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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Luminescence at Defects in h-BN : Excitons at Stacking Faults and Single Photon Emitters / Luminescence des défauts du h-BN : excitons liés à des défauts d'empilement et émetteurs de photon unique

Bourrellier, Romain 28 October 2014 (has links)
Dans les dernières années nombre de matériaux lamellaires à dimensions réduites ont démontré des propriétés optiques remarquables. Cependant, la plupart des études ont porté sur le système parfait et le rôle des défauts en tant que centres optiques actifs restent encore largement inexploré. Le nitrure de bore hexagonal (h-BN) est l'un des candidats les plus prometteurs pour les dispositifs émetteurs de lumière dans la région de l’UV lointain, présentant une forte émission excitonique à 5,8 eV. Cependant, émission n’apparaît uniquement que dans des monocristaux très purs qui peuvent difficilement être obtenus que par des procédés de synthèse complexes. Les échantillons ordinaires de h-BN présentent des spectres d'émission plus complexes qui ont été généralement été attribuée à la présence de défauts structuraux. Malgré un grand nombre d'études expérimentales jusqu'à présent il n'a pas été possible d'attribuer cette émission additionnelle à des défauts structuraux bien définis. Nous abordons ici cette question fondamentale en adoptant une approche théorique et expérimentale combinant une technique de cathodoluminescence nanométriquement résolu avec une caractérisation structural résolu atomiquement par microscopie électronique a transmission et de l'état de l'art de simulations excitoniques. Très récemment, l'équipe d'Orsay a mis au point un système de détection de cathodoluminescence intégré au sein d'un microscope électronique à transmission à balayage. Cette expérience unique est maintenant en mesure de fournir des spectres d'émission complet avec une résolution aussi faible que quelques dizaines de MeV associés à une taille de sonde électronique du nanomètre. Une image hyper-spectrale cathodoluminescence peut donc être enregistrée en parallèle avec une image HAADF. La cathodoluminescence résolu au nanomètre sur quelques-couche chimiquement exfoliée de h-BN a montré que les spectres d'émission sont fortement inhomogènes dans les feuillets individuels. Les pics d'émission à proximité de l'exciton libre apparaissent dans des régions étendues. Les examens complémentaires par microscopie électronique à transmission à haute résolution permettent d'associer ces raies d'émission avec des défauts étendue dans le cristal tels que les défauts d'empilement et les plis des facetter. Au moyen de calculs ab-initio dans le cadre de la « Many Body perturbation theory » (GW) et l'équation de Bethe-Salpeter nous fournissons une description détaillée de la structure électronique et la réponse spectroscopique du nitrure de bore hexagonal en présence de défaut d’empilements. En particulier, nous montrons un bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux, les excitons supplémentaires sont associées à des changements de symétrie locaux qui se produisent par des fautes d'empilement dans le cristal. Ce résultat sera ensuite étendu à des nanotubes de BN à parois multiples. Des émissions supplémentaires qui apparaissent à l'intérieur du gap présentent une localisation spatiale élevée, typiquement inférieure à 100 nm, et par conséquent ils peuvent être liés à des défauts ponctuels individuels. Lorsqu’ils sont adressés individuellement à travers une sonde électronique très ciblé, ils pourraient avoir un caractère d’émetteur de photon unique. Cette hypothèse a été récemment confirmée par des expériences combinant notre système de cathodoluminescence avec un interféromètre Handburry-Brown et Twiss (HBT). / Within the latest years number of layered materials at reduced dimensions have demonstrated remarkable optical properties. However most studies focused on perfect system and the role of defects as optical active centers remain still largely unexplored. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) is one of the most promising candidates for light emitting devices in the far UV region, presenting a single strong excitonic emission at 5.8 eV. However, a single line appears only in extremely pure mono-crystals that can hardly be obtained only though complex synthesis processes. Common h-BN samples present more complex emission spectra that have been generally attributed to the presence of structural defects. Despite a large number of experimental studies up to now it was not possible to attribute specific emission features to well identify defective structures. Here we address this fundamental question by adopting a theoretical and experimental approach combining few nanometer resolved cathodoluminescence techniques with high resolution transmission electron microscopy images and state of the art quantum mechanical simulations. Very recently, the Orsay team has developed a cathodoluminescence detection system integrated within a scanning transmission electron microscope. This unique experimental set up is now able to provide full emission spectra with a resolution as low as few tens of meV associated with an electron probe size of one nanometer. A cathodoluminescence hyper-spectral image can thus be recorded in parallel with an HAADF image. Nanometric resolved cathodoluminescence on few-layer chemically exfoliated h-BN crystals have shown that emission spectra are strongly inhomogeneous within individual flakes. Emission peaks close to the free exciton appear in extended regions. Complementary investigations through high resolution transmission electron microscopy allow to associate these emission lines with extended crystal deformation such as stacking faults and folds of the planes. By means of ab-initio calculations in the framework of Many Body Perturbation Theory (GW) approximation and Bethe-Salpeter equation) we provide an in-depth description of the electronic structure and spectroscopic response of bulk hexagonal boron nitride in the presence of extended morphological modifications. In particular we show that, in a good agreement with the experimental results, additional excitons are associated to local symmetry changes occurring at crystal stacking faults. These result will then be extended to faceted multiwalled BN nanotubes, they display additional emission at the same energy as characterized within the flakes.

Modeling and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials for controlling the spontaneous emission rate and efficiency of quantum emitters / Modelo e análises de metamateriais hiperbólicos para o controle da taxa de emissão espontânea e eficiência de emissores quânticos

Mota, Achiles Fontana da 11 February 2019 (has links)
In the past few years, intensive research efforts have been devoted to studying new approaches to controlling the photon emission of quantum emitters (QEs), especially for telecommunication applications. These approaches rely on tailoring the QE\'s radiation, usually assessed via well-known figures-of-merit such as lifetime (τ) and quantum efficiency (η). Controlling the QE\'s photon emission is important because the faster its photons are emitted, the greater is the number of times it returns to the excited state per second. Therefore, it is crucial to create additional decay channels to reduce τ, which necessarily requires increasing the Purcell factor (P). One of the most promising approaches to increase P involves a new class of metamaterials, known as hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM). This class of materials exhibits pronounced anisotropy, with the parallel and perpendicular permittivity tensor elements (with respect to the anisotropy axis) presenting opposite signs, resulting in an open hyperboloidal isofrequency surface (IS). This unusual IS shape leads to the most outstanding feature of HMMs, namely, the existence of photonic modes with wavenumber (k) much larger than those in free-space (k0), known as high-k modes. By engineering these modes, it is possible to manipulate the HMM photonic density of states (PDoS), thus controlling the QE\'s radiation parameters. The simplest approach to designing HMM is by means of a planar stack of alternating thin metal and dielectric layers. However, the finite thickness of these layers induces spatial dispersion, making the extraction of effective parameters (homogenization) of these media a challenging task. In this context, we propose in this thesis a new constitutive parameter retrieval approach that takes spatial dispersion into account for all electromagnetic parameters of the medium. We demonstrate that the real part of the dispersion curve flattens out (correspondingly with a large imaginary part) because of the absence of propagating modes inside the metamaterial. This flat region is strongly dependent on the layer thicknesses and is a direct manifestation of spatial dispersion. Moreover, we demonstrate that the QE\'s lifetime calculation is overestimated if this effect is not taken into account in the homogenization procedure, which is detrimental for telecommunication applications. Moreover, we demonstrate how to enhance P by a factor greater than 100 with the use of HMMs. However, most of the QE dissipated power couples into the HMM as high-k modes (which do not propagate in free-space). Therefore, the energy is thermally dissipated inside the HMM with a consequent reduction of η . Some authors have resorted to nano-patterned HMMs (NPHM) to convert the high-k modes into free-space modes (k≤k0) aiming at increasing η. However, much of the NPHMs designs still rely on computationally costly three dimensional (3D) numerical simulations. Thus, we also propose in this thesis a new semi-analytical method to model, both in two- and three-dimensions (2D and 3D, respectively), the radiation emission of QEs interacting with nano-patterned structures. The low computational cost of this method makes it attractive for mapping P and η as function of the QE and NPHM relative position. This mapping is a helpful tool to understand the decay behavior of the whole system since QEs are arbitrarily distributed and oriented inside the NPHM. The analytically calculated decay curve allows the systems effective quantum efficiency (ηeff) and Purcell factor (Peff) to be directly obtained assuming multiple arbitrarily distributed electromagnetic sources. In this sense, we propose here a new procedure to optimize the NPHM geometrical parameters to maximize ηeff while achieving the desired Peff. We apply the proposed model to an NPHM composed of nine Ag/SiO2 layers, with the polymer host layer embedded with Rhodamine 6G, to maximize ηeff for a specified tenfold increase of Peff. This procedure allowed ηeff to be increased by 69% and 170% for one- and two-dimensional nano-patterning, respectively. Moreover, the time required to build the P and η maps (used in the calculation of the decay behavior) is reduced by approximately 96% when compared to those numerically calculated via FDTD. This procedure paves the way to the realization of new high-speed and efficient light sources for telecommunication applications. / Nos últimos anos, intensivo esforço tem sido devotado para o estudo de novas método para o controla da missão de fótons de emissores quânticos (EQs), especialmente para aplicações em telecomunicações. Estes métodos dependem da adaptação da radiação dos EQs, geralmente avaliadas por meio das bem conhecidas figuras de mérito, como o tempo de meia vida (τ) e a eficiência quântica (η). O controle da emissão de fótons é importante pois quanto mais rápido os fótons são emitidos, maior é o número de vezes que o EQ retorna ao seu estado excitado por segundo. Portanto, é crucial criar canais de decaimento adicionais para reduzir τ, o que necessariamente requer o aumento do fator de Purcell (P). Uma das abordagens mais promissoras para aumentar P envolve uma nova classe de metamateriais, conhecida como metamateriais hiperbólicos (MHs). Esta classe de materiais apresenta pronunciada anisotropia, onde os elementos paralelo e perpendicular do tensor de permissividade (em relação ao eixo de anisotropia) apresentam sinais opostos, resultando em uma superfície de isofrequência (SI) hiperboloidal aberta (IS). Essa forma incomum de SI leva à característica mais marcante dos MHs, a existência de modos fotônicos com número de onda (k) muito maior do que aqueles no espaço livre (k0), conhecidos como modos alto-k. Ao manipular esses modos, é possível manipular a densidade de estados fotônicos (DES) dos MHs, controlando assim os parâmetros de radiação do QE. A abordagem mais simples para a criação de MHs é por meio de uma pilha plana de camadas metálicas e dielétricas alternadas. Entretanto, a espessura finita dessas camadas induz a dispersão espacial, tornando a extração de parâmetros efetivos (homogeneização) destes meios uma tarefa desafiadora. Neste contexto, propomos nesta tese uma nova abordagem de recuperação de parâmetros constitutivos a dispersão espacial de todos os parâmetros eletromagnéticos do meio é levada em consideração. Nós demonstramos que a parte real da curva de dispersão se aplaina (correspondentemente com uma grande parte imaginária) devido à ausência de modos propagantes dentro do metamaterial. Esta região plana é fortemente dependente das espessuras das camadas e é uma manifestação direta da dispersão espacial Além disso, nós mostramos que se a dispersão espacial não for corretamente considerada no processo de homogeneização, o tempo de meia vida do EQ pode ser superestimado, o que é prejudicial para aplicações de telecomunicações. Além disso, demonstramos como melhorar P por um fator maior que 100 com o uso de MHs. a maior parte da potência dissipada pelos EQs são acopladas nos MHs como modos de alto-k (que não se propagam no espaço livre). Portanto, a energia é dissipada termicamente no interior do MH, resultando em uma redução de η. Alguns autores recorreram a MHs nano-estruturados (MHNE) para converter os modos alto-k em modos de espaço livre (k≤k0) visando o aumento de η. No entanto, muitos dos projetos do NPHM ainda dependem de simulações numéricas tridimensionais (3D) computacionalmente dispendiosas. Assim, também propomos nesta tese um novo método semi-analítico para modelar, tanto em duas como em três dimensões (2D e 3D, respectivamente), a emissão de radiação de EQs interagindo com estruturas nano-estruturadas. O baixo custo computacional deste método faz com que seja atrativo para o mapeamento de P e η em função da posição relativa do EQ e do MHNE. Esse mapeamento é uma ferramenta útil para entender o comportamento de decaimento de todo o sistema, já que os EQs são arbitrariamente distribuídos e orientados dentro do MHNE. A curva de decaimento calculada analiticamente permite que a eficiência quântica efetiva do sistema (ηeff) e o fator de Purcell (Peff) sejam obtidos diretamente, assumindo múltiplas fontes eletromagnéticas arbitrariamente distribuídas. Neste sentido, propomos aqui um novo procedimento para otimizar os parâmetros geométricos do MHNE visando a maximização de ηeff enquanto Peff é aumentado à um valor desejado. Aplicamos o modelo proposto a um MHNE composto por nove camadas de Ag/SiO2, com a camada de polímero embutida com Rodamina 6G, visando maximizar ηeff para um aumento de dez vezes de Peff. Este procedimento permitiu que o ηeff fosse incrementado em 69% e 170% para nano-estruturas uni e bidimensionais, respectivamente. Além disso, o tempo necessário para construir os mapas P e η (utilizados no cálculo da curva de decaimento) é reduzido em aproximadamente 96% quando comparado com os calculados numericamente via FDTD. Este procedimento abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de luz de alta velocidade e eficiência para aplicações de telecomunicações.


MONICA ARI SANO 25 June 2003 (has links)
[pt] A poluição atmosférica é um problema mundial latente e é prejudicial à saúde, à visibilidade e ao clima. Devido a estes fatores, diversos estudos e pesquisas foram desenvolvidos para caracterizar a sua composição química, concentração, tamanho de partículas, etc. Com o objetivo de construir instrumentos adequados para o controle da qualidade do ar, mas estes instrumentos são sofisticados, complicados e de alto custo. Esta dissertação refere-se ao estudo de viabilidade para a utilização de componentes optoeletrônicos simples, tais como diodos emissores de luz (LED) e fotodetectores ópticos, como sensores de medição da variação da concentração de poluentes particulados atmosféricos em relação ao tempo. O principio de medição baseia-se nas propriedades ópticas da luz: reflexão, refração e absorção que ocorre quando um feixe de luz incide sobre as partículas de um poluente qualquer, dando lugar à atenuação da intensidade do feixe incidente, que é proporcional à concentração de poluente. Selecionaram-se LED e fotodetectores, segundo as informações dadas nas especificações fornecidas pelo fabricante. Formaram-se quatro tipos diferentes de Pares Emissores-Detectores, (Pares E-D), onde cada LED trabalhava com um fotodetector específico. As avaliações foram feitas em função dos Pares E-D nas condições recomendadas pelo fabricante e, selecionaram-se dois tipos diferentes de Pares E-D, que apresentaram melhores características físicas, tempo de resposta (11 e 16µs), o nível do sinal gerado pelo fotodetector (entre 2,50V e 3,50V), e estabilidade em uma faixa de temperatura de 20oC à 30oC. Para testar o funcionamento dos Pares E-D como sensores de medição da variação da concentração dos poluentes particulados atmosféricos foi construída uma maquete instrumentada com oito Pares (E-D), quatro de cada tipo dos Pares E-D selecionados previamente. Teve-se cuidado na disposição física dos Pares E-D para evitar interferências de luz. Para diminuir o ruído do circuito, a placa Protoboard foi substituída por uma placa impressa. A razão sinal/ruído foi de 3,242V/0,020V, (162:1). Foi desenvolvido um programa especifico no software LabVIEW, com o propósito de registrar os sinais gerados pelos fotodetectores a cada 10 µs e armazená-los em uma base de dados para posterior análise. A maquete instrumentada e o software de aquisição representam um sistema de medição para a caracterização da dispersão dos poluentes particulados atmosféricos. Para verificar o desempenho da maquete instrumentada e do software de aquisição, foram feitas simulações de contaminação ambiental. Utilizando uma máquina geradora de fumaça, jogou-se fumaça sobre a maquete, foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios, já que trabalhando com os oito Pares E-D ativos, conseguiu-se obter 12500 dados por segundo para cada Par E-D. Estas quantidades de dados registrados pelo programa feito no software LabVIEW foram mais que suficientes para a construção das curvas de caracterização preliminares. / [en] The atmospheric pollution is a latent world-wide problem, and it is harmful to the health, visibility and climate. For these factors, several studies and researches have been developed to characterize the chemical composition of the pollutants, concentration, size of particles, etc, with the objective of constructing adjusted instruments for the control of the air quality, but these instruments are sophisticated, complicated and very expensive. This dissertation is a study about the feasibility to use simple optoelectronic components, such as light emitting diodes (LED) and optical photo detectors, as sensors for measuring the variation of the concentration of atmospheric particulate pollutants in relation to time. The measurement principle is based on the optic properties of the light: reflection, refraction and absorption that occur when a light beam arrives on particles of any pollutant, taking place the attenuation of the intensity of the incident beam, which is proportional to the pollutant concentration. LED and photo detectors were selected according to information given in the specifications supplied for the manufacturer. Four different types of Pairs formed Emitters-Detectors, (Pairs E-D), where each LED worked with a specific photo detector. The evaluations were made in function of the Pairs E-D according to the recommendation of the manufacturer and two types different of Pairs E-D were selected, which presented better physical characteristics, time of response (11 and 16µs), level of the signal generated by the photo detector, (between 2,50V and 3,50V), and stability in a range of temperatures between 20oC to 30oC. To test the functioning of the Pairs E-D as sensors for measuring of the variation of the concentration of the atmospheric particulate pollutants. It was built an instrumented reduced model with eight Pairs E-D was built, four of each type of the Pairs E-D selected previously. It was taken care of the physical disposition of the Pairs E-D to prevent light interferences. To reduce the noise of the circuit, the Protoboard was substituted by a circuit board printed. The relation signal/noise was 3,242V/0,020V, (162:1). A specific program was developed in the software LabVIEW. The goal was to register the signals generated by photo detectors at each 10µs, and to store the data for posterior analysis. The instrumented reduced model and the software to the data acquisition represent a system for measurement and the characterization of the dispersion of the atmospheric particulate pollutants. To verify the performance of the instrumented reduced model and the software for acquisition, simulations of ambient contamination were made. A FOG machine was used to generate smoke on the reduced model, The results were satisfactory. Working with the eight active E-D Pairs, it was possible to get 12500 data per second for each Pair E-D. This amount of registered data by the acquisition program in LabVIEW was enough for the construction of the preliminary curves of characterization for the E-D Pairs.

Modeling and analysis of hyperbolic metamaterials for controlling the spontaneous emission rate and efficiency of quantum emitters / Modelo e análises de metamateriais hiperbólicos para o controle da taxa de emissão espontânea e eficiência de emissores quânticos

Achiles Fontana da Mota 11 February 2019 (has links)
In the past few years, intensive research efforts have been devoted to studying new approaches to controlling the photon emission of quantum emitters (QEs), especially for telecommunication applications. These approaches rely on tailoring the QE\'s radiation, usually assessed via well-known figures-of-merit such as lifetime (τ) and quantum efficiency (η). Controlling the QE\'s photon emission is important because the faster its photons are emitted, the greater is the number of times it returns to the excited state per second. Therefore, it is crucial to create additional decay channels to reduce τ, which necessarily requires increasing the Purcell factor (P). One of the most promising approaches to increase P involves a new class of metamaterials, known as hyperbolic metamaterials (HMM). This class of materials exhibits pronounced anisotropy, with the parallel and perpendicular permittivity tensor elements (with respect to the anisotropy axis) presenting opposite signs, resulting in an open hyperboloidal isofrequency surface (IS). This unusual IS shape leads to the most outstanding feature of HMMs, namely, the existence of photonic modes with wavenumber (k) much larger than those in free-space (k0), known as high-k modes. By engineering these modes, it is possible to manipulate the HMM photonic density of states (PDoS), thus controlling the QE\'s radiation parameters. The simplest approach to designing HMM is by means of a planar stack of alternating thin metal and dielectric layers. However, the finite thickness of these layers induces spatial dispersion, making the extraction of effective parameters (homogenization) of these media a challenging task. In this context, we propose in this thesis a new constitutive parameter retrieval approach that takes spatial dispersion into account for all electromagnetic parameters of the medium. We demonstrate that the real part of the dispersion curve flattens out (correspondingly with a large imaginary part) because of the absence of propagating modes inside the metamaterial. This flat region is strongly dependent on the layer thicknesses and is a direct manifestation of spatial dispersion. Moreover, we demonstrate that the QE\'s lifetime calculation is overestimated if this effect is not taken into account in the homogenization procedure, which is detrimental for telecommunication applications. Moreover, we demonstrate how to enhance P by a factor greater than 100 with the use of HMMs. However, most of the QE dissipated power couples into the HMM as high-k modes (which do not propagate in free-space). Therefore, the energy is thermally dissipated inside the HMM with a consequent reduction of η . Some authors have resorted to nano-patterned HMMs (NPHM) to convert the high-k modes into free-space modes (k≤k0) aiming at increasing η. However, much of the NPHMs designs still rely on computationally costly three dimensional (3D) numerical simulations. Thus, we also propose in this thesis a new semi-analytical method to model, both in two- and three-dimensions (2D and 3D, respectively), the radiation emission of QEs interacting with nano-patterned structures. The low computational cost of this method makes it attractive for mapping P and η as function of the QE and NPHM relative position. This mapping is a helpful tool to understand the decay behavior of the whole system since QEs are arbitrarily distributed and oriented inside the NPHM. The analytically calculated decay curve allows the systems effective quantum efficiency (ηeff) and Purcell factor (Peff) to be directly obtained assuming multiple arbitrarily distributed electromagnetic sources. In this sense, we propose here a new procedure to optimize the NPHM geometrical parameters to maximize ηeff while achieving the desired Peff. We apply the proposed model to an NPHM composed of nine Ag/SiO2 layers, with the polymer host layer embedded with Rhodamine 6G, to maximize ηeff for a specified tenfold increase of Peff. This procedure allowed ηeff to be increased by 69% and 170% for one- and two-dimensional nano-patterning, respectively. Moreover, the time required to build the P and η maps (used in the calculation of the decay behavior) is reduced by approximately 96% when compared to those numerically calculated via FDTD. This procedure paves the way to the realization of new high-speed and efficient light sources for telecommunication applications. / Nos últimos anos, intensivo esforço tem sido devotado para o estudo de novas método para o controla da missão de fótons de emissores quânticos (EQs), especialmente para aplicações em telecomunicações. Estes métodos dependem da adaptação da radiação dos EQs, geralmente avaliadas por meio das bem conhecidas figuras de mérito, como o tempo de meia vida (τ) e a eficiência quântica (η). O controle da emissão de fótons é importante pois quanto mais rápido os fótons são emitidos, maior é o número de vezes que o EQ retorna ao seu estado excitado por segundo. Portanto, é crucial criar canais de decaimento adicionais para reduzir τ, o que necessariamente requer o aumento do fator de Purcell (P). Uma das abordagens mais promissoras para aumentar P envolve uma nova classe de metamateriais, conhecida como metamateriais hiperbólicos (MHs). Esta classe de materiais apresenta pronunciada anisotropia, onde os elementos paralelo e perpendicular do tensor de permissividade (em relação ao eixo de anisotropia) apresentam sinais opostos, resultando em uma superfície de isofrequência (SI) hiperboloidal aberta (IS). Essa forma incomum de SI leva à característica mais marcante dos MHs, a existência de modos fotônicos com número de onda (k) muito maior do que aqueles no espaço livre (k0), conhecidos como modos alto-k. Ao manipular esses modos, é possível manipular a densidade de estados fotônicos (DES) dos MHs, controlando assim os parâmetros de radiação do QE. A abordagem mais simples para a criação de MHs é por meio de uma pilha plana de camadas metálicas e dielétricas alternadas. Entretanto, a espessura finita dessas camadas induz a dispersão espacial, tornando a extração de parâmetros efetivos (homogeneização) destes meios uma tarefa desafiadora. Neste contexto, propomos nesta tese uma nova abordagem de recuperação de parâmetros constitutivos a dispersão espacial de todos os parâmetros eletromagnéticos do meio é levada em consideração. Nós demonstramos que a parte real da curva de dispersão se aplaina (correspondentemente com uma grande parte imaginária) devido à ausência de modos propagantes dentro do metamaterial. Esta região plana é fortemente dependente das espessuras das camadas e é uma manifestação direta da dispersão espacial Além disso, nós mostramos que se a dispersão espacial não for corretamente considerada no processo de homogeneização, o tempo de meia vida do EQ pode ser superestimado, o que é prejudicial para aplicações de telecomunicações. Além disso, demonstramos como melhorar P por um fator maior que 100 com o uso de MHs. a maior parte da potência dissipada pelos EQs são acopladas nos MHs como modos de alto-k (que não se propagam no espaço livre). Portanto, a energia é dissipada termicamente no interior do MH, resultando em uma redução de η. Alguns autores recorreram a MHs nano-estruturados (MHNE) para converter os modos alto-k em modos de espaço livre (k≤k0) visando o aumento de η. No entanto, muitos dos projetos do NPHM ainda dependem de simulações numéricas tridimensionais (3D) computacionalmente dispendiosas. Assim, também propomos nesta tese um novo método semi-analítico para modelar, tanto em duas como em três dimensões (2D e 3D, respectivamente), a emissão de radiação de EQs interagindo com estruturas nano-estruturadas. O baixo custo computacional deste método faz com que seja atrativo para o mapeamento de P e η em função da posição relativa do EQ e do MHNE. Esse mapeamento é uma ferramenta útil para entender o comportamento de decaimento de todo o sistema, já que os EQs são arbitrariamente distribuídos e orientados dentro do MHNE. A curva de decaimento calculada analiticamente permite que a eficiência quântica efetiva do sistema (ηeff) e o fator de Purcell (Peff) sejam obtidos diretamente, assumindo múltiplas fontes eletromagnéticas arbitrariamente distribuídas. Neste sentido, propomos aqui um novo procedimento para otimizar os parâmetros geométricos do MHNE visando a maximização de ηeff enquanto Peff é aumentado à um valor desejado. Aplicamos o modelo proposto a um MHNE composto por nove camadas de Ag/SiO2, com a camada de polímero embutida com Rodamina 6G, visando maximizar ηeff para um aumento de dez vezes de Peff. Este procedimento permitiu que o ηeff fosse incrementado em 69% e 170% para nano-estruturas uni e bidimensionais, respectivamente. Além disso, o tempo necessário para construir os mapas P e η (utilizados no cálculo da curva de decaimento) é reduzido em aproximadamente 96% quando comparado com os calculados numericamente via FDTD. Este procedimento abre caminho para o desenvolvimento de novas fontes de luz de alta velocidade e eficiência para aplicações de telecomunicações.

Modélisation et analyse des étapes de simulation des émetteurs de positons générés lors des traitements en protonthérapie - du faisceau à la caméra TEP - pour le suivi des irradiations / Modeling and analysis of all the positron emitters simulation steps generated during the treatment phase in protontherapy - from the beam to the PET camera - for the follow-up of the irradiations

Van Ngoc Ty, Claire 19 December 2012 (has links)
La protonthérapie est une technique innovante de traitement des cancers dans les zones critiques, telles que les yeux ou la base du crâne. Même si le phénomène physique d’interactions des protons dans les tissus est bien connu et présente des avantages pour la protonthérapie, il existe des incertitudes sur le parcours des protons liées aux hétérogénéités des tissus traversés en situation clinique et liées au calcul des paramètres du faisceau dans le planning de traitement qui contrebalancent les avantages théoriques des protons pour la délivrance de la dose. Des méthodes de contrôle de qualité de l’irradiation ont donc été proposées. La plupart reposent sur l’exploitation de la cartographie des émetteurs de positons générés lors de l’irradiation. Ceux-ci peuvent être détectés et quantifiés à l’aide de la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP), une technique d’imagerie médicale utilisée principalement pour établir le bilan d’extension des cancers par imagerie. Des acquisitions TEP ont donc été proposées et validées sur des fantômes et chez des patients après protonthérapie pour le contrôle du parcours des protons. Le contrôle s’effectue en comparant la distribution radioactive mesurée en TEP et la distribution β+ simulée. La simulation de l’activité positronique générée par les protons dans le milieu traversé peut être décomposée en plusieurs étapes : une étape de simulation du faisceau de protons, une étape de modélisation des interactions des protons dans l’objet irradié et une étape d’acquisition TEP. Différentes modélisations de ces étapes sont possibles. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons proposé plusieurs modélisations pour les 3 étapes et nous avons évalué l’apport pour la qualité du contrôle de l’irradiation. Nous avons restreint notre évaluation à la vérification du parcours des protons. Ce travail de thèse s’appuie sur des irradiations en milieu homogène et inhomogène (dans un modèle de tête) réalisé au centre de protonthérapie d’Orsay. Les objets irradiés ont été transportés dans le Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot pour l’acquisition TEP. Nous avons comparé l’incertitude sur le parcours des protons à partir des modélisations de la distribution β+ obtenues : 1) En modélisant l’irradiation par un faisceau de protons sous une forme simplifiée et par simulation Monte Carlo. En modélisant la production des émetteurs β+ dans les tissus par simulation Monte Carlo avec le logiciel GEANT4 en incluant les modèles de physiques des versions 9.2 et 9.4 et en utilisant des sections efficaces ; 2) En modélisant l’acquisition TEP avec une modélisation simplifiée et une modélisation Monte Carlo de l’acquisition par la caméra TEP ; 3) Les résultats montrent qu’une modélisation simplifiée du faisceau n’affecte pas l’estimation du parcours des protons. La modélisation Monte-Carlo de la caméra permet de mieux modéliser le bruit présent dans le signal TEP mesuré en milieu homogène. Des résultats préliminaires de la modélisation de la caméra TEP sont présentés dans un modèle de tête (inhomogène). En conclusion, une modélisation simplifiée de la caméra TEP permet d’évaluer le parcours des protons en milieu homogène à 1 mm près, qui est équivalent à la reproductibilité de la mesure TEP post-irradiation telle qu’elle est mesurée par Knopf et al. (2008). / The protontherapy is an innovative technique for cancer treatment in critical areas, such as the eye or the head. Even though the interaction of protons with human tissues is a well-known physical phenomenon which gives rise to the protontherapy, there are uncertainties on the proton trajectory due to heterogeneities in the irradiated tissue, the calculation of the beam parameters in the planning treatment affects the theoretical benefits of the protons and the chosen dose delivery process. Thus, methods for irradiation quality control have been suggested. Most of them rely on utilizing the mapping of the positron emitters generated during the irradiation. They are detectable and quantifiable thanks to the use of the PET (positron emitter tomography), a medical imaging technique mainly used for the cancer expansion assessment. PET acquisitions were proposed and then realized on phantoms and patients after protontherapy. The quality control relies on comparing the measured radioactive distribution to the simulated β+ distribution. The modeling of the positronic activity generated by protons in the irradiated area can be divided into three steps: the simulation of the proton beam, the modeling of the proton interactions in the irradiated object and the modeling of the PET acquisition. Different ways of simulating these steps are possible. This PhD work suggests different ways of modeling the three steps and evaluates theirs benefits for the irradiation quality control. We have restrained our evaluation to the verification of the proton range and to the uncertainties related to the proton range. This research work utilizes on irradiations in homogenous and inhomogeneous areas in a head model. We have compared the uncertainties on the proton range measured thanks to the following β+ distributions: 1) A β+ distribution obtained by modeling the irradiation with a proton beam simulated analytically and simulated using the complete Monte Carlo method; 2) A Monte Carlo modeling of the proton range using the GEANT4 software (versions 9.2 and 9.4) relying and using cross-sections; 3) A simulation of the PET acquisition using a simplified modeling and a Monte Carlo modeling. Our results show that a simplified modeling of the beam does not affect the estimation of the proton range. Besides, the Monte Carlo modeling of the PET camera enables modeling the noise present in the PET signal measured in a homogeneous area. Preliminary results of the PET camera modeling are presented in a head model (inhomogeneous). Finally, a simplified modeling of the PET camera enables evaluate the proton range in a homogeneous area with a 1mm-precision, which is equivalent to the reproducibility of the PET offline measure as described in (Knopf et al., 2008).

Understanding the drivers behind high energy consumption within UK households : an interdisciplinary approach

Wang, Xinfang January 2018 (has links)
Anthropogenic climate change is a global problem that affects every country and each individual. The UK introduced its own carbon budgets, aiming to reduce its GHGs by 80% by 2050 compared with 1990 levels. The United Nations Conference of the Parties in Paris in 2015 came to an agreement on limiting the global average temperature rise to "well below 2oC". It has been argued that the Paris Agreement requires deeper and more rapid emission reductions than current UK targets. The CO2 emissions from energy use by households account for almost a third of total CO2 emissions in the UK in recent years. The research aims to explore drivers of high energy consumption in order to identify where there may be intervention points that can achieve a greater level of emission reductions than conventional policy tools in the short to medium term. Previous studies have focused on either socioeconomic factors or practices to explore household energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but have not integrated both aspects to identify drivers behind high energy consumption. To address this gap in the literature, the research applies an interdisciplinary approach to analyse the interconnected factors impacting on household energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Socioeconomic characteristics and practice theory are combined in order to understand how and why energy is consumed at home, and specifically to explore high energy consumption and related CO2 emissions at the household level. Both quantitative cluster analyses based on household socioeconomic factors and qualitative data collection and thematic analyses on energy-related practices at home have been conducted in the research. Results indicate that various combinations of socioeconomic factors and dwelling-related characteristics can collectively lead to high CO2 emissions from energy use at home. Nonetheless, these characteristics cannot fully explain why some households are high emitters, as they still share a variety of similar characteristics with average households in the UK. Besides household socioeconomic factors and dwelling-related characteristics, the materials, procedure and meanings of practices; people's discursive and practical consciousness; and dominant meanings of the home, also collectively influence energy use at home. Policymakers should consider not only improving the energy efficiency of the dwelling and appliances, but also how people's hidden knowledge and routines allow or constrain the performance of energy-related practices, as well as how the existing meanings of practices and dominant meanings of the home can be supported with less energy input and associated CO2 emissions. Energy efficiency related policies could focus more on how to reduce the interruption to people's everyday lives and the level of space loss. Policymakers could also work with different stakeholders, such as local authorities and community groups to tackle the challenges of installation of double gazing, cavity wall and roof insulation in the private rented sector. Policies for promoting renewable electricity micro-generation in the UK can target more effectively the high emitters who are at home most weekdays, as they can be more flexible in rearranging their use of appliances in daily routines and potentially reduce energy consumption during the peak time. In addition to combining a novel range of approaches and perspectives to understanding energy use at home, the research makes a contribution to achieving deeper and more rapid emission reductions in the short to medium term in the UK by focusing on the drivers behind high energy consumption at home than average energy consumption in general.

Modelagem matemática da perda de carga em emissores integrados a tubulação de irrigação localizada / Mathematical modeling of the head loss in integrated emitters pipe localized irrigation

Flores, José Henrique Nunes, Flores, José Henrique Nunes 20 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-08-16T14:21:20Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) José_Henrique_Nunes_Flores_Modelagem_matemática_da_perda_de_carga_em_emissores_integrados_a_tubulação_de_irrigação_localizada.pdf: 4719317 bytes, checksum: b86c8f8b440b56d663a03abb04efaf4f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-16T14:21:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) José_Henrique_Nunes_Flores_Modelagem_matemática_da_perda_de_carga_em_emissores_integrados_a_tubulação_de_irrigação_localizada.pdf: 4719317 bytes, checksum: b86c8f8b440b56d663a03abb04efaf4f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-20 / Sem bolsa / Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: (i) Determinar a perda de carga em função da geometria dos emissores, bem como desenvolver uma relação entre a perda de carga localizada, causada pela inserção do emissor, e as características geométricas da tubulação, mediante a utilização do índice de obstrução, para tubogotejadores com emissores integrados do tipo pastilha; e (ii) Gerar um modelo semiteórico, para estimativa da perda de carga localizada no emissor, causada por sua inserção dentro da tubulação, para tubos emissores integrados do tipo pastilha. Para isso, utilizou-se uma bancada experimental desenvolvida para controle do sistema, e obtenção das variáveis pertinentes ao estudo (vazão, temperatura e perda de carga total no tubo emissor). Obteve-se então, através da utilização da equação da continuidade, a velocidade de escoamento. A partir da diferença da perda de carga total no tubo emissor do valor obtido com o cálculo da perda de carga continua na tubulação, obteve-se a perda de carga localizada causada pela inserção do emissor. Através de um projetor ótico de perfil, foram determinadas as características geométricas dos tubos emissores (áreas de seção transversal e perímetros molhados). Obteve-se, a partir da perda de carga localizada no emissor e da carga cinética, o coeficiente k, e gerou-se um modelo para sua estimativa baseado no índice de obstrução. Desenvolveu-se um modelo semiteórico para estimativa da perda de carga no emissor, a partir do Teorema de Bélanger, levando em consideração as características geométricas da tubulação. Os emissores escolhidos para este estudo são: (a) AZUD Premier Line PC; (b) Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC; e (c) Rain Bird XF-SDI. Os resultados permitiram inferir que a perda de carga total no tubo emissor e a perda de carga localizada no emissor apresentaram relação potencial com a vazão. As razões de obstrução dos emissores foram 0,62, 0,68, e 0,65, e os índices de obstrução 0,37, 0,22, e 0,28, para os emissores AZUD Premier Line PC, Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC, e Rain Bird XF-SDI, respectivamente. Já os coeficientes k foram, respectivamente, 1,03, 1,07, e 0,86, para os emissores AZUD Premier Line PC, Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC e Rain Bird XF-SDI. O modelo potencial correlacionando o coeficiente k com o índice de obstrução, foi k=1,66 IO0,413. Em relação ao modelo semiteórico proposto, houve superestimava em 9% e 2%, para os emissores AZUD Premier Line PC e Rain Bird XF-SDI, respectivamente, e subestimativa em 34% para o emissor Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC, apresentando ajuste considerado muito bom, através do índice c, para os três emissores estudados. Conclui-se que cada emissor apresentou um valor para o coeficiente k, existindo correlação com a geometria do tubo emissor, e que o modelo semiteórico proposto, pode ser utilizado para emissores de geometria semelhantes ao AZUD Premier Line PC e Rain Bird XFSDI. / The objectives of this work was: (i) To determine the variability of the head loss as a function of the geometry of the emitters, as well as to develop a relation between the local head loss caused by the emitter insertion and the geometric characteristics of the emitting pipe, using the obstruction index, for emitting pipes with non-coaxial emitters; and (ii) Generate a semi-analytical model to estimate the local head loos in the emitter, caused by its insertion into the pipeline, for emitting pipes with non-coaxial emitters. For this, an experimental bench was developed to control the system and obtain the variables pertinent to the study (flow, temperature and total head loss in the emitter pipe). Then, through the use of the continuity equation, the flow velocity was obtained. From the difference of the total head loss in the emitter pipe and the value obtained with the calculation of the continuous head loss in the pipeline, the local head loss caused by the insertion of the emitter was obtained. The geometric characteristics of the emitting tubes (cross-sectional areas and wetted perimeters) were determined through an optical profile projector. The k coefficient was obtained from the local head loss in the emitter and kinetic energy, and a model was generated for its estimation based on the obstruction index. A semi-analytical model was developed to estimate the head loss in the emitter from the Bélanger Theorem, taking into account the geometric characteristics of the pipe. The emitters chosen for this study are: (a) AZUD Premier Line PC; (b) Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC; And (c) Rain Bird XF-SDI. The results allowed to infer that the total head loss in the emitter pipe and the local head loss in the emitter presented a potential relation with the flow rate. Emitter obstruction ratio were 0.62, 0.68, and 0.65, and obstruction index was 0.37, 0.22, and 0.28 for the emitters AZUD Premier Line PC, Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC, and Rain Bird XFSDI, respectively. The k coefficients were 1.03, 1.07 and 0.86, respectively, for the AZUD Premier Line PC, Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC and Rain Bird XF-SDI emitters respectively. The potential model correlating the k coefficient with the obstruction index was k=1,66 OI0,413. In relation to the proposed semi-analytical model, there was a 9% and 2% overestimation of the AZUD Premier Line PC and Rain Bird XF-SDI emitters, respectively, and a 34% underestimation by Naan Dan Jain Amnon Drip AC, but presenting an adjustment considered very good, through the index c, for the three emitters studied. It is concluded that each emitter presented a value for the k coefficient, there being a correlation with the geometry of the emitter tube, and that the proposed semi-analytical model can be used for geometric emitters similar to AZUD Premier Line PC and Rain Bird XF-SDI.

Solid State Material Systems for Light Emission and Light Detection

Robin, Ivan-Christophe 06 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
A large variety of material systems for light emission and detection were studied: from very small band gap semiconductors for infra-red (IR) detectors to wide band gap semiconductors for ultra violet (UV) emission as well as CdSe/ZnSe QDs for single photon emitters and rare earth doped oxides for laser fabrication. The growth and characterization aspects were tackled. This work will focus on the relations between the growth procedures and the optical properties. The information that can be gained from optical studies as well as the limitations of those ones will be explained in each case. Following that, a number of projects will be presented. The main one will be based on how to circumvent the problems linked with p-type doping of wide bandgap semiconductors. This project, based on field effect hole injection in wide band-gap semiconductors addresses the major challenge of fabricating efficient deep UV emitters.

Comparison And Evaluation Of Three Dimensional Passive Source Localization Techniques

Batuman, Emrah 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Passive source localization is the estimation of the positions of the sources or emitters given the sensor data. In this thesis, some of the well known methods for passive source localization are investigated and compared in a stationary emitter sensor framework. These algorithms are discussed in detail in two and three dimensions for both single and multiple target cases. Passive source localization methods can be divided into two groups as two-step algorithms and single-step algorithms. Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) based Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Least Squares (LS) source localization algorithms, Time- Difference-of-Arrival (TDOA) based ML and LS methods, AOA-TDOA based hybrid ML methods are presented as conventional two step techniques. Direct Position Determination (DPD) method is a well known technique within the single step approaches. In thesis, a number of variants of DPD technique with better computational complexity (the proposed methods do not need eigen-decomposition in the grid search) are presented. These are the Direct Localization (DL) with Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC), DL with Deterministic ML (DML) and DL with Stochastic ML (SML) methods. The evaluation of these algorithms is done by considering the Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB). Some of the CRLB expressions given in two dimensions in the literature are presented for threedimensions. Extensive simulations are done and the effects of different parameters on the performances of the methods are investigated. It is shown that the performance of the single step algorithms is good even at low SNR. DL with MUSIC algorithm performs as good as the DPD while it has significant savings in computational complexity. AOA, TDOA and hybrid algorithms are compared in different scenarios. It is shown that the improvement achieved by single-step techniques may be acceptable when the system cost and complexity are ignored. The localization algorithms are compared for the multiple target case as well. The effect of sensor deployments on the location performance is investigated.

Investigação do processo de obtenção de aluminatos de bário e cálcio para construção e caracterização de catodos termiônicos impregnados para a aplicação em dispositivos de microondas de potência

HIGASHI, CRISTIANE 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:52:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:57:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

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