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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le système énergétique européen : européanisation, préférences nationales et contraintes institutionnelles / The European energy system : Europeanization, national preferences and institutional constraints

Crisan, Adina 14 December 2015 (has links)
Thèse confidentielle jusqu'au 14/12/2019. Notre thèse s’intéresse à l’européanisation du système énergétique européen. Par système énergétique européen, nous comprenons un ensemble de 28 politiques nationales, construites dans un cadre normatif européen régi par le principe de primauté du droit communautaire. Dans ce système énergétique, nous nous sommes focalisés sur la question de la sécurité énergétique. Notre recherche a démontré que l’européanisation par la norme fonctionne. / Confidential PhD thesis. Our research focused on the Europeanisation of the European energy system. By European energy system, we understand a set of 28 national policies, built in a European normative framework governed by the principle of primacy of EU law. In this energy system, we focused on the issue of energy security. Our research has shown that normative Europeanisation works.

Impact Of Europeanization Of Turkish Energy Policies On Turkey-eu Relations

Guler, Senem 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to examine the impact of Europeanization of Turkish energy policies on Turkey-EU relations. In order to do so, the thesis focuses mainly on Europeanization as a concept and Europeanization of foreign policy as important features in explaining the changes in the Turkish energy policies. While doing so, first this study tries to explore the European Union energy policies and make an overview of the EU energy production and consumption situation within the energy distribution of the world. Second, the study looks through the Turkish energy policy framework and provides a portrait of Turkey as a key player between energy producer and consumer countries. Also, the relation of Turkish energy policy and EU energy policy are evaluated with respect to the questions: &ldquo / to what extent Turkish energy policies are Europeanized? And what are the possible impacts of Turkish energy policies and their Europeanization of Turkey&rsquo / s quest for the membership?&rdquo / For the first question Europeanization is discussed mainly by Radaelli&rsquo / s definition. The review of the literature and the interviews show that Turkey has contributed much to its Europeanization process regarding the energy policies, and Turkish energy policy making reveal distinctive characteristics of Europeanization. However, for the second question, studies exhibit that there is a discrepancy of ideas among scholars and it is important to counterbalance them properly.

Vývoj energetickej politiky EU v oblasti ropy a zemného plynu s ohľadom na ekonomickú a geopolitickú situáciu na Ukrajine / The trends in the EU energy policy in case of oil and natural gas with respect to the economical and geopolitical situation in Ukraine

Vojnová, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
The work is written and solved in the context of ongoing crisis in Ukraine, which is a major transit country for Russian gas and oil to the EU. The subject of this diploma thesis is to analyze three possible scenarios of EU energy policy in the field of oil and gas with respect to the situation in Ukraine. The aim of this work is to answer the question what direction should the energy policy of EU have in case of oil and gas and to what extent it is influenced by the Ukrainian crisis, based on an analysis of the facts and the current energy situation of the EU. The work is divided into two parts, where the first is characterization of the major players -- the European Union, Russia and Ukraine. In the second part, three possible scenarios for the EU energy policy are analyzed. The proposed possible solutions for energy situation based on the analysis of the facts assessed in the thesis, is the change of the EU attitude towards the shale and unconventional petroleum and natural gas.

Jaderná energie a energetická bezpečnost EU / Nuclear energy and EU energy security

Ryzhenko, Maksym January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is dedicated to the future development of nuclear energy in the EU area and its incorporation into the current EU energy policy. The work also focuses on a detailed examination of EU energy policy in terms of energy security of the Member States and throughout the text deals with the role of nuclear power as a determining factor of energy security. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical part (Chapter one) and research part (Chapter two and three). The first chapter of this thesis is devoted to current theoretical approaches to the issue of energy security. The issues of energy security are then examined in the final part of this chapter in terms of integration into the all-embracing EU energy policy. The second chapter provides an analysis of the current energy situation in the European Union as a whole and in individual Member States. All findings are applied with emphasis on the status of nuclear energy in the energy mix. The final chapter summarizes current nuclear energy trends in the EU. In addition, analysis of the opinion polls and government interventions in the field of nuclear energy are provided.

Energetická alternativa EU: obnovitelné zdroje (fotovoltaika) / EU energy alternative: renewable energy sources (photovoltaics)

Turek, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with current priorities of energy policy within EU region, where is a substantial emphasis placed on exploitation of renewable energy sources (RES). There is mentioned historical development in the first part as well as an actual approach to energy policy by EU. Further is evaluated exploitation of RES and their proprotion on electricity generation. I also provide analysis whether current energy objectives can be met. In the last part I deal with photovoltaic industry both in EU and Czechia. Energy extraction from sunshine is currently the most growing field industry all over the world and especially in EU.

EU a Rusko: vzájemné vztahy v oblasti energetiky / EU-Russia: mutual energy relations

Bezrodná, Ksenija January 2009 (has links)
Depleting fossil fuel reserves in EU and energy consumption growth lead to the fact that the European Union is becoming increasingly dependent on energy imports. The most important energy partner of the EU is Russia which delivers the biggest volumes of oil and natural gas to european countries. High rate of energy dependency on Russia is - especially in the context of gas crisis - perceived as a threat to EU energy security and it is necessary to deal with it immediately. The aims of the European Union policy on energy are to achieve higher territorial diversification of fossil fuel suppliers and transit countries and diversification of the EU energy mix, to promote renewable forms of energy and to establish common energy market to ensure solidarity among EU member states. European Union also should learn how to act as "one actor" and "one voice" on energy relations with Russia because that could help to ensure better negotiation position and to become a sovereign partner in mutual energy relations with Russia.

Aktérstvo Európskej únie na poli globálnej energetickej politiky: Prípad plynovodu Nabucco / Actorness of the European Union in the field of global energy policy: the case of Nabucco pipeline project

Černická, Lucia January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the master thesis is to evaluate the European Union's position in the field of global energy policy. The thesis adopts a concept of actorness which is then applied to the case of the Nabucco pipeline project. The concept aspires to respond to an unclear status of the EU as an entity of its own kind in an international system of states. The study is based on a Brattberg's and Rhinard's approach to actorness which specifies a number of variables. Their analytical framework allows us to assess the extent of EU actorness - the ability to act as an international actor. The particular variable that this thesis focuses on is vertical consistency. Vertical consistency in the academic sphere is regarded as a significant factor of actorness. It is also often considered as an insufficient element of an integrated approach of the EU - internal unity is inevitable for more effective joint policy. Energy policy of several Member States is examined in contrast with the EU energy policy as a whole. Own analytical framework is established due to the lack of information on vertical consistency in the literature. It consists of four variables: competence of the EU in energy, financial policy, verbal and bilateral political relations of Member states with third parties. The results of the investigation...

Eenergetinio saugumo scenarijai: Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Lenkijos atvejis / Energy security scenarios: cases of Lithuania, Latvia and Poland

Vaišnoras, Tomas 16 June 2010 (has links)
Susidomėjimas ateities studijomis kaip moksline veikla ypač padidėjo pastaraisiais metais, tai paskatino poreikis prognozuoti galimus socialinius, ekonominius, ekologinius ar politinius pokyčius sparčiai besivystančiame pasaulyje. Socialiniuose bei politikos moksluose prognostiniai metodai ilgą laiką buvo laikomi nepatikimais, tačiau, pastaruoju metu, suvokdami prognozavimą kaip neatsiejamą strateginio planavimo dalį politinių procesų tyrėjai vis dažniau taiko scenarijų konstravimo metodą, mėgindami atrasti galimus ateities įvykių raidos variantus. Patikimas energijos išteklių tiekimas yra vienas pagrindinių valstybės saugumo garantų. Ateities energetikos sektoriaus vystymasis priklauso nuo daugelio kintamųjų, tokių kaip augantis energijos poreikis, aplinkosaugos reikalavimai, technologinis progresas, liberalizavimo procesai ir t.t., todėl norint tinkamai pasiruošti galimiems pokyčiams reikalingas nuoseklus ir racionalus politinis planavimas. Labai svarbu įvertinti būsimus iššūkius, galimybes bei tikėtinas raidos kryptis, o scenarijų kūrimas yra tinkamiausias metodinis įrankis šiems tikslams pasiekti. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas yra sukonstruoti galimus Lietuvos, Latvijos ir Lenkijos energetinio saugumo scenarijus. Norint pasiekti šį tikslą pirmiausiai reikia apsibrėžti energetinio saugumo sąvoką bei scenarijų konstravimo metodą. Svarbu apžvelgti visų trijų valstybių energetikos sektorius, jų stipriąsias ir silpnąsias puses. Kadangi Lietuva, Latvija ir Lenkija yra Europos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Over the last decade policy analysts around the world demonstrate a growing interest in future studies. It is influenced by the need to foresee economic, social or political changes in rapidly developing world. For a long time future studies in political and social sciences were considered unreliable. However, in the recent years, foresight became an important part of strategic planning, thus scenario building method is more and more often used by policy analysts. Uninterrupted and reliable energy supply is one of the main pillars of country’s national security. Future development of the energy sector depends on many variables such as the growing energy demand, the technological development, the liberalization of the energy markets etc. Therefore, if countries want to prepare properly for possible changes, consistent and rational political planning is needed. It is very important to assess the future challenges, possibilities and the most likely trends of development, whereas scenario building is the most suitable method for reaching these objectives. The main objective of this research paper is to build possible energy security scenarios for Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. First of all, to achieve this objective one needs to define energy security and scenario building method. It is also important to review the energy sector of each of the three countries, in order to find strengths, weaknesses and main threats to their security. The EU common energy policy has a direct... [to full text]

The EU external energy governance and the neighbouring gas suppliers Azerbaijan and Algeria : ensuring European gas supply security at the borderline between markets and geopolitics / La gouvernance énergétique externe de l’UE et les fournisseurs de gaz, l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Algérie : assurer la sécurité d’approvisionnement énergétique de l’Europe entre marché et géopolitique

Weber, Bernd 26 January 2016 (has links)
L’exportation des normes de l’UE vers les pays voisins dans le domaine de la régulation des marchés gaziers et de leurs infrastructures est devenue le leitmotiv de la politique énergétique européenne extérieure. Cette thèse analyse les défis énergétiques auxquels est confrontée l’UE ; elle évalue également la politique européenne en matière de sécurité énergétique vis-à-vis de l’Azerbaïdjan et de l’Algérie ainsi que l’influence transformatrice de l’Union dans ces pays. L’analyse cherche à comprendre si, et dans quelle mesure, l’UE peut exporter ses normes vers les deux fournisseurs gaziers dans le cadre de sa gouvernance énergétique extérieure. La démarche méthodologique met en évidence les limites des explications dominantes de convergence fondées sur l’institutionnalisme rationnel et constructiviste et se propose de les enrichir en s’appuyant sur les cadres analytiques des études de diffusion et du « decentring ». Sur la base d’ouvrages spécialisés, de documents officiels et de 85 entretiens avec des acteurs publics de l’UE, d’Azerbaïdjan et d’Algérie et avec des acteurs privés à Bruxelles, Bakou et Alger, l’analyse cherche à expliquer la plus ou moins grande convergence des normes de l’UE. L’analyse s’attache à la coopération énergétique avec l’UE, les secteurs énergétiques et les projets d’infrastructures des deux pays au travers de six études de cas. La thèse se propose d’élargir la portée des études existantes en intégrant les influences de la situation géopolitique et du marché qui pèsent souvent de manière plus importante que les contraintes européennes et soutient dès lors que la gouvernance énergétique extérieure est seulement durable, si elle est « décentrée ». / The export of EU norms to regulate gas markets and transnational infrastructure has become the leitmotif of EU external energy policy in the neighbourhood. This thesis unpacks the underlying energy policy challenge of the EU, before analysing its approach to ensure energy security towards Azerbaijan and Algeria and examining the Union’s transformative influence. The major question of the research is: How and to which extent can the EU export its energy norms and policies towards both strategic neighbouring suppliers of natural gas, which represent least likely cases of EU external energy governance? The analytical framework sheds light on the limits of major rationalist and constructivist institutionalist explanations in accounting for convergence with EU energy norms and addresses them by drawing on insights from diffusion studies and the decentring framework. Relying on qualitative document and data analysis as well as extensive fieldwork and 85 interviews carried out with EU, Azerbaijani and Algerian officials as well as representatives of energy companies in Brussels, Baku, and Algiers, the research accounts for a varying degree of convergence as the result of an unstable and conflictual process. Examining energy cooperation with the EU, domestic energy sectors and major infrastructure projects within six case studies, the analysis sheds light on EU norm export from a bottom-up perspective of neighbouring public actors. The thesis broadens the scope of existing studies by factoring in geopolitical and market-based constraints and influences, which often outweigh EU coercion and depicts that EU external energy governance can only be sustainable, if it is ‘decentred’.

Vliv energetické politiky EU na energetický sektor České republiky / Influence of the EU energy policy on energy sector in the Czech Republic

Tischlerová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the EU energy policy and its impact on the energy sector of the Czech Republic. The main objective is to analyze the implemantation and impact of the EU climate-energy package on the czech energy sector. The first part is devoted to describing the current state of the energy sector in the country.The second part is the theory of externalities due to the fact that carbon dioxid emissions are externalities, which the EU is trying tu reduce through its climate-energy measures. The third part delas with EU energy policy and the fourth one with its applications and implications in the Czech Republic.

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