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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Refugiados ambientais: em busca de reconhecimento pelo direito internacional / Environmental refugees: in search of recognition by international law

Érika Pires Ramos 22 August 2011 (has links)
A presente tese tem como pano de fundo a crescente preocupação com os impactos das alterações no meio ambiente global e objetiva a análise da dimensão humana dessas mudanças, que emergem do cenário de insegurança, riscos e incertezas acentuado com o recente debate internacional sobre mudanças climáticas. A ocorrência cada vez mais frequente de desastres ambientais e a progressiva degradação de recursos ambientais essenciais, comprometendo gravemente a vida e a segurança de indivíduos, grupos e comunidades inteiras em todo o mundo, a ponto de inviabilizar a sobrevivência em seus locais de origem, ensejam novas situações jurídicas que precisam ser reguladas pelo Direito Internacional. Nesse contexto, dois pontos centrais conduzem o presente estudo: a emergência de uma nova categoria de pessoas na ordem internacional e a ausência de proteção jurídica pelos instrumentos internacionais vigentes. As dificuldades em torno do consenso sobre uma definição jurídica e a natureza do regime de proteção, tomando-se como base as normas vigentes de Direito Internacional dos Refugiados, de Direito Internacional dos Direitos Humanos e do Direito Internacional do Meio Ambiente, deixam à mostra as limitações do Direito Internacional Público atual para conferir um tratamento adequado à complexidade do problema em questão. Nesse sentido, uma resposta internacional adequada exige, de um lado, o reconhecimento do status jurídico próprio para a nova categoria; de outro, a construção de estratégias de prevenção e combate das múltiplas causas que forçam os deslocamentos. Para suprir a lacuna normativa existente propõe-se uma abordagem integrada, identificando elementos importantes nos regimes internacionais que possam contribuir para a construção de um compromisso global inovador e compatível com a nova dinâmica internacional. / This thesis has as its background the growing concern about the impacts of global environmental changes and aims the analysis of the human dimension of these changes, which emerge from the scenario of insecurity, risks and uncertainties highlighted with the recent international debate on climate change. The increasingly frequent occurrence of environmental disasters and a gradual deterioration of essential environmental resources, severely compromising the lives and safety of individuals, groups and entire communities around the world as to render them unfit for survival in their homes, create new legal situations which need to be regulated by International Law. In this context, two central points lead this study: the emergence of a new category of people in the international order and the absence of legal protection by the international instruments in force. The difficulties surrounding the consensus on a legal definition and nature of the regime of protection, taking as basis the standards of International Refugee Law, International Law of Human Rights and International Law on the Environment show the limitations of current Public International Law to give a proper treatment of the complexity of the problem. Accordingly, an appropriate international response requires on the one hand, recognition of a special legal status to the new category, and second, the construction of strategies to prevent and combat the multiple causes that force displacements. To fill the existing normative gap, we propose an integrated approach, identifying important elements in the international regimes that can contribute to building an innovative global compromise, compatible with the new international dynamics.

Détermination des facteurs du sol modulant la biodisponibilité et l'accumulation des métaux pour l'escargot (cantareus aspersus) / Determination of soil parameters modulating the biovailability and the accumulation of metals to the snai (cantareus aspersus)

Pauget, Benjamin 12 July 2012 (has links)
[...] L’objectif decette thèse est l’étude des mécanismes modulant la biodisponibilité des métaux pour l’escargotCantareus aspersus (syn. Helix aspersa), invertébré vivant à l’interface sol‐plante‐air (maillonintermédiaire, saprophage, phytophage, de chaînes alimentaires). La biodisponibilité est principalementévaluée ici en mesurant l’accumulation (concentrations internes en métaux après 28 jours d’exposition) etles flux d’assimilation. L’influence de paramètres édaphiques sur la disponibilité et la biodisponibilité desmétaux des sols et la contribution des sources de contamination (sols/plantes) des escargots constituentles variables étudiées dans deux conditions d'exposition :[...] L’ensemble des résultats souligne la nécessité de prendre en compte les facteurs et lesmécanismes qui modulent la biodisponibilité des métaux pour modéliser au mieux leur accumulation etleur assimilation par les escargots. Aucune méthode chimique unique d’estimation de la biodisponibilitédes métaux n’ayant pu être déterminée, nous préconisons l’utilisation de mesures biologiques quireflètent mieux la réelle biodisponibilité. / [...] The aim of this thesis is to study the mechanisms that modulate metal bioavailabilityfor the garden snail Cantareus aspersus (= Helix aspersa) a soil invertebrate living at the interfacesoil‐plant‐air (saprophagous and phytophagous intermediate link in the food chain).[...] These data underline the necessity to take into account the factors and mechanisms that modulate themetal bioavailability for snails to better model accumulation and assimilation of metal by snails. As nounique chemical method to assess metal bioavailability was determined, we recommend the use ofbiological measures that identify the real metal bioavailability rather than the use of chemical measures.

Couplage d’approches expérimentales et modélisatrices pour l'étude des mécanismes d'effet de perturbateurs endocriniens chez la limnée des étangs, Lymnaea stagnalis. / Towards understanding the effects of putative endocrine disruptors in the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis : experimental and toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic modelling approaches

Barsi, Alpar 14 January 2015 (has links)
Les produits phytosanitaires contiennent des molécules qui peuvent interférer avec le système endocrinien et induire des effets délétères sur les êtres vivants. Ce sont des perturbateurs endocriniens. Afin d’assurer un niveau de protection satisfaisant pour les mollusques aquatiques, une bonne compréhension des perturbations du système endocrinien est nécessaire. L’organisation pour le développement et la coopération économique s’est exprimée en faveur de la mise en place de protocoles standards d’écotoxicité chez les mollusques, notamment sur la reproduction, dans le cadre des processus d’évaluation du risque écologique et des autorisations de mise sur le marché de nouvelles molécules. Cette thèse vise à proposer des tests standards et des outils d’analyse afin d’évaluer les effets de substances chimiques chez un escargot d’eau douce, Lymnaea stagnalis. Une série de tests de toxicité a été conduite dans laquelle les limnées ont été exposées à des androgènes, des oestrogènes et dessolvants. Les effets observés ont été évalués à l’aide d’approches statistiques standards et d’un modèle de toxicokinétique-toxicodynamique (TKTD). Les limnées ont montré une sensibilité uniquement au tributyltin et triphényltin à des concentrations réalistes d’un point de vue environnemental. Le triéthylène glycol et l’acétone étaient les solvants les moins nocifs. De plus, le modèle TKTD suggère un mécanisme généraliste dans l’action du composé. La manifestation des perturbations endocriniennes chez L. Stagnalis restent évasives et nécessitent d’autres recherches. Enfin, la thèse a montré que / Plant protection products and biocides may contain chemicals that interfere with the endocrine system and consequently induce adverse effects on wildlife. Such chemicals are known as endocrine disruptors (EDs). To ensure a satisfactory protection level for aquatic molluscs a comprehensive understanding of endocrine disruption is needed. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development supports the standardisation of toxicity tests guideline on mollusc reproductive toxicity, which is intended for environmental risk assessments purposes. This PhD thesis aimed at improving toxicity test protocols and data analysis tools to evaluate effects of chemicals on the great pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. A suite of toxicity tests was conducted in which snails were exposed to putative androgens (tributyltin, triphenyltin, methyltestosterone), putative oestrogens (alkylphenols and ethynyloestradiol), and solvents. Resulting effects were evaluated using standard statistical approachesand/or a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic (TKTD) model. Snails were sensitive to tributyltin and triphenyltin, while none of the oestrogenic chemicals and methyltestosterone significantly impacted animals at environmentally relevant concentrations. Triethylene glycol and acetone were the least harmful solvents. Further, the analysis of data from the tributyltin test with the TKTD model suggested a generic mechanism of action of the compound (i.e., not specific for EDs). The demonstration of endocrine disruption in L. stagnalis remained elusive and deserves further research. Finally, the thesis highlight

Ethnographic Investigations of Commercial Aquaculture as a Rural Development Technique in Tamil Nadu, India

Kiessling, Brittany L 02 June 2016 (has links)
Since the 1960s, international aid organizations and governments have invested millions of dollars in promoting aquaculture as a way to stimulate local economies and improve food security. India is one such country, incorporating aquaculture research and extension programs as part of their development plans as early as 1971. India’s aquaculture promotion efforts gained momentum in 2004, following the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. The government sees aquaculture as a post-disaster development tool and a method to increase community resilience in rural areas of India. Aquaculture currently constitutes nearly half of global seafood production today. Due to this importance, and the attention such practices receive through funding and extension, many scholars have focused on the social impacts that aquaculture practices have on rural communities. In particular, scholars have investigated the effects of aquaculture on environmental conditions, food security, livelihoods, gender relations, and social conflict. However, more scholarship is needed concerning the historical legacies that have contributed to how aquaculture is promoted and practiced, particularly connections to the Green Revolution. Furthermore, there needs to be more research about commercial aquaculture as a post-disaster development strategy. My research – based on 9 months of ethnographic fieldwork and archival analysis in Tamil Nadu, India – contributes to this body of literature. I synthesized post-development theory with that of environmental risk and vulnerability, building upon the work of scholars such as James Ferguson, Tania Li, and Piers Blaikie. My analysis uncovers large disparities between the goals of aquaculture development programs and actual aquaculture outcomes. I attribute this to the technocratic governance structure of the aquaculture industry, which leads to a lack of engagement and participation between aquaculture managers, researchers, and practitioners. This lack of engagement ultimately makes the communities in which aquaculture is being practiced more vulnerable to anthropogenic and natural disturbances. Additionally, I found that aquaculture practices in the study site are causing significant changes to local agrarian structures, particularly through changes to labor. These changes have implications for social stratification and disempowerment of women. Overall, these findings contribute to the anthropological study of aquaculture as well as to theories of post-development.

Distribution d'estrogènes et de bêtabloquants dans les stations d'épuration des eaux résiduaires et dans l'eau de surface / Fate of estrogens and beta blockers in wastewater treatment plants and surface waters

Gabet-Giraud, Virginie 14 December 2009 (has links)
Les estrogènes et les bêtabloquants transitent quotidiennement par les réseaux d’assainissement et les stations d’épuration des eaux résiduaires urbaines. Une première partie de ce travail a consisté à développer des méthodes pour analyser ces micropolluants émergents dans les boues de station d’épuration et les matières en suspension. L’efficacité des traitements épuratoires a ensuite été évaluée vis-à-vis de l’élimination de ces molécules. En règle générale, les 5 estrogènes étudiés (estrone, 17α- et 17β-estradiol, estriol, 17α-éthinylestradiol) sont plutôt bien éliminés par les stations d’épuration avec des efficacités d’élimination généralement supérieures à 90%. Pour les 10bêtabloquants analysés (acébutolol, aténolol, bêtaxolol, bisoprolol, métoprolol, nadolol, oxprénolol,propranolol, sotalol et timolol), des comportements différents ont été observés. Alors que l’acébutololet le nadolol sont éliminés (abattements moyens supérieurs à 80%), d’autres molécules comme lesotalol et le propranolol ne sont que peu impactées par les traitements épuratoires (abattements moyens inférieurs à 20%). Pour les autres bêtabloquants étudiés, des abattements intermédiaires (entre 40 et 70%) sont observés. Excepté le propranolol, qui est le plus hydrophobe des bêtabloquants étudiés, les molécules ciblées dans cette étude s’adsorbent peu sur les matières en suspension (en moyenne 90% des molécules se trouvent dans la phase dissoute) et ne sont pas concentrées dans les boues ; les abattements mesurés correspondent donc, sauf pour le propranolol,à une biodégradation et pas à un transfert des micropolluants vers les boues. Les molécules résiduelles non éliminées par le traitement épuratoire rejoignent le milieu aquatique récepteur. Les rejets de station d’épuration représentent en effet une source de contamination pour les milieux aquatiques et l’impact de ces rejets est visible, notamment en termes d’augmentation des concentrations de micropolluants mesurées dans le milieu. Néanmoins, les faibles concentrations mesurées ne semblent pas individuellement représenter de risque environnemental majeur ; seul le propranolol a présenté sur 4 des 15 sites étudiés un quotient de risque supérieur à 1 ce qui indique un risque environnemental probable. Cependant, même si le risque associé à une molécule est faible,chaque molécule présente dans l’environnement contribue au potentiel toxique global des substances présentes dans l’environnement. / Estrogens and beta blockers are daily excreted by human beings and wastewater treatmentplants are recognised as the main pathway of these emerging micropollutants to the aquaticenvironment. This study aims at analyzing 5 estrogens (estrone, 17α- and 17β-estradiol, estriol, 17α-ethynylestradiol) and 10 beta blockers (acebutolol, atenolol, betaxolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, nadolol, oxprenolol, propranolol, sotalol et timolol) in urban wastewater treatment plants and surface waters.First of all, methods were developed for the analysis of target molecules in sewage sludge and suspended particulate matters. Then, estrogens and beta blockers were studied in urban wastewater treatment plants. Generally, wastewater treatments are efficients to remove estrogens fromwastewater with mean removal rates above 90%. For beta blockers, acebutolol and nadolol areefficiently removed (mean removal rates of about 80%), while sotalol and propranolol are hardlyimpacted by wastewater treatment (mean removal rates below 20%). Other studied beta blockerspresent intermediate removal rates (between 40 and 70%). Except propranolol which is the lesshydrophilic molecule among the different studied beta blockers, target molecules are not adsorbed onsuspended particulate matters (mean proportion of 90% of the target molecules are present in the dissolved phase) and are not concentrated into sludge. So, calculated removal rates correspond,except for propranolol, to biodegradation and not to transfer into sludge. Residual molecules which are not removed by wastewater treatment reach the aquatic environment. The impact of wastewater treatment plants on the receiving rivers was studied showing a clear increase of target molecules concentrations near the wastewater treatment plants outfall. However, only propranolol presented an environmental risk ratio in the range or above 1 showing a possible environmental risk in 4 studied receiving waters out of 15. Never the less, even if no specific toxic effects are pointed out, each molecule contributes to the overall toxic potential of the substances present in the aquatic environment.

Governando as mudanças climáticas no nível local : riscos e respostas políticas / Governing climate change at local level : risks and policy responses

Barbi, Fabiana, 1980- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Leila da Costa Ferreira, Carlos Alfredo Joly / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T10:19:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barbi_Fabiana_D.pdf: 3791389 bytes, checksum: 643d52986788ca4e3ec62ffb7dc0af22 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O objetivo dessa tese é analisar como os tomadores de decisão têm se apropriado dos riscos das mudanças climáticas em suas políticas locais e na integração com as políticas existentes, em diferentes níveis de governança. Para analisar o processo de internalização dos riscos das mudanças climáticas em termos de respostas políticas ao problema pelos governos locais e metropolitano, construiu-se uma matriz analítica baseada em quatro pontos: riscos das mudanças climáticas na região; estruturas político-institucionais para a questão climática; respostas políticas relacionadas às mudanças climáticas e percepções dos atores governamentais acerca do tema. Essa matriz analítica foi concebida a partir dos capítulos teóricos e utilizada no estudo em profundidade na cidade de Santos, na Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista. Os resultados mostraram que essa região é bastante vulnerável aos riscos das mudanças climáticas e mostraram a existência de algumas ações governamentais relacionadas a essa questão em diferentes setores de atuação no nível local e metropolitano. Entretanto, nenhuma dessas ações está diretamente voltada a lidar com os riscos das mudanças climáticas, abordando essa questão de maneira tangencial. Os riscos das mudanças climáticas não estão sendo internalizados pelos governos em termos de respostas políticas, embora ações referentes a esses riscos sejam misturadas às respostas governamentais a outros problemas urbanos que possuem interface com a questão climática e podem ser exacerbados a partir das mudanças no clima. Na região estudada, os riscos das mudanças climáticas são internalizados como riscos naturais, isto é, as respostas políticas estão mais direcionadas aos riscos naturais do que aos riscos climáticos, não incorporando os cenários previstos de mudanças climáticas nas respostas governamentais. Os riscos das mudanças climáticas são produtos dos próprios processos de desenvolvimento das sociedades contemporâneas. Isso implica no questionamento desses processos. E isso, as políticas climáticas ou relacionadas às mudanças climáticas apresentadas nessa tese estão longe de lograr, ou seja, elas não vão ao cerne do problema, mas se configuram como paliativos que permitem manter os mesmos padrões de desenvolvimento conhecidos até aqui: poluidores e emissores de gases de efeito estufa / Abstract: The aim of this dissertation is to analyze how policy makers have internalized the risks of climate change in their local policies and have integrated them with existing policies at different levels of governance. In order to analyze the internalization process of climate change risks in terms of policy responses to the problem by local and metropolitan governments, an analytical matrix based on four points was constructed: the risks of climate change; political-institutional structures for the climate issue; climate-relate policy responses and the perceptions of governmental actors on the subject. This analytical matrix was based on the theoretical chapters and used in the in-depth study in the city of Santos, in the Santos Metropolitan Region. The results showed that this region is quite vulnerable to the risks of climate change and showed the existence of some government actions related to this issue in different sectors of activity, at the local and metropolitan levels. However, none of these actions is directly geared to deal with climate change risks, addressing them tangentially. The risks of climate change are not being internalized by governments in terms of policy responses, although actions related to these risks are mixed to other policy responses to urban problems that have interface with the climate issue and may be exacerbated by changes in the climate. In the study area, the risks of climate change are internalized as natural hazards, i.e., the political responses are more directed to natural hazards than to climate risks, without incorporating climate change scenarios into the political responses. Climate change risks are products of the development processes themselves in contemporary societies. This implies questioning these processes. The climate or climate-related policies presented in this thesis are far from achieving this, i.e., they do not go to the heart of the problem, but are configured as palliatives that allow the maintenance of the same development standards known so far: polluters and greenhouse gases emitters / Doutorado / Aspectos Sociais de Sustentabilidade e Conservação / Doutora em Ambiente e Sociedade

Agrarian change and hydro-social transformations. The socio-natural production of water, risk and inequality in Jambi province, Indonesia

Merten, Jennifer 15 January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The association between Crohn's disease activity, serum 25(oh)- vitamin d status, the disease-associated environmental risk factors and the variability of Crohn's disease phenotype in the Western Cape population, South Africa

Basson, Abigail Raffner January 2014 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Background: A subtype of inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn' s disease is thought to represent a complex interaction between environmental factors, a defective immune system, the gastrointestinal microbiome and genetic' susceptibility; however; the-prevalence of different susceptibility mutations appears to vary between population groups, implying distinctions in disease pathogenesis or risk. Vitamin D, signaling through the vitamin D receptor, appears to have numerous effects on the immune system, and deficiency has been shown to playa role in both the pathogenesis and severity of experimental inflammatory bowel disease. However, the literature surrounding the association between vitamin D concentrations and disease severity in Crohn's disease is limited, and no such literature exists in South Africa. Furthermore, a paucity of data exists on the racial variability of Crohn' s disease phenotype in the Western Cape population of South Africa, as well as environmental factors in childhood associated with future Crohn's disease development. Aims: The three primary aims of the study were to investigate: 1) the racial variability of, Crohn's disease phenotype, defined by the Montreal classification scheme, as well as Crohn's disease behavior, using predefined definitions, stratified as 'complicated' or 'uncomplicated', based on a cross-sectional study design; 2) the association between childhood environmental exposures and the subsequent development of Crohn's disease, with specific emphasis on the timing of exposure, based on a case-control study design; and 3) the association between serum 25(OH)D concentration with Crohn's disease activity, measured by the Harvey Bradshaw Index, based on a cross-sectional study design; in this process, various vitamin D thresholds for predicting a high disease activity score were investigated, and the serum 25(OH)D concentrations were compared with those of the healthy controls to evaluate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency. Design: This was a case control study, as well as two cross-sectional evaluations of the case control study data, of all consecutive Crohn's disease patients (ages 18-70 years) seen between September 2011 and January 2013 during their normally scheduled appointments at Schuur Hospital and Tygerberg Hospital. Control subjects for the study were identified from the same populations giving rise to the Crohn's disease cases. An investigator-administrated questionnaire was used to identify numerous demographic and lifestyle variables, as well as childhood environmental exposures during three age intervals; 0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years. Clinical variables at diagnosis and time of study enrolment were determined via a review of medical and pharmacy records, as well as clinical examination by the consulting gastroenterologist. Serum 25(OH)D was measured using the SIEMENS ADIVA Centaur® XP Vitamin D Immunoassay [Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc., Tarrytown, NY, USA]. Vitamin D status was classified as either 'deficient' or 'sufficient', and was analyzed in 2 ways: ~20 ng/mL versus ~21 ng/mL; and ~29 ng/mL versus ~30 ng/mL, respectively. One year after study completion, a total of 40 (10%) randomly selected participants from the cohort completed the interviewer-administered questionnaire for a second time. A kappa statistic was used in order to measure the agreement between repeated data for the questionnaire. Only data pertaining to the three age intervals (0-5, 6-10 and 11-18 years) was extracted in this process. Results: One hundred and ninety four Crohn's disease patients and 213 controls meeting our inclusion criteria were identified; 35 (18%) and 19 (9%) were White, 152 (78%) and 177 (83%) were Coloured, and 7(4%) and 17 (8%) were South African Black, respectively. No subjects reported being of Asian or Indian ethnicity. Overall, 125 (31%) of the cohort were male. On multiple logistic regression analysis, Coloured Crohn's disease patients were significantly more likely to develop 'complicated' Crohn's disease (60% versus 9%, P = 0.023) during the disease course when compared to White Crohn's disease patients. In addition, significantly more White subjects had successfully discontinued cigarette smoking at study enrolment (31% versus 7% reduction, P = 0.02). No additional interracial differences were found. A low proportion inflammatory bowel diseases family history was observed among the Coloured and Black subjects. When evaluating childhood environmental exposures, multiple logistic regression analysis showed that during the age interval 6-10 years, never having consumed unpasteurized milk [(OR = 6.43; 95% Cl, 3.02-14.81), (K =0.79; 95% Cl, 0.39-1.00)] and never having a donkey, horse, sheep or cow on the property [(OR = 3.10; 95% Cl, 1.42-7.21), (K = 0.84; 95% Cl, 0.12-1.00)], significantly increased the risk of developing future Crohn's disease. During the age interval 11-18 years, an independent risk-association was identified for; never having consumed unpasteurized milk (OR = 2.60; 95% Cl, 1.17-6.10) and second-hand cigarette smoke exposure (OR = 1.93; 95% Cl, 1.13-3.35). For the vitamin Danalysis, 186 Crohn's disease patients and 199 control subjects met the study inclusion criteria. Overall, 113 (29%) of the cohort were male. Forty four percent of the cohort had a deficient vitamin D concentration (::;20 ng/ml.), no participants had severely deficient vitamin D concentrations, and 26% of the cohort had sufficient vitamin D concentrations (:::30 ng/mL). Fifty-three percent of the controls and 34% of the cases had vitamin D concentrations ::;20 ng/mL (P < 0.001). On multiple logistic regression analysis, higher Harvey Bradshaw Index scores and not having taken vitamin D supplementation in the six months prior to enrolment were identified as independent predictors of vitamin D deficiency in Crohn's disease patients; defined either as ::;20 ng/mL, or as ::;29 ng/mL (P < 0.001). Compared to patients with Harvey Bradshaw Index <5, those with Harvey Bradshaw Index 2:8 were 2.5-times more likely to have vitamin D concentrations ::;21 ng/mL (PR = 2.5; 95% Cl, 1.30-6.30). The risk was similar, though not as high, if deficiency was defined as ::;29ng/ml. (PR = 2.0; 95% Cl, 1.20-3.50). Conclusions: Coloured Crohn's disease patients were significantly more likely to develop 'complicated' Crohn's disease over time when compared to White Crohn's disease patients. Limited microbial exposures and exposure to second-hand cigarette smoke during childhood is associated with future development Crohn's diseases. However the inconsistencies between each age interval with regards to the identified risk factors may imply that the effect of different viruses or bacteria on the development of immune structures varies according to the timing of exposure. The finding that lower serum 25(OH)D was associated with moderate to severe Crohn's disease activity suggests that this patient population may benefit from vitamin D supplementation in order to achieve, or maintain a serum 25(OH)D concentration of at least 30 ng/mL.

An Environmental Risk Management Framework for a Nordic Construction Firm

Bajpai, Atish January 2006 (has links)
Construction is one of the oldest of industries in the world, with the first establishedconstruction company being established around 230 BC. One of the biggest industries inEurope, at an estimated €900 billion a year, it also accounts for 40% of total energy consumption and 40% of total waste generation in the EU1 . Although the majority ofthese are from the use phase of the built environment, there is a lack of a comprehensiveenvironmental risk management system for the construction phase. This study proposesan environmental risk management framework based on the Beer-Ziolkowski model of risk management for both site specific and non-site specific construction operations witha stakeholder centric approach. It proposes stakeholder involvement to identify the risksaided with trend analysis of strategic regulatory implications from the concernedauthority - Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development and thecurrent orgnisational practice of objective environmental risk identification from ISO14001 guidance. Scope of site specific and non-site specific risks are narrowed down tosite operational setup and construction materials respectively, consistent with theorganisations view of the most important risks from those two classes of risks. Riskassessment is suggested through Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method for site specific risksand European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) for non-sitespecific risks. Total Cost Accounting (TCA) of project alternative evaluation isrecommended with a view to internalise the external costs. A two tiered integration ofrisk information in the buisess process is suggested – categorised risk reduction processat the level of projects and general good practice aided with risk information at the policylevel. Being a framework for management of environmental risk as opposed to a methodfor a specific environmental risk, the principles and suggestions are broadly scoped withcase studies for identification and analysis of risks.Through the practice of prudent engagement of stakeholders and scientific risk assessments, this framework would help the organisation enable safer operational practices in the context of environmental effects. In foresight this in turn will have rendered the host firm more competent in terms of making sustainable business decisions. / Byggindustrin är en av de äldsta industrierna i världen. Det första företaget etabeleradesca 230 BC. Byggindustrin är även en av de största industrierna i Europa med €900miljarder i omsättning varje år, men ansvarar även för ungefar 40% av energiförbrukningen och 40% utav den totalla avfallsgeneringen i EU1. Trots att det mesta av dessa miljöfarliga aspekter kommer ifrån användningsphasen av den byggdamiljön, finns det en brist på omfattande hanteringssystem för miljörisker vid uppbyggnadsphasen. Denna studie föreslår en hanteringsmodell, baserad på Beer-Ziolkowski-modellen för riskhantering, som innehåller både byggplats baserade och icke byggplatsbaserade risker med en centrerad orientering vid just aktieägare samt andraberörda.Denna modell föreslår, att alla som skulle bli berörda vid förändring, engagerar sig för att identifiera risker med assistering utav strategisk vägledning hos den lämpliga förvaltningen - Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet samt med det närvarande organisationspraxisesn av indentifiering av de objektiva miljöriskerna med råd ifrån ISO140001. Omfattningarna av byggplats-beroende och icke byggplatsberoende riskkategorier fokuseras på layouten av byggplats och byggmaterial, enligt företagetsåsikt vilken av dessa två riskgrupper som är viktigast. Riskshantering föreslås med fel träanlys (FTA) metoden till byggplats beroende risker och European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances (EUSES) till icke byggplats beroende risker.Helkostnadsbokföring (TCA) för projektets olika alternativ rekommenderas som åtgärd för att inkludera de vanliga ytterliggande kostnaderna. En två spårig integration av risksbeskedet föreslås – katagoriserad riskminskning vid projektsnivå och vanliga goda affärsprincipier tillsammans med riskmedvetenhet på policy nivå.På grund av att modellen är en ram för riskhantering, som skilljer sig ifrån en metod fören särskild risk, granskas priciperna så som föreslaget med fallstudier för identifieringoch analys av risker.Genom att engagera aktieägare och andra intressenter men även natuvetenskaplig riskbedömning, ska denna modell hjälpa företaget till att möjligöra en säker bedrivningutav företagspraxisen i kombination med ett stärkt intresse utav miljöaspekter. I framtiden ska detta i sin tur ge företaget större kompetens när det gäller att planera och skapa en hållbar affärsplanering. / www.ima.kth.se

Análisis de la logística inversa en los importadores de la industria farmacéutica de la partida del sistema armonizado 30.03 en Lima Metropolitana durante el periodo 2015-2019 / Analysis of Reverse Logistics in Importing Companies of the Pharmaceutical Industry of the Harmonized System Item 30.03 in Metropolitan Lima during the period 2015-2019

Gutierrez Perez, Alexa Jimena del Carmen, Paredes Salvador, Daniela 04 December 2021 (has links)
Los medicamentos cumplen un rol fundamental en la sociedad debido a que contribuyen a la salud de las personas gracias a sus componentes químicos. Es precisamente por su composición que, cuando se eliminan incorrectamente, estos productos podrían llegar a generar numerosos problemas debido a la toxicidad y contaminación por las sustancias químicas que contienen, representando un riesgo para la vida humana además de generar que la contaminación ambiental incremente. En ese sentido, el presente estudio se titula Análisis de la logística inversa en los importadores de la industria farmacéutica de la partida del sistema armonizado 30.03 en lima metropolitana durante el periodo 2015-2019 y tiene como objetivo: Comprender la aplicación de la logística inversa en las empresas importadoras de la industria farmacéutica de la partida del sistema armonizado 30.03 en Lima Metropolitana durante el periodo 2015-2019. Mediante un enfoque cualitativo se recolectó información de los actores involucrados como representantes de asociaciones, laboratorios importadores de la partida en cuestión y expertos en logística inversa mediante la realización de entrevistas. Gracias a ello, se obtuvo el resultado de que las empresas importadoras del sector farmacéutico sí emplean la logística inversa en sus procesos, mediante la correcta eliminación de los residuos. / Pharmaceutical products play a fundamental role in society because they contribute to people's health thanks to their chemical components. It is precisely because of their composition that, when improperly disposed of, these products could generate numerous problems due to toxicity and contamination by the chemical substances they contain, representing a risk to human life as well as increasing environmental pollution. In this sense, the present study is entitled Analysis of reverse logistics in importers of the pharmaceutical industry of the harmonized system item 30.03 in metropolitan lima during the period 2015-2019 and has the objective: To comprehend the application of reverse logistics in importing companies of the pharmaceutical industry of the harmonized system item 30.03 in Metropolitan Lima during the period 2015-2019. Using a qualitative approach, information was collected from key stakeholders such as representatives of associations, importing laboratories and experts in reverse logistics through interviews. As a result, it was found that importing companies in the pharmaceutical sector do use reverse logistics in their processes, through the correct disposal of waste. / Tesis

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