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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of arthropods in the dispersal of trunk disease pathogens associated with Petri disease and Esca

Moyo, Providence 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Petri disease and esca are devastating grapevine trunk diseases and compromise the sustainability of viticulture world-wide. Despite being extensively studied, knowledge of inoculum sources and mechanisms of spread of the causal pathogens is limited. Arthropods have been suspected to play a role in the spread of Petri disease and esca pathogens. However, little information is known about the extent to which arthropods are associated with these pathogens. This study aimed to determine whether arthropods occurring within or on declining grapevines, are associated with trunk disease pathogens and to identify arthropods associated with pruning wounds. The potential of selected arthropods to act as vectors of trunk disease pathogens was also investigated. Two vineyards exhibiting grapevine trunk disease infections were sampled weekly for two years for collection of arthropods. Arthropods were collected using pruning wound traps, visual searches as well as trunk and cordon traps. Fungal spores from surfaces of arthropods were collected in water. Samples were subjected to nested PCR using primers Pm1/Pm2 and Pch1/Pch2 to verify the presence of Phaeoacremonium spp. and Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, respectively. Water samples were also cultured and grapevine trunk disease pathogens obtained were identified by sequencing the internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 and the 5.8S rRNA gene or the partial beta-tubulin gene. A total of 10 875 arthropod individuals, belonging to more than 31 families, were collected from declining grapevines. The most abundant arthropods included millipedes, ants, spiders and beetles. Portuguese millipedes and cocktail ants were associated with fresh grapevine pruning wounds. Thirty-three percent of the 5677 water samples analysed, contained propagules of pathogens associated with Petri disease and esca. Of these, 37 % were recovered from millipedes, 22 % from cocktail ants, 15 % from spiders and 10 % from beetles. All the major groups of grapevine trunk diseases were detected on the arthropods. Phaeoacremonium species were detected in 1242 samples while Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was identified from 855 samples. Other fungi isolated included members of the Botryosphaeriaceae, Diatrypaceae and Diaporthales. The potential of grapevine sap as a food source for Portuguese millipedes and cocktail ants was investigated, in vitro. Millipede individuals were offered a choice between water and grapevine sap while ants in nests were presented with grapevine sap, tuna and water and monitored for ingestion of sap. Both taxa preferred grapevine sap over the other food items, indicating close association with pruning wounds. Subsequently, the ability of both taxa to transmit a DsRed-transformed Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolate to fresh pruning wounds of canes in polystyrene strips, floating in water, and potted vines was tested. Arthropods were exposed to the fungus for 24 hours and transferred to the base of the plants and canes and were removed after three days. Isolations after a month revealed that millipedes and ants were capable of transmitting the fungus onto wounds and cause infection. Millipede faecal pellets were also evaluated as potential sources of inoculum. Millipedes were fed on Phaeomoniella chlamydospora for 24 hours, surface sterilised and allowed to defaecate in sterile Petri dishes overnight. Faecal material was collected, macerated in water and plated onto potato dextrose agar. Propagules of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora survived passage through the gut of millipedes and were passed out in a viable state to form colonies of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. This study concludes that a wide variety of arthropods can be a source of inoculum of trunk diseases in vineyards. The results of the dissemination trial provides evidence that millipedes and ants are able to disseminate and infect vines with Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. It is therefore, highly likely that other grapevine trunk disease pathogens are transmitted in the same manner. This knowledge highlights the need for control of certain arthropods to be taken into consideration when managing grapevine trunk disease pathogens. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Petri siekte en esca is verwoestende wingerd stamsiektes en verhinder die volhoubaarheid van wingerdproduksie wêreldwyd. Hierdie siektes is al intensief bestudeer, maar kennis rakende die inokulum bronne en meganismes van verspreiding van die veroorsakende patogene is beperk. Arthropoda is al vermoed om ‘n rol te speel in die verspreiding van Petri siekte en esca patogene, maar weinig informasie is bekend oor die mate waartoe arthropoda geassosieer is met die patogene. Hierdie studie het ten doel gestel om die arthropoda wat op of in wingerdstokke wat terugsterf voorkom te identifiseer en te bepaal watter van die arthropoda geassosieer is met stamsiekte patogene. Daar is ook ten doel gestel om die arthropoda wat geassosieer is met vars snoeiwonde te identifiseer en ook die moontlike vektor status van die stamsiekte patogene deur arthropoda. Arthropoda is weekliks vir twee jaar gekollekteer vanaf twee wingerde met stamsiekte infeksies. Snoeiwond lokvalle, visuele soektogte en stam- en kordon lokvalle was gebruik om arthropoda te vang. Swamspore van die oppervlak van die arthropoda is afgewas met water. Van hierdie water monsters is gebruik om dubbelvoudige polimerase ketting reaksies (PKR) te doen met die inleiers Pm1/Pm2 en Pch1/Pch2 om vir die teenwoordigheid van Phaeoacremonium spp. en Phaeomoniella chlamydospora onderskeidelik te toets. Die oorblywende water monster is gekweek op medium om die swamme teenwoordig te bepaal. Die wingerd stamsiekte patogene is verder geidentifiseer deur die DNS volgordes te bepaal van die interne getranskribeerde spasies 1 en 2 en die 5.8S rRNS geen of ‘n gedeelte van die beta-tubulien geen. In totaal is 10 875 arthropoda, wat behoort tot 31 families, gekollekteer vanaf wingerde wat terugsterf. Die mees algemene arthropoda was duisendpote, miere, spinnekoppe en kewers. Die Portugese duisendpote en die wipstert mier is geassosieer met vars wingerd snoeiwonde. Van die 5677 water monsters wat geanaliseer is, het 33% propagules van die Petri siekte of esca patogene gehad. Van hierdie was 37 % afkomstig vanaf duisendpote, 22 % van wipstert miere, 15 % van spinnekoppe en 10 % van kewers. Al die hoofgroepe van wingerd stampatogene is opgespoor op die arthropoda. Phaeoacremonium species is opgespoor in 1242 monsters en Phaeomoniella chlamydospora is gevind in 855 monsters. Ander swamme wat ook geisoleer is sluit lede van die Botryosphaeriaceae, Diatrypaceae en Diaporthales in. Die potensiaal van wingerdsap as ‘n bron van voedsel vir Portugese duisendpote en wipstert miere is in vitro ondersoek. Duisendpoot invidue is ‘n keuse gegee tussen water en wingerd sap terwyl mierneste ‘n keuse gehad het tussen water, wingerd sap en tuna. Die duisendpote en miere is gemonitor vir die inname van wingerdsap in die teenwoordigheid van die ander bronne. Beide die duisendpote en miere het wingerdsap verkies wat aandui dat hulle ‘n noue assosiasie met wingerd snoeiwonde het. Vervolgens is beide taksons getoets vir hul vermoë om ‘n DsRooi-getransformeerde Phaeomoniella chlamydospora isolaat te vektor na vars snoeiwonde op lote gemonteer op polistireen stroke wat in water dryf en op wingerd plante in potte. Die duisendpote en miere is blootgestel aan die swam vir 24 uur en oorgedra na die basis van die plante en lote en is weer verwyder na drie dae. Na ‘n maand is isolasies gedoen wat gewys het dat die duisendpote en miere die swam suksesvol kon oordra na die snoeiwonde en infeksie veroorsaak. Duisendpoot uitwerpsels is geëvalueer vir die potensiaal as inokulum bron. Duisendpote het gevoed op Phaeomoniella chlamydospora vir 24 uur, daarna oppervlakkig gesteriliseer en toegelaat om oornag uitwerpsels te maak in steriele Petri bakkies. Uitwerpsels was gekollekteer, fyngemaak in water en op aartappel dekstrose agar uitgeplaat. Propagules van Phaeomoniella chlamydospora het die verteringskanaal van die duisendpote oorleef en het tipiese kolonies op die agar gevorm. Hierdie studie het vasgestel dat ‘n verskeidenheid van arthropoda ‘n bron van inokulum van stamsiektes in wingerd kan wees. Die resultate van die vektor proewe het gewys dat duisendpote en miere die vermoë het om Phaeomoniella chlamydospora te versprei na snoeiwonde wat die swam dan suksesvol geinfekteer het. Dit is daarom hoogs waarskynlik dat van die ander wingerd stamsiekte patogene ook versprei kan word op dieselfde manier. Hierdie kennis demonstreer dat die beheer van spesifieke arthropoda in ag geneem moet word in die bestuur van wingerd stamsiektes. / Winetech, Agricultural Research Council of South Africa and NRF for financial support

Imagerie couleur et hyperspectrale pour la détection et la caractérisation des maladies du bois de la vigne / Color and hyperspectral imagery for detection and characterization of grapevine wood diseases

Rancon, Florian 13 February 2019 (has links)
Les maladies du bois de la vigne sont responsables de pertes économiques importantes pour la filière viticole. Ces maladies d'origine fongique se manifestent notamment par une dégradation de la partie boisée du matériel végétal et par l'apparition erratique de symptômes caractéristiques sur la partie foliaire. Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude de ces maladies (principalement l'esca) à l'aide de deux capteurs imageurs en proxidétection.La question de la détection des symptômes visibles est tout d'abord abordée à l'aide d'un capteur couleur RVB permettant d'acquérir une image par pied de manière automatique ou semi-automatique. La reconnaissance des symptômes est abordée en deux étapes, d'abord en considérant la classification à l'échelle de la feuille puis la détection à l'échelle du pied. La particularité de cette étude est l'inclusion de facteurs confondants dans le problème de classification, tirant partie de l'information de forme des symptômes de l'esca pour les différencier d'autres troubles et maladies. Dans ce but, une comparaison entre approches SIFT et approches transfer learning récentes est alors conduite. Les résultats nous poussent alors à considérer une architecture deep learning simple (RetinaNet) pour la détection des symptômes sur les images, permettant d'estimer un niveau d'atteinte pour chaque pied.Le second capteur utilisé, une caméra hyperspectrale couvrant le spectre de 500 nm à 1300 nm, tente de répondre à une problématique plus expérimentale, à savoir le comportement spectral des pieds atteints par la maladie pouvant déboucher sur une détection précoce des pieds malades mais sans symptômes foliaires. Un protocole expérimental et une base de données de spectres sont alors constitués pour l'occasion. Les méthodes de réduction de la dimensionnalité permettent d'exploiter l'information hyperspectrale voire d'isoler les longueurs d'onde associées à chacune des deux classes. Les données ne permettent cependant pas, pour la plage de longueur d'onde mesurée et dans les conditions d'acquisition terrain, de réaliser une détection précoce de la maladie sur les pieds sans symptômes.Les différences et similarités entre chacune de ces deux applications, en terme de constitution de base de données, d'algorithmes, de difficultés et de potentiel d'application en conditions réelles sont discutées tout au long du manuscrit. / Grapevine wood diseases in the vineyard are responsible for significant economic losses in the wine industry. These diseases of fungal origin are caracterised by a degradation of the wooded part of the plant material and by the erratic appearance of characteristic symptoms on the leaf part. This thesis is dedicated to the study of these diseases (mainly esca disase) using two imaging sensors and proximal sensing.The issue of visible symptom detection is first addressed using an RGB color sensor to acquire an image for each plant automatically or semi-automatically. The recognition of symptoms is approached in two stages, firstly by considering the classification at leaf-scale and then the detection at the plant-scale. The particularity of this study is the inclusion of confounding factors in the classification problem, taking advantage of the shape information of esca symptoms to differentiate them from other disorders and diseases. For this purpose, a comparison between SIFT approaches and recent transfer learning approaches is then conducted. The results then lead us to consider a simple deep learning architecture (RetinaNet) for the detection of the symptoms on the images, making it possible to estimate a level of disease severity for each vineplant.The second sensor used, a hyperspectral camera covering the spectrum from 500 nm to 1300 nm, tries to tackle a more experimental problem, namely the spectral behavior of the diseased plants which may lead to early detection of diseased plants without foliar symptoms. An experimental protocol and a database of spectra are then formed for the occasion. The dimensionality reduction methods make it possible to exploit the hyperspectral information or even to isolate the wavelengths associated with each class. However, the data do not allow, for the measured wavelength range and in the field acquisition conditions, to perform early detection of the disease on the plant without symptoms.The differences and similarities between each of these two applications, in terms of database constitution, algorithms, difficulties and application potential in real conditions are discussed throughout the manuscript.

Lutte biologique contre un champignon pathogène impliqué dans l’esca de la vigne, par utilisation de l’oomycète Pythium oligandrum / Biological control by the oomycete, Pythium oligandrum, of a pathogenic fungus involved in esca, a grapevine trunk disease

Gerbore, Jonathan 24 October 2013 (has links)
Les recherches sur la lutte biologique (ou biocontrôle) par utilisation de micro-organismes connaissent un essor remarquable, les applications au champ étant cependant encore limitées en raison des variations d’efficacité dans la protection des plantes. Celles-ci sont souvent imputées à la non persistance des agents de biocontrôle dans la rhizosphère ou sur le végétal qu’ils sont censés protéger. Afin de réduire ce risque, une solution consiste à utiliser des micro-organismes isolés du végétal que l’on souhaite protéger. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, Pythium oligandrum, un oomycète colonisateur de la rhizosphère de nombreuses plantes dont la vigne, a été étudié pour lutter contre l’esca, une maladie du bois de la vigne pour laquelle il n’existe actuellement aucune méthode de lutte disponible. Des souches de P. oligandrum ont été isolées de la rhizosphère de ceps cultivés dans 3 régions viticoles (12 vignobles) du Bordelais présentant des sols variés : argilo-calcaire, sable-graveleux et graveleux. Les analyses des communautés fongiques et bactériennes obtenues par empreinte moléculaire (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) ont montré que, contrairement aux bactéries, les espèces fongiques différaient selon les régions. Des Pythium spp. aux oospores échinulées ont été isolées à partir des racines des ceps échantillonnés, avec une prédominance de P. oligandrum (séquençage de la région ITS). L’analyse des séquences des gènes codant pour le cytochrome oxydase I et une tubuline a permis de constituer 3 groupes de souches. Le séquençage d’autres gènes codant pour des protéines « élicitines-like » a indiqué que chaque souche présentait au moins un gène codant pour chacun des 2 types d’éliciteurs de P. oligandrum : l’oligandrine et les protéines de la paroi cellulaire (CWPs). Il apparaît que le type de sol et la microflore associée à la rhizosphère n’exerceraient pas une influence suffisante pour que la structure génétique des populations de P. oligandrum soient associées à un contexte tellurique particulier. En revanche, le type de porte-greffe et la méthode de désherbage (chimique ou mécanique) pourraient avoir une incidence sur la colonisation racinaire par P. oligandrum. Les relations entre P. oligandrum et les racines de la vigne ont été étudiées par analyse transcriptomique (microarray Vitis vinifera de 29 549 gènes). Les résultats obtenus montrent que de jeunes plants de vigne ont répondu à la colonisation racinaire par P. oligandrum en modifiant l’expression de gènes intervenant dans plusieurs voies métaboliques. Deux aspects a priori opposés ont été observés : P. oligandrum serait perçu comme (1) un agresseur contre lequel la plante a mis en place des réactions de défense mais en même temps, comme (2) un micro-organisme symbiotique car un certain nombre de modifications transcriptionnelles étaient similaires à celles reportées dans les interactions rhyzosphèriques symbiotiques (e.g. forte stimulation de gènes codant pour des subtilases). Un essai visant à induire chez la vigne une protection contre un champignon pathogène impliqué dans l’esca, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, grâce à P. oligandrum, a été réalisé. La colonisation des racines par P. oligandrum a été associée à une réduction de la longueur des nécroses dues à P. chlamydospora. En adéquation avec ce résultat, l’analyse transcriptomique par RT-PCRq et microarrays a montré une surexpression de la voie de l’éthylène. Plusieurs gènes spécifiquement induits constitueraient des marqueurs de résistance qu’il conviendra de valider lors de prochaines expérimentations. / Biocontrol research based on the use of microorganisms is expanding very rapidly. However, the use of such bioncontrol agents is still too inconsistent to effectively protect plants in field applications. This phenomenon is often attributed to the non-persistence of biocontrol agents in the rhizosphere or on the plants. In order to reduce the risk of this happening, one solution consists in using microorganisms that are isolated from the plants needing protection. In this thesis, an oomycete called Pythium oligandrum, which colonizes the rhizosphere of many plants, including grapevine, was assessed for the control of esca, a grapevine trunk disease for which no control method is currently available. P. oligandrum strains have been isolated from the rhizosphere of vines cultivated in 3 wine-growing regions (12 grapevines) of Bordeaux with different types of soil: stony-sandy, silty and stony. Analyses of fungal and bacterial communities using a molecular fingerprinting method (Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism) showed that, unlike bacteria, the fungal species varied according to the sampling region. Roots of all the vines sampled were colonized by echinulated-oospore Pythium spp., with P. oligandrum strains predominating. Phylogenetic analyses based on the genes encoding the cytochrome oxidase I and one tubulin allowed these strains to be clustered into three groups. The sequencing of the elicitin-like genes, whose proteins are key components in inducing systemic resistance in plants, showed that each strain held at least one gene encoding for each of the two kinds of P. oligandrum elicitors (i.e. oligandrin and Cell Wall Proteins). Sequencing and molecular fingerprinting analyses showed thus that the type of soil and the rhizosphere microbiota did not shape the population structure of P. oligandrum. However, other factors such as the different kinds of rootstock and weeding management can also have an influence on the root colonization by P. oligandrum. The relationship between P. oligandrum and grapevine was studied using a transcriptomic approach (microarray Vitis vinifera, 29 549 genes). The results highlighted the modifications induced by young vines in response to P. oligandrum root colonization, in the genetic expression of several genes belonging to different metabolic pathways. Two aspects, that are usually opposed, were observed: P. oligandrum was perceived by the plant either (i) as a pathogen because certain defence reactions were triggered (e.g. calcium signalling, resistance genes, abscissic acid metabolism) or as (ii) a symbiotic microorganism since several transcriptional changes were similar to those reported in symbiotic interactions (e.g. induction of subtilase genes). An assay aimed at protecting grapevine against a pathogenic fungus involved in esca, and known to be responsible for wood necrosis, i.e. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora, was carried out. The root colonization by P. oligandrum was associated with a reduction in the length of necroses. In line with this result, transcriptomic analyses by microarrays and RT-qPCR showed overexpression of several genes, particularly those of the ethylene pathway. Some of these induced genes could be thus used as resistance markers, but this needs to be validated in further experiments.

Un ensemble d'outils protéomiques pour la caractérisation de protéines d'organismes très divers : plantes, champignons et parasites / A set of proteomic tools for the characterization of proteins from diverse organisms : plants, fungi and parasites

Alayi, Tchilabalo Dilezitoko 28 May 2013 (has links)
L’analyse protéomique par spectrométrie de masse s’est imposée comme une méthode incontournable pour la caractérisation des protéines. Grâce aux progrès de l’instrumentation et de la bioinformatique, l’interprétation automatisée des spectres MS/MS permet aujourd’hui d’identifier des milliers de protéines dans un type cellulaire. Cependant, cette méthodologie s’applique encore difficilement aux organismes dont les génomes n’ont pas été séquencés, et donc pour lesquels il n’existe pas de banques de séquences peptidiques de référence. Notre travail a porté sur le développement et l’application d’une méthodologie d’interprétation des données MS/MS pour les organismes à génomes non séquencés. Cette méthodologie est basée sur le séquençage de novo suivi de recherche MS-BLAST. Ainsi nous avons pu : Identifier les différents partenaires de complexes protéiques tels que les protéines des complexes TgGAP50, TgAlba, TgSORTLR impliqués dans la motilité, la virulence ou le trafic intracellulaire des protéines du parasite Toxoplasma gondii, Identifier et caractériser des variants d’hémoglobine humaine, Identifier les protéines différentiellement exprimées lors des interactions vigne et champignons à génomes non séquencés dans la maladie de l’esca, Caractériser finement la N-glycosylation de l’invertase vacuolaire du raisin. Nous avons pu réaliser nos études sur des échantillons d’origines très différentes : homme, plantes, champignons, parasites et nous avons apporté des éléments de réponses moléculaires aux questions biologiques. / The proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry is now an essential method for the characterization of proteins. Thanks to advances in instrumentation and bioinformatics, automated interpretation of MS/MS spectra can now identify thousands of proteins in a cell type. However, this methodology remains poorly applied to the organisms that genomes are not sequenced and therefore where there is no database of reference for peptides sequences. Our work has focused on the development and application of a methodology for the interpretation of MS/MS data for the organisms that genomes are not sequenced. This methodology is based on the de novo sequencing followed by MS-BLAST search. Thus we have: Identify different partners of protein complexes such as proteins TgGAP50, TgAlba and TgSORTLR complex, involved in motility, virulence or intracellular protein trafficking of Toxoplasma gondii, Identify and characterize human hemoglobin variants, Identify the proteins differentially expressed during interaction of vines and fungi that genomes are not sequenced in esca disease, Finely characterize the N-glycosylation of the grape vacuolar invertase. We have achieved our studies on samples of very different origins: human, plants, fungi, parasites, and we provided evidence of molecular responses to biological questions.

Esca et vigne : compréhension des mécanismes de défense précoces du bois de la vigne Vitis vinifera L. suite à la maladie, colonisation des champignons in planta et proposition de moyens de lutte pour une viticulture durable / Esca and grapevine : deciphering early defense mechanisms in the wood of Vitis vinifera L., in planta fungal colonization and development of controlling tools for a sustainable viticulture

Pierron, Romain 03 April 2015 (has links)
L’esca est une maladie du bois de la vigne complexe et mal connue, contre laquelle aucun moyen de lutte efficace n’existe à ce jour. Ce travail s’est concentré sur les interactions précoces entre Vitis vinifera L. et les champignons associés au « young esca » P. chlamydospora et P. aleophilum dans deux types de tissus lignifiés : l’entre-nœud et le nœud (modèle plaie de taille). La colonisation 6 et 12 semaines après traitement des souches transformées P. aleophilum::gfp7 et P. chlamydospora::gfp1 a été observée. Les deux espèces coloniseraient différents tissus dans les premières semaines suivant l’infection. Les fibres du xylème constitueraient un tissu essentiel lors de l’interaction précoce entre P. aleophilum et la vigne, tandis que P. chlamydospora::gfp1 a seulement colonisé les vaisseaux du xylème après 12 semaines. Le bois de la vigne présenterait des réponses spécifiques à la présence de P. aleophilum 6 semaines après traitement, puis générales à la blessure 12 semaines après traitement, en microscopie. L’hypothèse de la spécificité de la réponse induite dans le bois de la vigne par ces deux espèces a été confirmée en étudiant l’expression de 11 gènes associés à la défense 10 h, 24 h, 48 h et 120 hpi. La réponse précoce du bois de la vigne serait spécifique suivant l’identité des pathogènes. Les tissus de l’entre-nœud ont été induits différemment par la blessure par rapport aux tissus dans la région nodale. Un modèle pour le criblage d’agents de biocontrôle ou d’éliciteurs contre l’esca en quelques mois en conditions de laboratoire a permis le développement d’un moyen de lutte durable et novateur, l’eau ozonée. L’eau ozonée présente des propriétés sporicides remarquables contre P. aleophilum in vitro. In planta l’application d’eau ozonée sur une blessure infectée en modèle plaie de taille a réduit de moitié la quantité de mycélium capable de se développer dans le bois 9 semaines après inoculation. / Esca is a complex pathosystem, poorly understood, affecting grapevine’s trunk. Currently there is not efficient tools to control esca disease. This study investigated early events between grapevine and fungi associated to young esca P. aleophilum and P. chlamydospora in two different woody tissues: at the internode and at the nodal (pruning wound model) levels. The colonization of transformed strains P. aleophilum::gfp7 and P. chlamydospora::gfp1 was observed 6 and 12 weeks post inoculation. Fungal species colonized different tissues during the first weeks of infection. Xylem fibres could be the key site of P. aleophilum-grapevine early interactions, whereas P. chlamydospora::gfp1 only colonized xylem vessels 12 weeks post inoculation. Grapevine wood may respond specifically to P. aleophilum after 6 weeks. This response seemed to be related to healing in microscopy, and thus aspecific 12 weeks post inoculation. The specificity of induced response in the wood of Vitis vinifera L. was confirmed by studying gene expressions of 11 defense-related genes 10 h, 24 h, 48 h and 120 hpi. The early response of woody tissues could be specific to pathogens identity in grapevine. Wounding damages induced defense-related genes differently according the tissues (internode vs node). A model for screening biological control agents or elicitors in laboratory conditions, within months, has been used to develop a sustainable and original control tool: ozonated water. Ozonated water presented remarkable sporicidal properties on P. aleophilum in vitro. Infected pruning wound treated with ozonated water reduced the P. aleophilum inoculum able to develop in the injured wood by a factor two 9 weeks post inoculation.

The characterization of the basidiomycetes and other fungi associated with esca of grapevines in South Africa

White, Chana-Lee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Plant Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Esca is a disease affecting grapevines and is potentially devastating as there are economic losses due to a decrease in yield, wine quality and berry quality. Vineyards also need to be replaced earlier and therefore esca has a great impact on the wine, table grape and raisin industries. The disease is known to affect vineyards worldwide and has been studied extensively in Europe, but not in South Africa. Esca diseased grapevines were observed for the first time prior to 1981 in South African vineyards. The disease is primarily caused by Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (both causing brown and black wood streaking) and white rot basidiomycete species such as Fomitiporia mediterranea which cause wood rot in the trunks and arms of generally older grapevines. Species of the Botryosphaeriaceae and Phomopsis (mainly Phomopsis viticola) and Eutypa lata have also been isolated from esca diseased vines, but their association with esca is unclear. Some of the symptoms associated with the disease on most grapevine cultivars include ‘tiger-stripe’ foliar symptoms, apoplexy and berry symptoms such as shriveling, discoloration and ‘black measles’. These external symptoms as well as internal symptoms are thought to be a result of toxin and enzyme production by the fungi involved. Symptom expression is erratic and varies from year to year making investigations into the causal fungi and the toxins and enzymes secreted in planta difficult. Vines with internal or external symptoms of esca were sampled in this study from table and wine grape cultivars in 37 towns in the Western Cape, Northern Cape and Limpopo provinces. The majority of sampled vines were over ten years of age, but vines as young as two to three years were also found to be infected. The external symptoms included dieback, tiger striped leaves, berry symptoms (shriveling, insufficient colouring and black spots) and apoplexy. These symptoms resembled those found on grapevines in Europe, Australia and the USA. The internal symptoms found were also similar to European symptoms and included white rot, black and brown wood streaking, brown necrosis within white rot, sectorial brown necrosis and central brown/ red/ black margin. The fungi mostly isolated from the white rot were the basidiomycetes. Black and brown wood streaking was primarily caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. Brown necrosis within the white rot was caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and less frequently by Phaeoacremonium spp., Eutypa lata, Botryosphaeriaceae and Pleurostomophora richardsiae. The sectorial brown necrosis and the central/ brown/ red/ black margin were dominated by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. The fruiting bodies of the basidiomycetes were found on only a few grapevines. The fungal species associated with the internal wood symptoms were characterized on cultural growth patterns, morphology as well as phylogenetic inference. The gene areas sequenced included the internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S rRNA gene for the basidiomycetes and Phomopsis isolates, the partial b-tubulin gene for Phaeoacremonium isolates and the partial translation elongation-1a gene for the Botryosphaeriaceae isolates. The basidiomycete isolates fell into ten taxa within the Hymenochaetales of which two could be linked to known genera, namely Fomitiporia and Phellinus. The ten basidiomycete taxa do not correspond to any published sequences. Eutypa lata, Diaporthe ambigua, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum australe, Neofusicoccum parvum, Phomopsis viticola, Phomopsis sp. 1, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and six species of Phaeoacremonium including P. aleophilum, P. alvesii, P. parasiticum, P. iranianum, P. mortoniae and P. sicilianum were also isolated of which the latter three are reported for the first time in South Africa. To understand the role of the basidiomycetes in the complex, toxin and enzyme analyses was determined for these fungi. Selected basidiomycete isolates were grown up in liquid broth and extractions performed to test for the presence of 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde. All of the basidiomycete isolates were able to produce this toxin which is known to be phytotoxic. The basidiomycetes were then tested for the presence of certain wood degrading enzymes. All of the taxa were able to produce manganese peroxidase. Laccase was produced by all taxa, except Taxon 8. Lignin peroxidase was produced by Taxa 1, 2, 7, Fomitiporia sp. and the Phellinus sp. All the basidiomycete isolates were able to produce cellulose and none were able to produce xylanase. These enzyme tests showed that the basidiomycetes produce a wide variety of enzymes which are able to degrade cellulase and lignin which are both structural components of wood. Given the wide distribution of esca in the grape growing regions investigated in South Africa and the diverse amount of species found, this disease must surely be seen as a limiting factor to the productive lifespan of vineyards and quality of produce. Preventative measures such as sanitation and pruning wound protection contribute to the management of the disease, but many questions still remain about the synergy of the causal fungi, epidemiology and management of esca. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Esca is ‘n wingerd siekte wat potensieel skade kan aanrig as gevolg van ekonomiese verliese weens verlaagde opbrengs, wyn kwaliteit en vrug kwaliteit. Wingerde moet ook vroeër vervang word en daarom het esca ’n groot impak op die wyn, tafeldryf en rosyne industrieë. Esca word wêreldwyd gevind op wingerd en is al intensief nagevors in Europa, maar nog nie in Suid-Afrika. Esca is vir die eerste keer in die 1980’s in Suid-Afrikaanse wingerde gerapporteer. Die primêre veroorsaakende organismes van esca is Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora wat bruin en swart vaatweefsel verkleuring veroorsaak en basidiomycete spesies soos Fomitiporia mediterranea wat wit verotting veroorsaak in die stam en arms van ouer wingerd. Spesies van die Botryosphaeriaceae en Phomopsis (hoofsaaklik Phomopsis viticola) en Eutypa lata is ook al vanaf esca simptome geïsoleer, maar hul assosiasie met die siekte is nie duidelik nie. Algemene simptome wat voorkom op die meeste wingerd kultivars met esca sluit in ‘tiger-stripe’ blaar simptome, apopleksie en vrug simptome soos verdroging, verkleuring en spikkels (black measles). Interne en eksterne simptome kan wees as gevolg van toksiene en ensiem produksie van die swamme wat betrokke is by esca. Eksterne simptoom uitdrukking is wisselvallig en varieer van jaar tot jaar. Dit bemoelik die bestudering van die swamme en die toksiene en ensieme wat afgeskei word in planta. Wingerd monsters met eksterne en interne simptome is versamel van tafel en wyndruif kultivars in 37 dorpe in die Wes-Kaap, Noord-Kaap en Limpopo provinsies. Die meerderheid monsters was ouer as tien jaar maar wingerde wat twee tot drie jaar oud was, was ook gevind. Die eksterne simptome wat op hierdie kultivars gevind is het terugsterwing, ‘tiger striped’ blare, vrug simptome (verkrimping en onvoldoende verkleuring) en apopleksie ingesluit. Hierdie simptome stem ooreen met soortgelyke simptome gevind op wingerd in Europa, Australië en die VSA. Interne simptome was ooreenstemmend met simptome wat gevind word in Europa. Die interne simptome het wit verotting, bruin en swart streepvorming, bruin nekrose met wit verotting, sektoriale bruin nekrose en sentrale bruin/ rooi/ swart kante ingesluit. Basidiomycete swamme is meestal uit die wit verotting gedeeltes geïsoleer. Swart en bruin hout streepvorming was meestal deur Phaeomoniella chlamydospora veroorsaak. Bruin nekrose binne die wit verotting was meestal deur Phaeomoniella chlamydospora veroorsaak en in ‘n mindere mate deur Phaeoacremonium spp., Eutypa lata, Botryosphaeriaceae en Pleurostomophora richardsiae. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was die hoof veroorsakende organisme van sektoriale bruin nekrose en die sentrale bruin/ rooi/ swart kante. Vrugliggame van die basiodiomycete is op enkele wingerde gevind. Swam soorte wat geassosieer word met die interne hout simptome was verder gekarakteriseer op kultuur groei, morfologiese eienskappe, en filogenetiese analise. Die geen areas waarvan die basis paar volgorde bepaal was sluit in die interne getranskribeerde spasies en die 5.8S rRNA geen vir die basidiomycete en Phomopsis isolate, die gedeeltelike btubulien geen vir Phaeoacremonium isolate en die gedeeltelike translasie velenging-1a geen vir die Botryosphaericeae isolate. Die basidiomycete isolate was versprei oor tien taksons binne die Hymenochaetales waarvan twee genusse gekoppel kon word aan die genera Fomitiporia en Phellinus. Die tien basidiomycete taksons kom nie ooreen met enige gepubliseerde DNS volgordes. Eutypa lata, Phomopsis viticola, Phomopsis sp. 1, Diaporthe ambigua, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum australe, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora en ses spesies van Phaeoacremonium insluitend P. aleophilum, P. alvesii, P. parasiticum, P. iranianum, P. mortoniae en P. sicilianum is ook geïsoleer. Hierdie is die eerste keer dat P. iranianum, P. mortoniae en P. sicilianum in Suid-Afrika gerapporteer word. Om die rol wat die basidiomycete in die siekte-kompleks speel beter te verstaan is toksien en ensiem analises uitgevoer. Geselekteerde basidiomycete isolate is gekweek in vloeibare groei medium en ekstraksies uitgevoer om te toets vir die teenwoordigheid van 4- hydroxy-benzaldehyde. Al die basidiomycete isolate kon 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, wat bekend is om fitotoksies te wees, produseer. Die basidiomycete isolate was verder getoets vir die produksie van spesifieke hout afbrekende ensieme. Al die basidiomycete taksons kon mangaan-peroksidase produseer. Lakkase was geproduseer deur al die taksons, uitsluitend Takson 8. Lignien-peroksidase was geproduseer deur Taksons 1, 2, 7, Fomitiporia sp. en die Phellinus sp. Al die basidiomycete isolate kon sellulose produseer, maar geen kon xilanase produseer. Die ensiem analises het gewys dat die basidiomycete wat moontlik betrokke is by esca ‘n wye reeks van ensieme kan produseer wat sellulose en lignien kan degradeer. Sellulose en lignien is beide strukturele komponente van hout. Weens die wye verspeiding van esca geaffekteerde wingerde in Suid Afrika en die wye reeks van spesies wat betrokke is by die siekte kompleks moet esca sekerlik gesien word as een van die beperkende faktore op die produktiewe leeftyd van wingerde en die kwaliteit van druiwe wat geproduseer word. Sanitasie en snoeiwond beskerming is voorkomende maatreëls wat ingestel kan word om die effek en verspreiding van esca te beperk maar daar is nog baie vrae wat antwoorde benodig oor die sinergie van die veroorsakende swamme, epidemiologie en bestuur van esca.

On the interactions in cellulose systems : surface forces and adsorption

Österberg, Monika January 2000 (has links)
In this thesis the interactions in cellulose systems havebeen studied with emphasis on surface forces and adsorptionphenomenon. The study was limited to surfaces and polymers ofinterest for papermaking. During papermaking both therunability of the paper machine as well as the properties ofthe final paper will depend on the molecular interactionsbetween the components present in the suspension. The objectiveof this work was to gain a better understanding of theseinteraction forces and how they are affected by solutionconditions like pH and electrolyte concentration. The maintechniques employed for this purpose were direct surface forcemeasurements using both the interferometric surface forceapparatus (SFA) and the atomic force microscopy (AFM)colloidal-probe technique. In addition, both electronspectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and AFM imaging wereused for surface characterisation and to study adsorptionbehaviour. Since a smooth and transparent surface is needed forsurface force studies using SFA, Langmuir-Blodgett films ofcellulose were employed. The interactions between cellulose surfacesand xylansurfaces were studied. Cellulose is the main constituent of thewood fibre. In close association with cellulose in the cellwall are the hemicelluloses, xylan being a commonhemicellulose. Steric forces were found to dominate theinteractions between these substances in aqueous solutions.Still factors like charge density, solution pH and electrolyteconcentration were important. The adhesion between cellulosesurfaces in air depended on the contact area. The effect of acationic polyelectrolyte on the forces between cellulosesurfaces and between cellulose and mineral surfaces wasinvestigated to obtain a better understanding of the effects ofcationic retention and strength additives. In the presence of acationic polyelectrolyte the forces at large distances weredominated by double-layer repulsion. Bridging attraction was insome cases observed, but the presence and magnitude of thisforce was dependent on the properties of the substratesurface. Lignin on the fibre surface affects brightness, swelling andstrength of paper. In addition, dissolved lignin interfereswith added polymers during papermaking. For this reason theadsorption of lignin on cellulose fibre surfaces was explored.The adsorption of lignin was influenced by the concentration oflignin in solution and by the electrolyte composition of thesolution. The retention of lignin was affected by the presenceof a cationic polyelectrolyte and particularly by how thepolyelectrolyte was added. The AFM imaging revealed thestructure of the adsorbed lignin, which varied with the way ofadding the polyelectrolyte, and gave an idea about theadsorption mechanism. The effect of lignin on strengthproperties of paper sheets was also evaluated. Keywords: cellulose, hemicellulose, xylan, lignin, surfaceforces, adsorption, polyelectrolyte, SFA, AFM, ESCA,Langmuir-Blodgett films, chitosan, steric forces,bridging,adhesion

surface and depth-profiled chemical analysis of insulators after high temperature and/or high pressure treatments

Lu, Hsin-Hsien 19 July 2001 (has links)

On the interactions in cellulose systems : surface forces and adsorption

Österberg, Monika January 2000 (has links)
<p>In this thesis the interactions in cellulose systems havebeen studied with emphasis on surface forces and adsorptionphenomenon. The study was limited to surfaces and polymers ofinterest for papermaking. During papermaking both therunability of the paper machine as well as the properties ofthe final paper will depend on the molecular interactionsbetween the components present in the suspension. The objectiveof this work was to gain a better understanding of theseinteraction forces and how they are affected by solutionconditions like pH and electrolyte concentration. The maintechniques employed for this purpose were direct surface forcemeasurements using both the interferometric surface forceapparatus (SFA) and the atomic force microscopy (AFM)colloidal-probe technique. In addition, both electronspectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA) and AFM imaging wereused for surface characterisation and to study adsorptionbehaviour. Since a smooth and transparent surface is needed forsurface force studies using SFA, Langmuir-Blodgett films ofcellulose were employed.</p><p>The interactions between cellulose surfacesand xylansurfaces were studied. Cellulose is the main constituent of thewood fibre. In close association with cellulose in the cellwall are the hemicelluloses, xylan being a commonhemicellulose. Steric forces were found to dominate theinteractions between these substances in aqueous solutions.Still factors like charge density, solution pH and electrolyteconcentration were important. The adhesion between cellulosesurfaces in air depended on the contact area. The effect of acationic polyelectrolyte on the forces between cellulosesurfaces and between cellulose and mineral surfaces wasinvestigated to obtain a better understanding of the effects ofcationic retention and strength additives. In the presence of acationic polyelectrolyte the forces at large distances weredominated by double-layer repulsion. Bridging attraction was insome cases observed, but the presence and magnitude of thisforce was dependent on the properties of the substratesurface.</p><p>Lignin on the fibre surface affects brightness, swelling andstrength of paper. In addition, dissolved lignin interfereswith added polymers during papermaking. For this reason theadsorption of lignin on cellulose fibre surfaces was explored.The adsorption of lignin was influenced by the concentration oflignin in solution and by the electrolyte composition of thesolution. The retention of lignin was affected by the presenceof a cationic polyelectrolyte and particularly by how thepolyelectrolyte was added. The AFM imaging revealed thestructure of the adsorbed lignin, which varied with the way ofadding the polyelectrolyte, and gave an idea about theadsorption mechanism. The effect of lignin on strengthproperties of paper sheets was also evaluated.</p><p>Keywords: cellulose, hemicellulose, xylan, lignin, surfaceforces, adsorption, polyelectrolyte, SFA, AFM, ESCA,Langmuir-Blodgett films, chitosan, steric forces,bridging,adhesion</p>

Thin Film Deposition on Powder Substrates using ALD and its Characterization using XPS, TEM, and SE

Shah, Dhruv 28 April 2020 (has links)
The major part of my dissertation consists of thin films deposited using atomic layer deposition on flat and powder substrates. It details the various optimization experiments for process parameters like dose time, purge time, temperature, and pressure on silicon shards and powder substrates. Spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) was used to characterize these films over a wide wavelength range (191-1688 nm). An optical model with a BEMA (Bruggeman effective medium approximation) layer was used to fit the ellipsometric data to investigate the optical properties of the alumina surface. The optimized process parameters on the flat surfaces were used for coating powder substrates. I propose a set of experiments to optimize the conditions for coating of powders and high aspect ratio structures by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The coated powders were analyzed by surface analytical techniques like X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry, transmission electron microscopy, energy X-ray dispersive spectroscopy (EDAX), and BET. The first chapter introduces the technique of atomic layer deposition, and details its advantages and limitations over conventional thin film deposition techniques like chemical vapor deposition and physical vapor deposition. The second chapter details the initial deposition experiments performed on flat surfaces and characterization of thin films using surface analytical tools. I conducted multi-sample analysis on eleven different thin films for calculation of optical constants of alumina. The third chapter introduces thin film deposition experiments performed on powder substrates, several challenges associated with achieving conformal thin films and characterization. The fourth chapter details the experiments to achieve unilateral ALD achieved on one side of the substrates. The fifth chapter details various unconventional materials including liquid water, Coca-Cola, a coffee bean, nitrogen gas, human tooth, and printed office paper, which were analyzed by near ambient pressure XPS (NAP-XPS). This dissertation contains appendices of other tutorial articles I wrote on obtaining optical constants liquid samples using spectroscopic ellipsometry, and good experimental techniques for maintenance of vacuum equipment.

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