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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av ”Early Contractor Involvement” (ECI) : Att i byggprojektens tidiga skeden involvera entreprenören

Pizzoni, David January 2021 (has links)
Att nå effektivitet, en bra kostnadsbild och hantera den växande frågan gällande minskad belastning på miljön är viktiga delar i dagens byggprojekt. Att välja totalentreprenad som entreprenadform kan vara ett sätt att nå detta. För att bland annat hantera brister med denna entreprenadform kan man istället använda sig utav den relativt nya metoden ECI (Early Contractor Involvement). Metoden bygger på att få tillgång till entreprenörens kunskap tidigt och att gemensamt kunna angripa de utmaningar projektet står inför. Detta ställer höga krav på relationen mellan parterna. Syftet med denna studie uppnås först genom att visa att tidigare studier konstaterar att ECI bidrar gällande aspekterna effektivitet, kostnadsbild och i viss mån även till miljö- och hållbarhetsarbete, att fördelsfaktorerna överträffar nackdelsfaktorerna och att metoden är att föredra kontra en traditionell totalentreprenad. Sedan genom en surveystudie med en webbaserad enkätundersökning hos beställare, entreprenörer och projektörer/byggledare på en SME-byggentreprenörs (små och medelstora företag) marknad baserad i Stockholm. Här erhölls information om att ECI i det stora hela bidrar väldigt väl i aspekter kopplade till effektivitet och kostnadsbild och väl gällande miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor kontra en traditionell totalentreprenad. Även information om att fördelsfaktorerna överträffar nackdelsfaktorerna på marknaden erhölls här, vilket stämmer överens med tidigare studier. Det kunde även konstateras att relationsbaserade faktorer är oerhört viktiga i ECI. Implementeringen och skapandet av ett gemensamt engagemang med tydliga ramar framhävs i de rekommendationer för ECI som lämnas i slutet. / Achieving efficiency, a satisfactory project cost and dealing with the growing issue of reduced impact on the environment are important parts of today's construction projects. Choosing design and build contract (D&B) in your project can be a way to achieve this. A way to manage shortcomings with this form of contract, you can instead use the relatively new method ECI (Early Contractor Involvement). The method is based on gaining access to the entrepreneur's knowledge early on and being able to jointly tackle the challenges the project faces. This places high demands on the relationship between the parties. The purpose of this study is first achieved by showing that previous studies state that ECI contributes in terms of efficiency, project cost and to some extent also to environmental and sustainability work, that the benefit factors outweigh the disadvantage factors and that the method is preferable to a traditional D&B-contract. Then through a survey study with a web-based survey of clients, contractors and designers/construction managers at a SME-construction company’s market (Small and Medium Enterprises) based in Stockholm. Here, information was obtained that ECI, overall, contributes very well in aspects related to efficiency and project cost and well regarded environmental and sustainability issues versus a traditional D&B-contract. Information showed that the advantage factors exceed the disadvantage factors on the market, which is then consistent with previous studies. It could also be stated that relationship-based factors are extremely important in ECI. The implementation and creation of a joint commitment with a clear framework is emphasized in the recommendations for ECI that are provided at the end.

Tidig entreprenörsinvolvering: Samverkan i projekteringsprocessen

Nilsson, Linn, Tallberg, Louise January 2018 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker Early Contractor Involvement (ECI) som är en ny samverkansmetod vilken är avsedd att hantera komplexiteten i samhället och handskas med problematiken inom den svenska byggindustrin. ECI syftar främst till involvering och användning av entreprenörens expertkunskaper i projekteringen för projektet. Detta för att öka möjligheterna att i förväg kunna säkerställa att ett byggprojekt kan byggas på ett effektivt sätt, både vad gäller tid och pengar.Vi har genomfört en fallstudie av ECI-projektet deletapp Centralen, som är en del av det omfattande infrastrukturprojektet Västlänken i Göteborg. Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka hur konceptet ECI handskas med problematiken inom samhället och byggindustrin. Genom djupgående analys av intervjuer med involverade aktörer i projektet har vi identifierat faktorer som påverkar implementeringen och upprätthållandet av ECI som samverkansmetod.I vår undersökning har ECI presenterat diverse praktiska möjligheter för vårt studieobjekt, såsom innovativa tekniska lösningar och effektivisering inför byggnation. Dock har en hel del utmaningar med ECI framträtt. Resultaten som har framkommit är att den inledande tiden då beställare, entreprenör och konsulter påbörjade arbetet var bristfällig. Både teori och resultat från intervjupersoner pekar på att problematiken kring förtroende, arbetsfördelning och personkemi går att härledas till den allra första inledande tiden för projektet. Dock var involverade aktörer väl medvetna om att problem eller kritiska situationer skulle uppstå men där fanns sällan bra sätt att hantera dessa. Resultat i vår studie visar även på problematik att införa dynamiska processer, såsom ECI, i organisationer som efterfrågar strukturell ordning. / This paper examines Early Contractor Involvement (ECI), which is a new method of collaboration that is designed to handle complexity in society and deal with the problems in the Swedish construction industry. ECI aims primarily at the involvement and use of the entrepreneur's expert knowledge in the early design and planning phase of the project. This in order to increase the opportunities to ensure that a construction project can be built efficiently, both in terms of time and money.We have conducted a case study of the ECI project deletapp Centralen, which is part of the extensive infrastructure project West Link in Gothenburg. The purpose of our study was to investigate how the ECI concept deals with the problems in society and the construction industry. Through in-depth analysis of interviews with involved actors in the project, we have identified factors that affect the implementation and maintenance of ECI as a collaborative method.In our study, ECI has presented various practical possibilities for our study object, such as innovative technical solutions and efficiency for construction. However, a lot of challenges with ECI have emerged. The results that have emerged are that the initial time when the client, contractor and consultants started work was inadequate. Both theory and results from interviewees point out that the problem of trust, division of work and personal chemistry can be deduced to the very first initial time of the project. However, actors involved were well aware that problems or critical situations would arise, but there were seldom good ways to deal with them. Results in our study also show problems in introducing dynamic processes, like ECI, in an organization that seeks structural arrangements.

A Framework for Construction-Driven Designs

Markovic Graff, Aleksandra 14 December 2022 (has links)
Continuously increasing demand for faster project delivery of emergency and non-emergency projects, project complexity, and pandemic caused price escalations and material shortages requiring real time pricing and use of available equipment are showing that construction industry needs to shift toward creating designs that will be driven by the construction process or construction-driven designs. The construction-driven designs enable faster than fast project delivery or flash tracking by adopting the mindset that construction is the last phase of the design and by integrating the building approach with the design where the means and methods of construction drive the design development process. However, the development of such designs requires the involvement of the key stakeholders such as contractor, major subcontractors and equipment vendors, and operations and maintenance personnel at the appropriate time in the design. This research presents the framework which addresses the key areas needed to develop construction-driven designs such as (1) formalizing the construction-driven design definition; (2) determining construction-driven design characteristics and the preferred level and timing of involvement of the key stakeholders (contractor, major subcontractor, major equipment vendor, and operations and maintenance personnel) in the design development process; (3) determining key stakeholder’s (contractor, designer, and owner) experience requirements for the successful development and execution of construction-driven designs; (4) identifying potential contractual, licensure, and insurance barriers that can affect contractor’s early involvement in the design and providing recommendations to overcome those barriers; (5) ranking project delivery methods based on their effectiveness and suitability to develop and implement construction-driven designs; (6) identifying and ranking the best practices specific to construction-driven designs; and (7) providing a tool that will allow a company or a project team to measure their readiness to develop a construction-driven design for a project. / Ph.D. / Continuously increasing demand for faster project delivery of emergency and non-emergency projects, project complexity, and rising prices and material shortages caused by pandemic require real time pricing and use of available equipment. Moreover, these issues are showing that construction industry needs to shift toward creating designs that are constructible and led by the means and methods of construction or construction-driven designs. The construction-driven designs enable faster than fast project delivery by adopting the mindset that construction is the last phase of the design and by integrating the building approach with the design process where the means and methods of construction influence and guide the design development process. However, the development of such designs requires the involvement of the key stakeholders such as contractor, major subcontractors and equipment vendors, and operations and maintenance personnel at the appropriate time in the design. This research presents the framework which addresses the key areas needed to develop construction-driven designs such as (1) formalizing the construction-driven design definition; (2) determining construction-driven design characteristics and the preferred level and timing of involvement of the key stakeholders (contractor, major subcontractor, major equipment vendor, and operations and maintenance personnel) in the design development process; (3) determining key stakeholder’s (contractor, designer, and owner) experience requirements for the successful development and execution of construction-driven designs; (4) identifying potential contractual, licensure, and insurance barriers that can affect contractor’s early involvement in the design and providing recommendations to overcome those barriers; (5) ranking project delivery methods based on their effectiveness and suitability to develop and implement construction-driven designs; (6) identifying and ranking the best practices specific to construction-driven designs; and (7) providing a tool that will allow a company or a project team to measure their readiness to develop a construction-driven design for a project.

En studie om tidig samverkansentreprenad / A study regarding Early Contractor Involvement

Kurspahic, Amar, Merhebi, Rachid January 2020 (has links)
Eftersom samhället ständigt utvecklas och det ställs allt högre krav på snabba lösningar och metoder måste byggbranschen möta detta behov och tänka från ett nytt perspektiv. I denna rapport har vi studerat de mest använda kontraktsformer totalentreprenad, utförandentreprenad och samverkansentreprenad. Samverkansentreprenad är en kontraktsform som inte är lika mycket beprövad som utförandeentreprenad och totalentreprenad. Det finns flera benämningar för samverkansentreprenad såsom partnering och tidig entreprenörmedverkan men dem är alla lika i hur beställaren jobbar med entreprenörer. I stora bygg och anläggningsprojekt med högteknisk komplexitet krävs det hög kompetens inom projektering. Dessa stora och komplexa projekt kan ibland vara problematiska då entreprenören i vissa fall inte har tillräckligt med teknisk kompetens vilket gör att det ofta uppstår stora förluster då ändring, tillägg och avgående arbeten samt andra oväntade händelser uppstår. Detta har fått många att tro på tidig entreprenörsinvolvering som lösningen av detta problem då beställaren kan dra nytta av entreprenörens erfarenheter. Därav syftet i rapporten har varit att undersöka möjligheten att höja effektiviteten samt förbättra ekonomin på ett bygg-och anläggningsprojekt med hjälp av samverkansentreprenad. Detta har gjorts genom litteraturstudier, intervjuer och möten med handledare på Trafikverket vid flertal tillfällen. Det som framkommit av studien om tidig samverkansentreprenad är att projekteringsprocessen blir väldigt lång men uppstarten av projekten blir effektiva. Däremot behöver modellen utvecklas mycket för att uppnå de resultat som efterfrågas. Det största problemet med tidig entreprenörmedverkan är att gemensamt komma överens om ett pris. / Because the society constantly is evolving and higher demand is made on fast solutions and methods therefore the building branch have to adapt and meet these needs and think from a new perspective. In this report we have studied the most common contract forms design plant and turnkey and Collaboration construction. Collaboration construction is a contract form that is not as proven like design plant and turnkey. There are several denominations for Collaboration construction such as partnering and early contractor involvement, they are all equal on how the purchaser is working with the contractor. In big construction and plant projects with high technical complexity it requires high competence in projection. These big projects can sometimes be problematic because the contractor has insufficient technical competence which causes big losses because of changes, additions and outgoing works and also other unexpected events. This has led many to believe that early contractor involvement could be the solutions to this problem since the purchaser could benefit from the contractor’s experience. Therefore, the purpose has been to investigate the opportunities to increase efficiency and improve the economy on a construction/plant project using interaction construction. This has been done through literature studies, interviews and meetings with our supervisor on Trafikverket at several occasions. The conclusion of this report is that early contractor involvement makes the design process very long, but the start-up of the projects become effective. However, this model needs to be developed to achieve the results requested. The biggest problem with early contractor involvement is to jointly agree on a price.

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