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User-centered evaluations of multi-modal building interfacesKianpour rad, Simin 31 January 2025 (has links)
In the evolving landscape of building systems and human-building interaction (HBI), the complexity of building interfaces has significantly increased, posing both challenges and opportunities for enhancing energy consumption, indoor environmental quality (IEQ), and building services. This dissertation, titled "User-centered Evaluation of Multi-modal Building Interfaces," delves into the realm of HBI by focusing on the user's experience and perception of multimodal building control interfaces, particularly the various visual modalities of Connected Thermostats (CTs). This body of work aims to support CTs' ongoing adoption, expansion, and performance through a user-centered perspective. The research is motivated by the observation that the design process in the current building industry often overlooks a human-centered approach, leading to a disconnection between occupants' needs and building interface design. This misalignment not only results in user dissatisfaction but also leads to a missed opportunity in leveraging smart building technologies to enhance building performance for achieving climate change mitigation goals.
This research attempts to address the main identified gaps in the literature and AEC industry concerning 1) human interaction and perception of multimodal CT interfaces,2) the scarcity of knowledge in the field of human-computer-building interaction (HCBI) regarding the user study methods, 3) the exiting highly non-standard practices in the design of building interfaces. This research highlights 1) the necessity of a multimodal interaction approach, 2) robust mixed-methods User Experience (UX) summative evaluation studies, and 3) the need for standardization in HCBI. This body of work is grounded in the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Human Information Processing (HIP) theories, aiming to foster the adoption of connected building controls with a special focus on usability by suggesting best practices in design and research.
The methodology comprised three-step mixed-methods summative evaluation studies designed using a funnel approach to answer the general question: "How do users interact with connected thermostats, and how do these interactions inform our understanding of human-building interaction?": 1) The first and broadest study leveraged texting mining big data of user reviews to identify the general themes and patterns that affect the UX and acceptance of CTs. 2) The second study employed mixed-methods lab experiments to further focus on usability, being recognized as the most determining factor in the adoption of CTs in the first study. This study investigated human interaction with three of the most prevalent modalities of CTs: the Fixed Visual Display (FVD), the phone app, and the web portal. 3) The third study investigated human interaction with a specific visual aspect of UI of FVD and phone app modalities, the interface icons, with the goal of providing some data-driven guidelines for their standardization. Throughout the three studies, the dissertation employed and evaluated some novel and established HCI summative user evaluation methods, including a grounded theory approach for text mining and analyzing user-generated content, eye-tracking think-aloud protocol and contextual inquiry, A/B testing and NASA TLX and SUS surveys to evaluate UX, usability and mental workload.
The dissertation outlined three discrete contributions: 1) It bridged some of the well-established UX research methods into HCBI and highlighted the potential of knowledge in the HCI field, 2) Provided guidance for human-centered design of multimodal building interfaces through identifying the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in UX of CTs, 3) Informed the standardization of UI of multimodal building interfaces. / Doctor of Philosophy / Modern building systems are becoming increasingly complex to enhance energy savings and improve occupant convenience. Traditional buildings are typically controlled by wall-mounted devices that manage lighting, temperature, and security. However, in smart buildings, occupants now have new ways to interact with these systems, including remote control options like smartphone apps. This research explores how people interact with and perceive different types of building controls. Specifically, it compares user experiences with two main types of controls: fixed controls, such as wall-mounted thermostats, and mobile controls, like smartphone apps. The goal is to improve the design of these controls to make them easier to use, widely adopted, and more effective in promoting energy efficiency and comfort.
Among building controls, smart residential thermostats are particularly important. How they are designed and how people use them can significantly impact energy use in homes. However, advanced thermostats, especially those with programming features, are often seen as difficult to use for building occupants. Designers sometimes overlook the needs of users due to agile design processes or a limited understanding of user-centered design. These complex interfaces can lead to user frustration and missed opportunities to improve building performance. This research addresses these challenges by studying how people actually interact with different smart thermostat controls, including wall-mounted devices, phone apps, and web portals, emphasizing the importance of designing with user needs in mind. This study identifies the common issues users face with the dashboard of these devices, proposes solutions, and offers best practices for creating user-friendly building controls.
This study makes three key contributions: First, it introduces well-known methods from other fields for designing and evaluating technology and applies these methods to evaluate the user experience of building controls. Methods include text analysis of user reviews, surveys, eye-tracking, and user performance measurements, some of which are relatively new in the context of human-building interaction. Additionally, the study provides guidance for future researchers in developing a user-centered framework for building interfaces by comparing these methods. Finally, it helps designers by identifying critical usability problems in building interfaces and highlighting opportunities for improvement.
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Исследование изменений психофункционального состояния человека на основе данных Eye tracking с использованием машинного обучения : магистерская диссертация / Study of changes in the psychofunctional state of a person based on Eye tracking data using machine learningКалимуллина, Э. Р., Kalimullina, E. R. January 2024 (has links)
Данная работа посвящена созданию модели, при помощи которой может осуществляться классификация эмоций для дальнейшего анализа психофункционального состояния человека с использованием машинного обучения. Цель исследования заключалась в разработке системы оценки психофункционального состояния человека на основе биосигнала Eye tracking с помощью моделей машинного обучения. Для достижения поставленной цели предполагается провести анализ современных методов машинного обучения для задачи оценки психофункционального состояния человека, собрать и обработать собственный набор данных, применить алгоритмы и модели машинного обучения к выбранному открытому набору данных и собственному набору данных, получить оценки точности и сравнить полученные результаты. Сформировать выводы. Разработка системы позволит производить оценку психофункционального состояния человека на основе данных Eye tracking, путем определения изменений в образце движения глаз. Помочь в диагностике и мониторинге психических заболеваний, и сократить время проведения и обработки тестов на выявление психических отклонений врачами. / This work is devoted to the creation of a model by which the classification of emotions can be carried out for further analysis of the psychofunctional state of a person using machine learning. The aim of the study was to develop a system for assessing the psycho-functional state of humans based on the Eye tracking biosignature using machine learning models. In order to achieve this goal, it is planned to conduct an analysis of modern methods of machine learning for the purpose of assessing the psychofunctional state of a person, to collect and process its own set of data, Apply algorithms and machine learning models to the selected open data set and its own data set, obtain accuracy estimates and compare the results. Draw conclusions. The development of the system will allow to assess the psycho-functional state of a person based on Eye tracking data, by determining changes in the pattern of eye movement. Assist in the diagnosis and monitoring of mental illness, and reduce the time for conducting and processing of tests for the detection of mental disorders by doctors.
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Comparing the meaning of the learnibility principle for children and adultsChimbo, Bester 06 1900 (has links)
The learnability principle relates to improving usability of software, performance and productivity. It was formulated mainly for the adult user group. Children represent an important user group, but fewer guidelines exist for their educational and entertainment applications. This study compares these groups, addressing the question: “Does learnability of software interfaces have a different meaning for children and adults?”.
A literature survey conducted on learnability and learning processes considered the meaning of learnability across generations. Users learning software systems were observed in a usability laboratory where eye tracking data could also be recorded.
Insights emerged, from data analysis, showing different tactics when children and adults approached unfamiliar software and revealing aspects of interfaces they approached differently. The findings will help designers distinguish varying needs of users and improve learnability. An additional subprinciple of learnability, „engageability‟, is proposed. Factors that make products engaging for children are different from those engaging adults. / Computing / M. Sc. (Information Systems)
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Entwicklung einer Methode zur Identifikation dreidimensionaler Blickbewegungen in realer und virtueller UmgebungWeber, Sascha 12 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Das Verständnis über visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse ist nicht nur für die Kognitionsforschung von großem Interesse. Auch in alltäglichen Bereichen des Lebens stellt sich die Frage, wie wir unsere Umwelt in unterschiedlichen Situationen visuell wahrnehmen. Entsprechende Untersuchungen können in realen Szenarien und aufgrund neuer innovativer 3D-Verfahren auch in Umgebungen der virtuellen Realität (VR) durchgeführt werden. Zur Erforschung von Aufmerksamkeitsprozessen wird unter anderem die Methode der Blickbewegungsmessung (Eyetracking) angewandt, da das Sehen für uns Menschen die wichtigste Sinnesmodalität darstellt. Herkömmliche Blickbewegungsmessungen beziehen sich allerdings überwiegend auf zweidimensionale Messebenen, wie Bildschirm, Leinwand oder Szenevideo.
Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt eine Methode vor, mit der dreidimensionale Blickorte und Blickbewegungen sowohl in einer realen als auch in einer stereoskopisch projizierten VR-Umgebung anhand moderner Eyetracking-Technologien bestimmt werden können. Dafür wurde zunächst in Studie I geprüft, ob die Blickbewegungsmessung durch die für eine stereoskopische Bildtrennung notwendigen 3D-Brillen hindurch möglich ist und inwieweit durch diesen Versuchsaufbau die Qualität der erhobenen Eyetracking-Daten beeinflusst wird.
Im nächsten Schritt wurde zur Berechnung dreidimensionaler Blickorte das Anforderungsprofil an einen universellen Algorithmus erstellt und mit einem vektorbasierten Ansatz umgesetzt. Die Besonderheit hierbei besteht in der Berechnung der Blickvektoren anhand der Augen- bzw. Foveaposition und binokularen Eyetracking-Daten. Wie genau dreidimensionale Blickorte anhand dieses Algorithmus berechnet werden können, wurde nachfolgend in realer (Studie II) als auch stereoskopisch projizierter VR-Umgebung (Studie III) untersucht.
Anschließend erfolgte die Bestimmung dreidimensionaler Blickbewegungen aus den berechneten 3D-Blickorten. Dazu wurde ein ellipsoider Fixationserkennungsalgorithmus konzipiert und implementiert. Für die dispersionsbasierte Blickbewegungserkennung waren sowohl ein zeitlicher als auch örtlicher Parameter für die Identifikation einer Fixation erforderlich. Da es noch keinerlei Erkenntnisse im dreidimensionalen Bereich gab, wurden die in Studie II und III ermittelten 3D-Blickorte der ellipsoiden Fixationserkennung übergeben und die daraus berechneten Fixationsparameter analysiert.
Die entwickelte Methode der räumlichen Blickbewegungsmessung eröffnet die Möglichkeit, bislang in zwei Dimensionen untersuchte Blickmuster nunmehr räumlich zu bestimmen und grundlegende Zusammenhänge zwischen Blickbewegungen und kognitiven Prozessen dreidimensional sowohl in einer realen als auch virtuellen Umgebung zu analysieren.
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電子商務網頁版面配置與瀏覽動線之關係研究─以Yahoo!奇摩購物中心、PChome線上購物、GOHAPPY線上快樂購網站為例 / The study on the relationship between the E-commerce web page layout and eye movement- Cases of the Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Center、PChome Online Store and Gohappy eStore黃毓芬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國內三大電子商務網站之商品展示頁面的版面配置與瀏覽動線之間的關係,藉由眼動追蹤儀器實驗(Eye Movement Tracking)及專家訪談的結果,歸納出最後的結論與建議方向,並作為未來實務界在設計與規劃電子商務網站時的參考依據。
而實驗二的部份,則是測試商品的版面配置情形。主要是操弄三家網站之不同的商品配置特性,測試不同的商品配置特性對使用者的視覺焦點(Fixation Count)與停留時間(Fixation Time)所產生的變化,試圖瞭解何種商品配置最吸引使用者的目光,讓使用者停留更多的瀏覽時間。
並透過專家訪談法,瞭解業界資深的網頁設計師及網站規劃者他們對於電子商務網站之商品展示頁的版面配置與使用者瀏覽動線的看法與建議,以及在規劃及設計自家電子商務網站時的構思想法,最後將訪談資料以內容分析法予以歸納分析,供業界在執行電子商務網站實務設計時之參考依據。 / This study aims to investigate the relationship between the layout and browsing routes for merchandise display pages on Taiwan’s three major e-commerce websites, as ascertained by results from eye tracking experiments and expert interviews. The study offers some overall conclusions and suggestions which may serve as a reference for future practices in designing and implementing e-commence websites.
The experiment was divided into two stages, and included 23 participants whose viewing behavior was recorded; the effective sample pool was 20. The objective of the first test was to examine the merchandise viewing efficacy rendered by these three e-commerce websites. Through this experiment, the website with the merchandise page setup and browsing routes which enabled users to locate their desired merchandise in the shortest time was determined, as well as the samples’ visual fixation distributions and durations.
In the second experiment, merchandise page layouts were tested. Different arrangement schemes of merchandise displayed by these same three websites were manipulated to test the effects they have on user eye fixation count and fixation time, in an attempt to understand what type of merchandise display arrangement scheme draws the most attention from viewers and encourages them to spend more viewing time.
Expert interviews provided insights and suggestions from skilled web page designers and website builders regarding their perspectives on merchandise display page arrangement and user browsing routes, and in particular, the concepts employed when building their own e-commerce websites. Finally, interview data is introduced and analyzed using content analysis methodology, which may serve as a reference for e-commerce website design practices.
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Influence de la fatigue du consommateur sur le processus de traitement visuel d'une publicité / Influence of consumer tiredness on visual advertising processingRasolofoarison, Dina 21 September 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’impact de la fatigue du consommateur sur son traitement de l’information ublicitaire. Plus précisément, nous désirons comprendre comment la fatigue influence le processus de traitement visuel de la publicité, ainsi que les attitudes et la mémorisation. En nous appuyant sur la théorie d’adéquation des ressources, nous postulons que le traitement de l’information publicitaire, et donc l’efficacité de la publicité, est optimal quand le niveau de ressources cognitives disponible (niveau de fatigue du consommateur) correspond au niveau de ressources exigé (niveau de complexité de la publicité). Nos résultats mettent en lumière des effets de la fatigue différents selon les deux échantillons de notre recherche (étudiants et salariés). Les étudiants fatigués adoptent une stratégie visuelle de balayage pour compenser les effets de la fatigue et rendre le traitement de l’information plus facile. Les salariés fatigués adoptent une stratégie visuelle d’attention soutenue consistant à mobiliser le peu de ressources disponibles pour traiter l’information de façon efficace. Cette stratégie visuelle d’attention soutenue a un impact positif sur la mémorisation de la publicité. Nous montrons enfin que la théorie d’adéquation des ressources n’est pas le cadre théorique approprié pour étudier notre objet de recherche. En effet, les ressources cognitives s’avèrent être dynamiques : si elles y sont motivées, les personnes peuvent adapter leur niveaude ressources à la tache à accomplir. Les implications théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales de ces résultats sont discutées. / This research aims at studying the impact of consumers’ tiredness on the way they perceive and process advertising information. More specifically, we try to understand how tiredness influences advertisements’ visual processing as well as consumers’ attitudes and memorization. Relying on Resource Matching theory, we hypothesize that advertising informationprocessing, and therefore advertising efficiency, is optimal when the level of available resources (consumers’ tiredness) matches the level of required resources (advertisement complexity). Results show that the impact of tiredness differs according to sample under consideration (students or staff members). Tired students adopt a “screening” visual strategyin order to compensate for tiredness effects and ease their information processing. Tired staff members adopt a “sustained attention” visual strategy consisting in mobilizing their few available resources in order to efficiently process information. In this second case, sustained visual attention leads to better advertising memorization. We show that the Resource Matching theory is not the appropriate theoretical framework to study our research object. Indeed, we find that cognitive resources are dynamic:if motivated to do so, individuals are able to adapt their resource level according to the processing task. Theoretical, methodological and managerial implications are discussed.
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Human-computer interaction using eye-gaze : Formation of user interface design guidelines from a cognitive science perspectiveFarokhian, Suzana January 2019 (has links)
Motor and communication disabilities are common conditions that may implicate restrictions in daily life. With development of eye tracking technology, a solution referred to as eye-gaze interaction has been generated to support people with their limiting conditions to solve communication and computer access issues. By using eye tracking technology, which calculates the user’s eye-gaze location on a computer screen, user’s are able to control computers with their eyes as an input. This interaction method is quite unique and complex since the eyes serves both as an input and output source. Usability aspects revolving human information processing are therefore important to consider when designing user interfaces. In collaboration with Tobii AB, the study evaluated two separate eye-gaze interaction systems for controlling computers. 7 participants conducted user tests, one for each application, and answered interview questions during the tests regarding their usability experience. Based on the collected data,17 design guidelines was established with a purpose to enhance usability for eye-gaze interaction systems.
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Le traitement des expressions faciales au cours de la première année : développement et rôle de l'olfaction / The processing of facial expressions during the first year of life : development and contribution of olfactionDollion, Nicolas 14 December 2015 (has links)
La première année de vie constitue une étape critique dans le développement des capacités de traitement des expressions faciales. Olfaction et expressions sont toutes deux étroitement liées, et il est reconnu que dès la naissance les enfants sont capables d’intégrer leur environnement de façon multi-sensorielle. Toutefois, la plupart des travaux sur le traitement multimodal des visages et des expressions se sont restreints à l’étude des interactions audio-visuelles.Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons en premier lieu levé différentes ambiguïtés concernant l’ontogenèse des capacités de traitement des expressions. Les résultats obtenus ont permis de spécifier l’évolution des stratégies d’exploration visuelle des émotions au cours de la première année, et de démontrer la présence d’une distinction progressive des expressions selon leur signification émotionnelle. Au moyen de l’EEG, nous avons aussi précisé la nature et le décours temporel de la distinction des expressions chez les nourrissons de 3 mois.Le second objectif de nos travaux a été d’approfondir les connaissances sur le traitement multi-sensoriel des expressions, en nous intéressant spécifiquement aux interactions olfacto-visuelles. Nos expériences en potentiels évoqués ont permis de préciser le décours de l’intégration cérébrale de l’odeur dans le traitement des expressions chez l’adulte, et de démontrer la présence d’interactions similaires chez l’enfant de 3 mois. Nous avons également démontré qu’à 7 mois, les odeurs déclenchent une recherche d’expression spécifique. Il ressort de ces travaux que l’olfaction pourrait contribuer à l’établissement des capacités de traitement des expressions faciales. / The first year of life is critical for the development of the abilities to process facial expressions. Olfaction and expressions are both strongly linked to each other, and it is well known that infants are able to multisensorially integrate their environment as early as birth. However, most of the studies interested in multisensory processing of facial expressions are restricted to the investigation of audio-visual interactions.In this thesis, we firstly aimed to resolve different issues concerning the ontogenesis of infants’ ability to process facial expressions. Our results allowed to specify the development of visual exploratory strategies of facial emotions along the first year of life, and to demonstrate that a progressive distinction of expressions according to their emotional meaning is present. Using the EEG, we were also able to specify the nature and the time course of facial expressions distinction in 3-month-old infants.The second objective of our studies was to expand the knowledge concerning the multisensory processing of facial expressions. More specifically we wanted to investigate the influence of olfacto-visual interactions on this processing. Our event-related potentials experiments allowed to specify the time course of the cerebral integration of olfaction in the visual processing of emotional faces in adults, and to demonstrate that similar interactions are present in infants as young as 3 month-old. We also demonstrated that at 7 months of age odors trigger the search for specific facial expressions. Our results suggest that olfaction might contribute to the development of infants’ ability to process facially displayed emotions.
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Efeito de contraste na resposta ocular: avaliação de um procedimento / Not informed by the authorMoreno, Adriana Saavedra 19 July 2017 (has links)
O Contraste Sucessivo é um dos paradigmas experimentais que modelam a experiencia de perda. Nele, os organismos deixam de estarem expostos à eventos reforçadores, apetitivos e/ou preferidos para entrarem em contato com outros de menor qualidade ou valor. Isto resulta numa série de estratégias comportamentais caracterizadas por um importante componente emocional, uma diminuição na execução da resposta (consumatória ou operante) que não está mais correlacionada com a consequência, um aumento na execução de respostas que eram menos prováveis, e uma conservação da estrutura do comportamento exibido antes da perda ou deterioro. A função dos estímulos antecedentes e/ou discriminativos envolvidos, que constituem a parte vigente da contingência que foi quebrada, também tem se mostrado comprometida. Contudo, a interação entre essas características tem sido estudada de modo separado, seja por complicações técnicas ou por isolamento teórico entre os paradigmas. Neste experimento se apresenta uma proposta que tenta obter uma caracterização mais abrangente das estratégias comportamentais que emergem numa situação de perda, aproveitando a versatilidade topológica e funcional da resposta ocular, e a disponibilidade de recursos técnicos que permitem obter medidas precisas dela. Para isso, no procedimento utilizado foram disponibilizadas alternativas de resposta com diferentes valores de reforçamento em cada. 192 fotografias do IAPS foram categorizadas segundo seu valor emotivo e seu conteúdo em seis categorias: Eróticas, Filhotes (Agradáveis), Paisagens naturais, Paisagens artificiais (Neutrais), Doenças e Violência (Desagradáveis). Pares dessas fotografias foram apresentadas num arranjo de quatro quadrantes na tela do computador, antecedidas de forma consistente por Figuras geométricas específicas para cada categoria, enquanto os tempos de fixação eram registrados com um rastreador ocular. Uma sétima figura geométrica foi pareada aleatoriamente com fotografias de todas as categorias. Após atingir um critério de estabilidade baseado no ranqueamento e correspondência entre os tempos de fixação das Figuras geométricas e das Fotografias, as Fotografias da categoria mais observada foram substituídas por Fotografias daquela correspondente ao terceiro lugar, mas continuaram sendo antecedidas pela mesma Figura geométrica. Os resultados mostraram que o procedimento foi sensível às condições e a manipulação experimental. Foi possível estabelecer um ranqueamento entre as categorias a partir das respostas oculares e caracterizar um padrão de observação após a incongruência introduzida. No caso, as preferências exibidas pela participante foram reorganizadas, com um aumento nos tempos de fixação das categorias agradáveis, evitação das fotografias da categoria Doença enquanto a Figura geométrica que à antecedia começou a ser mais observada, e um aumento no tempo de fixação da categoria de imagens aleatórias. No caso das Categorias alteradas, as fotografias de Filhotes (terceira categoria no ranqueamento) que começaram a ser antecedidas pela Figura geométrica correspondente à categoria Violência (a mais observada), foram menos observadas do que àquelas antecedidas pela figura geométrica treinada na fase anterior. São discutidas as melhoras que o procedimento poderia ter assim como o uso das medidas mais apropriadas na exploração de diversos fenômenos comportamentais. Se analisa se os resultados podem ser entendidos dentro do paradigma de contraste e por último se apresentam comentários sobre a necessidade de aproveitar os desenvolvimentos técnicos que permitem executar experimentos mais complexos / Successive Contrast is one of the experimental paradigms that models the experience of loss. On it, organisms are no longer exposed to reinforcing, appetitive and/or preferred events, but to some others with less quality or value. This results in different behavioral strategies characterized by an important emotional component, a decrement in the response not any longer associated with the consequence (consummatory or operant), an increment in less likely responses, and a preservation of behavioral structure from before the impairment. The role of the antecedent and / or discriminative stimuli involved, which constitute the current part of the contingency that has been broken, has also shown to be compromised. However, the interaction between these characteristics has been studied separately, either by technical complications or by theoretical isolation between paradigms. In this study, we propose a procedure to obtain a more comprehensive characterization of the behavioral strategies that emerge in a situation of loss, taking advantage of the topological and functional versatility of the ocular response, and the availability of technical resources that allow to obtain precise measurements of it. To solve this, alternatives for responding with different values of reinforcement were available. 192 photographs from the IAPS were categorized into six categories according to their emotional value and their content: Erotic, Puppies (Pleasant), Natural Landscapes, Artificial Landscapes (Neutral), Diseases and Violence (Unpleasant). Pairs of these photographs were presented in a four-quadrant arrangement on the computer screen, consistently preceded by specific geometric figures for each category, while fixation times were recorded with an eye tracker. A seventh geometric figure was randomly paired with photographs of all categories. After reaching a stability criterion based on the ranking and correspondence between the fixation times of the Geometric Figures and the Photographs, the Photographs of the most observed category were replaced by Photographs of the one corresponding to the third place, but continued to be preceded by the same Geometric Figure. The results showed that the procedure worked well within our experimental conditions and manipulation. It was possible to establish a ranking from the ocular responses among the categories and to characterize a pattern of observation after the introduced incongruity. The preferences exhibited by the participant were reorganized, with an increase in the fixation time of the pleasant categories, avoidance of photographs of the category Disease while its geometric Figure became more observed, and an increase in the fixation time of the category of random images. On the changed Categories, the photographs of Pups (third category in the ranking) that began to be preceded by the geometric Figure corresponding to the category Violence (the most observed category), were less observed than those preceded by the geometric figure trained in the previous phase. The improvements that the procedure could have as well as the use of the most appropriate measures in the exploration of several behavioral phenomena are discussed. It is analyzed if the results can be understood within the contrast paradigm and finally comments are made on the need to take advantage of the technical developments that allow to execute more complex experiments
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Modélisation et analyse comportementale du système Pilote-fauteuil roulant électrique / Modeling and behavioral analysis of the pilot-powered wheelchair systemZatla, Hicham 11 December 2018 (has links)
Les fauteuils roulants électriques (FRE) ont permis à nombre de personnes handicapés moteurs de retrouver une mobilité satisfaisante, ce qui a amélioré leur qualité de vie, un vaste champ d’activités leur étant devenu accessible. Lors de la prescription d’un FRE ou d’une phase d’apprentissage à la conduite il est cependant nécessaire d’évaluer les capacités de ces personnes à piloter un fauteuil. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif consiste à déterminer des paramètres pertinents permettant de décrire la qualité de la conduite d’un FRE pour des personnes ayant des déficiences motrices sévères. Tout d’abord, nous avons modélisé le système pilote-FRE par le modèle OPCM (Optimal Preview Control Model) de Sharp. Ce modèle est basé sur la distance anticipée (Dp) par l’utilisateur durant sa conduite du FRE. Cette distance a été estimée grâce à un système de suivi du regard combiné avec le simulateur 3D ViEW du laboratoire LCOMS. Un panel de 15 sujets valides a été recruté pour faire des tests de conduite sur simulateur et valider la modélisation OPCM. La distance Dp a permis de décrire le comportement du pilote. Ensuite, une analyse de la distance anticipée Dp en fonction de différentes zones du parcours (slalom serré, virage, slalom large), a montré que ce paramètre peut être utilisé pour différencier les différents comportements de conduite liées aux différentes situations du parcours. Ensuite nous avons comparé cette distance anticipée entre deux groupes, familiarisés et novices vis-à-vis de la conduite en FRE. L’analyse a montré que le groupe familiarisé présente une distance Dp plus importante que le groupe novice. Enfin, une dernière expérience a eu lieu au Centre de Réadaptation de Flavigny sur Moselle (54, France). Nous avons estimé la distance anticipée (Dp) pour des sujets à déficiences motrices sévères, afin de valider le paramètre Dp comme indicateur de performance. Une étude de cas a été établie portant sur 5 enfants en situation de handicap, en comparant leurs résultats à ceux obtenus précédemment sur un panel de personnes valides / The Powered wheelchairs (PW) allowed many people with motor disabilities to find a suitable mobility, which improved their quality of life. Hence, a vast field of activities has become accessible for them. When prescribing a PW or in a learning phase, however, it is necessary to evaluate the ability of these people to drive a wheelchair. In this context, our goal is to determine relevant parameters to describe the quality of driving on PW for people with disabilities. First, we modeled the pilot-PW system using the OPCM (Optimal Preview Control Model) model proposed by Sharp. This model is based on the preview distance (Dp) of the user during his driving. This distance has been estimated thanks to an eye-tracking system combined with the ViEW 3D simulator of the LCOMS laboratory. A panel of 15 healthy subjects was recruited to drive the PW on a 3D simulator and to validate the OPCM modeling. This distance Dp allows to describe the behavior of the pilot. If this distance is important, it guarantees the tracking trajectory of the OPCM model. Otherwise, the OPCM model diverges. This shows that if the user looks a long part of his future path, he will better anticipate the future control applied to the PW (change of direction, braking, etc.), which allows him to follow his path. In this situation the user has a tracking behavior. In the otherwise, the user’s behavior is rather compensatory. Then, an analysis of preview distance Dp with respect to the different zones of the path (tight slalom, turn, wide slalom), showed that the parameter Dp can be used to differentiate the different driving behaviors related to the different situations of the path. Next, we compared the preview distance between two groups, familiar and novice with regard to the PW driving. The analysis showed that the familiar group has a greater distance value than the novice group. Finally, a last experiment took place at the Rehabilitation Center of Flavigny sur Moselle (54, France). We estimated the preview distance (Dp) for subjects with severe motor impairment, in order to validate the parameter Dp as a performance indicator. A case study analysis was established on five children with disabilities comparing their results with those previously obtained with the healthy subjects
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