext als auch in anderen Kontexten genutzt werden können. Da die Skalen die Zufriedenheit auf der Individual-Ebene erfassen, lassen sich die Messergebnisse auch ohne hinreichende Übereinstimmung im Team interpretieren und sind daher für verschiedene Forschungsfragen auf verschiedenen Analyse-Ebenen nutzbar. Bezüglich der Konsequenzen von Zufriedenheit verdeutlichen die Ergebnisse die Wichtigkeit von Zufriedenheitsfacetten und -konfigurationen für den Zusammenhang zur Teamleistung. Während Studie 2b zeigen konnte, dass sich unterschiedliche Facetten von Zufriedenheit in unterschiedlichem Maße auf gruppenbezogene Leistungsmaße auswirken, verdeutlichen die Befunde aus Studien 1 und 3 die Relevanz von Zufriedenheitsdifferenzen im Teamkontext. Die Dissertation leistet einen weiteren Beitrag in Form der Entwicklung eines Mehrebenen-Rahmenmodells, das in Studie 1 vorgestellt wird. Das neue Rahmenmodell stellt eine Weiterentwicklung vorheriger Rahmenmodelle zur Teameffektivität dar und ist an verschiedene Forschungsbereiche anschlussfähig. In ihrer Gesamtheit zeigen die theoretischen und empirischen Befunde dieser Dissertation, dass eine konfigurale Mehrebenenkonzeption nötig ist, um die Forschung zur Arbeitszufriedenheit in Teams weiterzuentwickeln.

Perfil de emergência vestibular do canino superior reconstruído proteticamente

Flávia Sabrina Queirós Vasconcelos 03 July 2007 (has links)
Tendo em vista a freqüente constatação clínica da reprodução protética inadequada da face vestibular dos dentes permanentes, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a reconstrução anatômica do perfil de emergência vestibular do canino superior esquerdo, após confecção, por técnica indireta, de faceta estética executada por três técnicos em prótese dentária. Para este fim, foram fornecidos a cada um dos profissionais quatro modelos obtidos a partir da moldagem de um de arco superior de um manequim odontológico. Cada modelo continha uma réplica do canino superior esquerdo com preparo protético para faceta estética, em forma de troquel removível, para que fossem confeccionadas as facetas em resina. Numa segunda etapa, cada profissional recebeu outros quatro modelos idênticos, porém acompanhados do dente artificial removido do manequim odontológico, que serviu de referência para a reconstrução do elemento dentário. Após a confecção destas outras facetas, todas foram cimentadas nos troquéis e suas faces vestibulares submetidas a traçados de perfil, em aparelho para medição tridimensional. Os traçados obtidos foram comparados ao traçado previamente realizado sobre a face vestibular do dente artificial, objetivando verificar se os técnicos reproduziram o perfil de emergência de forma fiel e se houve diferença entre as facetas confeccionadas com e sem o modelo anatômico de referência. Os dados obtidos foram estatisticamente analisados com o uso dos aplicativos Bioestat 2.0 e SPSS 11.0, por meio dos testes: 1) teste t; 2) ANOVA e teste t de student. Foi utilizado nível de significância de 5%. / In view of the frequent clinical evidence of inadequate prosthetic reproduction of the buccal face of permanent teeth, the present study aimed to evaluate the anatomical reconstruction of the buccal emergence profile of the left upper canine, after confection, for indirect technic, of aesthetic veneer restoration executed by three dental prosthetic technicians. For this, the professionals received four casts gotten from the molding of an odontologic dummy of superior arch. Each model contained a reply of the left upper canine prepared for receive an aesthetic veneer restoration, in form of removable die, for that were confectioned veneers in resin. In one second stage, each professional received others four models identicals, however followed of the artificial tooth removed of the odontologic dummy, that served of reference for the reconstruction of the dental element. After the confection of these others veneers, all were cemented in the dies and its buccal faces submitted the tracings of profile, in device for three-dimensional measurement. The gotten tracings were compared with the tracing previously carried on the buccal face of the artificial tooth, objectifying to verify if the technician they had reproduced the emergence profile of faithful form and if occurred difference between the veneers with and without the anatomical model of reference. The gotten data were submitted to the analysis statistics, using t test, ANOVA and t Student test. Level of significance of 5% was used.

Model Relative Emergence in Physics / 物理学におけるモデル相対的な創発

Morita, Kohei 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第22182号 / 文博第829号 / 新制||文||688(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科現代文化学専攻 / (主査)准教授 伊勢田 哲治, 教授 伊藤 和行, 准教授 大塚 淳 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

SFI-elevers syntaktiska utveckling från C- till D-nivå : En jämförelse med processbarhetsteorin som analysmodell

Fredriksson, Ann Margaretha January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att utvärdera hur elever på SFI utvecklar de syntaktiska kunskaperna i det svenska språket. Utifrån ett skriftligt nationellt prov jämfördes 15 elever på C-nivå med 15 elever på D-nivå. Texternas syntax analyserades med fokus på ordföljd vid topikaliserade huvudsatser samt bisatser. Jag använde mig av processbarhetsteorin som analysverktyg. Processbarhetsteorin är utarbetad av Pienemann och teorin har två grammatiska delar, en morfologisk del och en syntaktisk del. Teorins syfte är att, med hjälp av dess implikationella inlärningsgångar, beskriva var en inlärare befinner sig och vad som kommer härnäst i utvecklingen (Flymann, Mattsson &amp; Håkansson 2010 s. 15). Resultatet visade att D-eleverna använde bisatser i mycket högre utsträckning än C-eleverna. På grund av det ringa antalet satsadverbial gick det dock inte att fastställa att inlärarna gjorde skillnad på huvudsats- och bisatsordföljd. Resultatet av studien visade vidare att C-eleverna, med knapp marginal, topikaliserade sina huvudsatser i högre utsträckning. Osäkerheten kring faktorer som t.ex. skrivämnets påverkan gjorde att det inte gick att dra någon slutats i huruvida C-eleverna faktiskt hade mer kunskap gällande omvänd ordföljd. Studiens resultat visade att för att kunna göra en jämförelse med god validitet av elevernas syntax, hade det krävts ett kompletterande material till skrivningarna för att locka fram mer ovanliga grammatiska strukturer. Studiens resultat visade också att processbarhetsteorins inlärningsgångar stämmer väl med elevernas inlärningsgångar. / <p>Godkänt datum 2021-06-04</p>

The Emergence of Receptive and Expressive Language through Stimulus-Specific Consequences

Spurgin, Destiny 05 1900 (has links)
An important question in teaching language is, what accounts for the emergence of either receptive or expressive labels when teaching only one of them? The teaching procedures in the present study were intended to reproduce the natural development of bidirectional naming in which caregivers comment on the items a child is interacting with and children echo those vocalizations they hear. Thus, the only vocalizations presented by the researcher during teaching occurred after the learner pointed to a specific stimulus, and were specific to the stimulus being targeted. These vocalizations are referred to in this study as stimulus-specific consequences. The purpose of this research was to investigate if the stimulus-specific consequences could become discriminative stimuli for receptive labels, and lead to the emergence of expressive labels. Three studies were conducted, each with four adults. Results demonstrated that using a stimulus-specific consequence during teaching led to receptive labels for all participants, but led to the emergence of expressive labels for only four participants. In other words, bidirectional naming did not occur for the majority of participants. Factors that may improve interrelations between receptive and expressive labels were analyzed, but further evaluations are needed to account for the inconsistent demonstrations of naming.

Situated Concepts and Pre-Linguistic Symbol Use

Türkmen, Ulas 07 June 2010 (has links)
In the recent decades, alternative notions regarding the role of symbols in intelligence in natural and artificial systems have attracted significant inter- est. The main difference of the so-called situated and embodied approaches to cognitive science from the traditional cognitivist position is that symbolic repre- sentations are viewed as resources, similar to maps used for navigation or plans for activity, instead of as transparent stand-ins in internal world models. Thus, all symbolic resources have to be interpreted and re-contextualized for use in concrete situations. In this view, one of the primary sources of such symbolic resources is language. Cognitivism views language as a vessel carrying informa- tion originally located in the processing mechanisms of the individual agents. Situated approaches, on the other hand, view language both as a communicative mechanism and as a means for the individual agents to enhance and extend their cognitive machinery, by e.g. better utilizing their attentional resources, or mod- ifying their perceptual-motor means. Taking inspiration from these ideas, and building on multi-agent models developed in other fields, the field of language evolution developed models of the emergence of shared resources for communi- cation in a community of agents. In these models, agents with various means of categorization and learning engage in communicative interactions with each other, using shared signs to refer either to pre-given meanings or entities in a situation. In order to avoid falling into the same mentalist pitfalls as cognitivism in the design of these models, such as the stipulation of an inner sphere of mean- ings for which communicative signs are mere labels, the role of communication should be viewed as one of the social coordination of behavior using physically grounded symbols. To this end, an experimental setup for language games, and a robotic model for agents which engage in such games are presented. The setup allows the agents to utilize shared symbols in the completion of a simple task, with one agent instructing another on which action to undertake. The symbols used by agents in the language games are grounded in the embodied choices presented to them by their environment, and the agents can further use the symbols created in these games for enhancing their own behavioral means. The learning mechanism of the agents is similarity-based, and uses low-level sensory data to avoid the building in of features. Experiments have shown that the establishment of a common vocabulary of labels depends on how well the instructors are trained on the task and the availability of feedback mechanisms for the exchanged labels.

Where Language Touches the Earth: Folklore and Ecology in Tohono O'odham Plant Emergence Narratives

Hughes, Jennifer L. 01 May 1996 (has links)
The historical and ecological relationships between the Tohono O'odham and the Sonoran desert landscape are expressed in the stories they tell. The Tohono O'odham have lived in the deserts of southwestern Arizona and northern Mexico for centuries, interacting with their environment and gaining intimate knowledge of desert botanical communities. Many of these interactions are dramatized in their traditional oral narratives. I have characterized those traditional oral narratives that illustrate and articulate Tohoro O'odham interrelationships with Sonoran desert botanical communities as "plant emergence narratives." These stories embody and express the reciprocal relationsihp between the Tohono O'odham and the plants they cultivate or harvest from the wild. In examining these narratives, I discuss some of the many levels on which they operate, specifically the intersection of cultural worldview with scientific data, or what I term "cultivation lore." This discussion focuses on an exploration of the stories of corn emergence to the Tohono O'odham, with comparative analysis of stories that dramatize wild plant emergence. The significance of these narratives to the Tohono O'odham and to others is discussed in the context of history, folklore, and ecology, specifically the current crisis in loss of biological diversity. By exploring the cultural value and ecological content of these plant emergence narratives, I suggest that we may discover solutions to the question of how we may live with awareness and conviction to both our human and ecological landscapes.

The Effect of High Air Temperature and Depth of Planting on the Emergence and Development of Selected Grain Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) Cultivars

Orihuela, Jhander 01 May 1969 (has links)
The behavior of seedlings of six sorghum cultivars planted at 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, and 10.0 centimeters was studied in growth chambers at air temperatures of 28, 32, 36, and 40 centigrades (daytime). A day length of 12 hours and a nighttime air temperature 8 centigrades lower than daytime were used throughout. The cultivars, three hybrids and three varieties, were grown in sand culture. Field moisture capacity was maintained during the period of observation. After 14 days of growth, data were collected on the emergence percentages, above ground growth, above ground oven dry weights, below ground growth, and below ground oven dry weights. Under the conditions of this investigation, depth of planting was more highly related to the emergence and development of the seedlings than any other factor. The most favorable depth of planting was 2.5 centimeters. In general , hybrids were superior to standard open pollinated lines. The above ground oven dry weights of the seedlings increased in direct proportion to air temperature; the below ground oven dry weights decreased with increased temperatures. Top firing of the leaves was observed at 40 centimeters for all cultivars tested.

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