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Bezdůvodné obohacení v obchodním právu / Unjust enrichment under business lawJančařík, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
1 Abstract This thesis deals with the institute of unjust enrichment extending to commercial law. It is focused on specific aspects of existence of this institute in commercial law. Particularly it means an issue of the limitation of unjust enrichment claims in business relationships as well as other special elements of unjust enrichment in commercial law regulations such as the question of repayment of the performance caused by the withdrawal, the protection of the company name claims and protection against unfair competition, rights of industrial property and bill of exchange and cheques enrichment. Although the work is primarily based on existing legislation, it is not limited to the examination of the issue from the perspective of re-codification of private law. The thesis analyzes the various provisions of the relevant commercial law regulations whose interpretation is in theory and practice greatly divided, and with their detailed analysis using initially established theoretical basis, trying to make their own suggestions.
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Kolektivní správa autorských práv se zaměřením na problematiku bezdůvodného obohacení z pohledu kolektivního správce / Collective administration of copyright, focusing on the unjust enrichment from the collective rights manager's point of viewPalička, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Collective administration of copyright, focusing on the unjust enrichment from the collective rights manager's point of view Key words: Collective administration, copyright, unjust enrichment This master's thesis is focused on the collective management of copyright in the Czech Republic and it especially focuses on the issue of claiming an unjust enrichment from the colletive administrator's perspective. The main aim of the theses is to introduce the aforementioned and systematically discuss the legal adjustments and the functioning of the institutions on both theoretical and practical levels. The theses is divided into two imaginary halves, the first half focuses on the collective administration of copyright in general terms, the second half deals with the enforcement of unjust enrichment by the collective administrator itself. The thesis is divided into ten chapters. The first chapter deals with the basic definitions of the concept of collective administration and it's inclusion into the Czech legal system as well as the definitions of the basic concepts and issues used in this area of law. The second chapter briefly discusses the history of collective administration in the world as well as in the Czech Republic. The third chapter describes the rights which are the subject of collective...
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An initial analysis of the progress of the first cohort of the Targeting Talent Program (TTP) students at the University of the Witwatersrand in 2010.Gray, Anne Rosemary Tyldesley 14 January 2013 (has links)
In 2007, the Student Equity and Talent Management Unit (SETMU) at the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) initiated a programme called the Targeting Talent Programme (TTP). One of the objectives of the TTP is to equip students to be successful at university. The first cohort of students consisted of 270 talented Grade 9 students from disadvantaged rural and urban schools. They were identified at the end of 2006, and they attended enrichment sessions at the University during 2007, 2008 and 2009. Thirty seven of the students enrolled for Engineering at Wits in 2010. They were given no further assistance by the TTP.
The TTP based the planning of its curriculum on the Competencies identified by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The primary aim of the PISA assessment is to determine the extent to which young people have acquired the wider knowledge and skills in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy that they will need in adult life, hence the TTP attempted to incorporate the PISA Competencies in their curriculum in order to equip students for tertiary education. Habits of Mind identified by Cuoco and others were also used in planning the TTP curriculum in order to equip students with thinking skills.
The TTP was successful in helping students to achieve university entrance, but there is a need to investigate to what extent the three year intervention program enables the students to succeed at university. This report focuses on the 37 students who enrolled for Engineering at Wits in 2010. They are compared to a sample of 37 students from the 2010 cohort who did not attend the TTP. The sample of non-TTP students was chosen by matching the National Senior Certificate Mathematics and Science marks obtained by the ex-TTP students as closely as possible. Thus two samples with an almost identical initial academic profile were created. One of the differences between the samples is that the ex-TTP students had had input which was aimed at equipping them to attain university entrance and to succeed there, whereas the other students had had no such formal assistance. The ex-TTP students were also compared with the cohort as a whole.
This report shows that 16 of the 37 students (43%) passed the Mathematics, Mechanics and Physics courses that they were enrolled for. It also shows that the ex-TTP students scored lower on average than the non-TTP students and the cohort, for the Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics courses that they were enrolled for. Interviews with 9 of the ex-TTP students show that they did not consciously transfer study techniques from the TTP to university. The TTP was thus only partially successful in its objective of enabling students to be successful at university.
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Důkazní břemeno ve sporech o vydání bezdůvodného obohacení / The burden of proof in the disputes for unjust enrichmentDobrovičová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
1 The burden of proof in the disputes for unjust enrichment Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the institute of the burden of proof. Its aim is to analyse the distribution of the burden of proof in disputes for unjust enrichment. The thesis consists of an introduction, four main chapters, which are further internally divided and the conclusion. The introduction is focused mainly on the reasons of author's choice of the topic. The first chapter contains the general characteristics and interpretation of key concepts as well as related institutes, whose basic knowledge will be a key to other parts of the text. It explains the differences between the concepts of proof, counter-proof and objection. It then analyses the standard of proof needed to prove certain facts. It also describes the state of non liquet and analyses the individual procedural obligations and burdens of the parties. The subject of the second chapter of the thesis is the term of the burden of proof, which can be divided into the objective and subjective burden of proof. The subjective burden of proof can be further subdivided into the abstract and concrete burden of proof. The chapter goes on to analyse selected theories of distribution of the burden of proof, while not neglecting the negative theory of proof. In the partial conclusion,...
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This qualitative case study describes the character of the Florida Arts and
Community Enrichment (FACE) program, a community arts organization, and the role it
plays in the lives and education of children and adolescents with at-risk tendencies. To
gain an insider’s perspective of the organization, I conducted research as a participant
observer. The participatory action research model enables participants and the researcher
to share knowledge as equal partners in research, while the appreciative inquiry method
focuses on the organization’s best qualities as a starting point for future improvement.
To collect a variety of data, this study incorporated on-site interviews recorded on
audiocassette, photographs, historical documents, student art, and observations recorded
in the researcher’s journal.
Based on two years of observation and data collection, I learned about FACE’s
employees and students. Its employees do not earn a substantial amount of money,
however, they do their jobs because of their love for the arts and the children. FACE’s
students greatly enjoy attending their organization because it provides them with a safehaven,
meaningful friendships, positive relationships with caring adults, and a place to
explore their many talents.
In addition to learning about the participants, four emergent themes developed.
First, I learned the type of arts organization that best serves children with at-risk
tendencies. Based on what I found at FACE, I argue that an arts organization should be
child centered, located close to children’s homes, unique, offer comprehensive services,
and operate as active learning centers. Second, I discovered the type of characteristics of
a community arts organization’s leader. Third, I learned that FACE, like most child
centered arts organizations, is more recreational than school. FACE balances fun
activities such as structured play with educational activities to capture its students’
interests. Fourth, although FACE’s students attend an arts organization located on the
grounds of a public housing project, some students had negative images of children living
in project housing.
Implications for educational practice showed that children like their art
organization better than school because they felt more valued and respected at their
program. Organizations like FACE capture their interests and make them feel good about
themselves. With this in mind, arts organizations appear to be an inexpensive way to
reduce risk factors in the nonschool hours to children with at-risk tendencies because they
give them something meaningful to do with their free time. Learning lessons from what
works well at FACE, schools can benefit their students with at-risk tendencies by
integrating the arts into academic subject areas, incorporating the community into the
classroom, giving children a choice of what they would like to participate in or how to
create a project, and most importantly, providing them with a nurturing environment. / Dissertation / PhD
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Separação materna e enriquecimento ambiental: envolvimento de células da glia, transportadores e receptores de glutamato no hipocampo de ratos jovens / Maternal separation and environmental enrichment: involvement of glial cells, glutamate transporters and glutamate receptors in the hippocampus of young ratsComassio, Priscila Mendes 09 May 2017 (has links)
O desenvolvimento humano pode ser influenciado pelo ambiente. Estímulos recebidos ao longo da vida determinam seu progresso e sucesso. Estímulos positivos levam ao desenvolvimento de habilidades, melhorando funções cognitivas e da memória, enquanto estímulos negativos podem predispor a patologias como o estresse. Eventos estressantes durante a infância aumentam a predisposição para o desenvolvimento de transtornos psiquiátricos ao longo da vida. A separação materna, modelo animal de estresse pós-natal, promove diversas alterações comportamentais e encefálicas. Animais submetidos à separação materna apresentam comportamentos que mimetizam doenças psiquiátricas humanas. Por outro lado, diversos trabalhos sugerem que o enriquecimento ambiental pode ter efeito benéfico na reversão ou atenuação de modificações comportamentais e encefálicas promovidas por modelos animais de depressão, esquizofrenia, ansiedade e hiperatividade. Esses aspectos motivaram-nos a estudar se as alterações causadas por estresse podem ser revertidas ou atenuadas pelo enriquecimento do ambiente. Há evidências que sugerem um importante envolvimento de células gliais e de transportadores de glutamato presentes nessas células em modelos animais de transtornos psiquiátricos. Sendo assim, investigamos a expressão de mRNA e proteínas de dois transportadores de glutamato gliais e um neuronal, do receptor de glutamato AMPA, de marcadores gliais GFAP, S100?, glutamina sintase (GS) e do marcador de neurônios maduros NeuN na camada molecular e granular do giro denteado do hipocampo de ratos de 60 dias. Observamos que a separação materna diminui a expressão das proteínas GLAST, GLT-1, GS e NeuN, reduz a expressão dos genes Gria1 (AMPA) e S100?, e aumenta a expressão da proteína EAAC1 no giro denteado. Nossos dados sugerem uma reversão das alterações causadas pela separação materna em relação ao gene Gria1/AMPA e às proteínas GLAST, GLT-1 e EAAC1 após o enriquecimento ambiental. Portanto, o enriquecimento ambiental pode reverter as modificações causadas pela separação materna nas vias glutamatérgicas. Esses efeitos benéficos podem ser investigados para auxiliar no tratamento de transtornos psiquiátricos relacionados à separação materna. / Human development can be influenced by the environment. Stimuli received throughout life determine its progress and success. Positive stimuli lead to development of skills, improving cognitive and memory functions, while negative stimuli may predispose to pathologies such as stress. Stressful events during childhood increase the predisposition to psychiatric disorders throughout life. Maternal separation, an animal model of postnatal stress, promotes several behavioral and encephalic changes. Animals submitted to maternal separation stage behaviors associated with psychiatric diseases in humans. On the other hand, some researches have suggested that environmental enrichment may have some beneficial effects on the reversal or attenuation of behavioral and encephalic modifications promoted by animal models of depression, schizophrenia, anxiety and hyperactivity, which motivates us to study if these changes, stirred by this kind of stress, can be reversed or mitigated by environmental enrichment. There are evidences suggesting the involvement of glial cells and glutamate transporters existent in these cells in psychiatric disorders and animal models of these disorders. Therefore, we investigated mRNA and protein expression of two glial and one neuronal glutamate transporters, AMPA glutamate receptor, glial markers GFAP, S100?, glutamine synthase (GS), and the NeuN neuronal marker in the molecular and granular layer of the hippocampal gyrus in sixty-days-old rats. We observed that maternal separation decreases expression of GLAST, GLT-1, GS and NeuN proteins, reduces Gria1 (AMPA) and S100? gene expression, and increases EAAC1 protein expression in the dentate gyrus. After environmental enrichment, our data suggests a reversal of the maternal separation changes in the Gria1/AMPA gene and the GLAST, GLT-1 and EAAC1 proteins. Therefore, environmental enrichment may reverse the maternal separation changes in the glutamatergic pathways. These beneficial effects may be investigated to aid in the treatment of psychiatric disorders related to maternal separation.
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Obtenção de leveduras vivas enriquecidas para suplementação nutricional e probiótico / Enriched live yeasts for nutritional supplementation and pro-biotic.Belluco, André Eduardo de Souza 14 May 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visou o acúmulo dos micronutrientes ferro e zinco em levedura da espécie Saccharomyces cerevisiae, em meio contendo 300 mg L-1 de ferro ou zinco (previamente definido) de acordo com o respectivo experimento. Ainda, teve o intuito de adicionar a levedura viva em um substrato (milho), esterilizado por irradiação gama (dose previamente definido), e avaliar a sua viabilidade celular para que essa possa ser uma fonte de probiótico. A levedura apresentou um acumulo de ferro e zinco durante os ciclos fermentativos, alcançando no final do sexto ciclo 8883 mg kg-1 de matéria seca e 7452 mg kg-1 de matéria seca respectivamente. A viabilidade celular das leveduras decresce durante todo o tempo de investigação, apresentando um valor de 82,53% aos 110 dias / The objective of this work was to accumulate the micro-nutrients iron and zinc in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in broth with 300 mg L-1 of iron or zinc. The enriched live yeasts were studied to be added to a substrate (corn) sterilized by gamma radiation in order to be a potential source of pro-biotic. The yeast accumulated iron and zinc during the fermentative cycles, reaching 8,883 mg kg-1 (dry weight) and 7,452 mg kg-1 (dry weight), respectively, at the end of the sixth cycle. The cellular viability of the yeasts added to corn decreased during the period of investigation, presenting the value of 82,53% at 110 days
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Liberalidade e gratuidade no âmbito da doação / Liberality and gratuity in the context of giftStanicia, Sergio Tuthill 19 April 2016 (has links)
O objeto deste trabalho será analisar criticamente a maneira como o direito conceitua a doação. Será dividido em três partes. O Capítulo I tratará dos diversos modos como a doação foi estruturada no direito romano, no direito francês, no direito italiano e no direito brasileiro, das razões para essa diversidade e possíveis críticas à estruturação atual. O Capítulo II cuidará dos critérios para delimitar a fattispecie da doação e distingui-la dos demais contratos gratuitos. Normalmente, a doutrina identifica um elemento objetivo e um elemento subjetivo como caracterizadores da doação. O Capítulo III problematizará esses elementos, a fim de indagar sobre a abrangência do conceito jurídico de doação, tendo como base dois aspectos: a possibilidade de a doação ter por objeto prestações de fazer e o papel atribuído ao chamado animus donandi. / The purpose of this thesis is to analize critically the legal concept of gift. It will be divided into three parts. Chapter I covers the different legal structuring of gifts in Roman Law, French Law, Italian Law and Brazilian Law. The chapter also covers the reasons for the existence of different concepts and possibile criticism of the actual structure of gifts. Chapter II deals with the criteria for defining a legal concept of gift and the distinction between gifts and other gratuitous contracts. Generally, legal science identifies an objective element and a subjective element as characteristic features of gifts. Chapter III discusses these elements focused on the magnitude of the legal concept of gift in accordance with two aspects: the possibility of gratuitous services to be considered gifts and the role assigned to the so-called animus donandi.
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Uso de ferramentas como enriquecimento ambiental para macacos-prego (Cebus apella) cativos / Tool use as environmental enrichment for captives capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella)Mendonça-Furtado, Olívia de 10 October 2006 (has links)
Manter animais em cativeiro implica no dever ético de lhes proporcionar saúde física e psicológica. Procedimentos conhecidos como Enriquecimento Ambiental buscam elevar o bem-estar de animais cativos. Neste trabalho, três artefatos foram testados para avaliar sua eficácia como enriquecimento ambiental para macacos-prego (Cebus apella). Dois destes artefatos (Brinquedo e Caixa de forrageamento) já haviam sido testados anteriormente por Boinski et al. (1999). O terceiro artefato (Ferramenta) foi testado pela primeira vez e buscava proporcionar aos animais a possibilidade de executar um comportamento típico da espécie: a quebra de cocos. Usamos medidas comportamentais e de corticosterona fecal para medir os efeitos dos artefatos. Foram encontradas algumas diferenças significativas entre as condições experimentais (controles e com artefatos), e entre a freqüência de interação com os artefatos, porém os resultados não nos possibilitam afirmar se algum dos artefatos seria um enriquecimento ambiental eficaz para macacos-prego cativos. Acreditamos que experimentos ainda devem ser feitos para elucidar os efeito de fatores como: o ambiente externo ao recinto, os procedimentos de manutenção direcionados aos animais e a metodologia de aplicação dos artefatos, sobre o bem-estar de animais cativos. / Keeping animals in captivity implies in an ethical duty of offering conditions that foster their physical and psychological health. Procedures known as Environmental Enrichment seek to enhance animals life quality. Here we tested three stimuli efficiency as environmental enrichment for captive capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Two which had been previously tested (Toy and Box) by Boinski et al. (1999). The third one (Tool) was tested for the first time and aimed giving the animals the opportunity to perform a species-typical behavior: cracking open nuts. The stimuli had their effects measured by behavioral and fecal corticosterone sampling. Some statistical significant differences were found between experimental conditions (control and stimuli) and between the frequencies of interaction with the stimuli. The data, however, did not point to any of the tested stimuli as effective environmental enrichment for capuchin monkeys. We believe, therefore, that more research should be conducted in order to clarify the effects of factors such as the environment outside the cages, the maintenance procedures, and the stimulus presentation procedures, on the well-being of captive animals.
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Efeitos do enriquecimento ambiental sobre comportamentos induzidos pelo etanol em camundongos Swiss: envolvimento da circuitaria do estresse. / Effects of environmental manipulations on ethanol-related behaviors: involvement of the stress circuitry.Rae, Mariana Beu 23 April 2014 (has links)
O enriquecimento ambiental (EA) apresenta efeitos positivos sobre a dependência ao etanol e é possível que atue como um estressor leve, ajudando o animal a lidar melhor com situações adversas. Camundongos foram separados em três grupos: controle (CO), EA e estresse (ES). Foram estudados os efeitos do EA e ES no comportamento tipo ansiedade, memória episódica, preferência condicionada a lugar (CPP) com etanol, corticosterona e quantidade de receptor de oxitocina (OT). O EA diminuiu a latência de entrada no braço aberto, sugerindo efeito ansiolítico, ao contrário do ES. A memória não diferiu entre os grupos e o EA mostrou maior preferência condicionada ao etanol, comparado com CO. A corticosterona não mostrou diferença. A autorradiografia apontou diminuição da ligação de OT nos núcleos olfatórios e córtex frontal dos animais EA e aumento da ligação de OT na amígdala do ES em relação ao CO, sugerindo maior comportamento pró-social e maior ansiedade, respectivamente. Concluímos que o ambiente é capaz de afetar circuitos cerebrais envolvidos no estresse e dependência. / Environmental enrichment (EE) presents positive effects upon alcohol addiction and its possible that EE acts as a mild stressor, which would help animal cope better with future stressful situations. Mice were separated in three groups: control (CO), EE and stress (ST). We studied the effects of EE and ST on anxiety-like behavior, episodic memory, conditioned place preference (CPP) to ethanol, corticosterone and quantity of oxytocin receptor. EE decreased the latency to enter the open arm, suggesting an anxiolytic effect, unlike ST. Memory did not differ between groups and EE demonstrated a higher preference to ethanol compared to CO. Corticosterone levels didnt differ among groups. Autoradiography showed decreased binding of OT in the olfactory nuclei and frontal cortex of EE animals and enhanced binding of OT in the amygdala of ST animals compared to CO, suggesting higher pro-social behavior and higher anxiety-like behavior, respectively. We conclude that the environment is capable of affecting important brain circuitries involved in stress and drug addiction.
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