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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zpracování signálu UHF RFID čtečky / Signal Processing for UHF RFID Reader

Novotný, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the UHF RFID reader EXIN-1 signal processing. The first part describes the concept of the EXIN-1 front end, its basic testing and possible communication interfaces for reader control and for receiving and transmitting baseband signals. The second part of this work is aimed to a simple description of EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 UHF RFID Protocol, especially to used modulations and codings. In the last part, a block connection between the front end and an ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller discovery board is designed. The microcontroller is used for generating of all required signals and also for receiving incoming signals and processing them for identification numbers of RFID cards (tags), which are in the reading range of the reader. A decoding algorithm is designed in MATLAB software and implemented to the selected microcontroller. Obtained identification data are displayed on an LCD display and also sent to a PC through a serial communication.

Ekonomická efektivnost a finanční proveditelnost projektu realizovaného obcí / Economic Efficiency and Financial Feasibility of Project Realized by Municipality

Vik, Vladimir January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a public lighting and its direct impact on the financial management of the municipality. Within this analysis the basic methods and ways, which the municipality use in the field of a management and a maintenance of the public lighting system, were described. The eventual form of the reconstruction of the public lighting in the Černožice village was also proposed. In a response to this proposal possible ways of financing this investment project were subsequently outlined. The secondary aim of this thesis was to create a concise database of implemented projects of the reconstruction in other municipalities and comparison of these results.

Impact de Nogo-A sur les propriétés vasculogéniques des cellules endothéliales progénitrices lors de la rétinopathie induite par l’oxygène

Ruknudin, Pakiza 09 1900 (has links)
La dégénérescence vasculaire et l’incapacité l’organisme à produire des vaisseaux sanguins de façon adéquate lors d’une condition ischémique est un fait saillant des rétinopathies ischémiques telles que la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP). La ROP demeure la principale cause de défaillance visuelle et dans les cas extrêmes, de cécité chez les nourrissons prématurés. Elle présente deux phases distinctes soit une phase initiale clef de vasooblitération (VO) rétinienne et choroïdale qui entraînent la deuxième phase de néovascularisation (NV) rétinienne désorganisée et excessive. Au cours du développement normal, la NV oculaire a recours au phénomène d’angiogenèse qui consiste en la formation de nouveaux capillaires à partir de vaisseaux préexistants et de vasculogenèse qui consiste en la formation de nouveaux capillaires à partir de cellules endothéliales progénitrices dérivées de la moelle osseuse (BM-EPCs). Cette vasculogenèse implique la mobilisation des EPCs de la moelle osseuse vers la circulation afin d’être recrutées au site de NV pour contribuer de façon directe, soit en intégrant directement les structures vasculaires pour former des néovaisseaux, ou bien de façon indirecte par leur activité paracrine en libérant différents facteurs de croissance vasculaires. Toutefois, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la dysfonction des EPCs lors de la ROP sont encore mal compris. Au cours de mon mémoire, mes travaux ont ciblé la première phase de VO rétinienne afin de promouvoir la revascularisation par une thérapie basée sur une supplémentation d’EPCs natives ou reprogrammées. Compte tenu du rôle capital des EPCs dans la NV, mon mémoire s’est d’abord intéressé au rôle de Nogo-A (une protéine de la famille de réticulon), connue pour son action anti-angiogénique, sur l'activité fonctionnelle des EPCs en condition de ROP. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé un modèle de rétinopathie induite par l’oxygène (OIR) simulant la ROP. L’objectif global de ce projet consiste à évaluer l’interrelation entre l’effet de l’hyperoxie (une condition clef de la ROP) sur la voie de signalisation Nogo-A et de son récepteur NgR1 sur la fonction des EPCs. Premièrement, les résultats obtenus montrent une augmentation de l’expression de Nogo-A et NgR1 chez les BM-EPCs soumis ex vivo à l’hyperoxie, mais aussi dans les EPCs extraites des rats OIR. En addition, l’augmentation de l’expression de Nogo-A/NgR1 par l’hyperoxie corrèle avec la dysfonction angiogénique des EPCs caractérisées par une diminution de leurs capacités de migration et de tubulogenèse. De façon intéressante, l’inhibition de Nogo-A (par un peptide neutralisant) améliore la capacité migratoire et tubulogénique des EPCs, et protège leur fonction contre l’hyperoxie. Également, l’inhibition de Nogo-A induit l’expression du facteur angiogénique et mobilisateur d’EPCs, SDF-1, suggérant que NgR1 régule négativement l’expression de SDF-1. Par ailleurs, nous avions également pour objectif final d’évaluer l’efficacité protectrice d’une supplémentation d’EPCs natives ou reprogrammées (Nogo-/-) pour améliorer la revascularisation rétinienne dans un modèle de rat OIR. Les résultats montrent qu’une supplémentation intrapéritonéale d’EPCs natives diminue significativement la VO rétinienne, mais que cet effet pro-angiogénique devient plus prononcé par le traitement d’EPCs préconditionnées (reprogrammées par l’inhibition de Nogo-A) chez les rats OIR. Collectivement, nos résultats démontrent que : 1) l’hyperoxie cause une dysfonction angiogénique des BM-EPCs en induisant Nogo-A ce qui contribue à la VO rétinienne chez les rats OIR, et que 2) une supplémentation d’EPCs conditionnées (reprogrammées par l’inhibition de Nogo-A) est plus efficace qu’une supplémentation d’EPCs natives pour améliorer la réparation vasculaire rétinienne. Pour conclure, nous mettons donc en évidence une cible potentielle qui est la protéine Nogo-A afin de préserver l’activité biologique des EPCs et ultimement, l’intégrité vasculaire chez les rats OIR. / Vascular degeneration and the inability of the body to produce adequate blood vessels during an ischemic condition is a salient feature of ischemic retinopathies such as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP). ROP remains the leading cause of visual impairment and in extreme cases, blindness in premature infants. It presents two distinct phases: a key initial phase of retinal and choroidal vasoobliteration (VO) which leads to the second phase of disorganized and excessive retinal neovascularization (NV). During normal development, ocular NV uses the phenomenon of angiogenesis which consists of the formation of new capillaries from pre-existing vessels and vasculogenesis which consists of the formation of new capillaries from progenitor endothelial cells derived from the marrow bone (BM-EPCs). This vasculogenesis involves the mobilization of EPCs from the bone marrow to the circulation in order to be recruited at the NV site to contribute directly, either by directly integrating the vascular structures to form new vessels, or indirectly by their paracrine activity by releasing different vascular growth factors. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the dysfunction of EPCs during ROP are still poorly understood. During my thesis, my work targeted the first phase of retinal VO in order to promote revascularization by therapy based on supplementation of native or reprogrammed EPCs. Given the capital role of EPCs in NV, my thesis was first interested in the role of Nogo-A (a protein of the reticulon family), known for its anti-angiogenic action, on the functional activity of EPCs in ROP condition. To do this, we used an oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) model simulating ROP. The overall objective of this project is to assess the interrelationship between the effect of hyperoxia (a key condition of ROP) on the Nogo-A signaling pathway and its NgR1 receptor on the function of EPCs. First, the results obtained show an increase in the expression of Nogo-A and NgR1 in BM-EPCs subjected to hyperoxia ex vivo, but also in EPCs extracted from OIR rats. In addition, the increase in the expression of Nogo-A / NgR1 by hyperoxia correlates with the angiogenic dysfunction of EPCs characterized by a decrease in their capacity for migration and tubulogenesis. Interestingly, inhibition of Nogo-A (by a neutralizing peptide) improves the migratory and tubulogenic capacity of EPCs, and protects their function against hyperoxia. Also, inhibition of Nogo-A induces expression of the angiogenic and mobilizing factor of EPCs, SDF-1, suggesting that NgR1 negatively regulates the expression of SDF-1. In addition, our final objective was also to evaluate the protective efficacy of supplementation of native or reprogrammed EPCs (Nogo - / -) to improve retinal revascularization in an OIR rat model. The results show that intraperitoneal supplementation of native EPCs significantly decreases retinal VO, but that this pro-angiogenic effect becomes more pronounced by treatment of preconditioned EPCs (reprogrammed by inhibition of Nogo-A) in OIR rats. Collectively, our results demonstrate that: 1) hyperoxia causes angiogenic dysfunction of BM-EPCs by inducing Nogo-A which contributes to retinal VO in OIR rats, and that 2) supplementation of conditioned (reprogrammed by inhibition of Nogo-A) is more effective than supplementation of native EPCs in improving retinal vascular repairs. To conclude, we therefore highlight a potential target which is the Nogo-A protein in order to preserve the biological activity of EPCs and ultimately, vascular integrity in OIR rats.

Green Buildings : Exploring performance and thresholds

Bonde, Magnus January 2016 (has links)
The overall aim of this research project is to study green/energy-efficient real estate from an economic perspective. The thesis summarizes the results from five different studies with a connection to green/energy-efficient real estate.The aim of the first paper (paper A) is to study how tenants perceive the indoor environment in green-rated premises, and to compare these results with tenants’ perception of a conventional building’s indoor environment. The main result is that the tenants in the green-rated building are more satisfied with the indoor environment than the tenants in the conventional building.Papers B and C assess whether energy efficiency has an impact on buildings’ income and market values using Swedish real-estate data. The key result is that although there is a small impact on building-related income, this does not seem to translate into a higher market value.The last two papers included in this thesis study hindrances to a more energy-efficient building sector. In paper D, two office buildings are used as baseline cases to provide insights into the difficulties that can arise when trying to upgrade a building to make it more energy efficient. The results indicate that changing existing leases is a prohibitive process and that it is often difficult to evaluate the final impact of an energy upgrade. The last paper focuses on why it may be rational to postpone green refurbishments even if they are profitable. The main result is that it may be rational to postpone such refurbishments. However, by introducing different financial penalties and/or subsidies, these investments could be triggered today.To sum up, the results indicate that green buildings are preferred by tenants, but that there still appear to be economic barriers to a greener building sector. / Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är att studera grön/energieffektiva byggnader ur ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. Avhandlingen består av en kappa och fem separata studier, vilka belyser tre olika forskningsfrågor. Syftet med den första studien är att studera hur hyresgäster upplever inomhusmiljön i gröna byggnader. I studien jämförs inomhusmiljön i en grön byggnad med inomhusmiljön i en likvärdig konventionell byggnad. Resultatet visar, på det stora hela, att hyresgästerna är mer nöjda med inomhusmiljön i den gröna byggnaden. De nästföljande studierna, B respektive C, undersöker om byggnadens energiprestanda har någon inverkan på dess hyra respektive marknadsvärde. Resultaten visar på en liten signifikant hyrespåverkan, dock verkar denna inte ha någon effekt på byggnadernas marknadsvärdebedömningar. Skälet till detta kan vara att hyrespremien anses för liten för att ha någon signifikant inverkan på byggnadens marknadsvärde, alternativt att fastighetsvärderare inte beaktar energiprestanda när en fastighet värderas. De två sista studierna studerar varför vissa, tillsynes lönsamma, energiinvesteringar inte genomförs. Resultaten från studie D visar på svårigheterna med att ingå ett samarbetsavtal (för att eliminera felaktiga incitament) mellan hyresgäst och hyresvärd. Sådana avtal tar lång tid att förhandla fram och det uppkommer ofta svårigheter med att utvärdera de tänkta energiinvesteringarnas ekonomiska utfall. Studie E utgår ifrån en realoptionsmodell, vilken används för att utvärdera när ”gröna” renoveringar bör genomföras i en befintlig byggnad. Studien visar att det kan vara rationellt att vänta trots att investeringen idag är lönsam. Vidare visar resultaten att det är möjligt att via byggsubventioner/finansiella ”straff” påverka aktörer att tidigarelägga energieffektiviseringsåtgärder.  Dock är det viktigt att dessa utformas korrekt så att det inte skapar några snedvridna incitament. Övergripande visar resultaten att gröna byggnader är att föredra ur ett brukarperspektiv men att det fortfarande finns ekonomiska hinder för en mer hållbar byggsektor. Nyckelord: gröna byggnader, energieffektiva byggnader, EPC, inomhusmiljö, Realoptioner, fastighetsekonomi. / <p>QC 20160407</p>

Organizační zabezpečení provozu v pobočkovém systému / Organisational internal operations in the branch system

Martynau, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on business processes with a link to a concrete small-scale enterprise. The aim of this work is the project of selected major processes. The theoretical part explains the difference between processional and functional management, describes the basic methods and standards of modeling process, selection method for the purpose of practical part with the reference to the specifics of the enterprise. The practical part contains market analysis, analysis of surrounding requirements and made project of certain process according to chosen modeling method.

Contratos de construção de grandes obras / Construction contracts of large projects

Carmo, Lie Uema do 01 June 2012 (has links)
A presente tese examina os contratos de construção de grandes obras e a complexidade do seu programa contratual. Contrato de construção em sentido amplo é aquele celebrado entre o proprietário ou dono da obra, como contratante, e uma pessoa física ou jurídica especializada em engenharia ou arquitetura, como contratada, a qual, em contrapartida ao preço, obriga-se à consecução de um ou mais dos seguintes objetos: elaboração do projeto de engenharia ou arquitetura, execução, supervisão, monitoramento e administração da obra, e ainda, se convencionado, prestação de assistência técnica e operação. O exame concentra-se nas construções das categorias industrial e de engenharia, que desenvolvem projetos de porte e enfrentam desafios técnicos, tecnológicos e financeiros elevados, tais como as obras de infraestrutura e de plantas industriais. Por contratos de construção de grandes obras entende-se um gênero (ou categoria) sob o qual pode subsumir-se uma variedade de contratos que tenham por objeto a prestação, mediata ou imediata, de uma obra. Incluem-se nesse gênero contratos típicos, como os de prestação de serviços de engenharia e arquitetura e o de empreitada, e ainda aqueles atípicos, como os de engineering, procurement and construction, project alliancing e project partnering, dentre outros. A tese identifica a estrutura jurídica e as principais características econômico-financeiras de contratos de construção de grandes obras e investiga as fontes da complexidade do seu programa contratual. Reconhecendo-se o contrato de construção de grandes obras como dotado de complexidade, argumenta-se que a complexidade contratual é relevante, com consequências jurídicas, econômicas e sociais que merecem reflexão. / This dissertation thesis investigates construction contracts and the complexity of the written contract. A construction contract, broadly defined, is the arrangement executed by and between the owner, as principal, and a natural person or a legal entity specialized in engineering or achitecture, as a contractor, who, against compensation, shall deliver one or more of the following objects: an engineering or architecture project, construction, monitoring and management of the works and, if agreed upon, shall render technical assistance and operation. The focus is limited to the construction in the industrial and engineering sectors, in charge of developing large projects that face significant technical, tecnological and financial challenges, such as infrastructure and industrial facilities. Construction contracts of large projects serves as a gender encompassing a broad variety of contracts aimed at delivering a project. The gender includes tipified contracts such as the rendering of services of engineering and architecture and the empreitada, and non-tipified ones, such as the engineering, procurement and construction contract, project alliancing and project partnering, among others. The thesis delineates the legal structure and the main economic and financial characteristics of construction contracts and investigates the sources of their contractual complexity. After recognizing the complexity embedded in the contruction document, it argues that contractual complexity is a relevant issue, with legal, economic and social consequences upon which further thoughts are worthwhile.

Understanding the role of endothelial progenitor cells in vascular injury and repair

Mitchell, Andrew Joseph January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: Vascular injury is the crucial initiating event in atherosclerosis and is universal following percutaneous coronary intervention. The cellular response to this injury largely determines vessel outcome. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and their progeny, late outgrowth endothelial cells (EOCs) are thought to play an important role in this process and characterising this role would be valuable in better understanding vascular injury and repair. Methods: The radial artery in the context of transradial cardiac catheterisation was examined as a model of vascular injury with characterisation of structural injury, longitudinal function and EPC populations. To examine the role of late outgrowth endothelial cells a method for GMP-compliant cell culture and labelling with F18Fluorodeoxyglucose was developed with a view to conducting a cell-tracking study of human administration. Results: Radial artery function was reduced following transradial cardiac catheterisation with recovery over a period of three months. There was no correlation between recovery of arterial function and EPC populations as defined by conventional surface markers. A research grade protocol for EOC culture was successfully translated to a GMP-compliant process producing a viable, phenotypically homogeneous EOC product. Cells were successfully labelled with F18Fluorodeoxyglucose and whilst proliferation was reduced, acute viability and function were not compromised. Conclusion: The radial artery in the context of transradial cardiac catheterisation is a useful model of vascular injury and repair although recovery of vascular function does not appear to be influenced by EPC populations. GMP-compliant culture and labelling of EOCs is feasible and will allow examination of the physiology of these cells in vivo in man.

An Approach For Generating Natural Language Specifications By Utilizing Business Process Models

Coskuncay, Ahmet 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Business process modeling is utilized by organizations for defining and reengineering their business processes. On the other hand, software requirements analysis activities are performed for determining the system boundaries, specifying software requirements using system requirements and resolving conflicts between requirements. From this point of view, these two activities are considered in different disciplines. An organization requiring its business processes to be defined and supported with information systems would benefit from performing business process modeling and requirements analysis concurrently. In this study, an approach enabling concurrent execution of business process modeling and requirements analysis is developed. The approach includes two business process modeling notations adapted to the research needs, a process defining the steps for implementing the approach and the requirements generation tool that generates natural language specification documents by using business process models. Within this study, two case studies are introduced / one describing the development of the approach and the other exploring if the total efficiency of performing business process modeling and requirements analysis activites would be increased by using the approach.

Kvalitetssäkring av Patent- och registreringsverket : EPO-praxis som förebild för svensk handläggning av patent / Assurance of Quality at the Swedish Patent Office : EPO-practice as a Paragon for the Swedish Formal Handling of the Patent Examination Process

Sigfridsson, Isac, von Düben, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Svensk patenträtt har i stor omfattning harmoniserats med praxis utvecklad av det europeiska patentverket (EPO), vad avser patenterbarhetskriterier. Anledningen till harmoniseringen har motiverats av att det ska bli en mer enhetlig bedömning av patent i Europa. Harmoniseringen har i vart fall inte innefattat så kallad formell praxis, som innefattar regler om hand­läggandet hos det svenska patentverket, i förhållande till handläggandet av det vid EPO.   Vid Sveriges anslutning till European Patent Convention (EPC) år 1978, förespråkades att det svenska patentverket ansågs hålla en godtagbar standard i sin handläggning, men att det fram­tida förhållandet mellan svensk patenträtt och EPC kunde komma att innebära förändring om kvalitetsnivån inte kunde anses tillräcklig hög. Efter ett nyligen taget beslut av Patentbesvärsrätten (PBR) har Patent- och registreringsverkets (PRV) handläggning ifrågasatts, varför författarna valt att undersöka om en förändring av hand­läggningen vid PRV bör genomföras, i enlighet med det förslag som framställs i proposition 1977/78:1, med beaktande av praxis utvecklad av EPO.   I uppsatsen redogörs för hur EPO har tydligare regler avseende patent­ärenden än vad PRV har, varför en harmonisering av detta område bör diskuteras för säkerställandet av hög kvalitet vid handläggningen hos det svenska patentverket. Det är författarnas uppfattning att en ofullständig harmonisering även av formella regler resulterar i ett problem för säkerställandet av rättssäkerheten, eftersom lagregleringen i Sverige kan anses bristfällig. Således är det av intresse för svensk patenträtt att ta hänsyn till formell praxis utvecklad av EPO, alternativt, genom lagstiftningsförfarande, reglera bristen av tydliga regler.

Procesní řízení ve vybraném MSP / Process management in the selected small and medium enterprise

RYANT, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis was to describe and analyze the selected processes and threads that take place in the selected SME, to propose changes that would improve their condition and to eliminate any shortcomings.

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