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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sprechtempoabhängige Aussprachevariationen

Weiss, Benjamin 11 July 2008 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden Äußerungen des spontansprachlichen Teils des Kielkorpus auf Aussprachevariationen untersucht, die sich auf Änderungen der lokalen Sprechrate zurückführen lassen. Drei Arten von Aussprachevariationen wurden behandelt: Spektrale Charakteristika von Vokalen (1. und 2. Formant) und stimmlosen Frikativen (Center of Gravity), sowie die phonetische Annotation von häufigen Wortformen. In allen Bereichen wurden signifikante Reduktionen bei erhöhtem lokalen Tempo nachgewiesen, die sich über verstärkte Koartikulation erklären lassen. Es ist allerdings zu vermuten, dass diese Reduktionserscheinungen für die Frikative perzeptiv nicht relevant sind. Die beiden anderen Effekte liegen dagegen in einem Bereich, der in einer erschwerten Erkennung resultieren sollte. Die perzeptiven Auswirkungen wurden jedoch nicht überprüft. Bedeutsam sind die erfassten Reduktionen insofern, als dass es sich dabei um Effekte handelt, die sich nicht über Sprechstil, Wortart, Betonung oder Wortform erklären lassen, sondern innerhalb dieser Bedingungen auftreten. Gerade für unbetonte Silben und Funktionswörter ist dies überraschend, da in diesen Bedingungen generell reduzierte Varianten geäußert werden. Somit handelt es sich hier um einen Ökonomie-Effekt, der für Monophthonge relativ gesehen stärker auftritt als für stimmlose Frikative; vermutlich durch die genaueren Definitionen der artikulatorischen Gesten bei diesen Konsonanten. Unklar ist allerdings, in wie weit diese Aussprachevariationen eine direkte Folge der Sprechtemposchwankungen darstellen. Entweder sind sie durch das lokale Tempo induziert, oder weitere Faktoren müssen als ursächlich angenommen werden. Aufgrund des untersuchten Materials dürften diese Ergebnisse auch für weitere spontansprachliche Kommunikationssituationen gelten; eine Generalisierung auf weitere Sprecher ist aufgrund der Datenbehandlung möglich, nicht jedoch auf andere Sprechstile. / This thesis presents analyses of utterances taken from the Kiel Corpus of Spontaneous Speech, concerning pronunciation variation and local speaking rate. Three kinds of variation have been taken into account: spectral characteristics of vowels (1. and 2. formant frequencies) and voiceless fricatives (center of gravity), as well as the annotation of frequent word forms. For all three kinds significant reduction in pronunciation was found. This can be explained by increasing coarticulation. However, reduction of fricatives does not seem to be strong enough to be perceptually relevant. The two other effects are within a range that would result in a decreased perception. However, no perception experiments have been conducted. The effects found are of note, as they do not stem from differences in stress, part of speech or style, but occur within such conditions. Especially for unstressed syllables and functions words, this is unexpected, as variants in such conditions are usually reduced already. Hence, the results display an effect of economics, which is stronger for monophthongs than for voiceless fricatives, which might be caused by more closely defined articulatory gestures of those consonants. It remains unclear, if these variants in pronunciation are truly a result of speaking rate. Either they are really caused by local speaking rate or further factors have to be taken into account. Because of the material examined the results might hold for other situations with spontaneous speech. They can be generalized over speaker, but not over other speaking styles.

FRISTADS : Supply Chains, från tråd till arbetsbyxa / FRISTADS : Supply Chains, from thread to trousers

Bergkvist, Laila, Lorentzon, Maria January 2007 (has links)
The Swedish Textile industry has since the beginning of the 70-ties moved their production to countries with cheap labour further and further away. The production in the Baltic countries and Asia has become reality for many Swedish manufacturing companies. With today’s technology the communication with remote countries has ceased to be a problem. The difficulties have instead turned out to be more focused on transportation of goods and just in time deliveries to Sweden. In cooperation with Fristads AB we have made a study of Fristads AB´s flow of merchandise and their surrounding logistics. Our focus has mainly been on the production in Vietnam.The purpose with our study has been to clarify which important parts Fristads AB must include in their flow of materials and choices of suppliers, to be able to create an even more efficient supply chain. An effectiveness that will make Fristads AB maintain their leading position on the market. Fristads AB`s expressed ambition was that their producer in Vietnam would take over the responsible for purchase and stock keeping of the accessories.The scientific approach of the study has mainly been qualitative and we have performed several interviews with key figures within Fristads AB. We have also carried out a field study at Fristads AB’s warehouse of raw materials and productions unit at Jurkalnes in Riga, Latvia.In our theoretic frame of references we have chosen theories of Arjan J. Van Weele, Michael Porter, Ralf Blomqvist, Stig-Arne Mattsson and Peter Kraljic. The different theories discuss business logistics, effectiveness in supply chains, chain of values and strategies of choosing suppliers.1We rather quickly realized the complexity of the company and the ways they handled their raw materials. This partly because Fristads AB has many different articles, but also because they are a member of a larger organisation where many decision are made centrally. During our study we kept coming back to the fact that the absence of an integrated business system caused unnecessary redundant work of many documents. In our analysing part we compare our empiric material with our theoretic frame of reference.Our conclusions and recommendations to Fristads AB were that they should develop an even closer cooperation with their suppliers and producers, to maintain their strong position at the market. Further more we found out that an integrated business system, where all involved parties are integrated, are necessary for Fristads AB to create an effective supply chain. / <p>Program: Textilekonomutbildningen</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

L'ordre du Temple en Champagne : implantation et patrimoine / The order of the Temple in ChampagneEstablishment and heritage : establishment and heritage

Leroy, Thierry 26 November 2016 (has links)
Si la confrérie des Pauvres chevaliers du Christ est née en Terre sainte, l’ordre du Temple est né en Champagne. Créé par Hugues de Payns, seigneur champenois qui en devint le premier maître, favorisé par deux comtes (Hugues, devenu Templier, et Thibaud II qui assista au concile fondateur de l’ordre), conseillé par Bernard de Clairvaux (Bourguignon installé en Champagne), l’ordre du Temple est une émanation de l’aristocratie champenoise.Nous nous proposons d’étudier l’implantation de l’ordre du Temple en Champagne, à la croisée du renouveau monastique et d’un essor économique sans précédent.Nous étudierons aussi la nature du patrimoine que les Templiers réunirent autour de Troyes, capitale du comté, grâce à un réseau familial et aristocratique étroitement impliqué, le tout dans le contexte de croisades. / If the brotherhood of the Christ Knights Poor was born in the Holy Land, the Order of the Temple was born in Champagne.The Order was created by Hugues de Payns, a Champagne lord who became the first master, favored by two counts (Hugues became Templar and Thibaud II was one of the principals members of the founder Council of this order) and supervised by Bernard de Clairvaux.Templars were in fact a child of the Champagne’s aristocracy.So, I propose to study the implementation of the Templars in Champagne, at the crossroads of the monastic’s renewal and an unprecedented economic boom. I would study nature of Templars’s patrimony too, around Troyes, capital of the county, thanks to family’s and aristocratic’s networks, all in the context of the crusades.

Simulation Of Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems Using Least Squares Finite Element Method

Goktolga, Mustafa Ugur 01 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis study, a least-squares finite element method (LSFEM) based conjugate heat transfer solver was developed. In the mentioned solver, fluid flow and heat transfer computations were performed separately. This means that the calculated velocity values in the flow calculation part were exported to the heat transfer part to be used in the convective part of the energy equation. Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations were used in the flow simulations. In conjugate heat transfer computations, it is required to calculate the heat transfer in both flow field and solid region. In this study, conjugate behavior was accomplished in a fully coupled manner, i.e., energy equation for fluid and solid regions was solved simultaneously and no boundary conditions were defined on the fluid-solid interface. To assure that the developed solver works properly, lid driven cavity flow, backward facing step flow and thermally driven cavity flow problems were simulated in three dimensions and the findings compared well with the available data from the literature. Couette flow and thermally driven cavity flow with conjugate heat transfer in two dimensions were modeled to further validate the solver. Finally, a microchannel conjugate heat transfer problem was simulated. In the flow solution part of the microchannel problem, conservation of mass was not achieved. This problem was expected since the LSFEM has problems related to mass conservation especially in high aspect ratio channels. In order to overcome the mentioned problem, weight of continuity equation was increased by multiplying it with a constant. Weighting worked for the microchannel problem and the mass conservation issue was resolved. Obtained results for microchannel heat transfer problem were in good agreement in general with the previous experimental and numerical works. In the first computations with the solver / quadrilateral and triangular elements for two dimensional problems, hexagonal and tetrahedron elements for three dimensional problems were tried. However, since only the quadrilateral and hexagonal elements gave satisfactory results, they were used in all the above mentioned simulations.

Přeživší tzv. cikánského tábora v Letech u Písku v kontextu žádostí o odškodnění dle zákona 255/1946 / Survivors from the so-called Gypsy camp in Lety u Písku in the context of compensation claims according to the Czechoslovak law no. 255/1946

Berkyová, Renata January 2020 (has links)
 An archive of applica/ons for cer/ficates under 255/1946, where are since 1946 un/l now almost 150,000 applica/ons, includs requests from survivors from Jewish and Roma families or their descendants. The aim of the work is to observe several levels reflec/ng comensa/on of survivors, difficult accep/on, respec/vely ignorance of the process of the Roma Holocaust in the Protectorate and, at the same /me, the gradual shaping of awareness of it as a part of the post-war rela/onship of the non-Roma and Roma of Czechoslovak society to this war genocide.The key to the selec/on of applica/ons by Roma applicants for in-depth analysis and linking with other sources rela/ng to their pre-war, war and post-war life is the list of prisoners of the so-called Gypsy Camp at Lety u Písku by C/bor Nečas Key words: Holocaust of the Roma, the so-called Gypsy camp in Lety u Písku, survivors, compensa/on

La šu'ubiyya et la recherche d'un passé mythique commun dans l'adab du IIIe/IXe siècle : exemples d'al-Gahiz et d'Ibn Qutayba / The šu‘ubiyya and the research for a common mythical past in the adab of the 3rd/9th century : examples from al-Gahiz and from Ibn Qutayba

Tesrif, Moulay Mustapha 09 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de montrer, à partir d’exemples concrets de textes anti-Šu‘ūbiyya tirés des œuvres d’al-Ğāḥiẓ (m. 255/869) et d’Ibn Qutayba (m. 276/889), la prégnance de la période préislamique sur l’adab du IIIe/IXe siècle. La méthode retenue est la confrontation critique notamment de la version numérisée de ces textes. Cette approche permet d’alimenter l’hypothèse d’une représentation magnifiée de l’Arabie préislamique : une image qui a fondé une part non négligeable des symboles identitaires de la culture arabo-musulmane, nourrie d’un passé mythique dans lequel peuvent se retrouver tous les musulmans sans préjuger de leurs ascendances.En effet, entendant par « mythe » les récits des origines qui cherchent à expliquer des données de la réalité en les inscrivant dans une dimension transcendée et surnaturelle, le symbolisme de l’adab situe l’essence des valeurs qu’il défend dans l’héritage des anciens Arabes. Cherchant à expliquer le monde, les udabā’ feront de la ğāhiliyya la source des vertus et le berceau de la langue arabe la plus pure. Inventant de nouvelles généalogies « fédératrices », ils s’attacheront à mettre en avant la maîtrise des traditions arabes préislamiques. Ainsi, nos deux auteurs situent la naissance de la civilisation arabo-musulmane dans des récits hors du temps et en rupture avec le présent. Les musulmans non-arabes peuvent donc ne plus se réclamer de leurs passé « réaliste » et prendre plutôt racine dans un passé qui favorise une culture commune inscrite dans un temps autre que le temps historique. Nos auteurs inventent une manière de culture vierge qui, seule, peut permettre à leurs yeux le commencement absolu. Par conséquent, les référents à la supériorité devraient être bouleversés par « l’effet anti-Šu‘ūbiyya » puisque l’origine ethnique ou la réalité historique ne sont plus le seul sens de l’existence. / Based on concrete examples from anti-Šu‘ūbiyya texts pulled from works of al-Ğāḥiẓ (d. 255/869) and Ibn Qutayba (d. 276/889), this thesis aims to demonstrate the pre eminence of the pre-Islamic period on the adab of the IIIe/IXe century. From a methodology which consists in a critical confrontation between these texts (especially the digitalized version of the texts), our point is to fuel the hypothesis of an adorned representation of pre-Islamic Arabia : This image produced a very important part of identical symbols of the Arab-Muslim culture, based on a mythical past in which all the Muslims without prejudice to their ancestries can find themselves."Myth" meaning the narratives of the origins created to explain data of the reality by registering them in a transcent and supernatural dimension, the symbolism of the adab places the essence of the values it is based on in the inheritance of the former Arabs. Trying to explain the world, the udabā’ made of the ğāhiliyya the source of the virtues and the cradle of the purest Arabic language. They devised new common genealogies to put forward the knowledge of the pre-Islamic Arabic traditions. Our two authors stand out the birth of the Arab-Muslim civilization in timeless narratives and in breach with the present time. Thus the non-Arabic Muslims can not refer anymore to their "historical" past and to take rather roots in a past which supports a common culture registered in a not historical time. Only this kind of blank culture, invented by our two authors, could allow the absolute beginning. Consequently, the markers of the supposed superiority could be shaken by the "anti-Šu‘ūbiyya effect" since the ethnical origin or the historical reality are not the only sense of the existence anymore.

Processing piety and the materiality of spiritual mission at Syon Abbey, 1415-1539

Clement, Claire Kathleen January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines the intersection of spiritual values and material life at Syon Abbey, a wealthy Brigittine double monastery in late medieval England. As an institution it was, paradoxically, directed primarily toward an evangelical goal, while being focused on contemplative women who were strictly enclosed. In this dissertation, I assert that this apparent contradiction was resolved through a high degree of collaboration between the abbey’s religious women and men. I argue that Brigittine monasticism, and that of Syon in particular, was uniquely attuned to metaphors and meanings of materiality, which enabled the abbey to transform the women’s mundane material life of food, clothing, architecture, work, finance, and even bureaucracy, into spiritual fruits to be shared with the Syon brethren through dialogue within confessional relationships, and subsequently, with the laity through the media of sermons, sacraments, books, and conversation. I use the abbey’s extensive household financial accounts in conjunction with Brigittine writings and monastic legislative documents to examine the intersection of ideal material life and its spiritual meaning on the one hand, and the abbey’s lived materiality as reflected in its internal economic and administrative actions, on the other. The central question is the degree to which Syon’s material life was one of luxury in keeping with what the Order’s founder, Saint Birgitta, would have seen as worldly excess, or one of moderate asceticism, in keeping with the Brigittine Rule. Major findings are that in most respects (financial management, gender power, officer appointments, clothing, and some aspects of food), Syon’s materiality was lived in accordance with the Rule and the Brigittine mission, but that in some respects, it erred on the side of elite display and consumption (the majority of food items and the architecture and decoration of the abbey church), and in others, the source material is too incomplete to enable conclusions (the decoration of monastic buildings and the distribution of alms). In addition, by analysing the income from boarding of visitors and offerings from pilgrims, I examine the degree of Syon’s impact on the laity and how it changed with the approaching Dissolution, concluding that the abbey had a significant impact that declined only when legal restrictions were applied.

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