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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Role Of Sais In Promoting Sustainable Development: Environmental Auditing

Erkan, Berna 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is based on cross-sectional data analyses by using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Method in order to determine the main drivers of the environmental performance and specifically the effects of environmental audits conducted by Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) on sustainable development. Two general models are employed throughout the study that have the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) as dependent variable and various sub-models for different income groups are produced to observe the individual and interactive effects of explanatory variables. First model includes 150 countries regressing their EPI scores on income, population, literacy rate and indicators of the strength of institutional structure such as corruption perceptions index or government effectiveness score. Then, second model which comprises 52 countries introduces the number of environmental audit reports as a new explanatory variable. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is also applied to highly correlated variables and the models are reestimated. The results indicate that well functioning environmental management systems and resulting positive effects on the environmental performance can only be attained through strengthened governmental institutions with high transparency and accountability as well as rigid implementation of the related regulations. More specifically, environmental audit reports generated by SAIs are of vital importance for especially improving the environmental management systems of the developing countries.

Performance Measurement und Environmental Performance Measurement / Entwicklung eines Controllingmodells zur unternehmensinternen Messung der betrieblichen Umweltleistung

Sturm, Anke 04 November 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Dissertationsschrift besteht in der Entwicklung einer systematisierten Vorgehensweise, eines Controllingmodells, zur unternehmensinternen Umweltleistungsmessung. Das entwickelte Environmental Performance Measurement (EPM)-Modell umfaßt die fünf Stufen Festlegung der Ziele der Umweltleistungsmessung (1. Stufe), Erfassung der Umwelteinflüsse nach der ökologischen Erfolgsspaltung (2. Stufe), Bewertung der Umwelteinflüsse auf der Grundlage des qualitätszielbezogenen dreistufigen Bewertungsmodells (3. Stufe), Beurteilung der festgestellten Umweltleistung (4. Stufe) und Entscheidungsfindung bzw. potentielle Revision der Ziele (5. Stufe). Diese Stufen können den Controlling-Phasen Planung [Zielfestlegung und potentielle Revision (1. und 5. Stufe)], Realisation [Erfassung und Bewertung (2. und 3. Stufe)] sowie Kontrolle [Beurteilung (4. Stufe)] zugeordnet werden. Das EPM-Modell wurde in Anlehnung an die Kriterien des Performance Measurement und bisheriger Ansätze der betrieblichen Umweltleistungsmessung konzipiert. Insbesondere die Anlehnung an die Kriterien des Performance Measurement wurde bei der Entwicklung des EPM-Modells gesucht, um zum einen die neuen Ansätze im Bereich der betrieblichen Leistungsmessung zu berücksichtigen und zum anderen eine Kompatibilität zwi-schen betrieblicher Leistungsmessung und Umweltleistungsmessung zu erzeugen. Diese Kompatibilität zeigt sich z. B. in der Entwicklung der Eco Balanced Scorecard. Wichtige Charakteristika des EPM-Modells sind auf der Grundlage der identifizierten Kriterien : · die Ausrichtung der Ziele für die Umweltleistungsmessung sowie der Erfassungs- und Bewertungsverfahren auf die Stakeholder-Interessen; dadurch Abbildung der Umweltleistungsfähigkeit, · die Durchführung der ökologischen Erfolgsspaltung bei der Erfassung der Umwelteinflüsse, · die Ermittlung des Zielerreichungsgrades auf Basis der ökologischen Erfolgsspaltung sowie die Bestimmung der Ursa-chen für potentielle Zielverfehlungen und -erreichungen. Die 2. (Erfassung), 3. (Bewertung) und 4. Stufe (Beurteilung) des EPM-Modells wurden empirisch für die deutsche Maschinenbaubranche überprüft; eine Umsetzbarkeit der genannten Stufen konnte dabei konstatiert werden.

The effect of supply chain integration on the environmental and social performance : Based on German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers

Eskitürk, Cennet, Gädeke, Mandy, Willing, André January 2015 (has links)
In the past years supply chain integration has become focus of interest, due to the discussion in the literature, that a positive direct relationship exists between higher supply chain integration and higher performance. Additionally, the environmental and social performance of supply chains gained much interest based on the new sustainability focus in the 21st century. The production of electrical and electronic equipment is one of the fastest growing global manufacturing activities. However, due to technological advancements, the quick obsolescence of electronics result in increased generation of waste of electrical and electronic equipment. Germany is one of the leading electrical and electronic equipment markets within Europe and is strongly affected by the EU directives and regulations, which aim not only to protect human health but also to improve the environmental performance of the electrical and electronic equipment operators in particular. Therefore, the environmental and social performance of German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers is increasingly gaining importance. Respectively, the purpose of this study is to investigate what effect the depth of upstream supply chain integration has on the environmental and social performance of German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers. This study is based on the quantitative research method. The required empirical data is generated through an online questionnaire, which has been sent to German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers. An initial operationalization of upstream supply chain integration depth and environmental and social performance is used as a foundation for the questionnaire. It can be concluded that German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers seem to have a coordinative upstream supply chain integration and presumably have a Abstract 4 moderate environmental and social performance. Furthermore, it can be assumed that the upstream supply chain integration depth has an effect on the environmental and social performance of German electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers.

Incorporating life cycle assessment into the LEED Green Building rating system

Optis, Michael 12 August 2008 (has links)
Reused, recycled and regional product criteria within the LEED Green Building rating system are not based on comprehensive environmental assessments and do not ensure a measurable and consistent reduction of environmental burdens. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted for the LEED-certified Medical Sciences Building at the University of Victoria to illustrate how LCA can be used to improve these criteria. It was found that a lack of public LCA data for building products, insufficient reporting transparency and inconsistent data collection methodologies prevent a full incorporation of LCA into LEED. At present, LCA data can be used to determine what building products are generally associated with the highest environmental burdens per unit cost and thus require separate LEED criteria. Provided its deficiencies are rectified in the future, LCA can be fully incorporated into LEED to design environmental burden-based criteria that ensure a measurable and consistent reduction of environmental burdens.

Incorporating life cycle assessment into the LEED Green Building rating system

Optis, Michael 12 August 2008 (has links)
Reused, recycled and regional product criteria within the LEED Green Building rating system are not based on comprehensive environmental assessments and do not ensure a measurable and consistent reduction of environmental burdens. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted for the LEED-certified Medical Sciences Building at the University of Victoria to illustrate how LCA can be used to improve these criteria. It was found that a lack of public LCA data for building products, insufficient reporting transparency and inconsistent data collection methodologies prevent a full incorporation of LCA into LEED. At present, LCA data can be used to determine what building products are generally associated with the highest environmental burdens per unit cost and thus require separate LEED criteria. Provided its deficiencies are rectified in the future, LCA can be fully incorporated into LEED to design environmental burden-based criteria that ensure a measurable and consistent reduction of environmental burdens.

Environmental performance improvement in the cement industry

Summerbell, Daniel Leo January 2018 (has links)
This research investigates ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the cement industry. Cement is one of the largest sources of man-made greenhouse gases, contributing ~5% of the global total. 40% of emissions from cement come from the fuel used in the process, while the electricity used contributes a further 5%. The focus of the research is to find operational changes that can reduce emissions without the need for large capital investment. Three cement plants in the UK were investigated using four different mathematical models based on real data from the plants. A new metric for assessing the environmental impact of the fuel mix of a plant was proposed, and evidence indicates that it may be a better predictor of environmental performance than the metrics currently used in industry. The research found that consistently improving this fuel metric to best-observed levels, as well as reducing the excess air ratio to industry-standard levels had the potential to reduce fuel consumption by up to 7%, and fuel derived CO2 emissions by up to 12%. Increasing use of biomass to best-observed levels had the potential to reduce the net fuel derived CO2 emissions by up to 20%. Comparing the proposed improvements to the historic range of plant performance showed that this level of performance is within the normal operating range of the plants. A reduction of 2-4% in electricity costs and electricity derived emissions was also possible from operational changes. These savings would reduce operating costs as well as emissions, and require little to no capital investment, meaning they could be implemented directly. If successfully implemented in the near future the total savings by 2050 would be on a similar scale to those expected from much more expensive technology changes, such as upgrading to new cement plants, or installing carbon capture and storage technology.

Proposta de um índice de desempenho ambiental para a mineração a céu aberto

Silva, Felipe Vargas e January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo criar uma ferramenta mais abrangente de avaliação do desempenho ambiental da mineração a céu aberto, para posteriormente avaliar o desempenho ambiental desta atividade econômica, uma vez que os critérios de avaliação de impactos na mineração atuais não consideram o impacto ambiental causado por atividades de lavra a céu aberto na paisagem. Para mensurar o impacto na paisagem causado pela mineração foram utilizados dados de sensoriamento remoto do sensor TM do satélite Landsat 5 e técnicas de geoprocessamento. Posteriormente, as cenas foram submetidas ao script de análise de fragmentação da paisagem V-LATE 2.0 beta para o ArcMAP™ 10.1. Após os impactos ambientais terem sido mensurados e agregados em um índice, torna-se possível uma quantificação do desempenho ambiental da atividade de mineração. Como aplicação do novo índice criado, foi feito um estudo comparativo entre a mina N5W e a cultura da soja no município de Sorriso, MT. Tal estudo permitiu concluir que a atividade da mineração a céu aberto, se realizada com as devidas medidas mitigatórias, apresenta desempenho ambiental comparável a outras atividades econômicas de mesmo porte produtivo. / This dissertation aims to create a more comprehensive tool for assessing environmental performance of open pit mines to assess the environmental performance, since the criteria for assessment of impacts on current mining do not consider the environmental impact of open-pit mining activities in the landscape. To measure the impact on the landscape caused by mining techniques were used remote sensing data from Landsat 5 TM sensor and geoprocessing techniques. Then the scenes were analyzed by V-LATE 2.0 beta script for ArcMAP™ 10.1 software. After the environmental impacts have been measured and aggregated into an index, it is possible to quantify the environmental performance of mining activities. As an application of the new index created, a comparative study between N5W mine and soybean in the municipality of Sorriso, MT was done. This study concluded that the open pit mining whether performed with appropriate mitigation measures, has environmental performance similar to other economic activities with the same production scale.

Forma arquitetônico-urbana e desempenho ambiental : entre os limites e as possibilidades do adensamento construtivo

Silva, Beatriz Francalacci da January 2016 (has links)
O estudo em microescala sobre a relação entre a forma arquitetônico-urbana e o meio ambiente constitui o objetivo desta pesquisa. Parte-se da hipótese de que existem formas arquitetônico-urbanas mais apropriadas do que as previstas pela legislação urbana e edilícia para o alcance do melhor desempenho ambiental, sendo possível avaliar quais as composições mais adequadas segundo os condicionantes locais. Nesse contexto, apresenta-se como objeto de estudo o recorte espacial de uma área urbana com alta densidade construída em Florianópolis-SC, que constitui a referência para analisar o impacto ambiental gerado pela forma arquitetônico-urbana e o resultado de seu desempenho final. Para essa avaliação, foram considerados os fatores ambientais associados com o desempenho térmico, luminoso e acústico do espaço urbano e arquitetônico, assim como algumas questões sobre a qualidade ambiental em escala local. A metodologia utiliza dados quantitativos e qualitativos obtidos em campo e em trabalhos de gabinete, por meio das seguintes etapas: 1. Exploratória (investigação bibliográfica, documental e infográfica); 2. Indutiva experimental (levantamento em campo de informações microclimáticas, individuais e subjetivas) e 3. Dedutiva computacional (simulação de modelos preditivos). A estrutura do trabalho está organizada para demonstrar como o objeto de pesquisa foi compreendido e como podem ser desenvolvidos os estudos nessa temática, apresentando primeiramente os condicionantes ambientais (paisagem natural e clima local) e a forma arquitetônico-urbana considerada, para posteriormente desenvolver a associação entre os temas principais – arquitetura e ambiente. A análise considera a percepção subjetiva da autora, a partir da observação de fragmentos do espaço arquitetônico-urbano, pertencentes a um todo. O trabalho comprova a hipótese inicial, na medida em que recomenda proposições de desenho arquitetônico e urbano para o caso estudado, tendo por base os critérios de desempenho ambiental. Além disso, estimula a discussão, o interesse e o conhecimento sobre o tema e corrobora a urgência de incorporação dos estudos ambientais no planejamento e nas propostas de desenho arquitetônico e urbano. / The study in microscale of the relationship between the architectural-urban form and the environment is the goal of this research. It starts with the hypothesis that there are more appropriate architectural-urban forms than those provided by the urban and construction legislation to achieve the best environmental performance, making possible to assess what are the most suitable compositions according to the local conditions. In this context, it is presented as a study object an urban area with high density built in Florianópolis-SC, which is the reference to analyze the environmental impact generated by the architectural-urban form and the result of their final performance. For this evaluation, it was considered the environmental factors associated with the heat, light and acoustic performance of urban and architectural space, as well as some features of the local environmental quality. The methodology uses quantitative and qualitative data obtained in loco and by the office work, through the following steps: 1. Exploratory (bibliographic, documentary and infographic research); 2. Experimental inductive (field measurements and structured interviews) and 3. Computational deductive (simulation of predictive models). The structure of the work demonstrates how the research object was understood and how can be developed studies in this subject, first presenting the environmental conditions (natural landscape and climate) and the architectural-urban form considered to further develop the association among the main themes - architecture and environment. The analysis considers the subjective perception of the author, from the observation of fragments of architecturalurban space, belonging to a whole. The work confirms the initial hypothesis, according as recommends architectural and urban design propositions for the case study, based on the environmental performance criteria. In addition, it stimulates discussion, interest and knowledge on the topic and confirms the urgent incorporation of environmental studies in the urban planning and in the architectural design proposals.

Constructo metodológico para a avaliação de desempenho ambiental na indústria frigorífica de bovinos / Methodological construct for the environmental performance in the beff industry companies

Janotti, Priscila Rizzi [UNESP] 04 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by PRISCILA RIZZI JANOTTI null (pri_janotti@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-10-03T22:33:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Priscila_Rizzi_Janotti - FINAL.pdf: 1096520 bytes, checksum: 5784169605aa6b52b5617b714aed7bf5 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Monique Sasaki (sayumi_sasaki@hotmail.com) on 2017-10-04T16:57:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 janotti_pr_me_jabo.pdf: 1096520 bytes, checksum: 5784169605aa6b52b5617b714aed7bf5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T16:57:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 janotti_pr_me_jabo.pdf: 1096520 bytes, checksum: 5784169605aa6b52b5617b714aed7bf5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-04 / Os impactos ambientais causados pelas operações produtivas têm sido cada vez mais discutidos nos mais distintos âmbitos sociais. Dentre os setores que se apresentam no rol das indústrias com alta geração de resíduos sólidos, efluentes líquidos e emissão gasosas em suas operações produtivas está a indústria frigorífica de bovinos. Maior exportadora mundial de carne bovina, esta indústria tem o desafio de: i) produzir alimentos com garantia de qualidade e segurança microbiana; e ii) garantir que o processo produtivo seja inovador a ponto de proporcionar sustentabilidade e diminuição dos impactos ambientais. Frente a este contexto, este trabalho objetivou elaborar um constructo metodológico quantitativo para auxiliar as empresas pertencentes à indústria frigorífica de bovinos a avaliarem seu desempenho ambiental de forma ampla. Trata-se de um trabalho quantitativo subdividido em três etapas metodológicas sendo: aprofundamento da teoria de Avaliação de Desempenho Ambiental, mapeamento do processo produtivo de bovinos, e elaboração do constructo metodológico. Como resultado criou-se um constructo que contempla 31 indicadores agrupados em 6 aspectos, poderados a partir do método AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), mensurados através de escalas de avaliação específicas. A título de exemplificação, o constructo foi aplicado em duas empresas do setor. / The environmental impacts caused by productive operations have been increasingly discussed in the most diverse social spheres. Among the sectors that appear in the list of industries with high generation of solid waste, liquid effluents and gaseous emissions in their productive operations is the cattle industry. As the world's largest exporter of beef, this industry has the challenge of: i) producing food with quality assurance and microbial safety; and ii) ensure that the production process is innovative to the point of providing sustainability and reducing environmental impacts. Thus, this study aimed to elaborate a quantitative methodological construct to help beef industry companies to evaluate their environmental performance in a broad way. It is a quantitative study subdivided into three methodological stages: deepening of the theory of Environmental Performance Evaluation, mapping of the productive process of beef, and elaboration of the methodological construct. As a result, the study has created a construct that contemplates 31 indicators grouped in six aspects, weighted by the AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) method, measured through specific evaluation scales. As an example, the study applied the construct to two companies in the sector.

Forma arquitetônico-urbana e desempenho ambiental : entre os limites e as possibilidades do adensamento construtivo

Silva, Beatriz Francalacci da January 2016 (has links)
O estudo em microescala sobre a relação entre a forma arquitetônico-urbana e o meio ambiente constitui o objetivo desta pesquisa. Parte-se da hipótese de que existem formas arquitetônico-urbanas mais apropriadas do que as previstas pela legislação urbana e edilícia para o alcance do melhor desempenho ambiental, sendo possível avaliar quais as composições mais adequadas segundo os condicionantes locais. Nesse contexto, apresenta-se como objeto de estudo o recorte espacial de uma área urbana com alta densidade construída em Florianópolis-SC, que constitui a referência para analisar o impacto ambiental gerado pela forma arquitetônico-urbana e o resultado de seu desempenho final. Para essa avaliação, foram considerados os fatores ambientais associados com o desempenho térmico, luminoso e acústico do espaço urbano e arquitetônico, assim como algumas questões sobre a qualidade ambiental em escala local. A metodologia utiliza dados quantitativos e qualitativos obtidos em campo e em trabalhos de gabinete, por meio das seguintes etapas: 1. Exploratória (investigação bibliográfica, documental e infográfica); 2. Indutiva experimental (levantamento em campo de informações microclimáticas, individuais e subjetivas) e 3. Dedutiva computacional (simulação de modelos preditivos). A estrutura do trabalho está organizada para demonstrar como o objeto de pesquisa foi compreendido e como podem ser desenvolvidos os estudos nessa temática, apresentando primeiramente os condicionantes ambientais (paisagem natural e clima local) e a forma arquitetônico-urbana considerada, para posteriormente desenvolver a associação entre os temas principais – arquitetura e ambiente. A análise considera a percepção subjetiva da autora, a partir da observação de fragmentos do espaço arquitetônico-urbano, pertencentes a um todo. O trabalho comprova a hipótese inicial, na medida em que recomenda proposições de desenho arquitetônico e urbano para o caso estudado, tendo por base os critérios de desempenho ambiental. Além disso, estimula a discussão, o interesse e o conhecimento sobre o tema e corrobora a urgência de incorporação dos estudos ambientais no planejamento e nas propostas de desenho arquitetônico e urbano. / The study in microscale of the relationship between the architectural-urban form and the environment is the goal of this research. It starts with the hypothesis that there are more appropriate architectural-urban forms than those provided by the urban and construction legislation to achieve the best environmental performance, making possible to assess what are the most suitable compositions according to the local conditions. In this context, it is presented as a study object an urban area with high density built in Florianópolis-SC, which is the reference to analyze the environmental impact generated by the architectural-urban form and the result of their final performance. For this evaluation, it was considered the environmental factors associated with the heat, light and acoustic performance of urban and architectural space, as well as some features of the local environmental quality. The methodology uses quantitative and qualitative data obtained in loco and by the office work, through the following steps: 1. Exploratory (bibliographic, documentary and infographic research); 2. Experimental inductive (field measurements and structured interviews) and 3. Computational deductive (simulation of predictive models). The structure of the work demonstrates how the research object was understood and how can be developed studies in this subject, first presenting the environmental conditions (natural landscape and climate) and the architectural-urban form considered to further develop the association among the main themes - architecture and environment. The analysis considers the subjective perception of the author, from the observation of fragments of architecturalurban space, belonging to a whole. The work confirms the initial hypothesis, according as recommends architectural and urban design propositions for the case study, based on the environmental performance criteria. In addition, it stimulates discussion, interest and knowledge on the topic and confirms the urgent incorporation of environmental studies in the urban planning and in the architectural design proposals.

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