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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Sketcher: Reverend John Eagles, His Poetical Shelter from the World and the 1812 Collection

Schalk, Ashley C. 01 August 2015 (has links)
...Since identifying Eagles as at least one of the artists of the 1812 Collection, I have discovered that his specific tour of the Lakes, the route he followed and the scenery conveyed in his images, deviated from the conventional tours in that Eagles was in search of what he regarded as a poetical landscape rather than a traditionally picturesque one. In other words, Eagles sought to capture more than an aesthetically pleasing scene as a picturesque image would, he endeavored to capture the soul of the scene and the 1812 Collection is evidence that Eagles practiced the artistic principles he so often espoused. As such, the 1812 Collection offers further implications for Eagles's body of work, his aesthetic, and his strong criticisms of the changes he witnessed in landscape art during his lifetime. In this essay, I therefore propose demonstrate not only how the 1812 Collection is in critical conversation with the picturesque tradition, but also how Eagles's sketches, like his writings and criticisms, expressed his own guiding aesthetic on discovering the poetry of nature instead of a strictly picturesque aesthetic. In doing so, I hope to restore Eagles's reputation as an artist and art critic as well as reveal the historical importance of the recently rediscovered 1812 Collection.

Aspects of bald eagle winter behavior in Rush Valley Utah: A Telemetry study

Sabine, Neil B. 11 December 1987 (has links)
The diurnal behavior and nocturnal roosting patterns of 28 bald eagles outfitted with tail-mounted radios were investigated in Rush Valley, Utah between January and March 1982-1984. Casting analysis and feeding observations indicated the principal food source was jackrabbit carrion. Jackrabbit availability declined from 1982 to 1984 and eagles responded by; 1) roosting closer to feeding sites, 2) shifting from canyon to valley roosts, 3) arriving later at and departing earlier from roosts, 4) decreasing diurnal activity, and 5) decreasing residence time. Foraging efficiency appeared to be maximized by experienced eagles using familiar feeding areas and by naive birds monitoring their activity. There appeared to be a slight (8.6%) energetic advantage to roosting at valley sites because of their proximity to feeding areas. This saving was presumably dissipated under adverse weather conditions when eagles selected the sheltered microclimate of canyon slopes. Twelve eagles were tracked during spring migration and all followed northward routes.

Bald eagle habitat use on B. Everett Jordan Lake and Falls Lake, North Carolina

Chester, Dennis Nathan 22 June 2010 (has links)
I examined the roosting and perching habitat preferences of a nonbreeding population of bald eagles in North Carolina during 1986 and 1987. I characterized roosting habitat at 2 scales; those of forest stands and individual roost trees. Eagles chose roost areas that were less dense, had less canopy cover, were closer to forest edges, and had larger trees than random forest areas (P < 0.05). Within roost areas eagles choose trees that were larger (height and dbh) than random trees. Additionally. eagles roosting at the Morgan Creek roost preferred dead hardwoods close to the forest edge and eagles at the Mason Point roost preferred trees farther from a frequently used dirt road within the roost. Suitable perch trees were the most important attribute of perching habitat. Eagles preferred loblolly pines and trees with leafless crowns (P < 0.05), which relates to their accessible crown structures. Perch trees were larger (height and dbh, P < 0.05) than adjacent trees along the shore. Eagles utilized the bottom of tree crowns during summer but used treetops during fall and winter. I found no evidence that eagles selected perches in relation to forest stand characteristics within 20 m of perch trees, forest cover types in 1 ha blocks surrounding perches, or habitat disturbances. Management recommendations include techniques to enhance bald eagle habitat on the study area. Primary emphasis should be toward managing for roosting habitat because of its apparent scarcity. Perch trees are plentiful but long-term management is desirable. Future nesting seems likely and management techniques for potential nesting habitat are suggested. / Master of Science

The effect of human activities on the distribution and abundance of the Jordan Lake - Falls Lake bald eagles

Smith, Timothy John 13 October 2010 (has links)
I studied the effect of human activities on bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephahus) distribution and abundance at Jordan Lake and Falls Lake, North Carolina in 1986 and 1981. Eagles used most of the area available on Jordan Lake, but 63% of the use occurred in the northern 25% of the lake. Eagle use at Falls Lake was restricted to a few areas in the northern section of the lake. Jordan Lake had 1.2 times as many eagle observations as did Falls Lake. Data from radio-tagged eagles and timing of population fluctuations suggest that eagle populations at Jordan and Falls Lakes were principally migrating eagles from southern states. The peak in eagle numbers in May 1981 may have represented a migratory wave, whereas the decrease in June and July may have been the result of some eagles continuing northward. Eagles returning south from the Chesapeake Bay and other northern areas may account for the slight increase observed in August. Two eagle roosts were located and monitored throughout the study at Jordan Lake. Human activities at both lakes peaked during summer months. Boating was the predominant activity during summer. Sixty-three intentional disturbances by motor boats produced a mean eagle flush distance of 131.2 m. Only 8% of the eagles flushed when the approaching boat was > 250 m from shore. Loglinear analysis revealed that human use of the shoreline and eagle use of the shoreline were related. Shoreline segments (250 m) used by humans were used less frequently by eagles than would be expected under a model of complete independence. I saw more eagles and fewer humans on weekdays than on weekends during boat surveys of selected Jordan Lake sections, suggesting that human use in certain sections on weekends displaced eagles. The lake section north of the Farrington Bridge showed the largest difference between eagle numbers on weekdays versus weekends. I developed a regression model that predicted the threshold density of disturbance Within this section to be 0.5 boats/km². On most days during the summer, this threshold level of boating traffic is surpassed in lake sections south of the Farrington Bridge. Primary management objectives should be to reduce human activities within high-eagle use areas, specifically the northern end of Jordan Lake, and to promote the bald eagle as a recreational benefit rather than a management problem. / Master of Science

”Det är ett omklädningsrum, Felicia. Det är för fan det enda de snackar om” : En genusstudie av hur femininitet respektive maskulinitet gestaltas i tv-serien Eagles och dess värdegrundsdidaktiska potential för svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan / ”It’s a Locker Room, Felicia. It’s the Only Fucking Thing They Talk About” : A Gender Study of the Depiction of Femininity and Masculinity in Eagles and Its Didactic Potential in Relation to the Common Values in the Subject of Swedish for Upper Secondary School

Lindberg, Marlene January 2019 (has links)
As the media consumption among adolescents is increasing, it is crucial to study the depiction of gender norms on screen since they are strongly affecting the identity development of the young viewer. Therefore, this essay studies the depiction of femininity and masculinity in SVT’s 2019 web-based TV series Eagles from a gender perspective and discusses its didactic potential for working with common values in the subject of Swedish for upper secondary school. The study shows that the depiction of femininity in the TV series is breaking several gender norms, but meanwhile the heterosexual matrix is constantly present. The depiction of masculinity is more gender stereotypical and includes several features from traditional masculinity, but also some related to toxic masculinity. Eagles is, however, showing a progressive view on gender since some characters are developing over the season and therefore suggesting that change of gender norms is possible. Eagles shows great potential in working with common values since it does not only depict contemporary gender related topics such as locker room talk and toxic masculinity implicitly, but also explicitly discusses questions concerning body activism, the law of sexual consent and a changed view on female sexuality. The series could therefore work normatively for the students in its norm-breaking depiction of femininity and masculinity, but also be used as a scenario-based ground for discussing common values in its more stereotypical depiction of gender. / I takt med ungas ökande mediekonsumtion är det avgörande att studera gestaltningen av könsnormer på filmduken eftersom dessa starkt påverkar den unge åskådaren i hens identitetsutveckling. Denna uppsats studerar därför porträtteringen av femininitet respektive maskulinitet i SVT:s webbaserade ungdomsserie Eagles från 2019 ur ett genusteoretiskt perspektiv samt diskuterar dess värdegrundsdidaktiska potential för svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan. Undersökningen visar att gestaltningen av femininitet i tv-serien är normbrytande i stor utsträckning och ifrågasätter många av de traditionellt kvinnliga attributen inom film och litteratur, samtidigt som den heteronormativa matrisen är ständigt närvarande. Gestaltningen av maskulinitet är mer könsstereotyp och uppvisar flertalet traditionellt maskulina drag samt ett antal som kan kopplas till toxisk maskulinitet – men serien påvisar även en progressiv syn på kön eftersom karaktärer utvecklas under seriens gång, vilket visar att förändring av könsnormer är möjlig. Eagles värdegrundsdidaktiska potential är god eftersom den inte endast implicit gestaltar samtidsaktuella genusfrågor såsom locker room talk och toxisk maskulinitet, utan också explicit lyfter och diskuterar frågor rörande kroppaktivism, samtyckeslag och en förändrad syn på kvinnlig sexualitet. Serien kan således verka normerande för eleverna i dess mer normbrytande gestaltning av femininitet och maskulinitet, men också nyttjas som ett scenariobaserat utgångläge för värdegrundsdiskussioner i dess mer stereotypa porträttering av kön.

Black eagle Aquila Verreauxii predation on rock hyrax Procavia Capensis and other prey in the Karoo

Davies, Robert A G 11 June 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document. Please note that pages 9 and 10 are missing from the available paper, as well as the microfiche copy. / Thesis (PhD (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Marcel Broodthaers: Museu de Arte Moderna Departamento das Águias agora em português / -

Kern, Keila 10 June 2014 (has links)
O Museu de Arte Moderna Departamento das Águias, criação de Marcel Broodthaers, foi fundado em 1968, em Bruxelas, e extinto em 1972, em Kassel. Este Museu permitiu a Broodthaers assumir de forma paródica a persona de autoridade institucional no contexto da então nascente arte conceitual. Nesta tese analisamos sua composição e fundamentos através do estudo e reconstituição de cada uma das doze Seções de que este Museu fictício se constituiu. Para cada uma das Seções contingências específicas são abordadas. Foi investigado o acervo de imagens remanescentes em publicações a respeito do assunto, bem como pareceres e leituras de seus maiores interlocutores, além do legado literário do próprio artista. Finalmente, a tese apresenta uma tradução de tendência alegórica que correlaciona os aspectos mais marcantes deste Museu nascido para analisar o sistema de produção e distribuição de arte, com os fatores contextuais de seu breve período de atuação mas também, em potência, e por analogia, com o período atual. / The Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles, a creation of Marcel Broodthaers, was founded in 1968 in Brussels and extinguished in 1972 in Kassel. This Museum allowed Broodthaers to assume the parodic form of an institutional authority\'s persona in the context of the emerging conceptual art. In this thesis we analyze its composition and grounds through the study and restoration of each of the twelve sections that constituted this fictitious Museum. For each of the sections, specific contingencies are addressed. The ensemble of remaining images in publications on the subject as well as advices and readings of its biggest partners beyond the literary legacy of the artist himself were investigated. Finally, the thesis presents a translation of allegorical trend that correlates the most striking aspects of this Museum which was created to analyse the production and circulation systems of art with the contextual factors of its short period of operation as well as potentially, and by analogy, with the current period.

Marcel Broodthaers: Museu de Arte Moderna Departamento das Águias agora em português / -

Keila Kern 10 June 2014 (has links)
O Museu de Arte Moderna Departamento das Águias, criação de Marcel Broodthaers, foi fundado em 1968, em Bruxelas, e extinto em 1972, em Kassel. Este Museu permitiu a Broodthaers assumir de forma paródica a persona de autoridade institucional no contexto da então nascente arte conceitual. Nesta tese analisamos sua composição e fundamentos através do estudo e reconstituição de cada uma das doze Seções de que este Museu fictício se constituiu. Para cada uma das Seções contingências específicas são abordadas. Foi investigado o acervo de imagens remanescentes em publicações a respeito do assunto, bem como pareceres e leituras de seus maiores interlocutores, além do legado literário do próprio artista. Finalmente, a tese apresenta uma tradução de tendência alegórica que correlaciona os aspectos mais marcantes deste Museu nascido para analisar o sistema de produção e distribuição de arte, com os fatores contextuais de seu breve período de atuação mas também, em potência, e por analogia, com o período atual. / The Museum of Modern Art, Department of Eagles, a creation of Marcel Broodthaers, was founded in 1968 in Brussels and extinguished in 1972 in Kassel. This Museum allowed Broodthaers to assume the parodic form of an institutional authority\'s persona in the context of the emerging conceptual art. In this thesis we analyze its composition and grounds through the study and restoration of each of the twelve sections that constituted this fictitious Museum. For each of the sections, specific contingencies are addressed. The ensemble of remaining images in publications on the subject as well as advices and readings of its biggest partners beyond the literary legacy of the artist himself were investigated. Finally, the thesis presents a translation of allegorical trend that correlates the most striking aspects of this Museum which was created to analyse the production and circulation systems of art with the contextual factors of its short period of operation as well as potentially, and by analogy, with the current period.

The role of antioxidants in the hydrogen peroxide-induced opacification of sheep lens.

Lei, Jie January 2006 (has links)
The lens of the eye needs to be transparent with a high refractive index to focus images on the retina. In cataracts the lens becomes opaque, eventually leading to blindness. There are many possible causes of cataract but a lot of evidence implicates oxidative damage as contributing to opacification. This includes epidemiological studies showing that diets rich in antioxidants lowered the prevalence of cataract. This research tested the hypothesis that if cataracts were at least partially caused by oxidative damage then their progression would be slowed by application of antioxidants. The antioxidants used were two plant compounds found in the diet, resveratrol and quercetin. The system used was sheep lenses cultured in Eagles Minimal Essential Medium (EMEM). Lenses remained transparent for up to 7 days in EMEM but became opaque within 24 h when exposed to 1 mM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The lens is exposed to H2O2 in vivo as it is found in the aqueous humor. Prior Lenses pre-treated with quercetin reduced but did not prevent opacification. Lens cell death, as determined by measurement of leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, was found to increase with H2O2 and the increase was prevented by pre-treatment with antioxidants. The role of the endogenous antioxidant glutathione was also investigated. It was found that H2O2 decreased the amount of reduced glutathione in the lens cortex and increased the levels of oxidised glutathione but only at levels of 2 mM and above. Thus the results of this research indicate that H2O2 at low concentration (1 mM) is able to damage lens cells and cause opacification without affecting the reduced glutathione levels and that the exogenous antioxidants have some ability to protect the lens.

Unga Örnar i Norrbotten

Haking Junggren, Jack January 2020 (has links)
In this paper, the aim has been to describe the Young Eagles in Norrbotten and the organization during the period 1955-1970. It was a knowledge on research on Young Eagles in Norrbotten in the previous research There is research on Young Eagles around outdoor life and citizenship. There is also research on the Workers' Education Association and IOGT, which were other organizations related to the Young Eagle's National Association. Through my addition to writing about Young Eagles in Norrbotten, the picture of the Young Eagles National Association's activities is widening. The questions were How was the organization of Young Eagles in Norrbotten 1955-1970? and What was the main purpose of their organization? There was a district board and local departments that were part of the Young Eagles National Association  which stood for the values ​​of democracy solidarity and cooperation. The organization was conducted through activities of various kinds. These were summer camps, activities for teens, study circles, leadership education outdoor courses and courses for the board in the departments. The first main purpose of the Young Eagles in Norrbotten from 1955 to 1970 was to attract teens to the activities within the district and to the local associations through forum groups and study circles. The other main purpose was to educate young people into the ideas and values ​​of the Young Eagles National Association through leadership training and activities of various kinds. The third main purpose was to encourage leaders in the Young Eagles in Norrbotten. The source material has been handled with a qualitative text analysis aimed at idea and ideology analysis. / I denna uppsats har syftet varit att beskriva Unga Örnar i Norrbottens verksamhet under perioden 1955–1970. Det finns en kunskapslucka kring Unga Örnar i Norrbotten i den tidigare forskningen. Det finns forskning om Unga Örnar kring friluftsliv och medborgarskap. Det finns även forskning om Arbetarnas bildningsförbund och IOGT som var andra organisationer med koppling till Unga Örnars Riksförbund. Genom mitt bidrag att skriva om Unga Örnar i Norrbotten breddas bilden av Unga Örnars Riksförbunds verksamhet. Frågeställningarna var Hur bedrevs verksamheten inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten 1955–1970? och Vad var huvudsyftet med deras verksamhet 1955–1970? Det fanns en distriktsstyrelse och lokalavdelningar som var en del av Unga Örnars Riksförbund som stod för värderingarna demokrati solidaritet och samarbete. Verksamheten bedrevs genom aktiviteter av olika slag. Dessa var sommarläger, tonårsinriktade aktiviteter, studiecirklar, ledarutbildningar, friluftskurser och kurser för styrelsearbete. Det första huvudsyftet med verksamheten 1955–1970 var att locka tonåringar till aktiviteterna inom distriktet och de lokala föreningarna genom forum grupper och studiecirklar. Det andra huvudsyftet var att fostra ungdomar in i Unga Örnars Riksförbunds idéer och värderingar genom ledarutbildningar och aktiviteter av olika slag. Det tredje huvudsyftet var att fostra ledare inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten. Källmaterialet har hanterats med en kvalitativ textanalys inriktad mot idé och ideologianalys.

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