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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ironstone and Red Mud as Soil Amendments to Increase Phosphorus Retention in a Sandy Soil

Smith, Samantha Karyn 26 July 2017 (has links)
Loss of phosphorus (P) from soil may degrade water quality. The problem exists where soil has been heavily fertilized with P, including use of poultry litter as fertilizer for pastures on the Coastal Plain. This research proposed that amending a P-enriched soil with a material that has a relatively high capacity to sorb P would decrease such loss in runoff or subsurface drainage. The P sorption behavior of two adsorbent materials, naturally occurring soil ironstone and bauxite refining residue (red mud), was examined in laboratory studies, with results guiding the design of a greenhouse experiment using these materials mixed with P-enriched Ruston soil (fine-loamy, siliceous, semiactive, thermic Typic Paleudults) used to grow common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). The Langmuir P sorption maxima of ironstone and red mud were about five-times greater than that of Ruston but sorption was affected by kinetics. Miscible displacement studies confirmed reduced P mobility in these materials compared to Ruston, and reduced mobility of P in Ruston when mixed at a 9 to 1 ratio, with red mud being more effective than ironstone. The greenhouse experiment compared Ruston mixed with the P adsorbents at 0, 5, 10 and 20% with 4 replicates in a completely randomized design. Bermudagrass yield was greatest in the red mud treatments but variability among replicates led to no significant treatment effect in mass of P leached. Decreased infiltration with red mud led to ponding lasting longer than one day, which therefore represented potential loss of desorbed soil P in runoff. However, under simulated rainfall later in the experiment losses of P were numerically least from the red mud treatments, suggesting that the shorter-term results reflected transient behavior and that red mud may have potential as a soil amendment to reduce P losses.

Quizalofop-P-Ethyl Herbicide Interactions in Accase-Resistant Rice Production

Rustom Jr., Samer Y. 26 July 2017 (has links)
A field study was conducted in 2015 and 2016 at the H. Rouse Caffey Rice Research Station (RRS) to evaluate mixture interactions of quizalofop and ALS-inhibiting herbicides. Quizalofop was applied at 120 g ai ha-1. Mixture herbicides included penoxsulam at 40 g ha-1, penoxsulam plus triclopyr at 352 g ha-1, halosulfuron at 53 g ha-1, bispyribac at 34 g ha-1, orthosulfamuron plus halosulfuron at 94 g ha-1, orthosulfamuron plus quinclorac at 491 g ha-1, imazosulfuron at 211 g ha-1, and bensulfuron at 43 g ha-1. All ALS herbicides mixed with quizalofop indicated antagonistic responses for weedy rice or barnyardgrass control at either 14 or 28 days after treatment (DAT). At 28 DAT, quizalofop mixed with penoxsulam or bispyribac controlled barnyardgrass 33 to 38%, compared with an expected control of 91 to 92%. A study was conducted at the RRS to evaluate interactions of quizalofop applied in mixtures with contact herbicides. Quizalofop was applied at 120 g ha-1. Mixture herbicides included carfentrazone at 18 g ha-1, propanil at 3360 g ha-1, saflufenacil at 25 g ha-1, or thiobencarb at 3360 g ha-1. Propanil severely antagonized quizalofop activity on weedy rice and barnyardgrass at all evaluations. At 28 DAT, barnyardgrass treated with quizalofop mixed propanil indicated an observed control of 16%, compared with an expected control of 93%. A study was conducted at the RRS evaluating sequential applications of quizalofop at 120 g ha-1 and propanil plus thiobencarb at 672 g ai ha-1. A prepackage mixture of propanil plus thiobencarb was applied for each timing treatment when ACCase-R rice was at the 2- to 3-leaf growth stage (day 0). Application timing treatments consisted of quizalofop applied at 7, 3, and 1 days before (DBPT) and after (DAPT) the propanil plus thiobencarb application at day 0. Additionally, quizalofop was applied alone and in a mixture with propanil plus thiobencarb at day 0. Quizalofop activity was reduced on weedy rice and barnyardgrass when applied at 1 and 3 DAPT or mixed with propanil plus thiobencarb at day 0; however, quizalofop activity was not reduced when applied before propanil plus thiobencarb.

Soil Properties' Response to Wheat and Corn Stubble Residue Management in Louisiana

Acree, Autumn Danielle 20 July 2017 (has links)
Crop residue plays an important role in improving soil fertility. Crop residue affects soil biological and chemical properties by increasing soil organic matter, nutrient status and availability, and microbial activity. The degree of the effects of crop residue on soil fertility depends on the crop residue management practice. Samples were collected in 2014 in wheat (Triticum spp.) stubble and corn (Zea mays) stubble residue. A second soil sample collection under wheat stubble residue was taken in 2015 in the prescribed fire and no-till sections. A total of 342 soil samples (0-2.5cm) were collected across conventional tillage, no-till, and prescribed fire treatments of wheat stubble and corn stubble residue located on the Macon Ridge Research Station in Winnsboro, LA. Samples were collected pre-management (0 hr) and at 1, 24, 168, 720, and 4320 hr intervals post-management and analyzed for soil chemical (macronutrients and soil organic matter) and biological (microbial community structure and enzyme activities) properties. In 2015, additional samples were taken in wheat stubble residue 6 hrs and 168 hrs (1 week) post-management. Additional samples were collected in corn stubble residue 6 hrs post-management. Prescribed fire increased NO3--N relative to no-till and conventional tillage in wheat stubble. Prescribed fire increased β-glucosidase activity relative to conventional tillage but was similar to β-glucosidase activity observed in no-till. Short term changes in organic matter, nutrients, and enzyme activity were observed in prescribed fire, no-till, and conventional tillage. Shifts in microbial communities were observed in wheat stubble residue with Gram negative, total bacteria, and actinomycetes dominating the prescribed fire soil and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, saprophytic fungi, and fungi:bacteria dominated no-till and conventional tillage soil. The effects of management practices on microbial community structure was unable to be determined in corn stubble residue based on the fatty acid profiles tested in this study. While prescribed fire increased NO3--N and β-glucosidase activity, similarities between management were observed in NH4+-N, soil organic matter, and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase activity. Therefore, further research needs to be done in order to determine the most efficient crop residue management practice to optimize soil fertility.

Decision Making of Environmental Engineers on Project Selection

Davis, Millicent Amanda 01 January 2016 (has links)
Some environmental engineers do not understand how to perceive profitable opportunities in redeveloping the large number of contaminated brownfield sites in New Jersey. The purpose of this qualitative exploratory case study was to find effective decision-making strategies that help environmental engineers acquire profitable environmental redevelopment projects. The target population consisted of 4 environmental engineers in an environmental organization in Camden County, New Jersey who possessed proven decision-making strategies that helped them acquire profitable environmental redevelopment projects in the past 5 years. The conceptual framework for this study was the multiple criteria decision method (MCDM). Semistructured interviews were conducted with the engineers, and company documents were additional sources of data gathered. Triangulation and member checking were used to ensure the trustworthiness of interpretations. Five themes emerged from the analyses relating to strategies for an MCDM assessment in project management, a go/no-go assessment in project selections, education and training, ethics as an organizational value, and project management. These findings may lead to social change in Camden County, New Jersey community organizations, such as schools, daycare centers, and local businesses, which may benefit from the knowledge and safety recommendations of remediation decision making. Furthermore, these findings may provide opportunities for environment organizations to teach and train stakeholders on environmental processes while providing profitable opportunities to shareholders through sustainable practices.

Hodnocení vlivů záměru realizace přehrady Bawanor v severním Iráku na životní prostředí

Kriegler, Štěpán January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

環境教育設施成效之研究-以臺北市立動物園昆蟲館為例 / A Study of the Effect of Enviromental Education Facilities-Take the Insecturium in Taipei Zoo for Example

徐玉齡, Hsu,Yu-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
環境教育隨全球化趨勢已成各國教育目標,動物園具可執行教育課程的自然場域及專業設施,應可善盡環境教育設施角色,呈現人與自然生態的關係,。就學校教學而言,動物園如能發揮環境教育功能,將成為戶外環境教育有效的教學資源,使參訪者能提升環境知識或環境態度。本研究目的在探討國小學童使用動物園昆蟲館設施時的使用狀況,及在環境知識與環境態度上的學習成效,進而探討學童背景變項及使用狀況不同時,是否造成其環境教育學習成效的差異;最後提出對動物園設施規劃及環境教育方案的建議,俾提供園方未來參考。 本研究方法分為二部份:一、以班級為單位,隨機抽樣參加臺北市立動物園校外教學之國小四年級學生共1200位為研究對象,施以問卷調查,以瞭解其在昆蟲館的使用成效率、使用滿意度、環境知識成效、環境態度成效及個人背景資料。二、立意取樣三位隨行志工進行半結構訪談,以了解其對昆蟲館設施的意見及建議。在資料分析上,主要採用了描述性分析、次數百分比統計、t檢定、Cochran Q考驗及ANOVA變異數分析等方法。 研究發現,臺北市立動物園之參訪遊客普及度高及具重複參訪之特質;且昆蟲館使用成效率高的環境教育設施具有內容生活化、展示媒體多元化、展示媒體功能與活體互補、設立位置明顯及展示手法具互動性之特質。而使用成效率低的設施則導因於展示媒體變化少、展示手法缺乏互動性、輔助說明不足、位置不佳的狀況。 此外,位於昆蟲館遊客動線前端展示區設施較後端設施有較高使 用成效率,顯示遊客閱聽量有限。使用狀況部分,昆蟲館內60.83% 的環境教育設施具使用成效,居住地區造成使用成效率差異,且使用 成效率隨來園次數遞增。學童之使用滿意度為正向的「滿意」,隨來園次數遞增,惟使用滿意度因環境教育構面不足呈現邊際效應。學習成效部分,設施的使用成效率越高,學童對該設施欲傳遞的環境教育知識學習成效越佳。另學童環境知識答題正確率高,居住地區造成環境知識學習成效差異,來園次數越多的學童,其環境知識的學習成效亦越佳。學童環境態度為正向的「同意」,且學童來園次數與環境態度得分成正比,然因環境教育構面不足有造成環境態度得分呈現邊際效應。另使用狀況與學習成效關連部分,使用成效率及滿意度越高的學童,在環境知識及環境態度上有較佳的學習效果。 研究者針對前揭研究結論,提出下列建議:環境教育設施首 應提升使用成效率,以促進學習成效,進而發展完整環境教育構 面,避免使用滿意度及學習成效的邊際效應;且臺北市立動物園 具發展環境教育之利基,建議以昆蟲館為全園啟動點,策略地持 續發展其他適合館區。 此外,昆蟲館環境教育設施應朝向內容生活化、展示媒體多元、展示媒體功能與活體互補及展示手法互動化的方向設計;並應避免大量平面輸出、過多文字內容,並加強輔助說明並注意損壞率及置放地點。另因遊客閱聽量有限,建議先行估算期待的使用成效率,俾有效規劃環境教育設施空間用途,並建議延伸設施內容的環境教育構面及指標,以提升遊客使用成效率、使用滿意度及環境態度成效,並可避免邊際效應。 就參訪者部分,學童居住地區影響其使用成效率及學習成效,建議園方應考量較不利學習的地區的學童,輔以行前說明或補充資料。另因遊客重複來園特性,建議可縮短昆蟲館展示更換期至半年或每季,並擴增短期展示空間。未來並可將館內設施納入學習單內容或作為志工導覽時的駐站教具,以增進遊客使用動機及次數,進而增加環境教育學習成效。

The Effect of Environmental Conditions Upon Study in the First Grade

Biggerstaff, Lucille 08 1900 (has links)
The problem under consideration is to determine the effect of certain prevailing environmental conditions of a distracting nature upon the process of study in the first grade. The conditions selected, those which are common to the schoolroom or home environment, were chewing gum, physical education classes, room confusion, rhythm band, singing, and recorded music. This study attempted to determine to what degree, if any, each of these distracting environmental conditions affect the process of study in the first grade.

A Comparative Study of Environmental Conditions and Their Relations to Achievement, Personality, and Intelligence of Seventh Grade Pupils

Rohde, Hazel S. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to give the results of a testing program in the low seventh grade of an urban school wherein intelligence, personality, achievement, and socioeconomic tests were given. The primary purpose of the tests was to determine what influence, if any, the environmental factors played in the individual learning process, but attention was given to other phases of the learning process as well.

Caracterização de sedimentos do litoral de São Paulo, da plataforma continental do Rio de Janeiro e da Ilha Rei George, Antártica, por espectroscopia Mössbauer, PIXE, e susceptibilidade magnética, um estudo de magnetismo ambiental / Sediment characterization of the coast of São Paulo, the continental shelf of Rio de Janeiro and the King George Island, Antartártica, by MössBauer spectroscopy, PIXE and magnetic susceptibility, a study of enviromental magnetism

Jorge, Fabio de Oliveira 25 October 2010 (has links)
Magnetismo ambiental é uma área nova e multidisciplinar que estuda propriedades magnéticas de solos, sedimentos, rochas e relaciona essas propriedades com parâmetros ambientais e poluição. Assim a caracterização dos minerais presentes em solos e sedimentos é ferramenta fundamental de estudo, principalmente devido à presença do Fe. Com este objetivo, amostras de sedimentos foram coletadas na forma de testemunhos no Largo de Santa Rita (LSR) e Rio Casqueiro (CS2), Santos, São Paulo (no presente trabalho acrescentamos aos cálculos também a contribuição dos óxidos de ferro) e Ferraz (FZ) e Botany Point (BP), da baia do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, Antártica Os testemunhos da baia de Santos são semelhantes porque são provenientes de uma região extremamente poluída. De outra forma, os testemunhos da Antártica são semelhantes por serem de regiões sem ocupação humana. Assim um interesse específico em estudar amostras destas regiões é justificado. E amostras isoladas de superfície da plataforma continental do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, incluindo amostras da ilha do Cardozo e ilha Anchieta, por apresentarem particularidades interessantes. As amostras foram caracterizadas por Espectroscopia Mössbauer (EM), Susceptibilidade Magnética (SM) e PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission). Esta última técnica permite detectar e quantificar elementos químicos de número atômico acima de 12. Os elementos quantificados nos resultados de PIXE são: em todas as amostras Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Mn e Fe; no testemunho LSR: P, V, Co ; no testemunho CS2: P, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br e Zr; no testemunho BP: V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, I e W; no testemunho FZ: V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e I; na amostra PEN: P, Co; na amostra CARD: P e Mo; na amostra P6947: Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br e I; na amostra P6949: Cr, Co, Cu, Zn e La; na amostra P6561: Cr, Co, Ni, Br e I; na amostra P6626: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, I, Sr e Zr e na amostra P6627: Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, I e Sr. A partir das medidas de EM determinamos as proporções de Fe2+, Fe3+ paramagnético e de Fe3+ ligado aos óxidos de ferro e os identificamos. Determinamos que o óxido de ferro presente nos testemunhos LSR e CS2 é a goethita. O óxido de ferro identificado nas amostras dos testemunhos Ferraz e Botany Point foi a hematita. Esta também foi identificada na amostra da praia do engenho, ilha Anchieta. Em única amostra entre as amostras da plataforma continental foi detectado e quantificado um óxido de ferro. Nas amostras dos testemunhos do litoral de São Paulo, a fase do ferro predominante é a paramagnética, portanto, associamos a fase paramagnética do ferro ao predomínio do intemperismo químico. Por outro lado amostras dos testemunhos da Antártica, a fase do ferro predominante é dos óxidos de ferro, portanto, associamos a fase de óxidos de ferro ao predomínio de intemperismo físico. Assim a presença de ferro amorfo (ferridrita ou fugerita) poderia ser um índice de quantidade de metais de transição presentes na coluna sedimentar. Modelamos o valor da susceptibilidade magnética ponderando as contribuições individuais de cada elemento químico e do Fe3+, do Fe2+ e dos óxidos de ferro. O cálculo da susceptibilidade magnética modelada é a contribuição original deste trabalho, onde verificamos que os picos no valor de Susceptibilidade Magnética correspondem às situações de maior contaminação ambiental. Por fim, concluímos que nossos resultados de Espectroscopia Mössbauer, PIXE e Susceptibilidade Magnética estão de acordo e podem ser usados em modelos com o objetivo de observar impactos ambientais. / Environmental magnetism is a new area that studies magnetic properties of soils, sediments and rocks and relates these properties with environmental parameters and pollution. With this proposal sets of sediments were collected from the Largo Santa Rita(LSR), Santos, São Paulo; from Baia do Almirantado, Rei George, Antarctic, Ferraz (FZ) and Botany Point (BP); Rio Casqueiro, Cubatão, São Paulo (CS2, re-studied in the present work including oxides contribution) and isolated samples of Plataforma Continental. The CS2 and LSR samples are similar from a heavily polluted region. On the other hand, FZ and BP samples are similar from regions without human occupation. Thus a specific interest to study samples from these regions is justified. The samples were characterized by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (MS), Magnetic Susceptibility and PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission). The latter allowed to detect and to quantify the content of chemical elements of atomic number above 12. The presence of trace metals as Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Mn and Fe was detected and quantified using the PIXE technique in all samples. P, V, Co were detected and quantified in LSR samples. P, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br and Zr were detected and quantified in CS2 samples. V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, I and W were detected and quantified in BP samples. V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and I were detected and quantified in FZ sample. P and Co were detected and quantified in PEN sample. P and Mo were detected and quantified in CARD sample. Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br and I were detected and quantified in P6947 sample. Cr, Co, Cu, Zn and La were detected and quantified in P6949 sample. Cr, Co, Cu, Zn and La were detected and quantified in P6561 sample. Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, I, Sr, Zr and La were detected and quantified in P6626 sample. Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, I e Sr were detected and quantified in P6627 sample. The Mössbauer measurements presents Fe2+ and Fe3+ sites and in some samples an additional sextet, due the presence of goethite for LSR and CS2 samples, hematite for FZ and BP samples. The relative area of paramagnetic iron was larger than the others MS components in samples of São Paulo, Litoral, so we associated chemistry weathering with paramagnetic phases. On the other hand, the iron oxides relative áreas of Antarctic samples were larger than the others MS components, so we associated physical weathering with magnetic iron oxides phases. Thus the paramagnetic iron detected could be a measure of transition metals presence or a pollution index. The peaks of experimental magnetic susceptibility curve were related to pollution. The combined results of MS and PIXE allowed us to perform the fitting of the magnetic susceptibility curve that yield a perfect fit with experimental data. In the particular case of Fe we used the related proportions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ obtained by MS measurements. The iron oxides contributions are also found in literature. The model of magnetic susceptibility is the original contributed of the present work. We can conclude that our results of MS, PIXE and magnetic susceptibility are in good agreement and can be used in models with the objective to study the environmental impacts effects.

Caracterização de sedimentos do litoral de São Paulo, da plataforma continental do Rio de Janeiro e da Ilha Rei George, Antártica, por espectroscopia Mössbauer, PIXE, e susceptibilidade magnética, um estudo de magnetismo ambiental / Sediment characterization of the coast of São Paulo, the continental shelf of Rio de Janeiro and the King George Island, Antartártica, by MössBauer spectroscopy, PIXE and magnetic susceptibility, a study of enviromental magnetism

Fabio de Oliveira Jorge 25 October 2010 (has links)
Magnetismo ambiental é uma área nova e multidisciplinar que estuda propriedades magnéticas de solos, sedimentos, rochas e relaciona essas propriedades com parâmetros ambientais e poluição. Assim a caracterização dos minerais presentes em solos e sedimentos é ferramenta fundamental de estudo, principalmente devido à presença do Fe. Com este objetivo, amostras de sedimentos foram coletadas na forma de testemunhos no Largo de Santa Rita (LSR) e Rio Casqueiro (CS2), Santos, São Paulo (no presente trabalho acrescentamos aos cálculos também a contribuição dos óxidos de ferro) e Ferraz (FZ) e Botany Point (BP), da baia do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George, Antártica Os testemunhos da baia de Santos são semelhantes porque são provenientes de uma região extremamente poluída. De outra forma, os testemunhos da Antártica são semelhantes por serem de regiões sem ocupação humana. Assim um interesse específico em estudar amostras destas regiões é justificado. E amostras isoladas de superfície da plataforma continental do Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, incluindo amostras da ilha do Cardozo e ilha Anchieta, por apresentarem particularidades interessantes. As amostras foram caracterizadas por Espectroscopia Mössbauer (EM), Susceptibilidade Magnética (SM) e PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission). Esta última técnica permite detectar e quantificar elementos químicos de número atômico acima de 12. Os elementos quantificados nos resultados de PIXE são: em todas as amostras Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Mn e Fe; no testemunho LSR: P, V, Co ; no testemunho CS2: P, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br e Zr; no testemunho BP: V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, I e W; no testemunho FZ: V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e I; na amostra PEN: P, Co; na amostra CARD: P e Mo; na amostra P6947: Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br e I; na amostra P6949: Cr, Co, Cu, Zn e La; na amostra P6561: Cr, Co, Ni, Br e I; na amostra P6626: Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, I, Sr e Zr e na amostra P6627: Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, I e Sr. A partir das medidas de EM determinamos as proporções de Fe2+, Fe3+ paramagnético e de Fe3+ ligado aos óxidos de ferro e os identificamos. Determinamos que o óxido de ferro presente nos testemunhos LSR e CS2 é a goethita. O óxido de ferro identificado nas amostras dos testemunhos Ferraz e Botany Point foi a hematita. Esta também foi identificada na amostra da praia do engenho, ilha Anchieta. Em única amostra entre as amostras da plataforma continental foi detectado e quantificado um óxido de ferro. Nas amostras dos testemunhos do litoral de São Paulo, a fase do ferro predominante é a paramagnética, portanto, associamos a fase paramagnética do ferro ao predomínio do intemperismo químico. Por outro lado amostras dos testemunhos da Antártica, a fase do ferro predominante é dos óxidos de ferro, portanto, associamos a fase de óxidos de ferro ao predomínio de intemperismo físico. Assim a presença de ferro amorfo (ferridrita ou fugerita) poderia ser um índice de quantidade de metais de transição presentes na coluna sedimentar. Modelamos o valor da susceptibilidade magnética ponderando as contribuições individuais de cada elemento químico e do Fe3+, do Fe2+ e dos óxidos de ferro. O cálculo da susceptibilidade magnética modelada é a contribuição original deste trabalho, onde verificamos que os picos no valor de Susceptibilidade Magnética correspondem às situações de maior contaminação ambiental. Por fim, concluímos que nossos resultados de Espectroscopia Mössbauer, PIXE e Susceptibilidade Magnética estão de acordo e podem ser usados em modelos com o objetivo de observar impactos ambientais. / Environmental magnetism is a new area that studies magnetic properties of soils, sediments and rocks and relates these properties with environmental parameters and pollution. With this proposal sets of sediments were collected from the Largo Santa Rita(LSR), Santos, São Paulo; from Baia do Almirantado, Rei George, Antarctic, Ferraz (FZ) and Botany Point (BP); Rio Casqueiro, Cubatão, São Paulo (CS2, re-studied in the present work including oxides contribution) and isolated samples of Plataforma Continental. The CS2 and LSR samples are similar from a heavily polluted region. On the other hand, FZ and BP samples are similar from regions without human occupation. Thus a specific interest to study samples from these regions is justified. The samples were characterized by Mössbauer Spectroscopy (MS), Magnetic Susceptibility and PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission). The latter allowed to detect and to quantify the content of chemical elements of atomic number above 12. The presence of trace metals as Al, Si, S, Cl, K, Ti, Mn and Fe was detected and quantified using the PIXE technique in all samples. P, V, Co were detected and quantified in LSR samples. P, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Br and Zr were detected and quantified in CS2 samples. V, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, I and W were detected and quantified in BP samples. V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and I were detected and quantified in FZ sample. P and Co were detected and quantified in PEN sample. P and Mo were detected and quantified in CARD sample. Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br and I were detected and quantified in P6947 sample. Cr, Co, Cu, Zn and La were detected and quantified in P6949 sample. Cr, Co, Cu, Zn and La were detected and quantified in P6561 sample. Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, I, Sr, Zr and La were detected and quantified in P6626 sample. Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Br, I e Sr were detected and quantified in P6627 sample. The Mössbauer measurements presents Fe2+ and Fe3+ sites and in some samples an additional sextet, due the presence of goethite for LSR and CS2 samples, hematite for FZ and BP samples. The relative area of paramagnetic iron was larger than the others MS components in samples of São Paulo, Litoral, so we associated chemistry weathering with paramagnetic phases. On the other hand, the iron oxides relative áreas of Antarctic samples were larger than the others MS components, so we associated physical weathering with magnetic iron oxides phases. Thus the paramagnetic iron detected could be a measure of transition metals presence or a pollution index. The peaks of experimental magnetic susceptibility curve were related to pollution. The combined results of MS and PIXE allowed us to perform the fitting of the magnetic susceptibility curve that yield a perfect fit with experimental data. In the particular case of Fe we used the related proportions of Fe2+ and Fe3+ obtained by MS measurements. The iron oxides contributions are also found in literature. The model of magnetic susceptibility is the original contributed of the present work. We can conclude that our results of MS, PIXE and magnetic susceptibility are in good agreement and can be used in models with the objective to study the environmental impacts effects.

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